Lunar calendar for hair coloring for July. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for July. When is it better to refuse a visit to the master?

July did not skimp on good days for hair treatments. The most favorable days for coloring are the 8th, 24th, 25th, 27th and 29th. By paying attention to your hairstyle on these dates, you can not only strengthen your hair structure, but also take a fairly high position in society. And by deciding to dye your hair a completely opposite color, you will be filled with even more confidence and will be able to easily find mutual language with the right people.

July 1, 5, 18 and 26 will take a more neutral position. However, by paying attention to your hairstyle during this period, you can make useful acquaintances and enlist the support of influential people. Also, do not forget about natural hair styling, which will add charm and light charm.

But there won’t be many unfavorable days in July. The 14th and 16th will be the most unsuitable for cutting and coloring hair. Try to take this into account when planning your affairs and avoid beauty salons on these dates.

July 1, 7-8 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. The result of going to the hairdresser will be twofold. On the one hand, a haircut will have a positive effect on hair growth, on the other hand, it will make it unruly. A drastic change in the color of the strands will not live up to expectations.
July 2, 8-9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. The planet favors everyone who wants to cut their hair and change the color of their curls, but warns that the hair will become airy and difficult to style. Curly-haired people have nothing to worry about. This is their best day.
July 3, 9-10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. The planet is contradictory. The haircut will be successful for the weak and damaged hair, that is, it will make them much stronger and thicker. But relationships with the opposite sex can deteriorate because of a trip to the master. Wellness treatments and hair nutrition are welcome.
July 4, 10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut will negatively affect your well-being, but will strengthen your roots. Toning with natural cosmetics is recommended.
July 5, 11-12 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Health masks are welcome, natural cosmetic hair care. It’s better not to experiment with haircuts and coloring - be patient.

July 6, 12-13 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. A haircut will keep you healthy and protect you from bad energy from the outside. Hair color change natural paints bring good luck in business. A neat hairstyle will allow you to concentrate and easily process a large amount of information.
July 7, 13-14 lunar day. Growing Moon in Sagittarius. Haircuts and dyeing done today will delight you with material well-being in the future. A catchy hairstyle will solve problems on the personal front. However, any manipulation with hair will give short-lived results. The hair will grow back quickly, the styling will get ruined, and the curl will straighten out faster than usual.
July 8, 14-15 lunar day. Growing Moon in Capricorn. Haircut planet gives green color, and coloring - red. In general, visiting a master will have a positive effect on intuition, health and financial well-being.
July 9, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Capricorn. Full moon. It is better not to have haircuts on this day.
July 10, 16-17 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. A good time for extravagant and experimental styling or coloring. It is better to refuse a haircut, there is a risk of subsequent hair loss.
July 11, 17-18 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. There's a chance to put things in order on the heads of people with short hair. Even trimming the ends will slow down hair growth and strengthen the roots. After going to the master, the planet promises good luck to redheads and blondes. To attract solar energy, it is recommended that everyone weave ribbons of a yellow-red palette into their strands.
July 12, 18-19 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aquarius. Even a light hair trim can lead to a disruption in the nervous system: unjustified anxiety, fear, depression. If you can’t postpone your visit until a better moment, allow yourself to just slightly change your hair color.
July 13, 19-20 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. Before visiting a specialist, weigh the pros and cons. Due to the haircut, dandruff will appear and the growth of curls will slow down. Curling and styling will cause split ends. But! The same manipulations with hair will give strength and health.
July 14, 20-21 lunar day. Waning Moon in Pisces. A neat hairstyle and frequent combing of your hair will give you strength and energy. But a haircut will lead to neutral results at best.

