A brightening honey-lemon facial mask. Effective face masks from egg, honey and lemon How long should you keep a mask from lemon and honey

Each woman has her own beauty secret, but there are also special tricks for facial skin care, which our article will share with you.
An excellent tonic with a unique anti-aging effect, honey-lemon masks can transform beyond recognition.

How to properly prepare the composition at home, are there any contraindications and how often to use the magic miracle recipe, the information below will tell.

Useful properties of honey with lemon for the face

As the name already suggests, the main ingredients are familiar and loved by most of our compatriots. Honey is a unique and completely natural ingredient, the benefits of which are difficult to overestimate.

Honey is used in most recipe traditional medicine, and it is also impossible to imagine cosmetic compositions and procedures without it. The benefits for the face of honey masks are immediately noticeable: the skin surface is smoothed, age spots and minor inflammations are removed. Honey can improve complexion and hide fine wrinkles. If the properties of honey are supplemented with another, no less active companion, the result will also be much more effective.

Lemon, in turn, also does not lag behind in the "competition". The composition of this fruit is saturated with biologically active substances, fruit acids and antioxidants, which help to keep skin young and healthy at the cellular level for longer.

The effect on the skin of the face of a honey-lemon mask:

  • Cleansing effect, removes impurities and frees clogged pores.
  • Softens and tones the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Soothes inflamed skin, great for acne.
  • The surface of the dermis is smoothed and becomes a fresher shade.
  • Anti-aging effect, wrinkles are smoothed, age spots of aging skin disappear.

The complex effect explains the positive result of use. Working in tandem, honey and lemon penetrate deeper into the skin and work together to heal and rejuvenate skin twice as effectively.

Indications and contraindications for use

The use of honey-lemon mask at home should be accompanied by some preliminary "tests". The fact is that the ode of the component is the strongest allergens and can cause serious consequences. To avoid this, a skin sensitivity test is required. A small amount of the finished mask must be applied to the inner bend of the elbow or neck just below the ear. If you feel discomfort and burning, the mixture is urgently removed and you can forget about the use of such compounds.

You should also not use such a mask if there are open wounds, cuts and other skin lesions. Burns and herpes rash are also contraindications for such a procedure. Pregnant women are not forbidden to use home remedies based on lemon and honey, but before using, you need to make sure that they are hypoallergenic. Even despite the fact that you previously made such masks, now the skin has become much more sensitive and a negative reaction of the body may occur.

Homemade mask recipes

Before making a suitable composition, it is necessary to verify the quality of the components. For cosmetic purposes, it is desirable to use liquid flower honey from a new crop. If this is not the case, you can melt the candied product a little. This must be done in a water bath, in no case allowing the mixture to overheat, so that the honey does not lose its miraculous qualities.

Lemons also need to be chosen no less meticulously: old fruits with spoiled and dried peel will not suit us. Fresh and healthy fruit is distinguished by skin elasticity and rich color. The cut of such a fruit splashes with juice and emits a characteristic smell. To make masks, you need to squeeze the juice from a lemon. It is better not to prepare the mixture for future use, because it will lose its beneficial properties during storage. For one serving, half a large lemon will be enough, you can always use the rest to make aromatic tea or other healthy drinks and dishes.

The fragrant pulp of watermelon is able to moisturize the skin, fill it with vitamins and nutrients, get rid of problematic rashes and signs of wilting. Take it to your home piggy bank!

For acne and oily skin

Oatmeal is considered to be the recognized "expert" in skin cleansing. For a more comfortable application, they can be ground in a coffee grinder. Add a teaspoon of cereal to a mixture of a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice and let it brew for at least three minutes.

After that, the mixture is evenly distributed over the entire face, paying special attention to problem areas.

Keep the mask on your face until it hardens, a damp cloth that covers the skin will help to remove it without any problems, after a short time the mixture will become more moist and can be easily washed off with warm water.

Lisa: Problem skin- my eternal misfortune. I have tried many store bought creams and cleansers. After several unsuccessful experiments and worsening condition, I decided to seek help from folk remedies. Lemon - honey masks helped me a lot with inflammation of various localizations. For example, on the shoulders I used a lemon twisted in a meat grinder, since the skin there is quite dense, thicker than on the face.

from black dots

Here you can experiment with various additional ingredients: clay, soda or sea ​​salt. Such a mixture will provide a scrub effect without damaging the skin due to the emollients in honey.

