Craft spring mood. DIY spring crafts. How to make crafts with children on a spring theme to school and kindergarten? DIY spring flowers

With the advent of every season in all children's educational institutions various exhibitions and reviews of works created by the children themselves are held. Kindergartens are no exception. While creating such crafts for a contest or an exhibition, a child can not only spend time with interest, but also try to understand how each season differs from all the others, and what items symbolize a particular season.

When all nature comes, it begins to gradually wake up from hibernation. The bright spring sun is shining, ice and snow are melting, fresh green grass can be seen more and more often on the lawns, and new leaves on the trees. A little later, a huge number of flowers will bloom in squares and parks, and the whole world will sparkle with new colors.

It's natural that all these changes are babies preschool age reflect in their masterpieces. A craft on the theme “Spring is red” for a kindergarten can either be a panel depicting a spring landscape, flower arrangement, bright sunshine and so on. In our article you will find several ideas for similar products and detailed instructions that will help you make them together with the children.

Sunshine for the little ones

The smallest children in kindergarten at the beginning of spring can do a funny craft in the form of a bright sun. It symbolizes the end of winter and the arrival of a warmer season. Making it is extremely simple:

Craft-application "Spring has come" in kindergarten

Application-panel on the theme "Spring has come" is also very simple:

flower composition

Crafts on the theme "Spring Beauty" in kindergarten can have a different character. Some children reflect the arrival of spring in the form beautiful girl, which brings with it warmth, fresh greens and many flowers. Others associate this season with flowering, and therefore their crafts are beautiful compositions, wreaths or bouquets.

In particular, for the spring exhibition or competition, you can make such a magnificent composition of crocuses:

  1. Prepare everything you need.
  2. Cut strips of 5x15 cm from lilac crepe paper and 1x10 cm from green. Take cotton buds and paint them yellow on one side.
  3. Twist each strip in the center.
  4. Then fold them in half and make a “hood” on top, slightly stretching the paper. This action can be quite difficult for a small child, so, most likely, he will need the help of parents.
  5. Wrap corrugated paper around cotton swab so that its yellow side is in the center of the flower.
  6. Add 2 more petals in the same way, fixing with glue.
  7. Make the right amount of crocuses.
  8. Cut strips of green paper slightly around the edges to give them the shape of leaves, and glue at the base of each flower.
  9. These are the bright and beautiful crocuses you should get.
  10. Place them in a basket or any other container. Your composition is ready!

Articles on this topic:

From such simple material, like a newspaper, you can create incredibly beautiful crafts. Older guys will cope with this task themselves, but younger kids will need the help of their elders, a little perseverance - and amazing crafts will be ready!

One of the most fun ways to spend time with kids is DIY crafts. Especially when spring has already begun in full and gave us not only a lot of craft materials, but also serious inspiration.

Everyone, from young to old, loves to sculpt, glue and craft. And if for older children this is a great way to show their imagination, then for the smallest this process is also useful, as it affects the development of such an important fine motor skills. The more interesting crafts with mom become, if they are thematic, and timed to coincide with the upcoming holiday. Happy Easter, Victory Day and many others interesting traditions you can easily introduce the baby during joint needlework.

And so that you don’t have to go far into the Internet for ideas, we offer 10 great examples of spring fakes with your little ones.

1. Herbalist

The first and most important symbol of spring is the newly sprouted green grass. For a joyful warm mood, you should try to plant one at home. It is best to do this in the form of a grasshopper - a small fabric figurine (usually an animal's head) with a grassy green bang.

You can buy such a funny little thing, but it’s much more fun to make a cute captain with the children. The more they will have the desire and initiative to water this eco-man.

To create a craft, you will need: a base (tights, stocking, sock, gauze and whatever you think of), grass seeds, sawdust, a saucer, paint (optional), threads with a needle and a short video tutorial:

The shape and image of the grasshopper depend only on your imagination and children's imagination.

2. Paper tulips

Beloved grandmother will be immensely happy to receive cute multi-colored tulips as a gift, even if they are made of paper. At all times, attention was considered the main thing!

For this craft you will need: colored paper, glue and scissors.

