17th week of pregnancy feeling. I have a stomach ache. What could be the reason

Coming to the ultrasound, the expectant mother every time seeks to better examine her baby, to get to know him. Of particular interest is ultrasound at 17-18 weeks of gestation. The seventeenth week is considered the beginning of the fifth month of fetal development. This is a time of relative calm, the absence of any negative feelings. In some cases, a pregnant woman may experience such negative changes as:

  • increased sweating;
  • bleeding gums;
  • the appearance of copious vaginal discharge.

During this period, doctors recommend that the expectant mother have more rest, try not to bother herself with various worries. A woman may feel some pain due to the fact that the uterus grows upward. She begins to worry about heartburn, frequent urination, shortness of breath.

From the age of eighteen weeks, the pregnant woman is worried about the pressure from the inside on the navel. This is due to the rapidly growing uterus. By this time, it has already reached the size of a melon. Belly at 17 0 18 weeks future mother already visible.

Starting from the 17th week, the baby's immune system is already starting up, which is manifested in the production of its own hormones by the fetus (immunoglobulin, interferon). Under his skin is the formation of fat, which he will need to regulate heat transfer in the body. By this time, the baby's heart is almost formed, it performs its important function.

From the 17th week, the laying of the permanent teeth of the fetus begins. In girls, the uterus is forming. The adrenal glands produce hormones active work pituitary. The baby already hears, is able to distinguish the emotions of the mother. This development is characteristic of the fetus without the presence of any pathologies. If the child has. the mother has no special indications for ultrasound diagnostics, then at this stage (17 weeks) ultrasound is not prescribed.

At week 17, the baby’s movements are still slightly noticeable, which cannot be said about week 18. At this time, the baby is already clattering quite noticeably, often and strongly. The rate of movements by this time is 4 - 8 per hour. But each organism is individual, so there may be various deviations from the norm.

By the 18th week, the baby's arms and legs are already fully formed, the phalanges are already visualized on the fingers. The child already has his personal fingerprints, their unique pattern. During this period, the development of the brain occurs, a reaction to light and sounds is noted.

Norms in the development of the fetus at 17, 18 weeks

The baby at 17 - 18 weeks is already quite big. Growth at week 17 is normally 12 cm, the weight of the baby reaches 100 grams. Ultrasound at 17 - 18 weeks shows the development of the fetus, the presence / absence of pathologies.

Fetometry indicators by week 17 are normal as follows:

  • BPR. The biparietal size is approximately 34 - 42 mm;
  • OG. Head circumference is 112 - 136 mm;
  • LZ. The fronto-occipital size is 41 - 49 mm;
  • cool. Abdominal circumference within 121 - 149 mm.

As for the size of the long bones of the fetus, they are normal by 17 weeks:

  • bones of the forearm - 15 - 18 mm;
  • femurs - 20 - 28 mm;
  • lower leg bones - 15 - 21 mm;
  • humerus - 15 - 21 mm.

In addition to the size of the fetus at week 17, the specialist also examines the state of the placenta, the brain of the child, during an ultrasound examination.

By the 18th week, qualitative changes occur in the baby's body. By the end of the month, his weight will reach 150 grams, while his height will be about 12.5 - 14 cm.

  • BPR. The biparietal size is approximately 37 - 47 mm;
  • OG. Head circumference is 131 - 161 mm;
  • LZ. The fronto-occipital size is 49 - 59 mm;
  • cool. Abdominal circumference within 104 - 144 mm.

As for the size of the long bones of the fetus, they are normal by 18 weeks:

  • bones of the forearm - 17 - 23 mm;
  • femurs - 23 - 31 mm;
  • lower leg bones - 23 - 31 mm;
  • humerus - 15 - 21 mm.

From the 18th week, the specialist can already determine the sex of the unborn baby, show it to you in the photo. At 17 - 18 weeks of pregnancy, the specialist not only examines the external, internal organs of the child, he also receives information about:

  • the number of fruits;
  • condition, location of the placenta (it should be localized on the back wall of the uterus);
  • cervix (its length should not be shorter than 30 mm, external, internal os must be closed);
  • quantity amniotic fluid;
  • state of the uterus (the specialist must make sure that there is no hypertonicity of the uterus.
  • presentation of the fetus (normally it should be head in such a period).

Preparation for diagnostics

At 17 - 18 weeks of pregnancy, diagnosis can be carried out in two ways:

  • transabdominally. The sensor is driven along the surface of the abdomen after preliminary lubrication with a special gel;
  • transvaginally. With the introduction into the vagina of the sensor.

Preparation for ultrasound examination is practically not needed if it is carried out transvaginally (except for individual hygiene of the genital organs). If the diagnosis will be performed transabdominally, then the pregnant woman is recommended:

  • do not take heavy meals on the day of the examination;
  • do not eat foods that provoke an increase in gas formation;
  • fill the bladder before the diagnosis.

If an ultrasound was prescribed at 18 weeks, it is no longer necessary to fill the bladder, the volume of amniotic fluid is sufficient for a detailed study of the structure and size of the unborn baby. In addition to conventional ultrasound, a specialist may prescribe dopplerometry. This diagnostic method allows the doctor to study in detail the blood flow inside the uterus, fetal vessels. There is no special preparation for this examination.

The price of an ultrasound scan performed transvaginally is approximately 1000 - 1500 rubles.

It is recommended to conduct a study in the second, third trimester, but if there are special indications, this diagnosis can be carried out at an earlier date. You should come to the examination with an empty bladder. It is also necessary that there is no bloating of the intestines.

The cost of transabdominal ultrasound is 900 - 1100 rubles.

You need to take a diaper with you to the examination. If you need something else (gel, wipes), the doctor will warn you in advance. The cost of diagnostics may vary depending on the type of medical institution, the apparatus used, and the qualifications of the specialist.

Is it harmful to undergo an ultrasound at 17 - 18 weeks of pregnancy

At 17 weeks, a planned study is usually not prescribed. According to the plan, diagnostics are carried out at 18 weeks. A specialist can send a pregnant woman with a period of 17 weeks for an ultrasound examination in the following cases:

  1. Failed diagnosis at 12 weeks (first trimester).
  2. The presence of a future mother of serious chronic diseases.
  3. Transfer of pregnant acute infectious diseases.
  4. Unsatisfactory biochemical screening of the first / second trimester (deviation from the norm of such indicators as: PAPP, free estriol, beta-hCG, alpha-fetoproetin).
  5. The requirement of a married couple for diagnostics to exclude chromosomal abnormalities, fetal malformations.
  6. Weakness of the cervix.

Harmful effects of ultrasound on fetal development have not been found. Do not worry once again if you have an additional ultrasound at week 17. This diagnosis will not affect the condition of your baby, but it will provide the specialist with comprehensive information about the existing violations. At this time, the following pathologies can be detected in a child:

  • detachment, placenta previa;
  • developmental delay;
  • structural anomalies;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • a lot / low water;
  • premature aging of the placenta;
  • failure of the scar on the uterus, which remained after the previous operation (caesarean section).

Timely identification of such pathologies can be decisive in maintaining pregnancy. Be sure to go through all the studies that a gynecologist gives you a referral. Thanks to a thorough study of the condition of the fetus, the reproductive organs of the mother, the specialist will help to solve all the problems that arise during pregnancy as soon as possible.

At 17 weeks pregnant, most expectant mothers feel great. The symptoms of the first trimester have stopped, there is a lot of energy, the risks of complications at this time are minimal. The fetus continues to grow actively, its organs mature, it trains motor skills. Many women already feel the baby pushing in the tummy.

Signs and symptoms of 17 weeks pregnant

At the seventeenth week, the expectant mother may experience some symptoms associated with the increasing size of the baby and hormonal changes in the body:

· Increasing the amount of fluid in the body. This can manifest itself in many ways: in the form of profuse vaginal discharge (not the most pleasant symptom, but it plays an important role as it protects your unborn child from infection), nasal congestion (due to vasodilation and swelling of the mucous membrane), edema on the legs, excessive sweating. This is due to the fact that the expectant mother increases the volume of circulating blood, and pregnancy hormones relax the walls of blood vessels.

· strange dreams. After pregnancy, you will remember them with a smile, but now you are most likely not laughing. Changes in hormone levels and frequent experiences take their toll. Some women dream that they gave birth to a baby squirrel or other animal, or that the real father of their child is the boss at work.

