Use of coconut oil for face and hair: benefits and harms. Fragrant hair care

If you carefully care for your appearance, while using natural remedies, then you will definitely be interested in the article. By the way, I have already purchased a bottle of oil. Now she is waiting for her finest hour for skin or hair care.

In the meantime, let's figure out with you what is the correct application coconut oil for the face and hair and how is it useful?

Composition and benefits of coconut oil

It is a pity that coconut palms do not grow in the vastness of our country. After all, we would use them for a variety of purposes. Only because this exotic fruit contains a lot of various and unique substances.

  • Here, for example, we all want to preserve our youth, and coconut contains a substance for these purposes. And this is vitamin B1, which also saves the skin from peeling, especially during frosts. Also, like oleic acid, it is also present in the composition.
  • Have mimic wrinkles appeared? No problem! Coconut to help you. This healthy miracle fruit is rich in pantothenic acid, which will help smooth out your wrinkles, as well as preserve the beauty of your face for a long time.
  • Tired of acne or other rashes? It will help you deal with this too. Because it contains folic acid. And to eliminate redness or itching, lauric acid will help.
  • You are not satisfied with the shade of the face? Coconut will also cope with this problem with a bang. Vitamin B3, which it contains, restores cells, heals wounds, gives the face a healthy color.
  • Want to give your hair a shiny, supple look? Then feel free to use this natural means to improve their condition. After all, it has a significant content of fatty acids, vitamins A, B and C. All of them are undoubtedly useful for your curls.

Watch a short video about 15 reasons to get coconut oil:

Choosing Coconut Oil Wisely

Arriving at the store, you will probably be confused and wonder which one to choose. But before you buy one or another tool, make sure it meets the necessary requirements.

So, how to choose a good coconut oil:

  1. By smell. Yes, you can smell easily determine whether such a tool will benefit you. Feeling a light, barely perceptible aroma, mentally put a tick in front of this remedy. Because good the product will not smell strongly pronounced pungent odors.
  2. By pressing method. Choose cold pressed oil , because it is in this that valuable properties . I can even recommend organic coconut oil. cold pressed Extra Virgin Nature's Way which my friend has been using for several years now. To say that she likes such a tool is to say nothing. She is just delighted with him!
  3. According to the cleaning method. If you want to use oil to strengthen your hair, then in fact, unrefined oil would be ideal. . Since useful substances are not lost in it. But, alas, apply to its roots it is forbidden. In general, it is better to use refined, it can be feel free to rub it on your head. This undergoes further processing high temperature. It has almost no smell, and is suitable for every type of hair. For the face it is also better to use it. Because compared to unrefined It won't clog pores and absorbs well.
  4. By packaging. Try to get the product in a glass bottle. After all, glass is more environmentally friendly and safer for health than plastic. It also does not emit harmful substances. In such a bottle, during long-term storage, all valuable properties can be preserved. . By the way, the shelf life of coconut oil is no more than two years.
  5. For use in food. If the oil manufacturer additionally indicates that it can be use in food, then it is a good product. So you have to take. Because it is likely that there are no harmful substances there.
  6. By hardness. There is another most important way to understand if the oil is natural. If it solidifies at room temperature, and becomes liquid when heated, then, without a doubt, this is a natural product. Therefore, many mass-market liquid coconut oils are not the best choice.

So, how to use coconut oil correctly to avoid a lot of disappointment?

For face and body

If you are using it on your face, make sure you wash your face thoroughly before doing so. Here I would advise you to read the article of our blog "". There you will find a lot useful information, at the same time properly prepare before applying the product to the skin.

If you use the oil in its pure form, then apply it to dry skin. At the same time, it should be slightly warmed up in a water bath. Just do not rub, try to apply it with light finger movements. After that, you need to wash with warm water. If you want, you can wash your face with facial cleanser.

In the same way, it can be applied to the whole body, while washing off with shower gel or soap. Your body will be perfectly hydrated.

For lips

Exactly this the best remedy to heal chapped lips. You can even completely abandon simple hygienic lipsticks.

For eyebrows and eyelashes

To give thickness to your eyebrows and cilia, you need to apply the product with a brush twice or thrice a week. It is advisable to do this before going to bed, while leaving it on all night. Be sure to take a break for at least a month or even two.

