What does two wedding rings mean. Wedding rings. Wedding ring and "company"

Does it matter which finger to wear the ring on? There are many traditions in wearing jewelry. Knowing the symbolism of wearing rings, you can "make a statement" or learn something about its owner. There is no rigid set of rules on which finger and on which hand to wear a ring, and any person can wear rings as he pleases, with the exception of wedding rings. But there are nuances here. For example, most residents of South and North America, including the United States, and most European countries wear a wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand, and in accordance with the Orthodox tradition, they are worn on the ring finger of the right hand. However, men often do not wear them on any finger at all. However, a trained eye can easily see even a trace of the ring, if there is interest not only theoretical. As a rule, the right hand will tell more about the physical side of a person - it is more active, dominant, more "gesturing". The left is usually seen as a reflection of the psychological side of a person's personality - it speaks more about character and beliefs. What will the symbolism of the rings tell us? Let's go through the fingers.

Detail of a female portrait from the Elizabethan period. Unknown British artist, 1600

1. THUMB symbolizes willpower and reflects the inner essence of a person. If you start wearing a ring on your thumb, be careful, changes will soon begin in your life. Also, wearing a ring on the thumb helps to develop the will.

Abraham del Court and Maria de Kaarsgieter by Bartholomeus van der Gelst

Portrait married couple in the park, artist Gonzalez Cox

Portrait of Archduchess Johanna with a portrait of Charles V, artist Sofonisba Anguissola

Portrait of a man in profile. Artist Quentin Masseys

Indian miniature depicting Shah Jahan with an archery ring on his right thumb

Rings on the thumbs are often surprising, but, in fact, this phenomenon is quite common in the world. In most cases, the ring on the thumb is perceived as a symbol of wealth and influence, while the rings in this case are more often worn wide and large. Previously, a wedding ring often moved to the thumb. Such a tradition existed, in particular, during the time of George I in England; in medieval Europe, wedding rings were generally worn on different fingers. It is also a common choice for those people who want to wear several rings on the same hand, but in such a way as to distance the rings from each other somewhat. Wedding ring, pinky and middle finger rings together can feel over the top and are not always comfortable to wear. The ring on the thumb "unloads" the composition.

The thumb up is a gesture of friendliness, so don't wear a ring on it that will annoy other people. There is nothing worse than an expensive and tasteless thumb ring. It's best when it's bold yet simple. And although many authors believe that the thumb does not have astrological associations and does not have a patron among the ancient Greek gods, like all other fingers, it is often associated with warlike Mars. It was believed that the thumb reflects character - strong straight fingers are characteristic of authoritative personalities, and curves were perceived as a sign of sinfulness. Astrology associates the thumb with carnelian, pomegranate and ruby.

There is one more important point- since ancient times, men have worn an archery ring on their thumb, originally such rings were leather. Therefore, in the old days, the presence of a ring on the thumb was associated with courage and the ability to wield weapons. Perhaps for this reason, wearing a rather large and wide ring on this finger remains to this day a male prerogative and a symbol of masculinity.

Left thumb will not make statements about your status, profession, or other important part of life. But it's a great "statement" finger - choose a wide ring that won't get in the way and people will know you're trendy and confident.

Right thumb also doesn't say anything in particular - it's a great way to showcase your favorite ring or use it to make a "statement". I have heard, for example, that non-traditional minorities use thumb rings to make such claims.

2. FOREFINGER represents power, leadership and ambition. It is believed that wearing a ring on this finger activates just this kind of energy. This was especially noticeable in those distant times, when famous and powerful kings wore a ring on their index finger. Wear a ring on this finger if you want to develop leadership qualities in yourself and get an impetus to develop in this direction.

