Love in all its manifestations: a photo project from National Geographic. Life is beautiful in all its manifestations Life in all its manifestations

Life is a chance for happiness. And happiness is the body's adjustment to the perception of reality

"Know yourself!" I knew. And this does not make it any easier for me to know the other. On the contrary, as soon as I start

To judge a person by himself, it turns out misunderstanding after misunderstanding.

There are no hopeless situations. There is a way out that a person does not like.

God, what a crazy time! Even those who never had a mind began to go crazy!

Only a nugget of the soul can become a diamond. Don't look for it elsewhere. He's not there.

To be wise means to see, not to know.

Do not drown in the puddles of your eyes.

In love - like on a motorcycle: the third is either superfluous, or in a sidecar.

In loving people who love you, but in rejecting people who do not accept you, lies selfishness.

In the lower grades the boys beat beautiful girls briefcases on the head, and then wonder why everyone beautiful girls- fools.

There are no flaws in a person, there is only an inefficient use of his potential.

Everything comes to an end, even things that never started.

Even if you are almost an ANGEL, there will always be someone who does not like the rustle of your wings ...

Even the most dull room will be enlivened by the most ordinary children, beautifully placed in the corners ...

Even the most beautiful legs grow from the ass.

Money is a drug. Because they give a person the most stable illusion of well-being.

Depression is living with someone else's goals.

Home is not a place where you live, but a place where you are understood.

If you did everything right, this does not mean that everything will be fine with you.

The desire for glory is the fear of death.

Victim and tyrant are two sides of the same person.

The life of a woman consists of two periods - the expectation of marriage and regret about the past youth.

Life passes exactly at the speed with which a person runs through it.

Tomorrow never comes. Wake up - and again today ...

Going to the pleasant and moving away from the unpleasant are two different directions.

Just as one cannot quench one's thirst from a dried up spring, so it is impossible to demand love from a devastated person.

How often do we draw the right conclusions instead of drawing the right ones

Only he is able to feel another who stops thoughts about himself.

Better a spark in the soul than a star in the sky.

It is better to oversleep the sunset than the dawn.

There are no impossible tasks. Sometimes there is not enough action to make a task possible.

Do not believe the one who is kind and fair to everyone, he does not have time and strength at all for close ones.

Do not miss the opportunity to help a person when he asks. Tomorrow will be too late, and he does not need any other help.

The impossible is determined only by consciousness.

There is nothing easier than making life difficult for yourself.

Resentment is a hidden accusation of another in one's troubles. A quarrel is an open accusation of another for one's shortcomings.

They want me to comply. But they don't know how to lead me.

Optimism is the predominance of faith over experience.

Digging a garden is easy when you know you can plow a field.

They quarreled - they scolded themselves (from the rules of the Russian language).

You can only go where you are going.

Rock, like a predetermined fate, is a product of laziness.

The strength of a man lies in the strength of his desires.

Conscious desire is peculiar only to Man.

Among the things I'm really interested in, your opinion of me falls somewhere between the problems of the Long-eared Owl migration and the specifics of taxation in the Congo.

Fear is the surrender of one's own forces to external ones.

The pursuit of perfection kills beauty.

The pursuit of correctness is self-hatred.

Happiness is when they understand you, but they can’t do anything ...

Someone who deliberately makes himself feel sorry just wants to be the center of attention. Isn't that vanity?

To humiliate - to become lower than you really are.

Success is a diamond that has been cut for more than one day.

Want or not want? That is the question.

The end justifies any means, but not all means lead to the end.

The more fools you meet along the way, the more obvious that you are walking the beaten path.

What is an exchange of views? This is when you go to the boss with yours, and you leave with his.

The feeling of loneliness is a requirement of love. From others.

I'm already completely happy
That I drink the drink of existence.
What do I want from life? Nothing.
And she has more than enough of that.