For hair

If you want to use oil to strengthen the structure of the hair, then you can not heat it up. Just warm it up by rubbing it between your palms, and with your palms gently walk along the length of the hair. hold the remedy better hour or two, then shampoo thoroughly.

Important points in application

  1. It is better to use oil for the face and hair no more than twice a week. It all depends on the degree of the problem, so you can do it more often. Do not forget that you need to take breaks for at least a month or even two in order to avoid addiction.
  2. Very important point! If, when applying the product to the skin of the face or head, you feel an unpleasant burning sensation, then the product should be washed off immediately. Perhaps it does not suit you and it is better to refrain from using it.
  3. One more warning! Some girls put too much oil on their face, hair or body - it turns out to be quite a powerful oily layer. You shouldn't do that, and it doesn't make any sense. It will only be more difficult to wash off, and excess oil consumption will not benefit either the skin or hair. They will not be able to take away all the useful substances from such a layer. Therefore, it is best to rub a small amount of oil between the palms and apply it to the skin and hair with blotting movements.

Homemade coconut oil face masks

If you want to get even more benefits from using this oil, you can combine it with other beneficial ingredients. Thus, useful masks are obtained that you can cook at home yourself. I have selected some of the best and easiest homemade recipes for you.

Nourishing face mask

To prepare this mask, you will need rice flour and coconut oil. Two tablespoons of the first, a teaspoon of the other. Stir everything, and then gently apply the resulting consistency to the face. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash well with warm pleasant water. This mixture perfectly nourishes the skin with vitamins, bringing it into tone.

You may be interested in other recipes for nourishing face masks. You can get acquainted with them by reading the article. There you can not only choose the best one for yourself, but also get acquainted with the basic rules for using masks.

Moisturizing face mask

Coconut mask with avocado and honey will cope well with moisture retention. By the way, it will also protect the face in the cold season.

You will need to first remove the pulp from the avocado. Then take one tablespoon of each component. Mix them well, apply the resulting mass on the face. You need to walk like this for 10 minutes. We wash ourselves as usual with warm pleasant water.

Rejuvenating face mask

A mask with the addition of rosemary oil will help smooth out wrinkles and protect against external negative factors. You can always buy it at a pharmacy, but remember that essential oils can also be fakes. Therefore, do not chase cheapness.

Let's get back to cooking. To do this, put 3-4 drops of it in a teaspoon of coconut oil. Try to apply the resulting mixture only to problem areas of the skin. Leave it like that for 20 minutes. Then go take a shower.

Mask for problem skin

If you apply this mask for two weeks, you will notice how the skin condition improves, inflammation will disappear, and the number of rashes will decrease.

To prepare it, you will need to mix a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil with two drops of lemon juice. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the mixture. Next, you need to beat the egg white and add it there too. The mask should be reverently applied to the face with massage movements and left to hold for about half an hour. We wash ourselves.

Homemade coconut oil hair masks

Masks made from this product will perfectly support their beauty, nourish them with useful substances, and restore them after any damage. How to make them yourself at home, we will deal with you further.

After applying them, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair, preferably using natural rinses. You can read the recipes in our blog article "". With the help of them you can fix the effect of the mask.

Mask for oily hair type

She interested me the most, because I myself am the owner of an oily hair type. After reading the reviews, I realized that it perfectly dries greasy roots. And it won't be hard to cook.

You will need to warm up a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil, splash a teaspoon of lemon juice to it. Next, heat literally one tablespoon of honey, beat the egg yolk. Then mix all the ingredients. Then you can safely proceed to applying the mask, rubbing it into the scalp and further through the hair.

For a better effect of the mask, wrap your head in cellophane or put on a special cellophane cap, if you have one. Wrap a towel over the top to keep your head warm. You need to walk like this for an hour, then go wash your hair with shampoo.

Mask for dry hair type

It will perfectly cope with moisturizing dry and brittle curls, because it contains fatty sour cream.

