Safe facial rejuvenation. Facial rejuvenation without surgery: the most popular techniques. Plastic surgery is the most radical way of rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation is a necessity that, sooner or later, each of us faces. The difference is only in the age when you have to think about the choice of means of rejuvenation. The less attention was paid to caring for our own skin and the less our lifestyle corresponds to the status of healthy, the sooner we will have to start studying existing rejuvenation methods.

Modern young people, starting from adolescence, try to actively try all the "joys" of adult life. A bottle of beer and a cigarette have ceased to be a sign of an inveterate bully. Until now, this couple is evidence of the right of a girl or boy to take the place of a leader among their peers. An unpleasant surprise awaits such young people in the near future, when time ceases to seem dimensionless, and the reflection in the mirror brings a decent portion of experiences.

Oddly enough, but not only lovers of adult life begin to think about anti-aging facial care before everyone else. They are joined by those who zealously followed the skin, trying more and more new recipes for creams, masks and scrubs, depriving mothers and grandmothers of another jar of fragrant novelty. Violation of the rule of the golden mean leads both of them to the need to deal with early wrinkles and an unhealthy complexion by the age of 25.

Age-related changes are puzzling only after thirty. By this age, we are already well versed in what cosmetic products our skin prefers and what manipulations will be the most effective. However, even if we don’t know something, a consultation with a doctor will provide the missing information and help make right choice among a number of proposed anti-aging techniques.

Professional methods

The range of rejuvenation products offered in beauty salons and clinics is very wide. To make it easier to navigate in the choice of a suitable technique, they were arranged by age groups. Of course, there are no strict prohibitions on using this or that method at thirty, forty or fifty years. Depending on the type and condition of the skin, individual characteristics, heredity, we can use options intended for thirty-year-olds even after forty. And some ladies even prefer to use cosmetic products for children. Kids do not protest, and cosmetologists do not dispute the fact of a positive effect. And yet, to achieve maximum success, it is preferable to use methods designed taking into account age and degree age-related changes. The degree of effectiveness determines, again, the degree of popularity of the skin rejuvenation technique. Some of the most requested tools are laser rejuvenation, photorejuvenation, thermage, injections, the latest Elos technique, mesotherapy, chemical peeling, ozone skin rejuvenation. Each of these techniques deserves a more detailed description.

  • The laser rejuvenation technique includes fractional laser resurfacing and laser resurfacing. The fractional method perfectly copes with excessive skin pigmentation, refreshes the face, improves the structure of the skin. Its secret is that the laser beam has an effect on the skin, having previously taken the form of a laser grid. Such a mesh penetrates deep into the skin, stimulates regeneration, and helps restore collagen production. The laser resurfacing method effectively works with the top layer of the skin, removing dead cells, stimulating blood circulation and metabolism. Another advantage of laser resurfacing is that it is painless.
  • One of the newest methods proposed by cosmetology - elos rejuvenation technique. A special applicator transmits a combination of high frequency current and light pulses to the skin. The skin is renewed without pain. The maximum that you will feel is a pleasant tingling sensation.
  • Light pulses work during the procedure photorejuvenation. The advantages of this method are in a gentle effect on the skin and in minimal time. Convenient, removes wrinkles, eliminates capillary nets and acne, copes with hyperpigmentation.
  • Only lazy people do not talk about subcutaneous injections now. With all its advantages, which help to avoid surgical methods of recovery, injections often bring a lot of unpleasant moments. Hyaluronic acid, administered by injection, has a preservative effect on the skin. And preservatives, as you know, are famous for their unpredictability. Botox blocks facial muscles, turning the face into a mask without emotions. If you are not afraid possible complications– injection rejuvenation at your service.
  • Tremage. This method, without the use of plastics, has a deep effect on the skin, boasts no contraindications, allergic reactions, and leaves no traces after the session. The essence of the method lies in radio frequency radiation, which increases the temperature of the skin. The goal remains the same - to increase collagen production.
  • Mesotherapy has been popular for more than a year. A safe procedure involves the introduction of vitamins and special preparations under the skin to help eliminate a double chin or tighten sagging skin. If needles are not scary, then this safe method of non-surgical rejuvenation is for you.
  • Ozone cosmetology also did not leave without attention. The method of ozone rejuvenation involves the introduction of ozone in the form of injections into the problem area. Ozone, as a kind of oxygen so important for our skin, not only stimulates metabolic processes and contributes to the normalization of microcirculation. Ozone rejuvenation improves complexion, eliminates wrinkles, removes the keratinized layer of the skin and smoothes it.
  • Chemical peeling. A fairly aggressive method of cardinal skin rejuvenation. Suitable in cases where more active intervention is required. Eliminates problems that other methods cannot solve. The list includes annoying post-acne, stretch marks, persistent wrinkles. You can decide whether you need a chemical peel or not only in tandem with a doctor, having previously studied as much information as possible about this painful procedure.