Coronation portrait of Elizabeth I by an unknown artist, 1600. National Portrait Gallery

Henry VIII by Joos van Cleve

This is a scene from Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes. The ring of the bull is worn in the film by Chief Justice Sir Thomas Rotheram, and it indicates belonging to the fictional Temple of the Four Orders. I don't know if the authors of the film thought about historical symbols (and they touched on the symbolism of secret English organizations), but it is dressed logically, and besides, it emphasizes belonging to power. Sherlock Holmes was taken to this house with his eyes closed and accurately names its location - northwest of St. James's Park. It's between Buckingham Palace and Green Park. Enough information to use the deductive method of the hero, at least for the era of Conan Doyle. I will not delve into it - I am leading to the fact that the historical symbolism of the rings is relevant to this day.

Portrait of a girl painted in 1840s in Russia. Presumably, the portrait was ordered in honor of the engagement - the ring on the index finger means that the young lady is engaged. Roses (white and black) symbolize purity and love. Exhibition "Unknown Artist" in the Russian Museum in 2012. Photo found here lenarudenko

The Jewish Bride of Rembrandt

Instinctively, we use the index finger more often than others in gestures (not counting the thumb). But it turns out that the ring on this finger bothers us less than on the middle one next to it. In history, wearing rings (usually seals or rings) on the index finger was the most common, except when in some regions of Europe it was forbidden for persons below a certain status. Therefore, rings were often worn on this finger (especially by men), symbolizing belonging to some kind of brotherhood, membership in an organization, etc. The ring on the index finger does not stand out as sharply as on the middle finger or little finger, but, thanks to gesticulation, it is quite noticeable. The astrological association is Jupiter which symbolizes strength, leadership, authority and spirituality. Jupiter's metal is tin, but silver is also a normal choice for a ring. Astrological stones of the index fingers - lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue topaz.

Left index finger does not have one hundred percent unambiguous symbolism, although it is a good finger for demonstrating important rings. To make your ring noticed - you can put on it your especially valuable or cocktail ring etc.

Right index finger - a place for a wedding ring during traditional Jewish wedding ceremony. As a rule, for this purpose, a simple Golden ring. Often, after the ceremony, brides move the ring to the familiar ring finger, but some continue to wear it on the index finger. So take a closer look before hitting on the girl you like. Earlier in Rus', it was also a custom to wear a wedding ring on the index finger.

3. MIDDLE FINGER is the individuality of the person. Located in the center of the hand, the ring symbolizes a balanced life. And wearing a ring on the middle finger helps to make life more harmonious.

Melancholia (La Fumeuse), Artist Georges de Feur, symbolist and one of the founders of Parisian modernism, the painting depicts Julien Raskin, later the artist's wife.

Portrait of Louise Marie d'Orleans, Queen of Belgium, Supruni of the Belgian King Leopold I. Artist Franz Xaver Winterhalter

If you do not take into account the well-known gesture, then the middle finger is the largest, strongest and most courageous finger. Rings are surprisingly rarely worn on it, partly, apparently, because it is located next to the index and 2 rings nearby become an obstacle to various small actions. So that the ring does not interfere, it is better to wear simple and small rings on the middle finger. However, wearing a ring on the middle finger is very comfortable, especially when you put a ring on it for the first time. In addition, unlike the ring finger, or, for example, the little finger, the symbolism of this finger is the safest, it does not create any secret meaning or confusion. Due to the central location, the middle finger symbolizes balance. It is associated with Saturn, the metal of Saturn is lead, simple gray metals are well suited for this finger. Saturn stands for balance, justice, law, responsibility and introspection. Its stones are soothing, such as rose quartz, coral, aquamarine.

Left middle finger. If the ring is worn on this finger, it may mean nothing. But since it occupies a central place on the hand and is the longest finger, the ring on it can symbolize power and responsibility. This finger is a good choice if you want to show the ring without making any statements about your life.

Right middle finger, just like the left has no definite meaning and is open to interpretation. You can choose your own symbol and meaning for the ring.

