How to ask for forgiveness: ready-made phrases. How to apologize correctly if you have offended someone greatly

Forgive me for the quarrel!
I know all the blame lies with me.
But let's forget our arguments.
I offer my apologies to you.

Will never happen again
Why are you punishing me like this.
I want to make peace with you
And I hope you forgive me.

Forgive me for all my words
Because your soul hurts so much
Offense, I beg you, let go,
What hurts worse than a Finnish knife!

Please, no, I'm begging forgiveness now
After all, a stone lies on my soul!
Let's get back together
May peace reign in our souls again!

Your heart is offended by me
There is a heavy stone on the soul.
I will allow myself one liberty:
I dare to ask for forgiveness.

Forgive me for what happened...
My conscience breaks my soul.
Give me just one sign
Forgive me, and I will instantly feel better.

I want to ask for forgiveness
For pain, insults, insults.
I ask you to forgive me
Without anger, revenge, condemnation!

Forgive me for the stormy words,
What was addressed to you then.
Let's get rid of the shackles
After all, they got joy together.

Please accept my apology
And for everything that happened, I'm sorry!
I am in our relationship with you
I just want to bring good!

Let's forget insults, all quarrels,
It's time to let go of the burden of anger!
No extra words, no talking
Let's live in peace!

I want to ask for forgiveness
For insults, for everything that is wrong,
It all matters
After all, it is no coincidence that we are with you,
I want to apologize to you
And tell you: "Please don't be angry"
Anything can happen
And life is unpredictable.
And now, saying these phrases,
I feel lighter
I don't need anything anymore
Because my heart is always with you!

My only fault is that I love.
I love you unconditionally and passionately.
Sometimes I don't recognize myself
And everything around me seems dangerous.

I'm trembling from fear of losing you.
And I do stupid things more and more.
For this I apologize
After all, you are my love, you are my happiness.

"Forgive me" is the main message
I apologize to you!
Your forgiveness is my wish
After all, I carry a stone in my heart!

I am ashamed of the ugly act,
I won't do that anymore
Forgive my character so arrogant!
Let's not litter our lives with resentment!

Everyone is wrong in life:
Sharp phrases and vicious outbursts ...
Forgive my perky and quick-tempered temper,
Sometimes my nerves let me down!

I'm sorry for all these words
For every act that caused pain,
After all, our love, of course, is alive,
So, you have the strength to forgive!

Let our quarrel dissolve
After all, no offense to us!
I want to apologize now
And put everything in its place!

Let your sadness recede!
Resentment away will go away soon!
Let the ice melt in your heart
To make your heart warm!

Poems of apology

I beg your pardon
And sincerely forgive:
I won't do it again
And I will forget the embarrassment.
Don't be angry with me
Smile big!

I am guilty before you, I know it.
I only wish for your forgiveness
To make peace with you, to become closer,
And let's walk into the future together!

Forgive me, dear
I know that I was wrong!
I'm dying without you
From great mental trauma.

Please excuse me
I don't know what happened to me
I will only make you happy
So that happiness settles in the heart!

It is not easy for us to admit mistakes,
But life is one, and for this it is given,
To ask for forgiveness and forgive!
I hope for your forgiveness, the sun!

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a bore
Dig into the past, whine and blame.
I beg you, let's forget everything
I so want to start all over again!

I understand: I'll be sad for a long time,
But deep down I still believe in miracles
With all my heart I ask you to forgive me
And I promise I won't do it again!

Forgive me, I'm very sorry.
I know myself: I am rude,
But in my heart I cherish hope
That you will forgive me, even though I am very guilty ...

Like modest rays of the April sun,
My apologies come to you.
And I'm looking forward to the first time
To ask for reconciliation.

I'm really sorry. Excuse me:
I'm ready to redeem myself
And, of course, lend a hand
Like the biggest friend!
Let's part with dignity:
Reasonably, honestly and calmly!

