Presentation on the topic "Unusual objects around us." Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “Amazing objects Presentation on the topic of amazing objects

3 Purpose: Formation of ideas about the history of the creation of the objective world. Tasks: - to teach children to see objects and phenomena of the surrounding world in their development (past, present, future of the object); - to develop the ability to consider surrounding objects in interconnections and interdependencies (“a person is an object”, “a child is an object”); - broaden the horizons of the child; - develop the ability to predict the future of objects; - educate children careful attitude to objects in the environment.

15 Most effective methods and techniques heuristic, cognitive conversations; observations; looking at pictures, illustrations, TCO; teacher's story; reading fiction, cognitive literature; creation of special game problem situations. elementary analysis; modeling and design method; question method; repetition method (direct application of knowledge in a similar situation); solution logical tasks; experiments and experiences.



22 Object-developing environment Laboratory "Why," where children conduct experiments and experiments with materials to familiarize themselves with their properties; transformation center "Masterilka", where natural, waste material, fabric, paper, visual materials: plasticine, wire, glue. Here, children can independently make crafts, buildings, compositions, toys. "Znayki" is cognitive literature, visual material for gaining experience; "Game library" - didactic games, selected according to age in various sections.

30 Work with parents folders-sliders: - "My girlfriend is a toy", - "Learn while playing!", - "Proverbs about work". individual consultations: - "What toys do children need", - "Organization and conduct of didactic games with children", - "What makes up diligence?". parent meetings: - "Developing the subject world", - "Development creativity child”, - “Round table at the end of the year”. participation in project activities: - "Creating costumes - tailoring Russian sundresses", - "My dad is a soldier", - "Day of a genius - Crazy hands". creation of mini-museums: - "Dolls of our grandmothers", - "The past of lighting devices", - "Unusual candles and candlesticks", - "Airplanes", "Cars".

31 MBDOU " Kindergarten 46 "Crystal Slipper" Perm Territory, Krasnokamsk, st. Sadovaya, 6 phone: 8(34273) e-mail:

Municipal educational institution No. 1 "Thumbelina"


Synopsis of the joint educational activities teacher and children of the preparatory group on the topic "Man-made and non-man-made world."

Compiled by the educator

preparatory group "Bell"

Kryukova Lyubov Alekseevna

Lesson type: generalization of knowledge

Target: the formation in children of elementary ideas about the man-made and miraculous (natural) world; generalization of knowledge about human needs.



    Lead children to the understanding that objects are the result creative activity person.

    To bring children to the realization that the objects of the man-made world are created in the likeness of objects of nature.

    To consolidate the meaning of the economic concept "I want" and "I need", to clarify the differences between "I want" and "I need".

    Repeat the meaning of the concept of “human needs”, consolidate the names of basic needs and what relates to them, continue to teach how to solve problem situations, argue your answers, activate the dictionary; lead to the understanding that a person cannot have everything he wants;

    To form children's knowledge about the importance of water in human life. Introduce children to the properties of water. Learn how to conserve and conserve water.


    Help develop attention logical thinking, connected speech; promote the formation of communicative competencies, social competencies.


    promote the education of moral qualities;

    make children want to explore and observe the natural world.

Demo material.

    Presentation for children "Man-made and non-man-made world."


    Letter from Pinocchio; pictures of the natural and man-made world.

    For experiments: disposable cups, plates, spoons, water.


Guys, are you in a good mood? I suggest you raise it even more: let's smile at each other and greet each other with little fingers.

( There is a knock on the door.)

Someone is knocking on the door. I'll go and open.

Oh, the postman brought us a letter. Let's check if he made a mistake with the address: the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, st. Pleshcheevskaya, d / s "Thumbelina", group "Bell". And instead of a return address, a riddle is written, we must guess it, otherwise we will not know who it is from, and the envelope will not open.

Wooden mischief

From a fairy tale into our lives penetrated.

Favorite of adults and children,

Daredevil and inventor of inventions,

A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.

Tell me, what's his name?(children answer) ( slide 1 )

(The teacher opens an envelope containing a letter and assignments from Pinocchio.)