The preparation is not difficult at all. To the beaten egg yolk you need to add a couple of tablespoons of fat sour cream. Then heat up the coconut oil and add it to the same. Mix all the ingredients well, now you can apply the resulting mixture to your hair. Next, wrap them in a bundle, walk like this for about an hour, maybe a little longer. Then you need to rinse your hair properly, using a natural rinse if desired.

Mask for normal hair type

For owners of this type, I found a lot of very different masks. But I chose the best and simplest of them. It will perfectly saturate the hair with everything useful, as well as refresh their appearance.

All you need is half a banana and a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil. Crush the banana into a pulp and heat the oil. Mix everything in a bowl, then rub it on the scalp, starting with the parting, moving further to the temples and the back of the head. Gather your hair in a bun, walk around with it for about an hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Nourishing mask for all hair types

And finally, I found for you a very good mask which is perfect for everyone. It will saturate your hair well, giving it a radiant look.

To do this, you will need to mix a couple of heated tablespoons of honey and the same amount of coconut oil. To the resulting consistency, drop a little lavender oil, literally 3-4 drops. Mix everything well and you can start applying the mask on the head, distributing gently through the hair. For the greatest effect, wrap your head in cellophane and a towel. Keep the mask on your head for an hour, then rinse it thoroughly with shampoo.

Who can use it and who can't! What is the harm?

Absolutely everyone can use coconut oil, regardless of the type of skin or hair. Allergic reactions may be a limitation. Therefore, before using it, it is better to immediately check your skin for individual intolerance. It's easy to do: just apply a little on your elbow and watch the reaction throughout the day.

Also, do not use the remedy for chronic acne. Otherwise, the pores will become even more clogged without that oily skin which will increase inflammation.

And only you yourself can harm with this oil, using it excessively. This can lead to clogged pores or the development of inflammatory processes. Therefore, we comply with all necessary requirements and do not abuse!

Coconut oil is a natural product that is widely used in the field of cosmetology. It contains no dyes, flavors, artificial chemical components. The product is rich in a complex of vitamins and nutrients that gently care for the face and hair.

Beneficial features

The widespread use of coconut oil for hair and face is due to its nutritional composition.

Lauric acidThe product consists of 50% of this component. The substance has antibacterial properties, dries acne and inflammation, protects the skin from the appearance of new ones.
Hyaluronic acidControls the water balance of the dermis, nourishes it, protects it from UV rays. Also, the component has a rejuvenating effect - it penetrates into the deep layers of the epithelium, smoothing mimic and age wrinkles.
TriglyceridesHeal microcracks, promote the speedy regeneration of the epidermis, improve the general condition of the skin and hair
Vitamin B11Prevents risk premature aging dermis, protects against sudden changes in temperature (especially in the autumn-winter period) and aggressive exposure to sunlight
Folic acidAccelerates the growth of curls, fights the problem of thin and brittle hair. Nourishes epidermal cells and hair follicles. Accelerates the healing process of microcracks and damage
Ascorbic acidEvens out tone and rejuvenates the skin of the face, making it smoother, fresher, velvety
Vitamin PPIt has an effect in the fight against age-related pigmentation, cleanses the dermis. Restores the structure of damaged, brittle hair. Saturates the cells of the dermis of the head with oxygen, so that the curls grow faster and stronger
Vitamin EA powerful antioxidant that cleanses the skin of the face, smoothes it. Returns strands shine, silkiness, removes split ends. Copes with dry hair, helps get rid of dandruff and itching

Regular use of the substance will transform the condition of your hair and skin. It has the following useful properties:

  • moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis;
  • relieves redness, swelling;
  • fights against the appearance of wrinkles;
  • protects from the negative effects of cold, wind;
  • protects against premature aging of the skin;
  • controls the water balance of the dermis;
  • reduces oily sheen;
  • fights inflammation, acne, acne;
  • gives the skin firmness, elasticity;
  • restores the structure damaged hair;
  • gives softness and silkiness;
  • prevents loss and brittleness;
  • relieves dandruff, itching.

Indications and contraindications

Experts advise using the tool for:

  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • normalization of metabolism in the cells of the dermis;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • restoration of the hair structure;
  • relieve inflammation, swelling;
  • improving the properties of regeneration of the dermis;
  • healing of pimples, acne;
  • lightening age spots;
  • stimulation of collagen production;
  • normalization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Important! There are no special contraindications to the use of the drug. But dermatologists warn: it is forbidden to use the product with individual intolerance to the constituent components.

