Why is it impossible to reconcile the elder. Why is it impossible to reconcile the parties when the victim himself is not interested? Questions and tasks

CROW KUS(10/17/2017 at 15:14:19)

"Why is it impossible to reconcile the parties when the victim himself is not interested?"

Hello! The answer is contained in the question itself, that is, because the victim is not interested. His interest in reconciliation can be achieved in many ways:

1) the transfer of the agreed and reasonable amount of money and the written confirmation of the fact of the transfer of money and the reconciliation that depended on this;

2) fulfillment of any reasonable requests of the victim at your request (help in finding a job, positively resolving some domestic dispute, carrying out various profitable business operations, finding and purchasing medicines, travel, sanatorium vouchers, etc. at reduced prices);

3) other measures that do not contradict the legitimate interests of the victim or correspond to them.

According to the circumstances of the case. There is hope for the termination of the case or the requalification of the actions of the nephew from Part 1 of Art. 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for part 1 of Art. 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, that is, causing grievous bodily harm when the limits of necessary defense are exceeded.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Article 37.

1. It is not a crime to cause harm to an offending person in a state of necessary defense, that is, when protecting the personality and rights of the defending person or other persons, the interests of society or the state protected by law from a socially dangerous encroachment, if this encroachment was accompanied by violence dangerous to the life of the defending person or another person, or with the imminent threat of such violence.

2. Protection from an attack that is not associated with violence dangerous to the life of the defender or another person, or with an immediate threat of such violence, is lawful if the limits of necessary defense were not exceeded, that is, deliberate actions that clearly do not correspond to the nature and danger of abuse.

2.1. The actions of the defending person do not exceed the limits of necessary defense, if this person, due to the unexpectedness of the encroachment, could not objectively assess the degree and nature of the danger of the attack.

3. The provisions of this article apply equally to all persons, regardless of their professional or other special training and official position, as well as regardless of the possibility of avoiding a socially dangerous encroachment or turning to other persons or authorities for help.

Thus, to resolve the issue, the presence of a state of necessary defense at the time of causing harm and whether its limits are exceeded are important. It is also important to keep in mind the means of attack and defense.

If what you call a stick looks more like a shaft, the victim was easily controlled by it, and at the time of causing harm, the attack was not clearly over for the defender, then paragraph 1 of Art. 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, that is, the attack was life-threatening, the state of necessary defense is evident, any harm to the attacker is not criminal (roughly speaking, there are no limits in this case, you can harm with impunity, up to and including causing the attacker to death).

If the use by this person of this stick in relation to the defending person did not pose a danger to the life of the latter, then the state of necessary defense is evident until the attack is clearly (for the defender) completed. At the same time, harm is also allowed after the obvious end of the attack in order to avoid a second attack. But in this case, the amount of harm caused should not exceed that which is necessary to prevent a possible repetition of the attack. There are a lot of circumstances that are assessed in practice from both objective and subjective positions.

For example, if the defender repulsed the attack, took away the stick from him and sent him into a deep knockout, made sure that the latter was in such a state, and then continued the beating with broken ribs, rupture of the spleen and intestines, then the circumstances indicate a clear passing of the state of necessary defense and beating a person in a helpless state. If the person survived, then the qualification of measures of "protection" under Art. 108 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will be quite reasonable.

Tell us about the friendship between the elder Dubrovsky and Troekurov. What gave birth to her? Why did she end so tragically?

The friendship of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky and Kirila Petrovich Troekurov differed significantly from the relationship of a rich and powerful gentleman with his other landowner neighbors and acquaintances. They were once comrades in the service. One of them retired with the rank of lieutenant of the guard, the other with the rank of general-in-chief. Both had independent personalities. Dubrovsky, despite his poor position and modest position, was distinguished by pride, impatience and decisiveness of character, for which he was respected by Troekurov. He did not allow with his friend those rude and cruel jokes to which he subjected others, and also tolerated the remarks that Dubrovsky made about his lifestyle. The elder Dubrovsky was also an interesting conversationalist, in his absence Kirila Petrovich was bored. Pushkin explained the reasons for their special friendship by the fact that they were the same age, received the same upbringing, both were widowed, had one child each. Sometimes Troekurov expressed the idea of ​​marrying Masha and Vladimir, to which Dubrovsky replied that the husband should be the head of the family, and not “the clerk of a spoiled woman,” so it was better for him to marry a poor noblewoman. All the neighbors envied the harmony that reigned between them. In the words of the author, "an accident upset everything" and changed their relationship. Once, while inspecting the kennel, Dubrovsky was insulted by Paramoshka, Troekurov's servant. In response to this, Andrei Gavrilovich retired from Pokrovsky and demanded that Troekurov send a servant to his court, and if he had the will to punish or pardon, he would decide for himself. The wayward Troekurov could not stand this and decided to bring his former friend to his knees. The whole further plot of the novel is determined by this event.

The novel "Dubrovsky" was created by Pushkin in 1832-1833. The title does not belong to Pushkin and was given by the publishers by the name of the protagonist. The plot of this work was based on the story of Pushkin’s close friend P. V. Nashchokin “about one Belarusian poor nobleman named Ostrovsky (as the novel was called at first), who had a trial with a neighbor for land, was forced out of the estate and, left with some peasants , began to rob first clerks, then others. Nashchokin saw Ostrovsky in prison. Pushkin knew similar cases of the Nizhny Novgorod landowners Dubrovsky, Kryukov and Muratov, as well as the mores of the owner of the village of Petrovskoye P.A. Hannibal.

In the original plan of the novel, there was no father Dubrovsky and the history of his friendship with Troekurov, there was no discord between lovers, there was no figure of Prince Vereisky, which is very important for the idea of ​​stratification of the nobility (aristocratic, but poor; thin, but rich). In addition, in the novel, Dubrovsky becomes a victim of betrayal, and not the prevailing circumstances. It outlines the story of an exceptional personality, daring and successful, offended by a rich landowner, court and avenging himself.

In the text that has come down to us, Pushkin, on the contrary, emphasized the typicality and ordinariness of Dubrovsky, with whom an event characteristic of the era happened. Dubrovsky in the story is not an exceptional personality. It is connected with the whole way of life and life of that time. Dubrovsky and his peasants, like the landowner Ostrovsky in life, found no other way out than robbery, robbery of offenders and wealthy noble landowners. This theme has been widely developed in Western and Russian literature.

The novel is set in the 1820s. The novel presents two generations - fathers and children. The history of the life of fathers is compared with the fate of children. The story of the friendship of fathers is a harbinger, "a prelude to the tragedy of children."

Pushkin originally called the exact date, which divorced the fathers: “The glorious year of 1762 separated them for a long time. Troekurov, a relative of Princess Dashkova, went uphill. These words mean a lot. Both Dubrovsky and Troekurov are people of the Catherine era, who started their service together and strived to make a good career. 1762 - the year of Catherine's coup, when Catherine II overthrew her husband Peter III from the throne and began to rule Russia. Dubrovsky remained faithful to Emperor Peter III, as the ancestor of Pushkin himself (Lev Aleksandrovich Pushkin).

Troyekurov, on the contrary, sided with Catherine II, who brought him closer to her. Since then, the career of Dubrovsky, who did not change his oath, began to decline, and the career of Troekurov, who changed his oath, went uphill. Troyekurov belonged to that new service noble nobility, which, for the sake of ranks, titles, estates and awards, did not know ethical barriers. Dubrovsky - to that ancient aristocracy, which revered honor, dignity, duty above any personal benefits. Consequently, the reason for the disengagement of the nobility and the quarrel between the two landowners lies in the historical circumstances and in the morals of the heroes.

A lot of time has passed since Dubrovsky and Troekurov parted ways. They met again when both were out of work. Troekurov and Dubrovsky did not become enemies. On the contrary, they are connected by friendship and mutual affection, but these strong human feelings are not able to first prevent a quarrel, and then reconcile people who are at different levels of the social ladder, just as they cannot hope for their common fate. loving friend friend's children - Masha Troekurova and Vladimir Dubrovsky.

This tragic idea of ​​the novel about the social and moral stratification of people from the nobility and the social enmity between the nobility and the people is embodied in the completion of all storylines. It generates inner drama, which is expressed in the contrasts of the composition: friendship is opposed by a court scene, Vladimir's meeting with his native nest is accompanied by the death of his father, stricken by misfortunes and a fatal illness, the silence of the funeral is broken by the menacing glow of a fire, the holiday in Pokrovsky ends with a robbery, love - flight, wedding - battle. Vladimir Dubrovsky inexorably loses everything: in the first volume, his patrimony is taken away from him, he is deprived of his parental home and familiar society, the socio-cultural environment in which he lived before. In the second volume, Vereisky robs him of love, and the state takes away his robber will. Thus, human feelings enter into a tragic duel with the prevailing laws and customs.

To rise above them, you need to get out of their power. Pushkin's heroes strive to arrange their own destiny in their own way, but they fail to do so. Vladimir Dubrovsky is testing three options for his life lot: a wasteful and ambitious guards officer, a modest and courageous Deforge, a formidable and honest robber. The purpose of such attempts is to change fate. But this cannot be done, because the place of the hero in society is fixed forever: he is the son of an old nobleman with the same properties that his father had - poverty and honesty, dignity and pride, nobility and independence. Maintaining honesty in poverty is too much of a luxury. Poverty obliges to be complaisant, moderate pride and forget about honor. All Vladimir's attempts to defend his right to be poor and honest end in disaster, because the spiritual qualities of the hero are incompatible with his social and property status.

Marya Kirilovna is internally related to Dubrovsky. She, "an ardent dreamer", saw in Vladimir a romantic hero and hoped for the power of feelings. She believed that she could soften her father's heart. She naively believed that she would touch the soul of Prince Vereisky, awakening in him a “feeling of generosity”, but he remained indifferent to the words of the bride. He lives by cold calculation and rushes the wedding. Social, property and other external circumstances are not on the side of Masha, and she is forced to make concessions and agree with the will of her father. She can still cross the line in the relationship of a rich aristocratic young lady with a poor teacher, but her upbringing does not allow her to associate life with a criminal, with a robber torn away from society, even if a “noble” one. The boundaries defined by life are stronger than the hottest feelings. The heroes understand this too: Masha firmly and resolutely rejects Dubrovsky's help.

The same tragic situation develops in folk scenes. The nobleman stands at the head of the rebellion of the peasants who are devoted to him and carry out his orders. But the goals of Dubrovsky and the peasants are different, because the peasants ultimately hate all the nobles and officials, although the peasants are not without humane feelings. They are ready to take revenge on the landowners and officials in any way, even if they have to live by robbery and robbery, that is, to commit a forced, but a crime. And Dubrovsky understands that society has doomed him and the peasants to be outcasts.

Although the peasants are determined to sacrifice themselves and go to the end, neither their good feelings for Dubrovsky nor his good feelings for the peasants change the tragic outcome of events. The order of things was restored by government troops, Dubrovsky left the gang. The union of the nobility and the peasantry was possible only for a short time and reflected the failure of hopes for joint resistance to arbitrariness.

The tragic questions of life that arose in the novel were not resolved. Probably, as a result of this, Pushkin refrained from publishing the novel, hoping to find positive answers to burning life problems that worried him.

Questions and tasks

  1. What formed the basis of the plot of the novel "Dubrovsky"? Tell about it.
  2. Why did Pushkin emphasize Dubrovsky's ordinariness?
  3. Why is it impossible to reconcile the elder Dubrovsky and Troekurov, reunite Masha and Vladimir Dubrovsky?

Undermining the sovereignty and security of the state should be punishable by death

American historian Joseph Nye argues that "in the information age, the one who is more convincing, whose story is able to attract people, wins." Therefore, many Russophobic authors are trying to distort and spit on the history of the USSR, to make it unattractive.

