How to set yourself up for positive thinking. How to set yourself up for the positive - thoughts, every day, for women How to set yourself up for the positive

If you think that everything in life depends only on us, then you should master the skills of positive thinking, this will allow you to attract more joy, happiness and success!

Moreover, positive thinking contributes to the fulfillment of desires!

How to achieve success with positive thinking?

A good day begins when we open our eyes and decide that today is going to be a good day. Abraham Lincoln¹ said, "People are only as happy as they choose to be happy."

You choose your thoughts and create your mood. If you have some plans after work and you are looking forward to this event, then whatever happens during the day will not spoil your mood, as you will be focused on the positive.

Adhering to positive thinking, you do not control your life, do not worry or worry, but only enjoy every happy day.

What does it take to tune in to positive thinking?

Wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual to set yourself up for a positive and joyful day. Think of positive experiences and pleasant events that have happened in your life. If negative thoughts habitually arise, try to replace them with positive impressions or opposite positive thoughts.

There is a good exercise that allows you to set yourself up for positive thinking - as soon as an unpleasant thought appears in your head, mentally say the exact opposite positive statement 3 times. By controlling your thoughts in this way, you will very soon notice how you yourself will change and how your life will change for the better.

Make a list of what you want in your life. You can't get something if you don't know what you need. This list of your desires should be very personal, you do not need to show it to anyone.

Think about this list, imagine each of your desires as vividly as possible so as not to lose a positive attitude and motivation. Do not let any circumstances change your mood, try to see the positive side in everything⁴.

From time to time, for various reasons, you will lose optimism, at which point negative thoughts and emotions will come to the fore. Don't fight them - acknowledge that they exist and try to reformulate them in a positive way.

Feeling frustrated and upset is completely normal for a person. But do not stay in this state for a long time. Remember that you get out of life what you put into it. If you broadcast positive thoughts and emotions, then they will return to you with pleasant and happy events.

Think positive. When you think positively, you increase the chances of fulfilling your desires from the cherished list. Think about what you need to do to reach your goals. When we want to achieve something, we take actions in this direction every day.

By adhering to positive thinking, we can control and direct our future in the right direction. Your wish list should motivate you to positive thoughts and actions. Even if you take small steps, you will still get closer to success every day.

Believe in yourself² and you will certainly achieve what you want!

And it would be great, as in childhood, to wake up - and be happy just like that, without any good reason! Alas, with age, for joy, we are increasingly looking for reasons and reasons, forgetting that happiness is nearby, it is in our minds. You just need to figure out and understand what “deep mines” are holding back good thoughts inside and how to set yourself up for positive and good luck, contrary to the surrounding reality.

How to drive away negative thoughts

Enemies of inner positivity

Psychologists say: if you lived the day the same as yesterday, something in your life needs to be changed. It is the routine that they consider almost the main enemy of a happy and cheerful mental attitude. In such cases, one must ask oneself: what can I do better tomorrow than today? Yes, anything! It is festive to serve an everyday table, cook rice not as usual - with vegetables, but with seafood. In a word, turn off the trodden path onto a new road.

Novelty and creativity, colored by creativity, are guaranteed to increase vitality.

It is advisable to immediately reinforce thoughts with action: create and cut tails. Due to indecision or chronic employment, almost every one of us is carrying a load of unfinished business or broken promises. Moreover, we may not always remember about “hung” affairs, but at the level of the unconscious, the “tails” do not go anywhere - they hang, pull to the ground and stealthily poison life. In general, if you promised to take your children to the zoo for a long time, you have to drop everything and fulfill your promise.

There are two other ancient enemies of inner positivity that should be shunned - despondency and envy. Sad and eternally dissatisfied people quickly lose energy and soon begin to steal it from others. Envy is the same.

It is important to learn to rejoice in someone else's happiness or gain - the attitude of multiplying joy makes you happy and successful.

