Russian mystical history: Marfushka. Girl without a face. Has the girl matured? The most scandalous photo shoots of young celebrities Predictions, treatment, cleaning the house

Little Julianna was born four years ago into a military family. Her father serves in the navy, her mother is very beautiful woman, my sister is just an angel... The newborn girl had no face, in the most literal sense of the word... That is, the child is missing more than 40% of her facial bones... She has undergone more than 20 operations, and she will have to go under the surgeon’s knife about 30 more times...
The doctors at the hospital in the American city of Jacksonville experienced a real shock. A local resident's child was born without a face. This is an X-ray of a newborn's skull... Even at the stage of pregnancy, the baby's mother, Tammy, suspected that something was wrong. Doctors said that the girl had a deformed lip. And this was the maximum amount of trouble the Wetmores were counting on...

The girl was born into a very happy and loving family...

It didn’t even occur to anyone to leave the child in the care of doctors!..

Her sister treats her with adoration...

And he thinks she is very kind and nice...

She has no upper jaw, no cheekbones, no eye sockets... She is also missing a piece of her ear...

Julianne has to eat directly through her stomach and breathe through her trachea...

Doctors will never be able to give the girl a new face...

...however, they will be able to at least partially restore her skull and facial bones...

Julianna's parents do not despair. “God never sends a person more trials than he can bear. We will prove to the whole world what a wonderful daughter we have,” says her mother.

9 December 2014, 17:45

British ophthalmologist Edward Treacher Collins in 1900 first gave a systematic description of the congenital disease that thus received his name. Although in the medical literature of various countries you can find other variants of the name - Franschetti-Schwahlen syndrome, Berry-Thompson syndrome, and so on. This disease is expressed in numerous anomalies of facial bone tissues - while the remaining bones of the skeleton are usually completely healthy, the patient has a normal physique. The degree of manifestation of the syndrome can vary, from minor deformations of the facial surface to the almost complete absence of the face in our usual image.

People with Treacher Collins syndrome have a congenital defect in their eyelids, which often results in their eyes pointing downward. Many people have vision problems, including blindness.

The most obvious sign is the “cleft palate” - an actual depression in the place of the mouth with an almost complete absence of the chin and deformation of the jaw. A large nose is usually accompanied by small cheekbones, which gives the face a particularly disharmonious appearance. The ears are either very small or completely absent. As a result, due to disturbances in the structure of the bones of the inner ear, approximately half of the patients have impaired hearing, and deafness often occurs.

The causes of Treacher Collins syndrome are purely genetic. Moreover, its danger lies in the fact that in approximately half of the cases the disease is hereditary in nature, and the remaining half of the cases are incidents with a nonsense mutation of a certain gene that has no predictable prerequisites. Thus, there is no guarantee that a newborn will not suffer from Treacher Collins syndrome. In addition, even in the case of a hereditary nature of the disease, nothing can be predicted in advance: in parents the “damaged” gene is usually present in a disguised inactive form, they are healthy. The average incidence of the syndrome is 1 case per 50 thousand newborns.

People with this syndrome often appear in television programs and on the Internet, but the most famous patient is the American girl Juliana Whitmore.

She was born in 2003 and the deformations of her appearance from birth were very serious - it is no coincidence that the press calls her “a girl without a face.” Juliana does represent the most severe case of the disease, where a person is missing approximately half of their facial bones. For the girl to be viable, by the age of ten she had to undergo about fifty surgical interventions. However, even operations could not save her from deafness, so she had to have a special hearing aid implanted - sound vibrations are transmitted directly through the bones of the skull. In addition, Juliana serious problems with speech, although it intellectual development fine. But despite all this, he is a very ordinary child with normal mental development. She knows how to be happy and sad, loves to play with her sister and adores her mom and dad.

Juliana is ten years old, lives with her parents in Clay County, Florida, and was first featured in the news shortly after her birth. Four years ago, she got a new sister, Danika, her same age—they are only two months apart—who came to the United States from Ukraine and went to school in Florida. Danica also has Treacher Collins syndrome, but her case is not as severe as Juliana's. According to doctors in Miami, Julian Wetmore's case is the most severe in the world. According to the girls' father, if Juliana's condition is a "ten" on a ten-point scale, then Danica's case is more likely a "three." During her still short life, Juliana underwent about fifty surgical operations. Danika, according to foster parents, you will only need about ten.