Facial rejuvenation at home

For all their effectiveness, professional facial rejuvenation techniques often remain unclaimed because of the impressive bills for the sessions. If you are not ready to spend more money than any state on the military needs, recipes for home rejuvenation remedies will help solve the problem. Creams, masks, a simple anti-aging massage, various tonics made from natural products sometimes give a better effect than extreme methods of professional cosmetology. The main rule for home treatments is to apply to the face only what you would like to eat.

The natural components of any homemade mask allow you to pay less attention to age guidelines. It is enough to know the type of your skin and the presence of individual intolerance to any of the components. And yet, age dictates some rules in choosing the composition for an anti-aging home remedy.

  • At thirty years old, there is no need to use compounds that have an enhanced effect on the skin. simple recipes based on herbs, mono berry formulations, masks based on oatmeal and pea flour, mild combinations of dairy products. Flower masks can be called ideal at this age. Recipe 1. Chamomile, linden, rose petals and peppermint are brewed with boiling water in a ratio of one to two. Soak a gauze mask with a decoction and enjoy for 20 minutes. Recipe 2. This mask has a stronger effect. In addition to St. John's wort, coltsfoot, calendula flowers, sorrel is included in it. We prepare the broth in the proportion indicated in the first recipe. Apply to skin with cotton pad or scare the home with a decoction-soaked gauze mask.
  • Forty-year-old people are already faced not only with stubborn wrinkles, but also with a floating face oval and the first signs of skin aging. Recipe 1. Ripe strawberries (wild strawberries) are kneaded with a wooden spatula in a glass, porcelain or earthenware bowl. Metal utensils are strictly prohibited. The resulting mass is applied to the face, hold for half an hour and rinse with clean water. After a few minutes, we complete the procedure with a good nourishing cream. Recipe 2. For the mask, you will need a well-ripe banana, which we knead with the addition of egg yolk, honey and sour cream. The mask is done before bed. We keep half an hour. You will sleep on your back, and repeat the procedure every other day for a month. The result is worth the effort.
  • Lovely ladies after fifty can use the following recipes for rejuvenating homemade masks. Recipe 1. A simple mask of fresh cucumber. Grate the cucumber, spread the resulting mass over the surface of the gauze mask and place on the face. We keep twenty minutes. Wash off necessarily in a contrasting way, that is, first with warm water, then cool. Recipe 2. Mix a tablespoon of live yeast with warm milk. Grind to the state of gruel. Add linseed oil, linden honey. In a water bath, we achieve a state of fermentation. Then everything is as usual. We hold for 20 minutes, wash ourselves in a contrasting way. We apply a nourishing cream.

When choosing one of the proposed methods for facial rejuvenation, it is important to pay attention to the effectiveness and cost of the procedure. In order for the code to be beautiful and keep its blooming appearance for as long as possible, it also needs to be provided with proper nutrition “from the inside”. Review your diet. Experiment with healthy recipes. Try something completely new and different. Believe me, the result will not be long in coming. Be beautiful and young.

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They say that youth is not age, but a state of mind. It is difficult to argue with this thesis, and yet only rare people remain indifferent to the fact that the years they have lived mercilessly leave marks on their faces - wrinkles, folds, dullness and flabbiness of the skin ... How can all this be resisted without resorting to radical measures - plastic surgery? We offer an overview of a number of methods and tools that women can rely on in their desire to remain young and beautiful.


From 3000 rubles

A whole "bouquet" of active substances can be given to the skin and subcutaneous fat with the help of a very popular and effective methodology- mesotherapy. Individually selected cocktails from healthy ingredients ( hyaluronic acid, enzymes, amino acids, etc.) are delivered to problem areas by microinjections at certain points and gradually unfold a vigorous rejuvenation activity - increasing skin elasticity and firmness, improving its color and relief.

Mesotherapy is a reusable event that does not give an immediate effect: the courses will have to be repeated, fortunately, there are no age restrictions.


From 8000 rubles

Biorevitalization is very similar to mesotherapy: in general, these are the same injections, but no longer of a combined composition, but only of hyaluronic acid. The procedure, unlike mesotherapy, can even be one-time, as it has gained a reputation as a stronger means of rejuvenation. From the point of view of technology, biorevitalization differs in that the whole face is chipped according to a certain pattern, and not problem areas.

Even more dissimilar to this technique was the ability to carry it out without injections. After the introduction of laser biorevitalization, those who could not or did not want to use it breathed a sigh of relief. traditional way due to contraindications, fear side effects or just injections.


From 5000 rubles

You can also inject your own blood under the skin - more precisely, plasma isolated from it with a large number of platelets. In a similar role, she produces interesting effect: the body itself begins to launch mechanisms that contribute to the rejuvenation of the appearance - increasing skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles, and disappearing pigmentation.

