Men's haircut: debunk the myths. How long can a man go without a haircut?

Every girl wants to be a happy owner of healthy hair. However, not everyone knows how to achieve this. Basic care includes washing, drying, combing and, of course, a haircut. We are interested in the last option. The procedure should be carried out regularly, the condition of the mop directly depends on it. Consider the main aspects in order, let's talk about how often you need to cut your hair.

Hair Growth Stages

Follicle formation and hair growth can last up to 1.5 years.

The second stage involves the cessation of hair growth or its slowdown. The length of the process is 4-5 weeks.

The last stage involves stopping the growth of the hair, which contributes to its loss. The period lasts about 3 months.

  1. As soon as the loss begins, a second stage of the birth of a new hair occurs. The faster the cell division in the bulbs is carried out, the better the hair grows. The follicle, under detailed examination, resembles a sac, in which the hair root is born.
  2. The growth and transformation of the hair directly depends on the vitamins, minerals and trace elements received by the body. Also, the intensity of shock development depends on the time of day and the annual quarter. After the research, experts have proven that hair grows stronger at night, in the morning the process practically stops.
  3. In the warm season, an active process of hormone formation takes place in the body, therefore, during this period, curls gain maximum growth. If we take into account the average indicators, the development of hair in humans is about 9 mm. per month. For some individuals, the growth of hair can be from 5 mm. up to 15 mm. at 4-5 weeks.
  4. It is also worth considering that the density, health and speed of hair in most cases depend on heredity. In such situations, there is only one way out - careful care and constant nourishment of the hair. Especially such actions relate to weakened and split ends. If you have a colored mop, then you can easily determine how fast its growth is. Measure the length of the released roots.

Why split ends

So that the hair does not become brittle and brittle, and the growth of the mop does not stop, you need to cut the ends in time. There can be several reasons for split ends.

  1. Do not abuse the frequent washing of hair, the manipulation carried out leads to the washing off of the protective substance that envelops the curls.
  2. Problem long hair lies in the fact that the bulbs cannot carry the nutrients produced by the sebaceous glands to the tips.
  3. Also, one of the reasons for the deterioration of the condition of the hair can be diseases of the organs or the body's susceptibility to chemotherapy. In this case, nutrients are washed away.
  4. If you have chosen a comb that does not match your hair type, or often wear a comb. Also, the condition of the curls is affected by the frequent use of thermal devices.
  5. In addition to the above reasons, hair weakens due to weather conditions, regular dyeing, bad habits, running water, poor ecology, and malnutrition.

The regularity of the haircut depends on many factors. An important factor is the length of the hair, the condition of the tips, the type of curls, frequent dyeing and perm.

  1. Long hair. If the shock is healthy and without damage, a haircut should be done once every 3-4 months, you need to cut off no more than 15 mm. length. This way you get rid of dead ends. If the hair is prone to cross-section, it is worth visiting a specialist up to 3 times in half a year. Then return to your normal haircut schedule - about once every 4 months.
  2. Section. In case you notice a strong cross section, contact a professional for help. Cut off the unhealthy ends with hot scissors, then repeat the manipulation after a couple of months. The frequency of cutting with split ends is carried out throughout the year. After that, you should switch to a normal haircut once every 3-4 months.
  3. Short hair. With a short hair length, haircut ends should be done once a month. If you consider yourself to be the owner of a complex fashionable hairstyle, a visit to a specialist should be frequent up to 2 times in 3 weeks. In the case of a perm, you need to visit a hairdresser once a month. This move will help prevent dryness and brittle ends.

Features of hair growth

  1. Before growing healthy hair Get rid of brittle and split ends. Completely refuse staining, minimize the use of thermal devices.
  2. You should think about a healthy diet and make a daily diet. Eat quail and chicken eggs, dairy products, cattle meat, nuts and seafood.
  3. Make it a habit to drink at least 2 liters. filtered water. If necessary, drink a complex of vitamins and minerals. It is also worth giving up bad habits. Start going to the gym if you can.
  4. Apply restorative balms and masks. Pick up detergents based on your hair type. Do not be lazy to make homemade compresses. Rub natural oils and esters into the scalp.
  5. Perform a head massage, it helps to increase blood circulation. The follicles begin to receive more nutrients, which contributes to accelerated hair growth. Massage for 10-15 minutes a day.

If you belong to the owners of long hair (to the shoulders or below), you should cut the ends only if the curls have become brittle or cross-sectional. Otherwise, the hair will begin to spoil your beautiful image, highlighting the untidy mop. After the manipulation, the curls regain their original appearance.

