The most memorable event. An essay on a memorable event. Rise above the ordinary

This summer I celebrated my birthday. All my friends and relatives happily came to congratulate me. My parents ordered a large table in a cafe for my holiday. It is located in the center of the city and it is very beautiful there. All decorated balloons and colorful postcards.

The food was very tasty and liked not only by me, but also by all my guests. They brought us delicious ice cream.

All my friends and family had a lot of fun that day. I was given a lot of gifts. At the very end of the day a big cake was brought out, I blew out all the candles and made a wish. I believe it will come true.

Everyone was satisfied. This is one of the most memorable days in my life.

I got a brother

Once my parents told me that soon I will have a brother. At first, I was a little upset, because I did not understand how it was - my parents would pay less attention to me. Couldn't figure out if I could be a good big brother. As my mother's tummy gradually began to grow, I began to get used to this idea, and by the day my brother was born, I was already ready to take on the role of elder.

Finally, that exciting day came when my little brother was born.

Early in the morning, my dad and I started a general cleaning. Grandma came to our aid. She helped us prepare a festive dinner. I tried to help everywhere, decorated the room with balloons with my dad, and helped my grandmother clean and cut vegetables. When everything was ready, we went to the flower shop. They chose a huge one, very beautiful bouquet, and went to the hospital to take home my brother and mother.

When I saw my mother, I even cried with joy. The brother was fast asleep in the envelope and seemed very funny to me. Dad filmed our meeting on a video camera. Mom beamed with joy, and grandmother, every now and then, fussed over her grandson. We took pictures with the whole family for a long time, and then went home. The most dear and close people came to us to congratulate us on the birth of the baby. My brother got a lot of presents. Of course, these were useful things - undershirts, bottles and other children's accessories.

This day will remain in my memory for a long time as the most amazing and exciting moment.

With the advent of a brother, the life of our family has changed a lot. We have become even friendlier. I help my mom and dad around the house in every possible way, play with my brother and hope that I will be able to become the best big brother. I already even dream about how we will go for a walk with the whole family, how we will play football together. And also, I will definitely help my mother raise and teach my brother. I hope that I can become the best big brother in the world and my parents can be proud of their children.

Composition about a memorable event

Each of us sometimes experiences such events that leave their positive or negative imprint on our life, sometimes even radically changing it. If a person tends to quickly forget everything bad, then the good remains in our minds and memories for a long time and causes positive emotions.

It seems to me that every person has his own memorable event, which struck him to such an extent that even after many years, memories of him will be fresh, as if it were yesterday. For me, such an event was my birthday, on which my parents gave me a puppy, which before that I could only dream of. For as long as I can remember, I always asked my parents for a pet to take care of him, to play with him, and the dog is my favorite animal because I consider them incredibly loyal and smart.

I remember well how I was looking forward to my tenth anniversary holiday and tried to guess what surprise my parents had prepared for me this time, but no matter how I tried to find out at least a little from them important information- all attempts were in vain. Mom and dad agreed to keep it a secret until the gift was presented. Then I woke up early in the morning in anticipation: I would have a radio-controlled helicopter, a new phone, or something else, but I could not even imagine that in a small box decorated with a blue bow, which dad would bring into the room, there would be a small puppy.

I got the feeling that the moment I saw him, I became more conscious, responsible and serious, because I knew perfectly well that now I had to fulfill certain duties. At the same time, I felt an indescribable state of happiness, those very indescribable emotions that I had never experienced in my life. All because I received a gift that I dreamed about almost from birth, but I always knew that my parents would not agree to give it to me, considering me small and unable to look after a pet.

On that day, I realized one important thing - a person needs dreams so that they can come true, even at the most unexpected moment. Only such truly experienced happiness can make the event memorable.

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There are moments in life that have a significant impact on the future fate of a person. They are deeply embedded in memory and make our existence brighter. Often such events happen by accident, such as meeting a future spouse. But a lot depends on us.