Hair coloring according to the lunar calendar in July 2017, favorable days

July 15, 21-22 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. Dyeing your hair is a spoiled mood, but getting a haircut from a trusted hairstylist brings positive emotions. Any health treatments are welcome.
July 16, 22-23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Aries. The general condition of your hair will not change after a visit to the salon, but in the near future there is a risk of split ends. Light tones of strands will attract the right people. Metal accessories (hairpins, clips) will help you enlist the support of the cosmos.
July 17, 23 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. A haircut will attract the attention of others and improve your health. We recommend dyeing in natural colors and light (gentle) styling.
July 18, 23-24 lunar day. Waning Moon in Taurus. A good phase of the planet for any hair treatments. Particularly effective nourishing masks and balms. Perm will give positive attitude, as well as dyeing strands at home. A haircut will lead to a twofold result: troubles in everyday life, but improved hair condition.
July 19, 24-25 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. A waning planet takes with it negative energy, giving the green light to visit the master. Both cutting and coloring your strands will be successful today.
July 20, 25-26 lunar day. Waning Moon in Gemini. The moon favors everyone who decides to take care of their hair. A light haircut and color renewal will benefit your hair.
July 21 and 22, 26-27-28 lunar day. Waning Moon in Cancer. Not favorable time for a visit to the hairdresser. The result of the transformation will not please the owner. Wait for the best moment.
July 23, 28, 29, 1 lunar day. Moon in Leo. New moon. This is not the best time for either a radical change in appearance or a slight refresh of your haircut. Hair will lose shine and become unruly.
July 24, 1-2 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. A haircut today will cause poor health in the future. Coloring will also not improve your health. For now, refrain from going to the master.
July 25, 2-3 lunar day. Growing Moon in Leo. Bad time to curl your hair. All other ideas can be safely implemented. Your hair will become thicker and will also attract material wealth.
July 26, 3-4 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Today, the planet has a positive influence on all hair care procedures. A haircut will give you energy. Styling and curling will last a long time. Hair coloring in light shades will attract business connections.
July 27, 4-5 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. A favorable period for those who dream of growing their hair. Even lightly cutting off the ends will significantly improve the condition of the strands, their growth, and also strengthen the roots. Coloring, on the contrary, will lead to a breakdown in relationships with others.
July 28, 5-6 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. The result of going to the hairdresser will be twofold. On the one hand, a haircut will have a positive effect on hair growth, on the other hand, it will make it unruly. A drastic change in the color of the strands will not live up to expectations.
July 29, 6-7 lunar day. Growing Moon in Libra. The planet favors everyone who wants to cut their hair and change the color of their curls, but warns that the hair will become airy and difficult to style. Curly-haired people have nothing to worry about. This is their best day.
July 30, 7-8 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut is possible, health treatments and hair nutrition are indicated.
July 31, 8-9 lunar day. Growing Moon in Scorpio. A haircut will negatively affect your well-being, but will strengthen your roots. Toning with natural cosmetics is recommended.

We present to your attention a concise and simple lunar haircut calendar for July 2017, which also indicates the favorable time for hair coloring.

Summer is in full swing. Enjoying a beach holiday, warm sea ​​water and the hot sun, do not forget to take care of your hair: protect it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, moisturize it with cosmetics and follow the advice of the lunar calendar for better care.

The lunar haircut calendar for July 2017 will help you choose the most favorable days for cutting and coloring your hair in July, and will also advise you to choose a hairstyle that matches the biorhythms of the body on each lunar day.

The calendar reflects the influence lunar phases and critical points on physical health, spiritual and emotional sphere life, relationships in the family and at work. A monthly haircut calendar will help you plan visits to beauty salons at the most favorable times. lunar days July. Take good care of your hair!

07/01/2017, Saturday. First quarter

  • A beautiful curly hairstyle will help you add bright emotions to your life.. Curl your hair in your favorite way and enjoy the attention of the opposite sex.
  • Hair coloring in rich colors will help awaken sensuality.
  • It's time to get a haircut to sharpen your intuition.

07/02/2017, Sunday. The moon is growing

  • You will want to spend this day in public. The hairstyle should be conservative, but not too boring. “Live it up” with discreet decorative elements.

By dyeing your hair today, you will lose your respectable appearance.

  • In order not to accidentally clip the wings of your fortune, refuse a haircut.

07/03/2017, Monday. The moon is growing

  • A high hairstyle will sharpen your insight and help you pick up the keys to those secrets and mysteries that you have already despaired of unraveling.
  • Dye your hair in light and light brown shades. Thus, you will ward off the destructive influence of “dark forces” from yourself.
  • A haircut performed by an experienced hairdresser will be an excellent insurance against force majeure situations. The haircut calendar advises: to make your hair grow faster and become thicker, cut it at the full moon.

07/04/2017, Tuesday. The moon is growing

  • The hairstyle should be focused on high physical activity. The more securely you fix your hair, the more convenient it will be for you to move in space.
  • Henna will not only color and make your hair healthier, but will also bring back the favor of your superiors.
  • If you do not have the health of Hercules, reschedule your haircut for a more favorable time.

07/05/2017, Wednesday. The moon is growing

  • Thoroughly thought out and professionally executed installation will help sharpen your analytical skills.
  • Use natural dyes to add volume and glossy shine to your hair. A natural hair shade will help you defend your point of view in business disputes.

A very favorable day for a haircut is in July according to the lunar calendar. A haircut will set you up for a positive perception of reality and help smooth out rough edges in relationships.

07/06/2017, Thursday. The moon is growing

  • A non-standard hairstyle will help to “refresh” feelings that have begun to fade, increase receptivity and set you in a sentimental mood.
  • If you dream of becoming a little richer, dye your hair with natural products.
  • A haircut will also help improve your well-being; entrust it to a professional.

07/07/2017, Friday. The moon is growing

  • Only style your hair yourself. Any impact on your hair from another person will have a bad effect on your state of mind.
  • Hair coloring will not bring the desired result.
  • A haircut will help develop business skills and set you up for exceptional perception of the necessary information.

07/08/2017, Saturday. The moon is growing

  • Styling should not attract increased attention. It would be great if there was a parting in it.
  • Today, prefer partial coloring (highlighting, tinting, root coloring). Or slightly shade your existing hair color with natural ingredients.
A very bad day for a haircut in July. Shortening hair length can cause depression and melancholy, and develop phobias.

