45 years of marriage what to give parents. What to give parents for a sapphire wedding anniversary (45 years). What to give your husband for his anniversary

45 years life together also known as the sapphire wedding. This is a fairly long period lived together. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale, in the circle of relatives and friends.

Sapphire symbolizes wisdom, and the couple who lived to this anniversary are at such an age that they have seen and know a lot.

A sapphire wedding allows the whole family once again to enjoy an amazing couple. Therefore, in order for everything to match the celebration, it is necessary not only to make the right gifts, but to decorate the room according to the theme of the holiday.

The meaning of a sapphire wedding

Each wedding anniversary plays an important role for spouses and has its own meaning. The longer a couple is in a relationship, the more meaning is given to the anniversary. The 45th anniversary of living together is an event that has been tested and hardened over the years. That is why this date is called a sapphire wedding.

The anniversary says that the spouses have already developed a strong and trusting relationship. Husband and wife understand the desires of another partner from a glance and from a half-word. That's why 45th anniversary and compared with sapphire, because it is a crystal clear and transparent stone.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding with the family.

  • friends;
  • colleagues;
  • relatives.

Employees at work can be called in the only case if both spouses work at the same enterprise. The celebration is best done in a restaurant or outdoors. After all, the 45th anniversary will be celebrated in a large circle and it’s not a fact that your house can accommodate so many guests.

Husband and wife on this day must definitely exchange new wedding rings, decorated with sapphire. The general gift will not only please the eye, but also improve the state of health, because sapphire is credited with a bunch of healing properties.

A gift for a beloved woman for a sapphire wedding

What to give your wife for a sapphire anniversary? Absolutely every man, based on the name of the wedding, will acquire jewelry with sapphire inserts. Such, but why limit yourself to obvious presents. You can present a gift for 45 years of marriage to your spouse traditional and at the same time it is non-standard.

Today there are many decor items and not only with the use of sapphire. For example, a box decorated with stones on top can really surprise your soulmate.

A 45th anniversary gift doesn't have to be traditional. These include items that your significant other has been dreaming of for a long time. To match the anniversary, you can pack a gift in a beautiful blue package. Be sure to complement the present with a bouquet of your wife's favorite flowers.

Presents for a beloved man for 45 years of marriage

When it is necessary to take into account a number of factors. The main ones are the date, in our case a sapphire wedding and the age of the representative of the stronger sex. Just like a woman, a spouse can be given jewelry with ruby ​​inserts. But this gift is likely to be primitive. Men love objects that are practical and desirable.

If your spouse is an avid angler, then a fishing rod or spinning rod decorated with blue inserts will be a good present for him. Such a gift will not only please a man, but will also be remembered for a long time.

For connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages, an expensive cognac in a beautiful blue bottle will be a good present. Such a gift will be both traditional and desirable for the stronger sex.

How to make parents happy

The organization of the 45th anniversary is most often trusted by children or close friends. Therefore, the holiday itself will be a good present, but every child wants something that will be remembered for many years. Well, what could it be? There are a lot of options here, especially if children know the preferences of their parents.

Household appliances will be a good and useful gift. After all, every day there is something new and necessary for the economy. Also a great gift for married couple on the 45th anniversary will be textiles. New bed linen or a set of bath towels will complete the hostess' collection.

To simplify the process of choosing a present, you can talk with your parents and find out what they would like to receive on such a significant day. Perhaps they would like to take a trip to Europe or another continent. It is also recommended to pamper your parents with spa passes for two or a romantic dinner in some reputable restaurant.

In general, healthy and happy children will be the biggest gift for every parent.

What not to give for a sapphire wedding?

Any date, including a sapphire wedding, has its own signs. The same applies to gifts that spouses and guests give to each other. There are a number of presents that are not worth a wedding.

These include primarily antiques. These items accumulate the most diverse energy, which can then go to the relationship of the spouses. In the end, this will lead to disagreements and divorce.

Items that are very fragile and can break easily are also not recommended as gifts. After all, it is believed that the relationship of the spouses will be just as fragile in the future. Mirrors are among those items that should not be given not only for a wedding, but also for its anniversaries.

The mirror is a window to another world, and, as you know, you should not expect anything good from it. Therefore, in order not to harm your loved ones, spouses, friends, try not to give the items listed above.

Useful video

Wedding anniversary - 45 years.

Sapphire wedding.


A sapphire wedding is a great achievement for absolutely any couple. Not everyone manages to live as much as 45 years together. Therefore, on this day, you need to thank your soulmate for the years passed together. After all, it is difficult for one person to go through life, but together you can move mountains.

45 years of marriage after marriage.

