Paper boat technology lesson. An entertaining trip to the land of origami. Introduction to activity

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Target: continue to introduce children to the Japanese art of origami, teach how to fold a boat.

Form universal learning activities.


  • constructive interaction skills;
  • adequate response to difficulties;
  • respect for the opinions of others;
  • ability for self-esteem.


  • with the help of the teacher to formulate the purpose of the activity;
  • ability to plan and execute practical work according to the proposed plan based on samples;
  • learn to give an emotional assessment of the activities of all the children in the lesson.


  • learn to listen and hear the teacher and classmates; discuss the problem together;
  • learn to perform the proposed tasks in pairs; be able to cooperate, performing various roles in the group.


  • with the help of the teacher to analyze the proposed task;
  • to distinguish the new from the already known;
  • find answers to the proposed questions using your life experience;
  • convert information from one form to another.

Planned results.


  • learn to serve themselves during work, maintain order in the workplace;
  • perform high-quality operations and techniques for bending and folding paper using the origami technique;
  • will be able to design paper products according to the model, based on the technological map.

Personal: self-assessment based on a successfully completed task.

Meta-subject: performance of work according to the plan; classification of objects on various grounds; ability to work with objects-symbols.

Basic concepts: origami, travel, folding “mountain”, folding “valley”, friendship.

Resources: Presentation, interactive whiteboard, origami paper sets, crayons, activity map (A2 format), item cards (chest, compass, watch, life buoy, kerosene lamp, bottle of water, book, map), cards with words (1-collect, 2-direction, 3-patience, 4-help, 5-light, 6-thirst, 7-knowledge, 8-dedication), camera, cards with key words (origami, art, Japan, paper, China, folding)

Working with multimedia and interactive equipment in the lesson - 15 minutes.

Technological map of the lesson

Stages Teacher activity Student activities Tasks Screenshots
1. Organizational moment 2 minutes

Target: inclusion in learning activities

Asking questions. They answer questions. - Look at this map. (Annex 1)

This is not a simple map, with its help we will travel to Japan. This is the country of the Rising Sun, cherry blossoms.

But we associate its name with something else. With what?

2. Updating knowledge

7 minutes (of which 1 minute includes a presentation)

Target: organize the consolidation of knowledge about the art of origami

The technology of development of critical thinking is used.

Call stage (reception “Keywords”)

Understanding stage

Make up a story based on the key words in pairs. Listen to 2-3 stories.

Listen to the teacher's story.

Answer questions

- Today we will continue our acquaintance with origami.

What do you know about origami?

Try in pairs to write a story about this art using the key words. . (Annex 2)

Listen to my story about the art of origami. (Annex 3)

What new did you learn from my story?

What paper folding techniques do we already know?

3. Practical work

5 minutes (presentation)

Target: teach how to fold a boat using the origami technique using a technological map.

Guesses a riddle.

Helps to fold.

It creates a problem situation that needs to be solved.


Fold the boat technological map taken with a document camera.

Help each other in pairs.

- Since we are going to travel, let's choose our transport! We can try to fold one of the origami figures and see the beauty of paper plastic! What kind of figure will it be, guess!

Steam locomotive without wheels!
This is such a miracle steam locomotive!
Has he gone crazy?
Did you go straight to the sea?

Want to learn how to fold a boat? What ways of folding paper do you already know? Today, this knowledge will be useful to us, and, of course, we will learn new ways of folding paper.

Where are we going on our boat? Let's look at the map.

slide 2
4. Practical application 16 minutes (of which 4 minutes presentation)

Target: develop logical thinking, learn to convert information from one form to another, learn to work with objects-symbols.

The first test - the teacher explains. Children use the stylus to catch objects and group them. - Now we have a boat and we are ready to go on a journey from our Friendship Island to the country of Origami - Japan. Along the way, we will face trials. But we are a friendly team and we can overcome them!

Someone dropped some of the things in the water. Transfer the things you need on a trip to two palm trees, and not needed to one.

slide 5
12 minutes The second test - the teacher explains.

Parting words with omissions of individual words are written on the board.

After completing the task, moves the boat

Children analyze and complete the parting word text, explaining the meaning of things caught from the sea, fill in the gaps with cards with objects by numbers. (Annex 4)

The work takes place in pairs - one puts the pictures with objects in order, the other turns over the card with the picture and reads the word. Collective reading of the decoded phrase.

- We put things together, and now, in order to make a discovery and comprehend the great secret of origami art, you need to read our parting words with the help of these things slide 6
5. Physical education - dance "Apple"

3 minutes (CD player)

Target: maintaining the state of activity of students, preventing and relieving mental fatigue.

Third test. The teacher shows.