To prepare one serving, it will be enough to take an equal amount of three components: honey, lemon and abrasive particles. Apply with massage movements to the problem area and leave for ten minutes. Before the procedure, it is necessary to steam the face a little so that the result is more noticeable.

Masha: Pharmacy clay has long "settled" on my dressing table. I tried various mixtures, while the honey-lemon mask turned out to be the most effective. I add a teaspoon of clay, without even dissolving it in water, and if I completely “launched” my face, then I also throw a pinch of soda. In the morning, you just don’t know how the skin is cleansed. In general, I have already infected all my friends, now they are also trying so hard.

Watch the video: honey-lemon egg mask recipe

For rejuvenation

If you add whipped protein and a little fine salt to the lemon-honey mixture, the skin will become more toned and elastic. The course of procedures is at least ten, once a week with a mandatory break of a month.

Irina: I used to tone my skin with honey for a long time, but complex honey-lemon masks have become a discovery for me. The result is much stronger, especially since an additional “ by-effect» - the skin is matted and smoothed. I recommend such mixtures, especially since they are always available and simple.

Banana is a healthy fruit in every way. It is a neutral and hypoallergenic product, so it is often used in cosmetology. Take advantage of the recipe

For dry skin

Additional hydration can be provided by adding natural oil into the mixture. Olive or almond is perfect. For one serving, a tablespoon of juice and the same amount of honey will be enough. Add half the oil. For an additional effect, you can mix with whipped protein, pharmacy glycerin (one teaspoon), cream or fatty sour cream.

Lydia: It perfectly moisturizes the skin, such a recipe is just a salvation during the off-season, when the face is especially vulnerable to bad weather. I make such masks at least once a week, sometimes I just replace the oils in the composition. I really liked the use of wheat germ oil, jojoba and castor oil.

Video for you: lemon honey mixture for dry skin


Mix the juice of one lemon with two tablespoons of honey. Apply to a clean washcloth and apply to the face. After half an hour, wash off first with warm, then cold water.

Such a recipe guarantees getting rid of not only pigmentation on the face, but also annoying freckles. To increase efficiency, it is necessary to conduct sessions twice a week. After 6 - 8 procedures, take a monthly break.

Marina: An excellent tool, especially during the spring "exacerbation" and skin problems. Well whitens the skin and evens out the complexion. It dries the skin a little, but the use of a nourishing cream after the procedure helps to avoid this problem.

Honey and lemon are unique natural sources of health and longevity. Using these two products in home cosmetology, you can wait good result already after several procedures. The use of these components requires compliance with certain recommendations. To choose a composition for solving a variety of dermatological problems, it is enough to use the information in our article.

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A necessary attribute of every woman - lipstick. Learn from the article its chemical composition.

The face is an indicator of health and well-being, so to speak - a business card for a woman. Therefore, proper and harmonious facial skin care is one of the primary conditions for maintaining beauty.

Few can boast a perfectly porcelain face; small pimples, scars, black dots - how I would like to avoid all this. Fortunately, home conditions allow you to prepare a huge number of effective masks. By the way, such masks are both nutritious and useful, and most importantly - beneficial.

The honey and lemon face mask is an incredible and magical remedy. These two products have a mass useful properties, and together they represent a kaleidoscope of vitamins and nutrients.

Properties of honey

  • Tones;
  • Softens;
  • Has a cleansing effect;
  • Nourishes the skin;
  • Narrows pores;
  • Gets rid of acne;
  • Removes inflammatory processes;
  • Smoothes skin roughness.

Due to the huge amount of vitamins, lemon is an indispensable weapon in the fight against wrinkles and fading.

Lemon Properties

  • Thanks to vitamin C, the production of elastin and collagen increases;
  • Folic acid and vitamin A relieve inflammation;
  • Thanks to vitamin K, age spots are eliminated;
  • Potassium helps to normalize the sebaceous glands, it also regulates the level of moisture.


Applying such a mask - you need to be very careful. Both honey and lemon are strong allergens. Especially lemon, which belongs to citrus fruits. You should not use this composition in the presence of individual intolerance to these products, open wounds and tumors.

Application and recipes

This natural remedy helps to remove toxins, increases protective abilities, saturates cells with vitamins, proteins, micro and macro elements.