4. RING FINGER the left hand has a direct connection with the heart. For this reason, a wedding ring is worn on this finger in most countries of the world. Wearing a ring on this finger will add positive emotions and affection to your life, as well as increase creativity and a taste for creativity. Wearing a ring on the ring finger of your right hand will make you more optimistic.

Princess Albert de Broglie , artist Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres

Portrait of Isabella de Valois, French princess and Spanish queen. Daughter of King Henry II of France and Catherine de Medici, wife of Philip II. Artist Juan Pantoja de la Cruz. Prado Museum

In most countries of the world ring finger most often associated with a wedding ring - in the USA, a ring on the right hand indicates an engagement, on the left it symbolizes marriage. Most people choose a plain gold or silver ring, in part because the ring is worn all the time and is more comfortable. But this does not mean that people do not wear rings with large stones or obviously artistic and decorative rings on the ring finger. Most likely, in this case, they simply will not be perceived by the rings associated with marriage. At the same time, the rings are quite simple in shape, if they are made of different metals or have inscriptions, they most likely will.

Symbolically, the ring finger is associated with the moon, beauty and creativity, and, obviously, with romantic relationships. The metal of the moon is silver, so it's a natural choice for rings worn on the ring finger, unless it's an engagement ring. Wedding rings are traditionally more often made of gold. The finger is associated with Apollo. Gems- moonstone, jade, amethyst, turquoise.

Left ring finger. In most cases, this finger is worn wedding ring. Many believe that this custom comes from the belief of the ancient Egyptians, and then the Romans, that the blood through the veins from this finger goes straight to the heart (according to Apion, this is a nerve). But the ring on this finger may mean that its owner is just about to get married. (engagement ring). A promise ring can be worn on the same finger. (romantic promise), despite the fact that the status of an official proposal is assigned to the finger. Many young people prefer to wear a purity ring on this finger. (chastity ring). A wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is worn in France, Italy, Great Britain, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan. And also in Japan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Canada, USA, Cuba and other countries. According to tradition, a wedding ring is moved to the left ring finger in Russia after a divorce, and widows and widowers wear two wedding rings (one's own and one's spouse).

Right ring finger. Although in many countries it is customary to wear a wedding ring on the left ring finger, there are countries in which the right ring finger is used for the same purpose. This applies to the Orthodox tradition and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe - Russia, Belarus, Serbia, Poland, Moldova, Ukraine. Also, a wedding ring is worn on the right hand in Germany, Spain, Austria, Greece, Norway, Georgia, India, Kazakhstan, Chile and a number of other countries. However, with wedding rings, everything is especially ambiguous. There is such an anecdote - "Sofochka, why are you wearing a ring on the wrong hand?" "Because I married the wrong person!" So, if you set out to find out if the girl you like is married, you need to take into account many factors.

5. LITTLE FINGER encompasses all relationships and connections with outside world and connection with other people. Wearing a pinky ring helps improve relationships, especially in marriage, but also in business. The little finger is also responsible for use in creativity, harmony in emotional sphere and in the material world.

Portrait of Francesco d "Este, artist Rogier van Weyden

Portrait of Philippe de Croix by Rogier van der Weyden

Portrait of Charles Couperin with the artist's daughter, Claude Lefebvre

Little finger often becomes the choice of a person who wants to "state" something, since the little finger with the ring will attract the most attention - it is less associated with religious or cultural traditions and associations, therefore carries your pure idea. That is, rings are worn on the little finger when they want to draw attention to this fact. People who are fond of astrology and palmistry will perceive this symbolism through a connection with the intellect and beliefs. The little finger symbolizes mercury, but this does not mean that you need to wear a ring made of this metal - it is liquid at room temperature and, moreover, highly toxic to humans. The patron is Mercury, which personifies intelligence, communications, beliefs and intuition, he patronizes crafts and trade. Traditionally, wearing rings on the little finger is associated with both intelligence and creativity, as well as with business. Stones - moonstone, amber, citrine.