For face

The product is quickly absorbed and perfectly conducts all the useful components with which it was mixed into the layers of the dermis. Therefore, the substance is often added as an active ingredient to various cosmetics - masks, scrubs, or used as an independent product.

Masks for different skin types

There are many recipes for masks with coconut oil that eliminate various dermatological problems.

For oily skin

  1. Kefir
    Warm to room temperature 2 tbsp. l. low-fat kefir, mix with 1 tsp. melted butter. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  2. With rice flour
    Mix 2 tsp. funds from 2 tbsp. l. rice flour until smooth. Apply the resulting mass to the skin for 20 minutes, rinse.
  3. cucumber
    Cucumber with peel grate on a fine grater. Add 1.5 tsp. oil, stir. Hold on the face for 15-20 minutes, remove the remnants of the mask with water.

For dry and normal

  1. egg
    To one beaten egg yolk add 1 tsp. coconut oil and white clay. Mix well, apply the mixture on the face for 10-15 minutes, rinse.
  2. With cocoa
    Melt 2 tbsp. l. substances, add 1 tsp. cocoa, mix. Leave on the face for 10-15 minutes, then remove the mask.

For problematic

  1. with aloe
    Mix in glass container 1 st. l. warmed coconut oil and 2 tsp. aloe juice and chamomile infusion. Leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes, rinse.
  2. Dairy
    Warm up 50 ml of low-fat milk, add 1 tbsp. l. wheat bran and 1 tsp. facilities. Leave the mixture on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse with water.
  3. with clay
    1 st. l. dilute blue cosmetic clay with 50 ml of warm water until a homogeneous mass without lumps. Add 5 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tsp. coconut. Stir, apply to the skin for 15 minutes. Remove the mask with water.

From wrinkles

  1. oatmeal
    2 tbsp. l. mix oatmeal with honey and coconut oil (1 tsp each) until smooth. Keep no more than 20 minutes. Wash off with water.
  2. Gelatinous
    Dilute 1 tbsp. l. gelatin 100 ml warm water. Put in a water bath until completely dissolved. Then add 1 tsp. funds, mix. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes. The mask will “harden” during this time. It must be removed carefully, in the direction from top to bottom.


With the help of regular cosmetic procedures you can carefully get rid of dead skin cells, cleanse the dermis, accelerate the process of regeneration and renewal.

Important! When scrubbing the face, the product must be rubbed with fingertips with light massage movements. It is not recommended to perform the cleansing procedure too actively, as scrub granules can damage the skin.

  1. Coffee
    For preparation, you need the thick of freshly brewed natural coffee. Add 2-3 tsp to it. coconut oil, rub well until a creamy mass is formed.
  2. With sea salt
    Mix 50 grams sea ​​salt and 3 tsp. oils. Face treatment. After the procedure, apply natural yogurt to the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off with water.
  3. Sugar
    Combine in containers of 3 tbsp. l. honey, sugar and coconut oil, grind well. The tool is ready for use.

Experts advise repeating the scrubbing procedure no more than 2 times a week, in order to avoid tissue injury.


Effective and beneficial facial massage with coconut oil. To do this, you need: heat the product, apply it on the fingertips and start soft movements - circular, along the oval of the face. The remains of the product can be removed with a napkin. It is better to spend it an hour before bedtime. The recommended course of procedures is 12 days.

With regular massage:

  • metabolic processes in the cells of the dermis will increase;
  • redness, rashes, contaminated pores will disappear;
  • evens out the tone of the face;
  • small wrinkles will be smoothed out, and deep ones will be less noticeable;
  • the skin will become more toned, elastic.

For hair

Coconut oil is often added to the base of various hair masks. It enhances their moisturizing and nourishing properties. Also, the product can be used in its pure form.


To moisturize and restore hair, you need to apply oil along the entire length for an hour. Massage the substance from the roots to the tips with massage movements. Wash off with shampoo. Also, the mask can be left overnight, but before going to bed, you need to put a plastic cap on your head - this will improve the nutritional properties of the product.