With whitening effect

Many people suffer not only from age spots, but also from ordinary freckles. In this case, a honey-lemon mask is recommended, which will help make your skin dazzling porcelain, “kisses of the sun” and age spots will almost disappear.


  • lemon juice (from one fruit will be enough);
  • two tablespoons of any honey that you have at hand, the main thing is not creamy;


  1. Mix ingredients.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to a napkin or gauze, keep it on your face for 20 minutes.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, wash everything off with warm water (you can also use cold water if you have a hardened body).

Such a tool can be used every two days, and then look at the results.

For dry type

For dehydrated and dry skin, use a mask with the addition of oil.


  • 1 tablespoon (or two teaspoons) of liquid honey (can be melted in the microwave);
  • lemon juice;
  • yolk from one egg;
  • 1 teaspoon sunflower (olive) oil.


  1. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face, if desired, to the neck and chest.
  2. Keep 15 minutes.
  3. Wash off with cold water.

For oily skin problems

oily and shiny skin faces are not the best decoration And yes, it causes a lot of trouble. All the same products will help to cope with fat content.


  • one lemon;
  • 1 egg white, beaten into foam;
  • one teaspoon of liquid honey.


  1. Mix ingredients.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to problem areas.
  3. Keep for half an hour.
  4. Wash off with cool water.

For combined type


  • two teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • one or two tablespoons of honey;
  • 3 grams of dry yeast;
  • two tablespoons of warmed milk.


  1. Mix all components.
  2. The composition is applied to the skin of the face for 20 minutes.

This composition enriches the skin with vitamins, beneficial bacteria and a variety of macronutrients. Tones and tightens, and also has a rejuvenating effect.


In order to relieve inflammation, you can add kefir to the main composition.


  • 20 drops of lemon juice;
  • one spoon of natural honey;
  • 50 ml of kefir.


  1. Mix lemon, honey and kefir;
  2. Apply to problem areas for 20-30 minutes;
  3. Wash off with room temperature water.

This composition will cure you of unsightly acne, red dots, relieve inflammation and help tone the skin. Be always beautiful, healthy and cheerful! After all, a beautiful face is a real decoration at any age!

video recipe

The beneficial properties of these products have long been used in the preparation of scrubs, masks, gommages. A mask of honey and lemon for the face is considered the most pleasant and gentle, and most importantly, giving a tremendous effect. In order to have smooth and supple skin, you need to regularly use a lemon and honey face mask.

Honey has a lot medicinal properties, with which you can get rid of many problems, such as skin pigmentation, acne, black spots, acne. The lemon and honey face mask is a very effective remedy in today's society.

Lemon also contains a huge amount of useful substances. It is rich in vitamin C, which, acting on the skin, gives it an antiseptic effect, freshness, cleansing and significantly reduces oiliness of the skin. Lemon has the ability to whiten the skin, which is very good for age spots. But the disadvantage of it is that it is an acidic environment, which can lead to excessive dryness of the skin.

Due to poor metabolism and adverse conditions environment pigment spots appear. And often comes to the rescue Foundation, which is partially involved in fixing the problem. In contrast, honey and lemon perfectly even out the complexion, thereby making it light and without pigmentation. The combination of these substances has a good effect on the skin, moisturizing and cleansing its surface and epithelium. Therefore, these two products are combined together, since their interaction complements and enhances each other. "Honey and Lemon" - face mask, how to prepare it?

The composition of the mask:

Honey - 1 tbsp. spoons;

Lemon - 1 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.

How to make a mask.

Before you start making a mask "honey and

lemon" for the face, you need to prepare the above products. Honey

it is advisable to take not liquid, but a viscous consistency and a little candied. This

cleans the pores well and nourishes the skin. Peel the lemon and well

rinse, you can douse with boiling water (in order to destroy various bacteria).

Using a juicer or by hand, you need to squeeze out

lemon juice, it is desirable that the lemon is at room temperature.

If the mask

is prepared to eliminate pigments on the face, then it is desirable that honey be

cold (+5 degrees). If it is necessary to remove black dots, then honey

should be heated to 36-40 degrees. This can be done in the microwave or

water bath. It must be taken into account that under the influence high temperatures bee

honey loses its healing and effectiveness. Therefore, do not overheat it.