The authors of the textbook on the history of Russia for the 11th grade V. P. Ostrovsky and A. I. Utkin, narrating about the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, share the point of view of the Nazi strategists about the reasons for their defeat, who blame it on the severe frosts that brought out of order motors, lack of winter uniforms, etc.

On the pages of their textbook, these authors also distort the course of events in the war. So, they write: “At the end of 1942, the enemy began to move towards the Volga and the North Caucasus. The German units broke through the defenses. Part of the Soviet troops was surrounded. But at the end of 1942, non-Soviet troops were surrounded. It was in the Volga region that a strategic grouping of Nazi troops consisting of 22 divisions turned out to be in the “cauldron”. Hitler's attempts to release it were thwarted, the group was defeated.

The textbook also states that in 1942, the 6th Army of Paulus and the 4th Tank Brigade of Goth were drawn into Stalingrad and bogged down there. Only, together with the 6th field army, it was not the brigade, but the 4th tank army that was surrounded. The values ​​are incomparable, but, of course, not for the authors of the textbook.

Memory upgraders

The Russian "historian" B. V. Sokolov in his books categorically declares the low level of military training of Soviet military personnel, the mediocrity of the Soviet command, their inability to fight in comparison with the brilliant fascist command.

In the book “100 Great Wars”, Mr. Sokolov claims that during the battle “the 2nd SS Panzer Corps irrevocably lost no more than 5, and another 38 tanks and 12 assault guns were damaged, and the irretrievable losses of the Soviet 5th Guards Tank armies reached 334 tanks and self-propelled guns. The number of damaged Soviet tanks is estimated differently because the battlefield was left to the Germans.

At the same time, Mr. Sokolov does not explain how the Soviet troops, having suffered a crushing defeat, having lost 67 times more tanks and leaving the battlefield, suddenly, for no reason at all, began to advance and drove the Nazi troops non-stop right up to the Dnieper.

And such an author as G. Kh. Popov declares that there was no Battle of Kursk at all, since after the Allied landing in Sicily (July 10, 1943), Hitler supposedly abandoned Operation Citadel and withdrew his tank formations to the west.

Another example of how history is being rewritten is A. Kilichenkov's book A Short Course on the Great Patriotic War. The whole war, in the author's interpretation, is a series of mistakes and failures of the Soviet troops under the leadership of incompetent military leaders and the triumph of the Nazi command, examples of the exploits of the Nazis, who, it is not clear how, still lost the war.

A. B. Zubov from MGIMO called his book about the Great Patriotic War “The Soviet-Nazi War”, and publicist Mark Solonin writes that both states (USSR and Germany) were fascist, only the Soviet Union in an even worse form.

In the textbooks of A. Kreder, P. Mishin, L. Zharov, N. Zagadin, the books of V. Rezun, A. Lebedintsev, Yu. Mukhin, B. Krasilnikov and some other authors, the responsibility for unleashing World War II is assigned to the USSR. He allegedly carried out aggressive preparations for a long time and was preparing to take over Europe. As for the fascist aggression against the Soviet Union, it is presented as a precautionary, preventive war. "If Hitler hadn't started, Stalin would have started it."

The most important events of the Great Patriotic War are distorted in such films as "Penal Battalion", "The Last Myth", "Enemy at the Gates", "Bastards", "Cadets", TV series by V. Pravdyuk and others.

Some "historians" claim that the Baltics, Poland and other European countries were occupied by Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War, accusing Stalin of not stopping the army after the liberation of his lands.

But who rid the world of the brown plague? The company of domestic "historians" carefully hides the fact that during the Great Patriotic War the Red Army completely or partially liberated Norway, Denmark, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Austria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria. In addition, with its victories in Yugoslavia and the supply of weapons, the USSR contributed to the liberation of Albania. And the deployment of Soviet troops (37th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front) on the Bulgarian-Turkish border did not allow Turkey to occupy Bulgaria.

If the Red Army had not finished off the beast in its lair, then fascist Germany could once again gather strength and achieve separate agreements with some of our allies (such a process, unfortunately, was implicit during the war years), which in turn threatened the death of everything humanity.

Heroes and anti-heroes in a new interpretation

In rewriting the history of the Great Patriotic War, the most important role for "modernizers" of all stripes is played by the images of the heroes of this war. Negative characters suddenly acquire haloes of fighters for the freedom and independence of mankind, and generally recognized heroes become villains. Let's turn to specific examples.

In the textbook Modern Russian Literature (1990–2000), on the subject of the Great Patriotic War, I. Brodsky’s epitaph “On the Death of Zhukov” and G. Vadimov’s book “The General and His Army” are recommended, in which Guderian and the traitor Vlasov are praised. And this despite the fact that for the Soviet, Russian people, Vlasov became a symbol of betrayal, the culprit in the death of hundreds of thousands of Red Army soldiers.

With regard to Guderian and other fascist commanders, the fact is enough that they and their armies were mercilessly beaten by the Soviet troops, headed by talented commanders. One can only add that the American historian S. Mitcham, in his book “Hitler’s Field Marshals and Their Battles”, written on the basis of what the German military leaders themselves said, concludes: “On the whole, Hitler’s field marshals were a galaxy of surprisingly mediocre military figures. And you can’t even call them geniuses of science to defeat them. ”

The hero Alexander Matrosov, who closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his chest and ensured that his unit completed the combat mission, turned through the efforts of some "historians" into a drunken half-wit who slipped on the ice and accidentally fell on the embrasure. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, 265 Soviet soldiers accomplished a similar feat (37 survived). Aren't there too many slippers?

The commander of the Red Banner submarine S-13 A. I. Marinesko, who sank the Nazi liner Wilhelm Gustloff on January 30, 1945 with the crews of German submarines on board, became a war criminal at the suggestion of some "researchers" who destroyed an unarmed civilian ship.

However, such an accusation is untenable, if only because the Wilhelm Gustloff had weapons on board that could fight ships and. In addition, it was a training floating base of underwater Germany, it was accompanied by the Leve destroyer, while the ships for the transport of refugees could not go in the same convoy with the military and had to be marked with a red cross.

OUN leaders Roman Shukhevych and Stepan Bandera, who served in units of the Nazi troops and are known for massacres of Soviet partisans and civilians in Belarus, by decree of President V. Yushchenko received the posthumous honorary title "Hero of Ukraine" with the wording "For outstanding personal contribution to the national liberation struggle for freedom and independence.

As for the SS officer R. Shukhevych, according to the archives, the Nachtigall unit under his leadership exterminated almost the entire Ukrainian, Jewish and Polish intelligentsia in Volhynia (from five to seven thousand people). Under the leadership of Shukhevych, ethnic cleansing took place, as a result of which 12,000 ethnic Poles died in 1943 alone. Shukhevych and his UPA unit took part in the destruction of the Belarusian Khatyn. In total, on the orders of Shukhevych, 15,355 peasants and collective farmers, 676 workers, 1931 representatives of the intelligentsia were killed.

The agent of the German Abwehr S. ​​Bandera (nicknamed Baba) already in 1938 received the task of preparing for sabotage and terrorist activities on the territory of the USSR. At a meeting of the Nuremberg Tribunal, the deputy head of the second department of the Abwehr (the department of sabotage and subversive work behind enemy lines), Colonel Erich Stolze, gave the following written testimony: “I personally instructed the leaders of Ukrainian nationalists, German agents Melnik and Bandera to organize immediately after the German attack on the Soviet Union of provocative speeches in Ukraine with the aim of undermining the nearest rear of the Soviet troops, as well as in order to convince international public opinion of the supposed decomposition of the Soviet rear.

In pursuance of these instructions, the Abwehr S. ​​Bandera at the end of 1940 - the beginning of 1941 sent several “Instructions of the OUN(B) revolutionary wire” to his agents on the territory of Soviet Western Ukraine through messengers. The task was set: in the rear of the Red Army, with the outbreak of the German war against Moscow, "to organize sabotage, uprisings, an atmosphere of chaos, the seizure of power on the ground ... terror for foreign enemies", which are "Muscovites, Poles, Jews" and which must be destroyed. Here is what S. Bandera said on July 3, 1941, during an official conversation with the Deputy Secretary of State of Germany E. Kundt: “The OUN entered the struggle, part as part of the German Wehrmacht, and part as organizers in the rear of the Bolshevik troops, performing tasks, in cooperation with the Wehrmacht ... Therefore, in this struggle we are not passive spectators, but active participants.”

The atrocities of the Banderaites became especially cruel and widespread when, in the spring of 1943, gangs from the UPA, created by the OUN in order to prevent the liberation of Ukraine by the Red Army, began to operate.

The atrocities of the Nazis and their henchmen

Currently, liberals of all stripes are calling for reconciliation with the fascist non-humans who attacked the Soviet Union. Like, it's not their fault, but Hitler who fooled them. But who committed atrocities on the territory of our country?

The conquerors, who considered themselves the "master race", embodied their misanthropy in the strategic goal of world domination, in the criminal methods of warfare, in the genocide of entire peoples. Following the Wehrmacht, a huge army of marauders and robbers rushed to the occupied territory of the USSR, inspired by the parting words of one of the leaders of the Reich, Hermann Goering: “You were sent there not to work for the welfare of the peoples entrusted to you, but in order to pump out everything possible ... You must be like pointing dogs where there is something else that the German people may need. This should be taken out of the warehouses and delivered here at lightning speed.”

During the war, 27 million Soviet people died at the hands of the Nazis. The invaders destroyed and burned 1710 cities and towns, more than 70 thousand villages and villages, destroyed about 32 thousand industrial enterprises, put out of action 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks, plundered and ruined many thousands of collective farms, state farms, MTS, hospitals, schools, scientific and cultural institutions. The crimes of the Nazis against the civilian population on the territory of the Soviet Union are quite fully reflected in the materials of the Nuremberg trials.

Speaking about the atrocities of the Nazis, let us add only the fact that in German captivity more than 1.2 million Soviet prisoners of war were deliberately killed as a result of starvation and torture (for comparison: 450.6 thousand of 2.4 million Germans died in Soviet captivity, and 1.939 million returned to Germany).

Banderists became famous for their cruelty during the Great Patriotic War. Everyone knows the Volyn massacre, when, according to different estimates, killed from 20 to 100 thousand people (and it was civilians!). On the territory of Ukraine, entire families were exterminated only because they were loyal to the partisans. During Operation Triangle in the Brest region on September 11, 1942, during the feast of St. John the Baptist, Bandera’s soldiers broke into the village of Dremlevo in the Zhabinka district - many residents were killed right on the street, the rest were herded into a barn and burned. 190 Belarusians were killed. In the village of Borisovka, 206 people were shot, 225 houses were burned. In the village of Leplevka, fanatics killed 54 children and their teacher, a worker of Domachevsky orphanage. The same atrocities were committed in Kamenka (152 people died), Borki (705 people, including 372 women and 130 children), Zabolotye (289 dead) ... Ukrainian nationalists were in the forefront of punishers.

One of the most famous and monstrous crimes was the participation of a company of the 118th battalion, most of whose personnel were Ukrainian nationalists, in a joint operation with the Germans to destroy the village of Khatyn on March 22, 1943. The village was burned to the ground. Along with the buildings, 149 civilians were shot and burned alive. Approximately half of them are minor children, most of the second half are women and infirm old people.

In the fall of 1943, Bandera killed several dozen Polish children in the village of Lozovaya, Ternopil district. The alley of old trees, where each trunk was “decorated” with the corpse of a child, they called “the road to independent Ukraine.”

In the testimony of eyewitnesses - pictures of monstrous reprisals against tens of thousands of peaceful people - children, women, the elderly. The nationalists shot, hung, strangled with strangleholds, stabbed to death with pitchforks, buried alive in the ground and drowned in wells, quartered, burned ... “We had a stunning picture of human remains, cut with knives, chopped with axes, with chopped off legs and arms,” testified Terebovlya priests V. Shetelnitsky and P. Levandovsky. It is impossible to read these testimonies, only partially published, without a shudder. Even Hitler was outraged by the atrocities of Bandera.