· Itching in the chest and abdomen. It occurs due to the fact that as the fetus grows, your skin becomes thinner, more delicate and sensitive. In no case do not comb itchy places. Through the damaged skin, the infection easily penetrates. Visit your doctor and ask what anti-itch creams you can use.

· Rapid weight gain. Now the expectant mother is gaining mass much faster than in the first trimester, and this is normal. But if the weight suddenly began to grow very quickly, you need to visit a doctor.

· Stretch marks. The tummy of a pregnant woman is becoming more and more noticeable, it is growing rapidly, and the skin often does not keep up with it. Sometimes in the connective tissue that is part of the skin, tears occur, and this leads to the appearance of pregnancy stretch marks. Stretch marks are usually more common in women who are pregnant with twins. Water helps with stretch marks. Drink enough fluids, buy a good humidifier in the apartment.

· Uncertain gait. Have you noticed that sometimes it is difficult for you to keep your balance? This shifted the center of gravity of your body due to the growing uterus with the fetus.

· Pigmentation on the skin. This symptom most likely appeared in you in the previous weeks of pregnancy. Most often, pigment is deposited along a line that runs vertically from the navel down to the pubic bones. Some expectant mothers develop age spots on their faces.

· increased appetite. If you often want to eat - this is normal. After all, your child is already big enough and continues to grow, his body needs a lot of energy and building material. The main thing is to choose healthy food and regularly monitor your weight.

What happens to the fetus at 17 weeks pregnant?

Now your unborn baby is about the size of a pomegranate or a pear. Its body length is 13 cm, weight is 167 grams. The main thing he is doing right now is growing and training different muscle groups. At week 17, the fetus begins to slowly turn into a chubby baby - a layer of adipose tissue begins to grow under its skin. While it is very thin, so the skin of the future baby is almost transparent, blood vessels shine through it. On the palms and fingers appeared a unique papillary drawing: Now your child has their own fingerprints, unlike any other person.

Want to visualize what size your unborn child is now? Look at your palm: at 17 weeks, the fetus will just fit in it.

The baby's face became completely human, especially when eyebrows and eyelashes began to grow on it. His eyes are actively moving under the still closed eyelids. He actively makes sucking and swallowing movements: they are very useful after childbirth. In general, the fetus is currently honing the reflexes that it will need after birth. The ears already hear sounds quite well, and with each subsequent week of pregnancy, hearing will improve more and more.

The fetal heart is still beating very fast - at a rate of 140-150 beats per minute. The process continues in the nervous system myelination. A myelin sheath forms around the nerve fibers, which protects them, acts as insulation for electrical wires, and significantly speeds up the conduction of nerve impulses.

The proportions of the body of the fetus continue to approach the proportions of the newborn. In his skeleton, the process of ossification continues: the soft cartilage tissue in the composition of the bones is replaced by a denser bone. Nipples appear on the chest. A girl's ovaries contain approximately 6 million follicles- vesicles with future eggs. By the time they are born, there will be about one million left.

Ultrasound at 17 weeks pregnant

At the seventeenth week of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic doctor may already prescribe you a second prenatal ultrasound. During the examination, you will be able to see your future baby, his arms and legs, and his face on the screen of the apparatus. If you are lucky, he will show you what movements he has learned, how he plays, puts his finger in his mouth.

How to eat right?

At the 17th week of pregnancy, it is extremely important for the expectant mother to eat well, because the baby in her tummy grows very quickly and needs nutrients. However, you need to remember that your diet should consist of healthy foods.

Useful tips for nutrition in the seventeenth week of pregnancy:

Try not to fill up “to satiety” at one time. Of course, you should not limit yourself in food, it is harmful. Just try to eat more often and in small portions. It's easy to control yourself: don't take too big plates and watch the portion sizes you apply. Set a meal schedule for yourself, this will help your digestive system work properly. Avoid snacking on cakes, junk food, and other unhealthy foods. In case you feel like snacking, you can carry an apple, banana, other light and healthy foods.

Try to eat whole grain bread. If you do eat with white bread, which is essentially "empty" calories, cut off a small piece.

Try to include greens regularly in your diet. Lettuce, broccoli, spinach - all this is now very useful for you and your unborn child.

· Probably, in your childhood, your mother reminded you more than once that you should definitely eat liquid at lunch? Now this advice is more relevant than ever. Soups with lentils, legumes, tomato soups, light broths and stews are useful.

Do you like going to fast food cafes? Why not, there you can also order some healthy or at least not harmful dishes for the expectant mother. For example, baked potatoes instead of french fries, boiled and baked vegetables, rice.

· Not full? Do you want something sweet? Any cakes and pastries are “empty” calories and should be avoided. Of course, if you do not restrain yourself once and eat a large portion of dessert, nothing bad will happen. But only if occasionally. In other cases, it is better to replace confectionery and muffins with fruits: they are also tasty and quickly cause a feeling of fullness. You can eat yogurt.

Do not deny yourself!

When someone tells you that you can’t eat almost anything delicious during pregnancy, and life turns into a real torture - don’t believe it! You have many opportunities to pamper your stomach, unless there are problems during pregnancy, because of which the doctor put you on a strict diet. You can even go to a restaurant and try exotic cuisine. Here is a sample list of dishes that are not contraindicated during pregnancy:

· Italian food: baked and stewed fish, chicken, veal, beef with herbs, pasta and pizza with fresh natural tomato sauce, cheese, seafood.

· Japanese kitchen: teriyaki fish and chicken, edamame, miso soup, brown soba noodles, sushi (unless made from raw fish and seafood).

· Indian food: you can eat almost everything except fried foods, especially grilled tandoori, whole grain bread.

· Mexican cuisine: black bean soup, fajitas.

You can eat a lot of things, the main rule is to carefully look at the composition of the dishes on the menu and check with the waiter for cooking methods.

Physical activity

At week 17 and in general throughout pregnancy, it is important for the expectant mother to remain physically active. Ideally, you need to exercise for 30 minutes a day. A fitness center or swimming pool is desirable, but not required. Doing some household chores, such as washing the floor on all fours, or walking on fresh air This is also physical activity. It contributes to a more favorable course of pregnancy and childbirth, helps to control weight and not gain many extra pounds in excess of the recommended norms.

It is worth remembering that weight gain during pregnancy is a very variable indicator. It varies from woman to woman and even from one woman to different terms pregnancy. In the first trimester, many expectant mothers add very little weight, some do not add at all and even lose due to constant vomiting. In the second trimester, the situation changes dramatically. Only the doctor who manages your pregnancy can tell you exactly what kind of increase will be normal in your case, and when it's time to sound the alarm.

The key to a healthy weight during pregnancy is a combination of proper nutrition and physical activity. These two factors are highly interrelated. For example, if an expectant mother weighing 63-64 kg spends all day on the couch, she needs about 1680 calories daily. If she eats more, she will start gaining too much weight. If the same woman were to regularly do housework, exercise and walk in the fresh air, she would need 2100 calories daily. More frequent and intense exercise may require even more calories.

There is a simple and reliable way to track whether the body manages to burn the calories received. You need to buy (if you have not already done so) a bathroom scale and weigh yourself regularly. If the mass is growing too fast, you need to move more or reconsider the diet.

Is it possible to have sex?

Sex at the seventeenth week and in general at any stage of pregnancy is not at all harmful and even useful. It helps a woman to get positive emotions that are so needed against the background of all these experiences, allows partners to once again feel closeness, including emotional. Contraindications occur only in two cases:

If the doctor diagnosed some complications in the future mother and recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse.

· At the latest terms, when the birth is about to begin, sex can provoke their onset.

· Perhaps at the 17th week of pregnancy, the doctor in the antenatal clinic has already ordered you a second ultrasound and biochemical prenatal screening. Don't forget to get tested.

· Dreams have become too stormy and cause a lot of anxiety? Visit a psychologist. It is good if you can find a specialist who specializes in working with expectant mothers.

· Fasten your seat belt correctly when you are driving. Its lower part should be under the stomach, the upper part between the mammary glands.

· At seventeen weeks of pregnancy, your tummy has probably already become very noticeable. Be sure to take a photo. In the future, you will certainly want to look and remember how your body changed during pregnancy. You can get a little creative and draw the number 17 on your stomach with a felt-tip pen, a beautiful picture, a funny muzzle, or write for the future baby good wishes.