Tom and Tami Wetmore, Juliana's parents, said that they had long wanted to have another child, but Treacher Collins syndrome, which disfigured their daughter, is a genetic disease, so they abandoned the idea of ​​having a biological child and decided to take an adopted one. Then Tami typed the words “Treacher Collins adoption” into Google and studied all the information available on the Internet at that time on this issue. Six years ago, she found a little girl whose face reminded her of Julian. Her husband says that he was somewhat shocked by how far away this girl lived, but the Wetmore couple immediately liked her. The adoption process took two years, but now Juliana, albeit unintelligibly, says: “This is my sister.”

Danica will likely need a special hearing aid, such as the Cochlear Baha, which is implanted directly into the skull. Since receiving the hearing aid, Juliana's development has progressed.

Children with Treacher Collins syndrome typically have above-average intelligence, and Juliana's surgeon believes she will one day be able to go to college. Danika's teacher, who grew up in Ukrainian orphanage, also note that she has gotten used to her new life, communicates with great enthusiasm and literally absorbs new knowledge. When she first arrived, she weighed only 14 kg (at Julian it was twice that), apparently the diet in the orphanage was not very nutritious, and for the first time in her life she saw a bath, which she loved very much - before that she had only used a shower.

The Wetmores have insurance against navy, and they also have years of work with experts in the field of Treacher Collins syndrome. They believe that adopting Danica was the right move for them and for her. Both Juliana and Danica, facing the same challenges as they grow older, will be able to rely on each other. Juliana is learning sign language and reading at a rapid pace, and her parents hope that very soon she will be able to feed herself and speak better. Alas, all this time the girl was fed through a tube; she herself could only lick the food. Elder sister Kendra is proud of her unusual sisters.

But another twist of fate awaited the Wetmores. Around the same time, they took custody of their two children, now four and six years old. These are the daughters of Tom's distant relative who did not care for them properly, and the girls were to become wards of the state. Now there are five children in their house.

P.S. I can already imagine the reaction that why give birth to such children at all, they are a burden for their parents and they themselves will not have a normal life... But with the efforts loving parents Now the girl is almost no different from other children. If I were in their place, it would be much easier for me to think that I tried to do everything for my child than to suffer later because I left him in an orphanage or had an abortion, IMHO. I'm very happy for her! =)))

P.P.S. My first post, I couldn’t figure out how to put a picture on the thumbnail

This is how Chrissy was before that tragic night and this is how she became afterwards.

Girl without a face

During a party with friends in March 1999, the girl was shot in the face, which took off part of her skull where her eyes and nose were. The drunk guys were playing around with a stolen gun, claiming it was not loaded. Chrissy tried to stop them and remembers only her last words: "Put the gun down before you kill someone." After that, a shot rang out, changing the life of a 16-year-old girl forever. Doctors made no predictions.

Chrissie spent two months in a deep coma and, when she woke up, she wished she was alive. In addition to missing eyes, a nose and part of her skull, she experienced terrible pain from fragments remaining in her brain, which doctors were unable to remove. Chrissy still uses painkillers to this day. But she has a meaning in life, and she is ready to do anything to continue to live and enjoy it.

At a school for the blind, where Chrissie learned to read using Braille, she met a guy she fell in love with. A year ago their son was born. The existence of the young mother was darkened by only one thing - she could not show her face to her loved one, and from birth the baby saw only a black bandage instead of his mother’s affectionate eyes.

And recently, doctors were able to help her by making a prosthetic face mask from realistic medical silicone. They reconstructed Chrissy's face from old photographs, painted it to match the color of human skin, and even applied makeup. The prosthesis is attached to the bones of the skull using especially strong screws and magnets. To restore the necessary parts of the skull, doctors used bone from the patient's leg and transplanted skin.

Despite the pain and horror that Chrissy experienced after the injury, she says that if she had the opportunity to go back to that tragic night and change what happened, she would not do it: “No, I have everything that I want. I would never want to lose it all!”

Nika Narubina Photo: press photo

“I killed my children”: twin babies died in the heat in a locked car

Vlad Topalov's pregnant sister got married in Estonia

with the bloodiest maniacs, Europe with houses with, Japan with terrible... But it turns out that terrible, mystical and inexplicable stories happened in Rus'. One of them is about the girl Marfushka...

Strange photo

A resident of Novosibirsk, Semyon Mikhailovich Zavyalov, flew to Omsk in 1992 for the funeral of his grandmother, A.N. Prokhorova. While going through old photographs, he came across a rather strange photo. It showed a girl wrapped in a scarf and standing against the backdrop of a log house. What was unusual about the photograph was that, despite the general clarity of all the details black and white photography, the child’s face was so blurred that it was impossible to make out his features...

Semyon pestered his mother, daughter Prokhorova, with questions, trying to find out who this unfamiliar girl was, and what relation she had to their big and friendly family. After much persuasion, the mother told about mysterious events almost half a century ago, which happened in her parents' house, which, in addition to her sister and brothers, she herself witnessed.

Girl from the forest

This story took place back in 1943 in the remote Siberian village of Skakunovo, located in the east of the Omsk region, where Agafya Nikitichna lived with her four children in those years. Prokhorova’s husband had died at the front a year earlier, and therefore the entire household lay on her women’s shoulders. Agafya Nikitichna collected firewood, cut hay, fished and even went hunting with her husband’s old rifle. One early morning in mid-October, in the first snow, Agafya went hunting for wood grouse. The day promised to be calm and lightly frosty. When the woman went a couple of kilometers deep into the taiga, bright flashes cut through the twilight sky, followed by thunderclaps.

The thunderstorm that broke out at the wrong time of the year was so strong that the ground under Agafya’s feet shook, and wet snow fell from the spruces and pines in heavy layers. At some point, another thunderstorm hit a century-old pine tree, in front of which the woman stopped. The trunk of the mighty tree split like a splinter and flared up like a bright torch. Frightened Agafya rushed to run in the opposite direction, winding among fallen trees, dusty ravines and hollows, and after a while she realized that she had lost her way from the familiar path.

Meanwhile, the thunderstorm stopped as suddenly as it had begun. Agafya began to look around and suddenly saw that behind the slope something was getting dark. Her first thought was a bear. The woman began to carefully remove the rifle from her shoulder. The creature moved towards Agafya, who soon, to her amazement, saw in it a little girl in a sheepskin coat and a feather shawl. The girl approached Agafya and calmly reported that she was lost. The woman had no choice but to find the way to the village and bring the lost one to her home. On the same day, Agafya reported the found girl to the village council.

Long questions of the child yielded nothing. The girl did not remember where she was from and who her parents were.

The only thing she said was her name - Marfushka. The girl’s signs were transferred to the regional center, where the police began searching for the child’s parents, and Marfushka herself was temporarily assigned to live with Agafya.

Predictions, treatment, house cleansing

Agafya's children - two sons and two daughters - greeted their new acquaintance with joy. The girl was assigned a corner in the house where she could play and sleep. That same evening, the Prokhorovs Jr. informed Agafya that their new friend, despite her school age, could neither read nor write, but at times began to speak very funny in some incomprehensible language.

And the next morning, strange events related to Marfushka began to occur in the Prokhorov family. So, after a meager breakfast, the girl looked at the portrait of Agafya’s deceased husband hanging on the wall and unexpectedly said that “this guy is alive and will return in ten years...”.

When Agafya returned from the collective farm late in the evening, the children secretly told their mother about her unusual behavior from Marfushka. According to the children, the girl talked for a very long time with someone invisible, was angry with him, and when she fell silent, she took a broom and swept the whole house. After that, Marfushka got dressed and headed to the barn where the Prokhorovs kept a cow, the main breadwinner of the family. Frightened by the strange conversations of their new acquaintance, the children followed her. In the barn, Marfushka first spoke affectionately to the cow, stroking her skinny sides, and then suddenly squatted down and began to play with someone. To the children's surprised questions, she answered that she was playing with a piglet, although in fact the children had not seen anyone.

Alarmed Agafya decided to have a serious conversation with Marfushka. The girl told the hostess that a “gray and angry man” was coming to her house, whom Marfushka drove away and covered his tracks. Then the girl took Agafya by the hand and led her into the barn. To her amazement, the woman saw a young pig swarming in the hay in the corner and coming from nowhere. Meanwhile, Marfushka told the stunned Agafya that by spring her cow would give birth to a calf with a white spot on its forehead...

Almost every day Marfushka presented the family with new amazing surprises. One night Agafya suddenly fell ill. The woman’s temperature rose, her whole body was in unbearable pain, and Agafya began to choke due to her swollen throat. Her children brought a paramedic, who, unable to do anything, just threw up his hands and promised to take the woman to the district hospital the next morning.

In one of the rare moments of that difficult night, when Agafya came to her senses, she suddenly felt someone’s touch on her. Looking closer, the woman realized that Marfushka was standing in front of her and applying a wet rag to her throat. Soon the pain subsided and Agafya fell into a deep sleep.

Waking up the next day around noon, Agafya felt an extraordinary lightness throughout her body. But the most surprising thing was that the large tumor on the left side of the neck, which had been bothering the woman since pre-war times, disappeared without a trace...

