How to ward off an annoying fan in an honest way and what tactics to use if she doesn’t understand for good. We refuse correctly, or how to send a girl away

“We choose, we are chosen, as it often does not coincide ...” - sung in old song. Sometimes there comes a moment when a guy realizes that the girl next to him is not at all what he needs. And it seemed that everything started perfectly, and he liked her so much that he didn’t want to look at anyone else, and he was in a hurry to meet, and gave flowers. But it's gone. Now the guy is annoyed by her words, she is reluctant to answer her calls, and just watching football is now more pleasant than walking with her in the park. At such moments, the guy realizes that it is time for him to say goodbye to this girl.

Worst Breakup Scenarios

What categorically should not be done in this case is to say goodbye by SMS, phone, e-mail, mail or acquaintances. Only immature youths, cowards and boors do this. If you want to look like a real man, then you will have to tell the girl about the breakup in person.

Some guys use lies to break up. Some say that they have another, whom they have loved for a long time - and this, of course, ends in tears, tantrums and mutual insults. Others report a mythical trip to another country. But then you will need to disappear from the city in which you live. Still others, comedians, proclaim themselves to be representatives of non-traditional orientation, who, allegedly, with the help of a girl, tried to hide their homosexual inclinations from their parents and society. But all these deceitful methods lead only to an ugly conflict and parting with a great negative attitude towards each other.

Lying is never a good breakup.

How to break up with a girl so as not to lose face and not offend her? After all, no matter what, she wonderful person and did not deserve to be dumped in a boorish way. One thing is for sure - no need to invent anything, be honest and truthful! You will have to say this directly and sincerely - but it must be done gently and skillfully.

Choosing the Right Approach

In many films, books and magazines, men use two radical way- gradual withdrawal and gradual increase in attention. Let's analyze the effect of these methods.

  • When increasing attention you need to pester the girl with constant calls, attention and the omnipresent presence in her life. Do not let her meet her friends, do not let her go alone (even to the store), interfere with her doing her own business. Demand a report on every minute spent without you and ask in detail about every man with whom she communicates (teacher, boss at work, colleague, brother, friend, husband of a friend, etc.). In most cases, the girl begins to avoid such an obsessive and jealous boyfriend, and in the end she herself wishes to leave. But there is an option that she will like it, so this method does not always work.
  • When moving away need to call and see each other less often. Conversations should be boring - only about work, in the "question-answer" mode. With this method, you need to make your meetings rare and short, do not create romantic situations, avoid touching, kissing and, of course, sex. A kiss can be quick and cold, a light touch of the lips - no more. The girl herself will notice your distance.

Alas, if you choose the second method, a simple distance will not be enough. Sooner or later, you'll have to get to the main part: making an appointment at a coffee shop "for a serious talk about us." Come with a modest bouquet a little earlier than the appointed time, order coffee and immediately pay the waitress so that she no longer comes to your table.

When the girl arrives, give her flowers and say clearly, confidently: “Katya, I really appreciate the honesty and openness of our relationship. Therefore, I tell the truth - our relationship is dying. You yourself see it. We got everything we could from the relationship, they are squeezed like a lemon. They don't have a future. If we pull them, then apart from the lost nerves and time, this will bring nothing to you or me. You are a wonderful person, but I am not your hero, and you are not the woman of my dreams. It's time for us to choose new paths, where perhaps we will meet our True love. And now, before leaving, I want to tell you "Thank you!" for all the good things that happened between us. I will always remember this. Good luck!".

After that, you need to abruptly get up and, without looking back, leave. Most likely, she will call and demand the continuation of the conversation, saying that not everything is lost and everything can be returned. Do not be rude, do not hang up, on the contrary - always answer her call, but speak very briefly and be softly persistent: “There will be no return to the past. I wish you all the best, Katya."

It needs to be experienced as an operation. Then it will become easier for you, and in a couple of years you will be able to communicate in a friendly way when you meet. Moreover, the girl will have the best memories of you - after all, you behaved like an honest person and a real man!

Greetings, dear readers! Things in life don't always turn out the way we would like. We fall in love with the wrong people and the wrong people fall in love with us. Almost every person had to refuse a person at least once in his life, to be the initiator of a breakup. Today I want to talk to you about how to send a girl off. After all, not every guy can do it right and beautifully.

What are you ready to go for?