The procedure is called "plasmolifting". The highest degree of naturalness of the filler removes problems with rejection, allergies, infection, selection of suitable material. The plasma injected in 2-4 procedures is enough to maintain the effect for a year or two.

3D mesothreads

From 30,000 rubles (from 1,000 rubles per thread)

With a needle, the face can not only be “feeded”, but also “hemmed”, tightened from the inside, building a framework for weakening tissues from safe and hypoallergenic 3D mesothreads, borrowed from the arsenal of surgeons. Flexible needles are injected deep into the skin, where, after 6-8 months, connective fibers are formed at this place, which for about two years prevent sagging cheeks, deepening of nasolabial folds, wrinkles.

However, the effect of such a lift can be seen almost immediately, and without any trace of intervention, which is a serious advantage of this technique.

Contour plastic

From 20000 rubles

Contour plastic helps to model facial features at your own discretion. This technology involves filling certain areas (for example, crow's feet near the eyes, nasolabial folds, lips) with filler gels. They, in turn, differ in natural origin, consistency, which determine the effectiveness and consequences of the procedure.

Unlike threadlifting with mesothreads, circular plastic surgery forces you to “sit down on a needle” - on average, fillers are introduced under the skin every six months to maintain the result (although some fillers allow you to delay this event). However, such a prospect does not stop those who, in return, receive a luxurious opportunity to “sculpt” a more beautiful and younger face.

laser resurfacing

From 9000 rubles

In the process of laser resurfacing, the rays erase the cells that form dark spots, wrinkles. But their action is not limited to this: the laser, as it were, massages the deep layers of the skin, which is why more active production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for its condition, begins there.

The result of the intervention depends on the type of equipment chosen. The carbon dioxide laser provides a thorough and deep processing - so much so that hospitalization is needed; erbium - lighter, but also less effective.

Fractional laser resurfacing

From 22000 rubles

Fractional laser rejuvenation is considered to be a more “advanced” technology, since the beam, divided into several mini-streams, acts more selectively and precisely, and therefore effectively.

The deep layers of the skin remain intact, but they also participate in the process of rejuvenation - not to mention the surface of the skin, which evaporates in the treated areas, giving way to new, fresh, not burdened with wrinkles and other signs of aging.


5000-20000 rubles

Today, photorejuvenation is considered to be an extremely promising area of ​​hardware cosmetology. Its effect is based on the processing of the deep layers of the skin with light, from which ultraviolet is "removed" - the reason for the negative effect of sunlight on it. The collagen fibers heated by it and reduced immediately form a frame - and a lifting effect.

But the rejuvenating effect goes far beyond the scope of the procedure itself, especially if the whole course has been completed. The face is tightened, brightened, pores are reduced, small wrinkles disappear. This happens due to the activation of the production of new elastin and collagen, improved blood supply and other prerequisites for life-giving processes in the skin.

RF lifting (radio wave lifting)

From 4000 rubles

Radio wave lifting (Rf-lifting) - a deep effect on the skin with radio waves generated by a special apparatus. This is a relatively new method in cosmetology, the effectiveness of which is impressive, but remains not entirely predictable in the long term, because. sufficient application experience has not yet been accumulated.

The effect of the course can last a year or two, and much longer if radio wave therapy is used as a preventive measure.

Ozone therapy

From 1800 rubles

Another method in which the benefits for the face are derived from what surrounds us in everyday life is ozone therapy. The medical oxygen-ozone mixture delivered through the ozonizer dispensers nourishes the mimic muscles, improves metabolism and causes other positive changes in the tissues, which allows the skin to get rid of shallow wrinkles, dullness, and flabbiness.

LPG massage

From 1800 rubles

LPG massage, which has the widest range of effects, among which is facial rejuvenation (the photo shows the treatment of another part of the body), originated in France. It was a resident of this country who invented a miracle unit with rotating rollers that “capture” skin folds and process them not only mechanically, but also with a vacuum. This, in particular, makes the skin more elastic, "alive", significantly activates the synthesis of collagen by the body, and removes fine wrinkles.

Despite the fact that the rollers seriously shake up the body, LPG massage is not only not painful, but even somewhat relaxing. This advantage is very relevant, because. to achieve the effect, a whole course is required, the result of which will last for about a year.

Good old and ... soft

Is free

The possibilities of modern aesthetic medicine are impressive. However, upon closer examination, many procedures are often not available. For example, women may see their problems on the list of contraindications, be afraid of the interventions themselves and/or their possible side effects, or find them too expensive for themselves. However, this does not mean that the entrance to the world of appearance transformation is boarded up tightly for them.

There are a number of ways to successfully rejuvenate at home. They act more gently, sparingly, gradually - and this is their strength and weakness at the same time.