People, modern and non-modern, are always thinking. Different thoughts overcome their heads. There are plenty of problems right now that we should all be thinking about. As one of my acquaintances says, "spread your brains." But I am sure that each of us first of all thinks about something pleasant. Our subconscious is trying to push away the negative, as if to delay black thoughts. Because it is pleasant thoughts that give our life meaning, new bright dreams, global goals, and a wonderful mood. And probably most often most people think before going to bed, well, for example, I usually do that. It is in the evening that I, as it were, mentally sum up the day and my brain sorts out thousands of thoughts, pleasant and not very, comparing facts, analyzing the past hours of life.

Sometimes you are already lying in a warm, comfortable bed, and in your head there are whirlwinds of thoughts, feelings and various events, memories. About a family, about children, about a loved one.
You lie and dream about how wonderful it would be to ride in a car with him, with your soul mate, along an empty road during sunset, hugging him tightly.

And I, mentally addressing him, whisper in the night: Beloved, I now have such an insane desire to break loose with you, quit everything and leave, far, far away. It is advisable to go by car to see how landscapes change... I want to listen to beautiful music in headphones, smile at you, seeing how smartly you drive a car, and in my heart I am proud of you and admire you. Periodically stop in cozy cafes along the way, drink hot coffee with you and bump into your strong and beloved shoulder. I want to drive all night long, because the road is especially beautiful at night. To drive when there are few cars, when it is already cold and cold, invigorating air creeps into the car. To touch your hands unexpectedly, as if by chance, and notice how a smile flashed on your lips. Because I understand that you like it, just like I do. And so go all night, and then stop in the morning and meet the dawn. Meet him, with you in an embrace, in the back seat of the car. To be happy from the mere thought that you are here, next to me, my beloved husband, my joy, and this happiness will last forever.

I want to go away with you dear.

Sad so then from these thoughts becomes.

Periodically, thoughts about those animals, representatives of our fauna, which filled my house and take up a lot of time from me, require proper attention and care. I also have to worry about them, because I am responsible for them before the Lord.
A whole pride of cats, different colors and characters, five dogs, each with its own history. I can talk about them for hours, because they have almost merged with my life and go side by side side by side in this world.
They experience with me all the vicissitudes of life, hunger, cold, illness, joy, tears. They bring to life when longing wildly squeezes the heart from loneliness. Always near. Always warm the soul.

Thoughts visit different, about anything.
And after everything thought out, experienced, tested and tested, I finally fall asleep.
It is pleasant to fall asleep with a pleasant thought. You yourself will not notice how everything will be fine with you, because pleasant thoughts are a pleasant life.
At some point, there comes a period in your life, a time when you calmly move away from the drama, from people who cause you inconvenience by creating unacceptable situations for you for harmonious and prudent communication.
Having rejected the unnecessary, removing the drama in relationships, you begin to surround yourself with people with whom your heart rejoices, with whom it is easy for you. With people who understand why they live, why for them the word of God is the Truth.
You automatically forget the bad and focus only on the good. Love the people who treat you right for the Lord and pray for them, for all those around you.
After all, life is so short, and one must live it only happily, following the precepts of our Lord, walking only along the true and right path.
Falls are part of our life, to rise again and again its worthy living. To be alive means to worship our Creator, this is our gift from God, and to be happy is only your choice.
Children, our children are also a gift, a test, difficulties, all in one form.
After all, children are the most beautiful miracle on earth. If you look at them, at their clear and pure look, not clouded by vices and vague deeds, then you see with what kindness they stretch out their hands to everyone and think about each of us that this or that one is good and such kind people. no matter if you have a beautiful face or a bad one, they are ready to kiss and hug everyone with joy, it doesn’t matter to them what your social status is. They love everyone: old and young, rich and poor...
That's why we need to learn from these little people to be happy.
Because the best and correct way out of the situation is to forget all the bad things, keep only good moments in your memory, be grateful to the Almighty, saying always THANK YOU mentally for everything that happens in our world.
And proudly move on. With the understanding that you are on the right path, on the path indicated to your slave by the Creator himself, the Lord of both worlds. Because everything that happens to us is good for us.
Love life in all its manifestations.

