Until what week do you wear a prenatal bandage. Bandage shorts with an elastic supporting insert in front under a stomach. Bandage for pregnant women "Orlett"

A bandage is a special elastic belt that is desirable to wear during the entire course of pregnancy. There are advantages and disadvantages of a bandage for pregnant women, which must be taken into account before choosing the right product and using it.

As a rule, the bandage is in the form of a belt or panty, made of a specialized material with a high level of elasticity. Its main purpose is a comfortable fixation of the outer wall of the abdomen.

Bandage belt during pregnancy

The bandage must be used to relieve the load on the musculoskeletal system of a pregnant woman. Correct and comfortable fixation of the spine plays an important role in the normal course of pregnancy. The prenatal belt has a long history. Without going into details, it is worth noting that it began to be used back in the 60s. 19th century.

  1. Complete support for a rapidly growing belly. At the same time, no pressure and harm is exerted on the fetus itself.
  2. The bandage forces the fetus to take the correct position. This minimizes the risk of premature lowering of the baby and significant problems directly during labor activity.
  3. The prenatal belt allows you to significantly reduce the load on the spine, relieving pressure on its lumbar region. In addition, the belt has a beneficial effect on the legs of the expectant mother, promoting proper blood circulation and preventing its stagnation.
  4. cosmetic effect. It is thanks to the bandage that you can significantly reduce the number of stretch marks.

Medical research confirms the effectiveness and benefits of the bandage, both for the mother and for the unborn baby. However, it should be remembered that a positive effect can only be achieved if right choice and proper use of the bandage. For medical reasons, only certain categories of pregnant women who are under special control must wear a prenatal belt without fail. Other expectant mothers can wear it at their discretion.

Medical indications

  • a large fruit or bearing several fruits at once. In this case, there is a strong pressure on the musculoskeletal system of a pregnant woman who needs effective support;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • in the absence of tone of the outer wall of the abdomen. In some cases, this can lead to premature descent of the fetus;
  • the prenatal belt helps to correctly fix the position of the fetus;
  • in the presence of acute pain in the lumbar spine, severe swelling or varicose veins;
  • surgical interventions in the uterus several years before the conception of the fetus;
  • poor development of the cervix;
  • pinched nerve endings in the lumbar region, which can provoke severe pain;
  • a bandage is mandatory for women who spend most of their time on their feet;
  • in the case of repeated gestation, the prenatal belt helps to avoid flabbiness in the abdomen, and the excessive appearance of stretch marks. It should be noted that during the second pregnancy, the stretching of the peri-abdominal tissues occurs much faster, so it is important to pay special attention to this area.

In the absence of such indications, there is no need to apply a bandage on a regular basis. The muscle tissue of the outer wall of the abdomen should already be in good shape, so it can cope with the increased load on its own.

There is one small nuance, after the birth of a baby, it will be much more difficult to cope with fat deposits in the abdomen. This is due to the fact that wearing a prenatal belt leads to the fact that the muscle tissue simply becomes lazy, and does not want to contract for no apparent reason.


  • misplaced fetus. If after 24 weeks the fetus is not properly located in the uterus, the use of a bandage can only harm him. The prenatal belt will be an extra obstacle if the baby nevertheless decides to change its position in the womb on its own and roll over with its head down. In a situation where, shortly before the onset of labor, the baby nevertheless turned over, some gynecologists recommend using a bandage to prevent the fetus from returning to its original position;
  • the appearance of various allergic reactions associated with the material from which the bandage is made. In this case, everything is purely individual.

Varieties of bandages

IN modern world There are several types of bandages that are appropriate to wear during pregnancy. Most often they are made from cotton and elastane. It can be specialized panties, a belt or a corset.

In pharmacies, you can also see bandages that can be worn after pregnancy. Their main purpose is to restore the full functioning of the outer wall of the abdominal muscles.

Especially often such, or very difficult pregnancies. They have a number of anatomical features, so pregnant women should not use them.

Universal bandage

Perhaps this is the simplest and most effective model that most pregnant women resort to. Under the universal bandage is meant a wide elastic band, which is fixed on the tummy with the help of certain Velcro. The effectiveness of its functioning lies in the fact that this belt can be worn both before and after pregnancy.

Universal bandage during pregnancy in the last stages

During pregnancy, this bandage helps to properly distribute the pressure that is exerted on the back and lumbar region, and also helps to reduce the load on the legs. This belt can be worn at any time of the year. It is worn over underwear under clothing.

Some bandages are made from a specialized perforated material that allows the skin to breathe even in especially hot seasons. This model of the prenatal belt is best for expectant mothers who are prone to rapid weight gain and the appearance of a large number of stretch marks. In addition, this bandage has a fairly wide price range, which makes it affordable for every mom.