Video: how often to cut the ends of the hair

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Our hair is a woman's wealth that must be protected. They grow quite slowly. In addition, they carry not only an aesthetic function and are given not just for beauty.

Hair is considered a kind of natural antennae of the human body. They conduct the invisible life-giving force of space to the body.

There is an interesting legend:

A long time ago, there was a halo around a person's head. This is what is seen on the icons around the heads of the saints. And there was no hair. The head was covered with what looked like fluff. Like the one on the head of a newborn baby. When a person fell into sin, the rays of cosmic energy around his head became heavy and turned into hair. And this is the link between man and heaven.

Hair is the source of our cosmic power.

Magic claims that if something happens to the hair, it changes the course of an invisible river that washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any effect on the hair can change in one direction or another, not only our appearance but all of our lives.

In order not to go bald ahead of time and not lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, follow the safety measures when cutting. You must clearly know when, why you change your hair.

Rule one:

You can't trust your hair to just anyone.

The person who cuts your hair changes your biofield. Arriving at the hairdresser, choose not only fashionable hairstyles, but also an energetic and cheerful master, then your life after the haircut will change for the better.

The older the hairdresser, the stronger his influence on your life. If you are an independent person, used to solving your problems yourself and do not like it when something prevents you from realizing them, choose a master either of the same age as you, or younger than you.

When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very old and famous master, even if the hairstyle he made will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically. And if you still correctly calculate the moment of visiting, then it will not only change, but improve dramatically.

Rule two:

To ourselves better hair don't cut. This is "superstition", although it is very difficult for a person to cure himself. No matter how strong and strong-willed a person is, it is very difficult for him to correct the deformations of his own biofield, since he remakes them with such a deformed energy.

Rule three:

It is believed that it is better if you have a haircut or, for example, a person of the same sex as you makes hair masks in the salon. During a haircut, your etheric, astral and mental biofields change, and as a result of this, we easily succumb to someone else's influence.

Therefore, if you liked the master of a different sex with you, this can lead to trouble in your personal life. In biblical tales, Samson was killed by a woman who cut off his hair.

Rule four:

If you want your hair to grow faster after a haircut, you should do your hair under a full moon.

If you want your hair to change its properties a little - for example, you are not satisfied that they are confused, naughty - you should go to the hairdresser on the waning moon. But after such a haircut, the hair will grow back for a very long time. On the waning moon, it is also good to have a haircut if you want to delay hair loss, strengthen the hair roots.

Council of the ancient Slavic magi. If you catch a cold, trim your hair slightly so that it leaves with trimmed ends. negative energy diseases and the body could cleanse itself more easily.

Rule five:

Hair cannot be cut on certain lunar days (9, 15, 23 and 29 days according to the lunar calendar), as well as on days of solar and lunar eclipses. After such procedures, you can get sick or, as they used to say in the old days, "memory and mind cut off."

Rule six:

Before you sign up for a hairdresser, determine how you want to change your life:

Haircut on Monday

Auspicious day. At this time, you can remove a large number of negative emotions and unresolved problems that have accumulated in life. The day is favorable for hair coloring.

Haircut on Tuesday

it is better to go to the hairdresser if you do not have enough physical strength or the will to solve some important issue if you lack activity or are tormented by the monotony of life.

Wednesday haircut

get a good haircut to learn something new or interesting, meet new friends or attract old ones, increase the number of trips, movements and communication in life.

Haircut on Thursday

promotes changes in relationships with others, contributes to the popularity of a person, increase his luck and well-being.

Haircut on Friday(women's beauty day)

When you visit the hairdresser on this day of the week, you are not just changing your hairstyle, you are changing your appearance. Therefore, if you are satisfied with how you look on this day of the week, it is better not to cut your hair.
If you want to get prettier - visit the hairdresser on Friday, when the Sun goes to Capricorn (December 24 - January 22) or Taurus (April 22 - May 21).

Haircut on Saturday

Nice day for a haircut.
Hair on this day heals. Part of the karmic debts and sins of your kind is removed.

Haircut on Sunday

It is better not to cut your hair - you can kill your own fate or good luck. This day is good only for chronic losers - maybe fate will have mercy and after such a procedure it will change for the better.

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How often do men need to get their hair cut, does hair fall out from wearing hats and daily washing? We tell you everything you need to know about hair and haircuts.