Start doing special exercises for the muscles of the pelvic floor. This will help prevent some problems during pregnancy, facilitate childbirth and recover faster after them.

How to deal with back pain during pregnancy?

Some tips will help you:

Use a comfortable chair. When sitting, place a pillow under your back.

· Try not to sit for a long time. At least once an hour you need to get up, walk, stretch a little.

· Avoid high loads on the lower back. If you have to lift a heavy load, do it slowly. Spread your legs wider. Do not bend the lower back: the knee and hip joints should work.

· Wear comfortable shoes. Heels are bad, as are flat soles. The optimal heel height is 5 cm.

· Use special orthopedic insoles.

· Sleep on a firm mattress. You can just put a board on the bed.

Buy a special pillow for the body.

· Pain in the muscles of the back helps to reduce the alternation of hot and cold compresses for 15 minutes (the main thing is not to overdo it with the temperature).

· Take a warm shower. The heat combined with gentle water jet massage will help relieve pain.

· Visit a specialist. Some manual techniques for dealing with back pain can be used during pregnancy.

Traveling while pregnant

The seventeenth week of pregnancy, like the entire second trimester, is a great time to travel, including by air. At this time, most women pass all the symptoms of the first trimester, they feel great, full of energy, the risk of complications is minimal.

In fact, you can travel in the first trimester of pregnancy. But many expectant mothers are not up to it. It is difficult to plan a tour to an exotic country when you suffer from nausea, weakness, headaches and dizziness every day.

Contrary to popular belief, traveling long distances does not significantly increase the risk of miscarriage. But many expectant mothers think according to the principle "after - means due." If a woman traveled, and after that an abortion occurred, she begins to believe that her irresponsible behavior is to blame for everything, it was better to stay at home. Actually it is not.

In the third trimester, all obstetrician-gynecologists unanimously recommend not to travel far from home. After 34 weeks, even small trips are definitely contraindicated. At multiple pregnancy and an increased risk of complications, you should not travel after 20 weeks.

If you decide to travel at 17 weeks pregnant, here are some basic precautions to keep in mind:

· Before buying tickets, make sure that your pregnancy is proceeding normally, there are no complications and risks. Placenta previa is especially dangerous. Get an ultrasound.

· Do not travel by boat. No, it's not seasickness, its symptoms won't get worse due to pregnancy. But toilets are usually not in the best condition on ships, and the risk of catching a viral intestinal infection is high.

· You should not travel to countries where sanitary and hygienic conditions are poor, and there is a risk of catching an infection. Try to find out more in advance about the place you plan to go to, about possible risks.

· Bring copies of all medical records with you. If something happens during the trip, you should have all the information necessary for doctors on hand.

· Always wear seat belts in any vehicle. If the length of the belt on the plane is not enough, contact the stewardess, she will give a special extension cord.

· Drink plenty of water along the way. Dehydration is dangerous for you and the fetus.

・Take comfortable clothes for the trip.

It is more convenient to carry things in a backpack than in a bag. This helps reduce stress on the spine.

What research needs to be done?

At 17 weeks pregnant, your doctor may order a second routine ultrasound and a second prenatal biochemical screening (triple or quadruple test). This is necessary in order to detect abnormalities in the development of the fetus and assess the risk of genetic defects.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

The second trimester of pregnancy is the time when the risk of complications is lowest. However, sometimes there are serious conditions that require medical attention:

· The risk of miscarriage drops sharply after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Rarely, but still it can happen at 17 weeks. The first sign is usually vaginal bleeding. If this symptom occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Any infection can be dangerous for the expectant mother and child. If your body temperature has risen and you feel unwell, this is a reason to call a doctor.

Do not self-medicate if you have signs of SARS: nasal congestion, sore throat, cough.

· Pain in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, unusual appearance of discharge from the vagina and urine are possible signs of a genitourinary infection.

· In general, if you experience any unusual symptoms, it is better to play it safe once again and visit a doctor.

Massage during pregnancy: benefits for the expectant mother and baby

Scientific studies have shown that prenatal massage can improve both the health and psychological well-being of the expectant mother. During pregnancy, the load on the spine and lower limbs increases, while some ligaments relax under the action of hormones. This leads to some symptoms. Massage can improve the condition of the expectant mother's musculoskeletal system.

The muscles of the lower back and legs during pregnancy are tense, swelling occurs in them. This leads to compression of the nerve trunks and pain. Many women experience sciatica- Pain that spreads along the sciatic nerve. Massage helps relieve muscle spasm, improve lymph flow.

In the course of some scientific studies, it has been proven that in the body of expectant mothers who attend massage sessions once a week, the level of the “stress hormone” decreases. cortisol and increase the levels of "happiness hormones" - serotonin and dopamine. This helps prevent some complications, including a 75% reduction in the chance of preterm labor that occurs with depression. Another study found that massage for 20 minutes twice a week during pregnancy helps reduce anxiety levels.

How is massage done during pregnancy?

Prenatal massage is different from the usual, it must be done by a specially trained massage therapist. During the procedure, the woman lies on her side. In order for the woman to be comfortable and not have tension in the muscles, pads are placed under her feet. There are special massage tables with a hole for the abdomen - you can lie on your stomach on them. A session usually lasts 35-40 minutes.

Is prenatal massage safe?

There is a common myth that massage during pregnancy can cause premature birth. If this were true, then massage would be used to stimulate labor activity in all women with post-term pregnancy.

Massage cannot induce preterm labor if performed by a specialist and the woman does not have pregnancy complications that are contraindications.

Week 17 Amniocentesis - video guide

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 20 minutes


This is what the fetus looks like at 17 weeks

At the 17th week, the uterus of a pregnant woman is located approximately 3.8-5 cm below the navel. The fundus of the uterus is located halfway between the navel and the pubic symphysis. If you do not know exactly where the pubic joint is located, then gently walk your fingers from the navel straight down and feel for the bone. This is exactly the same pubic joint.

Feelings in the mother at 17 weeks

Almost half of the waiting period for the baby has already passed, the expectant mother has completely got used to the new role and realized her position, she constantly listens to herself and thinks about her baby with trepidation.

For many, week 17 is a favorable period when a woman feels good, full of strength and energy. Some have already experienced the joy of the first.

It is worth noting that for most women, week 17 is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • late toxicosis. It is by week 17 that he can demonstrate his first symptoms. Its manifestations are not nausea and vomiting, but swelling. At first they are hidden, but you may notice that some shoes are already uncomfortable for you, it is impossible to wear narrow shoes at all, the fingers have become less mobile, and the rings are tight. And at the same time, you will begin to gain weight much faster than normal;
  • Good appetite and risk of gaining excess weight . Overeating can have serious consequences. With a feeling of hunger, frequent meals in small portions will help you cope;
  • Growing belly. Many sensations at week 17 are associated with him. For some, the tummy became noticeable one or several weeks earlier, for someone only now. In any case, now you choose special clothes for pregnant women without a doubt, because in everyday clothes you will probably feel cramped and uncomfortable to walk;
  • Changes in well-being. Now you may be amazed at the changes in your own perception of the world. Your body is now fully prepared for pregnancy, you feel calm and happy. Absent-mindedness, poor concentration are quite normal, you are absorbed in thoughts about the child and your feelings;
  • The chest is no longer so sensitive. Small, light-colored pimples may appear in the nipple area. This phenomenon is called "Montgomery tubercles" and are the norm. An enhanced venous pattern may appear, do not worry, after the end of pregnancy and breastfeeding it will go away on its own. The nipples may also darken, and a brown stripe from the navel to the pubis may appear on the tummy. These are also quite natural changes associated with the expectation of a baby;
  • The heart works one and a half times more actively. This happens to make it easier for the placenta to nourish the growing fetus. Also be prepared for minor gum and nosebleeds. This may be due to the fact that your increased blood circulation increases the load on small blood vessels, including capillaries in the sinuses and gums;
  • Sweating and vaginal secretions. At week 17, you may notice that the discharge of sweat from the genital tract has increased. These are just hygienic problems, they are associated with the hormonal background, and do not need any treatment. The only thing is, if this bothers you very much, then you can subject these phenomena to hygienic correction;
  • Crazy, vivid dreams. Many expectant mothers have a variety of picturesque dreams. As a rule, they are associated with the upcoming birth or child. Such dreams sometimes seem so real that they occupy the thoughts of a woman in reality. According to experts, this may be due to the overstrain that your brain is experiencing at this stage. In addition, you get up more often at night, and it is because of this that you can remember more dreams than usual.