The police battalions of the Balts actively participated in punitive operations against the civilian population. In Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, East Prussia, thugs brutally killed thousands of people, regardless of age, burned houses and entire villages. As Arnold Meri recalled many years later, the hands of these “warriors” were covered in blood up to their shoulders. Only in the Pskov region, the Baltic "fighters for independence" killed 391,607 civilians, more than 150,000 were driven to Germany.

Political jackals

The monstrous crimes of the Nazis might not have happened if it were not for the irresponsible policy of England and France at the end of the 30s of the last century. The governments of these countries did their best to "canalize" the expansion of Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union, which ultimately led to the outbreak of World War II. At the same time, long before it began, Soviet diplomacy shrewdly warned the British and French colleagues about the total threat of Germany's aggressive course.

Let's take a closer look at how it happened, because many falsifiers of history are trying to accuse the USSR of unleashing the Second World War and in every possible way "whitewash" the corrupt policy of Western countries.

On September 29, 1938, in Munich, the heads of the governments of Germany, England, France and Italy put their signatures on the document proposed by the Nazis on the division of Czechoslovakia. She was instructed to transfer the Sudetenland and the border regions to Germany within a week. Representatives of Czechoslovakia itself were summoned to Munich only to hear the verdict.

The condition on which London agreed to surrender Czechoslovakia was Germany's promise not to attack England, set out in a declaration signed by Prime Minister Chamberlain and Hitler. Later, on December 6, 1938, France secured the same paper. The Nazis, as it seemed in London and Paris, could now, with the blessing of the West, calmly develop plans for expansion to the east, against the USSR. Before leaving Munich, Chamberlain once again met with Hitler and admonished him this way: "You have enough planes to attack the Soviet Union, especially since there is no longer any danger of Soviet planes being based on Czechoslovak airfields."

“The Munich Agreement,” write the English researchers A. Reid and D. Fisher, “became in history a symbol of myopia, betrayal and deceit, the highest achievement of the policy of appeasement ... Czechoslovakia, occupied by the Germans, turned into a sword directed east, into the heart of the Soviet Union.”

Winston Churchill, who replaced Chamberlain as Prime Minister of Great Britain, spoke about the Munich agreement as follows: “England had to choose between war and disgrace. Its ministers have chosen disgrace in order to get war.”

When the Soviet government expressed its readiness to provide assistance to Czechoslovakia in the event of German aggression, the Polish ambassador in Paris Lukasiewicz, talking on September 25, 1938 with his American colleague Bullitt, said: “A religious war begins between fascism and Bolshevism, and if the Soviet Union provides assistance to Czechoslovakia, Poland ready for war with the USSR shoulder to shoulder with Germany.

There are many other documents showing that Poland sought to take the side of Germany both in the division of Czechoslovakia and against the Soviet Union. Warsaw did not want to make any agreements with the USSR on issues of mutual security, under no circumstances did it agree to allow Soviet troops to pass through its territory in the event of a German attack on Poland or Czechoslovakia.

The day after the signing of the Munich Agreement, Polish troops invaded Czechoslovakia and, according to W. Churchill, "with the greed of a hyena" took part in the robbery and destruction of the state, tearing away the Teszyn region from it. Only a week had passed after the entry of the Nazi troops into Prague, as the Nazis freely occupied the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda (Memel) with the adjacent region. “When I captured Memel,” Hitler said to his close associates, “Chamberlain informed me through a third person that he understood very well the need for this step, although he could not approve it publicly.”

The leaders of England and France demonstrated their support to Hitler in every possible way in order to direct his aggression against the USSR.

On June 29, 1939, the British Foreign Secretary, Halifax, on behalf of his government, expressed his readiness to reach an agreement with Germany on all matters "of concern to the world." Hitler was offered to divide the world into two spheres of influence: Anglo-American in the west and German in the east.

To this it should be added that Churchill, before he became Prime Minister of Great Britain, admired Hitler, and Hitler believed that the British were a racially close people, unlike the Slavs.

In December 1939, the British Foreign Secretary A. Halifax, through the Danish industrialist Ples-Schmidt, brought to the attention of Berlin the Anglo-French terms of the agreement with the Reich: the preservation of Hitler's domination in Austria, Czechoslovakia and the western part of Poland, the return of the colonies lost in the First World War, the creation anti-Soviet bloc consisting of England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

Other European states, overwhelmed by a thirst to profit from the resource-rich Soviet country, also pushed the Nazis to a predatory campaign to the east. So, for example, a special unit was formed under the General Staff of Poland to work with national minorities living in the USSR. These forces wanted to dismember our country, using separatist associations emerging in the USSR in Ukraine, Central Asia and the Caucasus.

In September 2005, the main newspaper of the Polish Republic, Rzeczpospolita, published an interview with one of the leading historians of the country, Pavel Vecherkovich. The scientist complains that Warsaw failed to reach an agreement with Berlin before the war: “Otherwise, our admiral, commander Rydz Smigly, together with Hitler, would have hosted the parade of the victorious Polish-German troops on Red Square.” The American philosopher Eric Hoffer is right: "A person who bites the hand that feeds him usually licks the boot that kicks him."

Today, the same countries that pushed Hitler on a campaign against the USSR are pursuing a policy of inciting countries against Russia, primarily those bordering it - Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. To this end, “color revolutions” are arranged, armed provocations are organized, armed conflicts and civil wars are unleashed.

The main goal is to draw Russia into a fratricidal war with the former Soviet republics. The main ideological inspirer is Great Britain. This country, inheriting the memory of the clash between the USSR and Nazi Germany, is trying to do the same with Russia. The military-political leadership of Great Britain strictly follows the precepts of Randolph Churchill, the son of the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the Great Patriotic War: "The ideal outcome of the war in the east would be such that the last German would kill the last Russian and stretch out dead next to him." Only now the Ukrainian takes the place of the German.

The United States is acting as a gendarme, overseeing to prevent Russia from adequately responding to the challenges and threats from Western countries. For the US, this is nothing personal, just business. They pursue their own selfish interests - expanding the market for services and goods, including weapons and shale oil, eliminating a competitor in the face of Russia, establishing favorable conditions for American companies in the EU countries.

Germany dreams of revenge. France, as in the years of the Second World War, plays the usual role of a weather vane - with those who are currently stronger. There was power on the side of Germany, the collaborationist Vichy regime (1940–1944) operated in the country. The Soviet Union began to win, France was part of the anti-Hitler bloc. At the moment, according to Paris, the power is still on the side of the United States ...

Mueller vs. Dzerzhinsky

In some European countries, such as Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, people who profess neo-fascist views have come to power. This is no coincidence. It was these countries that during the Great Patriotic War gave the most Nazi accomplices.

According to S. I. Drobyazko’s calculations, 250 thousand Ukrainians, 150 thousand Latvians, 90 thousand Estonians, 50 thousand Lithuanians passed through the Wehrmacht, the SS and various pro-German paramilitary and police forces during the war years.

At present, propaganda for the rehabilitation of fascism is widely deployed in Ukraine and the Baltic states, and the "aggression" of the Red Army against Western countries during the Great Patriotic War is condemned.

In November 2014, a resolution was submitted to the UN on the inadmissibility of glorifying fascism. 115 countries voted for the document, 55 abstained, mainly representatives of the European Union, and three were against - the United States, Canada and Ukraine. This is a mockery of the millions of people who gave their lives in the fight against fascism, and the living veterans of the war.

In May 2015, Ukrainian President Poroshenko signed a law according to which members of the OUN-UPA, who collaborated with the Nazis and fought against the Red Army, are recognized as fighters for the country's independence. Even earlier, the rehabilitation of those who fought on the side of Nazi Germany was officially held in the Baltics.

Pro-fascist Western countries pay special attention to the younger generation. Recall how Gestapo chief Muller instructed Stirlitz in Yulian Semenov's novel "Seventeen Moments of Spring": "Those who are now ten do not need us: neither we nor our ideas, they will not forgive us hunger and bombing. But those who still do not understand anything now will tell legends about us, and the legend must be fed, it is necessary to create storytellers who will put our words in a different way, accessible to people in twenty years. As soon as somewhere instead of the word "hello" they say "heil" to someone's personal address - know that they are waiting for us there, from there we will begin our great revival!

This revival began in Ukraine, where they say "heil" to Bandera. There, September 1 in many schools begins with the lesson "Stepan Bandera - the flag of the Ukrainian nation." For the proper education of students, the Ministry of Education of Ukraine has developed a new concept of the history of the Great Patriotic War, the key provisions of which are:

The Soviet Union (contrary to the verdict of the International Nuremberg Tribunal) is its main culprit along with Nazi Germany;
the Ukrainian people are not an active participant in the nationwide struggle against the Nazi coalition, but “a victim in the duel between Soviet and German imperialism”;
long-term cooperation of the OUN and its leaders with the secret services of Nazi Germany, the desire to establish their own bloody dictatorship in Ukraine are presented as a “national liberation struggle”, for a “Resistance movement”, and the Soviet partisan movement is covered negatively;
the world-historical significance of the Victory over fascism, the factors and lessons of this Victory are denied.

Unfortunately, this is not nonsense, but a Goebbels-calculated sabotage against historical memory, the age-old friendship of peoples.

In Latvia, the propaganda fanned by the descendants of those who took a pro-German stance and served Nazism has led to the fact that now 73 percent of schoolchildren have a positive attitude towards SS legionnaires.

The descendants of Estonian thugs also revive the memory of their ancestors. The remains of one of the most odious commanders of punitive battalions A. Rebane, who was noted for extreme fanaticism, were solemnly reburied in modern Estonia at an elite cemetery in Tallinn as an outstanding freedom fighter and patriot. At the same time, everything possible is being done to erase the image of the Soviet soldiers-liberators from the memory of the people. After the liberation of Tallinn, 13 soldiers who died in battles on the outskirts of the city were buried in one of its central squares. In September 1947, a monument in the form of a bronze figure of a grieving soldier was erected at the mass grave, which was made by the wonderful Estonian sculptor E. Roos and architect A. Alas, and the Eternal Flame was lit. Every year on Victory Day, thousands of Tallinners visited the memorial with flowers. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in independent Estonia, it was looted, the Eternal Flame was extinguished, the plates with the names of the buried soldiers disappeared, and in April 2007, by decision of the state authorities, the mass grave was opened, the remains were transferred to the cemetery, and the monument was destroyed under cover of night.

The commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front, General of the Army I. D. Chernyakhovsky, died in 1944, liberating Lithuania from the Nazi invaders. He was buried in one of the central squares of Vilnius, where a monument was erected to him. However, the monument, like many others, was demolished by the barbarians who came to power in Lithuania.

And why, in fact, be surprised? After all, Russian democrats showed an example of how to treat the cultural heritage of the Land of Soviets. Sergei Stankevich, being the first deputy chairman of the Moscow City Council, supervised the demolition of the monument to Felix Dzerzhinsky on Lubyanka Square in Moscow on the night of August 23, 1991. And now this figure with a smart look teaches Russian society how to behave in order to be attractive in the eyes of the West.

Note that a potential traitor is more dangerous than an enemy. Ukrainian and Baltic neo-Nazis are open enemies, but Russian neo-Vlasovites are hidden, ready at any moment to deliver an unexpected blow in the back to their homeland at the moment of the greatest danger to it.

privileged and repressed

Speaking on May 10, 1945, with an appeal to the people on the occasion of the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, I. V. Stalin said: “Three years ago, Hitler publicly declared that his tasks included the dismemberment of the Soviet Union and the separation of the Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic states from it. and other areas ... But Hitler's extravagant ideas were not destined to come true - the course of the war dispelled them to dust.