How often should a self-respecting gentleman go to the barbershop? The general answer is very simple - when a man's haircut starts to lose shape. But about some individual characteristics worth discussing in more detail.

Men's haircut styles often allow for variations in length. Simply put, if you do not have time to run to the hairdresser this week - it does not matter, you will get a haircut next.

However, there are a few guidelines that will help you understand that it's time to include a trip to the salon in your diary or arrange a haircut at home with the master.

If you master the styling, you can often change the image and go to the master less often.

When and who should get a haircut more often

Normally, hair grows 5 mm - 1 cm per month. The growth rate depends on the location of the hair: on the crown they grow slowly, and on the forehead, neck and temples - faster. This should be taken into account when choosing a haircut style: if you have long bangs, get ready to visit the hairdresser often.

On different parts of the head, hair can grow at different angles, giving a somewhat sloppy and disheveled look to the whole image. For some “lucky ones”, regrown hair forms curls on the top of the head or stands in a tuft above the forehead - they have to either be firmly fixed with a gel or cut regularly.

When is it best to take your time?

Some gentlemen run to get their hair cut on the eve of important events - a wedding, an interview, or a visit to a photographer before receiving a new passport. If you have such a habit, get rid of it in the name of style and a favorable impression. Any new haircut should be given a few days so that it has time to “lie down” on the head. It is optimal to make an appointment with a hairdresser three days before a significant event or even earlier.

If you do not trim your hair for about 3 months, they begin to split, and the haircut takes on an untidy look. The process is the more active, the drier the hair.

Common misconceptions about men's haircuts

  • Myth #1: The more often you cut your hair, the thicker and healthier it is.
    In fact: The quality of hair depends primarily on the health of the body as a whole. Get enough sleep, play sports, avoid stress, take vitamins (primarily group B, and for dry strands - group A).
  • Myth #2: Hair will begin to actively fall out if you constantly wear a hat.
    In fact: There is no direct connection between wearing caps and baldness. It is only important that the headdress is not too tight and does not pinch the hair.
  • Myth #3: Regular scratching of the head gives the effect of a massage, due to which the hair grows faster.
    In fact: Massage is really helpful. But if dandruff causes itching, nails can injure the hair roots, and then the strands will become much more brittle.
  • Myth #4: The more often you wash your hair, the faster your hair falls out.
    In fact: There is no such connection. At healthy person up to 100 hairs fall out imperceptibly per day, and this is normal.

We go to the hairdresser for different reasons. Someone constantly monitors their hair, someone needs styling, and some have decided to completely change their image. You should not rush into this and you need to choose the right day when you can cut your hair. Let's see why.

Slavic legends

It is believed that it is our hair that charges the body with biological energy from outer space. In the old days, when the events of the Old Testament unfolded, everyone had a fluff on their heads, which is comparable to the strands of a baby. That is why the divine halo is visible on the icons of the saints.

Over time, after the fall, people lost the tenderness of curls, which became hard, rough. But even now, thanks to our hair, the connection is not lost, and it is necessary to protect it. To do this, it is important to carefully care for, choose the right days for cutting hair.

Some rituals and superstitions associated with cutting strands have also come down to our time. So, for example, they necessarily cut off a curl from the crown of a child at 7 months. They kept it in a canvas bag, which they put on the patient's neck, and read a special prayer. After that, the man recovered.

In order to protect the family from the evil eye, damage, they knitted a shirt (sackcloth) from their hair, which all relatives put on during Passion Week and read prayers.

In a pendant on the chest they wore a gray strand of hair of their elderly grandparents. It was believed that it helps in business and protects from enemies.

relatives haircut

Hair can be cut when you are not related to the barber by blood.

At first it was impossible to get to the hairdresser because of the queues in Soviet time and then due to lack of money. Therefore, people have learned to induce hairstyles for their relatives at home. But according to the old signs, this is not worth doing. The table shows why.

Better to contact good specialist.

Choosing a hairdresser

This issue should be approached responsibly, since the work of the master on favorable days for cutting hair will affect not only the quality of your appearance, but also your future fate. It has been thought so since ancient times.

So, you can cut your hair when you have followed these simple tips:

  1. The hairdresser must be of the same gender as you. If the barber falls in love with you or just likes you, then in your personal life you will be in trouble. But if, for example, a woman cuts a woman's hair, then their biofields are combined in the process, which will give a positive result.
  2. Age should also be taken into account. It is better if you and the master are about the same age or he will be younger.
  3. If you've been unlucky all the time lately, then go to a hairdresser who has been successful and your luck will return.
  4. Pay attention to the mood of the barber. He should meet you with a smile and in a good mood.