Everything else is ingenious and simple!

3. Fabric dandelions

Toward the end of spring, cute, fluffy dandelions will also appear. Speeding up this process with your child is easy. We offer to create a spring composition from their yellow counterparts.

Take: yellow and green threads, glue and wire for the stem.

Step by step instructions attached:

4. Vase

You can make an original vase for these bouquets with your own hands. Today we are trying together with you such an interesting and simple option:

1. Take plastic bottle from milk, remove the label from it and cover with a layer of glue.

2. Add gouache or food coloring to regular kitchen salt.

3. Roll the bottle in salt.

4. Decorate as desired with a bow or other decor.

5. Everything!

5. Ladybug made of plastic spoons

On the same vase, curtains or flower pot, you can plant a dozen ladybugs that will cheer you up every day. You can make them from disposable plastic spoons.

You will need: spoons, white, red and black paint (acrylic is best), black buttons instead of heads and all-purpose glue.

6. Butterfly for the little ones

What is spring without bright fluttering butterflies? Such simple applications are suitable for the smallest needlewomen: from 1 to 3 years. All moms will feel inspired with these simple examples:

7. Ships from tetrapacks

If you are raising a future real man, put aside all sorts of flowers, bows and ribbons. It's time to start making ships. Walnut shells have long since sunk into oblivion. Now young mothers make real "Titanics" from milk tetrapacks.

8. Rocket

April 12 is just around the corner - an excellent occasion to tell your little boy about the exploits of Gagarin and Armstrong in the construction of a space rocket. No, we are not talking about the constructor at all.

All the necessary details can be found at home at hand: some cardboard, a paper towel tube, colored paper, glue and paints. Who knows, maybe someday your little hero will decide to surf the expanses of the universe.

9. Easter bunnies from napkins

On the eve of Easter, which, by the way, is quite early this year, put the cutest origami napkin bunnies with the kids. Eared guests will be a wonderful decoration holiday table, in addition to Easter cakes, chickens and colored eggs.

10. The sun in the front garden

For those who decide to decorate not only the hearth, but also the native yard, we have a great idea - the sun that will shine for you every day.

You will need: a tire, paint, plywood, self-tapping screws and a drill, plastic bottles.


1. We paint plywood, tires and plastic containers yellow.

2. Cut out a circle from plywood and draw a muzzle.

3. Attach the muzzle to the tire.

4. Screw bottle caps along half of the tire with self-tapping screws.

5. We dress the bottles on the caps.

6. We dig the sun into the ground or hang it on a tree.

The process of making this craft is so time-consuming that, most likely, you will have to call your dad. But trust us, it's worth it! Children will be delighted. You can settle the sun, both under the windows and in the yard, and on the playground in the kindergarten.

Spring is a time of inspiration. We look forward to seeing in the comments a photo of how your and children's golden hands see this blooming time of the year.

Spring is a time of rebirth of nature and creative inspiration. Try to create something new and beautiful with your kids. We offer options for children's crafts on the theme of "Spring", the production of which together with the children will give you many pleasant minutes, and your child will help win the spring crafts competition in kindergarten.

"Flower meadow" - crafts on the theme "Spring"

You will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • plastic spoons;
  • scissors;
  • gouache;
  • plasticine.


Make ladybugs out of disposable plastic spoons. To do this, separate the handles from the spoons, paint the spoons black and red, then apply the traditional ladybug war paint in the form of black dots. The wings are ready.

Fashion the heads and torso of insects from black plasticine. Connect the wings to the body.

The next stage of work on children's crafts on the theme "Spring" is the manufacture of daisies. To do this, you will need small plastic bottles of different colors. First, they must be cleaned of labels, cut off the neck and cut the chamomile petals with scissors, rounding each petal. Place the bottle caps in the holes of the flowers - you will get round cores.

The basis of this craft is a green plastic mat, which you can purchase at a flower shop or from artificial flower sellers. A charming craft on the theme of "Spring" is ready! You can take a flower meadow to a kindergarten, or you can use it to decorate a room, to please relatives and friends.