“Hello, dear guys! Malvina taught me a lot, but she gave me a very difficult homework: to study the objects of the man-made and non-man-made world and their significance in human life. Malvina gave me several tasks, without which it would be difficult to understand this complex issue. Guys help me please! Goodbye. Pinocchio."

Yes, Pinocchio gave us a difficult task. But we are not accustomed to retreat. Can we help Pinocchio?(Children's answers.) Only we will not write him a reply letter, we will send him a photo report by e-mail.

- To do this, I think we need to go on a long journey, because only on the road you can see a lot of new and interesting things. But you need to be careful.

Didactic game"Get your backpack on the road."

Guys, there are cards with the image of various objects on the table, please choose each one of the objects that you will need on the way. (Children choose and put in one backpack.)

Presentation on theme: "What do you need to bring with you? »

What will we take with us on the road?

What are the clothes for?

What else do we need on the road?

What is food (food) for?

What is the utensils for?

Guys, if it rains on the road, what do we need to take on the road?

Guys, the road is long, it's hard to travel when your legs get tired. What should we take with us to be comfortable on our feet?

Guys, why did you choose these items? That's right, because the main human needs are food, water, clothes, shoes. Are all these items made by human hands?

Guys, what do you think, is it worth taking chairs, beds, an armchair, a table on the road?

Or maybe you can do without furniture at all?

Guys, what do you think, do we need such items as a tape recorder, video camera, album, paints on the road?

Guys, now we are ready to hit the road!

We have collected a backpack, and now we need to decide on which mode of transport it is more convenient for us to go on the road. What types of transport do you know? Why did man invent transportation?

If we fly by plane, we won't see anything from above. If we sail on a steamboat, we will see nothing but the sea. Cycling is slow. Let's go by bus.(slide 2) (Children sit in two rows)

Didactic game "Look and answer."

Pinocchio sent us a lot of pictures, look what it is? (children's answers). Why is this natural world ? (children's answers) (slide 3)

And what's that? (slide 4) Why do we call all this the man-made world?(children's answers) (slide 4)

Man surrounded himself with a huge number of various objects, most of which he created with his mind and with his own hands.Nature also tried for us. Why do we need objects of man-made and non-man-made world?


What are all human desires called?(Needs) .

What does need mean, from what word does it come from?(required)

What three groups can be divided into all needs?

Answers children :

Some items help a person to satisfy his natural life needs (houses, furniture, dishes, clothes, etc.) Others are a source of joy, comfort, beauty and aesthetic pleasure (pictures, books, handicrafts, etc.) Third items assistants that a person needs in labor (tools, machines, household items, etc.)

Why do we need musical instruments? (children's answers)

Musical pause: children perform the song "Russian hut" with musical instruments.

Guys, if you are all so observant, then you probably noticed that a person created many objects in the likeness of natural objects. Look at the pictures and say who they look like.

Didactic game "What it looks like." The teacher names the object of the man-made world.

Who does the train look like? (Children's answers) (slide 5-6)

What does a crane look like? (slide 7-8)

Submarine? (children's answers)(slide 9-10)

What does a rooster remind you of? bird? dragonfly? (Children's answers) (Slides 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16)

We live among a huge variety of objects.

What do we need first? (What we can't live without).

How can needs be shared? ("I want and I need").

What do you think is more important in a person's life, "I want" or "I need"?

Let's get off the bus and play the game "I want and I need to."

The game "I want and need." Rules: I name the object, if you need it, you press your hands to your chest, if you want it, raise your hands up.

Solving problem situations. (sitting on carpet)

The next stop is Zagadkino station.

Every adult goes to work.

Tell me, guys, why does a person need to work?

Why does he need money?

(To meet all your needs).

Situation 1.

Materials: decorations, wrist watch, cell phone, typewriter.

In one family live, father, mother, daughter and son. Mom and dad work, the daughter is a student, the son is a schoolboy. Once they calculated their family income and bought what everyone wanted: jewelry for mom, a watch for dad, a cell phone for daughter, aquarium fish for son. We spent all the money. Did they do the right thing?(Children's answers.)

Situation 2.

Materials: banknotes, designer.

The brother and sister went to the "Toys" store in order to buy a designer at a suitable price with the money that their parents gave them. But there were no price tags on the goods. How should they do it?(children's answers)

The next station is Experimental.