Forgive me, I ask you, for all insults,
Forgive me for being stupid, I beg you, forgive me!
Well, who knew that it would all turn out like this,
Please, forgive me, let me into your world.

It was a misunderstanding
You try to understand me.
The usual dispute between generations,
Where both daughter and mother are right.

I ask you to accept I apologize
I regret my words
I'll do anything to earn forgiveness
I will find your dreams of the island!

I beg you, please, if you can -
For what has been done, please forgive me!
Offend your heart, you disturb yours,
And I didn't mean to offend you!

Do not be angry, good, and forgive me.
I didn't sleep all night, I dreamed, I tossed.
Forget all the bad things, let go of resentment,
You want me to stay with you!

Accept an apology
With a heartfelt promise:
Use skills
With all due diligence!

You are kind, sweet, very vulnerable,
I brought so much pain with me.
Forgive me, do you hear? I can't stand it like that
See your eyes full of tears.

Forgive me, forgive me!
I am very sorry!
Let me come to you
After all, I myself will not dare!

Calm down and collect yourself before apologizing. You may want to rush to apologize to the person you offended as soon as you realize that you behaved badly, but it's still worth waiting a bit before apologizing. Depending on how bad your behavior has been, it may be worth keeping your distance from the person during the day to give them time to move on and let your own emotions cool down a bit.

  • Taking the time to calm down a bit will also allow you to plan your apology and think about what you will say. Often a well thought out and clear apology the day after the incident is more effective than a casual, awkward apology right after the incident.
  • Write an apology letter. If you're having a hard time putting your apology into words, try sitting down and writing an apology letter. Sometimes when we write down our words and thoughts on paper, it helps us better understand what we want to say to a person. It will also allow you to take a clear look at your bad behavior and think about why you behave the way you do. Identifying the reasons for your bad behavior will allow you to write a more sincere and clear apology. While you may not actually be giving this letter to the person, putting your thoughts on paper will help you better express your apology in person.

    • In your letter, focus on expressing your regret, but without any justification for your behavior. Don’t write: “I’m sorry for my behavior, it’s just that I’m under a lot of stress right now”, it’s better to say “I’m sorry for my behavior and the way I treated you. I was very tense and poured everything on you, which was completely inappropriate.” Replace the word “but” with the word “and”, this will be a good start.
    • In addition, the letter should show empathy and understanding of the person’s point of view, noting that you are aware of why he may be offended by you. In addition, it is worth promising that in the future you will try to behave more adequately. This will show the person that you are trying to correct your behavior.
    • End the letter on a positive note, stating that what you did will never happen again and that you hope both of you can put the bad incident behind you. You can sign the letter with "Yours Sincerely" to show that your intentions are honest and truthful.
  • Apologize tete-a-tete in a quiet secluded place. If you decide to apologize eye to eye, it must be done in a quiet secluded place. You can do this in your office, in the conference room, in your home, or in a quiet corner of the school library. Apologizing in a private place, face to face, will allow you to be honest and sincere in your feelings.

    • If a person is too offended by you for your behavior, you can offer to meet public place, which will seem neutral and safe for both of you. You can choose, for example, a coffee shop or a bar near the place of residence of this person.
  • Take responsibility for your behavior. At the beginning of your apology, discuss your bad behavior and why it was inappropriate. When discussing your bad behavior, be specific, as this will show the person that you are capable of taking responsibility for your actions. It will also mean that you admit that you were wrong, which will make the person more likely to forgive you after all.

    • You can say, for example, “I was wrong when I yelled at you during a meeting with shareholders. I was also wrong when I scolded you and used inappropriate language in conversation with you.”
  • Express regret for your behavior. After you have acknowledged your behavior and that it was inappropriate, you should express sincere regret for your words and actions. This will let the person know that you are aware that you have caused them discomfort or pain. You are trying to emotionally connect with the person, so try to be as honest and sincere as possible.

