Christmas Lion. We are going to Lviv for New Year and Christmas. The most expensive restaurant in Galicia


Christmas in Lviv is a bright, emotional and colorful period even for those who live here. But for tourists, Lviv on the Christmas holidays is a real discovery - directly from the city, ancient traditions, numerous legends and rituals. Moreover, every year in Lviv they come up with more and more new holiday attractions to always surprise guests. For example, on January 7, 2019 at 19:00, Ruslana’s Christmas concert will take place on the square in front of the Opera House.

Where to go in Lviv for the Christmas holidays: Fairs

Lviv at Christmas: this fairy tale is worth seeing ©

The Christmas market in Lviv has already become a good tradition and a “feature” of the Christmas holidays. It opened in the city center (Rynok Square and Svobody Avenue) on December 7, 2018.

So what should you look for at the Lviv fair?

  • Easter eggs, embroidery, artistic items made of leather and beads, products made of wicker, souvenirs made of wood, as well as cups, plates, beer skittles, coffee grinders, ashtrays, T-shirts, postcards and magnets with views of old Lviv and so on.
  • At the Christmas market you can treat yourself to various delicacies. If you are hungry, they will offer barbecue, sausages or dumplings with different fillings. If you want sweets, try traditional pampushki with jam, poppy seeds or cherries. You can warm up with hot tea, coffee or mulled wine.
  • If you are a honey lover, then you should definitely visit the Christmas market too! After all, here you can find really good honey and various products made from it.

Christmas traditions: carols, nativity scenes, didukh and shopka

Lviv at Christmas: this fairy tale is worth seeing ©

Before Catholic Christmas(December 23) one of the main attributes of the holiday is installed on Market Square - the Christmas shop. This is a large wooden model of the Bethlehem stable in which Jesus Christ was born. Under the shopka there are 13 biblical figures - the Virgin Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, three kings with gifts, an ox and a donkey. On January 6, shopka is solemnly consecrated by priests of different faiths.

On January 6, the traditional ceremony of carrying out and installing the Didukh (a three-meter sheaf of wheat) takes place in Lviv. A festive procession with carols moves through the city center. The installation of Didukh on Yavorsky Square is usually entrusted personally to the owner of the city - the mayor of Lvov, Andrei Sadovoy.

Where to go in Lviv for the Christmas holidays: "Velika Kolyada" Festival

You can hear carols performed professionally in the Dominican Cathedral, where the Great Carol festival will be held from January 7 to 20. Let us note that preparations for the 19th annual festival “Velika Kolyada” in Lviv began in mid-October.

Where to go in Lviv for the Christmas holidays: Christmas Festival

Main festive event in Lviv in winter is the International Christmas Festival, which includes the Procession of the Star Bears, also known as the Parade of Nativity Scenes. Hundreds of Lviv residents will gather on January 8 at 12:00 near the Dominican Cathedral to join the procession with their Christmas beauties-stars. The festive procession will proceed along the central streets of Lviv to the square in front of the Opera House. S. Krushelnitskaya. The Nativity Scene Festival will take place on the main fair stage in front of the theater on January 8-9. Dozens of groups will share their unique and colorful version of the Christmas performance.

Where to go in Lviv for the Christmas holidays: Shevchenkovsky Gai

Lviv at Christmas: this fairy tale is worth seeing © Tanya Grigel

If you plan to spend more than two days in Lviv during the Christmas holidays, we recommend visiting the Shevchenko Guy ethnocomplex. Here they are preparing a special program for Christmas, you can take part in the nativity scene and sing carols yourself. Here you can also try traditional Christmas dishes and even learn recipes for their preparation.

Let us remind you that we previously talked about 5 unique places in the Chernihiv region. Details

The warmest, most cozy and romantic city in Ukraine - Lviv is ready to receive guests all year round. But it acquires its unique and fabulous atmosphere when New Year and Christmas appear on the calendar. Western Ukrainian flavor, national traditions and excellent European service. This is exactly what tourists come to Lviv in winter for every year. Don't know where to go and what to pay attention to? We offer you a short guide to the brightest corners of Lviv.

Holidays in Lviv - traditions and customs

Lviv is full of colors at Christmas and loud songs are heard through the streets. Local residents treat the traditions and cultural features of this holiday with special trepidation. Despite the fact that most of the local residents are Catholics, the city noisily celebrates both the New Year and Orthodox Christmas.