In this article, I will talk about those cases when a girl is too annoying, does not understand direct refusals, pesters her with her attention, and no other methods work with her anymore. In addition, we will talk about how to culturally and delicately refuse a young lady in a crowded place, when you just came to have fun with friends in a club, and an annoying person is not far behind you.


The first step is to try to say everything honestly and frankly. Directly, without evasions, hints. Honesty and openness helps you dot the i's without offending the young lady.

Therefore, you can try to say directly why you don’t want to be with her, that you don’t need a relationship, that you are not ready now, that you are not suitable for each other, that you have other plans for life, and so on.

This approach shows respect for the girl. That you are not a complete brute, but you also think about her feelings, act honestly and politely with her. But what to do when she does not understand your words, still tries to impose herself on you and in every possible way gets it?

Change tactics

If the young lady is unaware that you do not want to communicate with her and she continues to attack you, then you can resort to a dangerous and dishonest, but quite effective method. change in her eyes. There are two options: become a mumbler or become a monster.

The first option is mumbling. A woman wants to see a strong, experienced, courageous person nearby, and so on. What girl wants to be around a slob and? That's right, none.

Therefore, here you need to start constantly complaining about life with her, saying how everyone is unfair to you, that you are the most unfortunate, poor and offended. You need to show with all your appearance that you are weak and defenseless. Do not respond to barbs addressed to you, hang out, guiltily lower your eyes to the floor.

In addition, you can ask friends to play along with you. For example, you are with a girl in a cafe. Your friend, whom the girl has never seen, comes up to you and begins to mock you a little. And you sit and do nothing. Let her see in you that very rag and mumble, with whom she definitely does not want to meet again.

The second option is a monster. Here we see a completely different picture. You'll have to get a little rougher. Start swearing loudly in front of her, champing and grunting while eating, laughing vulgarly, and so on. Just don't go too far and don't cross. You just need to show that you are not the way she imagines you to be.

Remember that the girl communicates with other people. She will surely share her impressions about you. Therefore, if you have mutual friends, or you work in the same team, or study together, then this option may not be suitable for you.

importunity. Girls have a bad attitude towards men who themselves impose their communication. Therefore, you can start getting it by phone or by correspondence, constantly talking about yourself and your affairs, and you need to do this in a monotonous, boring, monotonous way and for a very long time. And if she interrupts or does not listen, then you should definitely be offended by her.

Ignore. The other side of importunity is to simply stop talking to her. Don't answer the phone, don't text back, try to avoid meeting her. You can put it on the black list so as not to strain every time the phone rings.

I have an example of a guy who moved to another city just to avoid seeing one overly annoying crush in love, since no other methods helped.

Kill all her initiative. Most girls are used to the fact that this guy must be persistent, seek her and follow her in every possible way. And don't do it at all. And turn all her attempts to the other side. What does it mean?

For example, she invited you to a restaurant. And you offer your place and just tell her the address. Let her be surprised when she comes and sees a sports bar, you and friends, beer and garlic snacks.

First meeting

How to gently show a girl that you do not want to communicate with her in a club, restaurant or cafe? As I said above, the first option is to say directly that you are not interested in dating.

If you are not so straightforward, then you can use the “boring interlocutor” tactic. The woman who decides to approach you first expects you to take the next step yourself. Therefore, sparingly and dejectedly answer her questions, the answers should be monosyllabic, do not keep up the conversation and do not ask questions yourself. She will quickly get tired of such a conversation and she will leave.

Another option is to say that your heart is no longer free. Tell her that she is cute and attractive, but you have already found your one and only, so you cannot continue your communication.

Never forget about respect for the person. Don't be rude, don't be rude, don't insult and don't get personal. Even in this situation, you must remain a gentleman.

In any case, first try to talk normally and honestly with her. If that doesn't work, then you can move on to other methods.

How have you already tried to explain to a girl that you can't be together? Why didn't it work? Do young ladies often pester you with their attention?

Be polite and delicate.
Good luck!

Perhaps every man experienced a moment when he asked himself: “How to send a girl away?” At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether people had close relationships or the girl only intended to take decisive steps. The only important thing is how to do it in order to avoid it. Let's analyze various ways say no.

When does it become necessary to send a girl off?

In fact, if you detail them, as many as you like, but if you approach the classification as generally as possible, you will get two options:

  • there were relations, but they have exhausted themselves;
  • the girl really wants, and the guy does not burn with desire.

