Does lpg massage help with cellulite. Lpg massage for cellulite - is it effective? The order of the procedure

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LPG-massage: cellulite is no longer terrible for us!

Cellulite is a complex problem and in the fight against it, few people become the absolute winner. It is rare that a woman can admit that she does not have the so-called “orange peel” at all and she has not tried many means on herself in an attempt to get rid of cellulite and forget about the fear of the beach season forever. Therefore, the news that this "enemy" can be defeated became a sensation that you will not believe until you see the evidence.

On the warpath with cellulite got anti-cellulite LPG massage of the body, which turned out to be a powerful discovery in aesthetic medicine, which no other technology has reached the level of. As a result of numerous clinical studies, American scientists have recognized this technique as the only one that really treats cellulite at the moment, no matter what stage of development it is at. No other procedure can compare with LPG massage and does not allow you to achieve such a clear and quick result.

Mechanism of action

Everything ingenious is simple and LPG massage is no exception - it is performed using a special massager, consisting of two rollers, which alternately capture skin areas, kneading them and smoothing them under a constant supply of vacuum. This allows you to work with tissues at different depths of subcutaneous fat.

Massage is absolutely hygienic and, despite the intense effect on tissues and lymph flow, does not bring any pain. Before starting the procedure, the client is given an individual suit, then the specialist selects the right program to work with a specific problem area and solve a specific problem. Almost the entire procedure is controlled by a computer, the effectiveness of the service does not depend on the qualifications of the master.

What is the result?

It would seem such a simple effect! But it is precisely this that leads to an amazing result: the skin “awakens” and begins to actively produce collagen, restore firmness and elasticity, and renew its structure. Blood circulation increases, lymph flow increases, fat layer decreases, skin relief improves, and therefore cellulite disappears. To finally convince those who still doubt the properties of the LPG procedure, it is worth adding that the course of such a massage allows you to lose weight and lose 1-2 sizes! Fat deposits in problem areas are significantly reduced, which, probably, can please a woman even more than getting rid of cellulite.

Massage is so multifunctional that in addition to the main declared properties, it has a general health-improving, immunomodulating effect on the body, and also perfectly relaxes and relieves stress. That is why LPG body massage is used in restorative medicine, rehabilitation therapy and sports.

So, by signing up for the procedure, you will receive:

  1. normalization of lymph and blood circulation
  2. reduction of subcutaneous fat
  3. restoration of the micro and macrostructure of the skin
  4. aging skin tightening
  5. elimination of edema
  6. cellulite treatment
  7. improvement of metabolic processes

LPG body massage does not cause any discomfort, does not leave marks on the skin and pain, it is one of the safest procedures for the client. The service is available even to people with varicose veins, when other types of massage are prohibited to them. The only contraindications to such a procedure can be oncology, pregnancy and diseases in the acute stage.

And, which is especially pleasant, the effect after the LPG course lasts up to six months, and provided that you monitor your body and undergo the procedure at least once a month, the result will delight you all the time.

About price

The price of one session starts from 1500 rubles, but signing up for the procedure only once is completely unprofitable for two reasons. The first - the effect, of course, will be, but minimal and not too durable. In order for LPG massage to really transform you, you need to complete a course of at least 10 procedures (the exact number is selected individually, depending on the condition of the skin), which are carried out 1-2 times a week. And the second - beauty salons offer a significant discount on the course of procedures, which allows you to save almost twice. You will have to enjoy the session from 35 to 50 minutes (as it is programmed into the computer), during which time the massager has time to walk all over the body, paying special attention to problem areas. Please note that too low cost of the procedure should alert you, as professional LPG massage devices are supplied from abroad and are not cheap.

Special equipment

The main equipment for LPG massage is produced by a French company of the same name, these are LPG - Cellu M6 ENDERMOLAB, Cellu M6 INTEGRAL, Cellu M6 KEYMODULE, Cellu M6 KEYMODULE, etc. All of them allow you to achieve excellent results, have several programs and modes of operation, perfectly cope with their task.

Over time, other devices appeared that combine several types of aesthetic services, for example, engineers from the Italian laboratory DEKA created the Triactive device. The Skintonic system, proposed by the French company CFK-Concepts, which, in addition to body massage, offers face lifting, baldness removal and peeling.

Also in salons and medical centers, you can again find the French Le Prus complex, which combines the LPG procedure with ultrasound for a more intense effect.