The symbol of the holiday is sapphire. This is the second most valuable stone after the diamond, the so-called "brother" of the ruby. In addition, sapphire is one of the most durable stones. It symbolizes stability family relations. It is believed that after this anniversary, nothing can destroy the love of the spouses. The rich blue color of sapphire denotes a calm and peaceful relationship of the couple.

Sapphire is also a symbol of purification. Therefore, on this day it is customary to “cleanse” the body and soul. According to tradition, on the eve of the holiday, the husband and wife visit the bathhouse (if there are no contraindications for this). To purify the soul, the spouses express to each other old grievances, omissions and mutually forgive them.

Traditionally, a sapphire wedding is attended by the closest people for a married couple: children, grandchildren, close relatives, witnesses and friends. The celebration is held in home circle. They usually do not go out into nature. The color of the holiday is blue. Therefore, it is desirable that this color be present in the table setting and guests' outfits.

Gifts for the forty-fifth wedding anniversary

For 45 years after the wedding, the spouses are given presents in blue or on a "marine" theme. Any gift can be made “themed” by using the color of the anniversary in the design of its packaging. Gift ideas for a sapphire wedding:

  • products for the bathroom and bath: a set of towels, unusual soap, aromatic oil, terry bathrobes;
  • interior elements: caskets, curtains, figurines, a table lamp, a picture (for example, depicting the sea);
  • household items: small household appliances, bed linen, blanket.

Gift for husband/wife

Spouses on this day traditionally exchange rings with sapphire. If the couple already has rings with a ruby, then the stone in them can be temporarily replaced with a sapphire. Spouses wear such rings for one year. In addition, you can give each other any jewelry with sapphire. The wife will appreciate the set of earrings and pendant, and the husband will be happy with cufflinks, watches with this stone.

Gift from children to parents

Anniversaries will appreciate such gifts from their children that will remind them of the happy moments of their marriage: a collage of family photos, a presentation with musical accompaniment, etc.

A good gift would be an aquarium or a decorative fountain for the house (if the parents love fish and live in their house).

Gift from guests to spouses

Guests give the spouses any household items or decorations for the interior. An original addition to the gift will be a blue flower in a pot or a bouquet of blue flowers in a vase of the same color. Interesting idea for a gift - cognac aged 45 years.

Congratulations and toasts

At the table, the guests make a congratulatory speech. At this point, it is advisable to prepare in advance and make it at home. Ideas for congratulations:

Our dear ...!
Today we have gathered to congratulate you on your forty-fifth wedding anniversary. The symbol of the anniversary is a sapphire. It multiplies your wisdom, calmness and depth of your union. May your home always be full of joy and cheerful children's laughter! Be happy together for many, many more years!
Dear spouses!
Congratulations on your sapphire wedding! We wish your relationship to be as bright, bewitching and strong as this stone. Keep sailing hand in hand on the sea of ​​life. Good health to you and your whole extended family!


To "revive" the holiday will come in handy competitive program. Game options:

1. "Surprise"
"Props" are prepared in advance before coming to visit. A gift for spouses is wrapped in a package, to which a note “for anniversaries” is attached. Then another layer is applied wrapping paper with a note on top "to the highest guest". Next - another layer with the inscription "to the curliest guest", etc. It is necessary to use several layers of paper with notes. In the midst of the celebration, such a gift is presented to the first "addressee". He can unfold only one layer of paper, after which he passes the present on to the next guest indicated in the note. The last gift "unexpectedly" receive the anniversaries and finally unwrap it.

2. Love is...
Competition for the best continuation of the well-known phrase "Love is ...". Anniversaries are sent notes with options. At the end of the evening, they choose the best wording. Its author is awarded a mini-prize (for example, a box chewing gums"Love is...").

A date that not every couple submits to is the 45th wedding anniversary. Especially nowadays, when people are too fixated on their own careers. We all know that for each anniversary there is a certain name associated with one or another material, which, in particular, is customary to give to those who celebrate. If on a non-circular date such traditions could still be neglected, then such beautiful figure, as 45 years of marriage, deserves attention and proper decoration of the holiday.

What is the name of the anniversary?

Let's start with the fact that the 45th anniversary of marriage is the so-called sapphire wedding. As often happens, such a name is not given at random and not even in a search. interesting options gifts that have accumulated over forty-five years of family life.

It is assumed that the couple's relationship over the years has acquired the features inherent in sapphire, namely: hardness and durability, inseparable from sophistication and wealth.