Remember that the stylist not only changes the image, but also influences your biofield. If possible, make sure that the cut curls are not thrown into the water. Previously, everything was collected and burned in a furnace. Now it's better to throw them in the trash. Although there are people who take their strands home.

Choosing a day for haircut by the phases of the Earth's satellite

Now let's talk about when to cut hair according to the lunar calendar.

Everyone knows that the Moon has a huge impact on many processes on Earth, even on our health and mood. Curls are also no exception. Therefore, you should choose the day when you go to the barber.

When our satellite is in a waning phase, shortened hair will grow longer. These days, men and women with short or creative haircuts are more likely to have their hair cut. Vision problems may also occur.

When a partial, total eclipse occurs, then give up any manipulations with curls, so as not to bring illness, trouble on yourself. It is dangerous to harm your bioenergetics during the period of "Satan's time", which occurs on the 9th, 23rd, 29th day of the cycle. This phase of the moon is not suitable for cutting hair.

If you want the growth of healthy strands to accelerate, then the growing moon is the most suitable period for cutting hair. A baby who has had their hair done at this time will be healthy and will never go bald.

The location of the night star in the constellations

Ancient people paid attention to this too. Simple rules will give you the opportunity to choose which lunar day for a haircut hair fit most of all, and show off your hair.

Now you understand when you can cut your hair depending on the phases and the location of the night star. But that's not all, there are still beliefs.

Influence of days of the week when visiting a barber

When you deal with the usual and lunar calendar, intending to completely change your image or just fix your old hairstyle, and use the recommendations, you will notice a noticeable difference in the condition of the strands. choose better days for cutting hair.

This is how they look on the days of the week:

  1. Monday. On this day, even trimming the tips, you can get rid of all the negativity.
  2. Tuesday. Able to change your life, make it more active, help you make an important decision.
  3. Wednesday. On this day, it is advised to visit a hairdresser for single people. Good for finding business contacts, and just decorate the fate of positive events, add adventurism.
  4. Thursday. A visit to the barber will help improve the financial situation, achieve popularity, attract prosperity and success. Perfect for career growth, building relationships with people.
  5. Friday. If you decide to completely change the image, then this day is for you. But just cut your hair better on another day of the week.
  6. Saturday. Heals hair, cut hair relieves sins.
  7. Sunday. Rest time is not only for the body, but also for the hair. If you do not want to spoil your fate, then postpone the trip to the beauty salon, otherwise you will turn away Fortune from yourself.

Some advise to do the opposite, that is, complete losers do manipulations with curls precisely in unfavorable periods.

Should I go to the master on my birthday?

On this day, everyone wants to look 100 percent. But it is on your holiday that you should not change something in your appearance. The ancestors said that these are not very auspicious days for cutting hair.

The day you were born will also help you choose the time to manipulate your hair:


Visit the hairdresser on Friday, Saturday, Thursday

Refrain from change on Tuesday

Thursday, Saturday and Sunday

The best day is Saturday

Skip Thursday

Monday Friday

Monday, Thursday, Saturday

Friday and Wednesday



Make an appointment with the barber for Thursday or Tuesday

Do something else on Monday

The whole process of choosing the time to improve your appearance may seem complicated to you, but once you figure it out, you will understand that everything is simple. And having received a wonderful result, use some simple tips.

pregnancy and hair

When can women cut their hair in an interesting position? It is on this issue that there is great controversy.

In the old days, the expectant mother never subjected her strands to any procedures, since it was believed that there was life there too. With lost curls, she loses her life force and the child. It was especially forbidden to have a haircut before childbirth, so as not to cause childbirth ahead of time.

But now doctors have a different opinion. During this period, a woman loses a lot of strength, vitamins. The condition of the hair worsens, the ends split. Therefore, it is necessary, more than ever, to monitor your curls, cutting off damaged areas.

For some, on the contrary, the strands become silky, and they begin to grow them. A simple visit to a beauty salon where you are looked after will evoke positive emotions and cheer you up.

What to do is up to the pregnant girl to decide. But this all concerned only haircuts, painting should still be abandoned.

Changes during menstruation

The lunar cycle is somewhat similar to the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when blood loss begins, it is believed that these are not the best days for cutting hair.