We can be the creators of events that lift our spirits, allow us to realize important things, give a reason for pride, and contribute to rapprochement with other people. Unusually bright moments, minutes, hours - this is what gives meaning to life. It is in our power to make them even more. It just takes a little understanding and planning.

Rise above the ordinary

The main trap of life is that one day follows another, the year is replaced by the next, and in the meantime we still do not do what we wanted. We are walking on a plain, although we could be walking on a mountain range. This habit is hard to get rid of.

Imagine, for example, that you and a friend have long dreamed of seeing the northern lights. You compared all the options and chose a place in the Arctic, where the view will be the most amazing, found out the price of the issue, studied all the details. And so you decide that you need to buy tickets for the near future. What do you think will happen next?

Most likely, this will all end. After all, you need to take time off from work, and there is a deadline. A friend has an important project in a week. And who do you leave the kids with? You end up saying, “Maybe next year?”

There will always be difficulties, so it is very important to tune in in advance to solve all emerging issues and not deviate from the goal. Of course, you will have to invest time and effort, but you will never regret that you started it.

Define your usual scenarios and change them little by little: play, challenge, break. Just don't overdo it. Variety is the spice of life. Not breakfast, lunch and dinner, but seasoning that awakens the taste.

Start marking milestones and transitions

In each cultural tradition It is customary to celebrate anniversaries, weddings, graduations, holidays. These days it is necessary to perform certain rituals, and they do not seem to be imposed, although they were once invented by someone.

Rituals shape the passage of time.

To think in moments means to see those moments when the prose of life requires punctuation. The classic cases are milestones and transitions.

Transition separates one stage of life from another. For example, getting married or getting a diploma. Such moments are special in their own right, but paying attention to them will emphasize their importance and make them more memorable. You can go beyond custom. Why not, say, throw a party to celebrate a new job?

Milestones, unlike transitions, are endowed with only a symbolic meaning. And at 30, and at 40, and at 50, a person just becomes a day older, no special changes occur in his life. Nevertheless, we celebrate round dates. The purpose of anniversaries is to show that a certain stage has been passed.

If you use your imagination, you can come up with many milestones worth celebrating. How about 1,000 days at university, or reading every 50th book?

Create your own rituals to celebrate milestones and transitions. You can put on a chic new dress and go to a restaurant or just go out on a picnic with friends. The main thing is that it brings you joy.

Change your profession... for a couple of weeks

We always have urgent tasks and plans that seem more important than idle dreams. And we postpone the "interesting life" for later. Hopefully sometime in the future... Except the to-do list never ends.

If you are increasingly tempted to try your hand at another profession, now is the time to do it! But you don't have to change your life all at once. Instead, arrange a test drive.

On your next vacation, live for two weeks as if you were already doing the job you dream of. For example, if you want to become a filmmaker, start taking classes and try making a couple of short films. Do you dream of outshine Stephen King himself? Every day, sit down at the computer and write 10 pages of text. Are you planning to open your own mini-hotel? Find a similar establishment and check in as a guest, meet the owners, learn the business from the inside.

Dream testing is necessary for several reasons.

First, you will have a reason to pride even if the dream fails the test. After all, you showed awareness and tried to do something, and this is always better than just going with the flow.

Secondly, in any case, you will be distracted from the routine for a while and get out of the “professional tunnel”. The new experience will allow you to look at the world with slightly different eyes and, most likely, will be the impetus for fresh ideas And insights.

Thirdly, you may experience elation, you will understand that this business is to your liking, and you will want to further develop in the chosen direction.

Fourth, you will have a chance meet like-minded people.

So, you will experience elation, pride, illumination and/or togetherness. Even one of these four conditions is enough to create a key moment. So the experiment is definitely worth your effort, whatever the outcome.

Write a thank you letter

Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology, offers an exercise called the Gratitude Visit. Close your eyes. Imagine a person who changed your life for the better many years ago. He said or did something for you, and you never truly thanked him.

Write to this person thank you letter and deliver in person. Write to the point, three hundred words is enough: specify specifically what he did for you and how it affected your life. Tell him what you are doing now and how often you remember his act.