In general, everyone has their own drivers of positive and negative, but there are also universal ones. turn quickly good mood the constant search for the guilty, the desire to control everything, the habit of living in the future (we’ll finish building a house, pay off loans, teach children, wait for grandchildren - then we’ll live!), unfulfilled dreams will “help” in a lousy one. In fact, you don’t need great talent to fall into the blues - there will always be reasons. But if, as a musician, you tune your instrument (mood) in the right way every morning, you can achieve impressive results. Just try to go outside with the attitude: notice only joyful, pleasant details, and watch how the day turns out - there will definitely be more good in it than bad.

Three dubious allies of happiness

In pursuit of joy and pleasure, we often resort to the help of antidepressants available to everyone. But it turns out that in vain.


The feeling of inspiration after your first morning cup comes in about 20 minutes. Caffeine, dissolved in the blood, reduces the feeling of fatigue and increases the concentration of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which provides a feeling of joy and happiness. But a passion for coffee (more than two or three cups a day) is like a bank loan - you get pleasure right away, but then you still have to pay interest. Morning heavy doses of an invigorating drink can provoke anxiety, irritability, and loss of energy in the evening.


At the first stage of intoxication, a person really feels a surge of inspiration and joy, tension is relieved, and the tongue is loosened. But already at the second stage, sensitivity and reactions become dull, speech becomes slurred, and fun is replaced by attacks of sadness. The third stage provides a headache, a pale appearance and a disgusting mood the next morning.


The anticipation of joining a social network is akin to waiting for your favorite meal to be served. Culinary associations are traced further: an overdose of news and communication on the Internet causes the same internal slagging as overeating or addiction to fast food. So, in parallel with fasting days on juices or kefir, it is useful to arrange periods without social networks and news.

Let's stay positive!

Meanwhile, it is possible to get out of hibernation, fill life with energy and positive without any dubious things. So go ahead!

  • Get up early

Even if it’s just for 30 minutes! Half an hour of lack of sleep will not harm the body, but will be beneficial morning gatherings. A small margin of time will allow you to do light exercises, which will help put your thoughts in order, take your time to cook breakfast, bring beauty. And much more! A morning without fuss and rush will give a positive impulse for the whole day.

  • Doing something out of the ordinary

Instead of an elevator, go down the stairs, you can even walk one flight backwards. When answering the phone, chant: “With Good morning!" On the way to work, wish your acquaintances and strangers (neighbor, seller, security guard, etc.) Have a good day. And at work, give every colleague a compliment. And joy will immediately settle in your soul!

  • Doing cleaning

When we are in a bad mood, every little thing, any disorder, even small, irritates us. Raising your vitality will help you clear away the paper debris on your desk or sort out things in your closet at home. You will see, as soon as you get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary, life will become easier and more joyful! or just self-expression. Draw, write poetry, embroider, assemble puzzles - all creativity is welcome. Fancy something a little more energetic? Then dancing: oriental, Latin American, ballroom - even at the stove with a ladle. Anything you like lifts your spirits and gives you a sip fresh air for new thoughts and ideas.

  • Let's drive away the bad!

Negative emotions must come out - you are not a box for them. But just don’t turn them on their surroundings. Express troubles into space, if necessary, shout out. It's easier to write - write. For example, talk through all the incidents of the day in the shower, and then, having thought about the good, immediately “distribute” gratitude to those who gave you pleasant moments of communication, helped or simply smiled back.

  • Laughing at ourselves

Treat your own shortcomings, mistakes and all kinds of failures with humor - and this, according to psychologists, will help you more easily solve problems, overcome difficulties and always be in a positive mood. In addition, experts believe that people who are able to make fun of themselves are able to sensibly assess not only their shortcomings, but also their strengths; They tolerate unflattering remarks and criticism more painlessly, and also enjoy good health.

There are moments in each of our lives when it seems like the world has collapsed. There can be a great many reasons for this: seasonal depression, failures in your personal life or career, health problems or. And than more people complains about life, the more grief she presents to him. How to get out of this state? How to set yourself up for positive?

Why is a positive attitude so important?

A positive attitude plays an important role in how a person's life turns out. Pessimists, bores and whiners rarely achieve anything in life. But optimists who are positive-minded easily overcome difficulties and strive at full speed towards their goal. And they achieve it!