These two products can only be mixed in a container,

made of glass or ceramic. Under no circumstances should you use

metal utensils. Since the metal is able to oxidize under the influence of lemon.

When the honey and lemon face mask is ready, you need to know how to properly apply and apply it.

Applying a mask

Before applying the mask, it is necessary to wash off the make-up from the face and cleanse the skin. This can be done with any cosmetics such as soap, facial wash, lotion, milk or tonic. Wash your face preferably with cold water, after which, remove the remaining water from the surface of the skin by blotting the skin with a dry cloth or towel.

Then you should apply the mask evenly over the entire skin of the face, except for the area around the eyes. For the best effect, the mask should be applied with a sponge, which will evenly distribute the mask over the face. It is advisable to cover the face after applying the mask with a light handkerchief or a piece of gauze so that moisture does not evaporate from the surface. The mask should be kept for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Before applying the honey and lemon mask for the face, you need to do a light massage, which will help open the pores of the epithelium well. Then the grains of honey will penetrate deep into the skin and effectively clean the pores and dead skin cells. If there are problem areas, such as the nose and chin area, then they need to be given more attention and time. Additionally, massage and rub these areas of the skin, and then leave together in the mask for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, the mask should be washed off with water at room temperature and blotted with a gentle and thin towel.

As mentioned above, lemon can cause dry skin, which means that you should not get carried away with the mask often. It is better to apply it once every two weeks.

Indications for the use of the mask

The honey and lemon face mask is suitable for everyone, without exception, and can be used at any age. There are the following indications for use:

Must be used by women who want to whiten their face from dark spots and skin pigmentation;

For dull, aging and fading skin;

Used for freckles on the face;

With acne, pimples and deep pores;

Can be used for combination and oily skin, lemon is of great importance here;

It is used for inflammation of the skin.


Honey and lemon are allergens, so women who have indications for allergic reactions are not recommended to apply such a mask. Also for people suffering bronchial asthma it should not be used. If a capillary network is present on the woman's face and the vessels are dilated, the interaction of these products is contraindicated.

In any case, before applying the mask, it would be useful to make a skin reaction to the presence of an allergen or irritation.

The honey and lemon face mask should be applied exclusively to a cleansed face. In order to slightly expand and enlarge the pores, you can steam the skin by applying a towel soaked in water to your face. hot water or after a hot bath or bath;

So that the hair does not interfere with the application process, it is better to tie them in a bun;

For an effective procedure, the mask must be prepared immediately before application. Otherwise, all useful properties are lost;

For a noticeable result, it is better to warm up the mask. The main thing is not to overdo it, because under the influence of high temperatures the necessary properties will disappear;

Honey should be taken only fresh and proven, and lemons are good and high quality, the quality of the mask greatly depends on this. Thick honey is most suitable for such a mask, as it is more convenient to apply on the face. If the honey turned out to be liquid, then it is better to use gauze;

In no case should honey be boiled, in order to preserve all the nutritional components, it is advisable to heat it up to 80 degrees;

It is important not to overdo the applied mask on the face, the time should not exceed 15 minutes;

Often it is not recommended to use a mask of honey and lemon, it is advisable to use it once every 2 weeks;

Wash off the mask with warm water.

A honey and lemon face mask will not only moisturize the skin, but also restore the sebaceous glands. Lemon juice contains folic acid, which will help to cope with skin inflammation, and vitamin C, in turn, will accelerate the production of elastin. Honey will help to get rid of deep pores on the skin and visibly eliminate roughness and dryness of the skin. And also this mask will significantly refresh and smooth the skin on the face.

Sometimes you just wonder how many different problems can be solved by products that are constantly in our free access. Take, for example, honey - it's just a storehouse of useful properties. And it will help with colds, and relieve stomach pains, and the fungus can be cured. And the lemon? There are so many vitamins that it's just a home pharmacy. If you prepare and apply a face mask with these ingredients, you can get rid of a lot of problems on your face.

At home, you can and should constantly carry out facial cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing procedures, because no expensive industrial cosmetic preparations can replace the healing properties of natural and fresh face care ingredients.

Get rid of age spots

If two tablespoons of honey heated in a water bath are mixed with the same amount of lemon juice, you will get an excellent whitening mask. It will not only help to lighten pigmented spots on the skin, but also moisturize and nourish the face with vitamins and microelements, which will make the face velvety and radiant. If you make such a mask regularly, then over time, dark spots will completely disappear.