Of course, one of the most popular supporting devices is the bandage belt. Its main advantage is that this belt can be put on and taken off an unlimited number of times without any problems. In this case, the size of the abdomen does not matter.

Such bandages are made from dense cotton fabrics, which reduce the risk of allergic reactions. Some models have a specialized ribbed surface on the back, which allows you to fix the body in a comfortable position. And with the help of side fasteners, this belt can be almost perfectly adjusted to the desired size.

Velcro belts are most in demand. With their help, you can quickly and easily choose an individual size. However, many women who have used this support on themselves complain that these velcros ruin clothes and underwear. In particular, we are talking about tights and panties.

Bandage panties

They are a kind of corrective underwear, which has an oversized insert in the front of the abdomen, which allows you to keep your muscles in good shape. To date, there is a wide range of various models and colors of such panties.

Maternity bandage panties

The main advantages of such underwear are its comfortable wear, convenient maintenance of a rounded tummy, and financial availability. However, like any other thing, these panties have some nuances that are important to observe when using them.

Bandage panties need to be washed every day, so for greater hygiene, you need to have a couple of models in stock, or you can use them over regular underwear.

There is a special line of insulated models that are advisable to wear in the cold season to keep warm. These panties are contraindicated for expectant mothers who are rapidly gaining weight or carrying a very large fetus, since this device is not designed for very large stretching. If you do not follow this rule, over time, the panties will begin to put pressure on the front wall of the abdomen, and simply rub, which has an extremely negative effect on the entire course of pregnancy.

The beautiful appearance of this supportive product attracts most of the pregnant women. Many prefer this particular model of bandage. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of disadvantages that are inherent in this model:

  • on later dates panties are quite problematic, because they are extremely difficult to put on, having a big tummy;
  • if there is no fastening valve on the gusset, every time you go to the toilet, the panties will have to be removed completely. This brings a number of serious inconveniences to a pregnant woman. By the way, in some women this problem occurs even at a gynecologist's appointment;
  • if the supporting agent is incorrectly sized and does not correspond to the anatomical features of the woman, it can cause serious harm to her health, as well as disrupt the full development of the baby in the womb.

In favor of bandage panties is the fact that they can be perfectly hidden under clothes, and this is extremely convenient for women who, up to late pregnancy, try to lead an active lifestyle. You can wear them to work, for a walk, or for shopping.


This is enough interesting option a supporting device that has a lacing on the front of the abdomen. Despite the fact that this tool perfectly supports the tummy of the expectant mother, it is extremely difficult to put it on without the use of outside help.

This model is not as in demand as the belt and panties. The main advantage of the corset is that it can be easily adjusted to almost any tummy, even if it increases almost every day.

Bandage corset for pregnant women (lacing in front)

How to choose a bandage taking into account the individual characteristics of the body?

For the correct choice of a supportive agent, it is necessary to seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist who guides a woman throughout her pregnancy. Since only he knows all the medical contraindications that can significantly affect the choice of a bandage.

  • the material from which the bandage is made must be exclusively natural. The fabric should be well ventilated. It is extremely important that the necessary amount of air enters the skin;
  • most bandages are attached to the stomach with Velcro. Therefore, special attention should be paid to their quality and durability. They should be as far away from exposed areas of the skin as possible so as not to rub them when worn;
  • it is important that the product does not squeeze the stomach and does not restrict movement. The expectant mother should comfortably walk, sit, and eat. To do this, during the fitting, you need to do as many different movements as possible, which will help you understand if the bandage is holding you back;
  • if pregnancy is accompanied by rapid weight gain, it is necessary to change bandages depending on the required size;
  • it is better not to buy the first available model, but to evaluate the quality and advantages of several at once. Perhaps, in some of the tested models, a woman will feel much better.

After the bandage is purchased, it is best to show it to your gynecologist, who will confirm or deny the correctness of his choice.

Where can I buy?

To date, there are many trading platforms where you can buy a bandage tool. As a rule, these are pharmacies, stores specializing in the sale of goods for expectant mothers, and various online markets.

As practice shows, it is best to make a purchase in trusted places. Most mothers prefer to purchase a bandage in a pharmacy, as the pharmacist will provide qualified assistance in selecting the correct size and material, taking into account individual characteristics body. A woman will be able to ask all her questions and get professional answers from a physician.

In this case, there is a significant nuance - it is not possible to try on a bandage in a pharmacy and fully appreciate its quality and convenience.

And in a situation where he did not fit, the money will not be returned, since the bandage belongs to personal hygiene products, which, according to the law, cannot be returned. During the fitting, a woman needs to carefully listen to her own body, respond to all unusual compressions and discomfort.