    • For example, you could say something like this: “I realize that my words and actions were wrong, and I'm sorry I let my anger get out of hand. I know I offended and embarrassed you, and I apologize for my behavior.”
  • Promise to change your behavior. You must offer some way to compensate for your behavior, whether it be a promise that you will never behave in this way again in the future, or a promise that in the future you will always speak respectfully to this person, and not take it out on him. You must make a realistic promise to the person to back up your apology. The promise must necessarily indicate your desire to change your behavior so that you do not behave badly in the future.

    • You could say, for example, “I promise I will never again swear in a meeting or speak ill of you or others.” You can also say, “I know I lash out at you all the time, and I don't want to act like this anymore. I will work on my ability to manage my emotions to make sure I don’t take them out on you again.”
    • You can also ask the person how you can make amends with them and let them dictate their expectations for you. This option can be useful if you are apologizing to your partner or spouse and want them to tell you about their idea of ​​how you can make amends for your bad behavior. You can directly ask: “How can I make amends for my bad behavior?”
  • I am happy because the only, most beloved man in the world lives in my heart. Thank you for the fact that I can always count on your help and support, you, like an angel, lend your reliable shoulder at the right moment. Forgive me, beloved, for all the insults that I sometimes bring you, you are my only one, without you I am like a bird with a broken wing, you are my oxygen and air. If time allowed me to return to the past in order to correct all the mistakes, then in my thoughts I would not even inadvertently offend you. But after all, we have a lot of time ahead of us in order to realize everything and not make our own mistakes. And today I want to ask you, my beloved, only that you forgive me and not be offended. You are the king of my heart and I belong only to you, there was no other man in my life and cannot be. Let everything be with you, as in the first moments of the meeting. Love you honey.

    My dear, unique, unique man, forgive me for yesterday's quarrel. Sometimes we do stupid, rash acts without thinking that we are harming our loved ones, hurting them, but life gives us time and the right to think about and fix everything. Forgive me, my dear, for sometimes being rude and wrong, I will correct myself, I promise. Only you can be my only support and support. I really want you and me to be always together and not separated, because when you are far away, I see no reason and no reason to enjoy life. I miss you, come back my dear. Time has stopped without you, I'm waiting, I miss you, I love you. Please forgive me. Let all quarrels and grievances bypass you and me on a long journey. I miss your radiant smile gentle hands, strong hugs. I want you to know that every second I think about you, you are in my thoughts around the clock, wherever you are.

    My husband is the dearest, the only man in the world. Today there was a misunderstanding and I unconsciously offended you, I desperately ask you to forgive me for this. You are my joy, the meaning of my life, without you the sun fades, the air becomes heavy. Please come back, do not be angry, I promise that I will put a limit to my quick temper. I will become white and fluffy, the main thing is that my kitten is next to me. Dear, beloved, my only one, forgive me for saying a lot of unnecessary words to you without thinking. I promise that I will try to do everything to ensure that peace, tranquility, comfort, love reign in our family as before. With you alone I want to live in grief, joy, in moments of sadness and joy. I am very sorry that lately I have often been quick-tempered and rude, I promise you that I will improve, just don’t be offended by me. I propose a toast to a truce. Love you very much.

    In that wide world there is only one person who is able, by his mere presence, to bring a sparkle in my eyes and change my whole life. It's you, love. When you are next to me, I always feel safe and just happy, thank you for that. I will never tire of thanking fate for giving me a meeting with you. You always treat me with special tenderness, love, awe. Forgive me, beloved, for getting excited in the morning and saying a lot of unnecessary words to you in a fit of anger. Nothing is your fault, and I feel like a real selfish. Let this little scandal serve as an example for you and me for the future. More than all the treasures in this world, I love you, I promise that I will change and never again dare to offend you or spoil your mood. I am grateful to you for giving happiness with your presence in my life.