In ancient times, precious stones were given a special symbolic meaning, believing that each of them symbolizes something - supporters of this point of view still exist. IN married life sapphire means the strength of family ties, the well-being of subsequent generations (after so many years together, a couple usually manages to acquire not only children and grandchildren, but sometimes even great-grandchildren) and the purity of relationships that, being stained with something, would not last so long. At the same time, sapphire is associated with the renewal of relationships, since such long-term relationships do not end easily - they must remain constantly young, because there are many other significant dates ahead.

Symbols and traditions

The main symbol of such an anniversary, of course, is sapphire - in particular, this precious gift deserves to be presented on such significant date. If we abstract from the purely family aspect of esotericism, then this stone symbolizes life wisdom and the ability to control oneself - of course, people who have managed to find a compromise for such a long time must simply have these traits. Among other things, sapphire also indicates other positive features of the wearer - for example, patience and perseverance in achieving goals, excellent fortitude and the same health.

Esoteric specialists see a special meaning even in the color of the stone - here it symbolizes peaceful peace. Such symbolism in this case is very appropriate, because people of venerable age no longer have the passion of youth, however, such a characteristic does not mean that love has faded away - it just came out on new level becoming deeper and more aware.

Theoretically, any gifts can be given on such an anniversary, and a sapphire is not so necessary there, but there is a long tradition according to which a couple renews their wedding rings, giving each other those that are decorated with just this precious stone. Although the symbolism of the celebration lies in calmness and peace, it is not customary to hold it in complete silence and away from others - on the contrary, such a vivid example of undying love should become an example for the young. Since the anniversary marks a very long period of time spent together, the most correct guests will be those people who have traveled a significant part of the path with the couple - these are primarily children and grandchildren, as well as other close relatives and old friends.

How to celebrate?

If people are already interested in the traditional name of such an anniversary and its symbolism, then they would certainly like to give the festival completely unique features, so that the celebration in memories, even after many years, stands out according to the characteristic features that distinguish it from numerous other similar festivities. Luckily, previous generations have left us detailed guidance on how to organize a sapphire wedding.

First of all, such a date, while not being perfectly round, is still too big to celebrate it modestly., therefore it is assumed that the holiday should be held in a big way. A couple who have lived together for so many years, by definition, can no longer be young, because the celebrants themselves do not always show the initiative in the proper amount, but they probably have adults and already accomplished children who are able to take on at least part of the organizational moments. Actually, it is the descendants who managed to become successful that usually symbolize the duration of such relationships, therefore, in many respects, it is their activity that is a gift to those who celebrate.

The financial situation does not always allow you to celebrate the anniversary on a real scale, but this is not always required - good option there will also be a home celebration, if only all loved ones are nearby, and the money saved can be left until the fiftieth anniversary. If the possibilities and desires of the organizers allow, you can come up with something more unusual, but it is worth remembering that all this is done for the main heroes of the occasion, and at their current age they are not always able to appreciate outdoor activities.

The vast majority will not be able to provide an interior decorated with real sapphires modern families, but, as we have already understood, not only the stone itself matters, but also the color that it usually happens to be.

The interior can be decorated without jewelry, but in the appropriate color shades - usually these are tones that occupy an intermediate position between the actual blue scale and green shades.

This design should be observed in everything, and special attention is paid to what is easiest to replace - woven design elements, which include curtains and a tablecloth. if it is possible to use dishes of the same shades, this should also be used. Solemn elements of decoration like candlesticks will also be very appropriate - it is difficult to find a more suitable occasion for such an environment. You can even use balls or garlands, but it should be remembered that excessive pomposity is not always perceived with approval by the older generation.

To support the theme of the party, you can also take care of the color matching of the outfits of those present., although special attention to the scale, of course, should be shown by the heroes of the occasion themselves. The more color matches, the more themed the holiday will be, because even a cake can beat the theme of a sapphire wedding - it can be decorated with an appropriate edible decoration in the form of the same stone.

Selection of gifts for the anniversary

The forty-fifth wedding anniversary is quite a weighty reason for presenting gifts, without which such a celebration cannot be done, but the problem may lie in choosing a present. On the one hand, it should be quite valuable, on the other hand, symbolic, but at the same time, of course, affordable for guests. In this regard, traditional gifts from loved ones in the form of jewelry using real sapphires are possible, but not so probable - you will have to look for alternative options.

Remarkably, only spouses can give rings to each other on such a date - such a gift, even from children, is not considered happy.

It should be noted that at the age when I usually celebrate my own sapphire wedding, the couple usually does not care much about material things - they either already exist or are not really needed. At this moment, the intangible acquires special value, therefore relatives can additionally emphasize such a desire of the celebrants, for example, by buying a tourist ticket for them to a holiday home or any resort. Where they have long dreamed of visiting.

