Black desert energy recovery. Energy and knowledge in Black Desert. "Multiple" knowledge. What is the difference between "C" and "S"

Black Desert- Energy point expansions

Energy point expansion

The game has a rather interesting research system. This system is not made for show and not only for fans of roleplay and reading lore and quests. For all the knowledge about the world, players will be able to increase their number of energy points.

Let's see how it works exactly:

So, there are so-called energy points in the game

*2nd stripe with muscle symbol*

What are they needed for:
- For gathering (stone, plants, cutting trees)
- To communicate with NPCs, raise reputation with them
- For hiring slaves (each conversation with a mercenary costs 5 points)
- To get buffs from NPCs, or a dialogue to get additional. knowledge

At the start, we have only 10 points. But their number can be increased. And we expand them by gaining knowledge about the world

All the knowledge that we get during the game can be viewed in a special window. To do this, click H

Knowledge is divided into several broad categories:
- Locations
- Islands
- Animals and monsters
- Stories/stories
- Knowledge (tbc)
- ???
- ???

Further, in each of these categories there are small groups by type: Residents in the Northeast, Residents on the Fishing Island, Islands, Territories of Balenos, and so on.
Each group may have a different number. For example:

Animals, presumably Balenos area:

Locations: (Presumably: Balenos)

NPC Circle

As you can see, some of the circles are with ???. These are the NPCs, living creatures, locations that have not yet been explored.
So, at the first acquaintance with the NPC, coming to some territory, killing mobs, we gain knowledge.

*Similar signs pop up on the screen when obtaining new knowledge*

And we come to the most interesting. For studying all elements in each group (in other words: circle) we increase the maximum number of energy points (from 2-4).

It looks like this:

When communicating with NPCs, there is a sign on the left that shows a list of NPCs (or mobs). These are exactly the same groups that I wrote about above.

Here, for example, I studied all the required NPCs (and accordingly they gave me 2 energy points)

And here it is not enough studied to start a mini-game. From the screen you can see that I need to get at least 4 knowledge (and it is written where and by whom)

Knowledge is also given by chatting with NPCs. This requires energy points (screen above). The dialogue can be opened with an increase in reputation (blue icon with!)

Here you can see which NPCs and mobs are in which groups and their location on the map:
In general terms, everything.

Bottom line: Exploring the world is an important part, especially for crafters.

The theme of energy in Black Desert is, without exaggeration, one of the main topics that absolutely any player should pay attention to. In the virtual world of this Korean MMORPG, energy is almost the most important currency. Energy in Black Desert is inextricably linked with knowledge, which is also a very extensive and interesting topic.

Knowledge about the world around, history, science, monsters and much, much more awaits adventurers at almost every step of the virtual world. And if at the beginning of the game it seems that all this information is absolutely useless, then with an increase in the level comes the realization of the importance of knowledge: after all, the maximum energy of the game character directly depends on their quantity, and drop and damage to enemies directly depend on their quality.

This article will tell beginners about what knowledge is, what it is, as well as how you can increase the maximum energy of the character and use its capabilities to the maximum.

The number of energy points is shown on the main game screen in the upper left corner, next to the character level. By analogy with real life, in the world of Black Desert, energy is spent on almost all actions: collecting resources, various crafting, talking, gaining knowledge, pumping skills and much more. Accordingly, the more energy a character has, the more opportunities.

This indicator consists of two values ​​(written with a slash). The first number is the unused energy points currently available, the second is the maximum amount of energy for the character at the current moment. The newly created Persian has a value of 0/30.

In order for the energy to be replenished to the maximum amount, there are several ways:

  1. It restores itself by 1 unit every three minutes (online) and 1 unit every hour (offline).
  2. Completing some tasks, especially daily ones, can also bring the character 3-5 "points" of energy.
  3. Purchased "energy boosters", such as a glass of wine, will restore vitality for 3 points.
  4. Sleeping in beds (which will be discussed in more detail below) can significantly increase the rate of energy recovery.
  5. Energy banks, in which you can "canned" your (temporarily unnecessary) energy or the energy of twink characters from the family, are another way to greatly expand your capabilities when necessary.
  6. Various buffs and other "goodies" from the in-game store that are bought with pearls, such as Elion's Blessing (+2 energy recovery rate for 15 days). In addition, by opening a chest with pearls purchased for real money, the character will also temporarily receive a bonus to energy recovery.