Thanks to LPG massage, you can say with confidence - your body can be perfect! All salons providing the service "LPG-massage"


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One of the main causes of cellulite is the stagnation of lymph in fatty tissues. Due to this process, fluid stagnation occurs and the growth of fat cells on the buttocks and thighs increases, which leads to the appearance of tubercles or orange peel on problem areas of the body. An innovative procedure - LPG massage - will help to cope with cellulite.

This massage is based on the endermologie method, when the impact occurs with the help of rollers that slide over the body. This method was developed after the proposal of Sergio Churri, a scientist from Italy, to use "tissue activation" as a means to accelerate the circulatory system and improve lymph flow in adipose tissue. The new massage method in France was called "endermology".

Now this type of manual or hardware massage is most often used in anti-cellulite programs in European countries, as well as in America. If we talk about the general principle of the procedure, then it consists in dynamic mechanical activation of tissues.

A patent for the use of the endermology method was received by LPG Systems. The endermology technique is carried out using LPG Systems devices - Cellu M6IP or Cellu M6 Keymodule.

Medical experts say that all other ways to improve appearance skin - cellulite creams, scrubs, baths act exclusively in combination with massage actions. Means that contain retinol, caffeine, without performing massage actions, can quite significantly increase skin elasticity, but they are not able to change either the type or size of body fat.

Conducted studies by aesthetic medicine specialists from 100 countries of the world have shown that endermology remains the most reliable method of getting rid of cellulite, excess weight and perfectly shapes the silhouette.

Endermologie is so popular today that this technique is considered the winner in the number of ongoing clinical studies that confirm their effectiveness. All other existing programs to combat cellulite have not received such fame.

LPG massage solves the following problems:

  • reduces overall weight
  • eliminates fat deposits;
  • treats cellulite;
  • strengthens and restores skin elasticity.

When the session is performed, the client must wear a special suit that helps to achieve the ultimate connection with the rollers and reliable working through the fabrics at different depths. The strength of the impact is selected individually. At the same time, the appearance of the skin, the ability of the rollers to hold and work with the fold are taken into account.

The massage is pleasant and lasts approximately 35 minutes. This time is enough to treat the whole body. The main actions of the technique are warming up the collar zone, increasing the activity of the skin and hands, working out problem areas, deep fat deposits and sagging skin, as well as shaping the silhouette.


But not every client needs weight loss procedures. Then endermology is used as a silhouette formation by aligning the contours of problem areas, for example, the hips, the area under the knees, the upper shoulder, fat deposits in the waist and eliminating the "orange peel".

It is necessary to carry out this procedure in courses of 10-20 sessions once or twice a week. At first, sessions are 2 times a week, and at the end of the course, the number of procedures is reduced to one per week.

There is an opinion that LPG is a vacuum massage, but in fact it is not. After vacuum massage, bruises appear on the body, without these lesions on the skin, the procedure is not effective. With LPG massage, such hematomas do not happen. In endermology, vacuum is used only to fix the fold in the working chamber.

The main working factor is the work of the rollers, which refers to the dynamic impact. Performed simultaneously with vacuum action, mechanical activation of tissues does not allow the collapse of the vessels of the lymph nodes. Each of the pair of rollers is equipped with an electric motor that is controlled by a microprocessor.

This system makes it possible to carry out different combinations, which differ in the rate of rotation of the rollers and the scheme of the massage. LPG allows you to get rid of any problems associated with the aesthetic appearance of the body, as well as to achieve lifting, increase skin elasticity, relaxation and muscle warming.

In addition, the procedure has a cumulative effect, so the result achieved will not disappear after a month. To maintain new body contours, it is important to perform one treatment per month.

Sofia Demidova

I must say right away that the parameters of my body have not crossed the critical line (the mass index is within the normal range), but they are infinitely far from my own ideals: I have problems with traditional problem areas. I go to a fitness club two or three times a week, ride roller-bikes in the summer, and ski boards in the winter. It happens that because of a long trip, vacation or hibernation, I get out of the rut for a month or two. On weekdays I don’t eat after 19.00, half a year ago I refused meat, I don’t abuse rolls, but I can’t live without ice cream. In general, everything is like everyone else.

How do I deal with cellulite?

A couple of times a year I am overwhelmed by thoughts of a massive attack on cellulite and excess body fat. As a secret weapon, I tried with varying degrees of success manual massage, Charcot shower, vacuum (can) massage, as well as various gels and creams. At some point, the passion for technical innovations pushed me to try hardware "tools", in particular LPG. I found a salon in the center of St. Petersburg, studied the site and reviews, gained confidence and went to the reception.

I was examined, problem areas were identified - “riding breeches”, sides, stomach, measured, weighed and recommended three or four pressotherapy sessions and 10-12 LPG massage procedures. Pressotherapy is when high pressure is applied in an airtight suit, which increases the metabolic rate and improves blood supply to the muscles, preparing the body for LPG. After a short briefing, I was given a chic nylon suit and taken to the ward.

Sofia Demidova

What is LPG massage?

The Cellu M 6 Keymodule i looks like a hybrid of a payment terminal, a killer droid from « star wars» and a vacuum cleaner. An experienced beautician is attached to it, probably honing his skills at home on long pile carpets.

An LPG session in my salon took one hour. I spent this hour with pleasure: you lie on the couch, and you are diligently “vacuumed”. Usually I went to the procedures in the morning before work and watched my dreams for another hour, interrupted by the beautician’s questions about my well-being: does it hurt, is it blowing, is it comfortable, etc. Well, once during the procedure, it was necessary to force myself to roll over from my back to stomach. No discomfort - the body is kneaded with a roller massager, sucking up skin areas. I would say that this is a vacuum massage, but on smart advertising sites they write that this is not so: LPG massage includes elements of electrolipolysis, vacuum and vibration massage.

The effectiveness of LPG massage

In general, everything is fine, but each next session began with weighing and measurements, and the indicators confidently kept their positions. No miracles happened to the skin either, although they promised a visible and tangible result. Cellulite as it was, and remained. The beautician wrinkled her forehead, marveling at my astonishing case. At first, she explained this by the fact that the fluid is not excreted from the body after pressotherapy. She said that quickly visible results will not appear. But over time, the explanations dried up, and the beautician switched from defense to offensive: maybe you don’t finish something and eat donuts at night? Do you like soda? Do you eat whole loaves or halves? But I was offensively clean in front of myself and medicine: I ate right and rode a bike every day. As a result, my specialist threw up her hands and advised additional LPG sessions.

Sofia Demidova

I think that such procedures have a minimal tangible result only in advanced cases, when extra pounds and volumes go away easily, because there are more of them and there is where to roam. In the meantime, everything is not so terrible, but already bad enough to start doing something, the result can be achieved only with sweat and blood. Or massage jars.

Or I came across an unsuccessful specialist who rarely cleans the house and has not mastered the skill. Or maybe, lying on the couch, it was necessary not to doze off, but to control the process, shouting: “More! Stronger! Higher! Not here!” but I don’t know.

Anti-cellulite LPG massage is a novelty in cosmetology that allows you to cope with an unpleasant defect for those who cannot follow a diet or do not like sports. This method of getting rid of cellulite does not require willpower or time. The only obstacle is the high price.

Description of the procedure

The advantage of LPG massage is that it stimulates the patient's body to fight cellulite by triggering its own physiological processes. For the first time, anti-cellulite LPG massage was carried out in the late 80s of the twentieth century. Among doctors, the procedure is known as endermotherapy, endermology or lipomassage.


Abbreviation LPG massage received in honor of the inventor of the device - Louis Paul Gauthier (engineer and France).

LPG massage helps to cope with the consequences of sports injuries (sprains and fractures), eliminate the consequences of postoperative and burn scars. But the most popular service in beauty salons and medical centers is LPG cellulite massage.

A special suit is required for the massage. It protects the skin from injury and allows you to achieve a greater effect. The LPG hardware massage procedure involves exposure to problem areas of vacuum and rollers. During the session, there is an alternation of squeezing and stretching of the skin with cellulite. And the vacuum allows you to influence the subcutaneous fatty tissue.

The result of the procedure is a sharp rush of blood to problem areas, an increase in the amount of oxygen supplied with the blood, the breakdown of fat accumulations, an improvement in metabolic processes and the removal of toxins in a natural way. Increased collagen synthesis makes the skin fresher and firmer.

On a note!

The scheme of LPG massage is developed by the doctor for each patient individually, taking into account the condition of the skin, the progression of cellulite, the presence of a history of chronic diseases and the wishes of the client.

Usually, 10 to 15 procedures are enough to obtain a lasting result. But their number may vary. The duration of one session is from half an hour to an hour. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to carry out LPG massage every 2-3 weeks or repeat the course of procedures after 3 months.


Anti-cellulite massage with the LPG device is performed for:

  • The presence of excess weight and cellulite on the thighs, abdomen and buttocks. It is very difficult to eliminate fat deposits in these areas by other methods;
  • Stretch marks and sagging skin after childbirth or sudden weight loss;
  • The need to correct the consequences of unsuccessful liposuction;
  • puffiness;
  • Rehabilitation after plastic surgery.