Of course, the list of possible gifts is not limited to vouchers, so let's pay attention to the most common and appropriate gifts for just such an occasion:

  • any sapphire-colored gifts - less valuable in terms of value, but no less symbolic;
  • home decorations in appropriate shades, from figurines to paintings - do not enrich the couple materially, but enrich spiritually and remind of the anniversary;
  • flowers are a gift that is absolutely appropriate in any situation, and if they are also matched to the color of the holiday, then it’s just an ideal option;
  • photo collage will a good gift for absolutely any anniversary that marks the duration of something, and even photographs of the best moments of a long life together often allow you to refresh and renew feelings;
  • tickets to any expensive cultural event, whether it be a theater or a concert, can remind celebrants of how they spent their first dates in their youth;
  • beautiful textiles for home use it will be an appropriate gift for any couple living together, because bed linen, bathrobes or towels can also be a great gift;
  • some experts draw parallels between sapphire color and water, therefore, those gifts that are directly related to it are also appropriate - for example, bathroom items or even a full-fledged aquarium with live fish will fit.

At such a moment, it is very important that everything is properly thought out and properly organized. Older people often remember small, seemingly insignificant details, so you should pay special attention to them. Beautiful words, said at the appropriate moment and once again emphasizing the importance of the couple for others, often seem to old people more valuable than any material gifts, therefore a thorough approach to organizing a holiday will be the main key to success.

The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcongratulations from grandchildren for a sapphire wedding in the next video.

Not every married couple can boast of a long marriage. Especially if we talk about 45 years of marriage. Only truly loving and patient people are able to keep their love after so many years to celebrate a sapphire wedding.

What is the name of the anniversary?

The 45th wedding anniversary is called sapphire, as sapphire symbolizes great strength of mind, perseverance and patience. On this day, it is customary to arrange a grand celebration to please the “newlyweds” and express their respect to them. So many years together speak of the strength of the union. People who have managed to save their marriage even after 45 years have life wisdom and balance that help spouses go hand in hand through any obstacles.

Sapphire has a blue color, which means peace and tranquility. With it, you can emphasize the reliability and durability of the union, in which love and harmony still reign. Celebrating a sapphire wedding, the spouses try to prove that even in old age it is possible to maintain a tender and respectful relationship and remain close to each other.

There is a tradition according to which a husband and wife exchange rings with sapphire inserts. This event must be attended by relatives and friends, for whom such a strong union is an example to follow. After all, the vows again said by the spouses and the exchange of wedding rings can touch any person.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding on a grand scale. Of course, not every married couple at such a venerable age is able to organize a noisy banquet. In this case, the organization of the event should be taken care of by children or grandchildren. The holiday must be made unforgettable, and therefore, in addition to holiday table, you can dilute the evening with contests or unexpected surprises.

To emphasize the significance of the event, you need to decorate the room in which the banquet will be held in blue tones. Jewelry can be turquoise or blue. Shades of blue should be found everywhere: from decorations to dishes. For beauty, you can put candles on the table or decorate the walls with balls.

The grandeur of the event largely depends on the availability of funds. In any case, for an elderly couple who have lived together for 45 happy years, it is important to arrange a holiday, albeit a small one.

Gift Ideas

A gift for a sapphire wedding should reflect respect and appreciation for the “newlyweds”. Therefore, it is important to select expensive and high-quality products that correspond to the grandeur of the event.


Parents can give a ticket to the sanatorium. This gift will improve the health of the "newlyweds" and give them the opportunity to take a break from everyday worries. If the children are worried about their parents, then they may well go with them and settle in the next room.

For anniversaries, a valuable gift will be household appliances or electronics, which they themselves are not able to buy. It can be a large TV, gas stove, washing machine and so on. You can please your mother with a bouquet of blue roses and a set of jewelry with sapphire inserts. But you can present to your father Golden ring with sapphire crystals.

Spouses to each other

To present original gift husband, wife can buy wrist watch with sapphire. If a man is not a watch lover and does not wear any jewelry, then you can give him a product decorated with blue inserts. It can be a tool kit, a gun case, a knife or a fishing rod. It all depends on the hobbies of the spouse.

On the 45th anniversary of marriage, you can give your wife a sapphire jewelry set. You can complement the gift with a luxurious bouquet of flowers.


Friends on their wedding anniversary as a gift, you can present high-quality expensive alcohol. If the couple does not drink alcohol, then you can give them a set consisting of fruits and berries. Furniture will be the best gift for a married couple on their 45th wedding anniversary. It can be a new bed, a dining table and chairs, a wardrobe, and so on. Of course, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the donor, but it is important to purchase a valuable gift for such an event.

It is appropriate to give interior items for an anniversary. For example, a large portrait in a beautiful blue frame or blue curtains. Framed paintings, flower pots, floor vases or wall clock.

Older people appreciate stability and comfort, and therefore they can be presented with a tea set or a festive tablecloth, looking at which the spouses will remember the donor. A gift can be dishes that are necessary for any family. For almost any event, you can donate bed linen, blankets, pillows or towels. Such things are in demand by any person, regardless of his age.

If it is difficult to decide on a gift, then you can always give an envelope with money. This will allow the spouses to independently decide what to purchase. This will be especially appropriate if the couple has long dreamed of investing in something really important.

Grandma and grandpa

To surprise grandparents and express your love through a gift, you can make a surprise with your own hands. Granddaughters can master the technology of soap making or knitting, and grandchildren can carve a gift out of wood. You can emphasize the anniversary through the blue color that will be present in the products.

The material side of the gift is usually of little interest to older people. Having lived together for 45 years, the spouses need more attention and love than money. Therefore, most of all they will remember gifts made with their own hands. It could be a cake that the grandchildren baked themselves, or a large family portrait painted by a talented relative.

You can please the anniversaries with the help of poems and songs. You can write them yourself if you have the ability to do so. If desired, the lyrics of the song can be ordered from the poet.

The more seriously the children and grandchildren take the organization of the holiday, the more it will be remembered by the elderly couple. Therefore, it is very important to carefully consider every detail and find out in advance about the wishes of the “newlyweds”. The attention and love of loved ones will help make a sapphire wedding unforgettable and let the spouses know that they have not lived their lives in vain.

What can't be donated?

Each event has its own traditions and signs. This also applies to gifts that relatives and friends present on the 45th anniversary of marriage. There are things that are inappropriate to give to such an event for one reason or another.

  • antiques- it is believed that such things carry negative energy, which can adversely affect the relationship of spouses. Husband and wife with such an acquisition may no longer understand each other. This may lead to constant quarrels and even divorce.
  • Glass- some people associate it with fragility and unreliability. With it, you can weaken the union, which in the end can break as easily as fragile glass breaks.
  • Mirror has long been considered a guide to the afterlife. Such a gift can offend spouses, who can see a hint of their imminent death in a beautiful and expensive gift. To avoid misunderstanding, it is worth excluding any products with mirrors from the list of intended purchases.

  • Set of knives and forks can cause quarrels and misfortunes in the family. Superstitious people will accept such a present only by exchanging it for a banknote, which, in their opinion, will avoid negative consequences.
  • trinkets- in most cases, their purpose is only to collect dust, and therefore it is impossible to give them to such a grand event.
  • Empty vases or piggy banks personify emptiness and lack of money, and therefore they can only be presented in a filled state. Inside the products, you can pour coins or sweets.
  • Candles mean the rapid melting of love in marriage. They can be used to decorate the room, but not as a gift.

When choosing a gift for the 45th wedding anniversary, it is important to find really the right thing, which will be used in the future. Anniversaries are unlikely to appreciate a gift in the form of a trip to the sea, a subscription to dance lessons or a certificate to a beauty salon. In old age, people need more peace and quiet, and therefore the present should be appropriate.

See the next video for more about the sapphire wedding.

Only the toughest "nuts" (just kidding, couples) can stay together so long that they live together until very rare anniversaries. One of these anniversaries is 45 years, a sapphire wedding.

Over such a long period of time, it is very rare to maintain truly family, warm relationships. If this happened, then the couple proudly declares this to the world, celebrating a sapphire wedding.

Do not forget that over the years a lot of good has accumulated in the parental home, but all things tend to wear out. Therefore, you can update some things, most importantly, find out in advance and without unnecessary hints what you really need.

So the gift will not gather dust on the far shelf of the mezzanine, but will be in use and be useful.

  • Bed linen for shared bed of blue color from expensive, high-quality fabric;
  • Blue curtains, or light tulle;
  • Plaid, sky blue bath rug;
  • A set of towels in blue and blue shades;
  • Table lamp or floor lamp;
  • Household appliances in blue.
  • « !». Such a gift, ordered in a pastry shop, will be very useful and will appeal not only to the heroes of the occasion. It will be especially nice if you bake it yourself and, if possible, decorate it in blue tones;
  • If you have the means, or you draw well, then draw a portrait of a couple from a photograph. Such a picture would be like a family heirloom;
  • And if you like to embroider, then you can present a hand-embroidered tablecloth, a picture, or even bed linen as a gift.

Prepare a small holiday program