Supplementing the above, it must be said that for a day of continuous online, a character can get a maximum of 480 energy points, so if you need more energy, you will have to use various "dopings".

In the system of “play life” of BDO, beds occupy a very important place. Many players do not attach sufficient importance to this type of furniture, but if you are in the mood for a long game and high-quality pumping, you should never underestimate the usefulness of beds in Black Desert.

Any bed can only be placed inside your own home, i.e. In order to enjoy the "bed" benefits, it is imperative to invest influence points in acquiring residential property.

There are many types of beds in the game. The simplest ones - Bed from Velia and Bed from Heidel - can be purchased from furniture NPCs in their respective cities. To do this, it will be necessary to pump friendship with them up to 500 and 1000 points, respectively. Sleeping on these beds will speed up the recovery of the player character's energy by 1.

Also, the Bed from Calpheon can increase the energy gain by 1 unit (you can get it for free for the culinary task chain in Kalfa), as well as craft beds, which are quite easy to create with the help of a hired worker in the furniture workshop.

In addition to simple beds available to everyone, Black Desert has special beds that are part of beautiful furniture sets that can only be purchased in the premium store for real money. Such furniture (Goblin bed, bone-decorated bed, palm bed and others) costs 250 pearls (rubles) and will be able to increase energy recovery by as much as 2 units.

However, even “mere mortals” can afford such an increase in energy, because the Korean MMORPG provides one more bed - a reward for completing the achievement of 1000 hours of play with one account. Upon receipt of this, without exaggeration, an honorary award, the player is offered a choice of "woolen", "snake" or "leather" bed. They all have the same characteristics, differing only in design and appearance.

! Interesting note: if the gaming house that was purchased does not have a high enough ceiling, then you should not buy and install high beds in it - there is a very high chance of getting your head stuck in the textures when “awakening”.

No matter what bed you have and no matter what game buffs you use, if the character’s maximum energy remains at 30, you won’t be able to develop and develop in the game world. Therefore, any player should definitely take up increasing the maximum amount of energy in Black Desert, and this should be done by gaining knowledge.

The knowledge menu is opened by pressing the "H" button. In the list that opens, you can see all existing Black in the world today. Desert Knowledge. The following categories give an increase in maximum energy: People, Terrain, Islands, Ecology, Adventure, Science. The remaining three subsections (Crafts, Acquaintance with the Black Desert, Trade) do not provide an increase in parameters.

The same menu indicates how much this or that group of knowledge increases the maximum energy indicator. Usually half of the "collection" of knowledge gives 1-2 energy, and the whole group assembled can increase the desired indicator by 4-6 points. The amount of growth depends on the amount of knowledge in the group.

There are huge groups of knowledge (45 - 50 pieces each), and there are also very small ones, consisting of only one item. For collecting a collection of any size, you can get a bonus to energy.

An interesting observation on the topic: sometimes the development team, along with the next patch, also introduces changes in the knowledge system: let's say, earlier in the "collection" there were 10 knowledge, but now it's 11. In this case, if the group has already been studied and the reward in the form of additional "points energy received, then it will remain so. That is, the player will not be deprived of honestly earned energy points, and obtaining the last, 11th knowledge, will not affect the maximum indicator in any way.

! An important element, which increases the maximum amount of energy in Black Desert, are also titles. This topic is very capacious and requires a separate article, therefore, in the framework of today's discussion, we will only note that the number of titles received in the game can increase the maximum energy reserve to +8 units.

Very important to understand is the fact of energy distribution between members of the game "family" - that is, characters created on the same account, server and under the same last name. The trick is that all family members have the same amount of maximum energy (due to common knowledge), but everyone has their own consumption. That is, if at least one character of the account raises the level of maximum energy, say, to 300, then all the rest, even newly created characters, will have the value "0/300" in the "Energy" line.