Hormones begin to work differently, which affects not only the strands, but also the nails and skin. The greasy roots of the strands will not allow the master to make a good styling, and therefore, to evaluate the quality of the selected image and the quality of the hairstyle.

Of course, if you don’t believe in all signs and beliefs, then you won’t pick a day either. But still, you might listen to something and watch the phase of the moon for cutting your hair.

How to calculate a good time to change hairstyles according to the lunar calendar? There are several factors to consider here. These include the phase the satellite is currently in and the constellation in which it is visiting. Lunar days for haircuts can be calculated independently or use the calendar. You should know that bad days can not only affect the condition of the curls, but also affect the overall well-being.

What is the lunar calendar for?

Since ancient times, people have noticed that the moon affects nature and man. The ebbs and flows of the oceans depend on it. Scientists have proven that even shellfish breed in a certain phase of the moon. Animals become more active during the full moon. The satellite also affects plants: yields improve if crops are planted on the growing moon. And on a waning one, it is best to deal with weeds and pests.

It was noted by the ancestors that it is best to plan new things for the growing moon, and to complete projects or take stock - for the waning one.

There are so-called lunar days for cutting hair. They are calculated according to the calendar, based on the phase of the satellite and taking into account the constellation in which it is located on certain days. This is due to the fact that the growing moon begins the rapid growth of hair and nails, all vital organs are activated.

How the lunar calendar works

According to ancient legends, the lunar calendar appeared in Babylon. Local astrologers have calculated that the months alternate: one has 29 days, the other has 30. The beginning of the cycle is the new moon, it accounts for 1 lunar day.

For the whole month, the satellite passes through all the signs of the zodiac. In each of them, the Moon stays for about 2.5 days. Therefore, having passed all the signs in about 27 days, it can appear twice in one constellation in a month.

When calculating favorable dates, not only the lunar day is taken into account, but also the passage of the satellite through a particular constellation. For example, you can calculate when to cut your hair in July 2015 and 2016. Lucky days in 2015 are: 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 29, 30 July. And in 2016 - July 1, 2, 8, 11, 13, 17, 18, 25, 27, 30.

Auspicious days for cutting hair (for women)

For determining have a good day you need to find out in which constellation the moon is visiting. You should know that an unsuccessfully chosen time can not only spoil your mood, but also change your fate for a whole year. Therefore, lunar days for haircuts must be calculated in advance and made an appointment with a hairdresser only on a favorable day.

  • If the Moon is in the sign of Aries, then after changing the hairstyle, the hair will begin to grow faster. But this day can negatively affect the general well-being.
  • If the Moon stays in the constellation of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, the curls will become more elastic. Hair will fall out less, and coloring will give the desired shade.
  • If the satellite is in the sign of Gemini, after cutting the curls will become lush, naughty. This is the best day for a tousled haircut.
  • If the Moon is in the constellation of Cancer or Pisces - the shape of the hairstyle (or styling) will not hold. Bad day for a haircut.
  • If the satellite is in Leo, then the perm should be abandoned. And haircuts and other manipulations will be great.
  • If the Moon is in the constellation Libra, hair growth will increase after the haircut. She will look well-groomed and voluminous.
  • If the satellite is in Scorpio, then the quality of the hair will remain the same. The day for a haircut is neutral, but it can change your life (for better or for worse).
  • Moon in Aquarius - a change in hairstyle can bring unforeseen results. This is a day of creativity and experimentation.

Favorable days for cutting hair for men

Men often prefer to choose an unfavorable day for a haircut so that the hair does not grow so fast. But the wrong choice of time can adversely affect the fate and health. Therefore, it is not worth the risk, but it is better to look into the lunar calendar.

If the satellite stays in the sign of Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn - on such a day a haircut will be successful. By lunar days the most favorable numbers are: 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 23, 16, 27. This is the best time for hair care.

Nevertheless, it is better for men to prefer a haircut for the waning moon. At this time, hair growth slows down, so the hairstyle will remain in its original form for a long time.

Hair care, taking into account the phase of the satellite

Women are often interested in: is it possible to cut hair on a full moon? The right time can change the hairstyle for the better - the curls will become thicker, begin to grow faster. And vice versa - bad days for hair care can provoke dandruff, itching of the scalp, thinning strands.

Is it permissible to cut hair on the growing moon? Is it possible to do coloring for a young month? Many hairdressers worry about whether the client will be satisfied after the procedure. Therefore, it is important to take into account the phase of the moon when carrying out any manipulations with hair.

