Analysis of the walk in the preparatory group. An example flow chart. Analysis of the walk


taking a walk

Properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children. For children to stay on fresh air up to four hours a day. The daily routine of preschool groups provides for a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk.

For walks there is a site on the territory of preschool groups for organizing a variety of activities for children. The site is landscaped, equipped in accordance with pedagogical and hygienic requirements. Each group of different ages has a separate area, where places are allocated for outdoor games and the development of children's movements (flat area, for playing with sand, water, building material, for creative games and games with various toys.

The site has equipment for the development of movements: fences for climbing (triangular, tetrahedral and hexagonal, a balance beam, a slide, equipment for jumping, throwing exercises. In addition to permanent equipment, toys and manuals are brought to the site in accordance with the planned work plan .Playgrounds end with paths where children can ride bicycles, cars. playgrounds on the site there are covered gazebos to protect from rain and sun. In winter, slides, ice paths and snow structures are arranged on the site together with parents.

In order for the children to willingly gather for a walk, the teacher thinks over its content in advance for the walk, arouses the kids' interest in it with the help of toys or a story about what they will do. It turned out that when the walks are informative and interesting, the children go for a walk with a great desire.

The educator organizes the dressing of the children so as not to waste a lot of time and so that they do not have to wait long for each other. To do this, each group has a dressing room with individual lockers and a sufficient number of banquettes and chairs. The teacher and junior teacher teach children to dress and undress independently and in a certain sequence. When returning from a walk, undress in the reverse order. In a mixed age group, children are accustomed to helping each other, do not forget to thank. When most of the children are dressed, the teacher goes with them to the site. The rest of the children are monitored by a junior teacher, then escorts them to the teacher. When going for a walk, the children themselves take out toys and material for games and outdoor activities.

The leading place on the walk is given to games, especially mobile ones. The teacher conducts an outdoor game at the beginning of the walk, or at the end of it.

On cold days, a walk begins with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, jumping. During walks, the teacher uses plotless folk games with objects, such as grandmas, ring toss, skittles. In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in the basic movements, sports entertainment is also organized during the walk. Children like sledding, ice-skating, skiing very much.

During the walk, the teacher pays attention labor activity children. Children help shovel snow, clear paths, and make various structures out of snow.

Labor tasks are feasible for children and at the same time require certain efforts from them. The educator always makes sure that they do their job well, bring the work they have started to the end.

A large place on walks is given to observations (planned in advance) of natural phenomena and social life. Observations were carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as individually. The educator attracts some to observations in order to develop attention, while others arouses interest in nature or social phenomena, etc. The surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity for organizing interesting and varied observations. The teacher pays attention to the clouds, their shape, color, compares them with images known to children. During the walk, the teacher makes sure that all the children are busy, do not get bored, so that no one gets cold. Those children who run a lot, he attracts to participate in more relaxed games.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys, equipment. Before entering the premises, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, neatly fold and put away things in lockers. They put on slippers, put their costume and hair in order and go to the group.

Topic: Organizing and conducting walks with children preschool age in DOW.

Being in the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, improve appetite. Children learn to overcome various obstacles, become: more mobile, dexterous, courageous, hardy. They develop motor skills and abilities, strengthen the muscular system, increase vitality.

The walk is conducive mental education. During their stay on the site or on the street, children receive a lot of new impressions and knowledge about the environment: about the work of adults, about transport, about traffic rules, etc. From observations, they learn about the features of seasonal changes in nature, notice the connections between various phenomena , establishes a rudimentary dependency. Observations arouse their interest, a number of questions to which they seek to find an answer. All this develops observation, expands ideas about the environment, awakens the thought and imagination of children.

Walking gives you the opportunity to solve problems moral education. The teacher introduces children to their native village, its sights, with the work of adults who plant trees in its streets, build beautiful houses, pave roads. At the same time, the collective nature of labor and its significance are emphasized: everything is done to ensure that our people live comfortably, beautifully and joyfully. Familiarization with the environment contributes to the education of children's love for their small homeland.

Kids work in the flower garden - plant flowers, water them, loosen the ground. They bring up diligence, love and careful attitude to nature. They learn to notice her beauty. The abundance of colors, shapes, sounds in nature, their combination, repetition and variability, rhythm and dynamics - all this causes even the smallest joyful experiences.

Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children. Up to four hours a day are allotted for children to be outdoors. In summer, this time increases significantly. The daily routine of the kindergarten provides for a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk after an afternoon snack. The time allotted for walks must be strictly observed.

For the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development and organization of a variety of activities for children, greenery is of great importance, in accordance with pedagogical and hygiene requirements planned and equipped area.

Methodical work by educators on organizing and conducting walks is carried out in several stages:

Stage I - preparatory

First of all, an analysis of the existing conditions for organizing and conducting walks is carried out. Then it is necessary to work out the methodology for organizing and conducting walks.

important direction preparatory phase is educational planning educational work. When planning, it is necessary to take into account all parts of the walk.