However, what the Nazis failed to do during the war was done by domestic traitors, neo-Vlasovites, from the top of the country's party leadership, who in peacetime destroyed the great power against the will of the Soviet people. 76 percent of the citizens of the USSR at the All-Union referendum in March 1991 to the question: "Do you want to live as part of a single Soviet Union?" answered in the affirmative.

Let us recall that during the years of the Great Patriotic War the party and Komsomol organizations exerted a tremendous influence on all aspects of the life and combat activity of the troops. On January 1, 1945 in the Soviet army and Navy there were 78,640 primary party organizations. They united 3030.8 thousand members and candidate members of the CPSU (b), 52.6 percent of the entire membership of the party was in the Armed Forces. By the same time, there were 2,372,000 Komsomol members in the army and navy. About two million communists, that is, more than half of the membership of the party by the summer of 1941, died the death of the brave. Of the more than 11,000 people awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War, about 74 percent are communists.

During the Great Patriotic War, the members of the CPSU (b) and the Komsomol had one privilege - to be the first to go on the attack. In the post-war period, careerists, opportunists, demagogues, etc. began to sneak into the party. The degenerate communists had a new privilege - to be the first at the trough. All this contributed to the emergence in the country that defeated fascism of neo-Vlasovites - M. S. Gorbachev, A. N. Yakovlev, E. A. Shevardnadze, D. A. Volkogonov, B. N. Yeltsin and others. Thanks to their efforts, Hitler's dream came true - The Soviet Union was destroyed. Russia is next.

Domestic democrats made a special bet on inflating the myth of mass repressions during the years of Stalin's rule. According to self-proclaimed historians and experts, from 10 to 20 million people were shot during this period, and from 30 to 50 million spent time in prisons and camps. The host of the talk show The Domino Principle went even further, saying that under Stalin, a third of the country's population, that is, 55 million, passed through the Gulag.

However, if we turn from fiction to facts, completely different figures will open up. So, when preparing a report discrediting Stalin after his death, Khrushchev made a request about those convicted during the “cult”. According to a closed certificate provided by the Prosecutor General of the USSR Rudenko, from 1921 to February 1, 1954, the Collegium of the OGPU, the “troikas” of the NKVD, the Special Meeting, the Military Collegium, courts and military tribunals convicted 3,777,380 people, including capital punishment. - 642,980 people. But at that time, the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars fell, there was resistance from the Basmachi, enemy agents and saboteurs operated in the country, Bandera raged in Ukraine, “forest brothers” in the Baltic states, etc.

In 2006, the work of the prosecutor's office on checking criminal cases against victims of political repressions ended. Considered 1.24 million cases. Over 15 years, 775 thousand have been rehabilitated. That is, even modern historians are forced to admit: 465 thousand, that is, almost 40 percent of the total, were convicted quite legally. And judging by how modern Russia at the end of the last and the beginning of this century, rallies of “victims of Stalinist repressions” were held, where the domestic army was poured with mud, leading heavy battles in Chechnya with gangs, how false reports of “human rights activists” were published about the atrocities of Russian military personnel against the civilian population, how “memorialists” spoke at international forums, stigmatizing their homeland, it can be assumed that among the 775 thousand "rehabilitated" many deserved punishment.

My grandfather Nikolai Romanovich Zonov, who was repressed in 1935, after Hitler's attack on the USSR, voluntarily expressed a desire to go to the front to defend his homeland. Then, in the Ukhta camp of the NKVD, other “repressed” dissuaded him in every possible way: “What good has the Motherland done for you. The Germans will come and liberate us.” Nevertheless, my grandfather went to a penal battalion and, after being wounded, fought as part of the 138th Guards Berlin Red Banner Regiment, ending the Great Patriotic War as a senior sergeant, deserving orders and medals. When a wave of “revisions” began in the early 90s, my mother turned to him with a proposal to send documents for rehabilitation, to which my grandfather replied: “The Motherland has already done a lot for me - it has given me education, housing, pensions, benefits, so I don’t no additional payments are needed. And many others, who spent the entire war in the NKVD camps, received payments and benefits as “repressed”.

Were there innocent people condemned during Stalin's rule? Of course, as they are now. However, the number of prisoners in the 1920s and 1950s is today overestimated millions of times.

Any judging system makes mistakes. In "prosperous" America, for example, "error of justice" is about five percent of those convicted. These are the official data. This means that more than one hundred thousand people are currently sitting innocently in US prisons. And how many of them will be typed in 30 years?

Very true to the question why the Stalinist period causes so much criticism, A. Zinoviev answered: “Stalin's policy aroused and still arouses anger, not so much because it was associated with harshness and repression, but because it was amazingly successful. Unbiased researchers in the distant future will surely see in the cruelty of the Stalin years not so much the fact of allegedly unjustified cruelties, but the courage and far-sightedness of the Stalinist leadership to accept these harshnesses as inevitable in the interests of the country's survival.

We add that under Stalin, everyone who opposed the state and the people was repeatedly given the opportunity to change their minds. Thousands of traitors and deserters were forgiven. Tens of thousands of Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian and Ukrainian SS men, members of the OUN and the Baltic "forest brothers" who fought against our Motherland got the opportunity to return to normal life. The fattened hari of former SS men and punishers marching through the streets of Kyiv, Lvov, Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn testify to the forgiveness of the Stalinist regime.

Necessity of the 37th

In many Western countries, laws have been passed that provide for severe criminal penalties for criticizing government agencies and law enforcement agencies. Long-term imprisonment threatens those who dare to oppose the constitutional order, state policy and even the way of life. You can criticize private companies, banks, stock exchanges, individual politicians and businessmen, but not power structures.

On May 16, 1918, the U.S. Congress passed an amendment to the Espionage Act, which is still in force today, according to which those who “speak orally or in writing in a disloyal, blasphemous, rude or offensive tone about the form of government, or in relation to the constitution of the United States, or in relation to the armed forces”, faces up to 20 years in prison.

In our country, such "figures" as former Prime Minister M. Kasyanov, some deputies openly oppose the state system, call for the replacement of the popularly elected president, demand that Western countries impose sanctions against Russian politicians and journalists.

In the information war unleashed against Russia without rules and without borders, the country's leadership needs to be much more active and tough. The activities of the neo-Vlasovites cannot be left unpunished. It is urgently necessary to toughen the punishment for treason, lift the moratorium on the death penalty and apply capital punishment for undermining the sovereignty and security of the state.

In the Great Patriotic War, despite the most severe, catastrophic defeats at the front in its initial period, the “fifth column” did not appear in the Soviet rear. On this occasion, Stalin's closest associate, V.M. Molotov, in a conversation with the writer F.I. Chuev, said: “1937 was necessary ... the remnants of enemies from different directions existed and in the face of the imminent danger of fascist aggression could unite. We owe it to 1937 that we didn't have a "fifth column" during the war. Let's not forget that in the ranks of the Nazis, tens of thousands of dissidents and emigrants from among the Cossacks and White Guards who were expelled from the country fought against the Red Army. Among the latter were generals P. Krasnov, A. Shkuro, B. Shteyfon. The Cossacks, according to S. I. Drobyazko, put up 70 thousand people in the SS cavalry corps of General von Panwitz and other units.

Be prepared for the rough time

In the context of numerous anti-Russian sanctions and calls for unity against Russia, it is extremely important to split the ranks of Western allies by playing on the existing contradictions between the US and EU countries. It is necessary to respond harshly to all attacks, to actively expose their lies and slander.

History repeats itself. Today, like 75 years ago, Russia is opposing the coalition of Nazi countries. At one time, Stalin did not complete the destruction of the Nazis in Europe. And as Generalissimo A. V. Suvorov warned: "The uncut forest grows."

Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, who in his life had seen many opponents of all stripes, who had suffered war “from bell to bell”, warned the new generation against carelessness: “There are still hunters for our land and our conquests and, I think, for a long time not transferred yet. And therefore, at any moment, one must be prepared for a harsh hour.

After the deliberate collapse of the USSR, the number of open applicants for our land, for "economic compensation" for various far-fetched reasons, has increased dramatically. "Strategic allies" unceremoniously enclose the territory Russian Federation fence from military bases. Other hunters of Russian natural resources are also on the alert.

Currently, a fierce war is being waged against Russia on all fronts - ideological, informational, economic, political. Of particular danger is the open campaign inside the country, which is being waged by Russian democrats against the Russian security forces, the army, the security services, against their own history.

Under these conditions, a tough confrontation with external and internal enemies is necessary. And if earlier they used to say “If you want peace, prepare for war”, now it is too late and stupid to prepare - you have to fight. Reconciliation with fascism is impossible.

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The Union of the Russian People arose as a reaction to the offensive of the revolutionary forces on the foundations of the historical existence of Russia: Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality.
The great merit of the Union is the suppression of revolutionary uprisings and terror in 1905-1907 and the exposure of the anti-Christian and anti-Russian character of the Revolution itself.

It can be said that of all the Russian national organizations, the Union of the Russian People most clearly imagined that since the beginning of the 20th century the mechanism of an anti-Christian conspiracy had been launched in Russia, that the servants of Satan, the Judeo-Masons, were behind all revolutionary liberal and socialist parties, and the main goal of the Revolution was destruction of the Christian and national social and state order, spiritual, political and economic enslavement, dismemberment and weakening of the Russian people. And it was the allies, as they called themselves, following Tyutchev and Dostoevsky, who prophetically warned Russia that the Revolution, exported from Europe, under the red banner of Satan on which "freedom, democracy and socialism" is written, is only a cover for the coming slavery, despotism and lawlessness, and it brings nothing but destruction and disaster to Russia.

I want to recall these prophetic words of Tyutchev from his 1848 article "Russia and the Revolution": “For a long time already in Europe there have been only two real forces - the revolution and Russia. These forces are opposed to one another ... Between them no negotiations, no treatises are possible; the existence of one of them is tantamount to the death of the other! From the outcome of the struggle that arose between them, the greatest struggle what the world has ever witnessed, depends for many centuries the whole political and religious future of mankind".

The meaning of this confrontation, this struggle is deeply religious: “Russia is first of all a Christian empire; the Russian people are Christian not only because of the Orthodoxy of their convictions, but because of something else more sincere than convictions... The revolution is first of all the enemy of Christianity!.. (highlighted by me - A.T.). Those modifications to which she was successively subjected, those slogans which she alternately adopted, even her violence and crimes, were secondary and accidental; but the one thing that is not like this in her is precisely the anti-Christian mood that inspires her, and it is this (one cannot but admit it) that gave her this formidable dominion over the universe .. He who does not understand this is nothing more than a blind man who is present at the spectacle that the world gives him".

The correctness of this view of the mission of Russia as a Christian counter-revolutionary stronghold was confirmed by none other than F. Engels himself when he wrote: "Not a single revolution in Europe and throughout the world can achieve final victory as long as the present Russian state exists."

"Revolution- wrote Ivan Ilyin, - there is a spiritual, and maybe even a mental illness. Revolution is the unleashing of godless, unnatural, destructive, and base passions; it will be born from the mistakes of the ruling power and from the ambition and envy of the subjects; it starts with delinquency and ends with demoralization and death.".

I propose that these prophetic words of Tyutchev and Ilyin, set in large type and framed, each of us hang in a conspicuous place in our premises. public associations, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publishing houses, and of course in the premises of the Union of the Russian People. And I also propose that Tyutchev's idea, along with our old motto "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland", be made a permanent epigraph in our future newspaper or magazine ...

Satan was and remains the first revolutionary, and his headquarters on Earth are the Talmudists militant against Christ, Masonic lodges, liberal, social democratic, socialist and democratic political parties.