If our hands are in wax,

If there are blots on the nose,

Who then is our first friend,

Will it remove dirt from the face and hands?

What Mom Can't Do Without

No cooking, no washing?

Without what, we will say directly,

Man to die?

To make it rain from the sky

To grow ears of bread

For ships to sail

To cook kissels

So that there is no trouble -

We cannot live without ... (water).

Water is the main human need. He cannot do without water.

Now we are in the laboratory and we will conduct a small experiment with water.

Listen to a short story about a river and help me finish this story.

“There was a river. The water in this river was: (and what was it like)

An experience:

Put the spoon into the glass. Is she visible? Why? What color is the water? (Transparent) .

Does the water have an odor?

And what is her taste?

Pour water from glass to glass. (It pours, it can be poured into any dish. Water flows, murmurs, rings).

What forms can water take?

The water in the river was clean, clear, tasteless and odorless. It could be drunk. But people stopped saving water. They built a big factory on the bank of the river. And various harmful, toxic wastes began to be poured into the river from pipes. They began to wash cars, throw garbage. And the water in the river became dirty and smelled bad. And then the man thought, how to drink this water? And decided...

What did the man decide?

It is necessary to protect the purity of water, not to pollute it, not to throw garbage into the river, not to wash cars and bicycles. After all, water is the wealth of our country and the guarantee of the health of people, animals and plants. And in order to clean the river from dirt, a person built stations for water purification - the water passes through filters - specially purifying devices, and clean water began to come to our house again.

Who needs dirty water?

Who needs clean water? (All living things: people, animals, plants need clean, good water. Therefore, you need to protect water from pollution and use it sparingly, do not pour in vain, turn off the tap).

Guys, our journey is coming to an end. Did you enjoy traveling? What will you tell your parents today about our trip? The man-made world is so called because all objects are made by human hands. How many interesting and useful things have been done around by man! A person creates with his hands everything that facilitates and improves his life. Items are needed to eat, dress, sleep, take care of yourself, to work, relax, study. Thanks guys!

Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Krasnodar Territory

State treasury institution of social services

Krasnodar Territory "Yeisk Social and Rehabilitation Center

development for minors"

Abstract OOD on cognitive development "Introduction to the outside world" for children of the older subgroup (5-7 years old) on the topic: "Interesting, amazing items»

Educator Redko E.V.


Synopsis of OOD on cognitive development "Introduction to the outside world" for children of the older subgroup (5-7 years old) Topic: "Interesting, amazing items»

Target: development of cognitive activity of the child, the formation of environmental consciousness.

Integration of educational areas:cognitive development, speech development, physical development.



To form children's ideas about the man-made and natural world;

to bring children to the realization that the objects of the man-made world are created in the likeness of objects of nature.


Develop creative thinking, imagination, cognitive activity.


Make children want to explore and observe the natural world.

Demo material.Pictures with the image of an airplane and a swallow; a letter from Dunno, mnemotables, computer presentation.

Handout.Pictures depicting objects of the natural and man-made world (two pictures for each child). Cards consisting of two parts: one half depicts objects created by man (for example, a helicopter, a fungus, a computer mouse, a brush, an airplane, a ball, ticks, a train, etc.), and the other half of the card is blank.

Methods and techniques: a surprise moment, making a riddle, looking at subject pictures, reading excerpts from poems, questions for children, showing a presentation, playing and practical activities for children.Preliminary work:watching educational videos "Living and inanimate nature", "Nature and man-made world", "Vegetable fairy tale", cartoon "Dunno", didactic games and exercises "Living - inanimate", "Natural - man-made", "Think and answer", reading fiction: “My Bear” (Z. Aleksandrova), “The Stolen Sun” (K. Chukovsky), “The Lady Checked In Luggage ...” (S. Marshak), “Vegetables” (S. Mikhalkov), “Country Song”, “Autumn "(A. Pleshcheev)," Isn't this book about you? (M. Romanov).


I. Introduction

The teacher informs the children about the letter he received from Dunno:

Guys, today we received a letter. (Shows an envelope.)To open the letter, you need to guess the riddle from whom it is:

He is confident in himself, funny clumsy,

And by nature he is a liar and a smartass,

Come on, guess as soon as possible,

Known shorty under the name ...(Dunno).