Components of the walk:

  1. Observation;
  2. Labor activity;
  3. Gaming activity;
  4. Individual work;

The sequence of their implementation varies depending on:

  • prior activities of children (for example, after a physical education lesson, it is more advisable to conduct an observation at the beginning of a walk, after classes in mathematics and speech development - outdoor games).
  • from the season (in the cold period of time, games with high mobility of children are provided).
  • from the individual age characteristics of children (V younger age it is more expedient to start a walk with observation, in the older one - with a game, etc.)
  • from the cognitive interests of children.

On days when physical education classes are not held, we plan and spend an hour of physical activity on a walk in the first half of the day. IN "Cyclogram for planning work outside of class" it is administered 2 times a week. As well as an outdoor physical activity, we spend an hour of physical activity at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a walk, depending on the time of year. You can spend an hour of physical activity on any day in the afternoon. The duration of an hour of physical activity corresponds to the duration of outdoor activities and ranges from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the age of the children. The hour of physical activity includes relay races, sports games and exercises, different kinds running, exercises in basic movements, outdoor games.

Observations (the plans indicate the object or topic of observation, the purpose of the observation and with whom it is carried out):

  • observation of living things (for birds, deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs, etc.);
  • observation of inanimate objects (behind the sun, clouds, weather, wind, snow, snow depth, day length, blizzard, drifting snow, snowfall, etc.);
  • observations of the phenomena of the surrounding reality (for the work of adults, for passers-by, for transport, etc.).

Labor activity. Planned household work (on the veranda, on the site), it is necessary to indicate the form of work of preschoolers - individual or group assignments, or collective work (joint, shared).

Outdoor games. It is recommended to play three games during the walk. When choosing games for a daytime walk, it is necessary to take into account the previous activities of children. After quiet work (drawings, modeling) games of a more mobile nature are recommended. They need to be carried out with the whole group at the beginning of the walk. After physical education and music classes, games of medium mobility are recommended. You need to spend them in the middle or end of the walk. That. the plan should include games

  • sedentary;
  • medium activity games;
  • games with high physical activity.

The plans should reflect the learning of a new game and games to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities. Approximately 10-15 new games are held during the year.

In addition, games are organized:

  • fun
  • attractions
  • relay games
  • story-driven games
  • sports games
  • story-driven games
  • plotless mobile games
  • folk games
  • round dance
  • sport exercises.

The choice of the game depends on the season, weather, air temperature from the previous lesson, on the condition of the children, their desires, on the time of the walks. (evening, morning). In our kindergarten, each group has a card index of counting rhymes and outdoor games for children aged 3-7 years.

Individual work. It is aimed not only at improving physical qualities, but also at developing mental processes, consolidation of the material in all sections of the program, the formation of moral qualities.

Independent activity of children.

For independent motor activity on a walk, we take out the necessary equipment:

  • in the younger group - balls, skittles, scooter, tricycle;
  • V middle group- balls, hoops, large jump ropes, scooter, two-wheeled bicycle;
  • V senior group- balls, hoops, short ropes, two-wheeled bicycle, tennis balls, rackets, badminton, traps, skittles, soccer ball, hoops.
  • in the preparatory group for school - balls , towns, ring toss, serso, hoops, skipping ropes, two-wheeled bicycle, tennis balls, rackets, traps, badminton, skittles, hoops.

We encourage independence in the organization of outdoor games and exercises, encourage children to use physical education equipment, inventory, attributes for outdoor games.

Materials and equipment used to organize independent activities of children in the winter: ice rinks, puppet sleighs, boxes for transporting snow, large plywood figures of animals from favorite fairy tales, molds, shovels, buckets, sticks for drawing in the snow, seals, reins, sultans, flags, skittles, masks for role-playing games, skis, equipment for experiments, toys made from waste material. It is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the storage and placement of external material. When designing the territory of our kindergarten, we attach great importance to safety, expediency, colorfulness, as well as aesthetic design. A brightly decorated area in itself causes a stable positive effect in children. emotional mood, the desire to go for a walk. We decorate the verandas with garlands, small soft toys, flags of various configurations, we attach turntables, sultans, snowflakes to tree branches (winter), noise tools from waste material, we make various containers for planting fresh flowers from waste material, we also decorate with a variety of flowers made from plastic bottles. In winter, educators decorate snowy buildings with ornaments of multi-colored ice floes, Christmas garlands, cloth, use waste material, because. it is practical and looks brighter.

All this contributes to the development of artistic and aesthetic taste in children.

At the same time, in order to diversify the movements of children on a walk in the group area, there are the following groups of physical education equipment:

The first group is to consolidate balance skills.

The second group is for jumping, stepping over.

The third group is for throwing exercises.

The fourth group is for crawling.

And slides for rolling.