Remember the fairy tale about two frogs that got into sour cream. One of them preferred to fold her paws and sink to the bottom, and the second stubbornly tried to get out and, working with her paws, whipped sour cream into butter.

If you ask yourself which of the frogs would you prefer to be in this situation, then most will answer that the second, but in real life prefer to "fold their paws."

To the legitimate question "why?" there is a simple answer: "because it's easier." It is easier not to strain, to continue to serve day after day without trying to benefit for myself from each particular day. And even if you are talented, smart and you have long wanted to change everything, the majority would prefer to leave everything as it is, because it's easier. At the same time, the feeling of dislike for yourself and your own life will increase. Moreover, the degree of dissatisfaction with oneself among those who consider themselves smarter and more talented than the majority is always higher.

Guess why?

A gift (extraordinary abilities) without realization turns into a poison that poisons your consciousness. It works very simply. By being aware of your above-average abilities, you are claiming above-average results in life. Each of us knows what he is capable of, but not everyone does, realizes his potential. Time is running, nothing changes in life, dislike for oneself and dissatisfaction with life grows.

There is another common justification for one's own inaction - the victim. We sacrifice ourselves to an unloved job or family for reasons only we understand. By sacrificing ourselves, we reduce our own value, including in our own eyes. So, we cultivate dislike for ourselves and our own lives.

How to reverse the situation?

There is only one way - to begin to consciously manage it. As long as you do not manage your own resources (time, abilities), you will be controlled by circumstances and other people.

To begin with, it is worth understanding in which area of ​​\u200b\u200byour life (physical condition, self-realization, relationships, finances) the biggest problems lie. Frankly ask yourself where there are discrepancies between your expectations and reality. It is better to survive this serious conversation with yourself than to avoid it. At the same time, you will receive an answer to the question, what does not suit you, what do you dislike in your life?

The next step is to work with your "picture of the world" through a change in behavior.

Example. It does not suit to be fat and shapeless - we change the nutrition system and lifestyle from sitting-lying to mobile. Will form over time new model behavior and new skills. In this case, it is the ability to lead healthy lifestyle lives that will shape new reality– your new physical form. The process is long and laborious, but effective. Of course, it is easier to lie on the couch, but then you should not expect your body to take on the shape of those who have chosen a different behavior model.

If everything is clear with the body, and the problem is that the relationship does not add up, the output is the same. We change our own behavior.
We need fundamentally different results, which means we need a new model of behavior.

The process of conscious change fulfills expectations when accompanied by three main conditions.
First - do daily trying to benefit for myself from each particular day.
The second is to do it consciously, understanding what result you expect from each specific action.
Thirdly, do not wait for the best time to come, start doing it right away, relying on the resources that are available at this particular moment.

And, finally, the main question: “How to learn to love life in all its manifestations?”

We love and appreciate what we invest our energy, time and knowledge in. We take care of what we have created ourselves. If time your life works to achieve your results, and does not consist of spontaneous scenarios that are not directly related to your goals, there is no place for melancholy, boredom, regrets about missed opportunities.

Life is beautiful in all its manifestations.

Part 1. Rise and fall.