    It is impossible to dispute the world-famous saying that says that life is not as easy to live as it is to cross a field. Walking along the path of life, we meet with various difficulties and situations, we fall and take off, we learn what love and hate are, we make many different mistakes and stupidities, which later serve as an excellent lesson for us. In some cases and situations, bad deeds hurt the hearts of people close to us less than words thrown at them rashly, thoughtlessly. Darling, at this moment I want to apologize to you, because I absolutely did not want to cause you trouble, upset you. Please forgive me. What happened cannot be brought back. Your love, our relationship is very dear to me, I promise that I will continue to think about my actions and deeds. Do not be offended by me, I love you very much.

    You are not just a beloved husband for me, the most unique and dear, but the meaning of my universe. Only when you press me tightly in your gentle and affectionate hands do I feel like a child who needs nothing more to be happy. Recently, I occasionally become nervous, thank you for putting up with my quick temper and my stubbornness, putting up with my rebellion. In order for you to give me love forever and I remain forever your only one, I am ready for re-education on your part. I promise to become a faithful and obedient student. I apologize from the bottom of my heart for not intentionally hurting you, I didn't mean to, really. I've already regretted it a thousand times, my dear. I really appreciate your love and so I want to warm up with you in affection and tenderness. I propose to make peace and plunge into the world of love, passion, madness. I hope you don't mind, I love you.

    I really miss and feel sad without you, the most offensive thing is that I myself am to blame for everything. Beloved, from the bottom of my heart I propose to forget all quarrels and grievances and leave them there, in the distant past. I sincerely repent and ask your forgiveness, I really want there to be no quarrels, disputes and misunderstandings between us. Now I am able to become a sorceress for a certain moment and fulfill any of your desires, so long as a beautiful smile sparkles on your face again. I ask you to forget my wrongdoings with mistakes, let's give each other a fairy tale about love, in which two desperate people, we are up to our ears, are bogged down. I will become the most gentle, most affectionate, obedient, submissive your girl. Let's forget about all the sorrows, rush on the wings of love into the clouds, holding hands. Thank you for being there in any bad weather and just for the fact that you are in the world. With you, my love, I am not afraid of more than one storm.

    Beloved, I sincerely despair from the bottom of my heart that I brought pain, resentment, disappointment to your loving heart, I didn’t do it on purpose. My only one, forgive me for everything, my heart cries and misses you. I know that you love me too, the strength and strength of our mutual love is not able to shake even the wind, and even more so a minor quarrel. I want you to know that my love is much bigger and stronger than all my petty faults. I have a great idea that can stimulate our life together further. I propose never to quarrel again, and to replace all minor scandals with kisses. I'm waiting for your consent. The love that comes from my heart for you has no limits. I am happy that I have the opportunity to love myself best man in the world. For your sake, I’m ready to become a good boy, I love you, my dear, I hope for forgiveness.

    I am grateful to fate that at one fine moment our paths intertwined with each other and became one, joint, common life path. Today, I want to confess to you that every day the love for you in my heart grows stronger with unusual strength. Beloved, please do not pay attention to tantrums, whims, scandals on my part, I am not nervous on purpose, and sometimes I break down, forgive me for this. You don't deserve all this, I promise I'll change. I understand that sometimes the words that I thoughtlessly tell you hurt a loving heart, my difficult character is to blame for everything. In order to live under the same roof with you all my life and give my love, I am ready to improve. Forget all the insults, please, my love. I want everything to be like before with you. I agree that I am harmful, but this is how you loved me, so I ask you to forgive and love, in return I promise reciprocity.

    My most tender, beloved, precious man in the world, if you knew that the love that comes from my heart for you has no boundaries. I value the reciprocity of our feelings so much, but sometimes I don’t notice how by chance I can hurt you, hurt you, say a lot of unnecessary words. Thank you for loving and appreciating me for who I am. Forgive me, my love, because sometimes I am wrong and my words hurt your loving heart sharper than a blade. Without you, this world will become alien to me, I beg you, do not be offended by me. After all, the power of our love is much greater than these minor quarrels, insults, misunderstandings. I madly dream of correcting my mistakes in relation to you and surrounding you with my tenderness, giving you the world of love, affection, tenderness, which are the main components of our marriage union. Let go of the resentment from your heart and it will be easier for both of us from this. I love you, my only one, I sincerely apologize.