07/09/2017, Sunday. Full moon

  • Perfectly straight, smooth hair will help you properly tune in to the powerful energy of the full moon.
  • Protect your inner world from the encroachment of otherworldly forces with the help of dark hair dye.
  • The haircut calendar for July does not recommend cutting your hair on this day. A haircut will have a bad effect on your health.

07/10/2017, Monday. The moon is waning

  • Hair should be styled in an updo. It will become a conductor between you and the cosmos, providing you with the necessary energy.
  • Again, protect yourself from the penetration of negativity into spiritual world using dark hair dyes.
  • A complete refusal to cut your hair will save your nervous system from unexpected shocks.

07/11/2017, Tuesday. The moon is waning

The lunar haircut calendar for July 2017 states that on this day:

  • A noticeable hair accessory in rich yellow or gold shades will attract the energy of the Sun into your life.
  • For hair coloring, you should prefer rich shades of warm tones.
  • A haircut cannot have a bad impact on your life. Although, you shouldn’t expect positive changes either.

07/12/2017, Wednesday. The moon is waning

  • In today's hairstyle, emphasis on bangs is mandatory. Don't miss the opportunity to make happy changes in your destiny.
  • Dye your hair a color that matches or is close to the hair color of the most successful period of your life.
  • A haircut will improve your hair's health and make it thicker, but only if your hair is handled by an exceptional professional.

07/13/2017, Thursday. The moon is waning

  • Keep your hair as simple as possible: ornate hairstyles will look unnatural in a familiar environment.
  • By choosing gentle dyes, you will prevent dry and brittle hair.

Haircut will cause skin diseases and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

07/14/2017, Friday. The moon is waning

  • The most optimal hairstyle option today is straight hair. Do not weigh them down with styling products.
  • A negative day for giving your hair a new shade. The paint will “lay down” unevenly and will wash off quickly.
  • It's time to get a haircut to stimulate optimism. The July haircut calendar recommends shortening your hair during the waning moon if you are not interested in growing it back quickly.

07/15/2017, Saturday. The moon is waning

  • Using metal objects to create a hairstyle will set you up for a positive perception of cosmic energy.
  • Hair lightening will be successful; partial dyeing is also recommended.
  • Postpone your visit to the dentist if you decide to cut your hair.

07/16/2017, Sunday. Third quarter

  • Today we need to tune in to catching the energy impulses sent by nature. The hairstyle should be unpretentious and extremely simple to perform.
  • Natural shades are preferred in hair coloring. It's great if you use natural dyes.
  • Hair cutting will help solve an important dilemma and bring variety to a monotonous life.

07/17/2017, Monday. The moon is waning

  • Luxurious curls, cool curls or slight waviness of hair will allow you to say goodbye to old grievances and set you up for a new round in your relationship.
  • Hair and scalp are too vulnerable now; you should not use chemical dyes. If coloring is necessary, use herbal products for this purpose.
If you don’t want to fall under the influence of others, refuse a haircut today.

07/18/2017, Tuesday. The moon is waning

  • Add root volume to your hairstyle. This measure will help attract cash flows into life.
  • Hair coloring using natural means can add insight to the mind and sharpen intuitive abilities.
One of the most favorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar is in July. Find out what haircuts are currently trending and change your image in accordance with the latest hairdressing trends.

07/19/2017, Wednesday. The moon is waning

  • Hair must be covered from the adverse effects of otherworldly forces. Use a headdress for this.
  • Avoid any drastic treatment of your hair, be it cutting or coloring. They will definitely have a negative impact on your health.

07/20/2017, Thursday. The moon is waning

  • A fairly high, well-fixed hairstyle can help you achieve specific goals.
  • Home dyeing with natural dyes will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your hair. Don't visit beauty salons today.

If quarrels with loved ones are not part of your plans, it is better to refuse a haircut.

07/21/2017, Friday. The moon is waning

  • Leave your hair styling to a good professional. Today, the hairstyle should be complex; the use of eye-catching accessories is recommended to create it.
  • You can trust the vision of the master, especially if he is of the opposite sex. Masterfully executed haircut and fashion coloring hide flaws and highlight advantages.

07/22/2017, Saturday. The moon is waning

  • Today, naturalness should prevail in everything. The hairstyle should be as simple as possible. It is best to leave your hair down.
  • The mild effect on the hair of natural dyes will protect your hair from dryness and brittleness, provide additional nutrition to the hair follicles.
  • Your reputation could suffer if you decide to cut your hair today. Even minor trimming of the ends is not recommended.

07/23/2017, Sunday. New moon

  • Today you should take it easy with your hair. A little carelessness in your hairstyle will be quite appropriate.
  • New moon days are traditionally not the best for cutting and coloring hair. By acting on the hair during this period, you can inadvertently shorten your life expectancy. If it is absolutely necessary to make changes in the appearance, call on the gifts of nature to help: “refresh” the original color a little with natural dyes.