We attach great importance to the prevention of injuries during walks.

II stage - organizational

Preparing children for a walk

In order for the children to willingly gather for a walk, the teacher prepares the children for the walk in advance, thinks over its content, arouses the kids' interest in it with the help of toys or a story about what they will do. If the walks are meaningful and interesting, children, as a rule, go for a walk with great pleasure.

The dressing of children should be organized in such a way that they do not spend a lot of time and that they do not have to wait long for each other. For this, it is necessary to think over and create the appropriate conditions. Each group needs a spacious dressing room with individual lockers and a sufficient number of banquettes and chairs so that the child can comfortably sit down, put on leggings or shoes and not interfere with other children.

The teacher should teach children to dress and undress independently and in a certain sequence. First they all dress the lower body (tights, pants, shoes), then top (coat, hat, scarf, mittens, etc.). When returning from a walk, undress in the reverse order. The younger caregiver helps to dress the little ones, however, giving them the opportunity to do what they can themselves. When the children develop the skills of dressing and undressing, and they do it quickly and accurately, the teacher only helps them in some cases. (fasten a button, tie a scarf, etc.). It is necessary to teach kids to help each other, do not forget to thank for the service rendered. In order to develop dressing and undressing skills more quickly, parents should give their children more independence at home.

When most of the children are dressed, the teacher goes with them to the site. The rest of the children are monitored by a junior teacher, then escorts them to the teacher. When going for a walk, the children themselves take out toys and material for games and outdoor activities.

Stage III - practical

This is the implementation of work with children in accordance with the plan.

Components of the walk:

1. Observation;

A large place on walks is given to observations. (pre-planned) natural phenomena and social life. Observations can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual babies. The educator attracts some to observations in order to develop attention, while others arouse interest in nature or social phenomena, etc.

Surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity for organizing interesting and varied observations. For example, you can pay attention to the clouds, their shape, color, compare them with images known to children. Monitoring of the work of adults should also be organized.

2. Labor activity;

During the walk it is necessary to pay attention to the labor activity of children. The content and forms of its organization depend on the weather and season. So, in autumn, children collect flower seeds, harvest in the garden, in winter they can shovel snow, make various structures out of it. It is necessary to strive to make children's labor joyful, helping kids to master useful skills and abilities.

Labor tasks should be feasible for children and at the same time require certain efforts from them. The teacher makes sure that they do their job well, bring the work they have started to the end.

3. Game activity;

The leading place on the walk is given to games, mostly mobile. They develop the basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, bring up moral qualities. An outdoor game can be held at the beginning of a walk if the classes were associated with a long sitting of children. If they go for a walk after a musical or physical education class, then the game can be played in the middle of the walk or half an hour before it ends.

The choice of game depends on the season, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start a walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, jumping. Fun and exciting games help children to better endure cold weather. In wet, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn) you should organize sedentary games that do not require a lot of space.

Games with jumping, running, throwing, balance exercises should also be carried out in warm spring, summer days and early autumn.

During walks, plotless folk games with objects, such as grandmas, ring toss, skittles, can be widely used, and in older groups - elements of sports games: volleyball, basketball, towns, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey. In hot weather, water games are played.

Games are useful, with the help of which children's knowledge and ideas about the environment expand. The teacher gives the children cubes, lotto, encourages family games, astronauts, a steamer, a hospital, etc. He helps develop the plot of the game, select or create the material necessary for it.

In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in basic movements, sports entertainment is also organized during the walk - (exercises). In the summer it's cycling, in the winter it's sledding, sliding on your feet on icy paths.

4. Individual work;

During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with children: for some, it organizes a ball game, throwing at a target, for others - an exercise in balance, for others - jumping off stumps, stepping over trees, running down hills.

On walks, work is also carried out to develop the child’s speech: learning a nursery rhyme or a short poem, fixing a sound that is difficult to pronounce, etc. The teacher can remember with the children the words and melody of the song that they learned in a music lesson.

5. Independent activity of children.

For effective walks, it is necessary to create conditions for independent activities of children. In addition to the installed equipment of the site, additional external material should be taken out, which will serve the purposes of consolidating, clarifying, concretizing children's new knowledge about the world around them, and will also provide an opportunity to train children's observation skills, the ability to compare, generalize, draw the simplest conclusions. These are various sets of fairy-tale characters, familiar toys, doll utensils, molds, hoops, skittles, rings, etc.

A sufficient amount of game material will make the walk more intense and interesting.

List of equipment for independent motor activity during a walk:

Junior group - balls, skittles, scooter, tricycle;

Middle group - balls, hoops, large jump ropes, scooter, two-wheeled bicycle;

Senior group - balls, hoops, short ropes, two-wheeled bicycle, tennis balls, rackets, badminton, skittles, soccer ball, hoops, traps.