Bought or prepared on their own, used regularly, they are able to intensively moisturize, nourish, protect and thereby delay aging, maintain healthy look skin. There are many recipes for anti-aging masks, yeast often appears among the ingredients, olive oil, aloe, eggs, honey, vitamins, etc. - every woman can empirically choose for herself something affordable and effective.

Massage and gymnastics

In the arsenal of available anti-wrinkle remedies, facial massage and gymnastics occupy a worthy place. Thanks to the first, the skin is better fed with oxygen and blood, gets rid of muscle tension, which has a very beneficial effect on its condition. Special exercises for different facial muscles are also able to deal with external manifestations of old age looming on the horizon.

Such an extensive "ammunition" of methods and means of facial rejuvenation inspires optimism. And yet the most effective technologies and drugs will not manifest themselves in full force if a smile becomes a rare guest on your face and you will look at the world with an extinct and indifferent look. To prevent this from happening, read a special section, just viewing which gives +100 points to a great mood!

In our country, cosmetic procedures are often called salon procedures. This is due to the fact that cosmetic services have not been licensed for quite a long time. But even if you are performing the procedure in a clinic, it makes sense to make sure that the beautician has a license to perform this or that manipulation. Women actively use the services of aesthetic clinics. What procedure do you need? The test will help you figure it out.


Perhaps this is the leader among cosmetic procedures. As anti-aging, several types of peeling are most appropriate and effective.

    Chemical. Depending on the depth of exposure, it can be superficial, median and deep (the latter is performed only for medical reasons).

    laser. There is a more “aggressive” CO2, which simply removes the surface layer of the skin, and a softer one - Fraxel, when the beautician regulates the depth and zones of exposure. Such a device is used even for the skin of the eyelids.

As you know, peeling is the removal of part of the stratum corneum of the skin, a controlled injury that triggers active regeneration processes. The activity of fibroblasts as well as the synthesis of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid are increased and the skin is renewed.

Ekaterina Turubara: “Exfoliation of skin cells helps the epidermis to renew itself.”

Peeling is carried out in the autumn-winter period. Superficial peeling is usually recommended to be done 1-2 times a year. The number of necessary procedures per course, from 3 (for laser peeling) up to 6, appoints a beautician depending on the condition of the skin. However, special and special care is required, which can take from 2 to 14 days, depending on the depth of exposure.


All this is due to the improvement of blood circulation and lymph circulation.

It is very important that manual massage is done by a qualified specialist - the hands of the master work wonders. © Getty Images

Sculptural rejuvenating massage involves 6-12 sessions annually.

Contour plastic

Until recently, perhaps the best cosmetic procedure for facial rejuvenation was considered to be local injections (mainly in the lower part of the face) to replenish the lost volume, restore and tighten the contours - hence the name "contour plastic". Usually 1-3 sessions are required, because the first injection "leaves" for moisturizing the skin. Since hyaluronic acid gradually decomposes, the effect disappears after six months or a year and the procedure has to be repeated.

Recently, lipofilling has attracted interest. It involves the local injection of the patient's own fat. First, a small amount of adipose tissue is taken, for example, from the abdomen. Then it is cleaned and injected into the area of ​​deep wrinkles - for example, nasolabial. Unlike hyaluronic acid, adipose tissue does not break down and simply takes root in a new place.

Botulinum toxin injections

Botox is a veteran in the anti-aging market. It has been successfully used to smooth out wrinkles (mainly in the upper part of the face) by blocking facial muscles. Muscles do not contract - therefore, the skin does not wrinkle. But this drug also breaks down within six months, so the injections have to be repeated.

Botox is often combined with contouring and other anti-aging procedures.


It is also called "Dracula therapy" and is considered a revolution in rejuvenation. The patient's own blood plasma is injected into the problem areas of the face (where wrinkles, sagging, etc. are observed). It is rich in growth factors that stimulate the work of fibroblasts that synthesize collagen and elastin for skin elasticity. There is the most natural stimulation of cellular activity, the so-called self-rejuvenation.

The procedure begins with blood sampling from a vein, then the blood is separated into plasma and red blood cells in a special centrifuge. Platelet-rich plasma is injected under the skin. The result is noticeable in a week.

Usually, a course of 3-5 sessions is required for a lasting effect. The procedure is repeated about once a year, as the effect gradually decreases.

Plasmolifting is considered one of the safest procedures for facial rejuvenation. However, it cannot be used for diabetes, problems with blood clotting, disorders of hematopoiesis.

Ozone therapy

Few people know that a mesotherapy cocktail can literally consist of air, that is, an ozone-oxygen mixture. © Getty Images

Ozone therapy as a rejuvenating facial treatment is a variant of mesotherapy. Only instead of vitamin and other cocktails, an oxygen-ozone mixture is injected under the skin. This almost instantly saturates the blood with oxygen and speeds up the renewal processes.