Studies show that during fetal existence, babies can also experience rapid eye movement(in adults, a similar phenomenon indicates dreams).

Some scientists claim that babies can also have dreams related to their daily activities. Maybe the child is dreaming about how he hears your voice, stretches his legs or plays.

Fetal development at 17 weeks

Fetal weight becomes greater than the weight of the placenta and is approximately equal to 115-160 grams. Growth already reaches 18-20 cm.

By week 17, the placenta is already fully formed, consists of tissues and a network of blood vessels. Through the placenta, the fetus receives all the nutrients necessary for development, and processed products are also released.

At week 17, the following changes will occur with the fetus:

  • Fat will appear. This is a special, brown fat, which is a source of energy. It is deposited, as a rule, in the area between the shoulder blades and will burn out in the first days after childbirth. Otherwise, the baby's skin is still very thin, almost transparent, slightly wrinkled. This may make the child appear very thin. But it is at week 17 that the fetus becomes more and more like a newborn.
  • The body of the fetus is covered with lanugo. This is vellus hair. As a rule, by the time of birth, lanugo completely disappears, although there are cases when a baby is born with a small fluff. It will disappear in the first days after childbirth;
  • Hear the baby's heartbeat. With the help of an obstetric stethoscope, you can already hear how your baby's heart beats. The heartbeat reaches about 160 beats per minute, now the doctor will listen to your stomach at every visit;
  • The child begins to hear. The seventeenth week is the period when the baby begins to discover the world of sounds. Noises surround him 24 hours a day, because the uterus is a rather loud place: the mother's heartbeat, the sounds of the intestines, the noise of her breathing, the rumble of blood flow in the vessels. In addition, now he can hear various sounds from the outside. You can start communicating with the baby, because if you talk to him, he will remember your voice and will react to it immediately after birth;
  • Hand and head movements are coordinated, the child touches his face, sucks his fingers for hours, tries to listen to sounds from the outside. His eyes are not yet open, but undoubtedly his world has become much richer.

Photo and ultrasound of the fetus at the 17th week, photo of the abdomen and video about the development of the baby

Ultrasound 17 weeks - photo

Photo of the abdomen at 17 weeks

Video: What happens at the seventeenth week of pregnancy?

Video: 3D ultrasound, 17th week of pregnancy

At the seventeenth week, be sure to:

  • Monitor your weight. Appetite at this time can play out in earnest, so it is important to sometimes limit yourself. Be sure to weigh yourself. This should be done at least once a week, in the morning on an empty stomach and preferably in the same clothes. Write down changes in weight in a special notebook, so it will be easier for you not to miss a sharp jump in weight and monitor your changes;
  • Keep watching your diet. Do not forget that overeating can lead to serious consequences. As mentioned above, the feeling of hunger can be controlled through frequent meals in small portions. Refuse starchy and sweet in large quantities, fried, fatty, spicy and salty foods. Eliminate the use of coffee, strong tea, soda water, non-alcoholic beer. From time to time, of course, you can pamper yourself, but healthy eating should now be your obligatory habit;
  • Sex requires choosing a comfortable position. At the moment, there are technical limitations. Be extremely careful and cautious;
  • Take care of comfortable shoes, it is better to exclude heels altogether, also try to choose shoes without laces, soon you will probably not be able to tie them yourself at all;
  • Do not take a hot bath, you do not need to bathe in the bath either. Your heart is now working much more actively than before and the additional load will be completely useless to it. It is unlikely that you will feel good. So give preference to a warm shower;
  • Control the state of the urinary system. The kidneys of a pregnant woman work literally for wear and tear, as they now have to filter out of the blood not only the products of her vital activity, but also the waste of the baby, which are excreted into the mother's blood through the placenta. Sometimes pregnant women may experience urinary stasis, and this, in turn, can lead to a number of inflammatory diseases, such as bacteriuria, pyelonephritis, etc. To prevent the occurrence of any of these diseases, it is necessary to empty the bladder more often, not to drink very strong lingonberry broth and to exclude salty and spicy dishes from the diet.

Four months of pregnancy is already over - the fifth month of your pregnancy begins. Week 17 has already begun - the first week of the fifth month. What's in store for you and your baby?

Fetus (development, size)

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy will overcome new stages in its development. In particular, this week his own immune system will start to work - immunoglobulin and interferon are already produced in the body. The baby is able to protect himself from his mother's infections, and this is very important (although, of course, it is undesirable for you to get sick now for many reasons).

The fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy begins to grow fat. A prototype of the future fat layer is formed under the skin, which will participate in heat exchange processes. The skin itself is covered with primordial lubricant - a white-cream-colored substance that performs a protective function. The sensitivity of the skin of the baby increases, in particular in the abdomen and buttocks.

The baby's heart is completing its development and diligently pumping blood, the adrenal glands secrete vital hormones, and the pituitary gland is activated. The girl's uterus is forming.

At week 17, the laying of the permanent teeth of the unborn child begins: each of them will be located immediately behind its milk "precursor".

The coccyx-parietal size of the fetus at the 17th week of pregnancy reaches an average of 13 cm, and the weight can reach up to 140 g. The baby is already as large as the open palm of an adult. It grows and develops very quickly, and at the 17th week of pregnancy it already hears sounds coming from outside, recognizes voices, feels your emotions and mood. Now you are responsible not only for his physical development, but also for his emotional and mental development. Communicate with your child, tell him poems and fairy tales, sing songs or just turn on music of different genres, consult with him, share your joyful events. It is very important to involve the future father in communication: already now the baby will remember and begin to recognize his voice.

The baby is very curious and active. And, perhaps, the time has come to feel the first movements of the fetus.

Feeling (moving) at 17 weeks pregnant

Women usually feel the first fetal movements between 16 and 22 weeks. Multiparous and thin mothers begin to feel their children earlier. They describe these incredible sensations in different ways: like the flutter of the wings of a butterfly, like the stirring of a worm, like the touch of a cat's paw, like the splashing of a fish.

Save yourself. Avoid stressful situations, overwork, sudden changes in temperature and especially hypothermia, try to minimize the effect of any radiation on your body. Be attentive to all signals and new symptoms. Now the load on the heart, blood vessels and kidneys will be especially noticeable. The urge to urinate will become more and more frequent, there is a risk of inflammation of the urinary tract. Because of the constantly growing volumes of blood, nosebleeds or bleeding gums may occur, a feeling of internal heat and lack of air may appear.

As soon as you feel unwell, immediately drop everything and lie down to rest. If bad symptoms appear, then you should definitely consult a doctor about this.


Don't be afraid of occasionally appearing mild pain in the area of ​​the uterus - it is constantly growing, and now it is already more up than to the sides. Many new inconveniences will be associated with this: heartburn, frequent urination, shortness of breath. The uterus occupies more and more space, so the internal organs are forced to make room and part a little to the sides.

The uterus at 17 weeks of pregnancy is palpable at a distance of 3.8-5 cm below the navel. The height of the uterine fundus usually corresponds to the gestational age in centimeters, that is, now it should rise on average at the level of 17 cm above the pubis.

In connection with the growth of the uterus, start looking for new comfortable sleeping positions for yourself: it is no longer recommended to sleep on your back and on your stomach (in the first case, the weight of the uterus presses on the vena cava, blocking blood access to the fetus, in the second, the uterus itself experiences strong pressure).


The growth of the uterus and fetus cannot but affect your appearance - the stomach noticeably rounds and grows. Do not worry if everything is different for you: if the fetus is located at the back of the uterus or too low, the tummy can only now begin to protrude.

All the most important events take place in it, so you can experience many different sensations associated with the abdomen: the first movements of the fetus, slight pains, or the first heaviness associated with an increase in size. But know that normally the stomach should not hurt - you should pay attention to this.


Pain at the 17th week of pregnancy is also mostly associated with the abdomen, and more specifically with the uterus. Due to its increased growth, the ligaments holding the uterus are stretched quite strongly. It is these processes that can cause you pain in the abdomen, in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation. They can be aching or shooting when turning and changing positions. Try to move more smoothly, do not make sudden movements, and if the pain increases, rest a little.