    To be the wife of a man whom thousands of girls on the planet dream of is the greatest happiness for me. Next to you, I feel like a chick, which is in a safe shelter from all life's hurricanes and obstacles. The scandal that happened to us today can fan the fire from the spark and destroy the fortress of our love, let's not let it happen together. I propose to forget all grievances and send them to the distant past. I love you so much and I'm afraid to lose you because of nonsense. I want to love only you and be your only one. Let's forget all the insults and rush to conquer the stars. You remind me of an angel who brings only happiness and joy and is upset because of the slightest mistakes in life. More than anything, I'm afraid of losing our love with you, so I really look forward to your forgiveness. Remember how happy we were together, it's more expensive than all the quarrels, it's not worth it. Love you.

    Our life is strewn with mistakes, from which we gain experience. Sometimes two loving people able to bring each other such pain that the edge of a knife wounds our hearts. I am no exception, this morning I did a very big stupidity in my life by offending you, my love. I don’t want to make excuses and try to defend myself, but I want you to know that I can’t stand this scandal very hard, I understand that I’m to blame. My dear, the only one I sincerely repent of my mistakes, I ask you to forgive me. You are a very dear and beloved person to me. I sincerely repent and apologize for all the wrongdoings I have done, I promise that I will change. I will do everything to make you happy, my dear, beloved. My life only makes sense when you are by my side. I will not shout to the whole world about my crazy love, but silently give you love. Please forgive me.

    Feelings that overwhelm people during the period of falling in love are a normal physical and psychological state of a person. At such moments, we are driven by the supernatural power of love, we seem to grow wings, we succumb to the call and attraction of feelings that indicate to us what act is best to do. However, beloved, no one can convey what I feel towards you, you are my oxygen and air, I live by you, there is no place for anyone else in my thoughts and dreams. Now you are offended by me and I am very sad because of this, sadness has settled in my heart. I will prove to you that for the sake of our love I am ready to change and become a different person, I just beg you, forgive me. I didn't intentionally make the mistake of offending you. I promise to become a new person, because you are my meaning to be perfect. I love you and miss you. Come back, please.

    My dear, I beg you, do not be offended by me. You are the only man in my life with whom I want to live in love and harmony. I dream of giving birth to you kids who will bear our surname with you. It has become difficult to breathe without you, I suggest that we quarrel less, instead I suggest making love in order to quickly achieve our goal regarding the kids. I am sure that you know very well how much I love you, and you will forgive all insults, and in the future I will try not to do such stupid things. After all, we are happy together and this is the main thing. I do not want to lose you stupidly and sincerely repent for my actions. I don't need anyone but you in this life. You were given to me by God, and for what merits I do not know, but I tirelessly thank him for you. You will forgive me, won't you? We will be happy as before. I love you so much, I miss you, I miss you.

    My dear, I apologize for the thoughtless absurdity. There's been a misunderstanding. I did so quite by accident, do not be sad, my love. Your sadness is transmitted to me, I feel you, wherever you are. All I want is for you to please those around you with your good mood, and on the face without ceasing, a smile flickers. Your love is dearer to me than all the jewels in the world. Pearls and diamonds fade next to you. You are my Everything. Let's forget our disagreements and omissions, let's go towards a wonderful future holding hands. May peace reign in your heart, there will be no place for grief. I love you very much, let's make peace and there will be no disagreements between us in the future. There is no happiness in this life without you, the taste of sugar cannot be compared with the sweetness of your kisses. Forgive me, dear. I miss you madly and regret my actions. I love you alone.