Little finger of the right hand - in the 19th and early 20th centuries, in a number of countries, 2 rings on the little finger showed that the person was married (divorce ring) . The lower ring was an engagement ring, a ring was put on top. Now this tradition is forgotten, some historians claim that American President Franklin Roosevelt wore such rings. Sometimes wearing a ring on the little finger is associated with traditions. organized crime (mafia rings) such rings were worn by the Sopranos, in particular. In the UK and other Western countries, men wore a signet ring on their left little finger, antique rings of this type are over 100 years old. Usually such rings have a coat of arms and in many families they were passed down from generation to generation. (family rings with coat of arms) .

Little finger of the left hand often used for rings indicating professional status. This is typical for engineers in a number of industries, for example, engineering, where the ring may indicate the achievement of a certain educational level. Graduates wear the ring not on the dominant hand so that it does not interfere. Professional rings can be simple iron, silver, stainless steel and other materials, often they have inscriptions or signs. All of the above is typical for right-handers, left-handers sometimes bring confusion to this entire symbolic system.


It depends on the rings. For example, a set of several thin rings on one finger is perceived as one. A safe maximum can be considered 2-3 rings scattered on both hands. Care must be taken that the rings as a whole do not look too bright, so that this is not perceived as a caricature. It is better for men to wear one "declared" ring and nothing else, or in combination with an engagement ring. But I repeat - there are no rules on this matter, only a sense of proportion and taste can become advisers here. I sorted through the paintings of artists of different eras for a long time, because jewelry, including rings, is depicted in most of the portraits. It is interesting that most often people in portraits wear rings on the little finger, or on the little finger and index finger. On the ring finger and thumb, the rings occur almost equally and least often on the middle one. I hope you enjoy these illustrations, selected from among the old canvases of the masters of painting.

Portrait of Isabella Clara Eugenia by Alonso Sanchez Coelho

Portrait of Madame Montessori by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
National Gallery of Fine Art (USA)

Portrait of Eleanor of Toledo, wife of the Duke of Tuscany Cosimo de' Medici, artist Agnolo Bronzino

Anna Trushkova-Vasilyeva

Sometimes two rings flaunt on the girl's ring finger at once. This picture is puzzling. Can two wedding rings be worn on the same finger? And are both necessarily engaged?

Usually a woman has one "symbol of marriage bonds." After all, there can only be one life partner! The sad exception widows. If a man left the chosen one against his will, she has the right to put on his ring. Sometimes it is worn on the other hand, but more often the rings are placed together - like spouses before the tragic denouement.

Of course, it is not necessary to wear the ring of the deceased. But some women wear it in memory of a loved one.

But do not rush to sad conclusions when you see a double gold rim on the lady's finger. Sometimes the "engagement" is only one piece of jewelry. The second has another, no less important meaning. What does this mean? What rings are worn with a wedding ring?

Traditionally, there are two options:

  1. An engagement ring given by the groom. So the young man confirms the seriousness of his intentions. The bride puts the ring on her right ring finger (Muslims and Catholics - on the left) and wears it until the wedding. You can not shoot - a bad omen! Traditionally, this is a luxurious ring with semiprecious stone or a diamond. But there may be gentle, thin rings.
  2. wedding ring- for those who honor church rites. These are gold and silver rings with the inscription "Save and save." Sometimes they are worn on the left hand, but can also be worn on the right. After all, the Orthodox are baptized with this very hand. So, the marriage will receive an additional blessing.

Can I wear another ring next to my engagement ring? Wedding - yes. It is consecrated, which means will bring only happiness and family well-being. Engagement is more difficult. Superstitious people tell them to take them off immediately after the wedding and not to wear them again. Like, the newlywed is waiting for the inevitable betrayal or widowhood. Other signs say that an engagement ring can be worn along with a wedding ring. And other beliefs even forbid taking it off under pain of illness and death. What to believe - decide for yourself. But remember: the power of thought embodies good predictions or drives away gloomy ones. Tune in to the good and do what your heart tells you to do. Then family life will be happy.