When buying a supportive product via the Internet, the expectant mother runs the risk of receiving not only a low-quality product, but also health problems that may result from wearing it. Therefore, it is better not to resort to this option.

Should I wear it if there is no evidence?

This question, first of all, must be discussed with the gynecologist who directly leads the pregnancy. It is he who, having assessed the physiological state of a woman and, having analyzed her main indicators, can recommend or prohibit wearing a bandage.

Before buying a bandage - consult your doctor!

When to start wearing?

This decision is made purely taking into account the individual characteristics of the expectant mother. However, once again I would like to draw attention to the fact that making independent decisions in this case is not recommended. All actions must be coordinated with the observing gynecologist. Only he can assess the presence or absence of medical indications.

From what period?

As a rule, they begin to wear a supportive product, starting at 23 weeks. From a medical point of view, the optimal period to start wearing a bandage is the 4th month of pregnancy. Since it is at this time that the uterus begins its growth, which leads to an increase in the size of the fetus.

In this case, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist and listen to your own body. Starting from the 39th week, the bandage is necessary for prolonged loads on the spine. Many women wear it for long walks or doing household chores. It is at this time that the child begins its preparation for labor. Therefore, it is extremely important to fix its position correctly.

How to properly use a prenatal bandage?

It is recommended to buy a bandage at 3-4 months of pregnancy. Since it is during this period that the fetus begins to noticeably increase in size. Some OB/GYNs recommend using the support for no more than 4-5 hours a day.

Most doctors are of the opinion that even prolonged wear of the bandage does not affect the health of the mother and baby. However, it is still worth taking some breaks in wearing it. To do this, it is enough to remove the belt every 4-5 hours for at least half an hour.

During sleep, the abdominal muscles should completely relax, and take a break from excessive tension. The bandage is essential during long walks, performing exercise, and sports. This tool can be used in late pregnancy.

For full use, gynecologists advise having at least two bandage belts. It is necessary to carefully monitor your own hygiene and wash bandages regularly. This is due to the fact that intense wear, and close proximity to the body, not only pollutes the bandage, but also significantly stretches it. And this, in turn, leads to a deterioration in its main function - pulling.

If slight redness and other allergic reactions are observed during wearing, it is necessary to treat this part of the body with a hypoallergenic agent and reduce the time of using the bandage. At least until the disappearance of skin rashes.

In order for the wearing of the bandage to benefit both the mother and the baby, it is necessary to follow a number of standard rules for wearing it:

Despite the fact that the choice of a bandage is purely individual, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the standard recommendations of specialists:

  • it is best to purchase the product only in specialized places (pharmacy, specialized stores), where you can fully try it on;
  • it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the bandage material;
  • when choosing a bandage, it is better to focus on the national manufacturer. Despite the fact that the range of such products is not as diverse as in the case of imported ones, it is domestic manufacturers who strictly comply with all the standards for the manufacture of such products. Plus, they have a more affordable price;
  • in the case of purchasing bandage panties, you should be especially careful about choosing their size. It should be several positions larger than the usual size of your underwear;
  • it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the product during its use.
  • if the baby begins to actively move, it is necessary to immediately remove the supporting agent;
  • it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for using the product, washing methods and fabric composition. This will keep the elasticity of the tissues longer;
  • the bandage is forbidden to be used during sleep.

Knowing all the rules for choosing, trying on, buying and using a bandage, a woman in position will greatly facilitate her pregnancy, especially in the later stages, when it’s hard not only to walk for a long time, but also just lie down.

Everyone good day. So, about bandages. As far as I know, among you there are both supporters and ardent opponents of wearing it during pregnancy. Somehow we have already touched on this topic. I propose not to argue, but to look at this device objectively.

Agree, a pregnant woman simply needs all-round support. To a greater extent, you need to protect and maintain the already rounded belly. That's why the bandage was invented. In addition to the fact that it supports the stomach and relieves tension from the lower back, it does not allow the legs to get very tired, relieves fatigue in the whole body. The thing is useful, and, by the way, not cheap.

Therefore, so that the purchase does not gather dust in the closet, but is really purchased out of necessity, let's take a look in detail - is it necessary to wear a bandage during pregnancy and to whom and why Worth buying in the first place. I will also talk about contraindications and types of bandages. And then you will make a decision yourself, agreed?