Travyanchikov (eco-humans) for crafts on the theme of "Spring" can now be bought at any flower shop, but it is much more interesting to make such crafts with your own hands with your children.

You will need:

  • kapron tights;
  • grass seeds;
  • sawdust;
  • threads of different colors;
  • cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • buttons;
  • beads;
  • ribbons, bows, colored flaps;
  • PVA glue;
  • gouache or oil paints.


Pour grass seeds (buy them in advance at the pet store) or sawdust into nylon tights or stockings. From a densely stuffed blank, using threads, form the body parts of the grasshoppers. Highlight the ears, noses, arms and legs, paws, etc., making them as expressive as possible.

Then you need to glue the finished eyes or make them using the application, using cardboard, colored paper, buttons, beads. Dress up ready-made grasshoppers using colored scraps of fabric to make hats, vests, belts, etc.

After the herbs sprout, tie the sprouted grass with bows, modeling pigtails and ponytails, paint the figures in bright colors using oil or gouache paints.

Eco-humans are not only interesting children's crafts on the theme of "Spring", but also very useful toys that teach children to love nature, to see and find beauty in it, to take care of plants and skillfully care for them.

amazing flower

This craft on the theme of "Spring" can be made together with the child and presented to her mother, grandmother or sister.

You will need:

  • paper;
  • paints;
  • tassel.


A cute spring-themed flower craft can be made using the palm print of a child's hand. The child should dip his palm in the paint and press it firmly against a sheet of white paper. On the resulting bright print, it is necessary to paint the flower stalk and leaves, as well as the grass in the clearing, with paints.

The same parts of the flower can be made using colored paper appliqué, complementing the palm print with them. It will be interesting for a child to decorate an amazing flower with butterflies, which can be drawn or glued.

"Palm seals" and flowering branches

One of the most beautiful spring trees is willow. When we were kids, we used to call willows "cats". Let's try to make "seals" with our own hands with the children.

You will need:

  • corrugated paper (white, brown and green);
  • thin wire;
  • cotton wool;
  • thin branches.


Cut out small squares from white crepe paper. Place pieces of cotton wool in the middle of each square and twist each of them with a thin wire. Attach the finished "seals" to the branches of trees or shrubs. Having fixed the “seals” on the branches, tightly wrap the branches themselves with green and brown corrugated paper.

Older children can be offered to weave “seals” from beads or crochet them from white threads.

An option for crafts on this topic may be "Blossoming Twig"

You will need:

  • colored paper in white, blue, pink and green;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • cut branches of trees and shrubs.


From colored paper, you need to cut out white, blue and pink flowers, as well as green leaves. Glue them to the branches with PVA glue to make branches of flowering fruit trees and shrubs - great and very simple spring craft!

Marina Suzdaleva

Spring will come soon. The frosts will be replaced by sunny and warm days, the first leaves will appear on the trees, and the flower beds will be decorated with bright flowers. The Snow Maiden also heard about all this, but she cannot see all the spring decoration of nature, otherwise she will melt. The granddaughter of Santa Claus decided to write a letter to the guys who helped her in "" with a request to do for her DIY spring crafts.

creative works made in different techniques and suitable for both creative development baby, and as a gift to relatives on spring holidays.

Spring craft "Dandelion from foamiran"

Artyom and I made crafts from foamiran. Wonderful material: plastic, non-toxic, undemanding to wear.

Oksana Demidova and son Fedya, 3 years old, St. Petersburg.

Craft "Spring Sun" (my son came up with the name himself) is made of:

  • fruits (banana, apple);
  • sweets (soft cookies, marshmallow, marmalade);
  • canape sticks.

Technique: construction from fruits and sweets.

When making crafts by a child, the help of an adult is needed in cutting fruit. This craft will decorate any festive children's table. We even repeated what moods (sadness, joy, surprise) are with Spring Sun.

Craft "Spring mood"

Manufacturing technology: laying out.

Materials for the work:

  • a frame made of a sheet of colored or white cardboard;
  • bones from fruits;
  • colored stones.

Creative works: "The first flowers of spring" and "Insects wake up"

The works are made in the same technique, using the "mirror drawing" method.