If you feel pain during urination, then it is necessary to exclude inflammation in this area.

From the 17th week of pregnancy, a woman may begin to feel pain associated with an increase in the duration, weight and volume of the uterus. These are pains in the back and lower back, pains in the coccyx - the load on this area is now noticeably increasing.


Sex at the 17th week of pregnancy causes different emotions for everyone. Unfortunately, it is not at all uncommon for a woman or man to avoid sexual intimacy out of fear of harming the child and embarrassment about their growing belly. It is not right. Gentle sensual sex during pregnancy is good for everyone: both parents and their unborn children (show this offer to your rebellious soul mate). During sex, the internal muscles of the woman are massaged, the hormone of joy is released (and we said that the baby is already experiencing your emotions). A woman is now in a special psychological state, and the sensitivity of her individual organs and places is increasing significantly. "Pregnant" sex can give unforgettable moments to both parents. However, intimacy will have to be abandoned if gestation is under the slightest threat. As soon as the risk of termination of pregnancy disappears, bed life can be resumed. And better enjoy it now - the third trimester may have its own difficulties.

Discharge at 17 weeks pregnant

The signal for a break in lovemaking should be bloody discharge from the vagina. If they are combined with pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the back, then this may indicate a threat of spontaneous abortion.

However, spotting does not always indicate a risk of miscarriage. There are a number of other reasons, including safe ones. But only a doctor can judge this.

You should be alerted by discharge that smells sharp and has a suspicious consistency or color: gray, yellow, greenish, cheesy, heterogeneous. In particular, in many pregnant women, thrush worsens at the 17th week of pregnancy. But more dangerous sexual infections can also appear.

Frozen pregnancy

Often it is infectious diseases that lead to the fading of the fetus. Most often, this tragedy occurs in the first trimester. Doctors also call it a failed miscarriage or an undeveloped pregnancy. Let this never affect any of the women, but, unfortunately, a frozen pregnancy at 17 weeks is likely. And this can be caused by a number of adverse factors.

Usually, a frozen pregnancy is detected in a timely manner: the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age, the doctor does not hear the fetal heartbeats, and ultrasound does not show them either.

It is rare for a woman to suspect that something is wrong. After all, the problem may not show itself for a long time. But sometimes a frozen pregnancy is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.


Among other reasons, fetal chromosomal abnormalities can also lead to pregnancy fading. Screening is designed to identify the risk of developing such pathologies in each individual pregnant woman. At week 17, a second trimester screening or the so-called triple test is performed. It includes a biochemical blood test for total hCG, α-fetoprotein (AFP) and free (unconjugated) estriol, as well as screening ultrasound.

All indicators are evaluated exclusively in combination (this is very important!) and indicate an increased or decreased risk of developing anomalies in the fetus (although there is a minimal risk in absolutely every pregnancy).

The final result is announced in the form of a specific number, which serves as a risk assessment. It will depend on the results of the screening, as well as the age of the pregnant woman, her weight, health status, number of fetuses and other factors.


An ultrasound at the 17th week of pregnancy can already show the sex of the child if he turns to the sensor in that very place. However, the doctor will be concerned about other indicators: the size of the baby and the uterus and their compliance with the term, the heartbeat of the fetus, its motor activity, the state of the uterine myometrium, amniotic fluid, the absence of gross abnormal disorders, and so on.

Nutrition at 17 weeks pregnant

All recommendations regarding nutrition during pregnancy and at 17 weeks remain valid. Focus on protein foods, but don't forget healthy fats and carbohydrates as well. Prepare food in a gentle way, choose natural fresh products.

Iron and calcium are also important, as are other minerals and vitamins.

Try to give up caffeinated drinks and foods, spicy, fatty, fried foods, and use salt to a minimum so as not to provoke fluid retention in the tissues. Try not to abuse sour, so as not to increase the production of gastric juice. Foods and drinks enveloping the walls of the stomach can protect against heartburn: cereals, soups, kissels.

From the 17th week, you should take care of the good promotion of food in the intestines. Therefore, doctors recommend not to overload the stomach (this will also help to avoid constipation), eat fractionally (often in small portions), and take short walks after each meal. Limit sweet and starchy treats and start controlling weight gain if you haven't done so before. Eat enough (after all, the baby begins to actively gain weight), but not for two. Remember, it is the quality of the food you eat, not the quantity, that matters.

The weight

Normally, you should now add 250-300 g per week. Ideally, the weight of a woman at 17 weeks of gestation has increased by an average of 2.5-3.5 kg from her start. But many women do not fit into this framework. Their gains at week 17 are 6-7 kg with a successfully developing pregnancy.

Quite physiological deviations from these norms are possible. Remember that these are only average indicative data, which may differ in each individual case. Weight at the 17th week of pregnancy depends on the initial weight of the woman, on her build, age, heredity, the course of pregnancy in the first trimester, and many other factors. Therefore, this indicator alone is not informative.

At the 17th week of pregnancy, women usually feel calm, their movements are measured, unhurried. Expectant mothers become very thorough. There are practically no reasons for unrest, all the risks and dangers of the first trimester have successfully passed. During this period, a lot of interesting things happen with the baby and his mother. We will talk about this in more detail.

How many months is this?

If we count according to the usual generally accepted calendar, then the woman is now in her fourth month of pregnancy. However, obstetric months differ from calendar months. In a calendar month there can be 30 days, and 31 days, and even 18-19 days, and in an obstetric month - always strictly 28 days or exactly 4 weeks.

The 17th week of pregnancy by obstetric standards is counted from the beginning of the last menstruation. Consequently, this is 15 weeks from conception, more than 90 days have passed since the start of the delay. The fifth obstetric month has begun, the "equator" of pregnancy is rapidly approaching - its golden mean.

Speaking of 17 weeks, it is understood that a woman is now a full 16 weeks, so 16 weeks and 3 days, 16 weeks and 4-5 days - this is all 17 weeks of pregnancy. 16-17 weeks is the second trimester.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

Feelings of the expectant mother

Feelings at week 17 can be different, in general they are quite pleasant and not burdensome.


Women do not complain about appetite at week 17: it is usually good, and for some it is even too good.

At this time, it is important to be very careful with the diet: do not overeat, do not eat at night, do not eat before bed. Extra pounds, which will definitely appear with such a diet, obviously will not benefit the mother and baby.

Food "quirks" gradually cease to torment a woman. If during the first trimester she wanted only cranberries and cucumbers, now such pronounced strange food combinations are no longer so necessary for a woman, and she can start planning a normal, balanced diet, if for some reason she didn’t do it earlier.

Fetal movements

The beginning of the 17th week of pregnancy for a third of multiparous women is usually associated with an important milestone - the feeling of the baby moving. Women who have already experienced the joy of motherhood, as a rule, distinguish such movements within themselves well and do not confuse them with the movement of intestinal gases.

Women who are primiparous may not feel anything yet. If the pregnancy is the first, then the movements usually begin to be recognized by the expectant mother for a period of about 20 weeks, but there may be exceptions, for example, in thin and slender girls, fetal movements begin to be recognized earlier.

It is not easy to answer the question of how the first movements of the baby are felt. Usually women describe this sensation as a light touch from the inside, the movement of a fish or a butterfly. There are no jerks and coups right away, because the baby is not yet so big as to push and kick in the uterine cavity - it is spacious for him and he rarely touches its walls.


For most women, toxicosis of the first trimester has already ended: they do not feel sick, there is no vomiting in the morning, smells are perceived more calmly, which a few weeks ago were very unpleasant and caused bouts of nausea. This is due to the fact that a sufficient amount of hormones has accumulated in the body of a pregnant woman, necessary to preserve and continue bearing a child.

Now the production of progesterone, for example, has slowed down, and hCG has completely declined since the 13th week of pregnancy. As a result, the state of health has improved markedly.

However, it is at the 17th week of pregnancy that some expectant mothers may show the first symptoms of late toxicosis, which is also called preeclampsia. It will be more difficult to guess about it than about early toxicosis, since preeclampsia rarely manifests itself as nausea and vomiting, its main signs are swelling.

If the puffiness is visually distinguishable (wrists, ankles, face swell in the morning, lips swell, the shape of the nose changes, your favorite worn-out shoes are pressed, it is not removed wedding ring), then there will be no problems with the diagnosis.

