How to learn to dress properly for a girl. How to dress simply, but look chic at the same time. How to dress stylishly for overweight women

Everyone has their own understanding of the expression "dress well." Most men don't give a damn about. Indeed, he put on what came to hand, got into flip flops - and forward, to the promenade to cultural places. For such people, the word "style" is a companion of the word "metrosexual". Though they don't really know the meaning last word. And there are others who want to dress stylishly. Not "rooster-like", but stylish. These are two big differences. This article is for those people. Maybe there is nothing new in it, but it will not be useless either. Yes, and it will be useful only if these tips are followed.

1. Start from scratch

If you want to start dressing stylishly, take up the sacred basics.
This does not mean that you should immediately, in one moment, give up all your clothes. Keep in mind that for appearing in the nude, your body, no matter how athletic, will be treated with batons. And they will be right.

It will not be easy for you to say goodbye to your wardrobe favorites, but know that there will be no progress with these terrible "narrows" and plaid breeches to the shin. In the end, new favorites will appear, and they will be many times better, and most importantly, they will make you look like a person, and not like extras from the New Turbo Boys.

2. Forget everything you know

You will need to understand and accept the sad fact that in your life there were no concepts of "fashion" and "style". In any case, it is called differently - the Chisinau circle of elegant fashion. You can argue as much as you like, but it's as difficult for the stylish as it is for moralists to watch Svetlana Baskova's films.
It is also important to consider that all those things and accessories that you may have considered insignificant in your image, most often play an important role.

Now, having recognized yourself as a layman and a beginner, begin to learn the basics of elegant images from the very beginning. You can even send us to hell and listen to non-our wise advice, and his girlfriend, mother, the host of the Fashion Sentence. The latter, in general, with its god-like grace causes psychedelic patterns in the eyes. Listen to anyone. But to get on the path of correction, clear your mind. If George Clooney, having scored on his glorious acting career at one time, had not admitted that he was a complete ignoramus in directing, he would not have been able to make such films that burst into enthusiastic snot.

3. Focus on the basics

Surely you already want to say: “Sedin, what kind of creature are you so boring! When will the normal advice start?!" Calm, my friend. Without this tedium, similar to the psalms of the sectarians of the "Eighth Apparition of the Sixth Coming of Sid Vicious" all further advice is meaningless.

So, where does any educational program begin? From the basics Mastering the basics (sorry for phonetic scum) is half the battle. If not half, then a quarter for sure. But be careful: the misuse or interpretation of the basis is like poking a known place into the hole of a working meat grinder. Of course, I'm talking about fingers.

4. Foundation for a solid wardrobe

So, with an elegant bucket of taste and style, we tear out the foundation for your most fashionable wardrobe within the framework of the adequacy. And what, the foundation is needed everywhere. Even guest workers do not forget about him.

This foundation will be universal clothing: white shirts, dark blue jeans, gray sweaters and other elegant, classic and unpretentious attire.
These wardrobe items are like driving around the city in a driving school: when you learn to wear it, when you get used to it, then you can add things that are more interesting.

5. Simplicity is the key to style

Remembering the god-like host of "Fashionable Sentence", you are finally convinced that extravagance is the lot of the elite, because no one takes these elite seriously. However, if that's what you're after...
Leonardo da Vinci once said, "Simplicity is the end of complexity." Keep this in mind when choosing clothes. The simplicity of the outfit is the brightest highlight for a man.

6. The main thing is that the suit fits

If a lady is cheating on you, then she is not yours, if you are not comfortable driving a car, then she is not yours. If the clothes do not sit on you, then they are not yours. It would seem that everyone knows about it. Then why is everyone wearing clothes that don't fit, in completely crazy colors? It was forgivable in the 90s, but now it seems like a different time. Come on, if your shirt hangs off your skinny body like a garden scarecrow, you don't wear it. should be fitted and emphasize your proportions, no matter how disgusting they may seem to you. It is beautiful. This is not the 16th century, and wide shirts with puffy sleeves are out of fashion. Such a shirt can only be worn if, among other things, you are wearing boots, a hat, a horse is waiting for you next to you, and you are fighting with swords for your honor. In other cases, this is inappropriate.