Sometimes the second ring has a practical function. For example, it supports a loose-fitting wedding band. If you are not superstitious, you can take note of this

How else can you wear wedding and engagement rings?

"Engagement Memory" is optional. Sometimes the bride does not want to burden her fingers or is afraid of bad signs. She can safely put the ring in the jewelry box after the wedding. It will become a family heirloom that passes from mother to daughter.

And if you do not want to part with your favorite jewel? Already known option - to put on next to the wedding ring. If you do not want to overload your finger, decorate with a ring left hand . This applies to rings with large stones, which look better without "companions".

Another way - wear around the neck like a pendant. Not all newlyweds will like it: the stone can injure the skin or leave puffs on the sweater. But women often choose this method. In this case, you need to pick up an elegant chain, silver or gold.

By tradition, these decorations are not similar to each other. Here are their main differences:

  1. Engagement rings are not always gold. You can choose silver or other semi-precious metal. No patterns otherwise marriage will not be easy and will bring many tears. But diamonds - many small ones or one large one will come in handy. " Best friends girls" bring family well-being, keep the owner from misfortune. But other, less famous stones will do. For example, cubic zirconia or aquamarine.
  2. wedding rings make only in gold. Their surface is usually smooth: no engravings, gems, drawings. Then living together not be overshadowed by quarrels. However, today the youth is not subject to prejudices. Future spouses boldly buy "wrappers" with a print, a pebble or an intricate flower, in the shape of a heart or a butterfly.

Rings should not be too big inserts. Such jewelry is good for social events, but inconvenient in everyday life. Actress Eva Longoria even refused to wear an engagement ring because of a huge diamond. Do not repeat the mistakes of the star, look for miniature decorations.

Wedding ring next to engagement

Often the groom himself chooses a present for the engagement. And that means mistakes are possible. How to avoid them? You can invite your loved one to look for the ring together. But young people rarely agree: they want to make a surprise. Therefore, it is better to act as experienced scouts. Usually it comes to the wedding before the official proposal. You can gently hint at what gift you would like to seal the engagement. Or, while shopping, show your favorite ring.

And here wedding rings should be bought only by two. Then they will bring lovers happiness in marriage. The groom pays for the purchase. Usually newlyweds have the same rings, but this is not necessary. For example, a girl wants an elegant, thin ring. It is unlikely that it will be appropriate on the male finger.

If you are wearing two rings, they should complement each other. One ring is always more modest than the other: the abundance of diamonds looks ridiculous. You can choose rings from different materials, with different finishes. The main thing is harmony.

bridal rings

And the last piece of advice: beliefs are beliefs, but health is more expensive. If you have two rings on one finger, unload it. At least occasionally take off your engagement ring. Constant pressure on your fingers will ruin your well-being and mood. And without Have a good mood there will be no happiness. Remember this and take care of yourself!

September 15, 2018, 09:23

So, we will talk about the rings on our hands.

It turns out that there are a number of rules that are very useful to follow.

  1. Women should not wear a ring on their thumb. The thumbs, especially on the left hand, are associated with black magic. If a woman wears a ring there, she may be, without knowing it, involved in very bad things. Her energy can be fed, and negative can penetrate into her space. It is logical that nothing good will come of this.
    Men can wear rings on their thumbs.
  2. Little fingers are very important fingers. They are connected with our energy, the fulfillment of desires. It is very useful to wear rings on the little fingers, especially with your stone or a stone that symbolizes your desire. For example, to attract money, it is good to wear an emerald ring on your little finger.
  3. Many people, including myself, wear two rings on one finger. This is also wrong, especially on the ring finger.
  4. There should be only one ring on the ring finger!
    If there are two or more rings, this can attract relationship problems, betrayals, love triangles, people who constantly interfere with them. Among other things, it also affects our energy. Two rings confuse it and prevent it from flowing harmoniously ...
  5. The main rule is one finger - one ring.