07/24/2017, Monday. The moon is growing

  • Style your own hair today. The hairstyle should be original: move away from traditional techniques.
  • Neutral day for hair cutting and coloring c: you shouldn’t expect amazing results, but also negative influence they will not provide.

07/25/2017, Tuesday. The moon is growing

  • When choosing a hairstyle for the day, take into account the fact that today is a day of increased physical activity. The hairstyle should be, above all, comfortable.
This day belongs to one of the most favorable days of July for cutting and coloring hair. You will achieve exactly the result you dreamed of.

07/26/2017, Wednesday. The moon is growing

  • Naturalness in everything is the motto of the day. It's better not to style your hair at all, just comb it thoroughly.
  • To stabilize internal experiences, dye your hair with natural dyes.
  • A haircut will bring discord into a calm life and provoke family conflicts.

07/27/2017, Thursday. The moon is growing

What does the lunar haircut calendar for July 2017 have in store for us on Thursday the 27th?

  • Create a voluminous hairstyle. Use your favorite techniques for this: hair dryer, curlers, backcombing. Call your family for help. This will help strengthen your relationship.
  • Lighten your hair (including radically), dye it bright hues. For dark colors, choose a different day.

A great day to get your hair cut in July. One of better days month. The expected result will even surpass itself. Your hair will look great new form hairstyles will favorably emphasize advantages and hide disadvantages.

07/28/2017, Friday. The moon is growing

  • The good old classics will be very relevant today. Choose something traditional to create an image, avoid flashy accents and massive accessories.

A completely inappropriate day to dye your hair. Today you should avoid exposure to even natural dyes.

  • If the day promises to be full of bustle and worries, it is better to refuse a haircut. If important matters are not expected, you may well visit a hairdresser or salon.

07/29/2017, Saturday. The moon is growing

  • The creative impulse will possess you for several days. Support it with an “energetic” hairstyle. It is best to curl your hair. Create the degree of curl you prefer.
  • Hair coloring will sharpen sensory perception and add eroticism to the image. You can use any coloring agents, even the most unexpected ones.
  • Do you dream that your financial affairs will go uphill? To do this, just trim your hair a little. Although, a radical haircut today is also not forbidden.

07/30/2017, Sunday. The moon is growing

  • Leave the curls. You can add discreet decorative elements to your hairstyle.
  • A good day for a global repaint.
  • A haircut on this day in July will contribute to the realization of creative ideas.

07/31/2017, Monday. The moon is growing

  • You will want to be the center of attention today. Massive decorative elements, eye-catching details of the hairstyle will in every possible way contribute to your desire.
  • On this day, you should limit yourself to just styling your hair. Cutting and coloring are highly undesirable. They can cause whims, tears and empty experiences.

Auspicious days for a haircut in July 2017 are July 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27 July.
Favorable days for hair coloring in July 2017 are July 1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27 July.
Auspicious days for manicure, pedicure in July 2017 - 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 July.

Lunar calendar for haircuts, hair coloring and cosmetic procedures for July 2017

Haircut - trimmed today, they will become thicker, and will grow many times slower.
Hair coloring - you can dye your hair with permanent dyes and bleach it.
Manicure, pedicure - to problems in love and relationships.
Facial care - make nourishing face masks.
Taking care of your body is a good time to start a course of herbal medicine.

Haircut - a visit to the hairdresser will bring joy and invigorate.
Hair coloring is a great day to dye your hair dark.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you slow down the metabolic processes in the body, which will lead to weight gain.
Facial care - the skin needs moisture, drink more fluids, eat fruits.
Body care - it’s good to start a course of breathing exercises.

Haircut can negatively affect your well-being.
Hair coloring should be postponed.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today is necessary for those who want to increase concentration and attention.
Facial care - cleansing masks and scrubs will help rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck.
Body care is one of the days when you can fast and cleanse your body with water.

Haircut is an unfavorable day, refrain from manipulating your hair.
Hair coloring is not recommended; hair may be damaged.
Manicure, pedicure - will attract ill-wishers, enemies, and make you touchy.
Facial care - today the treatment of acne will be effective.
Body care - the moon warns: no hard diets. You need to eat well today. Take care of your feet in the evening.

Haircut - a haircut made today will quickly lose its shape, and the styling will not last long.
Hair coloring - do not bleach your hair today.
Manicure, pedicure - you'll ruin your nails if you cut them today, and you'll start gaining weight.
Facial - give your skin a rest.
Body care - lunar days are great for surgically getting rid of minor cosmetic imperfections.

A haircut is the perfect day for a makeover. Therefore, you can do any haircut.
Hair coloring is a neutral day, don't expect amazing results.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today will extend your life, improve your health and may even write off some of your karmic debts.
Facial care - natural masks.
Body care - morning exercises or even jogging should not be neglected today.