Church services begin in Lviv on December 25, guests are treated to pastries and sweets. The city is decorated with miniatures from the Bible, garlands, lanterns and Christmas tree decorations.

The most striking traditional performances begin on January 5-7, on Christmas Day. A costumed nativity scene walks along the paving stones - the pride of Ukraine’s national heritage. Characters from folklore and church stories walk through the city, sing songs and treat children to sweets. Nativity scenes visit both private homes and shops, restaurants and cozy corners of Lviv.

What to see and what to do in Lviv at Christmas

Events in Lviv offer a wide range of leisure activities. It all starts from the first days of December. One of the most exciting events is the Christmas market in Lviv on Rynok Square. It starts in the middle of the month, on December 12th. If you missed this event this year, be sure to plan it for next year. Preparations for the fair begin a month before the start. Figures made of wood, paper, fur, plush, glass and other things are made by the best craftsmen of the region. Here you can also buy embroidered shirts, skirts, caftans from leading Ukrainian handicraftswomen. Books, souvenirs, decor, treats. The best establishments from all over the country present their cuisine - you can eat enough for the year ahead.

Another unusual option entertainment in Lviv - Pampukh Holiday. It starts on January 7 and lasts until January 11, takes place in Shevchenkovsky Gai. Baking masters from Ukraine and neighboring countries come here. All guests are treated to the same donuts. You can either buy them or earn them for poems, songs, carols and other amateur activities. If you are confident in your culinary abilities, then take part in the Hostess Competition. And for those who are not afraid to gain weight New Year holidays, offer participation in a competition for eating donuts at speed. In addition to all this, the festival features a fair with souvenirs and decorative items. self made.

Freedom Square is full of interesting corners throughout the Christmas period. There are small restaurants, cafes and souvenir shops here. Guests of the city are treated to mulled wine, hot chocolate, cocoa and, of course, the legendary Lviv coffee. Chocolate and gingerbread, fruits, tangerines, candies, honey, jam. And also attractions, the opportunity to ride a chariot, warm up by the fireplace or drink honey beer.

It will be very interesting to visit the Opera House in the city center. It is within its walls that during the Christmas holidays, nativity scenes and theater troupes perform performances on the theme of biblical stories. You will never see more colorful costumes than those of the local devils and angels. But we recommend booking tickets in advance - the excitement for the performances is colossal!

On December 28, a site with attractions and concert stages opens near the Palace of Arts. Local musical groups perform here, children's animators work, various master classes are held, and the whole street smells of baked goods from restaurants.

Traditional entertainment in Lviv takes place at the City Hall, where a shopka installation is installed. And on Christmas, January 6, Didukh is paraded along the central street. He, surrounded by mummers from Lviv, is carried along the avenue and installed on Yavorsky Square.

The International Christmas Festival begins on January 8th. As part of this event, a Parade of Nativity scenes and a solemn service in the Dominican Cathedral take place around the city. The parade ends at the Opera House, where the Nativity Scene Festival takes place.

Until January 21, the city hosts the “Great Kolyada” in the Church of the Most Holy Eucharist. It is dedicated to preserving the spiritual heritage and Christian tradition of the Ukrainian people. Local and all-Ukrainian folklore and choral groups will perform at the concert venues.

What Lviv gives in January

The good thing about Lviv for the New Year is that literally on every corner you can buy gifts for yourself and your loved ones. The main calling card of the city is chocolate. The sets also include coffee ensembles, gingerbread cookies and other sweets.

Handmade candles are highly valued - scented, artistic, and entire installations are created from wax products.

Of course, in the western region it is good to buy embroidered shirts and other national clothes. All this is done by hand, by leading craftswomen. Shirts, towels, napkins - a colorful gift with national flavor.

Books are a special pride of Lvov. Fairy tales, detective stories, educational literature, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias - all this can be purchased in the best bookstores in the city. Publishing houses and small printing houses will provide the best gift for your loved ones.

In addition, dozens of souvenir options will be presented for the New Year. Christmas symbols, national gifts, crafts, cards and much more. No one will leave Lviv without a gift!

Spending the weekend in Lviv

The trip can be organized either by yourself or with the help of travel agencies. Christmas tours to Lviv for 3-4 days cost from 1,700 hryvnia per person.

Another option is to go on your own. A train from Kyiv to Lviv costs from 170 hryvnia, a plane – from 2,900 hryvnia. Getting from Dnieper to Lviv will cost from 165 hryvnia by train.

Video - This is how Christmas is celebrated in Lviv

In the city you can rent an apartment, for more comfortable accommodation there are hotels - in the city of Lviv, the price will please any tourist.

It doesn’t matter what place you live in, it doesn’t matter which location you choose to go to. The main thing is warmth, comfort and a real fairy tale that Lviv streets offer. Numerous events, responsive and hospitable Lviv residents, European service and Frost patterns on the windows in the evenings. To relax and forget about the bustle of the city during the New Year holidays, go to Lviv.

is a cosmopolitan city in which the cultures, traditions and religions of many peoples are intricately intertwined. Spending the winter holidays in this city is a real happiness.

In Lviv, Christmas is celebrated twice: Catholic (December 24-25) and Orthodox (January 6-9). Locals say: “The view of Roman (December 10 – the name day of Roman the Wonderworker) to the Jordan (January 19, Epiphany) – Ukrainian Ramadan.”

Many European traditions are observed in Lviv, so the Christmas fair, which is held from December 8 to January 14 on and, is an integral part of the celebration, which fills the city with the spirit of Christmas. Cute wooden tray houses will delight you with artisan products and festive treats.

Plan your Christmas trip between December 8 and January 14. IN New Year's Eve Lviv will be truly fabulous.

Master classes and concerts are held as part of the fair:

  • December 8 – official opening of the fair;
  • December 9 – master classes for the feast of St. Nicholas;
  • December 12 – St. Andrew’s Vecheritsa;
  • December 15 – master class on making a postcard to St. Nicholas;
  • December 19 – St. Nicholas Day;
  • December 22 – master class on making New Year’s wreaths;
  • January 7 – January 8 – festival of street nativity scenes “Lviv Carol”;
  • On January 8, there is a festive procession of stars and nativity scenes, after which there is a concert on stage near the main city Christmas tree;
  • January 13 – celebration of Malanka.

Lviv is called the “city of 100 festivals” and, of course, the program of pre-Christmas events includes not only “fair” fun.

Shopki (Bethlehem mangers) are installed in churches and on the streets of the city. Shopka on Rynok Square is an illustration of a significant event.

Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on a larger scale than Catholic Christmas, and officially starts on January 6th. The Christmas tree, didukh, donuts and Christmas star are its main symbols, so the celebration begins with the establishment of the main didukh of the city.

On January 7-8, the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life is hosting the “Flash of the Christmas Star” festival. As part of it, everyone is taught how to make Christmas stars, which the next day take part in the parade of star bearers.

Pampushka must be present at every festive table. In 2013, the city will host the sixth Pampukh Festival (January 7-9), which is famous for its records: in 2012, the world's largest donut was made. As part of the festival, a “Housewife Competition” is held: local residents and guests compete in the skill of preparing this festive delicacy.

Lviv is becoming more and more popular among tourists every year. No wonder: rich story, entertainment and low prices. Christmas and New Year are the “high” season, so you need to book train tickets and accommodation in advance.

A ticket for the Kyiv-Lviv train in a compartment car will cost approximately 160 UAH. For a one-room apartment with all amenities in the central part of the city you will pay about 250 UAH. per day. It is worth considering:

  • As a rule, the price of the apartment includes a free transfer; if the realtor does not offer this service, ask for it yourself;
  • When renting an apartment for more than three days, discounts are provided, and here the cost will depend on your ability to negotiate (maximum discount - 20%).
get ready to shell out a pretty penny. But you don’t have to pay attention to the number of stars in Lviv hotels. Often it’s just façade decor, which only says that if you can’t “get away” for a night in a double room from 800 hryvnia, don’t distract the girls at the reception. As a rule, no additional bonuses in the form of disposable soap, change of towels, breakfast, or even a cup of coffee are included in this amount.

The city has good three-star hotels and establishments without stars, where a double room costs 350-400 hryvnia, and this does not mean that they are located on the outskirts.

A double room in a hostel, of which there are plenty in Lviv, costs from 250 hryvnia. And if you are planning to travel with a group, then you will pay from 50 hryvnia for a bed.

Taxis for tourists in Lviv are an expensive pleasure if you sit at the curb. Therefore, when getting ready to travel, take the trouble to find on the Internet the telephone numbers of taxi services, which, upon accepting the order, will immediately announce the cost.