That's right, the letter was sent by Dunno. Oh, this Dunno! He, as always, mixed everything up and asks us to help him. And for this we need to complete the tasks that are in this envelope and write Dunno the answer. Let's try? Can we help the stranger?

II.Main part

1. Didactic word game "Natural - man-made"

Educator: Let's remember what are the objects around us? (Natural and man-made). What does natural mean? (These items are created by nature itself.). What are handmade items? (Objects made by human hands). Well done guys, you're right. And now let's play a game that is called "Natural - man-made": if I name a word for a man-made object, you just show me your hands; and if I name a word that denotes an object of natural origin, you clap your hands.

2. Didactic game "Lay out the pictures" (Task 1)

The teacher distributes pictures to the children (2 pictures for each child): Guys, each of you has pictures in your hands that need to be divided into two groups: we will put pictures with objects of natural origin on a sheet of cardboard Green colour, and the pictures on which man-made objects are drawn - on a red sheet of cardboard with a pen symbol.

3. Didactic game "Show and name a paired object" (Task 2)Educator: Well done, you did an excellent job with the first task. And now - the next task from Dunno. I will take pictures with objects of the natural world for myself, and I will distribute pictures with objects of the man-made world to you. Look at them carefully. I will name the subject of the natural world. And the one of you who has an object of the man-made world very similar, that is, a pair of the one named by me, will raise a picture with its image and name this object. Deal? Begin.

4. Exercise "Compare pictures" (Task 3)Educator: That's right, well done.(Puts pictures “swallow” and “airplane” on the board. Children compare objects bird and plane.) What is shown in this picture? (Children's answers.) How are these objects similar? Look carefully: what parts does a bird consist of? Airplane? What elements do they have in common? (Both a swallow and an airplane have wings, a nose, and a tail; they both can fly.) How are they different? (A swallow is an object of wildlife, and an airplane is an object created by human hands.)

5. Game "Name an extra item"Educator. And here is another task: now I will read excerpts from poems and show you pictures, and you will listen and look carefully, and then name the object that is superfluous on this card, that is, does not belong to the group of objects to which all belong rest. Listen carefully:

... “These are chickens, these are ducks, a black ball near the booth ". (Z. Aleksandrova) What word and object are superfluous on the card? (An extra item is a dog house, because it is a man-made object, and chickens, ducks and a dog are objects of the natural world.)

The sun walked across the sky and behind a cloud ran. I looked at ainka at the window , it became dark for a hare. ”(K. Chukovsky) (An extra window is an object of the man-made world, and the sun, sky, cloud and hare are natural objects.)

“The lady checked in the luggage:sofa, suitcase, bag, picture, basket, cardboard box and a little dog." (S. Marshak)

“The grass is green, the sun is shining, the swallow is in the canopy with spring flying towards us." (A. Pleshcheev)

... "I'll draw beforehouse, porch, fence, path, and on the path - a cat ". (M. Romanov)

"A boring picture - clouds without end, the rain is pouring, puddles at the porch. (A. Pleshcheev)

Guys, what season is described in the poem? (Autumn.) Yes, indeed, autumn. We remembered what season we have now, and now let's show what the weather is like in autumn.

6. Fizminutka "Autumn"

The clouds have covered the sky.

It started to rain prickly -

Will spread mud everywhere

Mud and puddles on the road...

Raise your legs!

Now take your seats, let's continue our lesson.

7. Showing the presentation "Amazing Items"

slide 1 . Amazing Items

Slide 2. The world of nature

Slide 3. man-made world

slide 4 . The story "Interesting and surprising objects"

We remembered what objects are, found out that there are very interesting things and objects of nature that are surprisingly similar to each other. Do you know why they are so similar? Once, a long time ago, there were no man-made objects at all, people just didn’t know how to make them yet. For a long time they carefully observed the objects of nature and as a result of these observations they learned to create various very necessary things. For example, watching the flight of birds, a person also dreamed of soaring in the sky like a bird, and invented an airplane. Look, are they really similar?

Slide 5. Game "What does it look like?"

Pictures appeared on the screen - man-made objects. Think and say, looking at what objects of the natural world, did a person create them? What do they look like? (The light bulb is the sun.)