7. Wardrobe circumcision

If your wardrobe has a little more clothes than on Philip Kirkorov over the years of his career, then I have bad news for you. Firstly, you most likely do not know about technological progress and about the fact that clothes can be washed. Secondly, you spend too much money on your wardrobe (and you probably don't wear even half of its contents).
Even our beloved presenter "" (we even watched the program) admits that it is not the quantity of clothes that matters, but its quality. Or maybe he didn't say it. We simply do not know a more fashionable and authoritative person.

So, your wardrobe arsenal should not be bursting with a variety of styles. If you start wearing the clothes that we recommend, you will be surprised how little you need: just a few shirts, trousers and shoes. Let the ladies accompany each of their appearances with a new dress, you have where to spend money (you will buy these same dresses for your lady). And when the robes are worn out, get rid of them, and register a new wardrobe recruit in the vacant place. No, no, you don't have to wear the same sweater for a month. But there is no need to fill the closet with a dozen curiosities and ridiculous knitted devilry.
So let your wardrobe breathe. Everything that is not worn, everything that is blurry, goes to the grandmother in the village, homeless people to the landfill or Second Hand.

8. Match it right

Combine the rest of the clothes in the wardrobe correctly. Experiment, but don't go too far. Remember that cute guys marching down the runway in thongs and bags on their heads are not role models. If in your outfit you look like a cartoon character or a traffic light, then you probably threw out the wrong things after the previous paragraph. Or put known body parts on the 4th point.

9. Into the furnace of the trend!

Many men think that in order to become more stylish, they must be aware of all the latest trends. Close friend of BroDude Valery Leontiev: “Why. Create your style! And stop calling me!"
Indeed, there is nothing to torture yourself. Moreover, the trends are not always adequate. Best create your own style in which you will feel comfortable. But no extremes!

10. Lightness

If you spend an hour spinning at the mirror and choosing an outfit, this means one of two things: either you are one of those people who, looking back, are looking for the singer Azis, or you simply didn’t put together your wardrobe correctly. Main feature men's wardrobe(unlike female) - confidence. Confidence in your clothes. Everything should look like you're not putting in the effort to look good. Know your wardrobe and be able to combine clothes. Knowing what goes well and what does not, what is appropriate for a bachelor party and what is for a funeral, you will stop wasting time. Again, don't overfill with junk. This rule builds on all the previous ones. If you look like Shia LaBeouf (stretched t-shirt and acid leggings) when dressed hastily, then somewhere you made a mistake.

11. Try new things

As you develop your sense of style, you open up your wardrobe to new types of clothing. There must be things that you would never call “your own” before. It may seem strange that after the previous points calling for elegant asceticism, we are talking about some new clothes. However, things are different things. We are by no means talking about crimson pants and leopard moccasins. The great Freddie Mercury once also tried something new, and it ended for him. There are other things that are more appropriate. As we said, we will have to implement things brighter and more diverse. Remember the main rule - do not slide into extravagance. This is not so much a rule as advice. Many look great without innovation.

12. Learn to love colors

You have to find out which colors work for you and The best way do it - try it for yourself. So don't shy away from pink shirts and red sweaters. Just because they don't suit your dad doesn't mean they won't suit you.

13. Wear colors in moderation

BUT! (returning to the previous point)
You have to be very careful with flowers. Don't overdo it. Remember we talked about the cartoon character and the traffic light? That's the same. You risk wearing incompatible colors. This is a big science, in fact, few people know how to combine different color combinations. I didn't even learn.

Wear only one item at first, leaving the rest of your outfit in neutral tones. After that, you can try adding interesting lighting solutions. And if they don't look at you like you're an idiot on the streets, then everything is fine. If they do, take a step back and try again.