The result is a fresh look, excellent turgor. The relief and complexion also improve, traces of fatigue and small wrinkles around the eyes disappear.

Ozone therapy, as well as mesotherapy and biorevitalization, is a preventive anti-aging procedure. It is especially useful in early spring.


Despite the suspicious association with the word “photoaging”, the procedure fully justifies its name. Exposure of the skin to light pulses does not destroy the surface layer, as in peeling, but acts on the deeper structures of the skin.

Only a competent cosmetologist can make the right individual choice of an effective rejuvenation technique. © Getty Images

In this case, broadband intense pulsed light (IPL), devoid of ultraviolet or infrared frequencies, works. It is not necessary to count on a facelift or the disappearance of deep wrinkles after photorejuvenation (5-8 sessions are performed). But he can:

    get rid of age spots;

    remove the vascular network;

    even out complexion;

    improve overall skin turgor.

RF lifting

Radio wave lifting is rightfully considered one of the best cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation. It is also called thermolifting or radiolifting. As the name suggests, skin tissue is heated by radio frequency radiation. The depth of penetration (up to several millimeters) is selected and adjusted by the beautician.

This warming up has a stimulating effect on fibroblasts and improves blood circulation. As a result, the lifting effect is really noticeable. But several sessions are required - their number depends on the problem and the chosen depth of exposure.

The effect lasts 2-3 years, but an annual maintenance treatment (not a course) may be required. In this case, as a rule, there is no recovery period.

Before you do facial rejuvenation in the salon or at home, you should assess the condition of the skin. With age, the generation of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin tissue slows down. And the face is gradually aging.

But there is no need to give up and put up with the withering of the skin, as today there are many techniques that will help slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the skin.

And for this it is not necessary to lie down under a scalpel or go to cosmetic procedure, for example, . There are other options. Let's understand them.

Cosmetics (TOP-3)

Of the face creams that tighten the skin, it is worth highlighting those that are most popular not only among women, but also men:

  • Aveeno Positively Ageless Lifting & Firming Eye Cream (USA). It is characterized by the content of natural components, antioxidant and tightening functions. Eliminates problems in the eye area.
  • Ageless Instantly (USA). For 2 minutes tightens the skin surface on the face.
  • Estee Lauder Re-Nutriv Ultimate Lifting Creme (Italy). Rejuvenates the skin of the face due to its tightening properties, hydrates and saturates it with nutrients.

The effect will appear with the daily use of the selected remedy after a couple of days. After 1-1.5 weeks, the face will visually rejuvenate. But one should not expect a radical transformation from them.

Finished cosmetics (2 popular products)

A relatively quick result of facial rejuvenation at home is achieved by using Collamask and Bonatox for wrinkles. What are these funds? They have the following features:

  1. Collamask (Japan)- making younger face cream mask. In the components:, essential oil palmarosa, betaine, a combination of amino acids. The use of the cream helps to prevent aging of the skin, even out the facial tone, smooth out wrinkles.
  2. Bonatox (Russia)- anti-wrinkle serum containing active ingredients in the form of melatonin, wild yam, coenzyme Q10, natural proteins, vitamin E, as well as plant and synthetic ingredients. The serum is applied to a clean face and used for at least 28 days. The face becomes young due to the regeneration of the skin, increased collagen production, the acquisition of skin elasticity and a clearer oval.

Masks in the fight for the prolongation of youth

These home remedies will help you achieve a rejuvenating effect in those aged 50+.

  • Carrot, cooked until half cooked in a steam way, grind on a grater with small nests. Add olive oil, honey, lemon juice and oatmeal to the mass (1 tbsp each). The creamy composition is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, washed off with warm water. Moisture is removed by blotting a towel, then the face is lubricated nourishing cream. The mask is recommended to be used once a week.
  • Clay mask prevent further aging of the skin. It is prepared from 2 tablespoons of kaolin, a quarter cup of sour cream, beaten egg white, a teaspoon of thin mustard honey, 2 milliliters of aloe juice. The product is kept on the face for 15 minutes.
  • Gelatin face mask- a godsend for a rejuvenating event for aging skin. Diluted food gelatin in the amount of 1 teaspoon in 100 ml of warmed milk / cream. The mixture is placed in the refrigerator for 6 hours. After that, 1 teaspoon of olive oil, thin honey and light wine are poured into the gelatin-milk composition. The mask is applied to a clean face for half an hour. Frequency - twice a week for 2 months. Then there is a pause of 30 days.

Juice therapy will enhance the effectiveness of mask manipulations and achieve rejuvenation in two weeks in an apartment / house.

You need to drink freshly squeezed fruit juices for 3 days in the morning - they remove toxins. During the day and in the evening, vegetable juices should be consumed, which help restore the cleansing processes. Hunger during this time is satisfied with nuts, almonds, beans, lentils.