The wedding ring is a symbol of mutual love and fidelity of spouses. Each married couple gives this ritual some kind of innermost meaning: for some it's just a convention, and someone believes that their love will last forever, and the rings will make the union indestructible.

The beautiful tradition of exchanging wedding rings has been around for several thousand years, and it does not lose its relevance today. But do you know how it arose, why the wedding ring is worn precisely on the ring finger and in what secret meaning this custom?

History of wedding rings

Presumably, the tradition of exchanging wedding rings originated in ancient Egypt, so that, contrary to many beliefs, this custom is not at all Christian, but pagan. According to another version, the custom of exchanging rings was invented in ancient Greece, but what can be said with certainty is that the ring was worn on the ring finger.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger?

During the autopsy and dissection of the bodies, the Egyptians discovered one interesting anatomical detail - the thinnest nerve goes from the ring finger of the left hand to the heart. So they decided to decorate this particular finger with a ring, symbolizing the involvement of the affairs of the heart in the divine.

Rings in those days were made from various materials: leather, animal bones, various metals. Of course, only very rich and wealthy people could afford precious jewelry, as evidenced by various archaeological finds.

There is also another version of why the ring is worn on the ring finger. If you put your hands in the castle, and in pairs start to tear off your fingers from the castle (thumbs, index, middle, ring and little fingers), then you can easily raise all fingers except the ring fingers. So the ring on the ring finger symbolizes a strong and unbreakable union.

Why are wedding rings worn on the right hand in some countries and on the left hand in others?

Here we should touch upon such an important point as the transformation of a pagan custom into a Christian one. Initially, the church treated the tradition of exchanging rings, as well as all pagan traditions, rather negatively, until the church legalized in 860 ancient custom and did not allow Catholics to exchange rings during the marriage ceremony. This is how an old pagan custom became Christian.

Orthodox believers wear rings on the ring finger of their right hand, which is why they are Orthodox. Wearing a wedding ring on the right hand symbolizes the rightness and purity of thoughts before God.

Catholics wear a wedding ring closer to the heart, that is, on the ring finger of the left hand. It is interesting that in the same country you can find wearing rings on both the right and left hands. So, Protestants, as opposed to Catholics, wear love rings on their right hand.

By the way, in ancient times in Rus', wedding rings were worn on the index finger, today this can only be found in Jewish traditions.

Why wear two wedding rings?

Sometimes you can see two wedding rings on one ring finger at once, and this is a very sad picture, since this means that the second half of this person is no longer in the world of the living. According to tradition, after the death of one of the spouses, the widow or widower wears his ring and the ring of the deceased spouse. When you see such a touching and sad manifestation of love and fidelity, you begin to appreciate every minute spent next to your loved one.

Signs associated with wedding rings

Signs can be believed or not believed. In no case should signs be confused with superstitions. Indeed, unlike the latter, signs are based on the life experience of our ancestors. In any case, you should not attach special importance to them, and if you program yourself, then only for good. Below are some of the most common omens about wedding rings.

The ring should not be given to anyone to try on- together with him you will give family happiness and well-being;

The wedding ring must be smooth- then and married life will go smoothly

wedding ring can not be removed- this is a kind of amulet that protects against serious illnesses and black envy;

Wearing a wedding ring over a glove to a cheating spouse. This is especially true for a wedding wardrobe that includes a pair of gloves as an accessory. Remove the glove first, and only then put on the ring;

Dropping a wedding ring during a wedding unfortunately and a quick divorce. If this nevertheless happened, a pre-prepared thread is threaded through the ring, and only then put on the ring finger;

The stronger the material from which the wedding ring is made, the stronger the married life;

Lose your wedding ring the danger of divorce, or the risk of a serious illness;