The main symbols of the satanic revolutionary army are the red banner and the five-pointed star - the pentagram. The so-called socio-political "teachings" of liberalism, socialism, communism, democracy, human rights, federalism and progress are compiled in Masonic lodges as tools to destroy the foundations of the Christian world order. These "teachings" have no positive long-term civilizational significance. They are launched by the enemies of the human race in different periods of history and among different peoples with the aim of destroying the God-established social institutions of the Family, Church, Nation and State. This is done with the aim of destroying the social and national foundations of mutual assistance, solidarity and self-defense, the foundations of the economic independence of the family, nation and state in order to socialize, that is, "socialize" the national wealth of peoples in favor of the "chosen" world elite; to enslave man to his selfish base passions, and leave him alone in the face of impending worldwide enslavement in an electronic-digital concentration camp.

Always and everywhere, the Revolution begins its offensive against society by extinguishing faith in God and Savior our Lord Jesus Christ, in order to turn people, in the words of the Apostle Paul, "into senseless beasts, born to be caught and exterminated."

Our country and its long-suffering people have fully tasted the bitter fruits of the Revolution started by "liars and murderers." But, unfortunately, the exit from the Revolution was delayed, and no one has seriously set such a task before the nation and the state. The most serious obstacle to the remembrance of the Russian people and the restoration of God-established social institutions headed by the Tsar is the lack of understanding by a large part of the Russian people of the anti-Christian and direct satanic principles in the origin, content and goals of the revolution that won in 1917. This also applies to some church part of our people. And the origins of this spiritual myopia, moral flabbiness and betrayal must be sought in the era preceding the victory of the revolution. Otherwise, there would not have been the collapse of the Orthodox monarchy and the blessing of the Synod of the Masonic Provisional Government and the declaration of Metropolitan Sergius.

Today we are faced with a lack of understanding that totalitarian communism and democratic liberalism are only pseudonyms for the anti-Christian Revolution. They are not at all opposite in their spiritual content, but represent two sides of the same anti-Christian god-fighting medal. From the fact that the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU was dissolved or some oligarchs were expelled abroad, the Revolution did not stop, because the Revolution is a satanic spiritual and political phenomenon - and it has a legion of pseudonyms. We remember that Gorbachev proclaimed "perestroika" as a direct "continuation of the revolution," while Yeltsin specified in 1994 that "we are in the midst of a joint Russian-American revolution." Putin openly admitted that he would like to "take part in the February Revolution."

Therefore, the main content of our struggle and all social and state work in the coming years should be to overcome the Revolution. Back in the early 50s, Ivan Ilyin wrote that the fall of the communist regime was only a precondition for the restoration of historical Russia, and the main task " ST A N O V I T R E V O L U T I Y"and then overcome it. And it is much more difficult to overcome it than just stop it. It is necessary to overcome the revolution first of all in the minds of every Russian person, and then in public relations. Thus, it is about gaining a genuine, national and religious worldview and restoring true Russian history and its religious meaning Without overcoming the Revolution, it is impossible to create sufficient conditions for the restoration of the Russian Orthodox Kingdom, which we all, recreating the historical Union of the Russian People, strive for as the ultimate goal of our religious-social and national-state work.

Continuing these labors already as full members of the Union of the Russian People, we must turn our gaze to that tragic era in order to very clearly and accurately understand for ourselves a) the reasons for the fall of the monarchical system in Russia; b) the reasons for the inability of the Union of the Russian People and other Orthodox-monarchist organizations to give a worthy rebuff to the revolution and restore Russian autocratic power; c) the meaning and religious-state idea of ​​the White Struggle.

This must be done in order not to repeat the mistakes of our predecessors, to take into account all their achievements, to restore the traditions and historical continuity of national life.


I think that Ivan Ilyin in the main answered this question quite well. But, of course, it is necessary to continue research, both from a purely historical, factual point of view, and from a spiritual and political point of view, and from a state-legal and organizational point of view.

For now, I just want to draw our attention to the decisive, I think, reason for the tragedy of the Union of the Russian People in 1917 - this is its political position as a powerless "party of power." Being the most consistent and active monarchical organization, the support of the throne and the enemy of the revolution, the Union of the Russian People was forced out by the government itself to the sidelines of political life. Being a people's movement of direct "street" action and a principled opponent of the "parliamentary talking shop", the Union, as the significance of the State Duma strengthened and the social and political struggle was transferred to it, did not find effective forms of influence on the political situation. The Union was also greatly undermined by the government's prohibition of priests and bishops, whose number in the ranks of the Union was very significant, from membership in political organizations. In addition, a large number of allies, at the call of the Sovereign, went to the front, where many of them, like the guards, died. At the same time, the leaders and activists of the revolutionary conspiracy spent their time abroad or in exile.

Thus, the Union of the Russian People by 1917 could not form into an organization capable of really influencing the decision-making of state and church authorities or taking power into their own hands in conditions of revolutionary unrest. History has shown us that as soon as the form of state power is abolished, especially by its supreme bearers themselves, the "party of power" also disappears as an organization (a very recent example is the CPSU).

In 1917, the custodian and bearer of the monarchical principle of power, the Romanov dynasty, represented by Grand Duke Mikhail, renounced this principle in favor of "democracy". The Orthodox Church also renounced, represented by the Holy Synod and the Local Council. Renounced with the blessing of the Holy Synod and the Army. It turned out that the idea of ​​the monarchical principle of power has almost no effective, serious support in the public consciousness, and monarchist organizations turned out to be incapable of politically resisting the conspiracy of the Duma Masons. But most importantly, there was no one in the Romanov dynasty who would lead the struggle for the throne. It is known that Admiral Kolchak, as soon as he learned about the abdication of the Sovereign, and then Mikhail Alexandrovich, immediately sent his adjutant to Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich with a proposal to ascend the throne, promising support for the fleet. But the Grand Duke, who had a huge and combat-ready Caucasian army under his arms, refused. Thus, the monarchists were left without the very object of their struggle.

"The majority of Russian people skillfully observe the objectivity of their sense of justice only in heteronomy(heteronomy - behavior due to external circumstances, pressure or coercion of the law. - A.T.), - wrote I. Ilyin. - With the disappearance of heteronomy in 1917, the majority of Russian people perceived autonomy as permissiveness. Internal self-standing, self-leadership - the King in the soul and in the spirit - did not appear; and autonomy was filled with counter-subjective, anti-patriotic arbitrariness and corruption - betrayal and plunder of the country.
This is the essence of revolution and redness as a historical path.

In the future, the struggle against the revolution brought to the fore the task of saving not the throne, but the very existence of National Russia. This stage of the fight against the revolution was called the White Struggle, with the slogans of the One Indivisible and unprejudiced. Although, as it turns out today, many leaders of the White Army were monarchists, and, noting the steady rule of the political line of the White movement as a whole, it can be assumed that the logic of the White struggle would lead, in the event of a military victory over the Reds, to the restoration of the monarchy.

The Union of the Russian People was not ready for such a turn of events, and having lost the substantive meaning of its existence, it fell apart. And here, both Ilyin and General Dieterichs are three times right when they say that the restoration of the monarchy as a formal state-political act is impossible and even harmful if the entire national and ecclesiastical body of the Russian People is not spiritually and politically prepared for its perception. The Russian People as a whole "forgot how to have a Tsar" - and this main reason destruction of the Orthodox Kingdom.

To assert that a few generals are to blame for the fall of a thousand-year-old monarchy is, in my deep conviction, short-sighted and stupid.

In this regard, without going into controversy and details, I want to briefly point out three specific political reasons that played a fatal role in the collapse of the monarchy, and then the White Army. This:
1) the conclusion of a military alliance, first with France, and then with England and the creation of the Entente, i.e. "cordial (!) consent" with these most masonic liberal-parliamentary countries - the main creators and carriers of the revolutionary anti-Christian infection in the world, which were joined already during the war by the "New Judea" of our days - the USA. And as a result - entry into the war against the most conservative monarchical states of Europe - Germany and Austria-Hungary;
2) the creation in 1905 under the pressure of the revolution of popular representation in the form of a multi-party State Duma on the model of revolutionary Masonic parliaments, alien to the Russian monarchical spirit.
3) illegal renunciation of the royal throne by the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II.

The mystery of lawlessness, my friends, brothers and associates, began to incarnate and reign in Russia with the violation by the Sovereign of the Basic Laws of the Russian Empire, the laws of the Russian Orthodox Kingdom. No independent renunciation, in any form, under any circumstances, especially without the knowledge of the State Council, was provided for by the Laws of Russia.

I believe that in the future, we or our followers should begin the act of restoring the legitimate Russian national statehood by recognizing de jure the illegality of the act of abdication of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II from the throne, without entering into the causes and circumstances of what happened. Thus, we will restore the succession of the modern Russian state from the Russian Empire. This will be the final act of overcoming the revolution in Russia and restoring the rule of law as a principle of state life.

And if Sovereign Nicholas II abdicated only from the throne, then his brother Grand Duke Mikhail renounced the very principle of autocracy. And from this peak, Russia slipped along the path of lawlessness to the Masonic Provisional Government, a ban on the activities of the Union of the Russian People and the dispersal of all monarchist organizations, and further - to Lenin, Trotsky, Dzerzhinsky, the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, the destruction of the Church, the Red Terror, the Ipatiev House and the Gulag , the coup d'etat of 1991-1993 and the collapse of the USSR, the systematic dismemberment and genocide of the Russian people.

This is not an accusation, this is just a statement. historical fact. I consider Tsar Nicholas II, the holy martyr and passion-bearer, to be the most national, the most Russian Orthodox sovereign in the entire Romanov dynasty, thanks to whom Russia has achieved tremendous success in all areas of national existence. As a person, the Sovereign is not to blame for anything. Moreover, time has shown that as a person he surpassed not only any member of the Romanov dynasty, but also any of the entire state and church personnel of that time. Only a comparison with the personality of Stolypin or Kolchak is appropriate here.

But the Sovereign was the bearer not only of the merits of the Russian national character, but also of its shortcomings. It could not be otherwise, and it never happened anywhere, and never will be. But if the catastrophe happened only because of the shortcomings of the Sovereign's character or the fatal mistake of renunciation, then we would have to see statesmen, church hierarchs, generals, crowds of Russian Orthodox people hurrying to the rescue of their Sovereign and to save their thousand-year-old statehood. We did not see this in the March days of 1917. We saw "betrayal, and cowardice, and deceit all around."

The year 1917 was the year of our historical national catastrophe, and not only the result of a combination of unfavorable circumstances, much less the result of mistakes or shortcomings in the character of certain specific individuals. Therefore, we must agree that in Russia "the king is made" not only by the "retinue", and not so much by the "retinue", but by the whole people, the nation and the Church.

Today we should not blame anyone for anything - except for the direct organizers and inspirers and today's conscious continuers of the revolution, outright traitors and self-seekers - much less blame the Sovereign, sincere monarchists, leaders and soldiers of the White Struggle and patriots of National Russia.

But we must understand not only the general spiritual, political and geopolitical causes of the Russian catastrophe, but also restore a detailed factual picture of these specific days and, literally, hours of revolutionary madness in Russia, in order to understand why the national security system (in the broad sense ). This is necessary not to accuse this or that official, but to develop for the future such a system of state and social structure that would neutralize and reject any conspiracies of foreign forces.

Therefore, we must recreate the Union of the Russian People on the model of the spiritual and political oprichnina brotherhood or the national order, which Ivan Ilyin also wrote about. This will be the first step in creating a new national security system. And in no case should we connect the political fate of the Union of the Russian People, not only with these or those current state or church figures, but also with these or those existing state and public institutions that have arisen in recent decades as a direct consequence of the ongoing anti-Christian Revolution in Russia and under the influence of the corresponding forces. God forbid us, and from wedding generals, and repainted nomenklatura nominees. May we not become like the World Russian People's Council - this barren fig tree of our days, seven congresses of which have passed, and 99.9% of Russian people do not know about its existence at all.

We, at the same time, should not turn our meetings into remembrance evenings. Undoubtedly, the true history of the Union of the Russian People and all other Orthodox-monarchical and national-imperial organizations, we must restore and acquaint all Russian people with it. This is our sacred duty to their memory. But most importantly, their experience should awaken our thoughts, strengthen our will and translate into real deeds. All our decisions, statements, appeals must be substantive and have an effective continuation and a real result.