After 3 days, puffiness disappears from the eyelids and, the chin acquires clear contours, and the skin becomes elastic. As a result, the mood improves.

Pharmacy products for facial rejuvenation

Medicines can rejuvenate the skin surface, give the face freshness. Their cost is not burdensome for the wallet, and the result will be no less impressive than when using the advertised cosmetics.

Similar funds are suitable for people aged 50-60 years. The selection of drugs is carried out in relation to the type of skin and the desired result.

  1. Heparin ointment, as the strongest anticoagulant, affects the acceleration of blood flow in the subcutaneous cells. The use of ointment will help get rid of puffiness, capillary stars.
  2. Gel "" is endowed with a similar effect and allows you to get a clear rejuvenating effect.
  3. "Lyoton" is used as a mask / base for make-up. The gel affects the smoothing of wrinkles and the creation of a clear facial contour.

#5 popular remedies

The following 5 pharmaceutical preparations are able to saturate the skin with nutritious ingredients and rejuvenate the face:

  • retinoic ointment- artificial vitamin A is immediately absorbed by skin cells, relieves inflammation. The analogue of the ointment is "Videstim";
  • retinol acetate- a capsule version of vitamin A. For application to the face, the gelatinous cachet of the element is pierced and its oily contents are squeezed out;
  • retinol palmitate- liquid form of retinol acetate. The agent is added to everyday creams or applied to the dermis in the released state;
  • fish fat contains unsaturated fatty acids ω-3. It is produced in capsules with the addition of vitamin E or in an oily state and is used to treat the skin;
  • tocopherol acetate- this is . Outwardly it is more convenient to use an oil solution. The drug accelerates metabolic processes, enhances tissue regeneration, strengthens capillary walls.

Presented oil preparations with vitamins A and E recreate the lipid layer and prevent moisture loss.

Other effective cosmetics

Moisturizing the skin surface is easy to achieve with pharmaceutical preparations for facial rejuvenation with the inclusion of vitamin F. These include cream "" (semi-and fatty), ointment 911.

For those who prefer to do facial rejuvenation at home, oxygen cosmetics will help. It will supply the skin with the missing amount of oxygen and will not allow premature fading of the skin.

Such cosmetics contain the appropriate ingredients - aquaftem, perfodecalin, coenzymes, and others. It is available not only in the form of creams and serums.

It is also possible to achieve an accelerated rejuvenating effect by using ampoules with solutions that saturate skin cells with oxygen. Their course application is a repeated number per year.

Question answer

There are many such interventions. This is a facelift, forehead (the doctor removes excess skin, tightens it), blepharoplasty (correction of the eyelid area). In addition, there is more than one type of facelift: circular or endoscopic facelift, SMAS-lifting, check-lifting.

This includes a variety of hardware techniques (ultrasound, laser, myostimulation, microcurrent therapy, RF-lifting, photorejuvenation). Today, a fairly popular procedure is threadlifting, which involves the introduction of special threads under the skin. It is also impossible not to mention the injection methods. This is the introduction of preparations based on botulinum toxin, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasmolifting and contouring.

Indeed, this is a useful procedure for which leeches are used. This method will help improve complexion, help fight wrinkles, rosacea, acne.

#5 Unconventional Home Rejuvenation Remedies

These drugs clearly smooth out wrinkles and make the face younger.

  1. "Blefarogel" includes hyaluronic acid, aloe juice and glycerin. The gel lubricates the eyelids, facial expression lines.
  2. "Taufon" and "Taurine" - eye drops. If they wipe the skin surface, the face will look younger due to the stimulation of regenerative, energy, metabolic processes in the tissues. This is facilitated by the substance taurine.
  3. moisturizes the skin, smoothes wrinkles.
  4. Relief ointment contains shark fat. It is a source of saturation of skin cells with vitamins and nutritional ingredients, stimulation of tissue regeneration. Thus, wrinkles are removed, youth and beauty return to the face.
  5. "Curiosin" includes hyaluronic acid, the properties of which are used for salon anti-aging activities, for example.

Apply preparations to the skin in the morning and evening on a clean face and leave until absorbed.

Drops "Hilak Forte" with lactic acid in the composition replace salon peeling. They are poured into a cream that does not cause allergies, adhering to the proportion of 10 drops: 30 milliliters of cream.

Pigmentation immediately fades, wrinkles are leveled, a uniform tone of the face is established.

Home anti-aging peeling

The procedure is included in the comprehensive skin care. For the preparation of the compositions, easy and budgetary recipes are used.

  • Juice is squeezed out of a peeled and grated cucumber. Flour is prepared from Hercules flakes using a coffee grinder or blender. A teaspoon of oatmeal and sea ​​salt medium-sized grinding mixed with cucumber juice. The scrub is ready.
  • Ground coffee and rice flour are mixed in equal volumes, diluted with 1% kefir.
  • Crush a handful of cranberries, combine with a few milliliters of almond oil and Hercules powdered flakes, add granulated sugar, a few drops of tangerine / orange ether.