Chapter 1

Life is beautiful in all its manifestations, life is beautiful in all its manifestations and..., life is beautiful..., pulsated in the brain, an unfinished thought in a few words. This happens when the words, or rather, a few words of some unpretentious song can suddenly come to mind and become attached for the whole day. More often, you only hear a melody and start whistling it. Sometimes the words of that song burst out on their own, and you sing; more often
falsetto; and still eat. It does not oblige to anything, but it does not interfere, and even the matter is argued more cheerfully ... And then the definition of something insignificant, but the significance of life, clung .... It sank like a spider, though gently so, with soft, like velvet paws, and melts, melts brains. - In all its manifestations, it is beautiful, or all the same in its manifestations. From this obsessive and annoying thought, like a rat, he woke up. Without opening his eyes, he tried to stretch out on his couch and, turning on his right side, buried his whole body in something soft.
- Woke up? - whispered gently this soft. He opened, no, rather with difficulty unstuck the slits of his eyes, feeling the pain. The face of a girl leaned over him, half-sitting, half-lying on the edge of a narrow and uncomfortable couch. The dim light of the fuming wick of a kerosene lamp under the ceiling, extending into the darkness of the heating main, illuminated a small area of ​​the room. Only the right side of her face was clearly visible, the bare shoulder and the contours of small breasts under the combination. So, despite the cold in the tunnel, she also undressed yesterday. He himself was shirtless, but the heat of the pipes that warmed the bed from below did not create the necessary thermal comfort. It was just cold and he got up and pulled up his sheepskin coat, covering her and himself with it. With a joyful exclamation, she lay down next to him, helping him to push the edges of the casing under his side. Then she clung to him and rested her head trustingly on his broad chest. With a cool palm, she gently stroked his face and neck. Her hand went limp on her shoulder and she fell asleep.
- Life is beautiful in all its manifestations and vicissitudes of fate: - he thought happily, and then - a crazy thought that an evening incident could become fateful in their lives?
Has he gotten used to the idea that he only attracts the attention of others with his pathetic appearance? For ordinary people, homeless people, beggars and people who have sunk to such a state have always been and will be outcasts of society? Not a single civilized state has more or less acceptable programs for the return to society of at least young and healthy people from such an environment.. Shelters, centers for the rehabilitation and adaptation of persons without a fixed place of residence, the same rehabilitation centers for persons released from places of detention. Well, yes, there are homes for the elderly, orphanages, boarding schools. Naturally, and yet, there is something where you can just spend the night and eat for free.
In big cities, volunteers deliver stew and feed it to hungry and sick people right on the street. Although the state allocates millions of funds, homeless people and homeless children flooded the country. If earlier a person was put in prison for parasitism, and he brought at least some benefit to the State there, now ... However, as he understood later, the prison cannot solve either this or any other task assigned to it. The beggars and the disadvantaged are rummaging through garbage containers. They spend the night, no - for years they live in heating mains and in garbage dumps. Here they manage to give birth to children, but they also die in tens of thousands both in summer and winter, especially in winter. Of course, they are buried at the expense of the state. How many nameless graves of such people are scattered over the earth. Yes, what are the homeless? normal person I have to climb garbage dumps to feed my relatives and myself. For the sixth year now, these thoughts and others like them have haunted a man who falls asleep on a makeshift bed next to a young and beautiful girl.
This makeshift bed was a platform of two crossbars and four unplaned boards nailed to them. The mattress from the one-and-a-half bed, set up on boards, with several springs sticking out of the holes, was, however, covered with a fresh sheet. The bed was located on two heating pipes of the central heating main of the city. It rested on bricks stacked a meter high. Several pillows and quilts, also in clean pillowcases and duvet covers, lay on two nightstands placed close to the pipes. At the foot of the bed hung a black suit on hangers, several shirts also on hangers, suspended by hooks in the ceiling of the heating main; and all wrapped in cellophane. A gray canopy to the floor, made of a rug and scraps of multi-colored thick fabric, rather heavy curtains, separated part of the tunnel immediately at the head of the bed. After three, maybe a little more than a meter from this canopy, a second one was built from felt felt and two inexpensive carpets. The floor was covered with the same carpet, with small rugs lying on top of it. A washstand hung over a bucket near the bedside tables, and a flask of water stood on the pipes.
On two stools lay the girl's upper and lower clothes, and near the stools on the floor her winter boots were broken. The owner's trousers, shirt, and sweater, which he himself had thrown onto some kind of bookshelf, now hung over the bed, ready to fall on the people sleeping on the pipes. The tattered sheepskin coat, thrown over the blanket, also gradually rolled off them along with the blanket, revealing naked bodies. There was a kerosene stove on a high and narrow table, several glasses in glass holders, a saucepan with leftover food, several apples, an open box of chocolates lying on a laptop. An almost empty bottle of expensive vodka and a started, no less expensive Cahors in no way contrasted with the entire atmosphere of the dungeon, and even more so with the trampled tarpaulin boots lying near the ladder attached to the bed. And certainly not with a fat rat crawling around them.
What and how brought these people here? - you ask, tired of contemplating this unsightly picture. Well, the story is going to be long...
Suddenly, or finally, things falling almost simultaneously from the shelf and a blanket with a sheepskin coat on the floor woke the man. He carefully disentangled himself from the girl's arms, sat down, and, fiddling with the wick of the lamp, added fire. The lamp smoked mercilessly, but the twilight receded, releasing a small circle of light. Then the man reached for a pile of blankets lying at the foot of the bed and carefully straightened, looking sideways at the girl. In appearance, she was no more than 20-24 years old. She was not much shorter than him, and he was taller than average. He even played for the honor of the border school as part of the basketball team. The team was introduced, most likely because of his growth. He did not like playing sports. All-around was his forte. How long ago it was ... Slowly covering the girl with a blanket, he admired her half-naked body. The fool even took off her panties, he thought with tenderness and without judgment, peering into the dark bush of the bosom, but resolutely pulling back the combination that had risen up.
- Natashka, Natashka: - with these words from the song, he woke her up, or maybe when he covered her with a blanket. She opened her eyes wide, pulled the covers up to her throat as if to protect herself from him...
- Why are you Natalya Sergeevna? - the man said in bewilderment, even trying to move away.
She looked at him with a bewildered, haunted and suddenly extinguished look from the bottom up, and from her eyes so mischievous yesterday, tears rolled down.
He reached out to dry those eyes with a kiss, but suddenly stopped, realizing that even with his hand it was impossible to touch her, at least not now. - My dear, my happiness: - whispered, no, his soul sobbed in unison with her silent cry, but he was silent. “Lie down Natasha, calm down, I’ll boil tea now,” he said restrainedly and, rising, began to slide to the foot of the bed.
- No, don’t, don’t go, don’t go, forgive me Valery Dmitrievich, Valera, Valerochka, my savior: - and she, grabbing his hand, sharply pulled him towards her with such force that he fell on her without having time to spring his fall with his free hand.
His body pressed into hers like a meteorite piercing the ground, but not causing her any appreciable harm. His face felt both hardness and softness of a woman's body, lips flattened against her breasts and caught a nipple. Hands finally lifted him above her. He ran his right hand over her body from her shoulders to her hips, gently stroking and squeezing the lumps of her breasts, the elastic muscles of the abdomen, the outer and inner sides of the thighs. He leaned over her, kissing her softly on the lips. The girl was seized with a slight tremor, she did not resist and obediently, parting her legs, pulled him to her shoulders. Pulling the girl under him, he carefully entered her. She screamed.
- Maybe not, dear? : - Valery whispered, realizing the responsibility of the moment and also realizing that she would no longer stop him, and he himself, how he would not restrain himself tonight. And he can't, to be honest. A male woke up in him, having achieved the location of the female, or simply subjugated her to himself. Natalia opened her eyes, looking at him questioningly. Her hands, leaving his shoulders, hurriedly crawled to the buttocks and demandingly pulled them towards her. The movements of his strong body did damage to her, such a frail and small body compared to him. And she
arching in a groan, biting her forearm, he stopped for a moment, giving her the opportunity to rest and with a new passion entered her. At first she moaned only from pain, but the more and more gently he kissed her on the lips, breasts, neck, earlobes and again on the lips, the more often and more intermittently the girl's breathing became, the more passionate and longer the moans became, but already the moans of pleasure and voluptuousness .
-I want to finish, I want to finish, I'm ending, I, I ... Her body tensed, she arched, like a bowstring before releasing an arrow, but he already fired, though, pitying her, not protecting her, and pulling out a destructive weapon from her bosom, but pressing it against the undergrowth in the lower abdomen, he splashed out the contents of a month's abstinence on Natashka's stomach. For several minutes she could not come to her senses, and he, carefully playing with the lips and clitoris of the wet and still excited vagina, brought her to a second, longer orgasm.
“Oh, what a woman, what a woman. I would like this: - the words of the song flashed through my head. Yes, what kind of a day is this - a song day? - Valery thought peacefully.
“You lie down for now, and I’ll boil a cup of tea,” he said and carefully, having crossed over the girl, jumped down. The rat reluctantly ran over the edge of the makeshift screen and immediately looked out from there, moving the bristles of his whiskers. An ordinary person would probably not see anything in this twilight of the fenced-off territory of the tunnel. Valery had long been accustomed to such illumination of his dwelling and saw perfectly. The girl turned in his direction and watched carefully as he, picking up clothes from the floor and shaking them lightly, quickly dressed. Then he cut off the hair of his beard and mustache with scissors. Having lathered up almost the entire face to the foam and, bending before the mirror, deftly shaved. Rinsed up to the waist with water. He poured cologne into his palms and slapped his cheeks. The pleasant smell of good cologne spread throughout the room in an instant. Under the admiring glances of the girl, Valery took water from a flask, lit a kerosene stove and, putting the kettle on the fire, began to cut sausage and bread. Approaching the bed, he took the girl in his arms and, seating her on a stool with her things, offered to wash.
-And while I'm going upstairs, not for long: -kissing and hugging her, -the water in the basin is still hot ...
Pushing the hatch aside, he quickly got upstairs and ran to a building gray in the distance, calling someone on his cell phone as he went. Near the pumping station, he quickly looked around, picking up a semblance of a crowbar, or rubbed fittings with the edge of his jacket. Then he wrapped it with a handkerchief, intercepting the already wrapped place with the other hand, bent over the corpses of two middle-aged people. Squeezing their palms in turn on the armature, he left it in the hands of a short, sturdy man. Glancing into the room and making sure of something, he grunted with satisfaction. He carefully rubbed the deadbolt of the door with the same handkerchief. He took the ringing phone out of his pocket and listened attentively. Then he issued several orders:
- Do not let the doctor out until my arrival.
- Where's the guy? Still there? Strange, they weren't there...
-Here, do not approach the corpses, just cover your tracks well.
- Do not call me anymore, documents and everything that I said to speed up ...
Having replaced the SIM card in his cell phone, Valery quickly
went back, sprinkling shag on the trail. After 70 meters, he ran again, no longer looking back.
“Well, how are you here, didn’t you get bored?” - he brought the already dressed girl out of her thoughtful state.
“Did you go there?” she asked, looking at him for a long time. After holding that look, he evasively offered a bite to eat with a smile. After thoroughly washing his hands with soap, feeling her gaze on his back, he painfully thought about how to behave further. From here it was urgent to leave, perhaps forever.
She herself offered him this and they quickly, having eaten a sandwich and finished drinking cold tea, began to hastily collect things.
- You go to the exit: - said Valery, giving her a lantern: - I'm right now.
Taking out clean linen from the bedside tables, mink hat, a sheepskin coat and two small bundles folded everything on the bed. I quickly changed. He stuffed the bundles into his briefcase and put his laptop on top. He pulled out new boots with fur from the bedside table and, swearing from inconvenience, changed his shoes without sitting down. After dousing the blankets and pillows with kerosene, he again bent down and called the rat with a squeak. She confidently approached. “We’re moving, my dear,” Valery said sadly for some reason, placing the rat in his briefcase. Then he lit a short candle, which he stuck between two pillows, and went to the hatch.
He quickly got out and looked around, looking for the girl. Footprints in the snow pointed in the direction of a small embankment near a dozen trees.
- Scared? No, the footprints of a man walking at a leisurely pace, as if on a walk, he thought, following her trail. Almost reaching a hill covered with light snow, he saw how she raised herself, straightening the skirts of her coat.
Smiling embarrassedly, she said: - I almost peed ...
Taking her by the hand and quickly leading her in another direction, he asked: - Can you not ask me about anything, much less tell me about what happened yesterday for at least a couple of days? The girl even stopped in surprise. He pulled her forward carefully so as not to frighten her. A deserted highway with a lonely car appeared, and Valery quickly went towards it, holding the girl tightly by the hand. The car didn't turn off. - Apparently the owner went for a small need - thought the girl. Opening the back door of the car, he wanted to put Natasha on the seat, but she shook her head negatively and herself, opening the front door, resolutely climbed into the passenger compartment. He quickly got behind the wheel and pulled away abruptly. We drove in silence, after 20 minutes the first city buildings appeared. It was getting light. Lights were lit in the windows of the houses. People were already standing at the bus stops, waiting for the first buses. Traffic lights flashed warning orange at intersections. But they always got the green light, and Valera could not really look into the girl's face, not that it was normal to talk. Finally he just took to the right and stopped the car. He turned to the girl and asked: - What are we going to do next? What do you think of all this?
“I don’t know, I don’t want to think, but you didn’t kill them, did you?” she said quickly, looking at him with the same searching look as at night.
- Not sure.
But they weren't there? Did you go there? After all, it wasn't?
- It was not - he lied, playing along with her.
-Tell me, who are the three with whom you came? Yours: - he did not find the correct definition: - friends?
She, twisting her face in a disgusted grimace, quietly said: - guys from the third year of the university. Tanya and I were brought home from dancing. When offered a drink and a ride, she persuaded me to go with them. She said that she likes Andrei and does not want to miss such an opportunity. She asked me to play along with her. The guys are quiet. She fell silent, apparently the horror of everything that had happened began to reach her.
- When two people began to pester her too frankly at once, I began to persuade them, trying to convince them that it would be better in the room and on the bed. We just drove up to this hut, and Nikolai slowed down, dropping that he had already been here. They dragged us out of the car and dragged us to the booth. I broke free and ran. Then she fell and hit something. I heard both the guys and Tanya screaming, then I heard the sound of a car driving away. The noise stopped. I got very cold and went back. How stupid, how stupid...and scary. She fell silent. Valery started off and drove off. He made a decision, realizing the recklessness of his act. Just in case, wipe flannel rag everything that his and Natasha's hands touched, put on gloves and closed the door with a key, dropping it to the floor and pushing it under the car body with his foot. At the nearest parking lot, he started an old Moskvich-412 and, driving out of the parking lot gate, taxied to Natasha, who was waiting for him at the nearest turn in the road. Gallantly opening the door, however, without getting out of the car, Valera extended his hand to the girl. times. His short briefing about who and what she should be afraid of, how to behave in the coming hours and even days did not frighten her. She intuitively understood that Valera was not insuring herself, but was afraid for her. She was flattered by this. When he dropped her off near the dormitory of the institute, she felt like Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, ready for a feat, but not understanding why.

As soon as Valery and Natasha drove away from their last habitat outside the city, two people got up from the ground and quickly scattered in two directions. One picked up the trunk of a small tree from the ground and ran to the hatch, from which a strip of black and acrid smoke appeared.
The snow has melted over the hatch. After 10 minutes, the hatch cooled down and arrived
began to level and cover the tracks leading from the hatch to the road, while sprinkling something on the snow. Throwing the trunk in the opposite direction from the road and, admiring the fruits of his labor, he rushed along the road to the booth. When the pump house turned out to be perpendicular to the road, he broke several branches, and then, covering his tracks with an impromptu broom and scattering shag, he entered the booth.
After recovering their breath, they spoke in an undertone: - Those two blind man's blind men, judging by the newspaper reports, are runaways, and the signs are being broadcast on the radio for the second day. That would be to inform: - the first said dreamily: - the reward is promised, after all.
-Calm down. They won’t give it, and they’ll hang the murders of everyone on us.
- You have to leave, Mole. They put on rubber boots, put their shoes in a large bag, and walked through the sewer tunnel, ankle-deep in water. The smell was disgusting. But they walked, as if along an alley in the forest, talking and habitually inhaling the stale air - Stop communication with everyone. Do not let it slip, look neither about the found girl, nor about ... these freaks ... - understood? - the second suddenly said.
Understood, Mole understood. Here is another burden on our necks ...
- And tell me where and from whom did you learn about the whereabouts of the fugitives?
asked the first.
- Why this homeless person needed it is none of our business ...

I want to tell you about how I divided my life into two parts. Then I was 24, I had a daughter of three years, there was a guy with whom I lived for 3 years, but did not love him. He was very good man: he did everything for me, he didn’t refuse me anything, but I didn’t need such a man. We, women, like to be tortured. By nature, he was very calm, quiet, even a little timid, and even smaller than me. Once I honestly told him that I did not love him and could not live with him. But you know, we are all selfish, that is, when a person really loves disinterestedly, he will say: you know, I love you so much, so I let you go, since you feel bad with me. But in fact: be with me, please do not leave, I will feel bad. A strong person who can just let you go, but there are few of them. In general, we broke up.


Then I met my future husband. He was the way I always dreamed of: strong, courageous, and even military. I was afraid of him, I could not utter a word, my hands were shaking, I blushed at every word, I was a very modest girl. Then I thought that it was very bad and he would not love me like that. At that time I had tranquilizer pills and before meeting with him I drank a pill. It made me relaxed, uninhibited, I did not blush and could communicate freely. He recognized me just like that, but in my heart I felt different. This went on for two months, I was on pills. In my heart I understood that I was playing some kind of double game.

We got married, after 3 months I became pregnant (then I no longer took pills). But all the same, some kind of deception remained in my soul, I had the feeling that he perceives me in a completely different way from how I feel on the site inside, but sees in me that person: a liberated, brave other, but not me. I played too much, I created my second personality.

After giving birth, I started to feel depressed, my husband was a stranger to me, even my son seemed like a stranger, I felt deceit, lies, games all around. And then I realized what I had done to myself, I found out what depression is: you don’t need anything anymore, everything that interested you, even a husband and children, is scary. I got what I wanted so much, but which, as it turned out, I didn’t need.

So I lived, having 2 personalities. When my husband looked at me, I could no longer determine who I really was. I became a stranger to myself, I was scared to look at myself in the mirror, from there a stranger looked at me.

But the husband was also not a gift. He was jealous, cruel, I could not take a step without his knowledge. The person is very imperious, intractable, heavy. I was helpless, dependent, I could not buy anything for myself without his control and approval. I had a phobia site, I was afraid of people, I could not communicate calmly, I was afraid to go out, I was afraid to be alone at home and even be alone with myself. It's a miracle I didn't end up in a psych ward.

We were together for 6 years when I left him. Now, without him, I have also been alone for 6 years with my beloved son. I love him. And my daughter is smart and beautiful, I am proud of my children. I'm still coming to my senses, but I feel quite happy man. That man before my husband, he was too good, he could not give me this knowledge that I had to learn to get myself out of this hole. I now understand that only such a person as my husband could help me in my suffering. Because, unfortunately, we learn through suffering, and until we fully feel the weight of our cross, we won’t start thinking at all. So we will swim in search of happiness, like blind kittens in the vast ocean of life.

Only now I understand that that experience was necessary for me. site Now I'm completely different, I've learned so much about life, learned to enjoy every blade of grass, appreciate every moment, rejoice even in the bad, learned to forgive, see both the bad and the good in people, learned the meaning of life, and it's worth a lot.

And I don't regret anything. It means that life could not make me start thinking in any other way. Never regret anything, accept everything in your life - it is too short and too beautiful to waste it on self-torment. Live now, enjoying every second, love life with all your heart and it will answer you the same. And trust her, she knows what you need.