Russia will be saved by the Russian spirit, faith and will, revived and strengthened in our right-wing struggle, and not by some figures or structures. Over the millennia, our enemy has learned to entangle figures and destroy structures, but he is powerless against the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Truth, manifested by the crusading feat of Christ and hosts of Russian saints and ascetics, including dozens of well-known and, I think, thousands of unknown names of members of the Union of the Russian People ...


Each of us in his place, one way or another, is engaged in such counter-revolutionary creative work. But now we must harmonize these efforts, so far scattered, in order to solve the main task I have mentioned. Where are we supposed to start here?

Of course, from our fraternal unity, from the elimination of all discord and strife between us, especially intrigues. A faithful comrade-in-arms of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral A.V. Kolchak, General M.K. the restoration of the monarchy not as a deeply religious idea, but mainly as a state-bureaucratic form, with its brilliant and majestic attributes, as an opportunity to receive titles and titles, take some posts and figure. I think this source for our strife and intrigue in the coming years is not relevant. A more serious source of divisions can be our history itself - different views on certain events and the individuals who took part in them. Including today.

And here we come to a very important issue. We have in last years imperceptibly, but persistently and consistently, the task of stopping and overcoming the revolution is being replaced by the idea of ​​objectless reconciliation. B.N. Yeltsin was the first to voice this idea, renaming the day of the October Revolution the Day of Reconciliation and Accord. The Kremlin "wise men" thus decided to kill two birds with one stone - to eliminate the red "revolution holiday" (the Moor did his job!), But also to abolish the white Day of Intransigence, which was celebrated on the same day by our foreign counter-revolutionaries. But this absurd and ambiguous decision of the former "faithful Leninist" and the first secretary of the regional committee receives the same senseless continuation.

Not a day goes by without someone on the pages of the media or in public meetings calling for reconciliation and harmony. Politicians, priests, and officials talk about this. But for some reason, none of those who talk about reconciliation has yet explained who, with whom, why, and in the name of what should reconcile?

Here, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, Deputy Head of the Department for External Church Relations, speaks on behalf of the Church and proposes to bury Ulyanov-Lenin according to the Orthodox rite. He makes it clear that the Church can, at the request of relatives, perform a prayer over his body, since "Lenin was baptized and was not excommunicated from the Church." But it is well known that at the age of 16, Ulyanov-Lenin renounced Christ and threw away his pectoral cross. He is also known for his fierce hatred of God and the Church. The ultimate goal of the communist dictatorship, he set the destruction of religion as such, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Back in January 1918, St. Patriarch Tikhon, in his message to all the children of the Orthodox Church, directly addressed the Bolshevik leaders with the following words:

"Come to your senses, madmen, stop your massacres. After all, what you do is not only a cruel deed, it is truly satanic business (highlighted by me - A.T.), for which you are subject to the fire of Gehenna in the future life - the afterlife and the terrible curse of offspring in the present life - earthly.
By the authority given to us by God, we forbid you to approach the Mysteries of Christ, we anathematize you, if only you still bear Christian names and although you belong to the Orthodox Church by birth

Several questions immediately arise for Father Vsevolod. Is it possible to chant according to the Orthodox rite the remains of a person who a) voluntarily renounced God, b) considered the very idea of ​​a "God" to be an "inexpressible abomination", "cadaverism" c) The Holy Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church was anathematized for his fierce satanic deeds, d ) did not repent, e) was buried according to the satanic Masonic rite by his accomplices in satanic affairs? (The entire structure of the Mausoleum (temple of Satan), named after the Middle Eastern king Mausolus, who practiced satanic cults, and the position of the body of Ulyanov-Lenin corresponds to the arrangement of the premises of the Masonic lodge and the ritual for accepting neophytes into the first Masonic degree of "comrade". This ritual usually takes place in basement, because the coffin around which the ritual of initiation takes place must necessarily be located below ground level.And thus, everyone who passed by the coffin with the mummy in the Mausoleum and "greeted" the "leader" is considered accepted into this "brotherhood" of the first revolutionary - Satan. admission to the pioneers ("first-born") is also built on the Masonic principle. Therefore, when Zyuganov declares that the coffin with Lenin is located two meters below the ground "in accordance with Christian traditions," he is either blatantly lying or showing his ignorance) . But the most important thing is that the funeral of this God-fighting Satanist according to the Christian rite will be an outrage on the personality of the deceased himself. I can imagine what curses Ulyanov’s soul will send from hell, where he has been striving all his life, against Father Vsevolod Chaplin, the Holy Synod and relatives for such, from the point of view of his convictions, mockery of his body (in which, even from the point of view of our secular criminal law, the personality of the deceased is present, and because of this, mockery and abuse of the body of the deceased, especially by action, is punishable by law). And references to the will of relatives are not valid here. Imagine that after the death of the Christian priest Chaplin (God bless him and many years of life!) Satanists-communists would bury him according to their atheistic or Jewish ritual, referring to the will of some relative of Father Vsevolod Chaplin? “What would it be like for him to watch such sacrilege from heaven?” In both cases, such treatment of the body of the deceased cannot be called otherwise than a black mass and an extreme form of mockery of a person. But this will also be a mockery of faith and the Church. Therefore, the proposal to bury Lenin according to the Orthodox rite can only come from a person, or a completely unbelieving and extreme materialist, or from a nihilist like Gorky's Luka, for whom "no flea is bad - everyone is black, everyone jumps."

It is necessary to give the body of V.I. Ulyanov to Zyuganov with Anpilov and Prokhanov, because, as "the great Lenin bequeathed", "the communist is the property of the party" and "the world proletariat". And let the "cursed branded" bury their "leader" according to their communist atheistic ritual - with red satanic banners and Masonic five-pointed stars with the singing of the atheistic International.

Here they brought the ashes of Denikin and Ilyin to their homeland, and laid a chapel not far from the graves in honor of, as the Patriarch said, "reconciliation." But I, for example, was not at enmity with Denikin and Ilyin, I am with them in the same Church, on the same front line. And I think most of us are like that. Then, therefore, our Reds must reconcile with the Whites. But I have never heard such a desire either from Zyuganov, or from Anpilov, or from Prokhanov, or from Limonov, or from Rogozin, or from Yavlinsky, or from Chubais, or from Berezovsky. On the contrary, this whole red-and-yellow company these very days is again calling for revolution. I was and remain a Russian Orthodox nationalist and monarchist, a white volunteer, an enemy of the Revolution and the red atheists. Therefore, if they start a revolution again, I will certainly again go to the Don or Omsk under the white banners.

Maybe those who were at the funeral of the heroes of the White Struggle want to make peace with them personally? Due to the fact that for a long time they worked for the red atheists, slandered the white warriors and historical Russia, sang the Chekists, like, for example, Nikita Mikhalkov, who was present at the reburial? But then, it is necessary to repent of this objectively and publicly, and then we will accept such as brothers. Only in this way can genuine national reconciliation take place. Repentance and subsequent reconciliation with God and people is a matter of personal will, although it can take place jointly with others. Speaking about repentance (and without it there can be no talk of reconciliation) on behalf of other people, without their consent, especially from the whole people, among Christians, to put it mildly, is not accepted. Another thing is to pray for the salvation and mercy of others, including our personal enemies.

But, let's say, all the same, that those present at the reburial wanted to reconcile with Denikin and Ilyin personally. Let them repent and reconcile in silence, and that, thank God, but why put up a "chapel of reconciliation"? Or, perhaps, on the contrary, in this way, they desired to reconcile Denikin and Ilyin with the Communists or their liberal brothers? And thus neutralize the influence of their personalities and their intellectual works on modern Russian society? Well thought out then!

Any and every mutual reconciliation is possible only in the Truth, and the Truth for us is in God, in Christ. Meanwhile, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said: “Do not think that I have brought peace to the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword, for I came to divide a man from his father, and a daughter from her mother, and a daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law her. And a man's enemies are his household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. not worthy of Me. He who saves his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for My sake will save it" (Matt. 10; 34-39).

It was not Lenin and Trotsky or Denikin and Kolchak who divided the Russian people into white and red. We were divided by God, Christ. The Reds started a war against Him, the Whites stayed with God. All other explanations of this division are from the evil one. The civil war in Russia was a direct continuation of the revolution organized by the Freemasons and the enemies of Christ and Russia. Therefore, the civil war was a religious war, regardless of whether all its participants deeply understood this or not. The religious meaning of the White Struggle, perhaps with the greatest force, depth and accuracy, was expressed by the young Russian Orthodox philosopher, head of the Russian press bureau in the government of the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, Dmitry Boldyrev. In 1919, in his article The Power of the Cross, he wrote:

"Thus, for example, investigations into the desecration of churches in the Perm diocese clearly point to a specific plan according to which these desecrations were committed. Namely: breaking into the church, the commissars in these cases, first of all, demanded the issuance of an antimension, Holy Gifts, relics, that is, what constitutes the holy of holies of the temple, leaving its material values ​​​​without attention. Having received these holy objects, the Bolsheviks committed the most monstrous blasphemy against them, known only to participants in black masses (highlighted by me - A.T.). Similar cases took place, apparently, in all dioceses.

The homogeneity of the techniques that manifested itself at the same time testifies to some kind of guiding hand, fulfilling the plans of some center. The same invisible hand and certain "tactics" are indicated by the peculiar conditions under which relics are now being opened almost everywhere in Soviet Russia, which can be quite clearly seen from the extensive reports on this subject in the Bolshevik newspapers for 1919. From these reports we learn that the autopsies of the relics are performed publicly in the presence of local executive committees, doctors, monks, and experts. Even special "commissions for the opening of relics" have been set up under provincial and district councils.

This is something more than mischief and hooliganism. This is a whole school, a whole system of refined Satanism, calculated to eradicate all Christian sprouts and memories from the people's soul through blasphemy. This is a conspiracy against Christianity, therefore, against the entire culture that was nurtured on Christianity. This reveals the true scope of the struggle against Bolshevism. In any case, they are broader than the class and national framework in which we are still trying to fit this struggle. The flat view of it as a struggle between the proletarians and the bourgeoisie is so naive and primitive that it is unlikely that the leaders of Bolshevism themselves take it seriously...

<...>Undoubtedly, we are fighting for the revival of the Russian nationality.
But the whole question is where to look for the essence and soul of this nationality. It seems that only in Christianity, and precisely in the form in which it has historically developed - in the Orthodox Church.
If so, then the painful question is resolved by itself - why should the Permians shoot at the Vyatkas.
Yes, because, obviously, the Bolsheviks and their accomplices are only Russian in language. But they are apostates from what constitutes the soul of the people, that is, they are not Russians in the most important and fundamental way. Therefore, we do not care that they are foreigners, moreover, they are worse than foreigners, since they are not only not ours, but have betrayed us.

By defining our enemy in this way, we thereby acquire our strength and weapons against him. If the enemy is an apostate who has taken off his cross, then, obviously, the weapon against him is precisely this cross and the tension of the Christian spirit that it expresses.
We, as those who do not remember kinship, must first of all realize, remember that we are Christians, and those who are against us are antichrists and satanic barbarians. Only in this consciousness do we accurately distinguish between ourselves and the enemy and, consequently, take the path of victory over him.

Being imbued with the Christian consciousness, we thereby lay upon ourselves and its outward expression - the signs of the Cross. We who fight against the Bolsheviks naturally become crusaders. The strength of the Cross is our strength, and there is no other strength in the fight against Bolshevism and we will not have it. The cross is our defense against the Bolshevik infection, for we are exposed to it only through the weakening of the Christian spirit; The Cross is also our sword against the Bolsheviks, for the power of Satan dissipates before the power of the Cross. The cross is our way; The cross is our resurrection."