14. Friends are comedians

By the way, friends are guaranteed to make jokes about this. from God, everyone has the school of humor of Viktor Koklyushkin behind them. Ignore what your mom used to say, "They're just jealous." Sooner or later this will all stop. Besides, it's just a joke. We will not advise you how to calm them down, they are your friends. Yes, and our methods are automatically equated with the propaganda of violence, which is prohibited in any media.
But if on the streets it’s not ladies with frozen admiration on their faces that poke their fingers at you, but gopniks with an angry expression on their faces ... you know what to do.

Listen to the people who surround you, because the outside is always more visible. It's better, of course, to listen to advice from people who know how to dress, and not from your homeless friends who consider sandals with socks to be the height of elegance. And listen to the ladies, most of the time they know fashion better than you. And they also love to give advice in terms of outfits. Of course, some of the advice will be unfortunate, inappropriate and said in jest.

16. Be honest with yourself

If you feel uncomfortable in all your clothes, then it is better to refuse it. You can become stylish only when your appearance is in harmony with your inner state. If you are an introvert, wearing extremely loud outfits will seem strange. If you are a simple, laid-back guy, then life in a classic suit is clearly not for you. If this whole encyclical about style is not for you, just add a few touches to your image to look adequate. At least it's adequate.

17. It's for a long time

You will have to spend a lot of time to learn all these basics. Not as long as waiting for the Liverpool championship, but not as short as the next dollar growth. All these tests and experiments take a lot of time. But for the rest of your life you will be touched by yourself, how stylish and fashionable you are. And girls will love.

18. Error after error

It won't be without mistakes either. Just don’t freak out if after the hundredth attempt you look like a star of the Romanian show business. Everyone dresses badly, even the stars. Look at Madonna or the same Shaya. Are there few of them.

The main purpose of clothing is to enhance the dignity and hide the flaws of the figure. At the same time, bright clothes should attract attention; outfits of restrained tones are appropriate at work and official events.

In addition, there is a dress code, corporate identity, general requirements, ideas about norms, decency and rules, etc. How to learn to dress beautifully in order to look natural and stylish in any situation?

How to learn to dress beautifully by determining the type of figure

Every girl should know the type of her figure, because. This is what determines the cut of clothing. You can determine the type yourself by looking at yourself in the mirror and testing your figure according to standard parameters: shoulder width, chest, waist and hips, etc. and their relationship to each other (and do not try to compliment yourself at this moment!). Each type is matched with basic winning clothing silhouettes.

  1. pear type- the most feminine with narrow rounded shoulders and wide hips. The main task is to balance both parts of the figure, it is necessary to draw attention to the shoulders and bust with the help of style elements - frills, collars, necklines. You can add various accessories - neckerchiefs, beads, chains with pendants. At the same time, it is worth slightly darkening the lower part of the suit. For this type of figure, loose trousers are recommended, slightly tapered to the bottom, straight skirts to the knee and below, semi-adjacent one-piece dresses.
  2. Type "hourglass"- a feminine figure with proportional sizes of the upper and lower parts and a thin waist. Any outfit fits this figure. Products made of soft fabrics look most impressive, emphasizing the smooth curves of the body, tight-fitting trousers, narrow or “tulip” skirts of any length that do not violate the general proportions. You can emphasize the waist with a thin belt.
  3. triangle, turned upside down with broad shoulders and enough big breasted, with narrow hips and almost flat buttocks (for example, athletes). Women of this type often have long, slender legs, which are the main focus of attention. They recommend skirts and trousers of a complex cut, with prints, bright colors, beautiful shoes are required. The top should not attract attention, shoulder pads, large collars, puffed sleeves are excluded. rectangle, the dimensions of the volume of the chest, waist and hips are almost equal, the figure is stocky. Visually, you need to draw attention to the chest and hips with the help of a classic, sports styles products and dense fabrics that retain their shape, the waist will appear thinner. The same is achieved by draperies, coquettes, frills, flounces. An elegant and feminine look is complemented by scarves, stylish bags and shoes, jewelry.
  4. Figure asthenic build with narrow shoulders and hips, an implicit waist, with long legs and hands, gives the impression of fragility, miniature and grace. The main task of clothing is to create the illusion of volume with draperies and soft fabrics. Recommended rounded and oval lines, low waistline.
  5. "apple" with hips and shoulders almost equal in volume, the belly can protrude forward. Such a figure occurs in women who are prone to fullness, often of short stature. Clothing should visually increase the length of the body with the help of high collars, V-necks, striped patterns. Skirts to the middle of the calf or ankles. Belts, belts, fitted and tight clothing are excluded.