After completing the task, moves the boat

Children repeat dance moves to the music. - We are tired after such difficult tasks. Isn't it time for us to relax, recharge with new energy? And here is a suitable marine melody! Try to repeat these movements after me. Slide 7
6. Summary of the lesson

5 minutes (presentation)

Target: fixing new lesson material.

Fourth test. The teacher tells. Children answer questions and guess a crossword puzzle, they can use the key - a hint with a hidden letter, writing down answers with electronic ink on an interactive whiteboard.

The resulting word is read horizontally.

What did you see while looking through the binoculars? Probably the port of our arrival. To open the passage to the port, you need to collect the keyword. (Annex 5)

We have reached our goal. We were met by the hospitable people of Japan, who will reveal to us the great secret of origami and we will need time to comprehend the intricacies of this art.

Other trips to other countries will be waiting for us to quench our thirst for new knowledge!

Slide 8
7. Reflection

Target: get joy from the work done, evaluate yourself and your friend.

The teacher tells. Children listen, draw their mood on the boat, show it to everyone. - After an entertaining trip, let's take the boats and draw our mood with pencils and share it with all our friends!

Photo for memory.

Slide 10

Used materials and resources.

1. Tarabarina T.I., Origami and child development, 1998 Development Academy;

2. Scrap kits - http: //;

3. Pictures - Yandex pictures;

4. This presentation uses the Drag and Drop macro created by [email protected];

5. Photographs of the “boat” folding technique were taken using a document camera;

6. Music “Apple” -;

7. Colored paper for origami - Application.

Slide 13 from the paper folding presentation to technology lessons on the topic "Types of origami"

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Types of origami

"Crafts from cotton" - Cotton plant. Nitrocellulose products. Burning cotton. Mystery. Cotton stalks are animal feed. Cotton clothing. Production of "cotton fiber". Kolyadin Danil, 2B class. Sorting "cotton pressed fiber bales". "Flower of the Sun" "White gold". White gold. Cotton in medicine. Homeland of cotton.

"Weaving with beads" - Formation of knowledge about the history of the emergence of beads. Women's headwear - kokoshniks. Landscape 1840-1850 Beading. Weaving. Embroidery with small round blue-and-blue beads on a paper canvas. The Venetian Republic has become the center of bead production for many centuries. Girls' headdresses - a crown and a bandage.

"Works on needlework" - Works of Borscheva Lyubvi Nikolaevna Cross-stitch. The work of Borscheva Tatiana. Flowers contain the beauty of nature, which you want to preserve forever. All over the world, women are happy to embroider, weave, knit, sew clothes and various accessories. The tablecloth is embroidered with roses. Already finished work. My mother Borshcheva Galina Faridunovna.

"Painted batik" - Historical reference. There are several versions of the origin of the term "batik". Fundamentals of composition and color vision. It was in Java that the art of batik reached the highest technological level and sophistication. Evening Dress narrowed Model No. 4. Cost calculation. Model number 3. The dress is decorated with sequins of cold colors.

"Christmas tree made of paper" - A little brown corrugated paper needed for the stem. Make a convex "petal" blank by stretching both layers of paper. Cut out a quarter of a circle with a radius of 20 cm from thick paper. Glue the blanks on the cone in rows from bottom to top. Place the crown on the trunk. Crafts for the new year. Roll and glue the stem.

Target: to introduce students to water transport and movement on water;

conduct an experiment, teach to draw conclusions, compare, generalize, instill

skills and abilities in the technology of working with paper; consolidate the skills of working with glue, scissors; teach how to draft a project; develop attention,

accuracy, interest in work, aesthetic taste.

Expected results: learn to distinguish between types of water transport, conduct an experiment, new methods of working with paper, make paper products, create a project

Teacher equipment: presentation, sample, templates, dictionary,

slip sheet, colored paper, pencil, scissors, glue,

a cloth, templates, a jar of water, materials for the experiment, a textbook,


During the classes:

1. Psychological attitude.

Everyone in the class smile

From a smile life is brighter

look at each other,

To be a little kinder.

2. Checking readiness for the lesson.

To do any job well, you need to know and follow the rules of a working person. Let's remember the rules of the working man.

Everyone works at their own workplace. Get yours ready workplace Right. You should have on your desks: colored paper, a pencil, scissors, a rag, glue, templates, a jar of water, materials for the experiment, a notebook, a textbook

3. Introduction to activities.

What did we talk about in the last lesson? (about movement on the ground)

What kind of transport is used to move on land? (bus, taxi,

trolleybus, tram, train, bike) slide 1

What kind of transport is this? (ground)

What other modes of transport do you know? (air and water)

Now guess the riddles and guess what the lesson will be about.

The giant city walks

to work in the ocean. (ship) SLIDE2

Neither ship nor boat

No oars, no sails

And floats - does not sink. (raft) SLIDE3

What unites these two subjects? (water)

Who guessed what the lesson will be about? (about moving on water)

What are the tasks for the lesson?