What is the secret to staying positive? It has long been proven that a person attracts to himself the energy that he himself gives to the world, according to the principle of mirror reflection. Being angry at failures, seeing only the bad in one’s own life, considering oneself a “loser,” a person seems to be programming himself for further failures and defeats. “I will never succeed in this”, “I will never be able to achieve this” - by saying these phrases, a person dooms himself, he really will never succeed and achieve nothing.

Look around: lucky people are mostly positive, cheerful, who know how to enjoy life and give positive emotions to others. Luck is attracted to them like a magnet. One has only to become limp, fall into depression, begin to get upset over trifles and consider oneself unlucky - and life will be filled with problems and failures.

People are designed in such a way that they notice the bad, but do not attach importance to the good. Theory positive attitude suggests a completely opposite worldview. You should stop being sad about your existing problems and start enjoying the good things you have. Remember that thoughts materialize - therefore a positive attitude is simply necessary for those who want to take the best from life. Love your life and it will love you back!

Positive attitude: where to start?

How to set yourself up for positive? First of all, you need to stop crying, complaining about life and seeing only negative things in it. And the main thing is to stop envying those who, in your opinion, live better than you. Remember the saying “It’s good where we are not” - if you live your whole life based on this principle, then happiness will never knock on your door. Instead of looking for advantages in someone else's life, take care of your own "beautification".

A positive attitude is impossible without self-love. Stop focusing on your shortcomings, forget about your own complexes, cross out the failures of past years in your memory. Tell yourself that you deserve only the best and from now on direct the ship of your life to achieve your goals.

Treat yourself to something. Start small: eat a delicious chocolate bar or listen to your favorite music. If you haven’t had enough sleep for a long time, take a day off and get a good sleep if you abandoned your appearance- visit a beauty salon or, if you have not seen your friends for a hundred years, organize gatherings or go to a club with them. Minutes of joy and the fulfillment of small desires will attract a positive attitude into your life.

positive mindset techniques

Recently, it has become especially popular simoron technique- the magical science of attracting good luck. Absurd, easy and pleasant to use, simoron is rightfully considered the best technique for a positive attitude at the moment.

Special Simoron exercises are able to help tune in to the good - affirmations. How to set yourself up for positive with affirmations? You should often say various positive statements, as if programming yourself. Determine what is important to you at this moment in time, what you would like to achieve, clearly articulate your desire in a concise phrase - and repeat it as often as possible.

Another useful exercise visualization. This is a mental representation, a kind of "picture" of what a person dreams of, what he aspires to. It is recommended to visualize before going to bed, closing your eyes and clearly imagining the realization of your dream.

Personal horoscope
. Try to create your personal first-person horoscope for a certain period of time. Predict for yourself everything you want, what you strive for, what you dream about.

Wish card. Another way to set yourself up for positivity is to create a personal wish map. This is a kind of collage consisting of your desires, aspirations and goals. Make your wish card bright, beautiful and hang it in a prominent place so that you can meet your dreams every day and remember that they are waiting - they can’t wait for you to start making them come true.

So, you have a positive attitude – now it’s just a matter of small things: start being active and take certain steps towards improving your own life. A positive attitude towards the surrounding reality will help you find the right ways to solve problems, overcome them with ease and start a new life full of colors. The main thing is to do everything with pleasure, with joy, with soul.

Approach any activity, any work with a good mood - then the fruits will be significant and tangible. Try to love yourself and the world around, to give people smiles, to take care of relatives and friends. From the heart, without expecting gratitude in return - just learn to enjoy what you do for others. Fate favors such people, and in turn generously endows them.

Having understood how to set yourself up for positivity, try to preserve this skill forever, make it become a habit. A positive attitude should become the motto of your life, and you yourself should be the living embodiment of optimism. Practicing daily to attract positivity into your life, you will soon achieve amazing results and you will not notice how your life will begin to change dramatically - for the better, of course!

How often in our life there are such periods when absolutely nothing can be done. Everything falls out of hand, we constantly experience fatigue and discontent; we begin to annoy the most trifling problems. We can't find satisfaction and feelings of joy anywhere.