According to the researchers, after a visit of gratitude, there is a feeling of happiness - so strong that it overshadows the experiences that can be achieved by other methods of positive psychology.

In addition, this feeling remains for a long time. Even four weeks later, people are happier than the control group who did not pay a thank you visit. What an amazing find! There are so many pleasures in the world, the joy of which lasts an hour or two (for example, to eat a donut), and then for a whole month a person seems to be flying.

Gratitude is the always available "quick button" in your mood lifter. Expressing gratitude to someone, you will experience such a pleasant feeling that you will definitely want to do it again.

Break the goal into milestones

In order to have more key points, you need to set goals differently. Remember what games are built on. They consist of a system of levels. When you are at the first level and kill spiders, you know that after killing enough of them, you will move to the next level and start fighting rats. And moving even further, you will get the right to "wet hellish dragons."

Passing each level is satisfying, and so much so that you can never reach the end of the game and still enjoy it.

Learn from video game developers as you break goals into fun missions.

We make the following mistake in life: we set goals, but do not designate intermediate levels on the way to them. For example, we want to “learn to play the violin”, so we take a couple of lessons. A week later, a bunch of things pile up, and we throw classes.

What if we adapt video game strategies? You will get something like the following.

Level 1. Take one violin lesson per week plus 15 minutes per day for six months of practice.

Level 2. Learn Celtic Fiddle Tunes by Craig Duncan.

Level 3. Learn to play the Concerning Hobbits violin from The Lord of the Rings Part 1.

Level 4 Play the violin with other musicians for 30 minutes.

Level 5 Learn to play the Promontory (Cape) violin from The Last of the Mohicans.

general battle. Play violin for 30 minutes in an Irish pub.

Really brilliant? Each of the stages is an exciting adventure, and the transition to the next level is a reason for pride and little holiday. Just as important, the end goal is inspiring and very clear (the abstract "learn to play the violin" is much less motivating). What challenge are you going to give yourself?

Cultivate Your Courage

What words are most often spoken with pride? "I protected another." "I took the fire upon myself and survived." "I stood up for my beliefs." "I didn't back down." This is not about achievements. These are statements about courage.

The life of an inhabitant is full of forgotten “acts of surrender”: somewhere he was silent, somewhere he yielded to the aggressor, somewhere he went against his convictions. Suppressing self-expression, afraid to affirm the triumph of our own being, not defending our values ​​when necessary, we not only miss key points that we could later be proud of, but also cause serious wounds to our “I”.

The need to show courage usually arises unexpectedly. Such a moment comes and goes, it is easy to miss it. We often regret that we didn’t do or say something, but the chance cannot be returned.

Moments of courage cannot be “fabricated,” but they can be prepared for.

There are two ways to help yourself do the right thing.

1. Practice self-affirmation every day. Respect your own desires, needs, values. Be ready to stand up for yourself, speak and act based on your deepest beliefs and feelings.
Sometimes self-affirmation is manifested in the desire to voluntarily support a certain idea, sometimes in polite silence, speaking of disagreement, sometimes in refusing to smile at a vulgar joke. If you get used to such behavior in small things, then do not be afraid even at the most crucial moment.

2. Promise yourself: “If x happens, I will do y.”. Make a specific commitment to right time V right place act in a certain way. And the likelihood that you will fulfill your intention will increase significantly.

Seize the moment and act! Create more memorable and meaningful experiences - both at work and in relationships with loved ones. Then opportunities will open up that were not there while you stood still.

The type of memory that manifests itself in fixing and recalling the facts and details of everyday life is much more important than it might seem at first glance. Most people seem to remember the events of everyday life, professional or social, well. However, in reality, they remember only a little. Put the book down and try to remember the events of the same day, but last week. You will be surprised how little happened that day that you could remember. Now try to remember yesterday - the result will surprise you again. Even if you remember a particular event clearly enough, it is likely that some segments of yesterday will be difficult to restore.

We cannot remember events because when they happened, we did not try to imprint them in our subconscious.