It is much more difficult to recognize internal edema when fluid accumulates in the tissues. You can guess about them by pathological weight gain, as well as by the presence of protein in the urine. That is why it is important not to ignore the urgent requests of the attending physician to give urine before each visit to the antenatal clinic for an appointment.

Psychological and emotional state

The woman has already fully adapted to her new status - pregnancy is obvious to everyone, there is no need to hide anything. Anxiety, which previously no-no and even overcame even experienced mothers, is now gradually receding. A woman has more confidence in her own strengths and capabilities, which will definitely allow her to give birth and raise a little man.

Most women admit that they are now in some kind of euphoria: they want to contemplate natural phenomena for a long time, their thoughts are unhurried, there is increased absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. In the people, this phenomenon is often called "brain edema of pregnant women." There is some truth in this comparison, because under the influence of hormones there is indeed some swelling of the mucous membranes, but “inhibition” does not trigger this, but the processes that occur in the brain under the action of hormones: progesterone, estrogen, hCG.

Inhibition begins to prevail over excitation with good goals - to protect the growing small organism from the negative effects of the outside world. If the mother perceives everything that happens to her less emotionally, the child will also be calmer.

Striking mood swings, capriciousness and tearfulness usually recede by week 17, and now the woman herself and her loved ones can relax and gather strength before the difficult third trimester. The sleep of women, which has recently improved, may become worse again this week, but now not due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, but due to the fact that sleeping peacefully does not make it necessary to choose a suitable position in a dream - growing the tummy no longer gives much freedom of choice.

Many women now, more than before, are beginning to need help and attention from their loved ones, relatives, and friends. The husband and other members of the household should remember this, but do not turn care into overprotectiveness, because a woman can still do a lot of things herself, and so far she needs support mainly psychological and emotional. It is important for her to feel that she is loved.

Pain and common complaints

No expressed pain with a normally proceeding pregnancy for a period of 16-17 weeks should not be. But slight pulling and aching pains can occur, and they have a very good reason: the uterus grows, and with it the ligaments that hold the main female reproductive organ stretch and become thicker. Because of this, women complain that their lower back and back hurt, their legs “buzz”, especially in the evening.

The load on the lower limbs increases every day, because the weight grows, the uterus increases, the center of gravity changes. In addition to the fact that from time to time it pulls the lower back, a woman may experience short sharp backaches and tingling inside - this is a consequence of pinched nerve nodes. A woman already feels the uterus perfectly, movements cease to be easy, more and more often she has to choose a position for comfortable sitting and lying.

Frequent urination this week is unusual. The hormonal background has become more stable, and the uterus is not yet large enough to squeeze the bladder. If now the woman again begins to frequently visit the toilet for small needs, then she should pass urine for analysis. Perhaps, against the background of pregnancy, her problems with the urinary system worsened.

Headaches no longer plague the pregnant woman. With the alignment of the balance of hormones, they cease to annoy.

If the head hurts at week 17, then this is a good reason to measure blood pressure. If a woman has it elevated, then she should definitely inform the doctor about it.

Among the digestive disorders, diarrhea and gas formation, which often tormented a woman in the first trimester, now occupy far from the first place. Constipation takes the lead. The muscles of the intestine under the action of hormones are relaxed, which causes violations of peristalsis, "stagnation". Also, a woman may be disturbed by severe heartburn.

Dizziness this week may accompany a drop in blood pressure. A decrease in blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels is a normal phenomenon for the middle of pregnancy, because the amount of circulating blood in the body of the expectant mother has increased significantly, another circle of blood circulation has appeared - the uteroplacental one. If the head is spinning rarely and not for long, you should not worry.

If attacks of dizziness are accompanied by loss of consciousness and nausea, you should contact your doctor and ask for treatment for symptoms of hypotension.


From this week, all pregnant women, regardless of body size and weight, begin to walk especially - “like a duck”, slightly waddling. This is due to the fact that the uterus has entered the abdominal cavity, and the load on the legs has increased. The woman now walks "from the hip" is not possible, no matter how hard you try. The body adapts to the changed center of gravity, trying to create the most comfortable and safe conditions for movement.

The "duck" gait, despite the apparent absurdity, is very popular with men. Right now, the husband of the future mother can begin to show more attention to her and surround her with care, because the unhurried and waddling spouse really looks very touching.

Runny nose

Difficulty in nasal breathing in the early stages is common. At the same time, a runny nose exists separately, there are no other symptoms of a cold or other disease. Such rhinitis is called physiological, as it is associated with the effect of progesterone on the mucous membranes. By week 17, the physiological runny nose usually recedes.

If now a runny nose has appeared for the first time, and the woman feels a general malaise (headache, sore throat), then she probably has acute nasopharyngitis, which has nothing to do with the physiological runny nose of expectant mothers. In this case, a doctor's consultation is required.

Changes in the body

Outwardly, a woman is changing very dynamically: the waist is rounded, the hips have become wider, the tummy can no longer be hidden, except perhaps in very spacious clothes.

Uterine dimensions

The height of the fundus of the uterus this week makes a sharp "jump" forward. If a week earlier it was only about 12-13 cm, now the WDM is from 14 to 19 centimeters. As the belly grows, the uterus is already in the middle between the pubic bone and the navel line. The length of the cervix averages from 40 to 45 mm, its shortening is considered an alarming symptom, the “short” cervix needs to be qualified medical care- suturing or an obstetric pessary so that the woman can carry the pregnancy to the end.

If a woman has a second or third pregnancy, the uterus stretches and grows somewhat faster, the tummy appears more clearly than in nulliparous women. The expectant mother can now feel the boundaries of the uterus herself, since they clearly protrude.

Weight gain

It is very important to control your increase during this period. Many pregnant women do this daily and record the results in a pregnancy diary. Daily weighing is optional. It will be enough to weigh yourself on the same day, for example, on Monday or Wednesday, once a week.

At week 17, lean girls may find that they have gained more than 4 kilograms. Such an increase for them is completely normal for the current period. Women with normal weight and a slight excess at week 17 should normally add no more than 3.5 kilograms to their original weight before pregnancy. Fat women, whose body mass index implies the presence of obesity, should not add more than 1.8 kilograms.

Weight gain is inevitable, but it should not go beyond the norm by more than 100-200 grams.

If the increase is higher, you should visit the doctor ahead of time to exclude the possibility of developing preeclampsia and get recommendations for correcting nutrition.


The mammary glands have ceased to hurt, because their growth is now not as intense as before. The breast now continues to increase somewhat in size, so there may be a feeling that it itches. Now it is very important to wear a special bra with wide supportive straps. This will avoid stretch marks on the chest and ease the load on the back - it will become noticeably easier to walk.

If colostrum is released from the breast at week 17, there is nothing strange about it. It does not need to be squeezed out if it stains clothes and underwear - it is worth changing the bra to a bust for nursing mothers (it has special places for absorbent inserts).

Discharge and sweating

Many women at this time begin to sweat more intensely, and also note that vaginal discharge has become more abundant. This is completely normal, as the body of a pregnant woman reacts to a new hormonal background. Sweating, of course, is not a very pleasant phenomenon, but it lends itself perfectly to hygienic correction. Allocations, if they do not have an unusual color, blood impurities, "flakes" and streaks, do not need any treatment.

The appearance of green or brown discharge at this time may indicate the presence of an infection, and white discharge with itching may "signal" the manifestation of thrush. Normal secretions are light or slightly yellowish, odorless or with a subtle sour smell, homogeneous.


This week, the face, back and arms of a pregnant woman may “bloom” with bright freckles, if she has a tendency to such a phenomenon, or become covered age spots different size. This is also a variant of the norm, because the synthesis of melatonin in the body increases.

There is no need to “remove” such spots, there is no medicine or cosmetic product for them. Pigmentation will disappear some time after childbirth.

Baby development

This week, the baby for the first time becomes larger than the placenta - now its weight is 115-160 grams, and it has grown to 17-20 centimeters. It can be compared to a large elongated pear. He has not been an embryo for a long time, and from the 17th week he begins to resemble a newborn more and more.


Soon, the thinness that is now inherent in the baby will be over. This week, he begins to produce the first subcutaneous fat. But you won’t be able to immediately feel the difference - the process of deposition of subcutaneous fat is quite long, so for the time being the baby continues to look very thin and very wrinkled. Thin as parchment, the skin forms folds all over the body with the exception of the face.