Peeling procedures are started after the liuom, initially steamed over the steam. "Bath" is arranged on the basis of decoctions of chamomile, sage or mint.

8 salon treatments

A variety of cosmetics, folk methods, of course, are beneficial. But the best effect can be achieved by going to a beautician.

For rejuvenation, a specialist can offer the following procedures:

  • . This is injection manipulation. It will take more than one session. The doctor injects a variety of vitamin preparations under the skin, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.
  • . Special threads are inserted under the skin, creating a frame. In this way, you can achieve a stunning lifting effect.
  • . This is more of a wellness procedure, but a slight rejuvenation after it also occurs. This is a subcutaneous injection of ozone.

Laser rejuvenation deserves special attention, which is discussed in more detail below.

also in modern world Rejuvenation with the help of stem cells is gaining popularity. To find out more, we recommend watching the video:

#5 types of laser facial rejuvenation

Thanks to hardware cosmetology, which includes, not smoothed out deep wrinkles, freshness, elasticity, even color returns to the skin, the contour of the face becomes clearer.

There are the following types of laser exposure to the skin surface.

  1. Fractional ablative. It eliminates local defects. This is due to the fact that cells in the tissues of different zones are regenerated at different rates. Therefore, a special point beam is used.
  2. . Removes deep scars and wrinkles in a non-surgical way, acting on short-term impulses. There is a stimulation of cell division, renewal of the skin layer, an increase in collagen generation.
  3. non-ablative method. It is based on the work of long laser beams. The event is carried out for patients who have rashes, scars, traces of contact of the dermis with chemicals on the skin surface.
  4. . It is carried out with a sapphire or erbium beam, tightens the skin of the face, improves the facial oval, eliminates wrinkles, acne.
  5. Photo or fractional facial rejuvenation. It gives elasticity and tone to the skin.

Not everyone runs the risk of rejuvenating their face with hardware methods. And the prices for the procedures are not so budgetary. Many people like doing homework.

To bring his face and body in order, a person can resort to both non-surgical methods of rejuvenation and surgical ones. Modern beauty salons offer a wide range of face and body rejuvenation services. But it is important not to forget that the beauty and health of the body is a complex work on oneself.

To prevent and reduce wrinkles, improve complexion, tighten the figure, remove cellulite and, today it is absolutely not necessary to immediately turn to plastic surgeons. All salon procedures contribute to the launch of natural processes in the body, the restoration of the production of collagen, elastin, protein, the number of which greatly decreases over the years.

In addition to moisturizers and nourishing masks, body wraps (chocolate, seaweed), there are hardware methods for face and body care.


Peelings are the most common and affordable ways to restore radiance and freshness to the skin. With their help, the top layer of cells is removed, which are already keratinized and prevent the lower layers from breathing. A lack of oxygen causes accelerated aging of the skin.

After the procedure, natural processes of regeneration and collagen production begin in the deep layers of the epidermis. The face becomes more elastic, the relief is smoothed, superficial wrinkles are eliminated. Peelings are suitable for dry rejuvenation, thin skin, as well as oily, thick and porous.

There are exfoliating procedures (retinoic mask), as well as hardware (organic-mechanical). The latter are performed with the help of microparticles of corals, crystals, but the essence is the same for all.

These types of manipulations are painless and do not require anesthesia. A course of 10-15 procedures allows you to eliminate the signs of aging and look 5-7 years younger and fresher. As a result, the following processes take place:

  • improves metabolic processes in tissues;
  • there is a renewal of the cellular composition;
  • blood circulation becomes better;
  • the complexion is leveled;
  • pigmentation disappears;
  • increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Peelings have practically no complications and are effective way tone your face.

For facial peels and their varieties, see this video:


When you need to quickly and efficiently lead appearance in excellent condition, without harm and consequences, and without a period of rehabilitation, this procedure is the most suitable. Its essence lies in the impact of high-intensity light rays on the skin. The result is noticeable after a couple of procedures, in order to achieve the ideal, you will need a small course. will help fix the following:

  • small wrinkles;
  • dark spots;
  • dull complexion;
  • skin laxity;
  • acne and its consequences.

However, this method is not curative, it is simply cosmetic procedure with a visible result.

Injection methods of rejuvenation

Popular and effective in this group are mesotherapy, plasmolifting and biorevitalization. They have in common that special substances are introduced into the deep layers of the skin that have a beneficial effect and start certain processes in the dermis. These treatments work from the inside, unlike creams and serums. The differences lie in the substances that are introduced. They are the following:

  • Mesotherapy involves vitamin from medical preparations, which are specially selected depending on the type of skin and problems with it. They penetrate into the areas themselves that need correction or into neighboring ones. Thanks to cellular communication, they will have the desired effect.

