How to make real freckles on the face. The new beauty trend is freckles. How to make them? As for creamy textures for creating "freckles", there are also certain application rules here.

Freckles are an individual feature of appearance. They are not found in everyone and are small pigment spots of various shades of brown.

The attitude to this feature of appearance among people is ambiguous. As a rule, not all owners of freckles are satisfied with them and strive to get rid of them in every possible way.

However, many, on the contrary, consider cannabis very cute and are wondering what needs to be done to make them appear on the face.

As a rule, carriers of a certain type of appearance are prone to the appearance of this individual feature. Especially often, irregular pigmentation occurs in people who have red hair and pale skin.

People with dark hair are less likely to get freckles. People with fair hair and eyes are also prone to irregular skin pigmentation.

However, the main indicator is the genetic predisposition to the appearance of cannabis. In order to determine whether this feature can manifest itself, it is necessary to analyze your family tree.

If someone from blood relatives had cannabis, the probability of their appearance is quite high. There are two types.

Natural. Their sizes are quite small, they are safe in nature. These spots appear in places that are not covered from sunlight. All of them are different in color: from red and yellow to dark brown.

Sunburn freckles. They are much larger in size compared to natural ones. Their borders are irregular. In addition, after the cessation of exposure to ultraviolet light, these cannabis do not disappear.

How to get freckles naturally

In the event that a person has a hereditary predisposition to irregular pigmentation, then you can use natural ways manifestations of hemp. In order to figure out how to decorate your face with freckles, you need to decide on the mechanism of their appearance.

Cannabis are places of a large accumulation of melanin, which, under the influence of ultraviolet light, changes the shade of pigmentation in certain areas of the skin.

Thus, in order to catalyze the process of the appearance of cannabis, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations.

More sunshine. Ultraviolet is simply necessary for the manifestation of freckles. Under the influence of rays, the epidermis becomes slightly thicker.

As a result, the cells begin to intensively produce pigment. Under such influence, natural freckles become darker and appear.

Solarium. In the event that it is not possible to get natural ultraviolet, you can resort to the help of a solarium. The principle of manifestation of pigmentation remains the same.

When choosing these methods, it should be remembered that excessive amounts of sunlight can lead to burns and other skin damage.

Abuse of solarium can be fraught with the development of oncological diseases.

artificial ways

In the event that there is no genetic predisposition to special skin pigmentation, it is worth considering how they can be applied artificially.

There are several methods for this. The most common are the following three:

  • The use of self-tanning;
  • The use of henna;
  • Application of a cosmetic pencil.

Each of them should be considered in more detail.

self tanning

This is a fairly good option for creating cannabis. They are quite natural shade, while having a significant resistance to abrasion.

This method requires a fair amount of dexterity and accuracy, so for starters it’s worth a little practice. The essence of the technique is to very clearly apply a few even small drops of self-tanning on the skin of the face.

After some time, the areas that have been applied self-tanning will acquire a darker shade compared to other skin integuments.


Henna has been used as a natural dye for centuries. It is also suitable for making cannabis. The disadvantage of this method lies in the difficulty of creating a color that is as close as possible to the natural shade of pigmentation.

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To do this, you need to dilute the powder with extreme accuracy and accuracy. Thus, you may have to spend a lot of time to find your ideal shade.

Henna should be applied with extreme caution, it is better to use some thin object for this.

Do not use too much solution, the shade may turn out to be unnatural.


This method is the easiest and safest. Its only drawback is the minimal resistance of the pencil to erasure. However, this can also be regarded as a plus.

In case of an error when drawing hemp, they can be easily corrected. Works well for eyeliner or eyebrows. The color is selected depending on the natural skin tone.


Quite radical methods can come to the rescue. It's about the tattoo.

In this case, the master introduces the pigment under the skin in the form of small dots. This option is by far the most durable. However, do not forget about the disadvantages of such a procedure.

Like any tattoo, this type of tattoo is associated with the risk of various infections and skin irritations. In addition, any error of the master will be very noticeable and difficult to eliminate.

Everyone has a different attitude towards freckles. Some persistently try to get rid of them, while others, on the contrary, want to acquire them. There are several ways to change, both natural and artificial.

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When answering the question of how you can get freckles, you should take into account many individual characteristics. The main thing is that the end result meets expectations.

Drawing lesson, how to draw a portrait of a girl with freckles in stages with a pencil.