As the fat layer accumulates, it will thicken, cease to be transparent, bright red and wrinkled - everything will smooth out and become rounded.

The body of the crumbs is covered with fluffy hair, which is called lanugo. They are colorless and very thin. Their appearance is a sign of the beginning of work hair follicles. Together with the original lubricant, which now also covers the entire body of the crumbs, lanugo will protect the delicate thin skin from the effects of the aquatic environment for the time being. By the time of birth, lanugo disappears, but some children are born with its remnants and get rid of it in the first weeks after birth.

The child's head begins to acquire normal proportions and outlines, the bones of the skull harden, the neck appears, which is already doing its job well: the baby turns his head, can keep it straight. In the embryonic period, this was not available to him.

The features of a small face are already individual, they clearly show the father's nose or mother's lips, on a three-dimensional ultrasound, you can already try to consider this if the angle is convenient. All parts of the face are fully formed. The facial and jaw muscles are very well developed, so the baby does not skimp on a variety of faces, grimaces and smiles, however, most of them are involuntary muscle contractions during the formation of the nervous system.

The legs and arms grow, they become more proportional in relation to each other, whereas earlier the arms were much longer than the lower limbs. There are nails on small fingers, they grow constantly, and an individual unique pattern has already formed on the fingertips - prints. On the head of many babies in the current period, the hair flaunts - the hair is thin and colorless, until the pigment that will color them is produced.

sense organs

All the foundations for the five senses in a child have been laid, most of them are already functioning. So, the ears, the formation of which was completed a few weeks ago, are already taking their place. The outer part of auditory analyzers - the auricle - is exactly the same as in adults, only very small. The inner ear continues to develop, so the child's hearing is now based on the perception of vibrations that create sound waves of different ranges and frequencies. At week 17, acquaintance with the world of sounds expands somewhat: the inner ear begins to capture and convert the first sound waves into signals.

This process will take about 2-3 more weeks, very soon the child will hear in the same way as all people hear, but only adjusted for the fact that he is still in the water. The fact that now the perception is more vibrational in nature does not in the least prevent the baby from perfectly distinguishing the mother’s voice from the voices of strangers, and familiar sounds from unfamiliar ones.

Vision is still absent, although all the structures of the eye and the optic nerve are formed. The eyeballs are covered by already divided into upper and lower eyelids. Now, through thin eyelids, the baby is able to capture only bright light. Soon he will learn to open his eyes and blink. At week 17, the fetal eyes begin to make rapid movements under the eyelids. This is how the oculomotor muscles are trained, say supporters of physiology. And neonatologists for the most part assure that this is how the baby reacts to the first dreams. No one will say what a little man dreams about, most likely, this is his usual habitat: the umbilical cord, his mother's voice, his own feelings.

The baby has well-developed tactile abilities, he touches. He learned to distinguish shades of tastes a long time ago, and now this is a familiar phenomenon for him. But he still cannot distinguish smells, because there is no nasal breathing, and the baby receives oxygen through the placenta from the mother's blood.

Nervous system

At week 17, the baby begins to coordinate the movements of the arms and head well, both individually and in combination. Now he can start sucking his fist, not because he accidentally ended up in his mouth, as it was before, but quite consciously - simply because he wanted to. At the current time, the cerebral cortex is developing most actively. The gray matter consists of six layers, and some of them have already formed. This week, the baby can safely “boast” of the first furrows and convolutions.

The development of reflex connections continues. Now the baby is demonstrating the instinct of self-preservation: when external circumstances change (for example, with a loud sharp sound), he gets scared and shrinks into a ball. He knows how to suck, swallow water, push off with his legs and arms from obstacles, for example, from the wall of the uterus, if he swims too close to them. If liquid enters the mouth, he can not only swallow it, but even spit it out.

Internal organs

The placenta is fully formed, now its average thickness is 19.4 mm. The baby is closely connected with it by a reliable and elastic umbilical cord, its length is almost 0.5 meters, its diameter is more than 2 centimeters. It is the placenta that now provides the baby with everything he needs: nutrients, minerals, oxygen. Its degree of maturity is 0.

Almost all organs function normally: the kidneys produce urine, the stomach holds swallowed water, the intestines contract, the liver is involved in hematopoiesis and digestion, the heart pumps more than 23 liters of blood per day. The baby's heartbeat is now easily heard through the most ordinary stethoscope, and now the obstetrician-gynecologist will listen to it through the mother's anterior abdominal wall at each visit. The heart rate averages from 150 to 170 beats per minute, which is almost 2 times higher than the maternal heart rate.

The gallbladder produces bile, some of it enters the intestines. It is due to bile that the original feces, which will be deposited in the rectum, will be colored dark green, almost black. The pancreas produces insulin, the thyroid gland produces thyroid-stimulating hormones, the endocrine glands, sweat and sebaceous glands work properly.

Sex determination

Gender is fully determined, organs are formed, the probability of getting an accurate answer from an ultrasound specialist to the question of what gender the child is at 17 weeks is close to 90%. True, for this the baby must be located comfortably, intimate places should be accessible for inspection by an ultrasonic sensor.

Girls develop a little faster than boys. They already have sex glands - ovaries - descended into the small pelvis. In boys, the sex glands - the testicles - while they continue to remain in the abdominal cavity, they will begin to descend into the scrotum very soon, and this process should normally be completed by childbirth. But so far only boys have their own sex hormones - they produce testosterone. In girls, while estrogens are not produced, they have to be content with maternal hormones, which are now quite enough in the body of a pregnant woman.

Ultrasound errors in sex determination this week are rare. It is more difficult to confuse a boy with a girl, but anything can happen to little princesses - the umbilical cord, sandwiched between the legs, is often mistaken for the penis. Less common are especially “shy” boys who heal their male “dignity” between the legs, and they mistakenly consider him a daughter. With good visualization on a modern device, the probability of error is minimal.

What can the baby do?

This week, the baby adds more movements to the skills acquired earlier. Now he sleeps a little less than before, and is actively engaged in something while awake. He plays with the umbilical cord. Now he not only squeezes it in a fist, but can also wind it around his hand. As the legs have grown, the baby begins to catch them and try to drag them into his mouth. This newborn skill will be demonstrated for quite a long time after birth.

Your son or daughter already knows how to stretch and yawn, spit and write, swallow water, hiccup, make disgruntled mines if he did not like the taste of water. He actively studies the sounds coming to him, as well as the noise background of the mother's body: the beat of her heart, the work of the intestines, the sounds of blood flow. The baby loves to feel herself very much, and also touchingly hugs herself by the shoulders in a dream. The twins, by the way, at this time begin to hug each other in a dream, as evidenced by ultrasound images.

baby on ultrasound

Compulsory diagnostic study Ultrasound at 17 weeks is not considered. The woman will go to the second prenatal ultrasound screening a little later, but for now there may be other circumstances for scanning: the occurrence of a threat, atypical pain, strange discharge.

Also, a woman has every right to visit an ultrasound diagnostic room at her own request, in order, for example, to determine the sex of a child or find out how it grows.

The growth rates this week are indicated by fetometric data - the main dimensions that are subject to mandatory measurement during the procedure, regardless of the purpose for which the expectant mother came to the ultrasound room. For 17 weeks, the following parameters are characteristic:

The head and tummy of the fetus at -17 obstetric week

The length of the bones of the limbs at 16-17 obstetric weeks

Nasal bones at 17 obstetric weeks

An ultrasound diagnostic examination this week allows you to determine the location of the fetus, the height of the "children's place" relative to the internal os, the length of the cervix, determine the tone of the uterus, if any, and also evaluate almost all the internal organs of the child. It is still not easy to draw diagnostic conclusions about the correctness of the formation of the lungs and brain - their formation has not yet been completed.

The rest of the organs are examined carefully and carefully. The KTR (coccyx-parietal size) of the baby is no longer determined, because the child has grown noticeably.

Dangers and risks of week 17

Now the woman does not want to think about the possible risks at all, because the first trimester full of worries is already far behind, and she wants to relax. Indeed, the likelihood of a threat of termination of pregnancy is now minimal. But it is impossible to underestimate the risks, to consider them mythical, because they are quite real. The slightest change in the state of health of a pregnant woman should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

And do not be afraid to look like an alarmist in the eyes of others, it is better to play it safe in matters of maintaining pregnancy. What dangers can now threaten the expectant mother and baby?