Dmitry Boldyrev went with Kolchak all his mournful journey to Irkutsk, where he was arrested with him, and died in an Irkutsk prison two months after Kolchak was shot. Until his death, despite the threats of the guards, he continued his preaching of the White struggle and lecturing on philosophy.

Ivan Ilyin also understood the civil war as a religious war.
"All Russian culture, all Russian people, the whole earth was destined to come face to face with revolutionary obsession: with the blasphemy of an atheist, with the attack of a robber, with the shamelessness of a madman, with an assassination attempt. Everyone had to look and look for a long time into the eyes of Satan, tempting with the last temptations and frightening with the last fears.<...>

Behind all the outward appearance of revolution<...>one meaning is concealed, a single main one, in relation to which everything is a modification, a shell, an external appearance; this meaning is conveyed by the words: spiritual temptation and religious survey<...>Here the hour has struck. There are no delays and nowhere to hide. And there are not many paths before you, but only two: towards God and against God.<...>And if you are against God, then they will leave you to live; and not everything will be taken from you; and they will force you to serve the enemies of God And, if you are for God and to God, then they will take away your property; and destitute wife and children; and will torment you with hardships<...>and if you directly oppose, you will be killed in a secret cellar and buried, unrecognized, in an unknown pit. Choose and decide<...>

Let him not believe in personal Satan who does not believe; but with all the strength of my long and genuine experience and my conscience, I affirm and certify that this element in souls and deeds is a satanic element, and that the temptation coming from it combines temptation and fear into an unprecedented yet thought-out system<...>
And so, the White Army failed to save Russia from this temptation, from this seductive and frightening pressure.<...>
<...>The test was fiery and deep; for it began and took place - and is still taking place - not party and not class, and not only nationwide, but world, universal human land surveying, spiritual division, religious selection, religious differentiation of mankind.
The White Army was right in raising its sword against them and moving its banner against them - right in the face of God. And this rightness, like any true rightness, is measured by the measure of life and death: it is better for me and my children to die than to take the red flag for their banner and indulge in the red temptation, as supposedly a "good deed." It's better not to live than to turn red.
<...>The winner is the one who agrees to lose everything of his own in order to save something of God.
<...>Does a Christian still need to prove that the way of the cross, taken in the name of God, always leads to victory?
<...>And such is the victory of the Russian national white army.

The cause of the Russian Volunteer Army, which arose in 1917-1918 and is associated with the names of Kornilov, Alekseev, Kaledin, Drozdovsky, Kolchak and their collaborators and successors, is the cause of Russian national honor, Russian patriotic fervor, Russian national character, Russian Orthodox religiosity.
<...>About these campaigns, which will be lovingly studied by Russian historians and strategists; about these decisions and exploits on which we will build a new Russian ethics; we will tell our children and grandchildren about these names, which will become legendary, so that they learn to live and die for our Russia according to these covenants.
In the entire spiritual and historical-external situation of this struggle, in its motives and in its destinies, there is an even deeper, religious-state meaning of the white army. This Meaning constitutes its idea.
<...>The idea of ​​the white army, to which the army has always been and will always be true, is an idea spiritually pure and stately great.
<...>This is the idea of ​​an autonomous patriotic sense of justice based on dignity and service; legal consciousness, which has the goal of reviving Russian statehood and rethinking and reaffirming its precious monarchical form".

Ilyin did not think of any other way of reviving historical Russia, as soon as through the continuation of the White Struggle. The continuation of the White struggle in today's conditions does not mean a mass military, physical confrontation. It presupposes a spiritual-political, moral, intellectual, legal struggle, the content and direction of which was fully outlined by Ivan Ilyin. But nevertheless, we must prepare ourselves and prepare the entire Orthodox Russian people, in the event of a new revolutionary anti-Christian, anti-national, anti-Russian uprising of the "fifth column", and for a crusading armed struggle. And here, Russian citizens of other faiths can also become our most faithful and steadfast, as was the case during the years of the civil war. And Ivan Ilyin also suggested this:

"In its deep meaning, the white idea, nurtured and matured in the spirit of Russian Orthodoxy, is a religious idea. But that is precisely why it is accessible to all Russians - both Orthodox, and Protestant, and Mohammedan, and non-confessional thinker. This is the idea of ​​fighting for the cause of God on earth; the idea of ​​fighting the satanic principle, in its personal and in its public form; a struggle in which a man, taking courage, seeks support in his religious experience. That is our white struggle. Her motto is: The Lord is calling, will I fear Satan?"

In January 1919, the Communists, sensing the growing power of white resistance, proposed to the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, through their foreign puppeteers, to establish a truce and start negotiations. Admiral Kolchak replied to these proposals as follows:

"Recently, rumors have been spreading by the Bolsheviks and other anti-state elements that supposedly a truce will be established between them and us and all matters will be resolved by mutual agreement. I declare to all soldiers that these traitors are spreading these rumors with a provocative purpose, in order to weaken the spirit and courage of our troops, in order to weaken our forces.

There can be no truce between our troops, who defend the life, well-being and beliefs of the entire Russian people, and the Red Army bands of traitors who ruined their native country, robbed all the people's property, desecrated faith and shrines, there can be no agreement between our government, which upholds the right , justice and happiness of the people, and the commissars who settled in the Holy Moscow Kremlin, who set themselves only one goal - to destroy our Motherland - Russia and exterminate our people.

It is possible to enter into negotiations with all the peoples of Russia, who have temporarily formed special governments, and believe that with them it is possible to come to a fraternal and God-loving agreement, which we sincerely desire, but with dishonorable and criminal Bolsheviks, with their murderous representatives and with swindlers. for which neither the law nor the contract is written, there is no need to talk "(Admiral Kolchak. Order 93).
Prophetic order.

The Russian national-patriotic movement of recent decades has gone through a difficult path. And some of us at one time advocated the creation of the Communist Party, in the hope that the Russification of the Communist Party would go deep enough, and it would become possible for them to completely break with the satanic Revolution and its "ideological" Russophobic and atheist legacy. But, alas! All "conciliatory" steps of the Church, authorities and society are met with hostility by the left. Even the establishment of a holiday in honor of the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Catholic invaders is not to their liking. Just the other day, Zyuganov called on his supporters for a "red revolution." The Irkutsk communists announced that they would demand through the courts the dismantling of the monument to Admiral Kolchak. In Vladivostok, during the consecration of a memorial cross in honor of the white soldiers, two young men, shouting "White Guard bastard - get out of Russia" tried to disrupt the ceremony, but were twisted by the Cossacks. All this once again confirmed the unfortunate fact that all the talk of the left about the Russian people and Orthodoxy is nothing but hypocrisy and tactical tricks, with the aim of fooling the gullible Russian people. It would be high time for our Orthodox pastors, instead of pointless talk about reconciliation and consent, to pay attention to the fact that the "Orthodox" Prokhanov directly blasphemes using such phrases as "red icon", "red relics", "red saints" in relation to notorious theomachists and enemies Churches of Christ. All anti-God parties, and the communist ones, in the first place, were and remain satanic anti-Christ spiritual and political sects, therefore it is high time for the Church to put an end to such a blasphemous temptation when Zyuganov and Prokhanov, who call themselves Orthodox, simultaneously incense the satanic Revolution, its leaders and their attributes - red banners and pentagrams.

It is to such demagogues who want to cling to popular shrines that the words of John the Baptist refer: “When John saw many Pharisees and Sadducees coming to him to be baptized, he said to them: brood of vipers! who inspired you to flee from future wrath? bring forth worthy fruit of repentance.. ." (Matthew 3; 7-9)

But we do not hear any repentance from them, but blasphemy against the Russian empire, Russian Orthodox sovereigns and white heroes is more than enough. We understand, of course, that today, as well as a hundred years ago, in accordance with the proverb of the times of the Civil War, "the revolution is made by Jewish brains, Latvian shooters and Russian fools", and all our everyday life, dumenki, wings, Zyuganovs and Prokhanovs belong to the latter categories. But you shouldn't forget another Russian proverb that "a helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy."

Therefore, the appeasement of our red-yellows can begin with their church admonition in order to separate and save those who joined them out of ignorance, and anathematize those possessed and inveterate. Our shepherds should begin their admonition with a proposal to decide who the "Orthodox Communists" are after all: with the anti-Christian Revolution or with Christian Russia? If they stay with the Revolution, they must remove the Orthodox crosses, and if they stay with Russia, then throw away their satanic red banners and pentagrams. I understand, of course, that today our episcopate is not ready for such missionary work with the satanic Antichrist spiritual and political sectarianism. Today we are witnessing a phenomenon previously unknown in Christian history: for the pastors, the mission of the Church of Christ on earth to fight for Christ against the Antichrist has become unobvious, and among them have appeared those who want to reconcile "yes, yes" and "no, no", Christians with Satanists and Jews, white with red. Only this year, our Patriarchate, in the process of working in the conciliation commission for unification with ROCOR, for the first time recognized the truth, obvious to every believer, that "any power" cannot be "from God."

Therefore, we, continuing the traditions of the Union of the Russian People, must ourselves, together with ordinary pastors and monastics, work to expose the attempts of the red leaders to fake Christianity. In this work, the books of the ally of N.E. Markov, the 2nd "War of the Dark Forces" and the former Minister of the Interior of the last white Russian government in Primorye, the monarchist V.F. Ivanov, "Russian intelligentsia and Freemasonry from Peter I" should become desktop for each of us. to the present day".

Thus, the reconciliation of our society and the rallying of the Russian national body is possible only if a) the reds and pinks recognize their historical wrong and reject the Revolution as such, including all its "components and sources", in the first place - satanic theomachism b) bringing church repentance for crimes against God and the Church - blasphemy and desecration of shrines and graves of Russian people, desecration and destruction of temples, participation in satanic rites of worship of the false relics of the "leader" and the use of satanic attributes - red banners, pentagrams, Gehenna " eternal flame", red ties, etc. b) going over to the side of the whites, that is, to the side of the historical National Russia.

Genuine reconciliation can only be realized when the red, leftist theomachists disappear from Russia. Therefore, the Reds must first of all reconcile with God, burn their satanic red rags, remove the Masonic stars, remove the Satanic-Masonic temple with the mummy of the Antichrist from Red Square, dismantle the monuments to the pogromist of Russia, the executioner and the god-fighter, return to all streets and squares in our cities and villages their native historical names and repent before the Russian people for all the terrible crimes against them - only after that the desired peace and tranquility can come.
Until then, in the words of General Dieterichs, "we cannot live on the same land with them!"

Unfortunately, the most well-intentioned hopes of appeasing the demons obsessed with the revolution, on the principle of "both yours and ours," are devoid of real grounds. Their appeasement is possible only with the help of God from a position of moral strength, based on unshakable confidence in our rightness. Any "diplomacy" they understand only as a manifestation of weakness.

Ivan Ilyin also warned about the impossibility for the Bolsheviks to come to terms with the Historical National Russia: " The quality of Bolshevism does not change and cannot change. They themselves took care of this from the very beginning: for this they needed terror, for this they needed the blood of the Tsar and his Family. This blood united them in villainy and soldered them with fear; she deepened enmity towards them to the abyss and cut off their retreat. Their ships are burned: they are doomed to go on the rampage to the end. And whoever accepts them must accept all their dishonor and all their blood; he will become their accomplice; he is not afraid of them and is harmless to them".

In the meantime, in the example of pointless talking about reconciliation and harmony, we see only the Buddhist-Tolstoyan desire to "get up above the fight" and get away from solving the fateful spiritual and ideological issues that the Revolution has bluntly posed before the nation, the Church and each of us. Without resolving this issue unequivocally, the whole of Russian society hangs in some kind of ahistorical void and becomes the rubbish of history, a convenient toy of any historical forces that are more integral in themselves and hostile to the national interests of Russia and the Orthodox Church.

