Which comb to choose if the hair is split? Which comb is better for hair: the nuances of hair care Comb that removes split ends

Which comb to choose if the hair is split? And is it the comb? Of course, together we will try to understand this problem and get rid of it!

We all dream of beautiful and healthy hair. We all strive for it different ways: who uses special masks on the advice of grandmothers, who goes to cosmetic procedures to the salon, and someone uses new shampoos of famous brands. But it should be remembered that the comb remains the most important and important hair care product. Although not everyone pays due attention to this subject of hygiene. In vain! After all, it is a comb that can help you get rid of many problems with your hair.
Today, the stores offer a wide variety of types of brushes and combs for hair care. It is very difficult to choose from such a rich assortment. But how do you know which calculation is right for your hair? Which comb to choose if the hair is split?
I look at the shelf in the store - I see a comb called "classic". A very good choice for everyone. But no! This comb is only good for combing your hair before going to bed. There are several types of such combs - with natural bristles, artificial and mixed. Best for hair natural, as it is made of a material that is very gentle on combing hair. If the hair is very thick, then you can use mixed bristles of different lengths.
Another comb is “wooden”. Here's a great comb for daily care, which does not injure the hair and is not electrified. It is very convenient when applying styling products and masks, as its wooden structure does not enter into a chemical reaction. And the aroma of the tree helps to relieve stress.
And here is a series of "plastic" combs. Bright red, bright green, bright blue - the color is clearly suggestive. It is not known how these dyes will affect the hair. Moreover, it has been proven that with frequent use of a plastic comb, hair becomes split and brittle. If you like plastic combs, then try carbon or silicone combs. Carbon combs are very convenient for bouffant lovers, while silicone combs are convenient for cutting or coloring hair. They are sold in a variety of sizes - both regular sizes and small ones.
The "metal" combs look very attractive. They shimmer in the sun with gold and silver. But, unfortunately, they are not suitable for regular use, since the metal can injure the sensitive surface of the head and because of this, the hair becomes very brittle. It is better to use such combs for separating strands or during backcombing.
And yet, I opted for brushing - a cylindrical comb with holes. Very handy for blow-drying, straightening and shaping curls and for giving desired shape if you have short haircut. I chose brushing with natural bristles, which allows you to make a perfect styling, polishing the hair scales and thereby giving shine to the hair. Brushing is also sold with metal bristles. If you want to save money, a round plastic comb will do. In addition, this comb is ideal if you have split ends.
Do not forget that it is always necessary to have 2 combs, different both in purpose and in shape. I do not advise women to use men's combs - as you will only damage your hair. Wash your combs and hair brushes at least once a month. After washing the hair, it is better to comb the hair with a brush with rare teeth, and for hairstyles fit comb with frequent teeth. This is one of good ways get rid of split ends.
I hope this article will help you choose a comb. Love yourself - give joy to your hair. Follow the rules for using combs and hair brushes. Comb your hair before bed and you will forget about hair problems forever!

Replaces a trip to the hairdresser

Grade: 5

A thing that can replace a trip to the hairdresser. And also this so-called comb, light and compact, you can even take it when you go somewhere. It is quite easy to use, study the instructions - and forward to a beautiful and well-groomed hair!

Lost in six months

Grade: 4

In general, the comb is cool, a very ingenious invention, which even at its price allows you to save a lot on the procedure for removing split ends in the salon, especially considering that it cuts literally millimeters of hair.
Six months of use - no complaints. But after the blades became dull - part of the hair was cut off normally, and part was split. So now it is impossible to talk about any removal of split ends.
In principle, the cost of a comb has long been recouped by savings in salons. Now I’m waiting for the delivery of the second one, maybe there will be better quality blades, but I threw away my old one - it’s not only unprofitable, but also unsafe to use it.

Cuts carefully and neatly

Grade: 5

While I have been using it for 4 months, the device has already paid off: 4 procedures in the salon during this time would cost many times more, and the effect would be the same, but more would be cut off there.
The comb cuts about 3-4 millimeters from the ends of the hair, just the area where they split. And the sharp blade does not split - the hair, with subsequent proper care, will not split for about a month. And since my hair grows about 2-2.5 cm in a month, on average, in a year I think to achieve a “braid to the waist” :)
The only thing that bothers me is that the blades can get dull.