    Thank you, my only, long-awaited and desired, for giving me fabulous love, carrying it in your arms and warming me with your eyes in the cold. I apologize for all my thoughtless actions, I'm sorry for making dumb scenes of jealousy, I'm just very afraid of losing you. I apologize for the ignorant horrors, for the sharp phrases that I sometimes throw at you and for other nonsense. I want to date only you alone and teach you to swim in the clouds. Take a free minute and just listen to me. We've built our love for so long, let's not let it fall apart. My feelings for you will never cool down, they only grow stronger every day. Darling, let's let go of all resentment. May they fly irrevocably, may only love live in our hearts. You are the king of my feelings and desires, and I will not let another into my life. I love, I miss.

    I'm sorry, my love, because I stumbled today, I was overcome by emotions, and I said a lot of unnecessary words to you. I didn't on purpose. Know that I value our relationship and feelings. Do not give vent to grievances that can put out the blazing fire of our love. People tend to make mistakes, so it turned out that I made a wrong step. Let's remember how we lived before this quarrel. They loved, dreamed, gave each other warmth and tenderness. Can a petty offense cool all our feelings, destroy dreams, aspirations, desires. I love you very much and do not want to lose, I agree to fulfill your every whim in order to earn forgiveness. Forgive me for everything, my one and only, let all our grievances be washed away by rain. It has become more difficult to breathe without you, come back, my love, let everything be the same as before, because we were incredibly happy with you.

    Darling, I think you've heard the folk saying, the essence of which is that lovers fight for fun. I apologize to you for not thinking before making you a scandal. I know that you love me very much and therefore forgive me once again. I am also crazy about you and sincerely regret the stupid things I have done, I promise that I will change, correct myself, cool my ardor and everything you want for the sake of our love with you. You can’t even imagine how much I want to tear out of memory the moment of this ridiculous quarrel. Throw it away, let it burn with fire. I promise that such mistakes will not be repeated on my part. Let's forget everything and live and enjoy our love. I'm sorry, love, for all the pain that I unknowingly caused you. If you suddenly leave, then the world will cease to exist for me. I ask you, dear, do not be offended, I will never repeat such mistakes, I promise.

    Beloved, do you remember how three years ago the heavens crowned us, we shone with love, I soared in the clouds, and you shone with unearthly happiness. Let's forget on our anniversary all the quarrels, insults, bad weather through which we managed to go through, thanks to mutual understanding and support. May it always be so in our lives. I'm sorry that sometimes I annoy you with my whims, like a little girl. Thank you for loving, appreciating, supporting and just always being there. You make my life a fairy tale, your presence in it. Let the love in our hearts only grow stronger over the years and not succumb to the slightest breath of the breeze. It is very difficult for me to imagine and think about how I lived in this vast world without you. I will thank fate all my life for being born under a lucky star, next to which yours sparkled. Love you honey.

    Today I can proudly announce to the whole world that I am the happiest person in the world. I have you, my love, the reward of fate. You are my irreplaceable and dear little man in the world, you are the unfading light at the end of the tunnel, you are the ray of the sun that does not fade, you are the meaning of my universe. I am extremely happy that I can admire the beauty of your bottomless eyes and drown in the tenderness of your hands at any time. Forgive me for sometimes being stupid, unrestrained, making undeserved accusations. Thank you, my love, for putting up with my temper. I love you very much and am afraid of losing you, so sometimes I show jealousy scenes, ask stupid questions. Forgive me for everything, my love. Without you, I will not be, you always said that you would not get tired of admiring the sparkle of my happy eyes. I want you to know that you are the only reason for my happiness. I love you, the only one

    Words forgive your beloved guy: In verse | Short | Postcards

    Please forgive me. I hope that all the insults caused by me will be forgotten, like a nightmare; scatter like ashes in the wind; go their way into the world of dreary sadness ...

    Forgive me for everything. For what you've done.

    Because only you can forgive me.

    I have loved you all my life.

    And know that I can not stop loving.

    Guilt is the thinnest thread that keeps me close to your resentment. This thread is extremely easy to cut. Do it with the scissors of forgiveness, please.

    Forgive me for everything. I really want a world that will envelop our hearts with a light fog of goodness. I humbly promise that I will never make you suffer again.