The order of the procedure

Before the LPG massage procedure, the specialist examines the problem areas, analyzes the degree of cellulite. Then the client puts on a suit, and the doctor marks the problem areas with a marker. This is necessary so that the specialist stays longer in these areas. Depending on the stage of cellulite, rollers for LPG massage are chosen. Their type depends on the direction of the therapeutic effect:

  • Alignment of the skin relief;
  • Increase elasticity;
  • Elimination of fatty deposits and cellulite.

The nature of massage manipulations is also important:

  • Strokes help shape the contours of the body;
  • Twisting gets rid of cellulite;
  • Circular movements increase skin elasticity;
  • Swinging relieves fat accumulations.

On a note!

After the LPG hardware massage procedure for cellulite, it is recommended to follow the drinking regime - drink at least 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. You can eat no earlier than 3 hours after the massage.


Despite the complex healing effect on the body, high efficiency in the fight against cellulite LPG massage has a number of absolute and temporary contraindications. Otherwise, the procedure may be harmful to health.

Critical days

If the patient is menstruating, LPG massage should be postponed. This is due to the fact that during the procedure, blood flow in the thighs and pelvis area increases, which can provoke profuse bleeding. It is especially dangerous to carry out LPG massage for menstruating patients with blood clotting disorders. Poor health of the client during menstruation also negatively affects the effectiveness of the procedure. Some cosmetologists advise to refrain from LPG massage only on days 1-3 of the menstrual cycle. But, in order to completely eliminate undesirable consequences, you should consult a gynecologist before the procedure.


Varicose veins are not an absolute contraindication to LPG massage. In the early stages of pathology, hardware procedures for cellulite contribute to the normalization of blood flow and are included in the treatment regimen. However, with advanced varicose veins (2 and 4 degrees), complicated by thrombophlebitis, a preliminary consultation with a phlebologist will be required. The doctor will examine the patient, mark areas of varicose veins that need to be avoided during the session. The procedure itself will be more gentle and short-term.

Other contraindications

It is forbidden to carry out LPG massage in the presence of such pathologies:

  • Open wounds, cuts, abrasions on the skin;
  • Large moles;
  • Neoplasms (including benign);
  • Infectious lesions of the skin;
  • Acute inflammatory process in the veins or lymph nodes;
  • Carrying out liposuction. LPG massage is allowed 7-10 days after liposuction;
  • Hernia or prolapse of internal organs;
  • Diabetes;
  • Unreasonable rise in temperature;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • Kidney dysfunction.

Expert opinion!

During pregnancy, you should also refrain from anti-cellulite LPG massage. A sharp rush of blood to the pelvic organs can provoke spontaneous abortion. If uterine fibroids are diagnosed, then the procedure is allowed if the size of the tumor is small. But it is important to prevent an increase in blood circulation in the area of ​​​​the neoplasm, as this can provoke an increase in the size of the fibroids.

The effectiveness of the procedure

Thanks to the course, you can:

  • Eliminate cellulite and improve skin texture;
  • Make the buttocks, chest and abdomen more toned;
  • Remove excess fluid and get rid of edema;
  • Reduce the volume of the hips and waist, due to the breakdown of body fat;
  • Increase muscle tone, improve health, improve well-being.


To increase the effectiveness of LPG procedures in the fight against cellulite, a balanced diet and exercise will help.

To evaluate which is better, LPG or manual anti-cellulite massage, a comparative table will help.


The price of anti-cellulite LPG treatment is not affordable for everyone. It is required to complete a full course of procedures to obtain the desired effect, and this is at least 6-10 sessions. The price of one massage is from one thousand to four thousand rubles. The cost varies depending on the city and salon or medical center. Also, to undergo treatment on the lpg apparatus, you will need to purchase a special suit, which costs about a thousand rubles.

LPG massage technology has been around for over 30 years. The idea of ​​an effective and comprehensive massage device came to mind of an engineer from France, L.P. Gite, who, after a serious accident, was forced to undergo a course of therapeutic and restorative massage. Having recovered, he developed and patented his apparatus, which facilitates the hard work of massage therapists, and also began to develop endermology - a special hardware technology for deep impact on the skin, subcutaneous fat layer and underlying muscles.

Today, lpg devices are most often used in cosmetology clinics, returning the beauty of the body and face to their clients. Does lpg massage help with cellulite? Yes, and in this case it is considered the most effective physiotherapy. Such a massage relieves even neglected forms and works in cases where other methods can no longer cope.

This is a large computerized complex, which includes:

  • a massage table;
  • control unit and central panel;
  • manipulator, at the end of which there is a vacuum tube and special rotating rollers.

The procedure is supervised by an employee who has completed a training course on working with the device. Massage equipment is produced by LPG-Systems, several models have been developed, the latest ones are LPG Integral and LPG Endermolab. Each device must have a certificate of conformity, which the client has the right to request before the procedure.

Often in conics and salons there are analogues of lpg devices, which are called b-flexy. They are produced by a Belarusian company and use a similar principle - vacuum-roller massage. However, these devices are purely cosmetic, they do not have a medical purpose like the LPG technique and cannot be used, for example, in recovery procedures after injuries, burns or for athletes.

At the same time, the LPG massage technique is approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and it is recommended by physiotherapists, sports doctors and specialists working in the field of cosmetic medicine.

The B-flexy device is less effective than lpg, it is able to help at 1-2 stages of cellulite and smooth out stretch marks a little, but nothing more. But the cost of procedures is more affordable. For those who don't have serious problems with a figure and skin defects, perhaps this will be enough.

The price of one lpg massage ranges from 2500 to 3000 rubles, and the procedure using the B-flexy vacuum roller massager will cost 900-1100. However, many medical centers and clinics today offer subscriptions and discounts for their services, so it is difficult to estimate the full cost of the course.

The user may encounter different definitions of lpg massage. Cyrillic abbreviations are often found - LPZH, LPG, LPJ, as well as "hardware anti-cellulite lipomassage", "lift-massage" or "endermotherapy", "endermology". If the term sounds like “vacuum-roller massage”, then analogue devices are used for the procedure.

Indications and limitations for lpg massage

As it became clear from the previous text, LPG massage is used not only in the fight against cellulite. Indications for him are generally out of scope. cosmetic procedures. In fact, the inventor of the device created a new direction in aesthetic and restorative medicine.

Different LPG massage protocols are used to get rid of such problems:

  • Excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • Fading skin on the face, neck, decollete;
  • Wrinkles, age-related ptosis, fatty hernia of the eyelids and other cosmetic defects;
  • Double chin;
  • Swelling of the face, lower extremities;
  • Varicose veins of the 1st stage;
  • Stretch marks;
  • Scars and scars after surgical operations, injuries, burns;
  • Condition after plastic surgery;
  • Muscle pain after intense physical activity, workouts;
  • Sagging skin on the abdomen after childbirth.

But most often, nevertheless, this device is used specifically for body shaping, skin tightening and cellulite. Anti-cellulite massage or lpg is recommended for a course of 10-15 procedures. The first 5 - every other day, the rest - once a week. The effect of the first course lasts for about six months, unless, of course, you do not lean on pies and fast food, but try to take care of yourself at least minimally.

There are no age restrictions for this technique, however, there are other contraindications that you need to know about:

  • varicose veins of stage 2 and above, thrombophlebitis, intermittent claudication;
  • acute stage of any disease or exacerbation of a chronic pathology;
  • menstruation or pregnancy;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • dermatological diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • neurological diseases;
  • large protruding moles, mechanical damage to the skin;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • arterial hypertension.

The order of the procedure

At the first meeting, the specialist finds out what problem the client came with, what result he wants to achieve, and conducts an examination. The number of prescribed procedures, the choice of protocol, exposure technique and nozzles depend on the preliminary diagnosis.

Before the massage, you must completely undress and put on a special sterile suit made of thin synthetic fabric(purchased at the clinic). It allows you to make the procedure more hygienic, evenly distribute the load from the device and eliminate injuries.

The procedure using the lpg apparatus, unlike manual anti-cellulite massage, is absolutely painless, and at times even pleasant and well relaxes the muscles. After it, a feeling of lightness and renewal is created.

Then the client lies down on the massage table, and the specialist outlines the areas of influence on the suit. During the procedure, he will ask you to tighten or relax certain muscles, lift your leg, turn around, etc.

The duration of the massage depends on the chosen protocol and is usually 30-50 minutes, and for the neckline and face - 10-15.

Very important point- diet and drink during the course. Two hours before the massage, you need to drink 2 glasses of pure water, and just before the procedure - one more. In total, it is recommended to consume 8-10 glasses during the day, since weight loss during massage occurs mostly due to fluid. This triggers the body's detoxification mechanism.