So what is happening to us? The thing is, you've lost your positive attitude. But a positive attitude is not just good mood, this is, first of all, our enthusiasm and belief that we will succeed in any of your undertakings. Without it, we cannot get ready for work, because We think that we will not get any worthwhile results from it.

Our future life and how we will relate to it depend on a positive attitude. Will this be a life filled with bright days and joy, or will we turn into a person who is constantly dissatisfied with something, constantly complains about his failures and blames everyone except himself for everything. While optimists and simply cheerful people easily go into battle and are not afraid to suffer defeat, because they are one hundred percent confident in their victory.

Positive attitude: where to start?

And how can we achieve such a desired positive attitude? First of all, you must stop feeling sorry for yourself and crying about your unbearably hard life. Self-examination and self-flagellation are definitely not going to help you here. The more we try to understand our experiences and the reasons why we got to this point, the more we harm ourselves. After all, in our past there are so many unpleasant memories of our failures and defeats, and we should not disturb them again.

Ways to have a positive attitude

The attitude towards positive thinking is completely unthinkable without loving yourself and your qualities and shortcomings. You must love yourself, rejoice at what a good and unique person you are. Stop constantly focusing on your shortcomings and failures that befell you. No person is immune from this. Try to forget about the failures of the past, because they are still there, they are not here now. Remember that every new day is a blank slate and only you can decide what to do with it. Will you denigrate it with memories of past failures or will you find the willpower within yourself and try to live this day exactly as you would like most?

Tell yourself every day that you deserve only the best in this world. If you take on any business, then always think about its positive ending. There is no need to set yourself up for failure in advance. If you tune in to a positive outcome, then it will be just that.

Also, try to smile as often as possible. After all, a smile will not only improve your mood, but will also help you establish contact with people around you. It has long been known that people are more willing to make contact if their interlocutor is polite and friendly. Smiling will help open doors for you where you normally would have to make an effort to open them.

Be cheerful. Cheerful people, when faced with problems, always strive to find positivity even where it should not be. This makes it easier for them to recover and return to a positive state. Try to always be strong when you encounter difficulties along the way, approach them without fear, guilt or uncertainty. Life can be very difficult and it is important to develop the habit of reminding yourself as often as possible of the good things that happened before. If sad, sorrowful thoughts begin to overcome you, then drive them away from your mind. Replace them with pleasant memories. At first it will not be very easy, because... most easily succumb to bad thoughts. But life is a struggle. You should constantly strive to have as few negative thoughts as possible, and when that day comes, you will feel the world begin to smile back at you.

Laugh. Laughter not only prolongs life, but can also become your assistant in the fight for positive thinking. Make laughter a part of your day. If you are sad, then read the joke, funny book or watch a comedy. Start noticing something interesting and fun in every situation. And soon you will begin to notice that life is quite a fun thing. Treat everything with humor.

Live here and now. Always appreciate today. Don’t live in the past, as one Chinese proverb says: The past is forgotten, the future is closed, and the present is given! You live only now; you are neither in the past nor in the future. So what is the point of thinking about what has already happened or has not yet happened? People who constantly think about their past or future do not live now. They remained somewhere there, they are not with us now. So throw away all your thoughts and live today! What has already happened is carved in stone and no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to change your past. And what will happen in the future is not yet known. So try to enjoy what you have now.

Being optimistic is very important to maintain a positive attitude. Always believe that you will definitely succeed. Never doubt your abilities. Tell yourself more often: I can do this! And listen less to any “well-wishers.” Only in rare cases can a person really sincerely wish you success and give worthwhile advice. Approaching the solution of any problem, always sensibly assess your strength. And if you doubt that you can do it, then by all means discard these thoughts. You will definitely succeed. The main thing is to believe in your positive attitude.

Changing yourself is not an easy and difficult task, but it is worth it. Throw away all doubts and fears and start acting!

Everything is easy and simple for me, and the result exceeds all my wildest expectations!

There are times in life when no matter what you do, everything goes wrong. It seems like you are trying, doing everything right, but there are continuous difficulties and obstacles around. Why is this happening? How to tune in to the positive?