Haircut - wait a little with a haircut: you risk ruining your eyesight.
Hair coloring - the day is not suitable for a radical hair change.
Manicure, pedicure - the best day for nail extensions in July. They will last a long time, and the risk of ruining your nails is minimal. And cutting your nails will bring good luck.
Facial care - today it is auspicious to do facial cleansing.
Body care - all the attention today is to the joints. Good result Stretching exercises will also be given.

Haircut – A haircut will make your hair grow much faster.
Hair coloring - chemical or bio-perm will be successful.
Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today if you want to protect yourself from evil tongues and gossips.
Facial care - a mask made from natural ingredients will perfectly nourish the scalp.
Body care is a great time to visit a massage therapist. You can take care of your feet. Lunar days are perfect for starting a diet.

Haircut - Do not cut your hair during the full moon.

Manicure, pedicure - the day of the sensitivity of the body. It is better to postpone all operations to another day; wounds received today take a long time to heal.
Facial care - do not deny yourself the pleasure of applying a rejuvenating mask.
Body care is an auspicious day for contrasting water.

Haircut - You can have a haircut.
Hair coloring - dye your hair red.
Manicure, pedicure - manicure of love. If you want to find true love, have an affair, cut your nails today.
Facial care - the moon today recommends anti-aging masks, Botox, and tightening facial massage.
Taking care of your body is a great time to practice martial arts and yoga. Try oriental breathing practices. If possible, avoid meat and dairy.

Haircut is a good day for a fashionable model haircut.
Hair coloring - but it’s better to wait with coloring today.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails on this lunar day helps get rid of lingering sadness, severe melancholy and unpleasant memories.
Facial care - anti-aging treatments are beneficial.
Body care - go for a massage.

Haircut - after a haircut, luck will literally follow you.
Hair coloring is only in dark and chestnut tones.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today can help you in a difficult situation or in dealing with unexpected troubles.
Facial care - don't wear makeup today.
Body care is a very good day for hair removal.

Haircut - give up this idea.
Hair coloring is a great day to dye your hair bronze.
Manicure, pedicure - by cutting your nails today, you are shortening your life.
Facial care - anti-aging masks will help you lose several years.
Body care - drinking plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters) is recommended. Don't overwork yourself.

Haircut is a great day for a classic haircut.
Hair coloring - give preference to bronze shades.
Manicure, pedicure - today is a neutral day. Manicure and pedicure will not affect you in any way.
Facial care - nourishing masks.
Body care - water treatments.

A haircut - short haircuts will be successful.
Hair coloring - hair can be dyed with natural dyes, but it cannot be bleached.
Manicure, pedicure - manicure and pedicure today will relieve you of loneliness if this bothers you.
Facial care - you should not make various face masks, they are ineffective on this day.
Body care - massages on problem areas, wraps, anti-cellulite products are welcome.

Haircut is an unfavorable day for cutting hair.
Hair coloring - only natural dyes.
Manicure, pedicure - a good day.
Facial care - you can get rid of age spots and freckles.
Body care - review today's menu and get rid of junk food.

Haircut - you shouldn’t radically change your appearance.
Hair coloring - coloring will weaken not only your hair, but your entire body. Moreover, you may fall under the influence of hypocritical people who will take advantage of your kindness and your money.
Manicure, pedicure - a wonderful day for a manicure.
Facial care - pay special attention to moisturizing your facial skin.
Body care - today your body needs vitamins more than ever.

Haircut - after a haircut today, your hair will stop falling out and splitting. Also, after a visit to the hairdresser, your life will change for the better.

Manicure, pedicure - nail care today will help you in work and study, and will also help you unleash your creative potential. If you do not have a creative profession, then you can realize yourself in a new nail design.
Facial care - whitening masks.
Body care is a favorable day for hair removal.

Haircut is one of the best days to cut your hair this month. By cutting your hair today, you attract love, new interesting people into your life, and life becomes full of events.
Hair coloring - light colors will add confidence to you.
Manicure, pedicure - a manicure today will help you establish yourself in society, increase your authority and help you realize your talent.
Facial care - today you can do chin correction.
Body care – When playing sports, you can put extra stress on your legs, thighs and buttocks.

Haircut - negative trends are gaining momentum. Don't cut, dye or extension your hair today.
Hair coloring - you will lose your attractive appearance.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today lifts your mood, which will not go unnoticed by others.
Facial care - on this day you should use anti-aging masks.
Body care - visiting the pool will tone your body.

Haircut - Don't cut or color your hair today. Especially if you are prone to depression. There is a risk of ruining your mood.
Hair coloring - give up this idea.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails is prohibited, as they will not only lose their strength and peel, but also cutting your nails on such a day means bad luck in the new year.
Facial care - give your skin a rest.
Body care - waxing is not recommended.