Important! Washing coconut oil out of your hair is quite difficult. Experts do not advise to apply it abundantly on curls.

List of the most effective masks for hair:

  1. oily
    The substance is perfectly combined with mustard, castor, burdock oils. For cooking, you need to mix 1 tsp. 2-3 types of oil, heat in a water bath.
  2. Firming
    Mix 20 grams of glycerin, 15 ml of wine vinegar, 50 grams of oil and one egg yolk.
  3. Nutritious
    In a container, mash 1 banana to a pulp, add 1 tsp. cream and 50 grams of butter. Mix until smooth.

Masks must be applied from the roots and evenly distributed over the entire length. Then wrap your head plastic bag or a hat, and warm with a towel on top.

The result of applying a nourishing hair mask

Scientists have found that residents of those regions where coconuts grow are less likely to experience diseases of cardio-vascular system and have smooth elastic skin without wrinkles even in adulthood. Doctors recommend using coconut oil for facial care, maintaining youthfulness and healthy skin.

The main components of its composition are saturated fats (about 90%), lauric acid and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the entire body and the immune system.

Urban dwellers in the northern regions have a much harder time finding a natural product, so sometimes they have to face the risk of buying coconut oil with chemical additives that can only harm the skin.

Why should you use coconut oil on your face?

Benefits of coconut oil:

  • reduction, smoothing and prevention of wrinkles;
  • skin toning;
  • intense deep hydration due to vitamin E;
  • soothing the skin after the sun and epilation;
  • skin softening and elimination of dryness;
  • improved tanning uniformity;
  • restoration of elasticity;
  • achieving a lifting effect.

In addition, women interested in the issue How to use coconut oil, they know well that it gives silkiness and natural shine to hair. Also, many note the ability of coconut oil to fight fatty deposits in the abdomen: if taken twice a day, 2 tablespoons of oil.

If mixed with baking soda and use the resulting mixture instead of the usual tooth powder, very soon the smile will become snow-white. For the growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows, coconut oil is also indispensable, because it nourishes them and stimulates the appearance of new hairs and cilia.

Learning how to use coconut oil the right way

You will not be able to achieve the desired effect if you do not know how to use coconut oil for cosmetic purposes. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with several principles of its use and proper application, which will definitely come in handy for solving many aesthetic and dermatological problems.

Where to buy oil?

First, the best give preference to trusted brands and do not buy cheap products from an unknown manufacturer, as you can accidentally stumble upon a low-quality product that contains more chemicals than real useful components.

Secondly, the coconut oil for the face that you plan to use daily should be buy in specialized stores or pharmacies. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a natural quality product in an ordinary supermarket.

Pay attention to storage conditions

A person involved in the production or sale of oils should know how to use and store coconut oil. All types of oils must be stored in a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate. When you are in the store, pay attention to the storage conditions of this product or check with the seller.

Read the product label

On the back of the bottle / jar of coconut oil should be a label with the following designations: palmitic acid, myristic acid, caprylic acid, oleic acid. Their absence should arouse your suspicions. Check with the seller if he has coconut oil from other companies and make a choice in favor of a better product. You can also get more information on how to use coconut oil for hair, nails and eyelashes.

Do a quality test

Before using coconut oil for hair or skin care, do a basic quality test at home. Pay attention to the following signs:

  • lack of transparency in oil;
  • the presence of a cloudy sediment;
  • tendency to harden at low temperatures.

These signs indicate high quality and natural coconut oil. This will mean that it can be used and not be feared because of the harm of artificial additives, since with such signs they are most likely not present in its composition or very few.

Prepare skin for oil application

How to use coconut oil to get the most out of it? Experts urge you to pre-cleanse the skin of impurities. Coconut oil after application creates a slight “greenhouse” effect, so if dirt or cosmetic residues remain on the skin, inflammation and even acne may soon appear. Cleanse the skin in the following way:

  • Stage 1: use a scrub to eliminate impurities and cleanse pores;
  • Stage 2: do a light skin massage after cleansing with a sponge or sponge;
  • Stage 3: wash the skin with clean cool water (preferably boiled).