Nourishing face mask with lemon and honey

In general, a lemon face mask is an endless source of beneficial properties. If you mix lemon juice or gruel with various ingredients, you can solve many different skin problems. Mix crushed lemon with honey olive oil in equal proportions and get just an amazing mask for fading dry skin. We apply it on the skin for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water and enjoy the effect of velvety, firmness and radiance of the skin of your face.

Purifying scrub mask

For the procedure deep cleaning face at home, a mask of honey, lemon and natural ground coffee is well suited. Coffee should first be steamed with water for a few minutes to make it softer, then add two parts of honey and one part of lemon juice to one part of coffee. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water with massaging movements. Thus, you will not only fill with vitamins and moisturize the skin, but also carry out a soft peeling of the face. After such a procedure, the skin will become surprisingly velvety.

An indescribable whitening and anti-inflammatory effect has a mask for oily skin with egg white. You need to beat the protein into a strong foam, then add two tablespoons of honey, four teaspoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of kefir to it. Beat everything well again and apply on the skin for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Get rid of acne and rashes

Everyone has situations when an important event or meeting is coming up, and so inappropriately, some strange rashes suddenly appear on the face. An emergency mask will help get rid of acne, which includes equal amounts of honey, lemon juice and orange juice. Using a brush, you need to apply the mask not to the entire face, but only to areas with a rash. When the first layer dries, you need to apply a second layer on the same places and so on several times. After the last drying, rinse everything with cool water. fruit acids, which are part of lemon and orange, will dry out problem areas, and honey will prevent bacteria from multiplying further.

Forget about black dots on your face!

If you need to get rid of black spots on your face, then honey and lemon are simply irreplaceable. You just need to take a small piece of lemon and put a few drops of honey on it. And with this honey lemon, you need to wipe your face for several minutes, more thoroughly in those places where black dots are observed. The mixture should remain on the face for another five minutes after rubbing, then it can be washed off with cold water. Remember that warm water opens the pores, expanding them, and cold water helps to close the pores.

Contraindications for using a face mask with lemon and honey

When using honey-lemon masks, one should not forget that their use is contraindicated for those who are allergic to one or the other product, as well as for open wounds or purulent inflammation of the skin.

Useful video

A honey and lemon face mask is an indispensable skin care option. Mixtures containing this composition are a great natural alternative to the huge number of cosmetics that we buy in stores.

The unique healing properties of honey can get rid of blackheads, skin pigmentation, acne and pimples. This is a great health and beauty product. Lemon will cleanse the skin of spider veins, improve complexion, narrow pores. And the best part is that such a care product is inexpensive, environmentally friendly and easy to manufacture.

There are several options for lemon honey masks that help fight various problems. But both components are strong allergens. Therefore, before applying such a mask, find out if it will cause allergies.

Apply the prepared mixture to the inside of the elbow bend. Wash off after 20 minutes. If there is no irritation, the substance can be used.

Refrain from honey masks if vasodilation is clearly visible on the face and increased hair growth is noted.

The benefits of honey and lemon in the fight against acne

The mask with honey and lemon restores smoothness to the skin, it can smooth out wrinkles and destroy acne. Honey contains antiseptic substances that destroy harmful bacteria. It doesn't just clear up pimples. By acting on the cause of inflammation, the sweet product prevents the appearance of a new rash. Lemon juice saturates the skin with vitamins, cleanses it and makes it less oily.

Several options for a honey mask with lemon for acne

To dry the skin and remove inflammation

1 tsp honey and lemon juice are mixed with whipped protein.

We apply this remedy on the face, except for the area around the eyes. Wash off when the mixture dries. This mask has an excellent lifting effect.

For very deep cleansing

1 tsp honey and lemon (or lime) juice, 2 tbsp. l. mix oatmeal with ground almonds.

Massage your face with the mixture and wash your face after 5 minutes.

For cleansing and narrowing pores

Mix lemon and honey in equal proportions.

We put a mask on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes. Dry the skin well and apply a moisturizer. Perfect for oily and mixed skin types.

A lemon and honey acne mask is best prepared from a linden or flower bee product. The composition will be thick and will not spread.