Haircut - cutting your hair today means problems with money, people and difficulties in work and study.
Hair coloring - it’s better not to try anything new, use only proven colors.
Manicure, pedicure - you should not cut your nails today, as any wounds and cuts inflicted on this day will take a long time to heal.
Facial Care – Take care of cleansing your face.
Body care - when playing sports, you can increase the load on the heart muscle, as the cardiovascular system today is the least vulnerable.

Haircut - do not cut or dye your hair today if you do not want to incur problems in your work, study, or career.
Hair coloring should be postponed.
Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, there is a chance that your mood will worsen, you may even experience depression.
Facial care - soothing masks and baths will be useful.
Body care is relaxation.

A haircut is a good day to strengthen the roots of your hair; cutting your hair today or even trimming the ends is a bad idea. It will affect your promotion at work and will attract the trust of others.
Hair coloring is a favorable day for hair coloring.
Manicure, pedicure - auspicious day; cutting your nails will get rid of enemies and envious people.
Facial care - use only proven cosmetics, there is a possibility of allergies.
Body care - aerobic exercise will be especially effective on this day.

Haircut - refrain from radical interventions in your appearance. Hold off on both cutting and coloring your hair.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - take care of fungus prevention on this day.

Body care is relaxation.

Haircut is an auspicious day to cut your hair, it will bring you good luck.
Hair coloring is an auspicious day.
Manicure, pedicure - will help normalize relationships and can help you find a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.
Facial care - it’s good to make berry and fruit masks.
Body care - relaxing massage and aromatherapy using the aromas of mint, nutmeg, and cinnamon are useful.

Haircut - feel free to make an appointment with your hairdresser.
Hair coloring - on this day you can decide on any experiments.
Manicure, pedicure - don’t forget about your nails, pay attention to them.
Facial care - give your facial skin a rest today.
Body care - when to epilate hair? Of course today!

Haircut - Don't get a haircut today, otherwise you may get into trouble.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - nails will grow quickly.
Facial care - try not to wear makeup today.
Taking care of your body is a good time to start losing weight.

Haircut - carries information about damage and loss.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable period.
Manicure, pedicure - you should refrain from any procedures with nails.
Facial care - use only proven products.
Body care is relaxation.

Haircut - if you don't want problems, stay away from hairdressers.
Hair coloring - stop today.
Manicure, pedicure - unlucky day. A manicure done today will attract failures and evil, calculating people into your life. There is a possibility of making an enemy.
Facial care - give your facial skin a rest.
Body care - a fasting day, therapeutic fasting is useful, do not forget about vitamins.

Haircut - cutting your hair on this day can bring with it minor injuries and troubles.
Hair coloring can cause conflicts with others.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails, pedicure and manicure today help normalize relationships with friends and family.
Facial care - today you can make various masks and light scrubs for the face.
Body care - visiting a bathhouse or sauna will benefit the body.

Haircut and beauty calendar for July 2017

How to find out why you dream about the Haircut and Beauty Calendar for July 2017? The meaning of sleep The haircut and beauty calendar for July 2017 will tell you about the secret dream in detail. The interpretation of dreams can always be found in ours. We hope your dreams will be bright and clear.

    Our lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2017 will allow you, without knowledge of astrology or any calculations, to find favorable days for a haircut in July 2017. Even if you don't believe that moon haircut does it really have an impact that it’s worth just taking it and checking it out? You can completely trust the data provided on this page because it is highly accurate. We are constantly striving to improve our lunar haircut calendar for July 2017. Be sure to get your hair cut on days favorable for haircuts and happiness and unexpected success will come into your life! .

    1 Jul 2017 13:01 - 8 lunar day


    Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable

    2 Jul. 2017 14:11 - 9 lunar day


    Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Dandelion hairstyle guaranteed. The haircut will add lightness and ease.

    3 Jul. 2017 15:19 - 10 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 10th lunar day is favorable for cutting and coloring hair. Your strength, luck and confidence will increase several times. (dbangthangche). Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable

    4 Jul. 2017 16:25 - 11th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 11th lunar day is simply ideal for a haircut. In combination with the Moon in Leo, this is simply a “bomb”. This haircut will make your perception more subtle and conscious, and your mind more insightful. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

    Jul 5 2017 17:30 - 12 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 12th lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts due to the danger of attracting unwanted events into your life. (srog la ngon). Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable

    6 Jul 2017 18:31 - 13th lunar day


    Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

    The 13th lunar day is perfect for a haircut - you will become a more attractive person and will attract happiness like a magnet. (bzang bskyed) Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in a magical sense, but perhaps not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

    7 Jul. 2017 19:27 - 14th lunar day


    Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

    The 14th lunar day is a great day for a haircut. You will become a luckier person, the results will not keep you waiting. You will attract property and material well-being. (en spyod`phel) Moon in Sagittarius - haircut is favorable. The haircut is good in a magical sense, but perhaps not so good for your hair. However, it changes life for the better, brings wealth and luck.

    8 Jul. 2017 20:17 - 15th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    On the 15th lunar day it is better not to cut your hair - there may be problems with blood pressure and an acute feeling of incomprehensible fear. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable

    9 Jul. 2017 21:00 - 16th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 16th lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts, because at this time you can attract misfortunes and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Capricorn - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable periods of the moon for haircuts. Hair splits less and grows faster.

    Jul 10 2017 21:36 - 17th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 17th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you will attract illnesses and unpleasant situations associated with outside interference. (ha rtsi sngo gdan gnod). Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable

    Jul 11 2017 22:07 - 18th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 18th lunar day is bad for haircuts, as there is a high probability of attracting situations related to theft of property or damage to it. Moon in Aquarius - haircut is favorable. This is a good time to experiment with your haircut and your life. If you are already satisfied with everything, it is better to choose another day.

    Jul 12 2017 22:32 - 19th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 19th lunar day is favorable for a haircut (tshe ring), however, if the second aspect (moon in the zodiac sign) excludes a haircut, do not cut your hair. Moon in Pisces haircut is unfavorable

    Jul 13 2017 22:55 - 20 lunar day


    The 20th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - you can attract poverty to the material and spiritual world. In Tibetan: dbultog Moon in Pisces haircut is unfavorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

    14 Jul. 2017 23:16 - 21 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    21 lunar days are ideal for a haircut - you will become more beautiful and attractive (gzugs bzang) Moon in Pisces haircut is unfavorable. Dandruff may appear, and hair may become brittle and dry.

    15 Jul. 2017 23:37 - 22 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 22nd lunar day is good for a haircut - you will be able to get what you want and get the necessary amount of money. Moon in Aries haircut is unfavorable

    Jul 16 2017 23:58 - 23 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 23rd lunar day is a good day for a haircut - your face will become more beautiful and expressive. Avoid cutting your hair today if other aspects suggest it. Moon in Aries haircut is unfavorable. The immune system may weaken and illness may appear. Try to choose a different day for your haircut.

    18 Jul 2017 0:22 - 24 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    A haircut on the 24th lunar day will bring illness and misfortune (nad`ong) into your life. Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable

    Jul 19 2017 0:51 - 25 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 24th lunar day is unfavorable for haircuts - you may lose sight of the most important thing, not see opportunities coming and going. (mig tshag ong) Moon in Taurus - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable moon positions. Hair grows strong and healthy, with less split ends.

    Jul 20 2017 1:26 - 26 lunar day


    Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

    The 26th lunar day is a great day for a haircut. It will bring you happiness and fate will treat you favorably. Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable

    Jul 21 2017 2:11 - 27 lunar day


    Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

    The 27th lunar day for a haircut is very good - your life will be filled with pleasant events and good mood will not leave you for a long time. (dga` ba byung). Moon in Gemini - haircut is favorable. Hair will grow quickly. Hairstyle will improve the condition nervous system and respiratory tract.

    22 Jul. 2017 3:08 - 28 lunar day


    Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

    An ideal day for a haircut - you will attract friendly people like a magnet, and your appearance will improve. (gzugs mdzes) Moon in Cancer haircut is favorable

    Jul 23 2017 4:16 - 29 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    Haircut on the 29th lunar day is strictly not recommended - you can go astray and get into a lot of trouble. (bla `khyams) Moon in Cancer haircut is favorable. You can do styling and hair adjustments. Avoid chemical treatments.

    Jul 23 2017 12:46 - 1 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    1 lunar day is completely unsuitable for haircuts. Tibetan sages say that cutting your hair on this day shortens your life. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable

    24 Jul. 2017 5:33 - 2nd lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    A haircut on the second lunar day can bring unpleasant events and conflicts into your life. Avoid cutting your hair on this day. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiacs for haircuts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

    25 Jul. 2017 6:52 - 3rd lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    Haircut on the third lunar day is contraindicated - you can attract illnesses into your life due to an imbalance of energies. Also, such a haircut can encourage you to spend money like crazy. Moon in Leo - haircut is favorable. One of the best zodiacs for haircuts. A haircut will change your life for the better.

    26 Jul. 2017 8:12 - 4th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    Haircut on the fourth lunar day is not recommended, as it can bring various fears into your life, especially about losing something or someone. Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable

    27 Jul. 2017 9:29 - 5 lunar day


    Overall, this is a very favorable day for a haircut.

    A haircut on the 5th lunar day will give you luck and wealth. A very good day to radically change your appearance. Moon in Virgo - haircut is favorable. One of the most favorable positions of the Moon. Your hair will be voluminous, strong and magically attractive.

    28 Jul. 2017 10:43 - 6th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 5th lunar day is not suitable for a haircut - you can attract illnesses into your life or simply become depressed, which will also affect your appearance. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Dandelion hairstyle guaranteed. The haircut will add lightness and ease.

    29 Jul. 2017 11:55 - 7th lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 7th lunar day is not suitable for haircuts - by performing this procedure today, you can attract enemies and ill-wishers into your life. Moon in Libra - haircut is favorable. The condition of the hair will not change. Dandelion hairstyle guaranteed. The haircut will add lightness and ease.