New moon

Is it possible to cut hair on the day of the new moon? At this time, the curls become especially weakened. Therefore, a new moon haircut will help remove lifeless strands that have been dyed or subjected to perm. Changing your hairstyle will help heal your curls.

Of the new moon care products, it is best to use moisturizing masks - they will give a wonderful effect and return the necessary water balance to the curls.

Waxing Crescent

Want to grow your hair fast? Then advice: you should get a haircut during the growing moon. It is enough just to trim the ends or do lamination, coloring, blonding - the result will be excellent.

Successful lunar days for cutting hair in this phase are 3, 4 days. A hairstyle made at this time will retain its shape for a long time. Moreover, it will improve the condition of the curls. On the growing moon, masks and rubbing should be done for hair density.

Full moon

On the full moon, it is worth doing strengthening the curls - care procedures will give a wonderful effect. However, it is not worth doing a haircut or coloring at this time. The New Moon is not suitable for trimming hair or styling.

If a girl wants to completely change her image (for example, to build up long strands or, conversely, to make an original “hedgehog”), then the new moon will help to change beyond recognition. This phase is for complete reincarnation.

Waning moon

During the waning moon, curls become susceptible to care, but their growth (after cutting) may slow down. The styling will not last long, so do not experiment with the hairstyle.

This is the time for nourishing, firming masks. You can carry out procedures related to getting rid of dandruff and itching. On the waning moon, moisturizing, softening gels or foams should be preferred.

eclipse days

Many ladies who have heard about eclipses are interested in: when to cut hair in July? Will there be a solar eclipse in September? These natural phenomena are an unfavorable time for hair care. Therefore, on the days of eclipses (solar or lunar), it is best to refuse not only hairdressing, but also medical procedures.

In 2015, such natural phenomena could be observed on March 20, April 4, and are expected on September 13 and 28.

The forecast for 2016 suggests that:

  • A total solar eclipse is expected on March 9;
  • On March 23, there will be a penumbral lunar;
  • September 1 - an annular solar eclipse;
  • On September 16, it will be possible to observe a penumbral lunar.

Dangerous days

Is there a dangerous time for curl care? What day is it forbidden to cut hair? IN lunar calendar you can meet the so-called satanic days. What is their feature?

Such days are in close proximity to the change in the phase of the moon (or coincide with it). It is believed that the human biofield at this time is especially vulnerable. On the "satanic day" the danger of the evil eye, envy, a rude word or an unkind thought increases. But internally, a person is also subject to mood swings, resentment, and temper.

Hair is often used in magical rituals. They are a biomaterial, so it is easy to create an energy-information channel through cut strands. With its help, you can carry out a negative magical effect on a person. In the "satanic days" negative vibrations are especially strong. Hair should not be manipulated at this time. What days of the lunar month should be considered dangerous?

Day 9. Its symbol is the Bat. On this day, it is common for a person to succumb to illusions, to be deceived, to wishful thinking.

day 15. Its symbol is the Serpent. On this day, the base desires of a person are intensified - lust, sexual aggression, emotional instability.

Day 23. Its emblem is the Crocodile. All the inherent vices of mankind are manifested - greed, gluttony, anger, envy.

Day 29. Symbol - Octopus. On this day, moral (spiritual) falls, strong temptations, a desire to achieve something dishonestly are possible.

In addition, when the Moon passes through the constellations of Cancer or Pisces, such days are also unfavorable for the care of curls.

Days of the week

A haircut, calculated on lunar days, will improve hair growth and keep the shape of the hairstyle for a long time. But to calculate favorable periods, you can also use the days of the week. Each of them in its own way affects hair growth and overall well-being. Therefore, it is important not only to take into account the phase of the moon and its day, but also to choose a favorable day of the week.

  1. Monday is a good day for hair care. You can do a haircut or coloring - manipulations will help to reset the negative.
  2. Tuesday is also a good time for hairdressing treatments. They will help to cheer up, get rid of the protracted routine.
  3. Wednesday - by changing your hair on this day, you can make new friends. Or old acquaintances will give news about themselves.
  4. Thursday - a haircut or styling will aim at new achievements. There will be a chance to change relationships with friends for the better.
  5. Friday is a neutral day. Its favorable vibrations will depend on the phase and day of the lunar month.
  6. Saturday - cut curls will carry away negative energy with them, which will help restore the biofield.
  7. Sunday - do not cut your hair. Cropped strands will take good luck and happiness with them.