Preparatory group for school - balls (football, volleyball, rubber of different sizes), towns, ring toss, serso, hoops, skipping ropes, two-wheeled bicycle, tennis balls, rackets, badminton, traps, skittles, hoops.

During the walk, the teacher makes sure that all the children are busy, do not get bored, so that no one is cold or overheated. Those children who run a lot, he attracts to participate in more relaxed games.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys, equipment. Before entering the premises, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, neatly fold and put away things in lockers. They put on a change of shoes, put their costume and hair in order and go to the group.

Target walks and their meaning

The teacher organizes children's observations of social life and natural phenomena outside the site. For this purpose, targeted walks are organized.

In the younger group, targeted walks are held once a week for a short distance, along the street where the kindergarten is located. With older children, such walks are held twice a week and over longer distances.

The teacher shows the children of the younger group houses, transport, pedestrians, the middle group - public buildings (park, playground, shop, etc.). With older children, targeted walks are held to other streets, to the nearest park. Children get acquainted with the rules of behavior in public places and traffic rules.

On targeted walks, children get a lot of direct impressions of the environment, their horizons expand, knowledge and ideas deepen, observation and curiosity develop. Movement in the air has a positive effect on physical development. Long walking during a walk requires a certain endurance, organization and endurance from children.

Working with parents.

Another important area is working with parents. In the corner for parents on the information stands we place advice on the following content: "The Importance of Walking" , "Scheme of how to dress a child at different temperatures" , "How to dress a child so that he does not freeze, or where colds come from" , "Walking during and after illness" , "Mobile games for the whole family" , "What to do with a child for a walk?" . We are often asked not to take the child for a walk, because. he got sick. Our task is to explain to parents the importance of walking in a competent and accessible way. Individual counseling is one of the most effective forms of work. Based on the problems of the group, relevant information is placed in the parent corner. Rubric "Recommended to read" there is a selection fiction: fairy tales, stories about nature, poems, riddles, proverbs, etc. We hold joint events with parents - entertainment, holidays, "Gatherings" etc.

Stage IV - analytical

We, the educators, conduct daily self-analysis of the organization and conduct of walks.

Prepared by: Molodkina Maria Vladimirovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 50 of Ust-Labinsky district, Krasnodar Territory.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The most important task of preschool institutions is to preserve and strengthen the health of children. Children's health and its state is one of the most important characteristics that determine the position of children in society, and reflects the state of health of the whole society. At preschool age, optimal physical activity and physical education are the leading factors in maintaining health, full physical and mental development of the child.

Being in the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children.

Children spend up to four hours a day outdoors.

The daily routine of the kindergarten provides for a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk after an afternoon snack. The time allotted for walks must be strictly observed.

For the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development and organization of various activities for children, a planned and equipped area is of great importance in accordance with pedagogical and hygienic requirements.

To ensure the quality organization of a walk in the winter, it is necessary to create certain conditions: clear the area from snow, build buildings for the development of basic movements (walking, running, balance exercises, climbing, jumping, throwing).

Registration of winter sites is not an easy job, requiring large physical costs. Therefore, the involvement of the parent community is a prerequisite.

Every year we hold a review competition of winter sites "The best design of a winter site". This competition is held in two stages: preparatory and final. At the preparatory stage, consultations are held on site preparation, a master class on the design and decoration of the site with snow buildings. A month later, the final stage is held: inspection of sites, snow buildings, decorations of verandas, compliance with the requirements for the age category of children, compliance with safety regulations at the site

snow buildings :

    shapes to reinforce balance skills.

    walking figures.

    figures for throwing exercises.

    climbing figures.

    slides for skiing.

Great importance must be attached to the prevention of injuries during walks. Buildings must be strong, smooth. When building slides, the following requirements are met:

In the 1st junior group - a height of 70-80 cm with a slope of 3 m, a landing area of ​​​​1.5 m * 1.5 m must be made on top. To the right of the slope - a ladder (step height 12-14 cm, width 25 cm. The width of the slide is 50 -60 cm with sides along the edge of the slope up to 10 cm) + slide for dolls.

In 2 ml. group - height 80-90cm.

In the middle group - height 90-100 cm, with a slope of 4-5 m, the rest of the parameters are the same.

In the senior and preparatory groups - the height is 1-1.2 m, with a slope 5-6 m, the height of the steps is 14 cm, the rest of the parameters are the same.

I, as a senior educator, without fail provide methodological assistance to educators in organizing work in the winter. A consultation is being held on planning and organizing walks, a review of articles and recommendations in the methodological literature, workshops on making decorations for verandas from waste material.

When educators plan walks in VOR plans, it is important to follow all 5 stages.


    Labor activity;

  1. Gaming activity;
  2. Individual work;

    Independent activity of children.