Do you need him

If you decide to buy a bandage just because your friend has the exact same one or was advised by your mother or husband, take your time. Here the most faithful adviser is your gynecologist. She knows well not only about the pros and cons of additional support for the abdomen, but also about the course of your pregnancy and health. Your doctor is likely to advise you to wear it if:

  • you have varicose veins
  • you are pregnant with twins
  • Back pain from time to time
  • There are scars after operations (including after caesarean section), polyhydramnios
  • You lead an active lifestyle
  • Are you suffering from osteochondrosis?
  • You have a pinched lumbar nerve
  • Pregnancy is not the first
  • Pregnancy more than 27 weeks

Many mistakenly think that the bandage will miraculously work as a plastic surgeon and cosmetologist, that is, it will save you from ugly stretch marks and flabbiness in the future. Perhaps I will upset you, but it is not so. If your skin is not elastic enough, and also the fetus grows quickly in the tummy, you cannot avoid stretch marks.

Therefore, if you intend to buy a bandage just for beauty, you will be wasting your money. Better buy yourself fruit, it will be much more beneficial for your skin and health. In general, if the expectant mother feels well, then there is no need for additional support for the abdomen. Once upon a time, our mothers bore us without these devices, and even worked until the date of birth, and nothing.

And most of us now have sedentary work in the office, we don’t experience any special loads, but we don’t forget to put on a bandage with the confidence that this is useful and somehow helps us. In fact, when you sit, the tummy is not in weight anyway, therefore, if you usually walk in a bandage, then it is better to take it off at work or at home.

Which to choose

Opponents of bandages are now indignant: why not a word about contraindications ?! I promised to judge objectively, so now about them. The doctor will not allow you to wear it if the fetus is not positioned correctly in the tummy. During pregnancy, the baby rolls over many times before reaching its “prenatal” head-down position.

But not all children take the correct position. Perhaps he wants to roll over later, but nothing will come of it: there is no more opportunity to stretch his mother's stomach! The "walls" suddenly ceased to be elastic and hardened.

By the way, when choosing a bandage, you need to remember that it should not tighten your belly, blocking your oxygen and preventing you from moving freely. You should buy only certified products and always in a pharmacy. Let it not be elegant and lacy. For us, the main thing is convenience and natural materials.

If you have already decided that you need a bandage, then it's time to decide which one. As a rule, in specialized departments of pharmacies, they are found in three types:

1)Belt. The most popular option, especially in the warm season. It looks like a wide Velcro tape. Such a bandage is put on in a lying or standing position, and is usually worn over underwear: panties, trousers, tights.

2)Universal. The good thing is that it can be worn after childbirth. During pregnancy, it is worn with the wide part back, then turned over.

3) Shorts. Many women prefer this model. They wear it like regular underwear, but then you need daily washing. Can also be worn over panties. There are winter summer models, lace, different colors and styles.

It doesn’t matter which model you choose, the main thing is that you feel comfortable in the bandage: it doesn’t press anywhere, it doesn’t rub. To do this, correctly determine the size. Measure the tummy and the circumference of the hips at the widest point, and only then tell your parameters to the consultant in the store so that he can choose the best option.

The period of pregnancy and the expectation of a baby is one of the magical moments in the life of every woman.

Of course, at first no special changes are visible, but already from the second half of the fourth month, the tummy of a pregnant woman is rapidly increasing, which contributes not only to updating outfits, but also in most cases wearing a bandage.

A bandage is a special elastic device that helps not only pregnant women, but also babies in the womb.

When to wear a maternity bandage

Wearing a bandage can only be attributed to obstetrician-gynecologists. You should not resort to such a decision on your own, because this can harm the unborn child. From a medical point of view, a bandage is necessary in such cases:

With complaints of constant pain in the back and legs;

In the presence of varicose veins (varicose veins) or osteochondrosis;

If there is more than one fetus;

With low placement of the fetus in the second trimester;

With the threat of miscarriage or childbirth ahead of schedule;

In the presence of scars on the uterus.

The prenatal band performs a number of functions that can make pregnancy easier, including:

Reduces pressure on a woman's back;

Prevents the appearance of stretch marks;

Correctly fixes the position of the fetus;

Prevents unplanned fetal prolapse;

Promotes a more active lifestyle of the expectant mother.

Such an attribute of the wardrobe will become a truly integral part of the daily toilet. Those mothers who last days pregnancy trying to go to work and do all the household chores really need to wear a bandage. It will not only relieve the load from the spine and lower back of a woman, but also help to avoid premature birth with very active behavior. Many women are afraid that towards the end of the pregnancy period, their navel may fall out or pain will occur when bending forward. To save expectant mothers from unnecessary stress, obstetricians recommend purchasing this auxiliary attribute. Doctors believe that prolonged wearing of the bandage contributes to the residual fixation of the baby in the “head down” position and will not allow the baby to turn over in the last days of pregnancy.

Remember, You can't wear a bandage all the time. It must be removed at night or when a woman goes into a horizontal position. Also, during the day it is important not to be in a bandage for more than three hours in a row, as this can harm the baby.