When determining the type of figure, it must be borne in mind that it can be vaguely expressed or combined.

How to learn to dress beautifully by choosing a color scheme

Most optimal choice The color palette is always based on the natural natural data of appearance - on the color of the eyes, hair and skin tone. By using various means these colors can be enhanced, smoothed or dramatically changed. Leading stylists do not advise to drastically change your color type, because. this most often ages and highlights the flaws in appearance. However, we must remember that with age, natural data changes, which entails a change in the main colors in the wardrobe.

The color of clothes has a great influence on the overall ensemble and the perception of appearance by people around. Colors that emphasize the color of the eyes, hair, mask wrinkles, make the skin more even and clear, i.e. decorate the exterior, should be the basic colors of the wardrobe. If the skin of the face against the background of some color looks flabby, gray, unhealthy - this color is unacceptable in clothes.

According to classical laws, clothes should have no more than three colors, which should be in harmony:

  • Using shades of the same color or adjacent colors (for example, different shades of yellow, or complementing yellow with oranges or greens that are neighbors of yellow in the spectrum).
  • The use of white, black, gray colors alone or in combination with other colors.
  • A contrasting combination of two (three) colors, which can be complemented by shades of one of them. It is very important to maintain harmony in brightness. The larger the contrasting detail, the less bright it should be and vice versa - the belt, scarf, collar can be bright to attract attention.

How to learn to dress beautifully by choosing your style

There is an erroneous opinion that taste and sense of style are given from birth, the lot of the rest is consultations with stylists. In fact, the combination of colors and items in the wardrobe, maintaining proportionality in appearance, ability to wear different clothes and you can learn to feel confident in it. It will take time, patience, maybe a reprioritization and giving up some favorite things, but the result is worth it. Suffice it to recall the famous film "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts, performances and films based on the play "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw.

In wardrobe modern woman there should be sets of clothes in a business style, clothes for leisure and for the home. When buying new things, one should strive for maximum compatibility and interchangeability of things, which increases the number of possible options. Very pretentious, momentary things that look defiant should be acquired with great care. Individuality is emphasized by additional accessories: jewelry, hats, belts, bags, gloves, always very high quality expensive shoes.

appearance beautiful woman consists of more than just clothes. Makeup, manicure, hairstyle, the ability to move and speak create an integral image. Every girl can learn how to learn how to dress beautifully, create her own individual style and image, but you have to work. We wish you success!

Let's be honest with each other: can you soberly assess your appearance and say that your style of dress is impeccable? Most likely, the answer will be negative. This is not surprising, because most of us have a habit of buying things, guided by a momentary whim, and not thinking too much about how harmoniously they fit together. This is how deposits of “minerals” appear in our cabinets, which are a pity to throw away and there is no way to wear them.

Or here is another typically female problem: we don’t fully feel our own style, we don’t take into account the features of the figure and color type when choosing new clothes - that’s why we don’t know what suits us and what doesn’t.

As a result, we put on what fashion dictates, completely forgetting that fashion unifies, while it is the style of clothing that allows us to show individuality.

In addition, do not forget that others (and especially strangers) perceive us precisely “by clothes”. In order not to seem ridiculous or tasteless, we simply have to decide how to dress properly and stylishly.

Psychological aspect

It has already been proven that as soon as we put on this or that outfit, our behavior changes. If in the morning you put on a strict pantsuit, a white blouse, pumps with stilettos and pin up your hair high, and in the evening change into boyfriend jeans, leather jackets and worn-out sneakers - then you will behave differently, and others will see completely different images in you. In the first case, it will undoubtedly be a serious business woman, and in the second, a sort of tomboy girl.