It is not recommended to use coconut oil for the face without prepping the skin. Always use care products for cleansing.

Apply coconut oil with massaging movements

In order for coconut oil to be better absorbed, apply it evenly in a small amount with light massaging movements along the massage lines (see diagram below). To do this, you can use a special spatula for applying masks. After applying the oil, you do not need to wash it off immediately: let it remain on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then it can be washed off using a soft sponge.

Mix coconut oil with other ingredients

Would you like to get the most out of your new product, but don't know how to use coconut oil and what you can combine it with? Here is a list of several recipes that will allow you to take care of your skin to the fullest:

Skin mask ingredients

Cooking method

Effect after applying the mask

Coconut oil + milk + rye bread

Mix milk and butter, dip a piece of bread in the mixture, then apply it on the skin.

Soothing and nourishing the skin, restoring its healthy color, softening, eliminating redness.

Coconut Oil + Clay + Orange Oil

Use any cosmetic clay, add a few drops of coconut oil and orange oil to it, then apply evenly on the face.

Elimination of signs of fatigue, flabbiness of the skin. Restoration of a healthy color, toning, slight tightening effect.

Coconut Oil + Lemon Juice + Tea Tree Oil + Honey

You need to mix 1 spoon of honey with 3 drops of coconut and 3 drops of tea tree and 1 spoon of lemon juice.

Elimination of inflammation in acne and other rashes, skin lightening.

Before using masks, consult a dermatologist and check with him how to use coconut oil for cosmetic purposes, whether it can be used in your individual case and combined with other ingredients to create masks. This is important, as some components may be allergic.

Follow 5 rules when using hair oil

Hair can also be pampered with healthy masks based on coconut oil. But there are a few principles to keep in mind.

How to use coconut oil for hair:

  • melt the coconut oil in the microwave to make it more liquid;
  • rub the warm oil thoroughly into the scalp using a fine-toothed comb;
  • cover your head with a plastic bag and a terry towel to create a compress effect, leave for several hours (the longer the better);
  • wash your hair shampoo and rinse with lemon juice.

Examples of healthy hair mask recipes based on coconut oil:

Hair mask ingredients

Cooking method

Effect after applying the mask

Coconut oil + banana + natural yogurt

Mix banana puree with natural yogurt and coconut oil, apply to hair along the entire length for 45 minutes, then rinse.

Improvement appearance hair growth, strengthening and nourishing the hair and scalp.

Coconut oil + sea salt

Warm a mixture of coconut oil and crushed sea salt in a microwave or water bath, apply while warm on the scalp, rinse after 10-15 minutes.

This mask is suitable for oily hair types. The mask eliminates excess sebum, slightly dries the skin and hair, allowing them to stay clean and well-groomed longer.

Coconut oil + cream + oatmeal

Mix all ingredients and apply to hair. After 20-25 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo. Applying conditioners and other products when using a mask is not recommended.

This mask moisturizes and nourishes dry hair, making it smooth, soft and healthy. Many who know how to use coconut oil for hair recommend it to anyone with a dry scalp type.

If you prefer to use only natural products for skin care, we advise you to read the article about the benefits of greens, which can also be used as a health component for the skin.


Coconut oil is rapidly gaining popularity due to its many uses and useful properties. It is used in various fields ranging from cooking to skin and hair care.

Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. There are several types of coconut oil:

refined This type of oil does not smell or taste like coconut oil. During the refining process, some of the nutrients are removed from it, and although it is also useful, it may not be as effective as unrefined oil.

unrefined– also called "extra-class". This type of oil does not go through a refining process and retains its taste and smell. When cooked or applied to the skin, it produces a light coconut scent. Also, this oil retains most of the nutrients.

properties of coconut oil

One tablespoon of coconut oil contains 117 calories, plus:

0 grams of proteins,

0 grams of carbohydrates

13.6 grams of fat (11.8 saturated, 0.8 unsaturated and 0.2 polyunsaturated).

Coconut oil is almost entirely fat. However, the structure of this fat differs from other saturated fats found mainly in animal products.

Coconut oil is high in fatty acids from medium length chains, which are more difficult to convert into fat stores and burn more easily than long-chain fatty acids.