It is important to know, that in some cases a bandage is not only not needed, but also prohibited. If the baby is in the wrong position (legs down or across), if the mother has skin diseases or an allergy to fabric. If a woman is absolutely healthy and can bear a child on her own throughout her pregnancy without any problems, there is no need to wear a bandage.

How to wear a bandage for pregnant women: choosing a bandage

To date, there are several options for bandages. All of them differ in the form and method of fixation, but they have the same essence - to properly support the mother's stomach.

1. The most common and inexpensive option considered bandage-panties. It is shaped like underwear, but with a high elasticated insert that hugs the belly tightly. This insert should be tightened as the volume of the abdomen increases. For fashionistas who want to look sexy even during pregnancy, manufacturers have released models such as thongs, shorts or lace. But many doctors express doubts about the effectiveness of this linen.

Obvious disadvantage jockstraps is that it is really worn without any underwear, so you have to wash it very often, as a result - the loss appearance and elasticity. Moreover, such a bandage cannot be removed anywhere except at home.

2. Another type of bandage, which is not inferior in popularity to the previous one, is elastic. support belt. It is fixed on the lower back and lower abdomen. Such a bandage is worn over underwear and fixed with special Velcro. This elastic waistband does not float and is almost invisible under clothing. The negative side is that with a huge volume of the abdomen, such a bandage may not be very comfortable and “crash” into the skin.

3. The next view is a combination of the two previous ones. The women call him "bandage-hood". This is the same elastic waistband, but with a high band that covers the entire belly like a real hood. This is a fairly versatile and convenient option. Such a bandage is worn over high underwear or simply lies on the skin and does not require frequent washing.

4. Universal or combined bandage. This type is an elastic band with Velcro fasteners. On the one hand, this tape is very wide, on the other, it is much narrower. Such an acquisition can be used both before and after childbirth. During pregnancy, the wide side is worn on the back, and the narrow side goes under the lower abdomen, like a belt. After childbirth, the sides change so that the abdominal muscles quickly come into shape.

5. There is another, less popular type of bandage. To be honest, it is considered a relic of the last century. This - bandage on ropes, or bandage-corset. Such an attribute is completely inconvenient to use and it is impossible to put it on without outside help. The material from which this type of bandage is made is inelastic, therefore it is impossible to wear such a cosie throughout the entire pregnancy, as the volume of the abdomen increases. Fortunately, rope bandages are not common among new mothers.

Important information! It is best to purchase bandages in stores for pregnant women or pharmacies, where sellers will help you choose the right type and right size bandage. It should be made from natural fabrics and not cause allergies.

How to wear a maternity bandage: how to put on

Any of the listed types of bandages must be put on and worn in accordance with the rules prescribed in the instructions for the belt. Namely:

The bandage can be put on only in a horizontal position, placing a special roller or pillow under the lower back and buttocks and lie down quietly for several minutes before the procedure. It is this position of the body that helps to fix the uterus at the required height and evenly distribute the weight. Moreover, the fetus itself can freely take the necessary position in the lower abdomen and not put pressure on bladder.

Gently and tightly fasten the bandage, but so as not to compress the vessels and reduce the flow of blood to the stomach.

If this is a belt, then skip it so under the lower abdomen to grab the pubis.

Gently roll over to one side and stand up.

You also need to remove the bandage lying down.

Need to know, that doctors are strictly forbidden to wear a bandage in an upright position. This can cause a risk of strong pressure on the uterus and the baby. From such putting on there is pain in the back and legs. Also, it is not allowed to wear a bandage for more than 7 hours a day or to put it on a naked body.

How to wear a bandage for pregnant women: what not to do in a bandage

As for the prohibitions for women who use a bandage for pregnant women on an ongoing basis, there are a number of disagreements and contradictions that we will now try to sort out. The main frequently asked questions are:

Is it possible to sit while using a bandage for pregnant women;

Is it possible to go to bed without removing the bandage for pregnant women.

As you know, a bandage is necessary first of all in order to try to reduce the pressure and load on the spine and lower back of a pregnant woman as much as possible while she is in an upright position. But, according to some experts, it is forbidden to wear a bandage all the time, as it disrupts the child's blood circulation. In such cases, it is recommended to remove it every three or four hours to allow the child to rest and move around a little. It is also forbidden to lean forward sharply and strongly, thereby creating additional pressure on the child.

It is necessary to remove the bandage both during daytime and during nighttime sleep, since it will not perform its function in the supine position, due to the complete absence of load on the back, and can only harm the child. But as for the question of whether it is possible to sit in a bandage, there are several conflicting opinions of experts. Some fully support and allow you to sit with a bandage on, others categorically insist on the opposite. Here the choice is entirely up to the mother. Be that as it may, do not forget that the main thing is a straight back and a feeling of comfort. If you experience discomfort while sitting, you should immediately remove the bandage and put it on only while you are in an upright position.