Smart comb

Grade: 5

Actually, this is not a hairbrush at all! I call him the grinder. Split ender was given to me for NG.
I tried Split Ender in practice, first on a small strand. Didn't see much of an effect. Then I went through all my hair. The whole process took about 15 minutes (long hair of medium density).
And I saw the result in the compartment where all the cut hairs are collected. Awesome!
So many short hairs that spoiled general form my hair. No healthy hair was harmed. The device does not pull out hair, does not chew them. I was also very pleased that the comb practically does not heat up and therefore the hair is not injured, does not dry out.
After treatment, the hair looks renewed, as after a salon. I especially like their impeccable smoothness. Even a healthy natural shine appeared!
The machine has been running well for over a month. The device is very easy to use, any girl can figure it out, even one who is far from hairdressing.
I use this brush once a week. Fast and efficient. The prices on the Internet are different, I don’t even know how much they bought my copy for. Satisfied!

Grade: 5

Before, I always went to the salon for a haircut with a "blade" or a hot razor, someone calls it like that. Now I can do everything at home myself, the main thing is that not only the split ends are cut off, but also, if you walk along the surface of the head, the very so-called "Christmas tree" is removed. Because of which the hairstyle looks untidy, the hairs stick out in different directions. Now the problem is solved. I can go through such a comb once every two weeks, and sometimes less. It is easier for hair, it is much easier to grow a mane with this approach.
If you cut your hair in the growing moon, then self-hypnosis also works :)
In six months, I grew my hair by 12 cm. And this is very cool, especially for me, because I wanted to grow my hair from my very youth, but it didn’t work out, the comb-blade works on batteries, I often don’t have to change, because I rarely use it. From the instructions it is immediately clear how and what to press and how to use.
There is also a brush attachment to comb through the hair. But I rarely use it. More familiar with a simple massage brush or teaser. The cut ends are collected in a container, so there is cleanliness and order after the haircut, there are no split hairs left at all. The mane is smooth and silky, I am very pleased with the comb!

Unique device

Grade: 5

To call the device just a comb, I can’t turn my tongue! It's just a miracle, now my hair is always well-groomed and smooth. I don’t need to go to the salon and lose an extra couple of hours of my life there, and at least I save 1000 rubles / month.
I can do everything myself at home and in five minutes. A familiar hairdresser suggested how best to clean the ends with similar blades, and I do it. I just divide the hair into strands, twist the bundles out of them, I just cut off all the hairs sticking out of the bundle, Split Ender, that's all. Then I wash my hair and dry it, the effect of salon styling is guaranteed.
Over time, when I removed almost all the split ends, the comb ceased to be necessary for me. While lying idle, I think in a couple of months I will have to get it again. I noticed that as soon as I began to often remove dry, lifeless ends, my hair began to grow faster, before my eyes, the length increased in three months, if not by 10, then by 7 cm for sure! For me, it's not even bad.
Of the minuses: the procedure is very garbage, my hair container somehow quickly fell into disrepair. Therefore, the tips fly in all directions, after the "haircut" in the bathroom, the hair is everywhere and on the sink and not on the floor. We have to drag the vacuum cleaner, the hairs are very small.

cool stuff

Grade: 5

I ordered this device after seeing ads on the Internet. Well, just a fairy tale - a couple of minutes and you have no split ends. And at the same time, you don’t even have to resort to scissors.
Ordered, received, but was afraid to try. Suddenly chew and I'll be left without hair? It wasn't there!

The device is thought out to the smallest detail, but on the other hand - as simple as twice two. We connect to the network, take a curl and shlifeum hair. Even the first time, my hair was not damaged, not a single one pulled out. The splittender cuts off only excess protruding hairs, 5-7 mm long. The difference between BEFORE and AFTER is noticeable.
Hair looks well-groomed, beautifully shine. And what is important for me - they straighten up. After grinding, we clean out a special container in which our "split hairs" are located. It can be said, a salon procedure at home. It’s still not worth it to part with such procedures, I use a comb as needed (about once a month). Hair is happy appearance changing, and what else is needed for happiness :)
And most importantly, it's safe! So far, I have only positive impressions of the device. A real lifesaver if you don't have time to go to the salon!
The design is simple (there is nothing special to break in it), so I think the Splittender will last a long time!

Ideal Solution for split ends.