The reporting point in the "Gap" project is defining. It is followed by all the specifics of the relationship. This affects the choice of one or another method of influencing the girl. Knowing her character, inclinations, tastes, preferences, it is easier to choose the method that suits her. Sounds like an advertisement, but what can you do if it is. Are you still preoccupied with the question of how to send a girl off? Then we move on to methods.

Soft Ways to End a Relationship

First the list, then the explanations:

  • stop calling altogether
  • when she calls, the guy says: "I'm busy, call me later";
  • neutral communication without any ambiguity: sexual jokes or hints;
  • introduce a friend.

Now we will reveal the essence of each method.

The first method is practiced by the heroine of the book Amelie Nothomb "Tokyo Bride". We will not illustrate it using the novel as an example, so as not to spoil the pleasure of reading for future readers. By the way, this book will also benefit the guys, they will be able to learn something interesting about the psychology of emancipated women. So method. Its essence is that a person simply stops calling himself, while he may well answer calls from that side. Sooner or later you'll get bored.

The second method is a bit rougher than the first, but they are the same if you compare the message. Messages to the other side: "I don't need you."

Neutral communication is also universal: it is suitable for cases when it is necessary to prevent unwanted relationships, and for cases when it is necessary to get rid of stories that have already exhausted themselves. Usually the method includes the phrase: "Let's be friends" or "Let's be friends." Girls are familiar with such things, they successfully practice them.

You can argue about the softness of the "introduce a friend" method, but sometimes it works. For example, a girl is passionate about a guy, but he cannot reciprocate her, but he has a lonely friend. Why not introduce these two, if a man already asks himself: “How to send a girl away?” In this case, all means are good.

Methods of "moderate severity"

In human life there are such forces with which it is difficult to argue, in fact impossible. Appeal to them offends, but not much, just because they are fatal. So, the following phrases will help a man out:

  • "I do not love you";
  • "I do not like you";
  • "I love another."

Nothing can be done about desires, so the cards fell. You can, of course, be offended by such a verdict in relation to your person, but this is unproductive. These phrases have positive side- certainty. With sympathy (and even more so with love), nothing can be done, you can’t force love by force. In general, some try and tried, but such behavior does not promise a good outcome. So there are answers to the question of how to send a girl off, these phrases are well known to everyone, use it.


If none of the above has helped, then “heavy artillery” is used. It is called so because these expressions can give rise to a lot of complexes in a girl. Consider the phrases:

  • "You don't suit me!"
  • "I do not want you!"
  • "It's impossible to love you!"

Why speak so rudely? Because here the guy goes strictly to the personality of the girl and "showers her with compliments." Let's compare two phrases: "I don't like you" and "I don't want you". Sympathy is an accidental formation and depends on situational and taste factors. When a person is told: “We don’t like you!”, He thinks: “Well, it happens, all people are different.” When a man says that he does not want a woman, it means that she has some fundamental flaw that does not allow her to be desired. I don’t want to analyze the rest of the phrases, how ugly and vile they are. True, if you look, the presented phrases are not much different in their essence, but an appeal to the physical inability to love someone is rudeness. Even when they say: “I don’t love you,” it doesn’t hurt so much. We must remember: the word is a great power. It must be handled with care and spare the feelings of others whenever possible.

Types of girls and the right way to escape

To answer the question of how to send a girl off correctly, you need to understand who exactly the man is dealing with. There are three kinds of women:

  • smart;
  • not very smart;
  • stupid.

Smart people prefer to be told right away what the odds are. After all, as Hank Moody said: “A woman in the first five minutes after meeting knows what she wants from a man.” Believe me, with a man the same story. In this case, you can apply the methods of "moderate severity", they, on the contrary, will be the most correct and easiest, no one will suffer more than usual.

And if you met couples who were first friends, then became lovers, then the point is not at all that their feelings matured for a long time, but that, as La Rochefoucauld said: “One loves, and the other allows himself to be loved.” This kind of relationship is similar to a game of poker, their main principle is who will change his mind and overpower whom. Or maybe everything is simpler: these people just searched and searched and did not find anyone, but a friend was always there. As a rule, this is a very strong relationship.

It's harder with the dumb. Methods from soft to medium are applicable to them. Although the degree of stupidity is different, so you can not renounce the "heavy artillery". But let's hope for the best.

But there are girls who are either very thirsty for love, and this desire covers their eyes, or they are sorely lacking the intellectual ability to understand that a man is not the hero of their novel. With them, any means are good, otherwise you can pay for your pity all your life. History knows cases.