The acceptance by society, for the purpose of reconciliation, of the thesis that "there were neither right nor wrong in the civil war" is not only false from the Christian and national point of view, but also deeply immoral. This is tantamount to a rejection of Christ, of the very concepts of Truth and historical truth.

It can be assumed that the next step we will be offered is to reconcile with the Jews, following the example of the Catholics, who at the 11th Vatican Council forty years ago reconciled with the Jews, removing from them the guilt for the crucifixion of Christ, and thereby canceling the Gospel. Actually, this was recently proposed to us by Archpriest Chaplin, already mentioned by me.

So at a press conference in Moscow on August 3, 2005, when asked how he relates to the famous letter 500-5000 about the misanthropic nature of the brief summary of the Talmud "Kitzur Shulkhan Arukh" ("Laid table"), Father Vsevolod urged not to judge the monuments of religious writing with positions of the present day, stating literally the following: "If this is done, then many religious monuments, including the Holy Scriptures, can be called not corresponding to the norms of modern political correctness. But they should not correspond to them"
In his opinion, such attempts "can only lead to the victory of those who seek to portray religion as something socially dangerous."
He also suggested "drawing a clear line" between the position of the entire Church and the "letters of 5000". He said that: "It must be borne in mind that in the Russian Church there is no such canonical form of expression of church opinion as the signing of collective letters."

You don't know whether to cry or laugh.
Before our eyes, some kind of Tolstoyan group has formed, which, on behalf of the entire Church, preaches some kind of new Church without the Gospel and Christ, whose place has been taken by "political correctness" "for fear of the Jews." And these are also metastases of the Revolution in our long-suffering Church. Maybe that's why so much is said on behalf of the Church about reconciliation so that we stop noticing these metastases of spiritual rebirth and moral weakness? Considering that some unifying and conciliatory initiatives come from the supreme power in the Kremlin, whose national and Christian character is very doubtful, let us be vigilant, remembering that attempts to put the Church at the service of the Revolution have been made before.

This example of another renunciation of Christ fear for the sake of Judaism once again confirms that the establishment of a social, political and confessional world with the help of the non-objective Tolstoy-Buddhist thesis of reconciliation and harmony - even with the enemies of Christ, is not only impossible, but the adoption of this thesis for the desired center of unification can only testify to the spiritual blindness, moral infantilism and intellectual inferiority of those who put forward and support it. (I do not want to assume that this is a deliberate betrayal). Such "diplomacy" will lead Russia not to reconciliation and harmony, but in a completely opposite direction - to even greater moral decay, the irrevocable seizure of Russia by the enemies of the Russian people and final disintegration. "When they repeat 'peace and security' then destruction will come upon them."

As we remember, it was Kerensky who tried to "reconcile" the Whites and the Reds in 1917, and then during the civil war. We know very well what Kerensky and his puppeteers were like. Therefore, we would be very short-sighted and unfounded politicians, unworthy of being called allies and Russian patriots, if we lost our vigilance today and allowed ourselves not to notice modern Kerenskyism, let alone follow its lead.


Therefore, before reconciling the Russian people with non-Christians, foreigners or with the renounced Russian revolutionaries, it is necessary to reach agreement and unity among the Russian Orthodox anti-revolutionary national patriotic forces. Consent not only in words, but also in specific joint actions directed according to a generally accepted plan towards a single objectively expressed goal - the restoration of a United Russian Orthodox Autocratic Russia.

If we manage to show all Russian people our fraternal Christian unity in the name of overcoming the Revolution and restoring God-established social institutions, then the solution of all other national-state tasks will become a matter of our patient labors and time.

Tasks for today

The termination and overcoming of the Revolution in Russia is impossible without the priority solution of the following tasks:

1. Return of native historical names to cities and towns, streets and squares.
Genesis is read from the name, the word, the meaning. That which has no name does not exist - this axiom has been known since ancient times. The name rules over the thing, and the one who gave it rules over the name. This also follows from the book of Genesis about the naming of Adam according to the action of God by the names of all living nature. This was very well understood by the red atheists who seized power in Russia. Wherever they established their even unstable power, they immediately began to rename streets, squares, cities, erect revolutionary monuments and destroy religious and national monuments. Thus asserting its mystical power over our lives and our history.

Every day, millions of Russian people throughout the country pronounce the names of theomachists, terrorists, executioners, thereby spiritually nourishing the power of the satanic Revolution over the country, over the minds and hearts of some of the youth. It is necessary to point out to the supreme power that the proclaimed fight against terror cannot be successful when tens of thousands of streets of our cities and which erected monuments to terrorist N 1 of all times and peoples - Ulyanov-Lenin. And also to recall that the first revolutionary terrorist organization in Russia was called very definitely - "Hell".

In view of the fact that the same Komsomol-party nomenklatura and a soulless, non-national bureaucracy are in power in the localities, for which it is not possible to understand the importance of spiritual and moral concepts of respect for ancestors for educating the younger generation, it is necessary to turn to the highest authorities in order to adopt a nationwide program under the conditional name "Our historical heritage", which, along with other measures to restore historical memory, to provide for the return of native historical names and toponyms. But regardless of whether or not such a national program is adopted, such work should be carried out by us everywhere and constantly.

2. Restoration of the national-religious nature of our annual state calendar.
Our year begins with the New Year, which is celebrated during the Orthodox Advent. This became possible as a result of the transition, according to the Bolshevik decree, from the Orthodox Julian calendar to the Gregorian Catholic.

Absolutely intolerable is the situation that "in God's native land", as it is sung in the national anthem, holidays of Jewish, revolutionary, anti-Christian origin are established as state holidays: February 23 - "Defender of the Fatherland Day" and March 8 "International Women's Day." Both of these "holidays" were established by the Jewish leaders of Bolshevism in in honor of the most joyful Jewish holiday, Purim, in which the main role is played by the Jewess Esther and her uncle Mordechai, who organized a revolution and, with the help of a palace coup, managed to exterminate the Persian elite and actually seize power in ancient Persia.It was in this sense that they understood and carried out the revolution in Russia Bolshevik descendants.

And the "holiday" of the First of May - "Workers' Solidarity Day" has a directly satanic origin. It is on this day, according to legend, that the witches' sabbath takes place and evil spirits on Bald Mountain. The holiday was originally established by anarchists - big worshipers of Satan, whom they consider the first anarchist to challenge the power of God over the world. All these "holidays" usually coincide with the Orthodox Great Lent, which can only be called mockery and blasphemy against the Christian faith.
It is necessary to carefully examine the issue of these "holidays" and present to the supreme authorities our arguments for the abolition of these blasphemous atheistic zeal.

In this regard, I propose to establish a public celebration of Empire Day on January 14 on the day of the Russian New Year - January 1 according to the Julian Orthodox-imperial calendar. The celebration of Empire Day will testify to our determination to overcome the atheistic Revolution.

3. The return of the Army and the police of traditional Russian symbols and forms. It is necessary to fight for the expulsion from the Army of the satanic revolutionary symbols: red banners and pentagrams.

4. Legislative recognition of the state-forming significance of the Russian people.

5. Restrictions, and in the future a complete ban on the production of abortions.
Few people know that among the first decrees of the red satanic power was the permission to perform abortions.
Hundreds of millions of abortions committed (and being committed!) by Russian people over the past decades are a terrible crime of our people against God. This crime has no forgiveness and justification on earth. "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it" was God's first commandment to man. Every Russian woman has an average of five abortions in her life. Therefore, this crime is not only the personal sin of specific wives and husbands, but also our common sin of the nation. And as long as it is unrepentant and continues to be done, the Russian people have no chance of surviving the 21st century. Our current extinction is a severe, but inevitable punishment for these gravest crimes of three generations of "Soviet" people who intended to build their vulgar "happiness" on the bones of their defenseless children killed in the wombs of their mothers. The ban on abortion is not only a matter of our physical survival, but also a matter of our moral and mental health, without the restoration of which the Russian people are simply doomed to death, even if "everything will be like in Europe."

In this regard, the Church - the clergy and the world - needs to turn on behalf of all Orthodox to the supreme state authority - to stop the production of abortions and the training of students in this at public expense in state medical institutions. We Orthodox are, by virtue of our numbers, the main taxpayer. It is we who finance the commission of these heinous crimes against God and the nation. Therefore, even those who do not perform abortions themselves are guilty of these crimes, already by virtue of obeying the relevant laws of the state, voluntarily financing the implementation of these grave crimes. If the state authorities refuse to comply with our demand, it is necessary to move, in accordance with the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church, to actions of civil disobedience.

In addition to these tasks, the conditions for the solution of which already exist to a certain extent, I consider it necessary to prepare spiritual, intellectual and legal solutions to the following tasks for the future:
Elimination of the anti-Christian usurious pseudo-economic system. Destruction of debt interest slavery. Restoration of the Russian peasant class and the Russian way of life on earth, as the basis of the health and strength of the nation. Restoration of the estate-corporate structure of society. Introduction of civil and political qualifications. Creation of programs and textbooks, primarily on Russian history and literature, in accordance with the religious understanding of the destiny of the Russian people and Russia. Solving the question of how to restore autocracy and choose a new dynasty.

To facilitate the solution of the above tasks, it is desirable to create in Moscow or St. Petersburg in the coming years a public Spiritual and Political National Imperial University for the intellectual support of the solution of the above tasks and the training of the corresponding political and state personnel. Assign him the name of Ivan Ilyin. As the university strengthens, provide for the opening of its branches in the main regional centers of Russia. The victory of our holy cause will be impossible without the awakening in Russian youth of noble feelings of national pride and the desire to fight for our shrines. Of great importance here is the artistic reflection of the meaning of our struggle. It is necessary to create a gallery of images of Russian fighters against the Revolution, heroes of the Black Hundred movement and the White Struggle by means of painting, sculpture, music, cinema, theater, and literature. Perpetuate their memory with commemorative crosses, memorial plaques, toponyms and names of streets and squares in their honor.

It is necessary to publish true history in the faces and deeds of the Union of the Russian People and other monarchist-imperial organizations.
In order to exchange opinions and information, organize and unite our forces, it is necessary to create a single information space and a system for the distribution of our literature, audio and video cassettes. Something has already been done in this direction, we just need to make our work more organized and systematic in this direction.

As time has shown, until a cohesive and prepared "leading stratum" (in I.A. Ilyin's terms) has been created, appealing to the masses is ineffective. Therefore, it is necessary in the capitals and localities to sift through the entire patriotic cadre that has emerged recently, including entrepreneurs, priests and monks, officers, generals and officials, to select and systematize the human resource, and to include all capable people in the solution of our common tasks. The departments of the Union of the Russian People should become the organizational core of all work. This does not mean the abolition or uselessness of other organizations. This means that an informal unifying spiritual and political center should appear, which should involve everyone who is already working on them in one way or another to solve certain problems. We must slowly but steadily overcome the evil of Party sectarianism. Who wants to figure, and not work for overall result, he immediately falls out of our ranks.

One of the reasons for our failure to unite the patriotic forces was the lack of historical continuity in deeds and persons. Today, with the re-establishment of the Union of the Russian People, this continuity will be restored. And this is the key to the success of our struggle. Our comrades-in-arms - the holy new martyrs are again in the same ranks with us. And "the blood of martyrs gives birth to heroes." On our side is the truth of Russian history, a huge spiritual and intellectual superiority over the forces of the revolutionary "fifth column" in Russia. The only question is whether we can manage it effectively.

Behind us is no longer Moscow, but the abyss of national death and historical non-existence. Everything that is possible and impossible, we have already lost. Therefore, our entire struggle must have only a self-sacrificing offensive character. May the voice of Ivan Susanin always sound in our soul, inspiring many generations of Russian patriots:
"I'm not afraid of fear, I'm not afraid of death -
I will lie down for the Tsar, for Rus'!"

Alexander Stepanovich Turik, November 1-10, 2005
Published with minor edits