    30 Jul. 2017 13:05 - 8 lunar day


    Overall, this is not a good day to get a haircut.

    The 8th lunar day is very good for haircuts. She will attract bright and unforgettable moments of happiness into your life. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

    31 Jul 2017 14:13 - 9 lunar day


    In general, this is an unfavorable day for a haircut.

    A haircut on the 9th lunar day is not favorable because it can bring ambiguity and confusing situations into your life. Today it is best to cleanse using soft natural ingredients. Moon in Scorpio - haircut is unfavorable. You can take a risk if you have nothing to lose - there is a risk of both changing your life for the better and making it even worse.

    Thank you for viewing our haircut lunar calendar for july 2017. We hope that you could easily find lunar days favorable for haircuts. We take a responsible approach to our work and understand that the well-being of the people who use this site depends on the accuracy of the data. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for July 2017 auspicious days- find out if a haircut is favorable today? That is why our haircut calendar for July 2017 is one of the most accurate and detailed calendars all over the internet. Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar for July 2017 - favorable days for cutting can be found on this page. We believe in karma and make the site with love. We wish you a pleasant haircut and a happy life!

    By changing their hair color, lovely ladies can not only become even more attractive, but also enlist the support of capricious Fortune. The lunar coloring calendar for July 2017 will tell you the most successful days for updating your hairstyle.

    No wonder our ancestors paid great attention to hair. They contain power that can help even in the most difficult and critical situations. You can attract good luck by choosing a hair color that suits your temperament and Zodiac Sign. The new image will strengthen your energy and add optimism.

    Favorable and unfavorable days for hair coloring

    July 1-2: the waxing Moon is in the constellation Libra. This time is not suitable for changing your hair color, however, dyeing the same shade or painting over the regrown roots will add charm to you and attract the attention of the opposite sex.

    July 3-4: Moon in the zodiac Scorpio. This period is good for using natural dyes. Changing your hair color will help you fight illnesses and chronic diseases. These days, it would be a good idea to use softening balms after coloring to prevent your hair from becoming frizzy.

    July 5-7: The ambiguous influence of the Moon in Sagittarius calls on lovely ladies to be careful. These days you should refrain from coloring and give your hair a rest. On July 6, homemade strengthening masks will have a beneficial effect on your curls.

    July 8-9: the positive influence of the Moon in Capricorn is good for experimenting with your image. These days, both dyeing and highlighting several strands of color will be successful. Toning and coloring is suitable for those who want to feel confident in their abilities.

    July 10-12: The waning Moon moves into the constellation Aquarius. This period is good for bold experiments with hair color. If you are not afraid to be extravagant and attract attention, use the services of a stylist to dye your hair in bright and unusual colors.

    July 13-14: The Moon in Pisces has a negative effect on hair, and these days lovely ladies should refrain from dyeing their locks with harmful chemical dyes. For those with light or dull hair, natural dyes are suitable to help your hair gain strength and shine.

    July 15-16: The waning Moon in the zodiac Aries is an extremely unfavorable combination for coloring. Changing your hair color under the influence of an impulsive Sign the very next day can disappoint you and ruin your mood. Dedicate these days to caring procedures that prevent hair loss.

    July 17-18: The Moon and Taurus have a positive effect on hair, so you should not refuse a planned visit to the stylist. New color hair or dyeing it in a familiar shade will bring a lot of positive emotions. Ombre coloring will help ladies achieve significant success on the personal front.

    July 19-20: The period of waning of the Moon in the constellation Gemini is neutral for coloring. Changing hair color will not affect its structure or appearance.

    July 21-22: The Moon in Cancer does not favor the use of aggressive dyes. Hair will lose its natural shine and may begin to curl. A drastic change in color can cause dry scalp and dandruff.

    July 23-25: The moon in the constellation Leo is a favorable combination for the use of natural dyes. The exception is the New Moon period, July 23, when hair needs rest. Painting in shades of red at the beginning of the Moon's growth will lift your spirits and help attract profits.

    July 26-27: The waxing Moon in Virgo promotes good luck in the business sphere. For a thoughtful approach to important matters and successful transactions, astrologers recommend resorting to painting in light colors. Lightening individual strands will help lovely ladies cope with difficulties and successfully complete planned tasks.

    July 28-29: The Moon in Libra will not change the overall condition of your hair. Natural shades will help attract positive events in life, and changing the color to several tones will help those who have decided to break off a burdensome relationship.

    July 30-31: The Moon in Scorpio gives this period a changeable energy that is not suitable for changing hair color. These days it is worth resorting to masks and balms that strengthen the structure of the curls.

    Use the suggested recommendations to always be on top. The completed image will help you gain confidence in your abilities and successfully overcome all challenges. The lunar haircut calendar for July 2017 will help you choose the optimal time to visit the hairdresser. We wish you beauty and health, and do not forget to press the buttons and