"Love is a golden staircase without a railing"

Of course, I want to be a kind and gentle person, and it is also desirable that everything be clear the first time. But life is not a fairy tale, it hurts. Love, like life, is multifaceted. Everyone can interpret the well-known phrase in the title in their own way, but one wisdom that is contained in it is important: feelings are not something that is guaranteed, and you can fall down this ladder at any moment. Therefore, it makes no sense to ask yourself: "How to leave a girl who loves you?" Parting is part of the lesson that life teaches us. Imagine a person who doesn't know how to let go. In separation, in addition to pain, there is a valuable experience.

I was genuinely surprised when I found out that a lot of guys think this is a real problem. It would seem that it is difficult to send a girl away ?!

It turned out that often guys simply do not have enough understanding of the mechanism of the appearance and disappearance of female attraction. After all, when you understand how a girl falls in love and loses interest, you have not only a choice, but also the ability to decide who can like you and who can't.

Perhaps it's time to share with you a few thoughts and ways on how you can send a girl off eco-friendly and as painlessly as possible.

Think of yourself!

Or rather, about their goals.

In this article, you will learn those ways that can show you not from the best side. And often these methods are really effective - using them, you lose your male attractiveness, and the girl “lags behind” you.

However, remember that you need to think twice before using such methods. After all, if in one team (one is the one you want to send away, the second is the one you want to make your own), then having lost attractiveness in the eyes of one, you will automatically lose it in the eyes of the other. Because your behavior will be extremely unattractive.

The "look into the future" method

When she begins to subtly take the initiative again, you can use this method. Its essence lies in the fact that you draw scary pictures of your joint future in her head.

For example, like this:

« You see, the biggest mistake people can make is to start dating people who are completely unsuitable for them. And even if one of them believes that the relationship has a future, then there is still no future. There will be only continuous disappointment, quarrels, lack of harmony and constant thoughts that we could be happy with other people.».

If she is smart, then she will understand everything.

If she is too proud and afraid of public opinion, she will say something in the style: “ What makes you think that I want something from you?". This is in your favor, because after such words, she will never take the initiative again.

This method will not harm your reputation in any way.

Play the role of "nice guy"

Girls don't like cute guys - it's a proven fact. And if your behavior has already attracted her attention, then becoming a "nice guy" you can instantly correct the situation.

How do you have to behave to demonstrate a new image?

  • Be too polite and gentle.
  • In front of her eyes, give in to other guys in disputes and in competition for the delights of this life.
  • Take offense at some stupidity in her behavior and walk around with an offended face all day, deliberately ignoring her.
  • Let them make fun of you and smile stupidly if you are humiliated as a joke.
  • Think out loud (you can do it right in the team) about how you need to love women and forgive their whims, absenteeism on a date, give gifts, and so on.
  • Act out a dialogue with a mutual friend (so that she can hear him), as if one girl did not pick up the phone, and then you “hysterically” complained to her, like an offended boy: “Well, why don’t you pick up the phone?”. In this dialogue, complain about women in style: " You take them to restaurants, you give gifts, but it’s hard for her to even pick up the phone».

The process can be greatly accelerated if you ask your friend to play one scene with you. At this moment, your friend should actively dominate you, make fun and "lead" this conversation in the direction he needs. And you should be silent, smile at his jokes, look down, be shy, and so on.

If you want to learn how to send a girl off in the case of a "late" stage of a relationship (when you have already started chatting and dating), then here's a trick for you: give her complete freedom.

Any woman has a desire to cheat on a guy if he is too cute and lets her hang out somewhere with her friends. When she meets a confident guy, then you will become completely uninteresting to her.

As you already understood you have to be very careful with this method.- if another girl becomes a witness of such behavior, then you will never be able to seduce her.

The next method, by the way, is also very dangerous if you have views of other women in your team.

The role of the "cowardly dork"

To appear before her as a "cowardly dork":

  • Constantly complain about life, feel negative about it and break down on it over all sorts of trifles.
  • Argue with women and with everyone around you. Go in your disputes to the end. And at the same time spit saliva to prove your case.
  • Get mad at her behavior, constantly make claims in a harsh manner, throw tantrums literally over trifles (if not with her, then with others).

Attention: do not use this method if you do not want to spoil relations with others. It's best to act like this when you're alone with her. At a minimum: you need to warn your friends that you will play a “not your” role in order to send the girl off.

Direct rejection

Very effective method. I would even say perfect, because you will never ruin relationships with others (as in the previous method) and keep the interest of other women.