Medium chain fatty acids:

Easier to digest

Not stored as fat reserves

Possess antimicrobial and antifungal properties

They are a source of energy

Benefits of coconut oil

Here are some health benefits of coconut oil:

Strengthens the immune system

The lauric, capric, and caprylic acids in coconut oil kill harmful bacteria and viruses, as well as fungi, preventing infection.

Reduces appetite

This has to do with how fatty acids are converted. In moderation, coconut oil has a positive effect on weight and body composition.

Prevents Alzheimer's disease

Studies have shown that coconut oil prevents Alzheimer's by providing an energy source that supports brain function and improves memory.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Coconut oil increases good cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Improves digestion

Coconut oil improves digestion by helping the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, calcium and magnesium. It also helps get rid of harmful bacteria and fungi that can cause inflammation and poor digestion.

Hair and skin health

Coconut oil fatty acids soften hair, reduce dry skin, and help get rid of a fungal infection that causes dandruff.

Using coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil improves hair health, fights dandruff-causing fungus, promotes hair growth by adding shine and healthy look hair.

Many beauty products contain coconut oil, which is superior to mineral or sunflower oil in reducing the loss of proteins that lead to dry and brittle hair.

The lauric acid in coconut oil has a low molecular weight and penetrates the hair shaft better, nourishing the hair with vitamins, minerals and medium chain fatty acids.

Coconut oil also prevents damage to the hair when combing, it can be used as a conditioner.

Hair conditioner

Use 1/4 (for short hair) or 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil warmed in your hands as a hair conditioner. Distribute through hair and style as usual.

For intensive hair restoration, apply 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil depending on the length of the hair to the hair roots and massage into the scalp. Cover with a hat and leave for 1-2 hours or overnight. Wash off with a mild shampoo and style as usual.

For dry and damaged hair, add a few drops of sandalwood or geranium oil to help lock in moisture.

Hair Growth Mask

Coconut oil can promote hair growth, making it thicker and longer. Hair health largely depends on the internal state, and therefore it is important to include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, pumpkin seeds, chia, flax seeds, green tea in your diet.

For hair growth, gently massage coconut oil into the scalp for 10 minutes 3-4 times a week. You will need about 1 teaspoon of oil. You can also add 4 drops rosemary oil which improves circulation in the scalp.

After you have massaged your head for 10 minutes, put on a cap and leave it on for 40 minutes or more. Wash off with shampoo

Dandruff Remedy

Dandruff can be caused by dry skin, sensitivity to aggressive chemicals in shampoos and other products and fungal infection.

The lauric and capric acids in coconut oil have antifungal and other beneficial properties.

Use essential lavender, thyme and tea tree oils to fight dandruff. To treat dandruff, mix 2 teaspoons of coconut oil with 5 drops of one of the essential oils or a blend of oils and massage into the scalp. Cover with a hat and leave for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with a mild shampoo afterwards. For a deeper action, you can leave the mixture overnight. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.


Hairdryers, flat irons, curling irons and other styling products rob hair of moisture, causing hair to become brittle and prone to tangling.

Coconut oil prevents heat damage and helps smooth hair.

Apply 1/4 - 1 teaspoon of coconut oil depending on the length of the hair, spread over the entire length, dry and style the hair as desired. Your hair will be soft, shiny and supple.

If you have split ends, use a few drops of coconut oil to rub into the ends.

You can also use coconut oil for sun protection as it is natural sunscreen which is suitable for both adults and children.

If your hair is tangled, apply some coconut oil to the tangled area and comb through.

Use a little bit of coconut oil when styling and don't apply to the scalp as it can weigh down the hair.

Remedy for pediculosis

There is also evidence that coconut oil helps to get rid of head lice. Since coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft, it prevents the lice eggs from attaching to the hair.

Apply a mixture of 3 tablespoons coconut oil and 1 teaspoon anise, ylang-ylang and tea tree oils along the entire length of the hair and distribute with a wide-toothed comb. Cover with a hat and leave for at least 2 hours. Take off your cap and brush your hair again. While your hair is still damp, apply a mixture of 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water to your hair using a spray bottle. Comb again and wash off with shampoo.