VOR plans indicate the object, topic, purpose of observation, purpose of conducting and with whom it is carried out;

observation of living and non-living objects;

observations of the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Labor activity. Household work is planned (on the veranda, on the site), the form of work is indicated - individual group assignments, collective work

Outdoor games. It is recommended to play three games during the walk. When choosing games for a daytime walk, it is necessary to take into account the previous activities of children. After quiet classes (drawing, modeling), games of a more mobile nature are recommended. They need to be carried out with the whole group at the beginning of the walk. After physical education and music classes, games of medium mobility are recommended. You need to spend them in the middle or end of the walk. The plan should include games

Sedentary ("Make a figure", "Snake", "Find out who called"); games of medium activity (“Winter”, “I will freeze”, Who is the most attentive”); games with high physical activity (“Mousetrap”, “Ribbon Trap”, “Swan Geese”).

Without fail, the plans reflect the learning of a new game and games to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities. Approximately 10-15 new games are held during the year.

Walking games:

    sports exercises (“Sledding”, “Sliding”, “Skiing”);

    relay games;

    games with elements of sports;

    story mobile games;

  • attractions;

    story mobile games;

    plotless outdoor games;

    folk games;

    round dance.

Individual work. It is aimed not only at improving physical qualities, but also at developing mental processes, consolidating the material in all sections of the program, and forming moral qualities.

Independent activity of children. For its organization, it is necessary to create conditions: attributes, external material, tools for labor activity.

Approximate trip planning:


Tasks (to develop, consolidate, etc.)

Watching (birds, sparrow)

Remind the children that winter has come. Repeat the signs of winter together. Name folk signs of winter (see below), ask how children understand them.

Draw the attention of children to the birds that have flown to the site. Feed them. Recall which birds are called wintering. Name which ones winter with us. Remind which birds are called sedentary, list them together with the children. Make a riddle about a sparrow (see below). Together with the children, pay attention to the characteristic features of a sparrow: a small one with short and rounded wings, a brown back, black spots on the cheeks, stripes on the wings, short and strong legs. The beak is thin, hard, pointed at the end. Draw the children's attention to how the sparrow walks. In cold weather, sparrows sit huddled together, spreading their wings, ruffled. In winter, sparrows are cold and hungry, there are no insects, no grains, seeds, everything is swept up in snow.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the signs of winter.

To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds;

Repeat the characteristics of a sparrow

Poems, riddles, proverbs.

Winter signs:

December ends the year, winter begins.

December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a run.

Develop observation, memory,

- the ability to solve riddles.

“I've been catching bugs all day,
I eat insects, worms.
I don't fly away for the winter
I live under the ledge.

I have legs
And I can't walk
I want to take a step -
It's a jump."

Outdoor games with running, for a landmark. in space

A new game“Cat, what are you standing on?” (look in the card index of games).

- "Traps"

– “Snow carousel”

- dodging run

- orientation in space.

Games with remote material

Role-playing game “Shop”

- the ability to make "signets" from the snow, to play by the rules.

Ind. Job

Games: – “Bird on a tree”

– “Show me where the bird is”

- orientation in space.

Remove branches from the site.

Clean up the veranda.

Strengthen hard work skills.

We pay special attention to the presence of remote material:

  • Shovels for snow and for creative activities.
  • Ledyanki.
  • Signets.
  • Sultans.
  • Turntables.
  • "Pencils".
  • Sticks.
  • Bags, balls for throwing.
  • Waste material for snow play.
  • Attributes for role-playing games:
    - a doll dressed according to the season, a sleigh;
    - steering wheel…;
    - material for the game "Shop";
    - etc.
  • Attributes for sports games:
    - masks;
    - ribbons;
    - etc.
  • Marking material.
  • Set for research activities:
    – containers for snow and water;
    - molds for freezing;
    - sticks for measuring the depth of snow;
    - magnifier;
    - etc.

In our kindergarten, work with parents is carried out at a high level. Already in November, consultations are held with parents on preparing for the creation of conditions in the areas for walking in the winter, such as: “Motor activity of children during a walk”, “Creation winter fairy tales Location on". Educators invite parents to take part in the creation of snow buildings for children, the design of the site, clearing the territory, acquiring and manufacturing portable material.

In groups on information boards there are consultations of the following content: "Walking in winter", "The role of walking in hardening the child's body." "Moving games for the whole family." Parents also take an active part in the winter competitions “Forward to the Olympics”, “Snow Fortress”, holidays “New Year's Tale”, “Shrovetide”, and entertainment “ Winter fun”, “Visiting Frost”.

I carry out operational control on the organization of walks in each age group. On the basis of operational control, I receive information about the organization of walks, identify the need for methodological assistance to the educator, and adjustments to the educational process. In our kindergarten, a point system of control has been introduced: 3 points - “excellent”, 2 points - “good” (with minor remarks, 1 point - “bad” (rude remarks).

Issues under control:

- creating conditions on the site and conducting a walk;
- the procedure for dressing and undressing children;
– the content and condition of the remote material;
– organization of observations and experimental activities;
- the work of children on the site;
- independent games of children;
– individual work on the development of the main types of movements;
- the condition of the site equipment;
- organization of various activities on the walk.