Grade: 5

I've been using this brush for a little over a year now. There are not the slightest complaints, at one time I gave 3 thousand for her, but on salon procedures saved a lot more. Removing split ends now does not make the heart bleed - literally a couple of millimeters are removed, no more. Hairdressers will cut at least 1 cm, and in the salon they will rip off a lot of money for the same result.
The blades on the Split Ender comb are very sharp, the ends do not split after several weeks. For a year of operation, the blades have not dulled at all: the effect is the same as when buying. Batteries, however, plant quickly, but I usually take the cheapest, "famous" energizers do not work much longer, although they are many times more expensive. The hair looks great, so the comb is cool!)

Get rid of damaged ends

Grade: 5

I wash my hair every day and blow-dry my hair every time. And yes, I see split ends already after about a month after I cut my hair. Every time you go to the salon takes money, and most importantly, time. And the Split Ender is much easier and faster to deal with the split ends that ruin the whole look of the hair.

We need to find a way to approach her.

Grade: 4

To work as a Split-Ender, you need to get used to it. Especially with curly hair. After my first unfortunate use of the machine, there was a desire to throw it into the farthest corner of the cabinet. All because I was in such a hurry to try out my new gadget, I neglected to prepare my curly hair for the procedure. And you just need to properly align them with an iron and make them as straight as possible. And take a mini strand, then the comb will be able to quickly and efficiently process each hair. If you follow these simple rules, the machine will not break the hairs, but will gently cut only the split ends.

I specially measured the remains that are collected in the flask - I did not find more than 5 mm. After the procedure, the ends of the hair are soft, really like after polishing at the hairdresser. There are at least combs that did not fall under the comb, I rarely notice the remaining split ends on my hair.
At the end, I always saturate the hairs with oil or serum, and evaluate the result. The length is in place, the hair is updated. I don’t like only the plastic case, it happens that it creaks during operation, but this in no way affects the quality of hair processing.

For most girls, split ends of hair are a real disaster, and the worst thing about this is that when this problem appears, no super-strong restorative agents will help, and only their complete removal is necessary, and a new haircut is not always successful. It is for this reason that many owners long hair afraid to go to the hairdresser and cut off even the tips. But if you do not take care of your hair properly, then over time, just a disastrous situation comes. There is an exit! There is a device that allows you to get rid of this problem completely at home and without losing hair length.

Why is Split Ender needed?

This new invention was created and patented by Victor Talavera not so long ago, but has already gained many fans around the world, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews about Split Ender. One of its advantages is that it can be used both for home use and in the salon.

The tool is designed to eliminate split ends and dead ends of hair. This invention has a new correction system that allows you to cut the ends with a sharp rotating knife in the right direction, without loss of length. With the help of special plates and comb teeth, the strand is evenly distributed on the plates and the dry ends are carefully removed.

What is a Split Ender Comb?

The Split Ender features the patented Hair Plate System, which has been specifically designed to guide the hair strand under the blades evenly and safely. The Split Ender is made in the USA. The device has passed all safety checks and has the appropriate certificates. The comb is cordless and battery operated. The case is made of plastic and is somewhat reminiscent of a straightening iron, has a small weight and convenient switching buttons.

Installed inside:

  • sharp blade, which is protected by a plastic cover (6);
  • built-in container for collecting cut hair (7);
  • it is possible to adjust the interval using interchangeable clamps - 0.3 or 0.6 cm;
  • activation buttons with arrows (4);
  • locking lock - button for changing clamps (12);
  • clamp handle (13);
  • protective teeth (9,10,11);
  • ribbed rubberized areas on the body to avoid slipping (3).

The mechanism of the device is designed so that its use is absolutely safe, convenient and much more efficient than traditional scissors. "Split Ender" allows you to accurately cut off the ends, while maintaining the length, which after the procedure remains the same.

Numerous reviews of Split Ender show that this procedure helps to achieve silky and luxurious hair in a few minutes.

Preparation for the procedure

"Split Ender" will only work on clean and dry hair, so you must wash your hair and dry it completely before use. During processing, do not use sprays, gels, oils and styling products. It is also worth remembering that the procedure must be carried out as the hair grows, daily use at home is not required. After processing, thoroughly clean the container and store the device in a protective case, dry and out of the reach of children. If the trimmer-comb is not used frequently, it is recommended to remove the batteries for storage.

When using this device in a salon, you must follow safety precautions and treat the client's hair with care. After each session, the device should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Usage Guide

Before a Split Ender hair polishing and dead ends removal session, you need to make sure that there are no tangles and tangles left to avoid strong tension. Further:

  • separate a small thin strand;
  • tie the remaining hair in a ponytail;
  • the strand must be combed again and placed on upper part plates with a comb - this will allow the hair to settle freely and evenly under sharp knives;
  • gently squeeze the hair in the device and press the start button, a specific sound will indicate the start of work;
  • slowly, with light movements, starting from the roots and moving towards the ends, draw a strand;
  • each strand must be processed at least three times.

Professional reviews of Split Ender say that after cutting, the hair becomes obedient and stops fluffing.

When conducting an electric haircut session, remember:

  • On the top of the "Split Ender" are the teeth of the comb, and the processed curl should not be thicker than their size.
  • If during the treatment it is felt that the hair is pulled, then either there is too much hair in the device, or it is not combed well. It is necessary to turn off the device, remove the strand, comb it, and if necessary, take less hair and try again.
  • Having processed one side of the head, switch the side key from left to right or vice versa and cut the hair, focusing on the guide arrow, which should point down.
  • It is necessary to monitor the filling of the plastic chamber and clean it in a timely manner to avoid overflow.
  • When using for the first time, it is recommended to set the device to a size of 0.3 cm.
  • As you remove split ends, make sure that all strands are combed with Split Ender.
  • Trimmed strands must be collected with hairpins or clips to avoid mixing them with areas that have not yet been worked out.

And the result of the haircut can be seen in the photo (before and after). Reviews of Split Ender warn against misuse, which can lead to hair pulling out and the formation of new split ends.

Why should stylists try this device?

Secondly, the comb effectively allows you to get rid of split ends, while maintaining the length of the hair as much as possible.

Thirdly, a professional stylist will be able to most effectively conduct a session.

Fourthly, this device will help you save a lot of time and remove 99% of split ends, cutting off only 0.3 to 0.6 cm of damage.

Fifthly, a polishing comb is quite expensive, and not every person can afford to buy it, and in a salon, its cost quickly pays off.

Make-up artists-hairdressers should remember that before you start offering such a haircut to your clients, you need to practice to acquire the necessary skills, which is especially important for long hair.

Reviews of Split Ender from beauty masters are extremely positive. Hairdressers note high quality processing and the possibility of expanding salon procedures.

Why restore the ends of the hair?

Damaged areas at the ends of the hair make life unbearable, as poor hair quality frustrates every woman. Even despite the costly care, there is no guarantee of getting rid of this unpleasant moment. Split ends can appear even on hair that seems completely healthy, and this problem often occurs in owners of naturally thin hair. The main causes of split ends are:

  • improper combing;
  • low-quality shampoos;
  • rough styling products;
  • aggressive dyes;
  • the influence of sunlight and hot ironing.

It is impossible to dismiss this problem, since such imperfection of the hair can lead to disaster. Positive feedback about the Split Ender hairbrush allows you to verify the effectiveness of this invention. Regular trimming will put an end to damaged areas, making the hairstyle neat. After electric haircut:

  • hair is easy to comb;
  • evenly colored;
  • look beautiful and shiny;
  • break less.

How long does the result last?

Prof. reviews of the Split Ender comb recommend treating hair in this way after perm, coloring and constant use of hot styling tools. Do not be afraid that the hair from frequent haircuts will become shorter, on the contrary, they will grow even faster. The effect of using the Split Ender comb lasts approximately 4 weeks, but when applied nutrients with care and proper styling, its effect can be extended.

It can only be cosmetic, that is, the hair loses its appearance. But more often this is due to the fact that the hair becomes difficult to comb. Will the Split-Ender comb help solve the problem?

Split ends problem

The split ends tangle with each other, preventing the teeth of an ordinary comb from separating them. She tears her hair apart from the nasty ones pain, we get a tuft of hair in hand. Often this happens with dyed hair, especially if the dyes are of poor quality. Promotes splitting of the tips drying under the influence high temperatures, styling, the use of irons or curling irons. Sometimes they split under the influence of natural factors: high or very low temperatures.

In this case, the protective shell of the hair, called the cuticle, is destroyed. This happens first at the ends of the hair. If the cut parts are not cut off, then later they can be damaged by several centimeters. They can break, become dry and lifeless in appearance. They break, stick out in different directions, like straw. Slightly improve the condition of special cosmetics designed for gluing But they do not always help and not for long.

To get rid of this problem, you need to trim the cut ends of the hair. And for this you need to constantly visit the hairdresser. But this is justified in the case of complex hairstyles that require constant updating. And if the hair is long and you only need to remove the split ends that stick out perpendicular to the bulk of the hair, you don’t always want to visit the hairdresser.

Girls who grow their hair complain that the hairdresser almost always cuts off not a couple of centimeters, as he is asked, but from 3 to 5 cm. Therefore, they do not have time to grow in length to the previous level, and it’s time to cut them again so as not to suffer from combing . Is there a way out?

This kind of device, developed by the American specialist Victor Talavera, will help to quickly get rid of problems. It's called the Split-Ender Pro comb.

Product Description

The Split-Ender comb is a bit like a regular comb. Its body is plastic. At the top is a chamber inside which the blade rotates. It cuts off the damaged part of the hair. To get into the chamber, you need to open the clamp. The processed hair is inserted there. Special teeth hold the hair, straighten it and move it in the right direction. Directly above the blade compartment is a compartment where the cut ends of the hair are collected.

At the bottom there is a handle with rubber inserts. They serve to make the device comfortable to hold by hand. There is a battery compartment inside the handle. The comb is turned on with a special button. The Split-Ender is powered by 4 AA batteries. This allows you to use it away from electrical outlets, which is convenient, especially when away from home.


The kit also comes with:

  • comb for shaping strands;
  • clip for fixing cut hair;
  • a brush that sweeps away hair clippings.

All accessories and a comb are placed in a branded box. The instruction tells about the rules for working with the device. But the original product has it in English.

Using the Split-Ender comb

The hair to be treated must be clean and dry. Using a plastic comb, separate a strand of hair. Turn on the device by pressing the button. The clamp opens. A strand is tucked between two rows of cloves. The blade starts to spin. Gently pull the comb down the entire length of the strand. Having come into contact with a part of the hair located perpendicular to the main array, the blade cuts them off. The end of the strand is also cut a few millimeters. This happens at the moment when the blade reaches its edge. Waste does not fly around, soiling clothes, but falls into a special compartment. It is easy to remove them by opening the lid.

If not all damaged hair has been cut off, the procedure can be repeated several times.

During the entire operation, a faint buzzing of the working knife is heard.

Then the treated strand is fixed with a special clamp and proceed to the next. Within an hour, or even faster, the Split-Ender comb will process your hair. Reviews indicate that after the procedure, the length of the hair practically does not change. But they become neat and well-groomed.

Consumer reviews

What do customers say who have tried the effects of the Split-Ender Magic Comb? Reviews indicate that the hair after treatment became soft, smooth and obedient. And no wonder. After all, all the protruding pieces ended up in the hair collection compartment. Only healthy hair almost the same length as it was before the procedure.

Some users, in addition to the external effect, noticed another one. Hair began to grow faster. After all, they have become healthy, nothing else bothers them.

Buyers like small size, comb shape. If they consider it necessary, they can take the device with them on a trip.

Comb "Split-Ender", reviews say about it, cuts off not only sick, but also healthy parts of the hair. As a result, closer to the ends, they become a little less frequent. But combing them is now much easier.

One of the common mistakes when using the Split-Ender comb is to use too much. If you treat your hair once a week, as some buyers do, then the hair can become significantly less. But once a month and a half is enough for optimal care for them.

Buyers say that the comb more suitable women with thick, coarse or curly hair.

Caring for your Split-Ender comb

The duration of the comb depends largely on the quality of care for it. After the procedure, turn off the device, open the cover of the compartment with cut hair, throw it away. A special brush removes the remaining particles from the body and the hair collection compartment.

Monitor battery quality. It is better to take them out after each haircut. After all, the next time you take a Split-Ender comb is not earlier than in a month.

It is advisable not to throw the comb, so as not to damage the plastic case.

Advantages of the Split-Ender comb

Comb "Split-Ender" for hair can be used without medical advice. There are no restrictions on its use.