Lviv is famous for its pubs and kolybas, which you can also walk through. A fast food lunch consisting of a salad, first and second course, and compote will cost 50 hryvnia. For dinner in a restaurant with the same set of dishes and alcohol, expect to pay from 150 hryvnia per person. In addition, a large number of pizzerias, snack bars, tsukeren, tortiven and street stalls with baked goods will not let you die of hunger.

Please note that the entire historical part of Lviv is paved with paving stones, so prepare yourself and your shoes well for walking.

Funny video

The 2 year old loves to throw. Look what happened when his parents bought him a basketball hoop!

- the greatest and Holy holiday Christian calendar, which is dedicated to the birth of the Son of God. In Ukraine, it is celebrated by combining Christian and folk customs, attending church services, organizing mass celebrations and family feasts. The holiday is especially bright in Western Ukraine, in the ancient city of Lviv, shrouded in legends and myths.

Every year they come up with more and more large-scale and colorful promotions, surprising city residents and its guests. It is not for nothing that Lviv is considered a cosmopolitan city, where the cultures and customs of many nationalities are closely intertwined. Visit this city during winter holidays- and you will be guaranteed fresh impressions and long pleasant memories!

Come to Lviv for Christmas for bright impressions!

How is Christmas celebrated in Lviv?

Christmas is celebrated here twice – in the Orthodox way. Holiday fairs begin to operate on Rynok Square and Svoboda Avenue as early as December 8, filling the city with the Christmas spirit and the smells of vanilla, cinnamon, coffee, ginger and hot wine. Wooden houses attract with bright lights, festive melodies and products the best masters for the production of clothing, shoes, jewelry and various delicacies.

At the same time, various master classes dedicated to the holiday begin to take place. So, for St. Nicholas's Day you will be invited to make a card for the good saint, and then take part in making New Year's wreaths, Christmas decorations, angels and amulets dolls. On the days of Orthodox Christmas, a festival of nativity scenes begins, festive processions of star-bearers and folklore concerts take place.

The largest Shopka (Christmas crèche) is installed in the central city square. Svoboda Avenue becomes not only the place where a huge spruce tree is installed, but also the location of the main New Year's symbol– didukha (a huge sheaf of wheat), symbolizing abundance, prosperity and prosperity.

Fairs and festivals in Lviv are held with a special Western flavor

Large-scale festival under open air takes place in “Shevchenkovsky Gai” - here you will be offered to make your own Christmas star, with which you can take part in the parade. In addition, an integral part of the celebration is donuts, which are always present on the Christmas table on this day. Townspeople en masse take part in a competition to make the best donut.

What can you see in Lviv on vacation?

You need to start the tour from the central Market Square, which preserves the spirit of antiquity and amazes with its exquisite European architecture. Right there, climbing the Town Hall tower, you can look around and see the most beautiful panoramic views of Lviv. In the same part of the city there is an Italian courtyard that will remind you of Rome or even Venice.

Gourmets have a direct route to the Chocolate Workshop, where delicacies are made not in a factory way, but by hand, according to ancient recipes for making chocolates. Don’t forget about the Caramel Workshop, where you can see how lollipops are made from the sweet mass - from small candies to huge caramel figures. Here you can buy sweet gifts for your family and friends.

Both adults and children will be interested in lessons in the Chocolate Workshop

The Lviv Opera House is a must see - one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world, striking with luxurious architectural solutions. While in the central part of the city, also visit the Armenian Church, founded in the 14th century. Its beautiful bas-reliefs and elegant frescoes have been perfectly preserved to this day. By the way, if the churchyard seems familiar to you, don’t be surprised, you saw it in the film about the three musketeers!

Lovers of antiquity will be interested in visiting the pharmacy-museum, founded in 1795 and still in operation. The halls, on the walls of which there are shelves with a variety of jars, flasks and devices, are more reminiscent of an alchemist's laboratory than a modern place for selling pharmaceutical products. And it’s not surprising - every corner of Lviv breathes history!

Also, don’t forget to visit the famous “Gas Lamp”, where, in addition to delicious dishes and unusual alcohol settings, you will be invited to view a collection of antique kerosene lamps. Coffee connoisseurs should definitely visit the Kava Digging House, located partially underground - here you can try the most exquisite varieties of this invigorating drink, and at the same time buy gifts for your family. Connoisseurs of good grilled meat go to the “Meat and Justice Restaurant”, where they prepare the best kebab in Lviv. However, make sure to reserve your seats in advance - this place is always crowded.