In my work, I use specially designed control cards. In which the analysis of the walk is carried out in detail. For example:



Group number, age

Full name of the educator

Walk Analysis


1. Are all parts of the walk planned?

2. Dressing for a walk:
- gradualness
- independence,
– help of an assistant educator.
- having conversations with children.

3. Methodological observation:
- object selection
- the quality of the questions
- solving mental problems
- vocabulary work
- art word.

4. Conducting outdoor games:
- knowledge of the rules
- presence of attributes
– variability
– ways to organize children
– duration

5. Labor of children:
– Equipment/Age Compliance
- independence
– duration

6. Individual work with children:
- according to FIZO and other sections of the program.

7.Change of children's activities.

8. The presence of role-playing games:
- attributes.
– duration

9. Protection of life and health of children.


Familiarized by: Senior educator:

The issues of organizing and conducting walks are also included in the plan of thematic inspections. For example, "Motor activity of children for a walk." Conclusions and recommendations of operational and thematic control contribute to the professional growth of teachers, quality walks.

In conclusion, a final analysis is carried out work of preschool educational institution in winter. The purpose of this analysis is to sum up the results of activities and evaluate the results of work for the past period. Recommendations are being developed for teachers on the organization, regulation, planning of work in the winter period, tasks for the next academic year are outlined. Educators write reports, organize photo exhibitions for parents.

Luferenko Anna Yurievna
Job title: senior educator
Educational institution: MDOU No. 32
Locality: Elektrostal, Moscow region
Material name: methodical development
Subject:"Control and analysis of the walk"
Publication date: 23.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

MUNICIPAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION " Kindergarten No. 32 of the combined type "144006, Moscow region, Elektrostal, st. Pervomayskaya, d.6a phone: 576-14-41, 576-14.-41 dated 11/24/2014 No. 6

According to the results of operational control "Organization and conduct of a walk"

On the basis of the Order dated November 14, 2014. No. 78/1 - about

"On the operational control

organizing a walk "in MDOU No. 32, operational control was carried out in the period from 14.11

November 21, 2014























operational control includes the following aspects:

Walk planning

Organizing a walk

Formation of skills of joint activity of children with a teacher
Schedule of thematic control November 14, 2014 - junior group No. 1 November 17, 2014 - junior group No. 2 November 18, 2014 - middle group No. 1 November 19, 2014 - middle group No. 2
Analysis of operational control in the younger group No. 1.

Checked - educator Tkach I.A.

Operational control took place on November 14, 2014. As a result of the check, the implementation of the walk mode by the teacher of the younger group No. 1 - Tkach I.A. observed according to the ml regimen. group from 10.00 to 12.00. The joint activity of children with the educator and with peers was actively traced. On a walk, the teacher with the children watched the birds, played games: p / and "Sparrows", the children actively took part in the game, the teacher also paid attention to individual work with children Nastya B., Ilya M., Alina A. The purpose of individual work : pin distinctive features birds "Sparrow". Continuing the walk, they played in the “Family” s / r, where the teacher actively participated in the game. The walk was organized both on the site and in the pavilion. In the pavilion, the teacher organized the children's play activities (they built houses from a large designer). In independent game and motor activities, the children played: p / and “Sparrows and the Cat”, p / and “Horses”, s / r “Shop”, s / r “Family” The teacher teaches children to work. Children clean up toys after playing.

the walk corresponds to the plan of educational - educational work in the younger group. All planned activities have been completed. Tutor Tkach I.A. adheres to the walk schedule in accordance with SanPin. All children are dressed according to the season.
Familiarized by: ________________________________________________________________

Analysis of operational control in the younger group No. 2.

Checked - educator Salakhutdinova A.A.

Inspector - Deputy head according to V.R. Luferenko A.Yu.
Operational control took place on November 17, 2014. As a result of the check, the implementation of the walk mode by the teacher of the younger group No. 2 - Salakhutdinova A.A. observed according to the ml regimen. group at 10.00 to 12.00. The joint activity of children with the educator and with peers was actively traced. On a walk, the teacher with the children watched the sky, the children listened attentively to the teacher. They played games: p / and “Airplanes”, where the teacher actively participated in the game process, the teacher also paid attention to individual work with children Vika Ch., Nastya K., Timofey P. The purpose of individual work: to consolidate the basic movements for physical development. In independent play activities, the children played: p / and "Parovoz", s / r "Shop". The teacher teaches children to work. The children clean up after the game.
the walk corresponds to the plan of educational - educational work in the younger group. All planned activities have been completed. Teacher Salakhutdinova A.A. adheres to the walk schedule in accordance with SanPin. All children are dressed according to the season.
it is necessary to plan play activities with children in the pavilion, increase the time of physical activity (repeat the outdoor game 2-3 times).