    If you can't forgive me for everything I've done, I'll have to turn into a rose. Only then will I be able to grow near your house, periodically admiring you. The heart cannot hold a grudge against a beautiful flower.

    Forgive me for all. Just forgive.

    After all, the whole world suddenly became hell for me.

    I pray - there is no need to be sad at all,

    Let go of resentment in the sky.

    I'm sorry for everything I've done. I am so ashamed that shame, along with guilt, corrode me from the inside, carefully creeping up to my heart. Don't let them do this - free me from them. Sorry…

    Do not destroy my universe.

    Forgiveness is part of fighting courage.

    I love you, but I blame myself.

    I'm sorry this happened to you and me.

    I send you a silent prayer again -

    I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything.

    Forgiveness is part of the life of the journey.

    Do not destroy my universe.

    Like a whisper in the middle of the night, my guilt floats softly through the air, creating an echo of shame. Please forgive me.

    My plea for forgiveness, like a light breeze, will gently touch you and fly away into

    All grievances that were created from the matter of my guilt must leave your body and return again to your world of sorrow. Together we will help them make such a significant journey. I ask for forgiveness, and you forgive ...

    Please forgive me for everything. Nothing is worthy of your tears and grief. You are the Universe, whose own world is so large that it does not fit in one head, but comes out in the form of goodness and love sent to people.

    Forgive me my love.

    I was wrong, alas.

    Blame my nightmare

    Comes into my dreams.

    Give me freedom of thought

    Feel free to forgive me.

    Forgive me, please forgive me.

    I'm not worthy of forgiveness, but still.

    Just let me bloom

    And cover the bed with petals.

    I'm sorry, my love. Life is sometimes so unfair that you have to share it with guilt. Please kick this unbearable neighbor out of my house...

    Like Omar Khayyam, we are wise men of our own thoughts. We teach others to live the way we would like to live ourselves, even if we ourselves did not succeed. I apologize for everything. I hope your inner philosopher decides if I deserve forgiveness...

    Please forgive me, I'm sorry for everything

    Like a lantern light

    Guilt blinds me.

    Want to run away.

    Forgive me for everything.

    The wind brings sadness again.

    I won't sleep without forgiveness.

    I'm sorry, I'm begging you. Everything that has come between us in the form of my actions must be forgotten, like a terrible dream.

    The forgiveness of my stupid deeds is so far from me that even the tips of my soul cannot reach. Please bring him closer!

    By forgiving my stupidity, you will give me another chance. I will become better and, like the sun, I will illuminate the world of our friendship, making it unbearably beautiful.

    You need to start making the world brighter and better from small things. For example, from one person. In order to give a person happiness, sweet as cotton candy, you need to forgive him, relieving him of guilt. It's a hint…

    Do not spoil our relationship with resentment. Let it dissolve like spring water in the scorching sun... Forgive me, please.

    Let's listen to Leopold the cat and start living together? Do not waste precious time on quarrels and resentments. After all, every day, like a snowflake, is individual and unique. Forgive me please.

    Our quarrels are like football - we pass the ball of resentment to each other, but we can’t get into the gates of forgiveness. Score that goal!

    Please forgive me.

    I am very guilty.

    Time, I know

    I can't get back.

    I'm helpless without you.

    Need your love.

    Please forgive me.

    I will be faithful again.

    Remember, we admired the flame of a candle and said that this was the reborn light of that first

    Guilt, like the sting of a wasp left behind - it reminds of old pain. Please forgive me for everything. Get that annoying sting out.

    I burn in my guilt

    And in the fire of your resentment.

    Forgive me for everything

    Make it so that there are quits.

    I feel good with you.

    I don't want to part.

    Just give me forgiveness.

    Let me confess my love.

    I'm sorry, I beg you.

    I miss you.

    I have become far from paradise.

    I'm sorry, my dear.

    Forgive me for everything I've done. I hope that you will be merciful and allow me to enjoy further our mutual love. Love that has become for me, like a light breeze in the middle of summer - so desirable.