From this, it should be concluded that in a week or two, all created characters with the same name, even while offline, will accumulate the maximum number of “points” of energy, and these most valuable reserves can be used for various “family” needs. If it is necessary to spend energy on a specific character (say, to pump some skill to him), then in such a situation the “conservation”, which was mentioned earlier, will help a lot. You will just need to enter the game with "child" characters and have a special NPC process their energy into banks that any member of the family can easily use.

All of the above directly indicates that if a player is really serious about the game and wants to get the most out of it, it would be very advisable to create the maximum number of characters on the account (even if they are not planned to be played) and “drain” their energy from time to time.

Knowledge in one form or another exists in many major games. Usually they are there only to create the necessary atmosphere or to entertain those who like to read all the quests and understand the history of the virtual world in which to play.

In Black Desert, knowledge has a wider function. In addition to the above interest, they carry a tangible benefit - an increase in the maximum level of energy.

Almost immediately after the character enters the game world, you can see that everything in Black Desert has its own little history. Whether it's a monster, city, NPC, building - all these items in the game are accompanied by relevant knowledge. A lot of knowledge can be obtained just like that, without even straining, but this is not always the case. There are even more complex knowledge - for example, about religion or adventure. They are not so easy to get, and often you have to contrive and pretty much run around the locations in order to get the necessary information in your "piggy bank".

"Multiple" knowledge. How is "C" different from "S"?

There are several other subtleties in the knowledge system. For example, knowledge ranks, which always cause a lot of discussion among players. The fact is that some knowledge (from the sections "Ecology" and "Trade") has a kind of quality indicator - a rank. The higher the rank of knowledge, the more useful it is. But how can knowledge be useful in Black Desert, in addition to the previously announced increase in maximum energy? The fact is that the rank of knowledge about a monster or a product can greatly facilitate the battle or sale (respectively).

  • The simplest knowledge of the "C"-rank allows you to see the life bar of hostile monsters.
  • Knowledge of the "B"-rank increases the character's defense indicators in battle with this enemy.
  • "A" and "A +" - more rare drop-down ranks - will help to inflict more damage on enemies, all other things being equal.
  • The most valuable and desirable knowledge of the "S"-rank increases the quantity and quality of "drop" from mobs, including experience.

It should be noted that the “S”-rank knowledge obtained from the Boss is a rare piece of luck, which will later do good service, because the chance of getting parts of the boss set from a player with such knowledge is higher than the rest.

The most frequently appearing knowledge is, of course, “C”- and “B”-rank. At the same time, you need to know that if low-level knowledge has already been received from a mob, then it is impossible to increase the rank of existing knowledge. You can only remove this knowledge and try to get a new, higher level. This procedure can be done indefinitely, as long as there is enough patience.

It is possible to delete any knowledge in Black Desert, and the NPC librarian, Annalize, who "lives" in the central library of the city of Calpheon, will help in this. By the way, if you wander around the library and take a closer look at the bookshelves, you can get a lot of interesting knowledge and even collect several collections.

The cost of removing knowledge from Annalize is 10 energy. In addition, there is also the Elixir of Oblivion, which allows you to remove knowledge anywhere without resorting to the help of a librarian.

In addition to deletion, there is also a reverse procedure: knowledge can be bought for in-game silver. So, in despair to knock out the necessary knowledge about some Bhega or Muskan, you can go to a special NPC and get the necessary information for a tidy sum of in-game silver. Just keep in mind - often the amount will be very “tidy”.

A fairly large part of the knowledge can be obtained simply by completing story quests and NPC auxiliary tasks. Knowledge about the terrain, islands, nodes - are obtained automatically when visiting them. Knowledge about people, non-player characters of Black Desert, is most often given during dialogue with them. You will recognize fish by catching several of the same species, monsters by killing a certain number of them.

However, there is in the world of Black Desert and such knowledge that it is not easy to get. In addition, the total amount of knowledge is striking - today there are about 2100 of them, and this figure is constantly growing, because new areas, classes, NPCs are added to the game.

In order to explore the huge layer of game knowledge to the maximum, you must try to complete absolutely all quests, be as careful as possible at every step, because valuable knowledge can be hidden right under your nose. It is very important to develop relationships with NPCs, because many stories they tell only to close friends. As soon as you see a special sign around the NPC (a blue circle with a question mark on the ground), immediately slow it down, start a friendship and finally get knowledge.

And, perhaps, the most important advice - try to start studying vast world Black Desert as soon as possible. There is nothing sadder than the sight of a level 55+ character who kills low-level mobs in the vicinity of Olivia, because he does not have enough knowledge about some tree crab or goblin to collect. Be friends with everyone you can (and cannot) be friends with. Try to squeeze all the knowledge out of this game - believe me, then it will play in your favor.

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Developers of free online games constantly go to all sorts of tricks to limit the actions of players. Various limits are introduced that stretch the time spent by the player exploring the world and completing all sorts of tasks.

Pearl Abyss did not deviate from this principle - the function of the limiter in the game is performed by energy points. If you have played, then you will surely compare energy points with work points and draw hasty conclusions. In some ways, these systems are indeed similar, but they are very different.

What are energy points for?

  • Gathering and crafting resources, cooking and alchemy. Mining ore, picking berries and herbs, cooking and all kinds of potions - all this requires energy points.
  • Communication with NPCs, greetings and theft. Changing relationships with NPCs also requires energy points. Communication with NPCs requires 2 energy points. The communication process will be described in more detail in the knowledge guide. For each greeting, you spend 3 energy points, and in return you gain 3 friendship points with this NPC. You can also try to steal an item from an NPC. This action costs 3 energy points. If you are lucky, you will receive a valuable item: for example, some kind of decoration for the house. But if you are noticed, then the attitude of the NPC towards you will deteriorate sharply (-100 friendship points), and your karma will decrease slightly.
  • Bargaining and exploration of prices in other nodes. If you want to sell a product at a higher price or find out the prices for the selected product in other nodes, then you will have to spend energy. All these actions are performed only at the NPC "Merchant".
  • Getting some knowledge. Some knowledge is unique and you need to give a certain number of energy points to get it.
  • global chat. Each message in the "World" chat consumes one energy point.
  • Skills training. If you learn skills not from a trainer, but by yourself, then for each study you will have to pay 3 energy points.
  • Random worker's choice. You can get a random worker from the NPC Manager, but each new worker costs 5 energy points.
  • Fishing. If you want to increase the chance of getting a more expensive fish, then you can cast a "stronger" bait or, to put it simply, spend a certain amount of energy points on this process.

The above are only the main actions for which you will spend energy points. The game has a wide variety of events that are worth spending the energy of the character and free time.

Recovery of energy points

There are several ways to restore energy:

  • Passive. Your character recovers one point of energy every 3 minutes for being in the game. If you are logged out, your character will regenerate 1 energy point per hour.
  • With the help of a bed. If you put a bed at home and lie down on it, then the process of restoring energy points will speed up by 2 times, i.e. you will receive 2 energy points for every 3 minutes.
  • For completing assignments. By completing certain quests (usually dailies and crafting quests), you can receive energy points as a reward for successfully completing the quest.

Increasing Energy Points

When you create your first character, you automatically get a supply of 10 energy points (0/10). At the same time, each new character does not have available energy points when created.

You can expand your supply of energy points by gaining knowledge about the world around you. All the knowledge that your characters on your account have received is in the "Knowledge" window (hot key H). From this we can conclude that the limit of energy points is assigned to the account, and not the character.

When new knowledge is acquired, an alert is displayed at the top of the screen.

As soon as you accumulate the required amount of knowledge in any area, you will receive an alert for an increase in energy.

Energy V Black Desert- this is the character parameter indicated in the upper left corner of the screen, next to the level. Energy is spent on almost all actions in the game: crafting, talking with NPCs, stealing, pumping relationships with NPCs, buffs, gaining knowledge, trading, collecting resources, fishing, and even pumping skills without a trainer, you spend 2 energy per skill. And this is not a complete list.

The amount of energy is indicated through a fraction of the form: Current amount of energy / Maximum amount of energy. It sits between your character's Skill Points and Influence Points. For example, in the screenshot below, I have 253 out of 253 energies.

When you create your first character, your maximum energy is 30, and the current amount is 0 (that is, 0/30).

How to restore Energy?

Energy in Black Desert is restored in several ways:

  • Of course, 1 energy every 3 minutes if your character is online or 1 energy every hour if your character is offline.
  • When doing quests. Standard dailies that don't cost energy usually restore 3 energy. Crafting tasks restore 5 energy, but at the same time they themselves require energy costs to complete. In some cases, these energy costs can be directly or indirectly bypassed, for example, by buying the items needed for the task at the auction.
  • Bought a glass of wine at the bar. Wine costs 50k silver, restores 3 energy.
  • If you sleep in a bed, then the rate of energy regeneration increases.
  • When you open a chest with pearls purchased in the premium shop, you also get a +1 energy regeneration buff for a while.

Several important conclusions follow from the points above:

  1. Without buffs in one day (24 hours) you will get a maximum of 480 energy, everything above this will have to be farmed with dailies or food.
  2. The maximum energy level must be at least 160, in which case you can leave your character for the night (8 hours) in some corner of the location and in the morning he will still receive energy, and not stand idle, having accumulated it to the maximum. In other words, if you spend a lot of energy and allow yourself the luxury of sleep, your energy cap should be at least (hours of sleep) times 20.


Beds in Black Desert are very important point which deserves a separate subsection. The bed can be installed in the house and, surprisingly, sleep on it.

Beds only work if the character is online.

When a character lies on a bed, the rate of energy recovery increases depending on the type of bed.

Bed Energy
per tick
Bed from Velia +1 Purchased in Velia from Silius for 50 Amity and 24k Silver. To purchase, you need 500+ friendship with Silius.
Bed from Heidel +1 Bought in Heidel from Rubios for 50 Amity and 28k Silver. To purchase, you need 1000+ friendship with Rubius.
Bed from Calpheon +1
Bed (Velia) +1 Crafted by workers at Velia's workshop.
Bed (Heidel) +1 Crafted by workers to Heidel's workshop.
Bed (Calpheon) +1 Crafted by workers at the Calpheon workshop.
wooden bed +2
goblin bed +2 Bought in the store for 250 pearls.
Bone-decorated bed +2 Bought in the store for 250 pearls.
Cowskin bed ?
Wool-decorated bed ? Can be rewarded for "Play time per account 1000 hours!"
snakeskin bed ? Can be rewarded for "Play time per account 1000 hours!"

By default, you restore 1 energy "per tick", but if you are lying on the bed (+2) and you have the buff from the recent opening of the chest with pearls (+1), then in the end you will restore 4 energy every 3 minutes.

How to increase the maximum amount of Energy in Black Desert?

Maximum energy is increased Knowledge(key h on the keyboard). Knowledge divided into collections. For each collection collected, you get a plus to your maximum energy supply. When you collect half of the collection you get 1 energy, and when you collect the entire collection you get all the rest relying on non-energy.

The amount of energy per collection of knowledge depends on the total amount of knowledge in the collection. Approximately for every 6 knowledge - one energy, but not less than 2 energy per collection. Example:

  • There are 18 knowledge in the collection, 18/6 = 3. So you will get 3 energy.
  • There are 17 knowledge in the collection, 17/6 = 2.8(3). So for this collection you will receive 2 energy (an integer when divided by 6).
  • There are 45 knowledge in the collection, 45/6 = 7.5. So for this collection you will receive 7 energy.
  • There is 1 knowledge in the collection (Yes, there are such ones too). The minimum amount of energy per collection = 2, which means you will receive 2 energy for just one knowledge.

When you create a character, you have 30 maximum energy. Assuming that you collected almost all the knowledge in the location during its passage, your maximum energy will look something like this:

Location + to energy
per location
And that energy
New character 30 30
balenos + 35 65
Serendia + 75 140
Calpheon + 140 280
Media + ?? ??

All the data in the table is approximate, as it strongly depends on factors such as luck in catching rare mobs and the time you spent on leveling up your relationship with the NPC.

Max Energy is a general parameter per family, or, more precisely, per realm, while Current Energy each character has their own. That is, all characters of the same account, created on the same server, have the same Maximum Energy supply, since all these characters have a common list of Knowledge found, but at the same time, this energy is accumulated and spent by each of them completely independently.

In other words, you can upgrade one character on the realm to 250+ energy, then create first level characters on the same realm and they will also have 0/250 energy. In a week or more, all of these characters will gain 300 energy while offline while you play as the main character. And then you can strengthen their energy for resource extraction, crafting or obtaining any knowledge for the main character. Therefore, be sure to create the maximum number of characters on your account so that they sit and accumulate extra energy.

If you create a character on another server, everything will be the same there, you will again start from 0/30.

What is Knowledge?

Knowledge in Black Desert is a kind of analogue of lore in other games. But unlike most games in Black Desert, they exist not only to create an atmosphere of the living world. Without knowledge you won't have energy, and without energy you won't have most aspects of the game, so knowledge is essential for everyone.

Almost everything in the game has its own knowledge (a little history). Every location, city, farm, NPC, monster, crafting recipe, incident, fish caught, milestone, quest, or even trade item. At the same time, not all knowledge increases your energy, but only knowledge from certain sections.

All knowledge is divided into several large categories, each of which is divided into subsections, these subsections are further divided into smaller sections, and so on. There are currently the following major categories:

People Give energy. Here are the NPCs that you met or learned about from other NPCs.
terrain Give energy . Here are the various parts of the locations that you have visited or learned about from the NPCs.
Islands Give energy . Here is knowledge about small islands and their inhabitants, managing trade nodes, and so on.
Ecology Give energy . Here is knowledge about various mobs either killed by you personally or described to you by one of the NPCs.
Adventures Give energy . Knowledge obtained mainly for completing chains of quests. One of the most difficult to obtain, but they also give a lot of energy.
Science Give energy . Here are the various scientific knowledge you received from the NPCs. Stories, books read, races, and so on.
crafts They don't give energy. Here are the crafting recipes and the resources you have obtained.
Introduction to Black Desert They don't give energy . Here, basically, training material and non-game NPCs.
Trade They don't give energy . Here are the knowledge about the various products that you have studied. When studying the goods are destroyed.

Knowledge Ranks

Some knowledge, for example from the Ecology and Trade sections, have ranks. The rand of knowledge is denoted by a Latin letter in brackets. There are 5 ranks in total: C ,B,A ,A+ And S. Each of them passively increases certain characteristics.

Ecology Trade
C Allows you to see the mob's HP. ??
B Increases your defense against mob attacks. ??
A Increases your damage against a mob. ??
A+ Apparently, the same as A but more. ??
S Increases experience gained per kill and increases drop chance. ??

Knowledge with ranks can proc you with any rank. Of course, the lower the rank, the higher the chance of getting it, so you will have most of the knowledge C or B rank. It is impossible to increase the current rank, but you can "delete" knowledge and get it again, in the hope that a higher rank will curse you.

How to remove knowledge?

Removal of knowledge is a separate option available to NPCs. For example, in Calpheon, Annalisa, located in the Calpheon Valkyries library, will help you remove knowledge.

Select the desired option, as in the screenshot above. Select knowledge from the list and delete it. Removing one knowledge costs 10 energy.

Search for knowledge

Some knowledge is well hidden, some is not so difficult to find, but in any case, the problem for you will be their quantity. At the moment in Black Desert there are more than 2000 pieces of knowledge alone that give energy and their number is constantly growing. New sections, collections and knowledge are added to existing collections.

If you have already collected a collection, and then the developers added new knowledge to it, then you still have the full bonus to energy from this collection, but beginners will have to look for one more knowledge.

Most of the knowledge is obtained from NPCs through dialogues or by increasing relations with them, which makes pumping friendship points with NPCs one of the most necessary processes in the development of your character. You can read in detail (very detailed) about how to quickly and with minimal energy to pump attitude and friendship points with NPCs.

According to the knowledge itself and its search, I will make separate large guide tables. A list of all ready-made guides can be found in the table of contents of the article.