Frozen pregnancy

Week 17 refers to the critical period for the risk of fetal fading. Science is still completely unknown the true reasons why the baby simply stops developing and dies. This can happen at any time up to 28 weeks. However, doctors have noticed that there are three most risky periods: 3-4 weeks, 8-10 weeks, and then 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

To guess that something irreparable has happened, a woman can change her state of health. Some symptoms of pregnancy as such may disappear. If the expectant mother has already begun to feel the movements of her child, then main feature non-developing pregnancy - complete cessation of movements. If there are no movements yet, and there is no toxicosis or there was not at all, then it will be very difficult to guess about the fading of the fetus.

The appropriate diagnosis is established on the basis of ultrasound diagnostics. The doctor does not detect signs of the baby's heartbeat, does not register physical activity. Save in this situation, unfortunately, the baby is no longer possible. The woman undergoes a mechanical cleaning of the uterine cavity, particles of fetal tissue are sent for genetic testing to try to find out if any genetic or chromosomal abnormalities caused the death.

After a frozen pregnancy, there are chances to conceive and normally endure and give birth to a baby, they are high, it’s just that pregnancy will be considered complicated by an obstetric history from the very beginning. Control over the woman will be more thorough, tests and examinations for her will be prescribed according to an expanded list.


Violation of blood circulation in the lower veins, including hemorrhoidal, often leads to the development of hemorrhoids in the second trimester. This ailment is very delicate, and women are often embarrassed to talk about it. However, silence or treat hemorrhoids in the second trimester folk remedies not worth it, otherwise there is a high probability of the transition of the disease into a chronic form.

Modern pharmacology can offer a fairly large number of medicines for the treatment of pregnant women, especially since there are much more such drugs in the second trimester than in the first.

But self-treatment is dangerous for the child and mother! Be sure to consult a doctor and together choose a specific drug or several drugs as part of complex therapy.

Prevention of constipation will help to avoid hemorrhoids and cure it at the initial stage. To do this, a pregnant woman’s diet should contain a sufficient amount of raw vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. Be sure to drink enough water, lead a moderately active lifestyle, do gymnastics, walk on foot.

Viral infections

There is always a risk of contracting the flu or SARS. But at 16-17 weeks it is the highest. This is due to the fact that the immunity of a pregnant woman by this week is critically reduced. From the first minutes after the conception, the hormone progesterone does everything possible to ensure that the embryo, and then the embryo, is not threatened by anything, including maternal immunity, which by mistake can perceive the embryo as a foreign element and reject it. As a result, immunity begins to be suppressed.

By week 17, physiological immunosuppression reaches its maximum, and the woman's body is simply not able to resist even viruses that are well known to him. Therefore, getting sick now is easy. But this should not scare a woman too much - the placenta already protects the baby, so there should not be serious consequences.

The most dangerous factor in a cold or viral disease is heat. If it exceeds 39.0 degrees, it becomes unsafe for the condition of the placenta and uteroplacental blood flow. Correctly reduce the fever, relieve the symptoms of fever with the use of antipyretics. Now many of them, with the exception of aspirin and other drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, are already allowed, but treatment should be started with the consent of the doctor.

At present, it is possible to resist even more formidable diseases and complications, for example, tonsillitis - let's take antibiotics, such as Amoxiclav or Flemoxin. A pregnant woman should not take any medications without a doctor's prescription.

Digestive problems

Indigestion or heartburn most often accompanies women this week who have not yet been able to resolve the issue of organizing proper nutrition. But even those who try to eat in a balanced way, often in small portions, may face such troubles as constipation, diarrhea, heartburn. The internal organs, including the organs of the digestive system, are already beginning to experience the pressure of a growing uterus, and therefore their work is somewhat disturbed.

The acidity of gastric juice may change or any chronic ailment that has previously taken place may worsen, for example, colitis, cholelithiasis, gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Women who have a predisposition to such diseases now need a consultation with a gastroenterologist and a special diet.

Analyzes and examinations

At week 17, the first stage of the second prenatal screening begins. This examination will be conducted differently than it was in the first trimester. Now there is no need to donate blood and do ultrasound strictly on the same day. Blood is taken for research this week or next, but they will send it for ultrasound a little later, after 20 weeks.

Now the woman will have to donate venous blood for the so-called "triple test". It will determine the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), free estriol and alpha-fetoprotein. Based on the quantitative content of these substances, it will be possible to calculate the estimated risks of congenital chromosomal pathologies, as well as to suspect possible neural tube anomalies. The laboratory data will later be supplemented by the results of the ultrasound scan.

Of the remaining tests at week 17, only a general urinalysis can be prescribed if the woman has another scheduled appointment with the doctor.

A woman can significantly ease the period of bearing a baby if she is careful and attentive to her own health. Also, simple and accessible recommendations will come to her aid. This week, in general terms, they remain the same as before: walking away from polluted city highways, taking vitamins and minerals, and a healthy lifestyle are useful for a woman. Some of the tips need some explanation.

Proper nutrition

Do not assume that everything is forbidden for a pregnant woman. Pregnancy is not a disease, so it does not require strict diets. But a woman must adhere important rules: do not overeat, do not eat at night, do not eat anything that will not benefit the child. In order not to overeat, it is enough to reduce the usual portions by about one and a half times, and increase the number of meals up to 6 per day.

Before going to bed, in order not to be tormented by thoughts about the contents of the refrigerator at night, you can make a small snack - sour-milk products, an apple, kiwi are perfect for this.

Foods that do not benefit the child are all fried and pickled, fatty, as well as excessively salty and sweet.

Your diet should be based on meat, fish, milk, cereals, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits.

If you want something sweet, it is better to replace cakes and cakes with cream with Turkish delight or a good marshmallow. A piece of salted fish will also not cause problems if the woman knows when to stop. It is better to limit the amount of salt at this time to 5 grams per day - this will help to avoid swelling.


You can have sex at this time if there are no obvious contraindications. In case of a problematic pregnancy, the doctor will definitely warn that a woman should limit sexual activity. If the gestation proceeds well, then intimate pleasures are even useful: an orgasm improves the blood supply to the walls of the uterus, and the emotions of a sexually satisfied woman will definitely benefit her.

It is important for spouses to remember that now is not the time for bold experiments in bed.

The pose should now be chosen more carefully, avoiding such poses in which deep hard penetration occurs.

The missionary position also becomes uncomfortable, because the tummy is already in the way. Now you should not practice anal sex, the use of lubricants. It is important to remember that the occurrence of any pain or unusual discharge after sex is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Bath, sauna, solarium

With the increase in the amount of circulating blood that a woman is experiencing right now, the load on the heart, kidneys and lungs of the future mother has approximately doubled. It is for this reason that you should not aggravate the situation and create additional difficulties for your internal organs and systems.

Taking a hot bath, visiting the bath and sauna at week 17 is strongly discouraged.

Sunbathing should also be strictly limited, and experts recommend not visiting the solarium at all, because its effect on the body of a growing baby has not yet been fully studied. Overheating now will not lead to anything good, because jumps in blood pressure at this time are quite dangerous.

Clothing and footwear

The clothes of the expectant mother, no matter what season of the year is outside the window, should be made only from natural materials. Increased sweating and synthetics are incompatible. Now a woman should avoid tight things, especially squeezing in the waist and hips. This will not only disrupt heat transfer, but can also cause circulatory disorders in certain parts of the body.

Shoes should be worn with a flat sole or a small, stable platform heel. From "stilettos" and just high heels should now be abandoned. Women who risk wearing such shoes at week 17 note that their uterus often comes into tone. This is due to the violation of the center of gravity. Already now you can start wearing a special bandage that will carefully support the stomach from below, reduce the load on the legs and back.

Courses for pregnant women

A woman can get even more information about the gestation period, the upcoming birth and the postpartum period at courses for expectant mothers, which operate completely free of charge on the basis of any antenatal clinic. Doctors: gynecologists, pediatricians, neonatologists, as well as psychologists will tell you how to do gymnastics, how to prepare yourself for childbirth, what to do if the water breaks or contractions begin, how to behave during childbirth, how to care for a newborn.

You can attend classes with your husband - there are also many interesting things for future dads in the courses.