Analysis of operational control in the middle group No. 1.

Checked - teacher Ershova L.N.

Inspector - Deputy head according to V.R. Luferenko A.Yu.
Operational control took place on November 18, 2014. As a result of the check, the implementation of the walk mode by the educator of the middle group No. 1 - Ershova L.N. observed according to the regime of the middle group at 10.00 to 12.10. The joint activity of children with the educator and with peers was actively traced. On a walk, the teacher with the children watched the birds, examined the crow, the children actively answered the questions of the teacher, the teacher also paid attention to individual work with children Leroy B., Madina E., Matvey K. The purpose of individual work: to consolidate the distinctive features of the bird "Crows" . Joint activities of the teacher with children: p / and “Find yourself a mate”, c / r “Builders”, where the teacher actively participated in the game. The teacher planned gaming activities on the site and in the pavilion. Joint activities with peers were actively traced. In independent play and motor activity, children played s/r “Drivers”, “Daughters-Mothers”, p / and “At the bear in the forest”. The teacher teaches children to work. Children clean up toys after playing.
the walk corresponds to the plan of educational - educational work in the middle group. All planned activities have been completed. Educator Ershova L.N. adheres to the walk schedule in accordance with SanPin. All children are dressed according to the season.
increase the time of motor activity repeat the outdoor game 2-3 times.
Familiarized by: _________________________________________________________

Analysis of operational control in the middle group No. 2.

Checked - teacher Trubochkina N.B.

Inspector - Deputy head according to V.R. Luferenko A.Yu.

Operational control took place on November 19, 2014. As a result of the check, the implementation of the walk mode by the educator of the middle group No. 2 - Trubochkina N.B. observed according to the regime of the middle group at 10.00 to 12.10. The joint activity of children with the educator and with peers was actively traced. On a walk, the teacher with the children watched the garbage truck, the teacher paid attention to individual work with children Ivan T., Prokhor P., Karina S. The purpose of individual work is to consolidate children's knowledge of land transport. Joint activities of the teacher with children: p / and “Fox in the chicken coop”, s / r “Drivers”, where the teacher actively participated in the game. The teacher planned gaming activities on the site and in the pavilion. Joint activities with peers were actively traced. In independent game and motor activity, children played: p / and “Hit the target”, “Daughters-Mothers”, “Traps”. The teacher teaches children to work. Children clean up toys after playing.
the walk corresponds to the plan of educational - educational work in the middle group. All planned activities have been completed. Tubifex tutor N.B. adheres to the walk schedule in accordance with SanPin. All children are dressed according to the season.
Familiarized ____________________________________________________________

Analysis of operational control in the senior group.

Checked - teacher Makletsova I.A.

Inspector - Deputy head according to V.R. Luferenko A.Yu.
Operational control took place on November 20, 2014. As a result of the check, the implementation of the walk mode by the educator of the older group - Makletsova I.A. observed according to the regime of the senior group at 10.35 to 12.25. The joint activity of children with the educator and with peers was actively traced. On a walk, the teacher with the children observed a natural phenomenon (ice formation), the children listened carefully and actively answered questions. Joint activities of a teacher with children: p / and "Hockey on the field", individual work on physical development - cross-coordination of movements of arms and legs with children Maxim M., Liza P., Polina B., s / r "Kindergarten". The teacher planned gaming activities on the site and in the pavilion. The daily work of the educator is visible, the children know a lot of mobile and sedentary games, they know the rules of the game, they follow them under the supervision of the educator. Joint activities with peers were actively traced. In independent game and motor activity, children played: p / and "Who is faster", "Daughters - Mothers", "Geese - Swans". The teacher teaches children to work. Children clean up toys after playing.
the walk corresponds to the plan of educational - educational work in the senior group. All planned activities have been completed. The teacher Makletsova I.A. observes the schedule of the walk in accordance with SanPin. All children are dressed according to the season.
distribute roles in the game with the help of a rhyme in order to avoid insults.
Familiarized __________________________________________________________________

Analysis of operational control in the group preparatory to school.

Checked - educator Nugaeva N.S.

Inspector - Deputy head according to V.R. Luferenko A.Yu.