Buy wedding ring the groom should, and preferably at the same time and in the same place, then the spouses will live soul to soul;

If dream wedding ring: gold - wedding, silver - trouble, to lose or break - sadness;

Use as parents' wedding rings possible only if their marriage turned out to be happy and long-term. At a minimum, they should celebrate a silver wedding;

Get married with a widow's ring- the earliest to be widowed;

It is forbidden use as wedding rings that have been melted down from other jewelry, especially from parental jewelry - you will lose happiness;

Touch the wedding rings of the newlyweds(do not wear) - for your own imminent wedding;

Get yourself an empty wedding ring box- get married soon

Freeze wedding rings the night before the wedding- strengthen the feelings of future spouses;

Can't reuse wedding ring if you are getting married for the second time, repeat the story of your first marriage;

On the wedding day do not put other rings on your hands, in addition to the engagement - otherwise you have to play as many weddings as there are rings on your hands.

These were signs dedicated to the symbol of love - wedding rings. Believe in your feelings, not in signs, and then your marriage will really be long and happy!

Rings are present in the "military" arsenal, probably, of every woman, and men sometimes have nothing against them - rings, rings, seals, etc. After the conclusion of the marriage, the rings on the fingers are a symbol of love and fidelity, as well as an indicator of family status. But quite often, excessive decoration of one's hands, an example is the wearing of two or more rings on one finger, leads to negative changes in the fate of a person.

It is worth knowing the measure in everything, this is the observance of the dress code and etiquette, and, at the same time, the absence of actually made reasons for one's misfortunes in life.

The topic of this article is to study the reasons, Why it is forbidden wear two rings on finger?

Let us first consider the very features of adjusting the course of life through the use of rings.

We list what certain fingers are responsible for:

  • The thumbs of both hands are responsible for the presence of qualities - intuition and logic. Accordingly, on the left, according to the characteristics of brain activity - for logic, on the right - for intuition.
  • The index fingers carry the flow of your energy. The flow of the right hand is stronger than that of the left. No wonder it is called indicating the direction of the flow of attention, desires, energy. Middle
    fingers are responsible for the intended program. life - karma And wearing rings leads to its activation.
  • Nameless, according to tradition, carry the energy of personal life. The wedding ring during the period of marriage is worn on the right hand, according to the military tradition, when it breaks, it migrates to the left, which allows you to bring new energy into this side of your life.
  • The smallest finger (little finger) is responsible for worldly or monastic life. Material support is provided by the little finger of the right hand. When wearing a gold ring with a large blood-red stone on it, the financial flow in relation to you will improve. Note that wearing a ring on the little finger of the other hand is inherent in the monks.

On this basis, we can say that wearing gold and silver rings, precious metals can significantly improve life. Although to be with this in the absence of knowledge and experience, one must be careful.

Approaching the topic of why you can’t wear two rings on your finger, we note that an excess of energy activity carries a negative factor of uncontrollability, which means uncontrollability, chaos in your life. Rings - are a mechanism for activating a particular energy, according to the information provided above about the meaning of the energy of the fingers.

On this basis, it is worth noting that wearing rings, simultaneously on the same fingers of both hands, as well as two rings on one hand, can bring a lot of trouble in your life.
In the end, consider the meanings of the color of the stones, their number, and the metal from which the ring is made.

Gold is a strong element for energizing energy. It is better to purchase rings made of pure metal, without an alloy with another.

Silver - normalizes the energy flow, that is, reduces the impact. Therefore, you should not buy silver rings for marriage - love will pass.

Based on tradition, male color stones are warm bright colors, and feminine - cold, faded. But if you want to maximize energy, wear rings with a bright stone, regardless of gender.

Any jewelry, like clothing, carries certain energy flows that affect human life. On this basis, you can not recklessly decorate yourself, wear unethical looking things and use bright cosmetics to attract the attention of others. By doing this, you attract not only the attention of people, but the surrounding beings, including spirits.