1. Learn about moving on water.

2. Let's learn how to make a boat.

4. Work on the topic.

1. Experiment.

And now, guys, you will conduct an experiment. You have jars of water and materials on your desks, each group has its own. As you experiment, try to answer the questions.

What materials sink?

Which ones float?

But first, let's make an assumption, and then during the experiment

check whether it is true or not (each group names materials and makes


What conclusion did you draw? What is sinking? What is floating?

TONET - stone paper cork

FLOATS - nail match pencil shell (paste on board)

Who guessed what material an object on which you can move on water should be made of? (wood, paper)

5. Conversation.

The first means of navigation for man was a log floating on the river, by tying several logs together a man made a raft. SLIDE 4 About 5500 years ago, the Egyptians and Sumerians began to make reed boats. They also built light ships with oars and sails for sea voyages. From around 1500 AD shipbuilding began to develop. Steel began to be used instead of wood, and sails gave way to a pair SLIDE6

The steamer appeared. Today there are a lot of modern ships that develop high speeds. SLIDE 7 8 9 10 11 12

6. Vocabulary work.

To make a boat, we will use the technique - origami

What does this word mean?

Where can I find the meaning ?

Origami means "folded paper" in Japanese. Classic origami is folded from a square sheet of paper.

7. Analysis of the sample (the teacher holds the model and shows) SLIDE13

Look at the boat.

What material is it made from? (paper)

How many parts does it consist of? (3)

What are these details? (boat, anchor, mugs)

The anchor will explain the meaning of this word to us…………. Where did you find it?) SLIDE14

Where else can you find it? (Internet, ask parents, teachers)

Anchor - a metal rod with paws, mounted on a chain and lowered to the bottom to hold the vessel in place.

7. Preliminary planning of upcoming labor activities.

Let's make a work plan.

Work plan SLIDE15

1. Transfer the template to colored paper.

2. Cut out a piece of colored paper.

3. Fold the boat.

4. Decorate the boat.

8. Current briefing.

Before you begin the first step of the plan, let's repeat

Template rules.

When tracing the template, press it firmly against the paper.

Outline the template without moving it from its place.

Get to work.

9. Physical education minute

10. Reflection.

Exhibition of works. Song " Scarlet Sails» SLIDE16

11. The result of the lesson.

What tasks did we set at the beginning of the lesson?

Did we complete them?

12.Cleaning jobs.

The paper boat is a wonderful craft! She develops fine motor skills(carelessly fold the crafts - the boat will not work), it perfectly trains spatial thinking, and besides, you can go outside and play with the resulting boat! Alone, with friends, with parents. Organize a sea expedition or speed race. Ships can be made from colored paper, painted and painted, and a crew of small toys can be chosen for them. In bad weather, you can launch boats in the bathroom, and in the country - in the basin ... In a word, practice on these schemes, and you will not regret it!

simple paper boat

It is such a boat that most dads will be able to fold out of paper, and many mothers too. And if you make it from a newspaper sheet, you get a completely tolerable headdress!

During the Soviet Union, these were popular with finishing workers - they perfectly protected against splashes of lime, and after the end of the working day they simply went to waste. Well, the scheme of such boats is very, very simple!

If as a child you were not fond of origami and now look at the boat diagram with bewilderment - here's a video for you: in detail, clearly, accessible.

Steamboat with two pipes

The second most popular origami boat scheme "from childhood". Without any doubt and without a diagram, you will remember how to make it, but, just in case, we still post a diagram and a video.

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

An interesting detail is that this particular origami scheme does not seem to be found at all on foreign sites dedicated to children's crafts.

So, perhaps, this is our Russian ship! And with two pipes!

Ship with sails

But such a boat, on the contrary, for some reason is not popular with Russian kids. It is not at all difficult to make a romantic boat with sails, moreover, we have found two whole ways leading to the same result. It should be noted that such a boat floats not so hot, but it looks beautiful, and on our streams it is also fresh and unusual!

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

* Tip - when watching a video, turn off the sound, for some reason duringexactlyof this filming, in the background, someone was painstakingly torturing musical instruments.

wise boat

The scheme of this boat is called "Tricky boat", sounds a bit like the word "trick". You can translate the name and the truth as "cunning, tricky, confusing." Well, it's not for nothing that she got such a name! After sitting on the scheme for a good half an hour, the author could not fold the boat.

(Click on diagram to enlarge)

Fortunately, a video was found on the Internet, and the complex immediately became simple. I must warn you, for the first minute and a half, the paper is simply crumpled and smoothed in all directions (apparently, this necessary condition to perform an ingenious trick), but then the real magic begins!