Operational control took place on November 21, 2014. As a result of the check, the fulfillment of the walk mode by the teacher of the preparatory group for school - Nugayeva N.S. observed according to the regime of the preparatory group for school at 10.50 to 12.35. The joint activity of children with the educator and with peers was actively traced. On a walk, the teacher with the children watched the trees in late autumn. Children watched with interest, listened to the teacher attentively, actively answered questions. Joint activities of a teacher with children: p / and "Hares and a wolf", individual work on physical development "Who will collect faster?" with Mark G., Grachik S., Maria V., the goal is to develop dexterity and attention in movement, and also played the s / r "We are drivers." The daily work of the educator is traced, the children know a lot of outdoor games, they know the rules of the game, they follow them under the supervision of the educator. The teacher planned gaming activities on the site and in the pavilion. Joint activities with peers were actively traced. In independent game and motor activity, children played: p / and "Football", "Daughters-mothers", "Traps". The teacher teaches children to work. Children collect natural material for creative development.
the walk corresponds to the plan of educational - educational work in the preparatory group for school. All planned activities have been completed. Educator Nugaeva N.S. adheres to the walk schedule in accordance with SanPin. All children are dressed according to the season.
in the plot role playing teach children to independently assign roles.
Familiarized ________________________________________________________________

Deputy head for VR __________ A.Yu. Luferenko

Structure of the walk:

  1. 1. Observation.
  2. 2. Outdoor games: 2-3 games of high mobility, 2-3 games of low and medium mobility, games of children's choice, didactic games.
  3. 3. Individual work with children on the development of movements, physical qualities.
  4. 4. Labor of children on the site.
  5. 5. Independent gaming activity.

The sequence of structural components of the walk may vary depending on the type of previous activity. If the children were in a lesson that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at the beginning of the walk it is advisable to conduct outdoor games, jogging, then observations. If there was a physical or musical activity before the walk, the walk begins with observation or a quiet game. Each of the mandatory components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background of independent activity.


A large place on walks is given to observations (planned in advance) of natural phenomena and social life. Observations can be carried out with a whole group of children, with subgroups, as well as with individual babies.

IN younger age observations should take no more than 7-10 minutes and be bright, interesting, older age observations should be between 15 and 20 minutes. They should be carried out daily, but each time the children should be offered different objects for consideration.

The objects of observation can be:

  • 1. Wildlife: plants and animals;
  • 2. Inanimate nature: seasonal changes and various natural phenomena (rain, snow, flowing streams);
  • 3. Labor of adults.

4. Observations of the work of adults (janitor, driver, builder, etc.) are organized 1-2 times a quarter.

Types of observation:

  • Short-term observations are organized to form about the properties and qualities of an object or phenomenon (children learn to distinguish the shape, color, size, spatial arrangement of parts and the nature of the surface, and when they get acquainted with animals, characteristic movements, sounds made, etc.
  • Long-term observations are organized to accumulate knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals, about seasonal changes in nature. At the same time, children compare the observed state of the object with what it was before.

When organizing observations, the teacher must always follow this sequence:

1. the facts are established;

2. links are formed between the parts of the object;

3. there is an accumulation of ideas in children;

4. comparisons are made;

5. Conclusions are drawn and links are established between the current observation and the previous one.

Surrounding life and nature provide an opportunity for organizing interesting and varied observations.

Outdoor games.

The leading place on the walk is given to games, mostly mobile. They develop the basic movements, relieve mental stress from classes, bring up moral qualities.

The choice of game depends on the season, weather, air temperature. On cold days, it is advisable to start a walk with games of greater mobility associated with running, throwing, jumping. Fun and exciting games help children to better endure cold weather. In wet, rainy weather (especially in spring and autumn), sedentary games should be organized that do not require a lot of space.

Games with jumping, running, throwing, balance exercises should also be played on warm spring, summer and early autumn days.

During walks, plotless folk games with objects, such as grandmas, ring toss, skittles, can be widely used, and in older groups - elements of sports games: volleyball, basketball, towns, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey. In hot weather, water games are played.

Time of outdoor games and exercise on a morning walk
V junior groups- 6 - 10 minutes,
in the middle - 10-15 minutes,
in senior and preparatory - 20-25 minutes.
On an evening walk:
in junior and middle groups - 10-15 minutes,
in senior and preparatory - 12 -15 minutes.

Every month, learning 2-3 p / and (repeat for a month and fixing 3-4 times a year)

In the middle group the teacher distributes roles among the children (the role of the driver is played by a child who can cope with this task).

In the senior and preparatory group relay races, sports games, games with elements of competition are held.

Outdoor games end with walking or a game of low mobility, gradually reducing physical activity.

Children are not allowed to walk for a long time without moving. Children with reduced mobility, low initiative, who should be involved in outdoor games require special attention.

During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with children:
for some organizes a ball game,
target throwing,
for others, an exercise in balance,
for others, jumping off stumps, stepping over trees, running down hillocks.

Games with a high level of intensity of movement should not be played at the end of the morning walk before leaving the site, as the children in this case become overexcited, which negatively affects the character. daytime sleep, increases the duration of falling asleep, may be the cause of a decrease in appetite.

In addition to outdoor games and individual exercises in the main movements, sports activities (exercises) are also organized during the walk. In summer it is cycling, classics, in winter - sledding, skating, sliding on ice paths, skiing.

About half an hour before the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games. Then the children collect toys, equipment. Before entering the premises, they wipe their feet. Children undress quietly, without noise, neatly fold and put away things in lockers. They change their shoes, put their costume and hair in order and go to the group.