If we consider postpartum bandages, then the restrictions are an order of magnitude more serious. Such a bandage has its own specifics and it is forbidden to wear it if:

There are restrictions in the presence after caesarean sutures;

There are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

The appearance of edema in kidney disease;

Skin diseases and various allergic reactions.

And finally, it is worth noting that in any case, before going to a specialized store or pharmacy for a bandage, seek the advice of your doctor. Only your doctor will be able to give a quality recommendation for choosing and buying a bandage. Based on the characteristics of your body and analyzing the course of your pregnancy, only he will be able to choose the type of bandage that is completely suitable for you.

For every pregnant woman, one of the main tasks is to preserve the health of the baby. Doctors and orthopedists recommend using a prenatal bandage for this, which increases the comfort level of the expectant mother, especially with an active lifestyle.

Many women mistakenly believe that a maternity corset causes discomfort to babies, limiting their mobility. An obstetrician-gynecologist who has an expectant mother can dispel this myth. We will explain to you when to start and how to properly wear the universal prenatal bandage, as well as how to put it on more comfortably.

When to start wearing a maternity bandage?

It is recommended to start using the prenatal bandage at 4-5 months. During this period, the abdomen begins to grow rapidly, resulting in sometimes stretch marks. A universal corset prevents this problem and saves a woman from a number of inconveniences. You can wear a bandage with lacing or with adjustable straps / Velcro until the last days of pregnancy, and after childbirth you will need another belt.

You can make a decision about wearing a corset and learn how to wear it correctly from the observing doctor, who, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, will determine from what month it is better to start using an orthopedic product.

You can order from us, which will help to cope with the stress during pregnancy, and also protect your skin from stretch marks.

How long can you wear a corset?

The recommendations of experts regarding the duration of wearing a bandage are somewhat different. Some doctors recommend wearing a support corset 3-4 hours a day, while others say that you can walk in it almost all day.

One thing can be unequivocally stated: it is impossible to sleep in a bandage so that during the rest period the muscles have time to relax and rest. Lying in a bandage is also undesirable, unless you lie down for 10-15 minutes, but you can sit in it.

The support belt is most important when walking, doing light gymnastics and other vigorous activities. The corset eliminates the appearance of uncomfortable sensations in the back, which many pregnant girls and women face in the later stages.

Please note that it is impossible to wear a belt during pregnancy around the clock and without interruptions. Every 3 hours you need to take breaks for at least half an hour. Otherwise, the vessels may be strongly compressed, which will lead to disruption of microcirculation. Also, the bandage should be removed immediately if personal discomfort occurs or if the baby begins to show anxiety.

Another common question is: at what time of the day is it better to wear a prenatal corset - in the morning, during the day or in the evening? This should be done only during the period of maximum activity, when the stomach and back need support. If a pregnant woman does not feel tired and uncomfortable, and the doctor did not give special instructions, you can do without a corset altogether.

How to wear?

In general, you should find instructions for using a belt with laces, Velcro or belts in the package if you buy a new orthopedic product in a store. You can also ask for help from a sales assistant, a gynecologist, or watch a video on how to put on a bandage for pregnant women. We have prepared a detailed step by step instructions, which will help you figure it out without video clips and other difficulties.

Correctly put on a prenatal corset in a supine position. Lie down, relax, inhale and exhale several times. As a result, your internal organs and the fetus in the womb will be located in the most convenient way, and muscle relaxation will also occur.

Raise your pelvis slightly and place a cushion or pillow under it. If you have a bandage in the form of a belt, slide it under the lower back and align with the spine, and then fasten the Velcro or straps in the pubic area.

Applying a universal corset, you need to do everything in the same way, but taking into account several subtleties. The wide part of such a bandage should lie against the back, and the narrow part with Velcro or straps should pass under the stomach. After childbirth, the same bandage is turned with the narrow side back.

There are also bandages-panties that must be worn over the legs. Do everything carefully and without haste, carefully pulling the thing over your stomach. After that, turn on your side and get out of bed or sofa. In a standing position, make sure that the bandage is firmly fixed and does not slip, and also does not squeeze the hips and stomach too much.

Experts advise getting two bandages, since the product needs to be washed periodically. Even with intensive use, elastic fabrics gradually stretch and support the stomach worse. For this reason, you should not wear a bandage bought in a used condition.

Can the bandage be worn standing up?