It is important to note that citrus contains a large amount of fruit and ascorbic acid. Their prolonged action on the skin can damage the dermis and cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage indicated in the recipes for masks with lemon. And if the mixture contains honey, it must be slightly heated in a water bath.

Not only acne will go away

The honey-lemon mask will not only get rid of acne, it is ideal for women who suffer from excessive skin pigmentation and comedones - well-known blackheads. The combination of these two products penetrates the upper layers of the epithelium, deeply cleanses the skin and saturates it with moisture. Lemon discolors skin pigment, while honey has moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Effective face mask with lemon and honey

Here is another example:

We mix 2 tbsp. l. of both products.

  • If you want to delete age spot, use cold honey.
  • A slightly melted substance will help get rid of black dots.

To prepare the mixture, use ceramic or glass container, since lemon can oxidize metal utensils. Apply the mixture to your face with a sponge. The area around the eyes should be avoided. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. If your goal is to do away with blackheads, you can easily massage your skin. Pay special attention to problem areas. Rinse with warm water and pat your face dry with a soft towel.

Since lemon juice can cause dryness, use this composition no more than 3 times a week.

  • A mixture of liquid honey, lemon and glycerin will help whiten the skin. We squeeze the juice from a small fruit, which then must be filtered. Add 60 ml of honey and 12 g of glycerin. We soak gauze napkins with the mixture and keep it on the face for 20 minutes. As the material dries, we wet it again.
  • Another option for cleansing. Brush half a lemon with honey. Wipe your face with it, especially in places where blackheads accumulate. You can leave the applied mask for 5 minutes. Wash off with cool water. After the first application, you will notice that the pores have narrowed. After a few procedures, black dots will disappear. Citrus can be refrigerated and reused.

What else are useful honey and lemon?

  • With the help of this cosmetic product, which is very easy to prepare at home, lighten freckles.
  • Lemon with honey nourishes the skin, improves its tone and saves the face from a dull color.
  • Honey reduces the risk of skin infections.
  • The high level of antioxidants protects the skin from UV rays, retains moisture and nourishes the cells.
  • This bee nectar will saturate the epithelium with carbohydrates, vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and C, calcium, sodium and other essential trace elements.
  • Honey mask with regular use reduces acne scars and gives the skin elasticity.

To lighten freckles

1 st. l. honey is mixed with the juice of 1 lemon.

Cover your face with a cloth soaked in the prepared mixture. Lie down like this for 5 minutes. The cloth needs to be changed 2 times. For dry skin, lubricate the face fat cream. Repeat the procedure 20 times a day. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than a week.

To saturate the skin with oxygen

The best composition is honey with vegetable oil, which you need to take:

1 st. l., then add ¼ tsp. lemon juice.

Keep the mask for 10 minutes, then wash your face.

If your skin began to fade, lost its former freshness

prepare a mixture of yolk, honey, lemon juice and vegetable oil- all ingredients are taken in 1 tsp.

This mask is perfect for the face, neck and décolleté.

For oily skin

Great recipe:

honey, lemon juice and brewed green tea: mix 1 tbsp. l. each ingredient.

Apply the substance on the face and neck area and hold for 20 minutes.

For dry skin

use a mixture of 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. warmed honey and 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal.

To tone up

use honey, lemon juice and sandalwood powder.

Apply the resulting paste for 30 minutes. You can add milk and turmeric to the mask. You will get a great natural scrub. Sometimes rose water is used instead of milk. This will give the skin elasticity and a pleasant spicy aroma.

Scrub option:

1 tsp honey and mineral water, dilute with a few drops of lemon juice and almond powder.

When are lemon and honey contraindicated?

There are not so many contraindications to the use of lemon-honey masks.

  • The first prohibition is associated with individual intolerance to one of the ingredients. Allergies are another reason to choose alternative remedies.
  • Do not apply the mixture to the face if the skin has open lesions or severe inflammation.
  • When using a mask, always monitor the condition of the skin. If swelling, redness, itching, burning or swelling of the mucous membranes appear, the lemon-honey cocktail will have to be abandoned.

What women don't go to to look great! Buying expensive skin care products and painful cosmetic procedures- the usual things in the world of female beauty.
Does it make sense to spend money and grit your teeth in a beautician's chair? After all, nature has given us everything we need to preserve beauty and youth. Cleopatra herself spoiled herself with honey-lemon procedures! Why don't we take from nature all the most useful?