True, for most guys it does not work. Or even at all - it only strengthens the girl’s desire to win your interest (after all, you hurt her pride, and she had an even stronger desire to fall in love with you).

However, if you do everything right, then she will never approach you again.

Main the mistake of the guys when using this method is “softness” at one of the stages.

Let's say you told her that you don't want to date her. As a rule, once is not enough, and the girl continues her attempts (not so obviously, but continues).

Most guys start repeating to her: “Well, why are you starting again? I told you…” and so on. Or simply allow her to take further steps. For example, when she approaches under the pretense of learning something, the guy may keep the conversation going out of politeness. This softness serves as a signal to her that this guy can be “squeezed”, forcing him to date her.

At this stage, it is important to immediately let her know that you are talking about something only once.. And start completely ignoring her further attempts. Do not get into arguments and ignore her statements like “I just asked you”, “I really need your help”, etc.

In general, all your doubts and fear of openly rejecting a girl are connected only with the fact that you are. Therefore, you are afraid to defend your desires and refuse women.

The problem, as such, does not exist here. You just need to be more courageous and not be afraid to openly say what you see fit. Otherwise, you will always end up in situations where people are chasing you. their goals and constantly drag you into it (feeling your inability to openly refuse). All power is in the truth.

turn on the fool

white lies

intimate talk

last resort ignore

harbor illusions

i am problematic

let's be friends

through the bed

Bonus: 5 tips on how to refuse a girl in any situation

don't take hints


say and not do

suggest an alternative

find an argument against

Dating site selection

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Serious relationship Flirt Communication

Pick up a site

Corresponded, met, the real diverged from the desired. Luxurious blonde turned out to be a gray mouse with zero breast size. True, only you "disappeared". She fell head over heels in love. Oh yes. There was still sex, and she, tugging at the sleeve of her blouse and downcast eyes, froze in anticipation of the offer. Let's talk about how to send a girl off beautifully in this and not only awkward situation.

How to send a girl off eco-friendly: every man has the right to refuse

He refused the girl in love or sex - at the very least, insulted her vanity. Historically, the right to agree or reject is with a woman. And when she, a woman, becomes an active party, she has to step over not only traditions. Reputation and honor are at stake.

The refusal she received, an unbridled predator, turns her into a naive girl, whose virginity has just been violated. In light of which, the task of refusing a girl and not offending is almost impossible. But if you have definitely decided for yourself that you don’t like it, you don’t need it and you don’t want it, then you shouldn’t and don’t have to (and henceforth be more selective, flirting on which you can find at the link).

Decided to refuse. How to politely send a girl off, I'll tell you. Remember the international ethical principle - "treat people the way you want to be treated" ("do not do to others what you do not want yourself"). No need to tell the girl that it's not worth it for fat women. Estimate, if they charge you in the forehead - "you have a small one." Psychotrauma. In general, chopping the truth off the shoulder is not the best idea. Turn on the bastard in the hope that the young lady will self-destruct - too. Yep, no matter how. More will start. " Good man love is not interesting, ”Dovlatov also wrote.

Turn on the fool

If anyone is included, then a fool. To all her body movements blue eye talk nonsense. She invites her to her place - tell her, you need to help your mother put things in order in the closet, after all, an elderly woman, but once she could stop a galloping horse, not like now, completely helpless. Invites you for a walk - say that walking is cool, that you like walking with friends in the park and you regret that you spend little time with them. We should meet more often, and it is better not to part. At some fifth sentence, the girl will come off. Unpretentious. Maybe he will twist his finger at his temple.

Lies to the rescue

Or as in Transmetropolitan - "Married, not hungry, infected with seven unknown diseases, lesbian, pregnant with lizards and clinically dead." Say a mortgage or even two. Alimony for three children. In love with another. Or in another. Therefore, you drink soundly. And if it is, then only for fat women (Asians, older women). It is better to be branded as an eccentric than to offend or give vain hope. Invert is one of better ways send the girl off without offending.

Intimate talk

Enough eggs - you can clearly and to the point. “I don’t like, I don’t want, I won’t. Thank you, orrevoir! Possible side effects(often) - drool, tears and snot. Potential complications (rare) are blackmail and threats. So the girls say - “Chop from the shoulder. Don't torture us." Her end of the world will end in three days. And, remember, yes, a heart-to-heart conversation is not a conversation about her small breasts.

last resort ignore

If he doesn’t understand hints, he’s not afraid of a mortgage, in response to your “I don’t love, I don’t want”, he puts forward a reinforced concrete “tolerate, fall in love” - ready to attack and besiege against all odds - turn on ignore. Disappear and dissolve. Don't answer or pick up. Excitement will pass, and the active domino will switch to the next one. Ignoring in principle is a humane and effective initiative. By turning on ignore, you give the girl the opportunity to cool down, think, think out and formulate everything conveniently for herself.