Slide 6. Doll - girl

Slide 7 . Mushroom Roof - Mushroom

Slide 8. Ball - orange

Slide 9 . Passenger car - crocodile; vacuum cleaner - elephant

slide 10. Game "Find a Pair"

Look, there are pictures on the screen - 3 pictures of natural objects and 3 - man-made. You must name which of them make up a pair, that is, they are similar to each other. (A submarine is a fish, a crane is a giraffe, a parachute is a dandelion seed).

Slide 11. Airplane - birds, boat - duck, train - caterpillar (The correctness of the answers is checked by an arrow).

slide 12. Thank you for your attention!

Here are some good fellows, they called everything correctly. Now let's move on to the next task from Dunno.

8. Didactic game "Choose a picture" Task 4.

Children are given cards consisting of two parts: one half depicts objects created by man, and the other half is empty. The child must pick up a picture with the object of nature, in the likeness of which the person created the object depicted on the other half, and place it in an empty cage.

III. Final part

9. Summing up

Children and the teacher write a letter to Dunno, in which they report that his tasks are very interesting and the guys completed them. Thank Dunno and invite to visit.

We need to write Dunno the answer. What will we write to him? I propose to start like this: “Dear Dunno! … We liked your tasks, they are very interesting, and we carried them out with enthusiasm. Thank you so much. Come visit us, we will be very happy to meet you. Goodbye".

What subjects did we talk about today? And why are they so interesting and why are they amazing? Guys, who sent us the letter?

Did we manage to complete all the tasks of Dunno?

Did you enjoy completing assignments?

What did you like the most?

slide 2


At present, people do not think about how amazing and unusual objects can be,

slide 3


introduce children to unusual objects Develop curiosity desire to discover new things

slide 4

"Slimming" batteries Contributed to the development of batteries and the well-known designer Mac Funamizu (MacFunamizu). He created a concept called HungryBatteries. This concept involves the creation of batteries, according to appearance which it will be possible to instantly determine the degree of their charge. “Thick” batteries are full of energy, but “thin” batteries should be recharged

slide 5

A watch for the smartest!! - Uncle, uncle, tell me what time it is now! - Five minutes to the root of the third degree from 1728, boy. - ………………… .. what was it?

slide 6

Organic clock Earth, water, plants in the clock generate a small amount of electricity, which is enough to keep the clock running forever

Slide 7

A runaway alarm clock is the perfect device for those who have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning. The mechanism of action of this naughty alarm clock is as follows: You put it on the bedside table, setting the required wake-up time. While you are in the kingdom of Morpheus, this miracle alarm clock rolls off the bedside table, travels in an arbitrary direction and hides from you..

Slide 8

Puppet phone - a Japanese mobile phone that can convey the feelings and emotions of your interlocutor! The design of the phone was developed by robotics engineer Takashi Minato with the help of a team of crazy technologists working at the University of Osaka (Japan). The result of this collaboration was the creation of the world's scariest mobile phone in the form of a little man, made of a material similar to human skin.

Slide 9

By creating such a device, the Japanese wanted to help people talking on the phone feel that their interlocutor is next to them. The developers claim that this form of the phone will create the effect of the full presence of the interlocutor.

Slide 10

If you forget about the creepy appearance of the doll phone, then in standby mode it is no different from a regular phone, but as soon as you take this “monster” in your hands, it, in the truest sense of the word, will begin to come to life: the silicone base will begin to warm up to a temperature of 36.6 C and to the touch will become just like the skin of a living person. According to the developers, this unusual feature should help the caller to fully feel the presence of the person on the other end of the wire. In the final version, among other things, this thing will have to wriggle, reacting to the tone of voice of your interlocutor.

slide 11

Toothpick works of art!! Think what you can do with an ordinary toothpick, besides breaking it in half and making two? Here I am, nothing, so it's worth paying tribute to Stephen Beckman, who creates real works of art from these personal care items.

slide 12

Dog umbrella!! It allows you to take your four-legged pet for a walk in any weather, without fear that he can catch a cold and get sick. When the weather is bad, most dogs prefer to hide their noses in warm apartments. But sometimes bad weather can set in for a long time, and you need to walk with animals regularly.

slide 13

JunjieZhang Living Shoes & Umbrella Stand Do you remember how much water you left in the hallway when you came back from your winter walk?