But how to dress stylishly and look natural if you do not want to stick to just one direction in clothes, but would like to try on different looks? In this case, first decide who you still want to be (except, of course, yourself). A glamorous socialite, a reckless rocker or a strict business woman? The direction that is closer to you should just become the main one. All the rest can be tried on from time to time to color the gray everyday life.

Stylish clothes: looking for the best option

To make it easier for you to decide on a style, we advise you to first study the features of existing fashion trends - in this case, it will be much easier to make a choice. Naturally, we will not be able to cover all styles, so we will highlight the most popular ones.

  • . It is characterized by the main principle: nothing superfluous, everything is clearly weighed and in its place. A classic is a classic, to be exemplary: if the skirt is only perfectly fitting to the figure, if the trousers are only made of expensive high-quality matter. The classic style does not tolerate vulgarity and flashy details.
  • . He is also an office worker. Often confused with the classic, as business clothes and shoes are in many ways similar to the classics. She also does not tolerate outrageous and provocation, must be of high quality and moderately sexy. It is allowed to use strict dresses, suits with a skirt or trousers, shirts or blouses, shoes with not too high heels.

  • . Helps a woman to feel fairy fairy or princess. Flowing materials, smooth lines, pastel colors, ruffles, frills, lace, ribbons and other components of a romantic look make it possible to simulate the most feminine look.

  • . This style of clothing is a godsend for fashion lovers of past years who are not averse to transferring it to the present.

  • . Styles of clothing that will appeal to the descendants of flower children. Non-triviality and the art of combining seemingly incongruous things - this is the main principle of forming images in these styles.

  • . How to dress beautifully, but feel comfortable at the same time? It's simple: you need to choose casual style as the main one, that is, everyday. It is he who includes things basic wardrobe such as jeans, comfortable sweaters, blazers, cardigans, moccasins and comfortable pumps with low heels.

  • a bit like casual, as these two directions intersect in many ways. Their main principle is comfort and convenience, which are so important in the fast pace of modern life.

Good luck with your own style.

Stylish clothes are the key to confident behavior, good mood and an active life position. Agree: if we are wearing what we are truly comfortable in and what really suits us, then we can move mountains. And for this it is not at all necessary to buy half the store - you just need to find out which style suits you best, and, based on this, purchase things that once again emphasize your dignity.

Not all people know how to choose the right clothes for themselves, it is for this reason that they often look bad, clothes can not only improve the appearance of a person, but also significantly worsen it. That's why you need to learn how to choose for yourself nice clothes, which will look really good. In general, you can learn how to choose clothes with a great desire, but first you need to sincerely want to look good.

How to learn to dress beautifully and fashionably:

1. Take a girlfriend or friend with you

Asking the seller for advice is completely useless, as they will not offer clothes that look good, but those that they need to sell first. In addition, not a single seller will honestly say how the clothes sit, that is, even if they look bad, the seller will still claim that the person looks great in these things. So it’s better to take an honest friend or girlfriend with you to the store who will tell the real truth and advise you to try on really nice outfit. Thus, for sure you will be able to choose something suitable and stylish attire.

During the selection, clothes must be measured, and only then make a definite decision. Be sure to carefully look at yourself in the mirror and try to notice all the details. If the clothes show all the flaws of the figure, then it is not recommended to buy it, since things should hide all the flaws, and not put them all on display. So if a person has any problems with the figure, in no case should he buy tight clothes for himself. An overweight person should buy loose clothes for himself, only in this way he can hide certain flaws in his figure.

3. Be always in trend

Some people have no idea what kind of clothes are in fashion right now, which is why they just buy what they like and don't think about fashion. In fact, stylish and fashionable clothes can decorate a person’s appearance, so you should first find out what things are currently fashionable, you can find out this information using certain sites on the network, where you can even choose a certain beautiful image. If a person is not familiar with the Internet, then he can simply buy himself a good fashion magazine, after viewing such a magazine, a person will be able to understand what kind of clothes he needs.

4. Do not combine different patterns

It is important to remember the rule that there should be only one piece with a pattern in the outfit. Do not try to combine different patterns in clothes, it almost always worsens your style. For example, if a girl put on a T-shirt with rectangles, she is unlikely to want to wear another striped skirt.