How not to refuse a girl: forbidden and ineffective tricks

Now let's talk about how to refuse a girl to meet and remain in history as an asshole, a scoundrel or a man without eggs. There are many such ways. Take, for example, such a technique - send a girl off by correspondence. Firstly, he will read between the lines and understand something other than what you wrote, my friend Onegin. Secondly, there will be an aftertaste - "well, a woman." And material evidence of this is a snotty letter. It's convenient, of course, but are you a man, in general?

Feed the illusion

Stop flirting. Leave all these long glances, ambiguous conversations and casual touches for your beloved, and not for a girl who is unrequitedly in love. Direct maximum efforts to create a stable sense of confidence - there can be no relationship. The frailest sprout of hope she diligently nurtures. To send a girl off, phrases with the right words can be picked up with the merest IQ.

I am problematic

Sometimes guys try to send a girl off by scaring her. “I’m not worthy of you - a bastard and cattle”, “You can’t even imagine what a terrible person I am”, “I have a lot of problems now - a mortgage, alimony.” Believe me, there are no such shortcomings that a woman in love could not accept. There are no difficulties that a woman in love would not be ready to endure. Evaluate girls in love adequately - ready for anything. Through fire and water.

Let's be friends

"Let's be friends" is also not an option. Do not even doubt - it will become best friend. Surround you with care and tenderness. Will lend a helping hand in a difficult and not only minute. Will regularly offer friendly sex, friendly shopping and an equally friendly weekend with parents. In general, your offer to be friends will be accepted and used against you.

Through the bed

It's nice, of course, when sex is at hand. And it is a pity to miss such an opportunity. But we have to. Resist this insidious thought - once you can. It is forbidden. You can't sleep with the people you're going to kick. This is sex with no strings attached. It will be filled with obligations for ten years to come. Even in our emancipated time, sex for a woman is more than for health. And exceptions are rare.

You can not only in matters of relationships and sex. You have every right to refuse a girl to buy a fur coat or not to bring the fifth mug of coffee. But it is worth understanding the following. To ask to make coffee, fix the car and buy tampons, a woman is forced by dense instincts. You are an active male who has to carry food and demonstrate abilities in every other way. She is a waiting and receiving female, testing you for strength.

That is why she turns to you with requests of different sanity ("Layers run out - do something!"). And just try to say no. At best, you will have to listen to the story that you do not love her. The option of leaving for another, more enterprising male is not ruled out. And why say “no” when you can send a girl off competently in any situation.

Don't take hints

Often young ladies state requests in the form of thick hints. “Oh, what a lovely Birkin bag!” Agree that the handbag is really lovely (a luxurious coat, and the Maldives is a great resort). Nobody asks to buy, right? Why not agree.

Press for pity

Never forget that girls are compassionate and compassionate creatures. Just say that you are ready to fulfill her request, but you really, really do not want to do this. “Honey, of course we will go to your mother. Well, her, this bath. Although, of course, I wanted so much ... I even dreamed today how I was worried, relaxing, getting rid of the load that had accumulated over the week ... No, what are you, these are not tears.

To say and not to do

Sometimes you can turn on the "sclerosis" option - promise and not do it. “Of course, I’ll fix it,” “Of course, I’ll buy it.” After all, we are all sometimes forgetful and distracted. The main thing is not to abuse it.

Suggest an alternative

A sentence that begins with “Maybe it’s better…” (“How do you look at…”) can replace the word “no” in almost any situation. “Ran out of apples. Go buy it." “Darling, maybe I can make you coffee and download a new episode of your favorite series”? Think about the content of the counter proposal - so that the alternative does not turn out to be that hemorrhoids. Suddenly he agrees.

Find an argument against

Of course, you would buy her a mink coat, but natural fur is bad for her. immune system and causes dermatitis. And, just imagine, in the production they use formaldehyde and formalin - carcinogens! No, you do not intend to ruin her health with your own hands. In any situation, you can find a weighty argument against.

To send off a girl who rolls up and leave behind a pleasant impression is from the category of fantasy. But at least you try. Cleaner karma - easier to live.