Be sure to visit the Gas Lamp themed restaurant-museum!

After visiting the Galician-Jewish kneipp “Under the Golden Rose”, you will try Jewish cuisine. By the way, prices are not indicated on the menu, so get ready to haggle with the waiter in the best traditions of this people. The most daring and curious go to dinner at the Masoch Cafe. The name of the establishment speaks for itself - the interior is decorated using whips, whips and other sadomasochistic paraphernalia that you can experience for yourself.

Those who want to see the whole city from above go for a walk to the High Castle Park, from the observation deck of which you can look at the most picturesque city landscapes. In addition, Christmas is unthinkable without visiting Lviv churches. Be sure to visit St. George's Cathedral, the city's main Greek Catholic church, built in the Baroque style.

The Latin Cathedral with its seventy-meter tower is also striking in its splendor. Don't forget about an excursion to the Bernardine Monastery, an important part of the city's fortifications. Well, one of the most famous attractions of the city is the Dominican Cathedral - a majestic building in the Baroque style.

The magnificent architecture of the city will impress any tourist

Lviv is home to one of the oldest universities in Eastern Europe; its main building previously housed the Galician parliament. History buffs will be interested in visiting the complex of defensive structures called the Citadel. Children and adults enjoy visiting the Lviv Arsenal, which houses a rich exhibition of cold steel and firearms from various eras.

Departure by bus from Minsk– 18.00. The bus transits through the territory of Belarus and Ukraine as part of an overnight trip.

Group arrives in Lviv.

Breakfast in the cafe (additional fee). This city is recognized as the capital of Western Ukraine. After breakfast, there is a sightseeing tour (by bus), which will give you a lot of impressions and introduce you to the main attractions of the city. Tourists will be able to see Castle Hill, which once housed the High Castle. There is an observation deck here, from which the whole Lviv- in full view. Castle Hill symbolizes the founding site of the city, surrounded by many interesting legends and secrets. As part of the excursion, a visit is expected Cathedral of St. George, which is the main center of the Greek Catholic Church in the country. The cathedral amazes with its Baroque architecture. After visiting the sights by bus, you will have the opportunity to explore Lviv on a walking tour. Its historical center is deservedly included in the list of UNESCO monuments. You will wander through cozy streets paved with cobblestones, getting inspired by the indescribable atmosphere of antiquity and something mysterious that reigns here. The culture and amazing history of the city are worthy of your attention. You will explore the Market Square and enjoy a visit to the Town Hall, from the top platform of which a stunningly beautiful panorama opens up. You'll see Bernardine and Cathedral, the famous Boim chapel, as well as the Latin and Dominican cathedrals, the Armenian Church and many more historical and architectural monuments.

If you wish, you can visit the Lviv brewery with beer tasting (200 UAH)

After exciting excursions, you will have free time, which you can spend exploring the city on your own. Or you can take an optional excursion “ Mystical Lviv"for lovers of history and mysterious transformations. This theatrical performance takes place in the evening, under the cover of darkness. In the glare of burning torches, you can walk through the night streets, get acquainted with the past of ancient and medieval Lviv, touch urban legends and even see the battle of knights (minimum group 20 people, additional fee).

After a day filled with impressions, an overnight stay awaits you.

After breakfast the group checks out of the hotel. Next, you will visit the unique medieval dungeons of the Jesuit and Dominican monasteries.

Those who wish can visit the legendary Pharmacy Museum in their free time from the excursion. This is the only pharmacy in the city that began operating many centuries ago and is still operating today. The year of foundation is 1735. You will see pharmaceutical workshops, cellars, 5 halls, which are filled with unique exhibits, ancient equipment, and drugs that have not been produced for decades and hundreds of years. And the interiors of the pharmacy do not leave any visitor indifferent.

Lviv is also a city associated with fresh and aromatic coffee. “Let's go to kava” - this phrase can be heard everywhere here. As part of the “Coffee History” excursion, you will learn many amazing facts about this drink, and you will be able to taste a real Lviv coffee, visit the most famous coffee shops with their own history. And fortune telling on coffee grounds is an activity that captivates not only local residents, but also all, without exception, guests of the city who believe in miracles. The coffee excursion is additional and requires additional payment. For it to take place, a group of at least 20 people needs to gather. After this, you are invited to visit the shopping and entertainment complex “KING KROSS LEOPOLIS”. Then the bus leaves for Belarus.

Arrival in Minsk in the morning.