Insects were drawn in the lessons at the center of additional education. After that, the idea came up to draw snowdrops. It seemed to me that this is a theme that unites walks along winter tales and the theme of the contest.

  • watercolor paints;
  • tassel;
  • watercolor paper.

Work sequence:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper "book" in half;
  2. Draw half of the drawing with a pencil. For those who are still bad at drawing, this can be half a coloring book;
  3. Paint the details of the picture and until the paint is dry, cover with a clean half of the sheet and smooth it with your hands;
  4. If something doesn't print well, you can repeat the process. But, remember, if there is too much water in the paint, the sheet will quickly get wet and the paint may spread, not giving a clear outline. If you apply a different color of paint on top, then it is better to let the masterpiece dry a little before that, otherwise the colors will mix.

The process of creating drawings in this technique is not complicated, fast and very exciting.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Natalia Turchaninova and Daniil, 5 years 2 months Rostov-on-Don.

Magic book in pop-up style

Our craft is a spread of a magic book for a journey through fairy tales in pop-up style.

The idea of ​​the spread is to show the winter characters spring and summer. They can easily move from their ice palace, walk through the green meadows, swim in the lake, admire the rainbow and flowers!

The craft is made of paper, the objects are drawn with oil crayons, stamps and blown felt-tip pens are used.

Anastasia Pavlova and sons 2.5 and 7 years old, Moscow

Poster "Spring Miracle"

According to fairy tales, we took a walk for a long time, and everything was spinning in our heads that we needed to make crafts, participate in the competition, stir ourselves and the children to creativity. And for some reason there were no ideas, I kept putting it off and putting it off, and now, on the very last day, I tell the children (or myself more) that there is nowhere to put it off, let's create! We sometimes do this: I spread a large sheet of paper on the floor, put paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, colored paper, glue, scissors and various tools with which you can draw (pebbles, brushes, combs, cotton buds, etc.), write a word and ... our creativity has gone! And now we have made such a miracle - a spring uplifting mood!

Necessary materials and tools:

  • Sheet of A3 paper;
  • colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Oil crayons, wax pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • sequins;
  • Good mood;
  • Free time.

The children got to work. We started with the youngest, the eldest walked, looked, but did her own business (either homework, or a postcard for dad on February 23), but then she could not stand it and joined us in the end.

I wrote the word "spring". We decided that there is no spring without flowers and made a flower. Sveta glued, we think, we fantasize further. Suddenly, a ladybug flew to us (it folds like a frog out of paper, rounded off the tips, cut it off), my daughter painted and glued it to our spring meadow.

They began to add more flowers ... Tulips appeared in our clearing after a snowy winter. The eldest came up, said, one ladybug is bored, she needs a friend! They also made a friend only from double-sided colored paper. Now we have the friendship of ladybugs, we have flowers, we drew stems, we made grass from colored paper using the “fringe” technique. Added sequins. There are still patterns of light: I drew balls and hearts.

The eldest came: she made the word “Spring” brighter and, at my suggestion, wrote words-wishes-associations with the word “Spring”.

This concludes our creative process! Now we admire our spring picture! I hope that a piece of warmth, joy and kindness was passed on to you from us!

Mom Olga Khuzzyatova and daughters Svetlana (4 years old) and Violetta (7 years old). We are from Irkutsk.

Doll – Vesnyanka

We decided to create a girlfriend for the Snow Maiden - Vesnyanka. She will definitely tell and show what spring is. We have been making amulets for a long time. Relatives have accumulated a decent collection of these wonderful toys. The Vesnyanka doll is a cheerful and perky doll that was made for the arrival of spring. The growth of a doll is the size of a palm, and strength, joy and a young yari until the very Kupava holiday. Traditionally, she is bright, with hair of an unusual color, because she depicts not a person, but the spirit of awakening nature.

For work you will need:

  • Torso and head: white fabric (35 cm by 12 cm);
  • The doll's dress consists of two parts: an underskirt in a solid color and an upper skirt in color (35 cm by 15 cm);
  • Sleeves: plain or colored fabric (16 cm by 12 cm);
  • Hair: woolen threads;
  • Scissors.