5. Confidence and comfort

Choose only those clothes in which you will feel comfortable and confident. Think of yourself first, not others.

  • Interesting article -


Many people justify their lack of taste in clothes with a lack of money, but in fact, you can dress beautifully in simple stores, it is not necessary to buy clothes in expensive boutiques. If a person has good taste, then he will be able to choose a beautiful and fashionable clothes both in the store and in the market. The main thing is to always spend a lot of time on clothes, because it is unlikely that a person will be able to quickly choose a suitable stylish outfit for himself, so you should not spare your time for such an important process.

How to dress stylishly - video

TO how to learn how to dress properly for a modern girl and woman? Why not stylish, not fashionable, but right? Because before learning how to dress in a certain way, learning how to dress according to the latest fashion trends, every woman needs to master the basic principles - the basic rules of the science of creating her own unique image, which will become an unshakable foundation and help you in any life situation. And only by understanding how to dress properly, you will create the foundation of your wardrobe and be able to learn how to dress stylishly, fashionably and in general as you please.

So, below are 5 tips from Ksenia Shtil on right choice clothes for modern girls and women.

Tip 1. Dressing properly means knowing your color type. This is necessary in order to clearly know which colors adorn you and which do not. In addition, based on the color type of appearance, you can choose one or two basic colors for your wardrobe for each season. Our website has everything you need to know color type appearance and receive recommendations on the correct use of shades. In the "Color analysis of appearance" section, you can familiarize yourself with general information about existing color types and colors. If you want to delve into this topic, you can get personal recommendations from stylists in the appropriate section.

Tip 2. Dressing properly means knowing your body type. This is important when choosing clothing styles. Each type of female figure has its most advantageous silhouettes. You just need to know them and, walking through the shops, look for them. This will save you time on stupid fittings of everything in a row (although, of course, sometimes you need to experiment, because there are exceptions to any rule), and also save a certain amount of money thrown into the wind by unsuccessful acquisitions. The section "Peculiarities of the female figure" on our website is designed to help you determine your type of figure. And for a deeper study of the issue, as well as receiving individual recommendations from stylists, testing is offered, according to the results of which you can easily choose the right and stylish wardrobe for yourself.

Tip 3. Dressing right means being smart about money. There are things that judge your personality directly. And it is for these things that it makes sense to lay out decent amounts. This includes shoes, bag, gloves, glasses, belt. Everything else can and should be saved. But this does not mean that you need to buy naked synthetics and shapeless knitwear. I just want you to understand: it makes sense to pay dearly for a bag or a pair of shoes you like, but for T-shirts, T-shirts and skirts, it makes sense to pay only the price that they should cost. But it's not worth overpaying. If you are interested in the question "price - quality", then be sure to check out the article "How to dress inexpensively".

Tip 4. Dressing properly means choosing clothes from high-quality fabrics and not forgetting about the correct and timely care of them. predominance natural materials with only a small addition of synthetics for dimensional stability - this is the key to a beautiful appearance, maintaining the shape and color of the product, as well as long and pleasant wearing. Always look at the labels and try to strictly follow the recommendations of the manufacturers. Some products are subject only to dry cleaning, which is by no means cheap in our time. This must be taken into account when buying. If you consider that frequent dry cleaning of the item you like is not “affordable”, then it is better to refuse to purchase it. You can read about what materials used in tailoring, about their advantages and disadvantages, on the pages of the corresponding heading on our website - "Materials Science".

Tip 5 Dressing properly means dressing for the right time and place. This is a broad topic. To fully understand the meaning of this simple phrase, it is necessary to delve a little into the theory. Be sure to check out How to Dress Stylishly. I would also like to advise you to read the articles on our portal on the topic of creating a basic everyday wardrobe and a basic business wardrobe. Within the framework of this article, I would just like to note that every event, whether it’s barbecue in the forest with friends, going to the theater, skiing or going to work every day, implies certain stereotypes in appearance and its own requirements for appearance in general. It makes sense to stick to them, unless, of course, a constant challenge to society is not your forte.