It is customary to put on a prenatal bandage lying down, but some pregnant women are wondering if it is possible to do this while standing up? In general, a lot depends on the type of product. It is more convenient to put on a belt lying down, and panties can be worn standing up, but this is not the best option. The fact is that it is in the supine position that the internal organs and the fetus take the optimal position, and when fastening the bandage while standing, you will not be able to tighten it normally so that it provides proper support.

How to understand that the bandage is worn correctly?

The main sign of the correct dressing of the prenatal corset is the absence of any discomfort. The product should not squeeze the stomach, so do not tighten it through force, but it is also impossible for it to dangle or slide - it simply will not be of any use in this case. The distance between a properly fastened bandage and the woman's body should be such that only one finger can be inserted into it.

Also, a sign of an incorrectly dressed belt is a loose fit of the straps and orthopedic inserts to the stomach or lumbar region. Do not forget that the main task of the bandage is to relieve stress and make life easier for a woman during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an amazing and at the same time hectic period in a woman's life. The longer the gestational age becomes and the belly grows, the harder it is for a pregnant woman to move around and do her usual activities. A bandage during pregnancy is a real helper for women who are expecting a baby. Its main purpose is to support a growing tummy and reduce the load on the lower back. The use of a bandage to support the abdomen during pregnancy has the most controversial opinions from expectant mothers. Many doubt whether they need a bandage during pregnancy. However, there are situations when a woman simply needs to wear a support belt in order to alleviate her condition and exclude possible Negative consequences while carrying the baby. About the pros and cons of wearing a bandage from the point of view of doctors, as well as how to put it on and wear it correctly, read on.

Prenatal belt or bandage for pregnant women - a special medical belt or panties made of elastic material that fixes the anterior abdominal wall of the abdomen. The purpose of wearing a bandage is to relieve the load from the spine, because during pregnancy a woman can gain up to 15 kg of weight. A bandage is especially useful for women carrying twins or three toddlers at once. Translated from French "bandage" means "bandage". For the first time, the prenatal belt was invented in the late 60s. the last century.

Benefits of wearing a bandage during pregnancy

  1. Provides support for a rapidly growing belly without putting pressure on the fetus.
  2. Brings the fetus into the correct position in the womb, prevents its early descent.
  3. Unloads the spinal column, reduces pain in the lower back and legs.
  4. Prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen.

According to doctors, a bandage during pregnancy is safe for the baby and very useful. expectant mother, only if it is correctly selected and used for its intended purpose. The prenatal belt is assigned to pregnant women in certain cases, it is not necessary for everyone to wear it.

Bandage: medical indications

  • large fruit or multiple pregnancy, at which there is an increased load on the spine;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion or premature birth (isthmic-cervical insufficiency, low location of the placenta);
  • with weakness of the muscles of the abdominal cavity, which can cause premature prolapse of the abdomen.
  • the bandage helps to correctly fix the position of the fetus in the uterus;
  • if during the bearing of the baby the pregnant woman feels pain, discomfort in the back, lower back;
  • leg pain, swelling, varicose veins;
  • scars on the uterus, if there were operations, as well as operations on the abdominal cavity a year or two before the conception of a child;
  • underdevelopment of the cervix;
  • pinched nerve in the lumbar region, which is accompanied by pain;
  • bandage needed active mothers who work during maternity leave and spend a lot of time on their feet;
  • with repeated pregnancy, a bandage is necessary to prevent flabbiness of the abdomen and stretch marks, since stretching of the abdominal wall occurs faster.

In the absence of these indications, pregnant women do not need to wear a bandage. Since the muscles of the anterior wall of the abdomen will not be able to be in good shape and cope with the load on their own. After giving birth, it will be more difficult for them to return to normal. The bandage makes the abdominal muscles "lazy".

Bandage: contraindications

In addition, there are contraindications in which the bandage can not be used categorically:

  1. With transverse presentation of the fetus. If, after 24 weeks, the fetus is not properly located in the uterus, the prenatal belt can interfere with the baby turning over on its own and taking the correct position in the mother's tummy, head down. If closer to birth, the fetus is in the correct position in the uterus, the doctor may prescribe wearing a bandage to prevent the baby from rolling over again.
  2. If allergic reactions occur to the material from which the prenatal belt or panties are made.

Types of bandages

There are three models of prenatal bandages, which are made of cotton, elastane, with the addition of microfibers: bandage panties, belt and corset. There are also postpartum bandages that are not intended for pregnant women. Their goal is to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles after childbirth, caesarean section.