Mesotherapy is used not only for the face, but also for the body. It allows you to solve problems such as dryness or excess oiliness, wrinkles, dull skin, flabbiness.

  • - this is an introduction into the deep layers of hyaluronic acid, which has a moisturizing effect from the inside, wrinkles are smoothed out. In addition, it promotes the production of collagen and elastin, as a result, skin turgor increases. The effect persists for a long time.
  • are injections of platelet-rich plasma obtained from the client's own blood. Before the procedure, blood is taken from a person, plasma is separated using a centrifuge and then injected into problem areas. As a rule, spend 4 - 5 courses. But the results are visible after the first session. This method starts the recovery and regenerating processes in the body. The main advantage is that rejuvenation occurs "on its own".

Before and after plasmolifting of the face
Before and after face biorevitalization


This method is also called radiolifting. This is a more radical rejuvenation procedure and has the same effect as after plastic surgery. Often it is indicated for people over 37 - 40 years old, but who do not want to do a skin tightening. Electromagnetic radiation destroys old collagen cells, thereby forcing it to renew itself. As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and toned.

Radical methods of rejuvenation today are increasingly inferior to non-surgical ones. They are much easier to tolerate, have virtually no side effects, and their results can be predicted. The main advantages are accessibility to a wide number of people, as well as the principle of action, which is most often based on the restoration of the body's natural capabilities.

Effective surgical methods for the face, skin

Today, methods such as plastic surgery for rejuvenation are used mainly when a more radical solution is required. And every time there is a risk of an unpredictable result, and regardless of the skill of the surgeon. The body of each individual person can react in a certain way.

Effective surgical methods of rejuvenation include the following procedures.

Contour plastic

When a patient has a very neglected case, or other methods do not cope with the task, they resort to plastic surgery. The most severe deformation occurs near the eye space on the face, “flews” appear instead of high cheekbones, wrinkles on the forehead.

To get rid of fatty hernias under the eyes, bags and wrinkles is used. Excess is removed, the skin is tightened. After this operation, there are no noticeable sutures, and recovery occurs quite quickly. The client acquires a fresh and rested look.

To get rid of loose and sagging skin under the cheekbones and improve the oval of the face, a rhytidectomy is done. Through incisions in the scalp and behind the ears, a special tool is peeled off and then pulled. Scars remain hidden and invisible. The result of such an operation can last up to 10 years.

Biogels and threads

A less radical method is the implantation of biostimulants that support the facial frame and prevent the skin from pulling back. As a rule, special golden threads, biogels (dissolve over time), are injected into the layers of the epidermis, which cause the production of natural collagen.

Small punctures are made around the entire perimeter and threads are pulled with the thinnest special needles. They form a kind of framework for the skin. They are bioinert and do not cause rejection by the body, so this method of facelift is less dangerous than plastic surgery. The threads contribute to the formation of a clear oval, reduction of wrinkles, improvement of skin color, elasticity of the dermis.

For information on how a facelift with threads goes, see this video:


This procedure solves local problems. It involves filling wrinkles with thick gels consisting of hyaluronic acid. In terms of meaning, the procedure resembles biorevitalization, but only in this case denser and more concentrated substances are used.

It often happens that rejuvenation is required only in a specific part of the face, for example, in the area of ​​​​nasolabial folds or with a loss of clarity and volume of the lips. The drug is injected directly into the problem area.

This type of contouring is more effective and stronger than injection and hardware procedures, but less risky and complicated than surgery.

Surgical methods are used for patients with severe signs of aging. But often they are associated with risks, unpredictable results and a long recovery period.

What will help restore youth to the body after 50 years

The older the patient turns to doctors to put his face and body in order, the more radical methods are needed. To avoid this, you need to start taking care of yourself as early as possible. But after 50 years, the following procedures, in addition to those listed earlier, will help to give freshness and throw off the heels of years.

Its essence is to accept medicines, hormone-containing, biological additives, antioxidants. They help the body slow down the aging process, remove toxins, and prevent the development of various diseases.

The main plus is that they start rejuvenation processes throughout the body, and not just on the face and décolleté. However, you need to select drugs carefully, after consulting with your doctor. In addition to the obvious benefits, they can seriously harm - from an allergy to components and ending with a provocation of the development of a certain disease.

  • Usage . The introduction of toxin into the subcutaneous layers will help delay the operation, as well as give smoothness to the face. Serious and deep wrinkles will become less noticeable and will not worsen during the time of action of botulinum toxin.

There are a lot of rejuvenation methods today - from less radical ones to those that can radically change a person's appearance. If desired, each person can "challenge" his age and look great, no matter how old he really is.

Useful video

For information on how the procedure for the introduction of botulinum toxin and the results after, see this video: