Learn letters easily: games and exercises for preschoolers. Tasks for preschoolers to memorize the alphabet using the example of the letter n Cards for memorizing letters

2. "Gifts"(idea peeped)
Pumps are very fond of inflating bicycle tires. When the pumps are running, they "sing" their favorite song - the sound [S]: S-S-S. Pumps have a birthday today! Let's give them those gifts, in the name of which there is a sound [C]! What will you give?

3. Gymnastics.
It's cold outside, the wind is blowing, it's snowing. Show me how you're frozen, shrunken! Let's imagine how we sculpt a snowman on the street (simulate movements). Worked, warmed up, relaxed.

4a. "Traps"(very good !)
I will name different sounds, but if you hear the sound [C] among them, you must "catch" it by clapping your hands.
= mm-rrr-sss-t-s-p-f-sh-f-s
= mma-rrra-ta-ssa-fo-tu-pu-ky-su

4b. When you hear the words with the letter "C" - clap your hands!
= pine, vase, fox, Vasya, hare, lake, aspen

5. Ball game "Echo"(peeped)
I will "throw" you the letters, and you return the syllables to me!
= c, a - ca
= with, and - si
= s, y - su
\u003d c, o - co

6. Hard and soft "C"
* Read the syllables! ()

* Determine for yourself in which words C is hard, and in which - soft! (you can ask the child to knock hard and weakly on the table, or stomp your foot and clap your hands, or place balls in different cups, or build a pyramid out of cubes, etc.)
- garden, crucian carp, rice, beads, blue, soup, titmouse, bullfinch, fox, Seryozha, forest, lilac, sour cream, middle, meat

7. Find the hidden letters "C". Circle them. ()

8. Color the bell with the letter "C".()

9a. Outline the letters "C".()

9b. Letter "C" ()

9th century Capital letter "C" ()

10. Find the letters "C"(taken)

11a. Worksheet about the letter "C" ()

11b. Worksheet from "Memorize Letters"(found)

11th century Worksheet from "Speak Right"

11y. Worksheet from "Learning letters by playing"

12. Game "Echo"(peeped)
I will say the words and you will say the end of the word (these individual words will begin with the letter C) (it is best to prepare slides).
= badger (bough), place (hundred), sand (sap), barrier (elephant), sucker (nipple), eight (seven).

13. Game "Snail"
You can simply ask the child to name all the words in the snail in order, paying due attention to the C sound, or you can roll the die and advance the appropriate number of cells, naming objects along the way.

14. The game "Magic Figures".
Invite the child to look at pictures of objects, name these objects. Then circle the items in the name of which the sound "Sh" is heard, in the SQUARE those items in the name of which the sound "C" is heard, in the TRIANGLE - with the sound "F". (peeped)

15. Words starting with the letter "S"
Those words that are with an asterisk, let him call in the plural.

16. "What do you see in the picture?"()
Answer: mask, helmet, bowl, pussy

17. Game "Traces".
Determine whose footprints are in the picture.

18. Find 20 words in the picture that begin with the letter "C"(taken)

19. Adventure game with letters C and Z(taken


Literacy education

“Games and exercises that contribute to memorization younger students graphic image of letters"


Mironova K.Yu.

teacher primary school

Currently, primary school teachers, when teaching children to read and write, often face such a problem as the difficulty in remembering the graphic image of letters by children. This may be due to insufficiently developed memory and attention of children, as well as insufficient motivation for learning. The work of memorizing letters can be made interesting and exciting for children if you apply the following game tasks:

Laying out letters from sticks;

Laying out letters from laces;

Laying out letters from small pebbles;

Laying out letters from various seeds (beans, peas, seeds, etc.);

Modeling letters from plasticine;

Trace the letter with your finger on velvet paper, first with your eyes open and then with your eyes closed.

Performing the above tasks, children reproduce the graphic image of letters with their own hands, which favorably affects the development of involuntary memory and children mechanically memorize the image of letters.

You can also invite younger students to lay out letters from fingers:

Letter A: the index and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered, the rest are clenched into a fist, and the index finger of the left hand forms a "belt".

Letter O: Thumb and middle fingers form a ring.

Letter ы: the thumb of the right hand is raised up, all the rest are clenched into a fist, the index finger of the left hand forms a separate stick.

Letter C: the index and thumb of the left hand form a semi-oval.

Letter T: The index finger of the right hand is raised vertically, and the index finger of the left hand is placed horizontally above them.

Letter L: slightly spread the index and middle fingers of the right hand down, and clench the remaining fingers into a fist.

Letter P: the index fingers of both hands are lowered, the tips of the thumbs are connected, the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

Letter M: close the tips of the index fingers, lower them down along with the middle fingers, and clench the rest into a fist.

Letter D: the index and middle fingers of the right hand are lowered down and moved apart to the sides, and the rest are clenched into a fist; the index finger of the left hand forms a "crossbar" under the fingers of the right hand.

Letter G: the index fingers of both hands touch the tips at a right angle.

Letter b: the thumb of the right hand is raised vertically, and the remaining fingers are clenched into a fist.

Letter Sh: the thumb and little finger of the right hand are connected, and the index, middle and ring fingers lift up.

Letter X: cross the index fingers of the right and left hands.

Letter E: the thumb and index fingers of the right hand form a semicircle, and the index finger of the left hand forms the "tongue" of the letter e.

Tasks on cards:

Find the studied letter among other letters and underline.

Find words that start with the letter you are learning.

Find the studied letter from letters written in different fonts.

Find the letter you are studying in various plot images.

The game "Letter-stranger".

The student has three letters printed on the card, two of which are already familiar, and one is not. At the first stage of the game, the teacher names all the letters, at the second stage the student shows the letter being studied, at the third stage the student names all the letters.

Bag game.

In an opaque bag, the leader collected 5-10 (you can complicate the task by putting all the letters in the bag) plastic letters. The facilitator (the teacher or one of the students) invites the players to choose a letter in the bag and, without taking their hand out of the bag, guess what the letter is based on tactile sensations and their own idea of ​​the graphic image of the letters.

Option 2 of the game: the host offers to find the letter being studied in the bag.

Game "deformed letters".

There are many variants of this game:

The rodents decided to feast on the letters and ate some parts of the letters. Guess what those letters were.

The letters were walking in the clearing, suddenly it started to rain and the letters hid under an umbrella. Determine by individual elements which letters are under the umbrella.

The cat sharpened its claws on the letters and scratched them. Guess what those letters were.

The letters go on the bus and only top part letters are visible in the window. Guess what those letters are.

Guess which letters are hidden in the house by some protruding elements.

The letters decided to ride on the river, after they got into the boat, only the upper part of the letters became visible. Guess what those letters are.

The fish found letters in the water and bit them. Restore the original image of the letters.

The letters went for a walk, but then a huge dog ran out of nowhere. The letters quickly hid from her on the tree. Guess what those letters are?

Pencils fell on the words and covered parts of the words. What words are hidden behind the pencils?

The letters play hide and seek. Guess which letters are hidden behind the cubes.

Flowers grew in the meadow. What letters did they turn into?

Often for better memory the image of a letter, children need to analyze its constituent parts, i.e. what elements are included in this letter. The following tasks contribute to this:

By applying the above games and exercises in their practice, positive results can be achieved: children will remember the graphic images of letters and will no longer confuse them.

Picture games for children 4-5 years old

Tasks for children of the middle group of kindergarten on the topic "Learning to read"

Exercise 1

Name the items in each group. Match them with the letter that their names begin with.

Task 2

What letter do these words begin with? Draw an object whose name begins with the desired letter in each group.

Task 3

Match the items whose names start with the same letter.

Task 4

Match the items whose names end with the same letter.

Task 5

Color the extra picture in each group. What letter do the names of the pictures begin with?

Task 6

Choose and color only those pictures that have the letter "Sh" in their names.

Task 7

Color only those items that have the letter "L" in their names.

Task 8

Color only those items that have the letter "P" in their names.

Task 9

Color only those items that have the letter "K" in their names.

Task 10

Name the pictures. Connect them in a chain: in the first word - the name of the picture, the sound [M] is at the beginning of the word, in the second the sound [M] is in the middle of the word, in the third the sound [M] is at the end of the word.

Task 11

In the name of which object is the sound [D], and what is the sound [T]?

Task 12

In the name of which object is the sound [B], and what is the sound [P]?

Task 13

In the name of which object is the sound [З], and what is the sound [С]?

Task 14

Where is the sound [R] in words: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word? Match the diagrams with the right words.

Task 15

How many sounds are in each word - the name of the picture? Name them. Match the pictures with the correct numbers.

Task 16

What sounds do these names begin with? If you remove the first sounds in these names, you get other words. Which?

Check yourself.

Fishing rod - daughter; fly - ear; beads - mustache; thunderstorm - rose.

Task 17

Say the names of these items. In which words is the first sound pronounced? Color the box next to this word blue. Which words have the first sound soft? Color the square green.

Task 18

Match each picture with the syllable that its name begins with.

Task 19

Words with one syllable in their names are connected with one square, words with two syllables with two squares, and words with three syllables with three squares.

Teaching reading to preschoolers in a playful way is an exciting and unusual option conducting classes. Children in entertaining lessons do not just memorize letters and put them into syllables. They are completely immersed in the process, trying to complete as many interesting tasks as possible, acquiring the skill of reading without pressure from their parents and teacher. What reading games for older preschoolers to choose, we will tell in our article.

Age features of preschoolers

Future first graders aged 5-7 are interesting creatures. They are curious about everything new, they absorb information well, but this period has its own characteristics. They should be taken into account before planning the load, drawing up a work plan for a reading lesson:

  • Kindergarteners speak well, constantly replenish their vocabulary.
  • Attention becomes arbitrary.
  • Kids love to talk, to delve into the essence of the matter, the question.
  • Self-esteem grows, awareness of oneself as a person.
  • The game remains the main form of knowledge acquisition.

The following simple recommendations from teachers and experienced parents will help to achieve success in teaching reading:

  1. Keep classes interesting but full of new information. If the child gets bored, then the attention will quickly switch to extraneous matters, conversations, objects. But this does not mean that a preschooler should only be entertained. Alternate games, serious tasks every 5-7 minutes.
  2. A variety of forms of lessons will ensure high-quality assimilation of knowledge. Do not use the same games. The same type of coloring, puzzles, walkers bother the crumbs, make up a rich game library.
  3. It is better to practice every day for 15 minutes than 2 times a week for an hour. Short daily lessons are more effective than a lengthy learning process from time to time. Learning to read involves regular practice.
  4. Don't pressure children. Swearing, shouting, explanations on the verge of hysteria and misunderstanding of the causes of mistakes, difficulties in assimilation of information lead to rejection. The kid will hate school, books even before a thorough acquaintance with them.
  5. Take breaks for gymnastics. Switching attention is necessary for resting the brain and eyes.
  6. Use different submission forms. presentations, interactive games, online testers.
  7. Play in the classroom not for fun, but for the sake of an accessible form of presenting information. It is necessary to approach the choice of tasks taking into account the progress of children in reading, the speed of grasping a new one, and the level of general development.

Game-based learning: pros and cons

Teaching a child to read at 5-6 years old, built in a playful way, has a lot of positive sides. The effectiveness of the lessons can be explained age characteristics older preschool children, an increased level of curiosity for everything new and bright.

Advantages of the method:

  • The child does not get tired, does not lose interest in the process of obtaining new information.
  • Each lesson can be built according to an individual plan, choosing diverse tasks from a rich file cabinet.
  • The preschooler is directly involved in the creation of handouts and demonstration material for the lesson. For example, draws letters, sculpts or cuts out of paper for appliqué.
  • Reading does not advance to first master plan lesson. Letters, syllables, words are gradually learned by the child.
  • The child in the game lessons develops intellectually, creatively, psychologically.
  • The children's team is rallying.
  • If the lesson is conducted in a group, you can focus on the competitive moment in the games. Children have a desire to keep up, read and learn better than others.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • The teacher may have problems with discipline. Excited children often flirt, do not hear the instructions of the teacher, parent.
  • Games, puzzles take a lot of time.
  • Transition to traditional ways the presentation of the information necessary for teaching reading is perceived by preschoolers with difficulty, it takes time to switch attention.

This is interesting! In America and Israel, the game moment is necessarily included in every lesson with kindergarteners and younger students. Teachers even pass a special exam for the “ability” to teach while playing.

Before starting a reading training course, draw up a rough work plan, a program for 6 months or a year:

  1. Start by learning and memorizing the letters. As an assistant, use the Zaitsev cube technique.
  2. Automate their search, naming. Make crafts from plasticine, decorate letter symbols, select words for one sound.
  3. Gradually combine sounds into syllables, invite the child to compose simple words independently, look for them in pictures, write. Play, search for letters, associations. This helps to blend the sounds.
  4. Read the words separately from each other and in small sentences. At this stage, use tasks with the search for names for pictures, solving puzzles, crossword puzzles.
  5. Try reading small texts. At the initial stage, select stories in the card index to read with your mother together, with pictures instead of words. Make the task more difficult gradually. Take Zhukova's primer to help.

Important! At 5-6 years old, do not demand reading speed from your child. The main task of teaching in the preschool period is skill automation. Pace and technique will come on their own or with the help of special lessons later.


There are many interesting games for teaching children 6-7 years old to read. We have collected the most fascinating, those that preschoolers will definitely like. Download assignments from the site, print on your home printer and practice.

Learning letters

The task of the preschooler is to find pictures for a certain letter.

You need to select images correctly: simple, understandable and familiar to the kindergartener.

You can start with these:

Kids can play individually or in pairs. At 2-3 lessons, after getting acquainted with a few letters, you can arrange competitions.

Read in first letters

The game is unusual, but very effective for developing the speed of thinking, reading in the future. The kid needs to remember the name of the objects, highlight the first letter in the word and pronounce only it, putting a card with a letter on the picture.

For example, take the first line on the letterhead. Fox - Christmas tree - Sun. A preschooler should get a FOREST.

For variety, print pictures for each pair of students, not per class. Gradually make the game harder. Give the children words of 4-5 letters.

Find a letter

The child is offered didactic cards, where the letters are mixed, printed in different fonts and formats. The task of the preschooler is to find the desired sign and circle it with a pencil.

As an additional exercise: you can come up with a couple more words for a given letter, find objects in the room whose names begin with them. Use these fun cards for class.

Collect words from letters

Purpose of the game: put the letters in the right order, sign the picture.
Baby calls correct word, then he listens to himself and selects letters for writing in the cells.

You need to create handouts with the kids. You will need pictures of animals, a couple of sheets of clean paper, pencils. Under each syllable is hidden a “surprise”.

During the game, the child focuses on associations with animal sounds, learns letters and reading a syllable. The game is suitable for kids from 4 years old.

Board games

It can be walkers, lotto, homemade cards for folding in a certain order. Best of all, children perceive it is rpg games on the desktop field. The game is addicting, to complete the steps you need to be able to read syllables or learn letters in the process.

Print out these walkers for class:

To determine the sequence of moves and the number of steps, children will need dice and knowledge of counting. Adults will have to help the kids a little so that they do not get confused and play by the rules.

Reading together

An exciting game that will appeal to adults and children. The text is printed on the sheet, some words are encrypted with pictures. When reading, you need to insert them in words so that the thread of the story is not lost. During the game, the baby develops attention, reading skills, vocabulary.


Coloring books, puzzles, puzzles, creative workshops increase the preschooler's interest in the learning process and help create an atmosphere of friendship and understanding. Tasks for teaching reading have one important feature - they are multifunctional. Kids not only learn to read, but also develop motor skills, imagination, fantasy, thinking, speech. Do without interesting ideas for exercises and games to teach children to read preschool age just impossible.

Find the letters and color

Choose themed coloring pages. They may have additional tasks, for example, color only those objects that begin with the letter “B”, decorate small images of letters, do not touch capital characters, etc.

Find the letters in the picture

A selection of tasks for learning and fixing the letter and sound A. Completing tasks, children will not only get to know each other, learn and consolidate the letter A, but also enrich the general stock of ideas, vocabulary. Develop fine motor skills and graphomotor functions - many tasks for shading, coloring, tracing by dots, writing with the letter A. Develop mental functions thinking, attention, imagination, memory, and gnosis. Will work on sound-letter analysis(determining the location of the sound A in the word).

To whom: The manuals will be useful for kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, speech therapists (teachers-defectologists) and caring parents.

Age: for children from 4 to 8 years old. Depends on individual features child. Mostly preschoolers senior group kindergarten and 1st grade students.

Letter A, sound A _________________________________________________

Letter A, sound A 2nd part __________________________________________________________

Task with the letter A for children 4, 5, 6 years old ____________________________________________________

Letter A, exercises for children 5 - 6 years old ____________________________________________________

Letter A, senior group, grade 1 __________________________________________________________

Letter A, senior group, 1st grade, 2nd part ____________________________________________________

Color all the letters A _________________________________________________

Learning the letter A, for a speech therapist __________________________________________________________

Letter A, spelling ____________________________________________________

Letter A, part 2, logical tasks ____________________________________________________

Letter A for grade 1 or children of the senior group of kindergarten ____________________________________________________

Find the letter a, write the letter ____________________________________________________

Letter A, find and color, write ____________________________________________________

Acquaintance with the letter A _________________________________________________

Interesting tasks for learning the letter A __________________________________________________________

For speech therapists, the letter A __________________________________________________________

Maze letter A

Development of graphomotor skills: shading watermelon, pineapple, oranges. Writing the letter A
Read the syllables and complete them, complete the letter A, color in all the letters A
Assignments with the letter A for preschoolers, development fine motor skills.
The development of sound-letter analysis, the search for the letter A in words
Find and color only those pictures in the name of which the sound A is at the beginning of the word (development of phonemic hearing).
Task with the letter A for preschoolers

Copybooks with the letter A for students in grade 1

A selection of cursives with capital and small the letter A.Information is given in the notesabout proverbs and sayings with the letter A, information about sharks and pansies, as well as. The recipes have coloring pages and additional tasks for the development of mental processes.

Copybook with the letter A. Proverbs and sayings.
Copybook with the letter A, a story about "Pansies" (work on the development of connected speech)
Copy A with the text "Shark" (work on the dictionary and fixing the letter A)
Copybook with the letter A, a riddle about the alphabet

Development of phonemic perception, topic: "SOUND AND LETTER A" for speech therapists, speech pathologists

1. Look at the picture. What is the girl doing? What sound does she make?
2. When pronouncing the sound A, the lips draw a large circle. Color the circle red.
3. Circle the dots of the large and small letter A. Type the letters A.

Look, a low sound A lives in a hole on a wavy path, and a high sound A lives on a hill.

The speech therapist pronounces the sound A in one exhalation, then in a high, then in a low voice, and the children must find and show with their finger a place on a wavy path (a hole or a hill) in accordance with the pitch of the sound A.This is how we develop the prosodic side of speech and speech breathing.

5. Now try it yourself, pronouncing the sound A and changing the pitch of your voice, walk along the path with your index finger. (The speech therapist makes sure that the children, swiping their fingers along the path, change the pitch of their voices with one exhalation.)

See other vowels here: