Day of the educator and all preschool workers - cool congratulations to colleagues, in verse and prose, in pictures, from parents and children. Congratulations on the day of preschool education workers Congratulations for preschool teachers

September 27 is a professional holiday for all employees of institutions preschool education in Russia, . It is the educators in kindergartens who form the personality and lay the foundations for raising children, which is of great importance before they enter school time. The work of the educator kindergarten very important and responsible. Today in Russia there are 60,000 preschool children's institutions, employing about 1,200,000 educators. They support not only one of the noblest, but also one of the most viable, promising social institutions.

We wholeheartedly congratulate all employees of preschool institutions who give the warmth of their hearts to children every day on the holiday!

It was established in 2004 on the initiative of a number of all-Russian pedagogical publications. And it is wonderful that such a day has appeared when teachers, methodologists and support staff of kindergartens will be surrounded by the respect of parents and everyone's attention.

The purpose of the holiday is to draw public attention to kindergartens and preschool education in general. In Russia, celebrations are held on this day, dedicated to the Day educator. In kindergartens - matinees. Parents thank the mentors of their children for the patience, tenderness, warmth and care shown to the kids.

Bouquets of flowers, wall newspapers, congratulations and poems - all on this day to the most attentive, sensitive and responsive - educators! They make a significant contribution to our daily lives. It is they who lay the foundation of the character and abilities of most children in our country.

It is very difficult, but also very interesting - this is what most educators say about their work. But, giving our child to the care of educators, we worry and worry about his future stay in a society without parents.

Therefore, it is very important that our kids in preschool institutions met people who love children, who know how to find with kids mutual language, interest, develop talents and abilities, as well as educate a full-fledged citizen of their country.

In do not forget to congratulate your friends, educators and heads of kindergartens, show warmth and attention, and let their faces light up with smiles. Indeed, if former students often congratulate school teachers even many years after graduation, then small children rarely remember their educators. And do not blame them too much for this: these are the features of child psychology.

That's why, congratulations on the teacher's day, if not from children, then at least from their parents, they should at least slightly compensate for this injustice.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse

All employees of preschool institutions
Happy holiday today!
Your work is very important, no doubt!
Endurance, patience we wish you!
Say: educators, thank you
For the fruits of your generosity of soul,
And for not sparing strength
Give hearts to children every day!

Raise children with love
They, with warmth, open the world,
How can you not respect
And how can you not appreciate.
you deserve this day
With his work, worthy of love.
After all, raising children
For centuries it was considered noble.
May it always be sunny
Your road to kindergarten.
May they never fade away
In the soul - love, in the heart - joy.

You are always kind and considerate.
So sweet and caring!
Congratulations, dear teachers!
Happiness to you for many years!
You are your big and good heart,
Warmed children's hearts
Being an educator is a calling
And the kids love you for a reason!
Poems for Teacher's Day

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in prose

We congratulate you, educators, preschool workers, today with all our hearts on professional holiday! Not just because you fell in love with mischievous kids. You surround with care, you give your love. And phrases will be superfluous here, in fact everything can be seen without words! Let your days be the way you want them, so that there is a wonderful mood, and in any situations you can smile and give joy to children! Thank you for everything!

Our dear and respected educators, nannies, all workers and employees of the kindergarten and preschool institutions! We sincerely congratulate you all on this wonderful professional holiday - Happy Educator's Day! May your days be always filled with light, kindness, nobility and peace. Good luck in all your good thoughts, aspirations and undertakings!

Autumn day, the sun gives the last warmth, the trees are dressed in a fiery yellow dress ... A great time for your holiday, Teacher's Day and all preschool workers, on which we congratulate you! Kindergarten is the very first team of a little person, and with all your heart you help him grow big and strong, brave and smart... And, believe me, he will remember your lesson and grow up to be a good citizen! And you do not get tired to look after the young shift and be happy! Health to you, great luck and great love!

SMS congratulations on Teacher's Day

Short congratulations on Teacher's Day

Being a teacher is not easy!
Sometimes, after all, father and mother -
Native people, two adults,
Unable to cope with the child!
I wish you patience
In your difficult work,
And I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You are always young at heart!

Educator, no doubt
This is hard work.
You are worthy of praise
Your work is so important!
I wish you good luck
Radiate goodness!
You can't live otherwise
To be lucky in life!

Educator, congratulations on the holiday!
I wish you more children's smiles
Even though your job is hard,
But for everyone it is very important!

Kindergarten - the road to life:
Let's start making friends here
Learn in the game of science,
And live here without boredom!
This is your merit.
Out of the world better friend!
I wish you happiness in life
Happy holiday, dear!

There is no better profession
At least go around the whole wide world!
Educator today - Hurrah!
Good luck, full of joy!
May the children love and honor you
Flowers gratefully bear
And moms, dads, let them not sleep,
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Voice congratulations on Teacher's Day

Congratulations on the Teacher's Day on the phone you can listen to and send your favorite to the recipient as music or voice greeting to a mobile or smartphone. You can order and send congratulations on the Teacher's Day to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard. Sound congratulations on the Day of the educator on the phone will be guaranteed to be delivered to a mobile, smartphone or landline phone, which you can personally verify by tracking the status of receiving the congratulations by clicking on the received link in the SMS message after payment.

Funny congratulations on Teacher's Day

preschool worker,
Dear teacher!
Like a soldier on the children's front,
You are always our hero!

We wish you today
So that the sun shines brightly in the sky,
So that in life and fate
Everything was always right!

Educators are important
Educators are needed
Moms, dads - everyone in the world,
And especially for children
small, medium and large,
Smart, stupid - yes, anyone,
Who teaches us life from childhood?
Do the rules torment us all?
Black and white, left and right
Can't, can't, must, must
For the first life our lesson
Take this little rhyme!

You work hard
Despising all difficulties,
In the work of educational
I have eaten a dog for a long time;
And even if not on Teacher's Day
Glory will be given to you -
Your contribution is very significant
And noble work!

This is interesting!

It is difficult for us, Russian inhabitants, to imagine that somewhere there is a kindergarten in the form of a cave or a hut. The maximum that the owners of private kindergartens in Russia have brought to life is a wooden tower or a fairy-tale castle. Yet, it turns out that there are both cave kindergartens and colored kindergartens.

Maybe we just got used to it
But you can't see it
What do educators usually have
Tired eyes in the evening.
We don't know what it is
Children restless swarm.
Here with one you will not find peace,
Not like this family.
That one is funny, and this one looks askance,
That fighter, already starting a fight.
What about questions? A thousand questions
And everyone needs an answer.
How much affection and care do you need
Help everyone and understand everyone
Thankful and hard work -
Replace mother daily.
Not anxious at work mom -
Cheerful childish voices.
After all, always watching the kids
Kind, tired eyes.

Educator's Day: a little history

The very first kindergarten in the world was opened in 1837 by the German teacher Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel in the city of Bad Blankenburg.

The first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on September 27, 1863. Together with her husband, it was founded by Adelaida Semyonovna Simonovich, a great enthusiast and dreamer. Her institution accepted children 3-8 years old. The program of the "garden" included outdoor games, construction and even a course on Motherland Studies. But this was not enough for Simonovich, and she began to publish a special magazine, Kindergarten.

This is where the date of the celebration came from - September 27 - it was on this day in 1863 that the first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island. Somewhat later, kindergartens were opened in Moscow, Voronezh, Nikolaev and other cities. The fate of these kindergartens developed in different ways, often dramatically. All of them were private, opened by their founders at their own peril and risk. Without the enthusiasm of these people, perhaps there would be no such profession today: a kindergarten teacher. Only from 1900 did the Ministry of Public Education begin to subsidize "classes with pre-school children."

Information sources:


Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say so?
Because together in it
We are growing as one family! (V. Tovarkov)
From history: The first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on September 27, 1863. Together with her husband, it was founded by Adelaida Semyonovna Simonovich, a great enthusiast and dreamer. Her institution accepted children 3-8 years old. The program of the "garden" included outdoor games, construction and even a course on Motherland Studies. But this was not enough for Simonovich, and she began to publish a special magazine "Kindergarten".
That's where the date of the celebration came from - September 27 - - it was on this day in 1863 that the first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on Vasilyevsky Island.
The day of the educator and all workers of preschool education was established in 2004 at the initiative of a number of all-Russian pedagogical publications. And it is wonderful that such a day has appeared when teachers, methodologists and support staff of kindergartens will be surrounded by the respect of parents and everyone's attention.
The purpose of the holiday is to draw public attention to kindergartens and preschool education in general. In Russia, on this day, solemn events are held dedicated to the Day of the Educator. In kindergartens - matinees. Parents thank the mentors of their children for the patience, tenderness, warmth and care shown to the kids. Bouquets of flowers, wall newspapers, congratulations and poems - all on this day to the most attentive, sensitive and responsive - educators! They make a significant contribution to our daily lives. It is they who lay the foundation of the character and abilities of most children in our country. It is very difficult, but also very interesting - this is what most educators say about their work. But, giving our child to the care of educators, we worry and worry about his further stay in a society without parents.
Therefore, it is very important that our kids in preschool institutions are met by people who love children, who can find a common language with the kids, interest them, develop talents and abilities, and also educate a full-fledged citizen of their country.
On the Day of the Educator and Workers of Preschool Education Institutions, do not forget to congratulate all your familiar educators and heads of kindergartens, show warmth and attention and the faces of your loved ones will light up with smiles. After all, if former students often congratulate school teachers many years after graduation, then small children rarely remember their educators. Such are the features of child psychology. Therefore, congratulations on the day of the educator, if not from the children, then at least from their parents, will be able, at least a little, to compensate for this injustice.

Congratulations to educators

No matter which way we go through life,
There is always a light before us,
Distant, joyful, sparkling,
Kindergarten cute island.
Imbued with faith, miracles ...,
Favorite corner of the heart
Day of the Educator, You are with us,
As the first life lesson.
So let it shine over the fields
Only warmth from past years
Warmed by good hands
We find the answer in childhood. ©

Congratulations on the teacher's day

Under your supervision preschool years
You can call it a fairy tale from the world of miracles.
And your approaches to education
Even a tiny young dunce will understand.
Watching the kids - isn't it a feat?
Or vocation, above all?
On the day of the educator-wrestler and poet
From the bottom of our hearts, we want to congratulate you!
Your merits are happy children,
Our joy and happiness always.
They walk under stools
But they say that without you - nowhere!
Main! We wish you patience
To have enough for the kids and us!
We learn a lot with our children
And the more valuable you are for us every hour! ©

Congratulations to educators

You are always kind and considerate.
So sweet and caring!
Happy holiday dear teachers!
Happiness to you for many years!
You with your big and kind heart,
Warmed children's hearts
Being a teacher is a calling
After all, children love you for a reason! ©

Thank you educator!

September twenty seventh
We are happy with this date!
After all, the red day of the calendar -
Congratulations, teacher!
Your work is not easy, so be it!
We've had enough to grieve!
May your journey be joyful
Thank you educator! ©

Less moral damage.
Not modest houses - presidential chambers,
And strong, hot drinks. ©

We don't often think about it
But there are people whose hard work
Responds in the life of an adult echo,
That is why we have gathered here.

Gathered to congratulate the workers,
Those institutions that later
With the onset of our adulthood,
We simply call preschool. ©

On Teacher's Day I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that all the kids are grateful
You for giving them a ticket to life
You give with love. Not to be forgotten

Those carefree, childish and happy days,
Those funny games, funny songs.
Thanks to your good work,
They come to school with knowledge! ©

On September 27, the holiday "Day of the educator and all preschool workers" is celebrated. The idea of ​​this holiday is to help society pay more attention to kindergarten and preschool childhood in general. The date of September 27 was not chosen by chance. The first kindergarten in Russia was opened in St. Petersburg on September 27, 1863. Adelaida Semyonovna Simonovich founded it together with her husband. Her institution accepted children from 3 to 8 years old. The "garden" program included outdoor games and construction.

How many eyes and hands do you need
To follow around
For your tomboys -
Golden ice cubes.
There - laughing, here - crying,
And the other is jumping on a stick ...
Not everyone here with this case
Get it done quickly, skillfully.
The teacher will do everything:
He will punish, regret
Kiss and feed
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.
The garden needs a teacher
Without him, he is not so friendly.
We send you a wagon of joy,
From parents - bow!

Educators are a calling.
These are the ones who love.
Only best wishes to you,
We won't stop thanking you.

You health, kindness and patience,
Let them start paying more money
To always be in a good mood
Wanted to go to work

Sweet, tired smile
Kind and wise eyes.
Badly made postcard
But the soul is hidden in it, not words.

The teacher is like a magician
What leads the kids
Life unread textbook
Opens with a light hand.

Educator, nanny, sister,
Children's laughter sounds like music to you.
Cannabis, pigtail cubes ...
And again, no one is sleeping there.

We wish you warmth, patience,
So that work is a joy to you,
So that luck does not leave you,
Children to come to you with a smile.

So that every day is like an insight,
To thanks - a bag.
Your wisdom, education, teaching -
This is the first life lesson.

Such a noble work
Raise beautiful kids
Give them their warmth, care,
With patience, love all the bad guys.
Responsibility - above the roof!
So stay healthy always!
Good luck, happiness breathe in the back,
You will live without trouble for many years.

Raising kids is hard work.
It's hard to see everyone
Preschoolers are good people,
But how much strength is needed to endure them.
We wish you more of these forces,
Love for the guys is sincere, warm,
Stay in the ranks of the worker longer
And radiate the light of wisdom, goodness.

We don't say hello often
In the hustle and bustle of weekdays
The ones we trust
How important is your work?
For the country and for all of us!
This holiday is for
Exclusively for you.
We wish you all good health
Sunny mood.
We love, appreciate, respect
For your care and patience.

From children:

Caregivers today
Congratulations on this day
We wish you health
And success only in everything!
Let your favorite work
You will always be happy
So that you do not know worries,
Never be sad!

Dear our educators,
We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
And for the strength that you spent on us,
We thank you together!
Just let the salary grow,
After all, in your business, each of you is an ace!
And know we love you, we are so happy
Because you care about us!

How kind and considerate
Our tutors!
Who meets us in the garden
Who escorts us home
With us leads a round dance,
Dancing and singing with us
Walks with us
And does he do classes?
It's all they are, they are
My teachers!
With them we are one family,
We can't do without them!

Dear teachers and all preschool workers! Parents trust you with the most precious thing they have - their children. You surround children with warmth, care, smiles. I would like to thank you and wish you to be surrounded by love and warmth of your loved ones, so that a smile always shines on your face. Happy holiday!

Materials taken from open sources

Congratulations on the Day of the Educator 2019 and the Preschool Worker in prose

WITH Today, on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers, I am very glad to congratulate all the staff of our kindergarten. All of you: and educators, and assistant educators, and cooks, and music workers, and nurses, and housekeepers, and all the rest - work for the good of our younger generation. Your work is noble. You are making an invaluable contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation, giving them the opportunity to grow up to be smart, capable, healthy, physically developed people. Thank you very much for your selfless work, for your love for children, for your patience, for your desire to work. I wish you all the best: good health, happiness, luck, family well-being!

IN our work is so necessary for all of us. Every morning, people of different professions entrust you with the upbringing of their children. You are fully coping with your mission, giving children not only knowledge and skills, but also care and warmth. Your pupils feel your kind attitude towards them. And, believe me, with warmth in their hearts, they will remember the years spent next to you in many years. Thank you for everything!

IN a caregiver, or another preschool worker, if he works not only according to the instructions, but also puts his heartfelt warmth into his work, becomes almost a native person for the child, and his precepts will be remembered by the baby for many years, and warm affection will remain forever! Thank you for taking care of the kids! Happy Teacher's Day!

D dear our teacher! Exupery wrote in his fairy tale: "We all come from childhood." And how right he was! Everything that is important in us, adults, was laid down in childhood. And how lucky the one with whom at the very dawn of his life stood a kind and wise mentor. We are happy that our children have a person like you! Every day you give our children your warmth and energy, childish spontaneity and enthusiasm! You open your heart to them, and the children are drawn to you, as timid spring shoots are drawn to the clear sun. So God grant you health, patience, inexhaustible invention, kindness, all the brightest things in your life! May your days be filled with the same light that you bestow daily and hourly on our children! Happy teacher's day to you! Be happy!

P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers! There are many children under your supervision, and everyone is surrounded by attention, everyone spends their days with smiles and cheerful laughter! You take care of children not only according to the instructions of pedagogy, but also the dictates of a kind, bright soul! Happy holiday! Happiness and love!


P the first years of a child's life, it is very important to teach him a thousand things, to help him perceive correctly the world and just grow strong and evolve! So that parents do not lose heart from the hassle, there are you in the world - educators and other preschool workers whom we trust like ourselves today, on your professional holiday, we warmly congratulate you and wish you happiness and many years to come!

ABOUT Why does the child not want to go to kindergarten? Ours is in a hurry, and all because you work there, wonderful people for whom children are the main wealth that requires the most attentive attitude! On the Day of the educator and all preschool workers - accept our congratulations and best wishes!

WITH Thanksgiving and warm, sincere wishes - that's all for you today, our dear educator! You lead the children along the beginning of life, holding tightly by the hand, make sure that they do not stumble. You are always ready to explain, show, help with advice and, of course, forgive pranks. Thousands of apologies, tears of repentance were real only thanks to your fair decisions, which at times are not easy. On your professional holiday, Teacher's Day, we wish you good mood and gratitude from the pupils! Be happy, healthy and successful! Share your wisdom, teach children to be fair, honest, reliable, so that they can confidently enter the life of real people.

IN Our difficult and very responsible profession requires great dedication and attention - after all, you work with children. Today I want to congratulate you on the holiday - the day of the worker of preschool education! I wish you good health, endurance, inspiration in your work for many years to come! Your daily contribution to the development of our children is an invaluable work! Thank you for everything!

TO When parents are in a hurry to work or on business, someone must definitely look after the children, and then you, the educators, come to the rescue! Surrounding the kids with sensitive attention, you make sure that they are full, healthy and develop harmoniously. On Teacher's Day, accept my congratulations!

TO Every year at the most romantic time - the end of September, the Teacher's Day is celebrated. This wonderful people who bring up our children, even nature itself gives round dances of fallen golden leaves. And on such a wonderful day, I want to wish you the same bright mood and such a beautiful life. Let your work be only a joy to you, the kids will be obedient, and their parents - just as grateful. I also want to wish you the patience that you need so much. Love, which will help to cope with the most restless pupils. Good luck, which will send you only the best kids, and hope for the best.

D dear our teacher! Allow me on this day to congratulate you on the professional holiday of all those who are rightly called the blacksmiths of human souls and the creators of new people. Your work is immeasurable and incomparable with other types of activity: someone deals with soulless machines, someone with empty words, and you deal with living people, and thanks to you they become cleaner, brighter, better. Those who came to you unintelligent and cocky now proudly say that they were your pupils. Let the flow of their gratitude, which you deserve in full, not be impoverished! Happy holiday! Happy Teacher's Day!

TO Each of us has to raise our children. But there are people for whom education is a vocation. An educator is not just a person with an appropriate diploma. An educator is a person endowed with colossal patience, immense talent and boundless love for people in general and children in particular. Wisdom and kindness, condescension and understanding, enthusiasm and inspiration - these are the traits that amaze people in this profession. So I would like to wish on your professional holiday not to lose all this valuable baggage, so that each new pupil can draw from this source, like from a well, good, wise and eternal. And let fate thank you for such hard and useful work, because we entrust the most valuable things to educators. Be happy!

IN In childhood, the child most of all wants to have fun, however, you also need to gain knowledge about the world around you and slowly prepare for school ... On Teacher's Day, I want to warmly congratulate you and thank you for the equal care of all the little wards!

R Not everyone is able to work as an educator - this is a hard daily work and a great responsibility. Before parents, the state and the pupils themselves in the first place. After all, what is invested in the development of children in childhood affects their personal development in future. With you, we can not worry that they will not learn something and will not develop their abilities to the fullest. You are an educator by vocation, thank you for everything you do for our children! May God grant you health, strong nerves, strength and all earthly blessings! Happy preschool worker's day!

D Kindergarten - the first team of a small person. Here he will find new friends, learn a lot of interesting things, and just having a good childhood, he will grow up strong, smart, well-mannered and happy! Congratulations on Teacher's Day! You are real wizards helping our children grow up with a happy smile!

H on the paths the kids play merrily, and you follow them, take them to lunch and daytime sleep, and in the evening - you will return to your parents safe and sound, happy and grown up for another day! On the Day of the Educator and all preschool workers, we want to congratulate you, say thank you for the excellent work and wish you all the best!

P Please accept my congratulations on your professional holiday! Teacher's Day is a great occasion to sincerely congratulate you and wish you new successes. You were not mistaken in choosing a profession, you managed to find your calling - and that's great! How children are drawn to you, how they love you, and what warmth and pleasure your eyes radiate when you play and work with the kids. It’s nice to look at you, you feel comfortable among children, and they feel good, cheerful and calm with you. I wish you to continue to enjoy your professional success and enjoy your work. Let your pupils love you, parents support you, and management appreciates you!

D dear our (name, patronymic), we congratulate you on the day of the educator! We want to say “Thank you” to you for teaching us to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make crafts and applications. We love it when you read fairy tales to us, play with us, go for a walk. We wish you to always remain the same kind, caring and patient.

IN Etra carry away words, and years - memories. We wish you to have them only light, bright and long - for life. I wish you, dear, patience, good luck, happiness. May dark clouds never darken the sky above your head! May all children's smiles turn into an unforgettable bright bouquet! Let the children never upset you! You are the kindest, most sensitive and caring, so we are very glad that you are leading this group. From all parents we wish family well-being, good salary, excellent health! We are always ready to support you - in any business and undertaking. Stay always so active and cheerful!

IN Raising children is the most difficult, time-consuming, but at the same time, the most rewarding process in this world. To see how your pupils grow, how they apply the knowledge, skills and abilities that you gave them - what could be better for a teacher? Today is your holiday, and on this day I sincerely want to wish you great happiness, health, prosperity and joy, as well as love and kindness. Let everything be only the best in your destiny, and life will be so affectionate and kind to you that it will always be lucky! I wish you find great gifts on the path of life, and may your pupils remember you for many years!


P Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers! And in quiet time, and when they learn to draw daisies, and when they eat semolina ... You do not take your eyes off the pupils, and they are quite happy to obey such a wonderful teacher, they grow by leaps and bounds to the delight of us, their parents! So let for your important, good work, happiness always, always accompanies you!

IN kindergarten is the kingdom of kids, and you are its wise rulers, and while you are at work, parents can safely go on business, knowing that there is someone to take care of the restless boys and girls! Happy Teacher's Day and all preschool workers!

All employees of kindergartens
Today we hasten to congratulate
We wish you love and flowers!
And we also want to add:
You are beautiful, kind and smart,
Give children tenderness and affection.
Be happy forever young
Turn life into a good fairy tale!

Congratulations on the day of the educator,
We wish you happiness, health, success,
Be kind, cheerful and active!
We always want to think positively!

Congratulations in verse on the day of the preschool worker

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday,
Bright, vibrant and interesting!
Today all the toasts, poems, congratulations,
In honor of the most the best people without a doubt!
You give a lot of attention to children,
A lot of care, warmth, understanding!
In your main holiday we congratulate you -
We wish you infinite happiness!

Congratulations to educators in verse

Happy teacher's day, we are glad to congratulate you!
You work without asking for a reward,
Children's laughter and smiles are valuable to you,
Forgive them mistakes, mistakes,
You teach them to eat, wash,
Wash your hands, brush your teeth, get dressed,
You teach to sculpt and draw,
Be polite, respect adults ...
Your work is invaluable - we understand this,
And so we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you love, good luck, happiness,
Let everything in life always go brilliantly,
Let you succeed in any business
Easy on you, great life!

Congratulations on the day of the educator from the children

You are a wonderful teacher
With you, we are all interested
We love to walk with you
We love to play, draw,
We love to read fairy tales with you ...
And for care and affection,
Let's say "Thank you" together!
We wish you to be beautiful
Kind, simple, patient...
Be very, very happy!

Congratulations to colleagues on the day of the preschool worker

All kindergarten workers
Children are given warmth and love,
And today your holiday is beautiful -
Wonderful, kind and clear!
Educators are waiting for congratulations,
Music workers, nannies - without a doubt,
From the bottom of our hearts, today we congratulate
We will not leave cooks, nurses
We pay attention, we read poems,
And congratulations to the leaders!
We wish you all health and happiness,
Life is bright, beautiful, brilliant,
In the personal life of love, understanding,
At work success recognition!

Congratulations in verse on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers

With day preschool worker you
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Be healthy, take care of yourself!
May the days of life be good
Let work bring joy
Children are always happy
Let love live in your heart
Happiness will never leave!

Congratulations for colleagues on the day of the preschool worker in prose

Today, on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers, I am very glad to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten. All of you: educators, and assistant educators, and cooks, and music workers, and nurses, and housekeepers, and everyone else - work for the good of our younger generation. Your work is noble. You are making an invaluable contribution to the upbringing of the younger generation, giving them the opportunity to grow up to be smart, capable, healthy, physically developed people. Thank you very much for your selfless work, for your love for children, for your patience, for your desire to work. I wish you all the best: good health, happiness, luck, family well-being!

Congratulations to the teacher from the children in prose

Our dear (name, patronymic), we congratulate you on the day of the educator! We want to say “Thank you” to you for teaching us to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make crafts and applications. We love it when you read fairy tales to us, play with us, go for a walk. We wish you to always remain the same kind, caring and patient.

Congratulations to the cook on the day of the preschool worker

Do you work in a kindergarten?
Cooking food for the kids.
The profession of a cook is an honorable one!
So that the kids eat willingly
You cook tasty and satisfying,
All dishes are always delicious!
We congratulate you on a holiday
We wish you health and happiness!
Be cute, beautiful, active,
Responsive and positive!

Other congratulations in verse on Teacher's Day