Slide 14

You may not believe it, but this is really a radio! The developers of this device decided to abandon all sorts of knobs and switches. In this device, all radio settings are made using stones. .

slide 16

41 meters is the height of the highest water slide in the world according to the Guinness book. The attraction is called "Insano" and it is located in Brazil in the city of Fortaleza in the BeachPark water park. This slide was built 25 years ago, in 1989.

Slide 17

There are very few restrictions on this attraction - you need to be above 140 cm. Contraindications are heart disease and obesity. Flights with Insano are not recommended for pregnant women.

Slide 18

57-year-old resident of Omsk Anatoly Konenko, together with his brother Stanislav, created the smallest aquarium for fish. In the Guinness Book of Records, an entry appeared about a container with a depth of 14 mm, a width of 24 mm and a length of 30 mm. The volume of the smallest aquarium in the world is only 10 ml, which is about two teaspoons of water.

Slide 19

Stroller of the 21st century

  • Slide 20

    A three-wheeled steel frame from an ordinary sidecar, and an engine from a motorcycle is mounted on it. This is what a stroller with a speed of 80 km / h looks like. Although the creator did not dare to ride his newborn child in this miracle monster, in order to arrange a real show and scare the “spectators”, he carries a baby doll.

    slide 21

    slide 22

    Rubik's Cube

    It is believed that the Rubik's cube is the leader among toys in terms of total sales: about 350 million Rubik's cubes, both original and various analogues, have been sold worldwide. Interesting fact: if you put them in a row, they will stretch almost from the pole to the pole of the Earth.

    Natalya Milyaeva
    Synopsis of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world in preparatory group"Interesting, amazing items"



    To form children's ideas about the man-made and natural world;

    To bring children to the realization that the objects of the man-made world are created in the likeness of objects of nature.


    Develop creative thinking, imagination, cognitive activity.


    Make children want to explore and observe the natural world.

    Demo material. Presentation for children "Interesting objects." Pictures depicting a tree and a hand; letter and parcel from Pinocchio.

    Handout. Envelopes with pictures of the natural and man-made world; album sheets with a symbol of the man-made and natural world; colour pencils.

    Lesson progress

    The teacher tells the children that a postman came to their garden and brought a package.

    To open the parcel, you need to guess the riddle from whom it is.

    Wooden mischief

    From a fairy tale into our lives penetrated.

    Favorite of adults and children,

    Daredevil and inventor of inventions,

    A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.

    Tell me, what's his name? (children's answer) Slide 2

    The teacher opens the parcel, which contains envelopes and a letter with assignments from Pinocchio.

    Task 1. “Look and answer” (slide 3 appears on the screen).

    What's this? (children's answers). Why is it the natural world? (children's answers)

    And what's that? (slide 4) Why do we call all this the man-made world? (children's answers)

    Task 2. D / and "What it looks like." The teacher names (shows slide 5) the object of the man-made world.

    Who does the train look like? What is in nature similar to this object? (Children's answers) Slide 5

    What does a crane look like? Submarine? (children's answers) Slides 6,7

    What does a rooster remind you of? bird? dragonfly? (Children's answers) Slides 8,9,10

    Fizminutka "Homka-hamster hamster" Slide 11

    hamster hamster hamster

    (puff out cheeks like a hamster)

    striped barrel

    (pat yourself on the sides)

    Homka gets up early


    Washes cheeks, rubs eyes

    (we take appropriate action)

    Homka sweeps the hut

    (bend down and pretend to sweep)

    And goes to charge.

    One, two, three, four, five,

    Homka wants to become strong

    (show how strong).

    Task 3. D / and “What is superfluous?” slide 12,13,14,15

    Task 4. game exercise"Lay it right." The teacher distributes envelopes with pictures to the children and asks to decompose the pictures into the natural and man-made world.

    Finger game "Friendship"

    Task 5. Children are given album sheets with a symbol (a tree or a hand). Slide 16. It is necessary to draw a man-made or natural object.

    Children and the teacher write a letter to Pinocchio, in which they report that they have completed all of his interesting tasks.