1. The first thing we do when drawing a portrait is to outline the proportions of the face and the contour itself. It is not necessary to do this carefully, everything will be fixed in the future. We plan where the eyes, lips will be located. As soon as we have drawn, we check with nature. If everything is as we need, we continue.

2. We start drawing from the eyes. if they succeed, everything else will succeed.
From the eyes we go to, we also draw them. Highlights can be left as white as highlights. In the future, you can make them darker.

3. The fun begins) We begin to work on the skin of our cute model. Try not to darken, you can always make it darker! Take a not very soft pencil. Let's say B or 2B and create!

4. Our skin painting process continues. We move from the cheek to the forehead and do chiaroscuro in the same way. In those places where the strand will hang down in the future, we make a shadow.

5. We finish working on drawing the cheekbones, ear and chin. If during the process it seems to you that some places are too light, darken them. If, on the contrary, they are dark, take a nag, this is the best assistant in highlighting areas (sold in any art store).

6. And here, the fun begins! Hair. Take the pencil a little softer so as not to push through the paper too much. You can take 2V or 3V. Carefully draw the strands that fell on the face. This is the most difficult, otherwise we will ruin everything. We do this work with neat strokes) Let's move on to our hair on the head. And we draw the same strokes on the strands.

7. We finish drawing the hair, focusing on the light areas. Make smooth strokes and don't be afraid! Let's move on to clothes. It is the darkest one with us, so do not be afraid to take a softer pencil. In this case, 2V was used, but I suffered with it) take 3V or 4V, it will be easier. We make strokes neatly in the direction of the main lines (in this case, this is the line of the shoulders and neck).

Henna freckles are a special type of decorative makeup that helps girls become owners of funny spots on their faces.

They give a peculiar charm, emphasizing tenderness and youth. But it is not easy to meet a natural scattering of small specks of pigment, because they appear in spring and summer period, and even then only among fair-haired and red-haired people with green or blue eyes. To correct the restrictions imposed by nature, alternative means are used: iodine, pencil, self-tanning.

There is a popular belief that hemp is the traces of angel kisses, and people with such wonderful marks are lucky in life. And although the theory will not receive scientific justification, a persistent psychological effect at the subconscious level remains a fact. Having decided to draw freckles, their owner gains confidence and causes the predisposition of others.

A curious story about the importance of age spots is associated with popular actress Julia Roberts. The star of "Pretty Woman" repeatedly pointed out in an interview that it was the caulks that made her noticeable and allowed her to achieve fame.

There are other reasons why girls create artificial freckles:

  1. When repainting hair in a light or red shade, painted cannabis will complement the image, making it natural.
  2. Some dark spots in the summer, they grow significantly and cover a significant part of the face. In such cases, bleaching and the formation of red spots artificially in the form of separate regular points will help restore aesthetic beauty.
  3. Using various means, konopatinki are created to give charm and obtain a holistic romantic image.

Henna as a way to make freckles

When studying how freckles can be drawn, the choice is usually stopped on henna, which is explained by a number of its positive characteristics, which are easy to identify from the following table with a comparative analysis.

Means for applying cannabis Skin damage Fortitude Natural appearance Difficulty of application
Henna short high high low
Pencil average low average high
self tanning high high high high
carrot juice short low average average
Iodine average low average low

The easiest way to draw freckles is with a pencil, but then they quickly disappear and it is difficult to achieve a natural shade. If persistence and naturalness are required, then the best option there will be henna - affordable and effective natural material. Cosmetic tattooing was not included in the table, since this remedy is used in extreme cases, when there is full confidence that created image with specks will not stop loving in the future.

Henna is a natural dye that has long been used by people for hair and body.

Why is it better to paint freckles on the face with henna:

  • complete safety for the skin and human health;
  • high stability, comparable to self-tanning;
  • natural brown color.

Henna application instructions

Before you make freckles with henna at home, you will need to correctly determine the exposure of the composition in order to get bright shade. There is no universal recipe, so you have to check experimentally, following the instructions step by step.

  1. Henna is poured with boiling water, allowed to brew, marking the time, and then applied to the skin of any place that is not conspicuous. When drawing, use a toothpick or a wooden stick.
  2. After applying several points, wait 10 minutes.
  3. The procedure is repeated and wait another 5 minutes.
  4. Then new points are added, marking already 3 minutes.
  5. After the time has passed, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the pigment spots were applied is washed with water, and they look at which of them look as natural as possible.
  6. Having determined the appropriate time for keeping the paint on the body, you can draw freckles directly on the face, alternating small dots with larger hemp and achieving the most natural pattern.

If you wish, you can preview pictures and videos of models with anti-age makeup in order to gain ideas and imagine how to make up with freckles. It is useful to take a before and after photo in order to visually assess how the perception of the image has changed with the addition of hemp.

Rules for caring for painted freckles

aesthetic appearance and stability is achieved proper care behind the skin. It is important to pay attention to 2 such points:

  1. Naturalness depends on the condition of the skin, which is protected from dryness. For this purpose, use nourishing creams and face masks that moisturize and supply the epidermis with the necessary elements.
  2. The use of tonics, eau de toilette and alcohol-based lotions is contraindicated, as they accelerate the process of erasing artificial pigment spots.

Using the above recommendations, it will not be difficult to draw freckles on the face with henna, and it will not be difficult to keep their appearance. In return, get the opportunity to experience a rejuvenating effect that gives the image a youthful freshness and cheerfulness.

The beauty trends of this summer have been replenished with another "new-old" trend - make-up with artificial freckles. The boom in this trend was last year, after Selena Gomez presented the video "Fetish". In the video, the singer has artificial freckles on her face.

But in 2018, this makeup trend is not going to give up. Judging by the number of photos of girls with freckles on their faces on Pinterest and Instagram, fake freckles-makeup will only become more popular.

Why is every other blogger and makeup junkie copying this amazing makeup trend? Because summer, because freckles make the face look younger and healthy look because Kendall Jenner does it, because Selena Gomez and Nina Dobrev do it, and with them half the model-actor regiment.

Freckles on the face are so popular that beauty bloggers have learned how to make them different ways. And they are incredibly simple.

How to draw freckles

There are several ways to draw freckles. The first two methods will be washed off along with the make-up. The other two will give you semi-permanent freckles that will last a week or two on your face.

Freckles with makeup

As you may have guessed, the first way is to draw freckles with makeup. It's very simple: you will need any eyebrow product, be it eyeshadow, lipstick, felt-tip pen or pencil. You just need to randomly place dots of different shapes on the face. and press them in a little with your fingers so that they look natural.

Tip: makeup artists recommend using two shades of the product: one is the lightest eyebrow pencil or pomade for blondes, the second is brown. And the first should be a cold shade, not with a redhead. So freckles will look natural.

Freckles with colored hair spray

The second way is even easier, but it takes skill. Freckles can be painted with a tinted hair spray. Yes, the one with which they tint the roots. You need to very carefully spray the product on your face, wait until it dries and drive a little with your fingertips so that the spots merge with the skin. This option is also washed off with conventional makeup removers.

The next two options will be semi-permanent. They wash out in a week or two.

Henna freckles

The first is henna freckles. To do this, you will need ordinary henna for eyebrows or for painting on the body. But it is important to choose the lightest brown shade so that the freckles do not look like dirt later.

Dilute the henna as usual. With a thin brush, draw freckles on the face. Let the henna dry for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. You can use a new toothbrush instead of a brush, spraying henna on your face with it. True, there may be problems with this method, because you cannot control how much and where the dye will go. If you dare, do it in the bathroom so you don't smear anything.

Freckles with Self Tanner

And the last way, which is now becoming more and more popular - freckles with self-tanning. I must say that they look more natural. The principle is the same as with henna. Apply dots with a brush to the areas where you want to get freckles. Wait 30 minutes and wash up. That's all.

Freckles are the kiss of the sun. Many women are convinced of this. But the owners of such dignity often want to get rid of it. Lovely girls and men, freckles are wonderful, and many people aspire to have them appear on their skin. This article is for those who, by all means, want to decorate themselves with spots on their faces. So, let's talk about how to make freckles effortlessly.

What are freckles

How to make freckles? Firstly, this is a hereditary phenomenon, its cause is the uneven distribution of skin pigment. But freckles are of two types:

  • Since birth. Such decorations of the face and body are very small, light and relatively safe. Usually their appearance is associated with the sun on the skin, no matter how much.
  • Sunburn freckles. Such specks have much larger size. They are unevenly distributed in different areas. Interestingly, natural freckles disappear on their own, as soon as sunlight ceases to act regularly and intensively on them. But the gift of the sun remains, regardless of the ultraviolet.

If you are wondering how to get freckles on your face, you must have thought about getting some sun. But do not overdo it, because ultraviolet can not only create beauty, but also cause many diseases, including oncology. In everything, moderation is important.

The role of heredity

Remember: no matter how much time you spend in the sun, if your ancestors didn't have freckles, you won't have them either. This is a hereditary phenomenon. If you have pale skin and red hair, then freckles will appear with almost one hundred percent probability. Blondes can also receive a sunny gift fair skin. But if you have dark hair and a swarthy body, it is unlikely that freckles are inherent in your heredity. You can test your predisposition.

How to make freckles appear:

  • Look at your relatives. If they have freckles, then you most likely have them too.
  • If you have determined the presence of a predisposition in relatives, you are wondering how to make freckles more noticeable. Expose yourself to the sun for 2-3 hours a day to darken the pigment that has accumulated in your skin in excess. This is how you discover your freckles.
  • If you don't like sunbathing, visit the solarium. It will also darken natural freckles.

Never go too far in your desires. Oncological pathologies have not done anyone yet happy man. And think a few times if you're really interested in how to get more freckles. After all way back you won't. The kiss of the sun will most likely stay with you forever.

Love the sun and it will love you

Believe me, more than 4 hours under the open scorching sun will not make you happier. Most likely, you will feel incredibly tired, and with such regular tanning, your immunity will drop very quickly, giving scope for infectious and viral diseases, nervous tension and unwillingness to do anything. Then even the long-awaited freckles will not please you. And it’s good if oncology does not appear.

To love the sun means to be in harmony with it. Sunbathe only when you feel like it and feel really good. Then the luminary will thank you with tender freckles and a bronzed, painless tan.

We create freckles artificially

Information about how freckles can be done without sunbathing will be useful to people who want such decoration temporarily or have not found their cherished hereditary traits.

You will need an eyeliner that matches your skin tone. Choosing the right tool is very easy. To do this, compare the color of the pencil with your eyebrows. If they are light, choose a tool 2-3 shades darker. If they are almost black, work hard and find a pencil that is even blacker.

Using the tool, apply small light freckles to the face. They should be asymmetrical both in shape and location on the face. Don't try to mirror them, it looks unnatural.

Then you will need an even darker pencil. With it, draw a few dark ones between the light freckles. They should be larger and their number should be smaller.

After carrying out all the manipulations, go to the mirror and make sure that the freckles are asymmetrical, one does not creep over the other, and they look natural.

If their borders are too clear, tap them lightly with your fingertips. And to prevent freckles from spreading, apply a fixing spray or powder to your face.

Freckles with foundation

Foundation can also help in your case. Apply it only to those areas of the skin where you plan to draw freckles. It will make them a little darker. You will also need a brow pencil two shades lighter than your usual brow pencil. Use it to draw freckles asymmetrically.

Draw uneven dots. Some should be darker and some should be lighter. To smooth their contours, pat them with your fingertips.

If you think that the painted freckles are too dark, apply a little powder or foundation on top. If everything suits you, in no case do not do this.

Weigh the pros and cons before applying cosmetic freckles to your skin in the summer. In very hot weather, the face simply will not breathe, and you will be uncomfortable and stuffy.

cosmetic tattoo

Cosmetic tattooing, or permanent makeup, is used mostly for tattooing the eyebrows or lips. But recently it has also been used to create freckles.

The tattoo artist you contact will inject a special ink under your skin using a tattoo needle. Good specialist creates freckles that cannot be distinguished from natural ones.

Remember that such a tattoo is extremely difficult to remove. It's painful and your skin will never return to its original state. To reduce all kinds of risks, follow the tips:

  • Be sure to ask the master for his license.
  • Check out the tattoo artist's portfolio. It is very important that he has already done similar tattoos.
  • The specialist will definitely talk with you, together you will choose the size and color of future freckles. The task of the master is to be able to convey to you how you will look in the end.
  • All instruments must be sterile.
  • The master will definitely tell you how to care for the tattoo at first. Follow all his advice strictly.

Remember that a tattoo is a painful procedure. You must be mentally prepared for it.

Be carefull!

Always remember to take precautions. You must accurately calculate the results and consequences of your actions. Be ready for anything mentally and physically. The materials of the article will help you with this.