Difficulties in working with children aged 4.6 and 5.5 in tying knots, working with a needle. Therefore, the work is joint, but at the same time we got 3 dolls. Children chose fabrics specifically for their dolls, made twists, braided braids, sewed skirts.

Master class on making dolls - Vesnyanka:

  1. We make the body: fold the fabric in the middle and make a twist.
  2. . We form the head. We make a ritual gesture: we press the thread firmly with our thumb, and only then we begin to wrap it.
  3. We form the arms and waist.
  4. We insert threads into the loop of the head - hair. We leave the bangs in front, we braid the rest into a braid and weave a ribbon.
  5. Next, put on the underskirt. We collected it on a needle (worked out even stitches).
  6. We put on an overcoat. We also collected it on a needle.

Doll - Vesnyanka - ready!

Shikovs Alena (5.5) and Kolya (4.6), Moscow. Grandma Kotyashova Elena Petrovna helped

peach blossom

Since the goal of our game is to tell the Snow Maiden about spring, we first cut a few branches of a plum tree and put them in a jar of water in a sunny place to watch the flowers and leaves bloom. And everyone rejoiced when they saw how flowers bloomed one after another, how the leaves turned green. As if a piece of spring appeared in the house. I read this idea in the book “from our childhood” by S. Sakharova “ House Wizard Academy", where it was proposed to prepare such" "for March 8 from various branches.

After that, she offered to make flowers for the Snow Maiden herself. Flowers made of corrugated pink paper and white paper were attached to a dry branch with adhesive tape. paper napkins.

“Vase” is an ordinary glass jar that we decorated with “perfumes” and “lipsticks” cut out from a catalog that we happened to have lying around. The son additionally decided to decorate the jar in which the branches were with embossed foil.

We showed all this to the Snow Maiden, who briefly “looked” at us, but soon “flew away” to the North, because. we already have a real spring: the sun is shining, it is very warm outside, the birds are singing! And in some places flowers are already really appearing on the trees!

Vlada Maksimishina, daughter 4 years old and son 11 years old, Yalta

Grandfather Mazai and hares

Spring is coming! It's time for flowering, love, fragrances!
But ... let's not rush time, everything has its own! Admire what a wonderful spring composition Ilya made! He was inspired by N. Nekrasov's poem "Grandfather Mazai and Hares".

For crafts, Ilya picked up a shallow box, painted the background with blue paint, twisted birch trunks out of paper, and drew dashes with a felt-tip pen. Complemented the composition cocktail tubes. Beach, hares and a dog from salt dough, which we always have in the refrigerator. A little snow from cotton wool. Grandfather wooden from a fairy tale about a bull. Ilya fixed his hair and put on a hat. And the hat is not simple, it is a cap from an acorn.

What a flood! Like outside our window!

Oksana Zagalskaya and son Ilya, 3 years 4 months old, Moscow

Creativity is wonderful. Such an activity can give wonderful emotions. Moreover, it develops Creative skills any person. Spring has come, which means that it's time to make beautiful spring crafts. For their manufacture, you can use improvised materials that you have at home.

How to make crafts on the theme of spring

To have fun in your free time, make crafts. You can do this activity at any time of the year. In this case, you can use a variety of thematic ideas. In general, involve children in this activity. Surely they will enjoy this pastime. Quickly get acquainted with the ideas below and do the most interesting activity.

Origami bird.

Spring is the brightest time of the year, which inspires everyone to do wonderful things. Children can easily transfer their impressions to paper, which is the most accessible material. From this material you can make a huge number of interesting things. And if you use the origami technique, you can get a great product. So, to make a bird, prepare:

  • Strips of colored paper, having a width of 3 cm and a length of 20 cm and scissors.
  • A branch of a tree.
  • PVA glue or glue gun.


Spring lilies of the valley.

If you do not yet know how to make voluminous spring crafts, then this craft is very easy to learn. Get to know the quilling technique. This technique involves twisting the paper into various modules. In this case, twisting occurs by means of a device or an ordinary toothpick. These products are glued to the paintings and drawings that were made earlier. For this job you will need the following:

  • Paper strips: green, white, blue.
  • Two types of cardboard, braid, and scissors.