We let them pass by our attention. You don't want to burden your memory with little things, and when you try to get rid of them, you don't remember them at all. However, there is a difference between living in the past and remembering it for your own future. Erase the small events of each day, you do exactly the same as sorting out the office, shredding business documents to free up space in the folders.

Of course, I do not urge you to spend psychic energy on preserving any detail of every day. There is a much easier way to achieve the same goal, all it takes is a little effort. I offer you the moment active work finished, mentally review all the events of the past day.

If you go over the events of the day every evening, you will soon notice that your attention easily registers them in such a way that they can be easily recalled if necessary. This process is similar to organizing business documents into folders. Thanks to the evening analysis, you will be able to remember a lot important little things that eluded you in the turmoil of the day, displaced by other events.

With practice, you will notice that it has become easier for you to recall the events of the day, and very accurately and in detail. The psyche readily responds to this requirement. The process is reminiscent of psychic digestion or even internal "chewing" - remember how a cow chews the cud from the previously eaten grass. The skill of remembering the events of the past day is easily acquired through practice. This activity is easy and does not require much time. But you will immediately feel its benefits: you will notice that many important little things would have eluded you without this evening “inventory”. In addition, you will have many new useful thoughts.

I advise you to do this exercise in the evenings when you feel calm. However, one should not remember the events of the day in bed. (The bed is for sleeping, not thinking.) You'll notice that your evening "inventory" invigorates the subconscious. You will learn to carefully and carefully pay attention to the most ordinary episodes of the day. Feeling its need, the subconscious will react in the most amazing way. Indeed, in the rush and bustle of the day, you cannot pay enough attention to the events taking place, and a calm evening analysis is a completely different matter.

You go over the impressions received during the day, and your attention deepens these impressions to a large extent. Now it will be easier for you to remember them in the future. In short, the evening review of the day is a deepening of his most insignificant impressions.

The well-known politician of the 19th century, Thurlow Weed, appreciated the effectiveness of this method and spoke about it in his memoirs. His plan was slightly different from mine, but, as you will see, it was based on the same principles. Mr Weed wrote:

“Some of my friends thought that I was born a politician, but I had a very significant weakness. My memory was like a sieve. I couldn't remember anything. Dates, names, times of meetings, faces - everything eluded me. I told my wife, "Catherine, I'll never be a successful politician because I don't remember anything, and for a politician a good memory is the most important thing."

A politician, having once met a person, must remember him forever. My wife said that I should train my memory. Returning home that evening, I sat in my office and spent 15 minutes recounting the main events of the day. At first I could hardly remember anything, not even what I ate for breakfast. A few days later I remembered much more. Events flashed through my memory quickly and effortlessly. The memories were much brighter than before. After a couple of weeks, Katherine said, “Why don’t you tell me about the events of the day, and not just remember them silently? I would be interested, and my interest would be an incentive for you.

Respecting the opinion of my wife, I began to confess to her every evening, and this went on for almost 50 years. Every night before going to bed, I told her everything that happened to me or around me during the day. I remembered what I ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner, who I met, who told me what and what articles I wrote for my newspaper and what their topics were. I talked about all the letters I received, and as detailed as possible, told about where I went and went, and about everything I saw. I noticed that every year it was easier for me. The need to talk about the events of the day turned from a tedious duty into a pleasure. As a result, my memory has become incredibly sharp. I recommend this method to anyone who wants to learn how to remember facts and influence others.

Note that Thurlow Weed not only gives us a way to remember certain events, but also indicates a method for training and improving an entire area of ​​memory. The habit of remembering the events of the day and talking about them sharpens observation, attention and perception. If you witness an event that you want to tell another person about, you will instinctively pay attention to it. The thought that you will have to talk about it in the evening will sharpen your interest and attention. If you expect to be asked about something, then your attention sharpens, interest awakens, and impressions become clear and deep. You begin to observe what is happening meaningfully and purposefully. In addition, evening analysis can become a desirable mental habit. If you have no one to tell about the events of the day - learn to tell about them to yourself - play a role. This is what main secret event memory. If you are wise enough, you will be able to use it.