Mysterious disappearance

After November holidays Marfushka suddenly became sad, completely stopped eating and playing with Agafya’s children. The owner became worried and even invited a paramedic to the house to examine the girl. And the next day, an employee of the department for combating neglect and a representative of the orphanage came to the Prokhorovs, accompanied by a policeman from the regional center. The chairman of the village council and a photographer were with them. Responsible workers told Agafya that the girl’s parents could not be found and therefore it was decided to place her in a shelter.

They dressed Marfushka and took her out into the courtyard of the house, where she was photographed by a local photographer. Just before leaving, Marfushka asked permission to say goodbye to the cow and the little pig. The girl went into a dark barn and... disappeared. Authorities rushed to search for her. All outbuildings, the attic and the cellar were inspected. The police officer was quite surprised by the fact that there were no traces in the fresh snow. Neither that day nor later Marfushka could be found...

All that Agafya has left of the mysterious Marfushka is a photograph of a girl printed at her request, and memories of an unusual child. But no one was able to see the image of Marfushka’s face in the photograph received from the photographer.

It was as if someone had deliberately erased the features of the mysterious girl in order to keep them secret from posterity.

In the spring, the cow gave birth to a calf with a white spot on its forehead. And ten years later, something happened that Agafya could not believe - her husband returned! It turned out that the man was captured by the Germans near Rzhev, and after the victory he spent another eight years in Stalin’s camps.


Zavyalov decided to take the unusual photograph with him to Omsk. And on the night before departure, he dreamed of a little girl wrapped in a shawl. The child, crying, asked him to stay one more day. The very next morning Zavyalov remembered that the figure of the dreamed girl was exactly like Marfushka shown in the photograph.

Considering that his dream was inspired by the impressions of the story told by his mother, Zavyalov did not attach any importance to it and headed to the airport by taxi. However, halfway there, the car driver suddenly turned the steering wheel sharply to the right and the car collided with a truck standing on the side of the road. The taxi driver began to claim that a girl suddenly ran out onto the road in front of the car, and in order to avoid running over the child, he performed this maneuver.

Due to the accident, Sergei Mikhailovich was late for his flight. And already from the afternoon news, Zavyalov learned that the plane on which he was supposed to fly crashed half an hour after taking off from the airport.

Last fall I celebrated my 18th birthday. On Friday I celebrated with my family and godparents, and on Saturday with friends. My parents are good, so they went to the dacha for a couple of days so as not to disturb us. We spent the official part of the day, gave me gifts, ate, and then everyone began to leave. Only mine remains best friend Tanya, she helped me clear the table and stayed the night, since it was already late, and she was far from home.
At night I woke up from the doorbell. I was very scared because none of my friends come to see me at night. That's why I didn't even get up to look through the peephole. Tanka woke up later and went to open the door, even though I tried to dissuade her (in general, she is very brave and has a fighting character). The door opened, and then silence...
I was seriously scared. She got up and went into the corridor. Suddenly the door closes sharply and Tanya runs into the room. Her eyes were glassy with fear and her hands were shaking. I asked what happened, but she couldn’t put two words together.
A minute later the doorbell rang again. Now I was determined and went to open it. Tanya begged me on her knees not to do this, but I wanted to find out who was there. At first I looked through the peephole, but didn’t see anyone, I thought that someone was playing around. But the door opened.
There stood a girl in a pink sundress, holding a toy in her hand. Her hair was white, which really scared me. I asked her where she came from here, but did not hear an answer. Then she turned around... She had no face... More precisely, it looked like a bloody mess without eyes, nose and mouth. She stood in front of me, and my heart almost stopped from fear. She was breathing heavily, as if she wanted to tell me something.
Then she extended her hand - she was missing three fingers... I immediately closed the door and fell on the floor - it was a shock, I didn’t understand what was happening. Tanya ran up to me and helped me get up. She told me that my face turned white from fear, and my hands were shaking very much.
That night we couldn’t sleep, we just sat silently in the kitchen, drinking coffee. These terrible images flashed in my head until the morning, I couldn’t believe it. At 10 o'clock in the morning, a neighbor rang the doorbell - a very nice woman. She was worried about us because she heard our door slamming several times at night. We told her everything, but did not hope for understanding.
How surprised we were when she told us a story about a girl who was killed 4 years ago in the basement of our building. She was mutilated to such an extent that at first it was difficult to recognize her. When my parents arrived, we told them everything. Oddly enough, they believed it. We soon moved from there.
A few months later I found out that my neighbor was put in a mental hospital because she kept talking about this girl coming to her.