Among prenatal bandages, you can see the following models on sale:

  • Universal bandage belt. It is the most popular and practical model that future mothers choose. It is an elastic band, which consists of a narrow and wide part, each part is adjustable with Velcro. The versatility of the belt is that it can be used both during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby. During pregnancy, the belt is fixed with a wide part on the lower back, distributing the load from the back, and the lower abdomen is fixed with a narrow part. After childbirth, the belt is worn the other way around: the wide part holds the abdominal muscles, and the narrow part fixes the back. The support belt is worn over underwear in the summer, tights or trousers in the winter. Some manufacturers produce perforated belts, thanks to the holes in the material, the bandage-belt allows the skin to breathe, it is not so hot in summer. This type of bandage is ideal for women who are rapidly gaining weight and are prone to stretch marks. In addition, the model is very affordable, so it has a low cost.

  • Bandage-panties. Bandage panties - comfortable and beautiful model. Represents panties with an elastic belt (with the overestimated insert) on a stomach. On sale you can find a huge selection of models and colors of supporting panties for pregnant women. The main advantage of bandage shorts is their comfort in wearing, good support for a growing tummy by stretching the elastic insert, and low cost. However, panties also have disadvantages:
    Bandage-panties need to be washed daily, so it is advisable to purchase several spare models or wear it over underwear. There are insulated models especially for the cold season.
    Bandage panties are not suitable for pregnant women who are quickly gaining weight or expecting twins, this bandage is not designed for excessive stretching, over time panties will squeeze the stomach and rub the skin, which is highly undesirable.

  • Bandage corset. Corset-shaped bandage with lacing at the back, perfectly holds the stomach. Putting it on without outside help is problematic, so the model is not so popular today. The choice of expectant mothers tends to more versatile and comfortable models of bandages.

Should I wear a bandage during pregnancy?

The question of whether it is necessary for a pregnant woman to wear a prenatal belt should be decided only with a gynecologist. Guided by the physical condition of the woman, her daily activities, the health of the mother and baby, the doctor decides on the appointment of the use of a supporting element for the growing belly.

When to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy

Many pregnant women decide on their own to prescribe wearing a bandage to relieve lower back pain or relieve heaviness in the legs, which is undesirable. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist leading a pregnancy can prescribe this device if there are medical indications.

From what week of pregnancy to wear a bandage

Basically, the bandage is prescribed for pregnant women for a period of 23 to 30 weeks.
The optimal period for wearing it is the 4th month of pregnancy, the period when the uterus begins to actively grow and the stomach increases. Most importantly, listen to the recommendations of doctors and listen to your own feelings.
From the 39th week, the bandage is put on for long walks or doing housework, when the stomach gradually lowers, and the baby is preparing for childbirth.

How to put on a bandage during pregnancy

In order to properly and safely fix the bandage for the baby, a woman must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to lie down on a comfortable surface, and put a small pillow under the buttocks so that the pelvis is slightly raised.
  2. Lie in this position for a while to help your baby settle into a comfortable position. In addition, this position allows you to relax the bladder and remove the feeling of heaviness in the whole body.
  3. Carefully and slowly put on the bandage, fixing it tightly on the body, but do not put excessive pressure on the abdominal muscles. A weak fastening of the bandage will also not give the intended dragging effect.
  4. When the bandage is correctly worn, the pregnant woman does not feel discomfort, regardless of whether she walks or sits.
  5. If the bandage is properly secured, your arm will fit freely between the skin and the tummy support.

How to wear a bandage during pregnancy

  1. It is not recommended to wear a support belt or bandage-panties for more than three hours a day. If you have to stay in a public place longer, you need to take a break for at least half an hour.
  2. Be sure to remove the bandage during daytime and nighttime sleep.
  3. If the child behaves too actively, restlessly while wearing the supporting element, it is better to take it off for a while and put it on no earlier than in half an hour.
  4. Wash the bandage regularly using warm water.

How to choose the right brace size

The size of the bandage should be selected according to the circumference of the waist and hips in the widest places. Parameters and dimensional grid should be indicated on the package. An experienced consultant of a specialized store or pharmacy will always help with the choice, take measurements and choose the right size. After trying on, it is advisable to walk around, sit down in a bandage, feel how it “sits” on the body, is it comfortable for you in it. When buying bandage panties, pay attention to the elasticity and width of the insert, the wider it is, the better it is to support a growing tummy. Choose a wide bandage belt, made of dense material, so that it does not slip off the abdomen with a roller and is comfortable to use.

In what cases should you refuse to wear a bandage during pregnancy

  1. When there is a feeling of excessive pressure on the abdomen.
  2. There was a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath appeared.
  3. The baby in the womb behaves too restlessly, “kicks”.

In these cases, the bandage must be removed and consult a doctor about the need to wear it. Perhaps the woman chose the wrong model or wears a bandage incorrectly.

Properly selected and used in operation, the prenatal belt should not harm either the mother or the baby.

Bandage during pregnancy, photo