We figured out the negative attitudes in, with, now let's figure out how to set ourselves up for positive thinking.

An unconscious order is when a person, without knowing it, attracts adverse events to himself. How does this happen?

The first thing to highlight is fears and doubts about a positive outcome of events. For example, a person worries that some undesirable situation does not happen in his life. But since he often thinks about this undesirable situation and puts in the emotions of the experience, this situation will definitely come true.

Second - focus on the negative: Everyone has heard about this more than once. This concentration occurs due to the focus on negative events reported by the media. Disasters and other troubles. A person watches this kind of news, worries, then discusses these events, then worries again so that this does not happen to him, but...

Third - uncontrollable turns of speech: For example, if the words “problem”, “dead end”, “everything is useless”, etc. are often found in your speech. Similar words will attract similar situations.

It should be noted that it is difficult for a person in this situation. He seems to “walk in circles” and constantly faces the same problems. What to do? You need to train yourself to think positively!

Tune in to the positive

You need to monitor your speech, try to concentrate on the “good”, and try to find something good in any negative event, some benefit for yourself. Let's look at examples of “setting yourself up for the positive” in specific life situations:

Reality inversion

I really liked Vadim Zeland’s recommendations on this matter in the book “Reality Transurfing”. I’ll briefly tell you in my own words: If some kind of trouble has happened to you, you need to force yourself to “be happy”, instead of being upset: “So..., good...” or something like that, and at the same time mentally “rubbing our hands” . Extraordinary, isn't it? It should be noted that it really works! And next time you will definitely be lucky!

Directing attention in a positive direction

For example, it is winter and the flu epidemic is approaching. How can you not worry? Let's think about how to transform the negative into a positive. What needs to be done in order not to get sick, or rather, to always be healthy? You need to somehow improve your immunity, for example, learn Qigong energy gymnastics exercises and perform them every morning. Or, in advance, starting in the summer, begin to harden. In addition, you can Laura Silva: “I always maintain a perfectly healthy body, spirit and immune system!”

You have done all this work, but still, a little worried? Then, use personal protective equipment, moisturize the nasal mucosa so that the virus cannot penetrate the cell (for example, before visiting public places it is necessary to instill salt drops into the nose (can be replaced with saline solution)), moisten and ventilate the room, and repeat: “My world takes care of me!”

Increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of intentions

How to force yourself not to worry if something very important is about to happen in life? Vadim Zeland gives the following answer to this question:

How not to be afraid? “We need to find insurance, a siding.

How not to worry and not worry?- Act. Potentials of anxiety and worry are dissipated in action.

How not to wait and not to wish?Accept defeat and take action. Dissolve desire and expectation into action.

How to give up your importance?– Accept your importance as an axiom, refuse actions aimed at increasing your importance.

From my experience of “concentrating on the “good”: in my thoughts, calmly, without lust, I replayed the favorable outcome of the event and thought: “it would be good if...” And everything worked out easily and simply, of course.

Solving Problems with Meditation

You can also work with your subconscious on a meditative level; techniques from the Silva Method are very suitable for this: “Mirror of Consciousness” or “Three-Dimensional Contemplation Exercise.”

Brief description of the technique:

  1. Relax, dive into the meditative level
  2. We present the problem that needs to be solved in the form of a dim, black and white picture. Letting go of the problem and waiting for it to completely disappear
  3. We get a solution to the problem in the form of lively, bright, colorful images. We imagine ourselves and the people around us in resolving this situation, we reinforce them with emotions of joy, happiness, gratitude, etc.
  4. In the next three days we receive signs indicating a solution to the problem or ways to get out of the current situation

Practical task: Working with the situation

Try to put Vadim Zeland's advice into practice. For example, when you need to get somewhere during rush hour and you are late, or you need to park your car in a place where there are practically no free parking spaces, you need to:

  1. calm down
  2. accept any outcome of events
  3. replay the backup option in your head
  4. imagine how you are on time and there is just a free parking space
  5. mentally repeat: “My world takes care of me!”
Cheat sheet for success, ticket No. 4.