This procedure must be repeated every 5-10 days for several weeks to get rid of lice. However, this method may not be as effective for nits that need to be pulled out by hand.

Coconut oil for face and body

Eye cream and moisturizer

Lightly rub coconut oil under your eyes and on your face as a nighttime moisturizer. Using coconut oil on the eyelids and under the eyes helps prevent wrinkles, puffiness and bags under the eyes.

Body lotion

Apply coconut oil all over your body instead of regular body lotion to soften your skin. Store-bought lotions are usually oil-based or water-based, while the natural ingredients in coconut oil moisturize the skin more effectively.

Cuticle cream

Cracked cuticles and hangnails are not only unsightly, but can be uncomfortable. Rub coconut oil twice a day on your cuticles as a treatment.

Bath oil

Instead of bubble bath, add coconut oil. IN hot water the butter will melt into a liquid and you will be able to get the maximum benefit.


To keep your skin soft, use coconut oil instead of cream. It fights redness and irritation, reduces acne and moisturizes the skin. Fatty acids restore the skin's lipid barrier by retaining moisture.

Shaving cream

Instead of shaving cream, try using coconut oil. Wet the area, apply coconut oil and shave off unwanted hairs. Coconut oil provides a smooth razor glide and hydrates the skin in the process.

Massage Oil

Coconut oil can also be used for massage, and its pleasant smell will take you away on sunny days on a tropical beach.

Dry skin

If you have dry patches on your elbows, feet, or other areas, rub in coconut oil to heal the flaky areas. To prevent nosebleeds and relieve congestion, rub coconut oil inside your nose.

Body Scrub

Mix sugar or salt with coconut oil to remove dead skin without stripping it of moisture.


Rub some coconut oil on your cheekbones for a natural, refreshing glow.

Makeup remover

Swap out your makeup remover for coconut oil. The oil easily removes make-up residue. Remove excess oil with paper towels or cotton pads so they don't irritate your eyes.

Makeup Brush Cleaner

Make a mixture of antibacterial soap and coconut oil to thoroughly clean any brush residue and restore the bristles.

Lip Hygiene

Coconut oil is great as a lip balm as well as a remedy for chapped lips.

Scratch Care

Rub a thin layer of coconut oil on small scratches and bruises. The oil soothes the skin and creates a barrier against dirt and bacteria.

Coconut oil masks

Face masks with coconut oil

Apply these masks for 15-20 minutes on clean skin and then wash off.

Recipe 1.

2 teaspoons of honey

1/2 teaspoon lemon

This mask will help cleanse the skin and make it soft and radiant.

Recipe 2.

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1/2 ripe banana

A pinch of turmeric

This mask fights acne and moisturizes the skin.

Recipe 3.

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1/4 ripe avocado

This is a hydrating, nourishing and purifying mask.

Hair masks with coconut oil

Rosemary + Avocado + Coconut Oil

Avocado and coconut oils will moisturize your hair, and a few drops essential oil rosemary will add shine.

Coconut oil + honey

Melt honey and coconut oil and mix in equal parts. Apply to dry hair, split ends and scalp. Massage with your fingers and leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing off.

Coconut oil + egg

You can add an egg to the honey mask to nourish your hair.

Coconut oil + honey + banana

If you have an itchy scalp, use a coconut oil, honey and banana mask once a week to keep your hair healthy and prevent hair loss.

Coconut Oil + Vitamin E

To smooth your hair, mix these ingredients, pre-heat the oil so that it penetrates the hair better, and leave for 40 minutes, then rinse.

Coconut Oil + Argan Oil

This simple two-ingredient recipe will leave your hair soft and silky. Rub the mixture into the scalp and spread over the entire length.

Uses of coconut oil for food

Add flavor to coffee or tea

The next time you drink your favorite morning drink, add coconut oil instead of sugar. You can also add honey, a pinch of cinnamon and milk. The coconut oil will emulsify in the drink and add a nice coconut flavor.


Coconut oil is a healthier alternative to other oils. This oil has a high smoke threshold, meaning it will not release harmful free radicals as quickly as other oils. That is why it is best to fry and cook with coconut oil. It is easier to digest, quickly absorbed by the liver and burned as fuel for the body.