  1. For the base of the craft, you will need two rectangles. They are cut out of cardboard.
  2. The contours of a flower are drawn on cardboard - a lily of the valley.
  3. Twist the strips of paper into special modals, and then glue them to the offices that are marked on the cardboard.
  4. Now the pano should be decorated with braid and make a loop out of it.

Easter Egg.

We continue to offer you crafts on the theme of spring. Everyone knows that in the spring time such a wonderful holiday as Easter awaits us. And it is for this occasion that the following papier-mâché craft is proposed. To create a product, you must prepare:

  • Balloon and crepe paper in different colors,
  • Old newspapers or waste paper.
  • Flour for making paste.


  1. The balloon is inflated first. We prepare a paste, and then lower small pieces of paper into it. Further, the whole ball is pasted over with these pieces.
  2. The first and final layer should be lined with colored corrugated paper.
  3. Now the ball should dry thoroughly. This will take 10 hours.
  4. When the craft is dry, the ball is blown off and its remains are removed.
  5. Using scissors, a hole is made in the egg.
  6. Any material of your choice fits inside. It can be: straw, pieces of colored paper or dry hay.

You have a beautiful house. Now it is worth putting some inhabitant into it. It can be a beautiful bird or a bunny. You can use ready-made figures or fashion something interesting from plasticine.

miraculousapplique .

An applique is a craft that is created by gluing paper or cardboard pieces onto the base. In this work, it may be useful:

  • Colored and thin paper and a black felt-tip pen.
  • Scissors, PVA glue and brown wool threads.


  1. Using ready-made templates, we make individual fragments of the picture.
  2. Be sure to mark the middle of the flower, and draw the veins on the leaves.
  3. From wool threads it is worth knitting a chain of air loops. They should lay out a nest and branches.

House for birds. Volumetric craft.

Volumetric crafts have a wonderful appearance. And if you intend to make crafts for the spring contest, then this option will be the most suitable. If you use a template in your work, then the craft will be created in a few minutes. We suggest cutting out a ready-made template, which is pre-printed on a printer.

Details for crafts are cut out of thick cardboard. And then they stick together. Now it remains to choose only the right paper with which you will paste over your craft.

Spring postcard.

Everyone knows that in spring time everyone unanimously congratulates their beloved women. Children are simply obliged to pay attention to their mother and give her a little warmth. All you need to work is:

  • Sheets of paper in different sizes and colors
  • Cardboard and buttons
  • Curly scissors.


  1. It is necessary to cut the flower along the contour. However, it is not necessary to cut to the end.
  2. Pieces of colored paper of various colors are glued on its reverse side.
  3. In order for the reverse side to be neat, the reverse part is sealed with a white sheet.
  4. Pick up the buttons of the color of the one that has colored paper. The button should also be glued to the postcard.

Spring chicken.

In this article you will find photos of crafts on the theme of spring. All the options presented by the kids will do with pleasure. To create a spring chicken you will need:

  • Any brand of plasticine.
  • modeling mass,
  • Puff pastry or clay or modeling paste.


Spring crafts are very interesting to make from plasticine. To create a chicken, you will need an empty container from the kinder. To decorate the clearing, you will make an applique.

Craft for the little ones. Sunflower.

Any developmental activity is useful for children. For the smallest, a template is drawn. Then they decorate it with plasticine. Excess material must be removed from the base.

Pompom flowers.

Flowers are the main symbol of spring. Let's create something unusual together with the child. To do this, use:

  • piece of cardboard,
  • glue gun,
  • Burlap rope.


  • Make a pom-pom out of brightly colored wool yarn.
  • This pom-pom is attached to a branch that can be obtained from any tree.
  • Tie a bow with burlap string.

Paper roses.

These flowers are also easy to make. If you follow all the instructions, then everything should work out. You can install such peculiar flowers in original vase from burlap.

craft ideas

In this article, we have listed spring-themed crafts for you that you can do with your children. Of course, this is not a complete list and we will offer you many more beautiful ideas that should be admired.