The magical connection between twins. The twin senses the twin from afar... Twin Mental Connection Study

Sasha or Natasha

At full speed, the minibus crashed into the car driving in front. From the sharp blow, passengers were scattered around the cabin, someone groaned in pain...

Natasha felt the salty taste of blood in her mouth, and at the same second her cell phone rang. Feeling her broken lip, the girl answered the call. "Are you okay?" - Sasha’s excited voice came from the receiver. “Everything is fine, what makes you think...”, Natasha answered her sister, trying to suppress the trembling in her voice.

A few minutes before the accident, the Moguchev sisters had just finished chatting on the phone. Why she suddenly decided to dial her sister’s number again at that very moment, Sasha still cannot explain. She says that she suddenly felt something was wrong. And this happens with twins all the time.

“At three years old, Sasha almost swallowed a thermometer,” says Natasha. “I don’t remember this, but my mother says that out of the blue I threw a terrible hysteria.” When my parents ran up to us in response to my scream, my sister had already started gnawing on the glass. It's scary to think what could have happened if she had eaten mercury.

In their entire lives, they had never been separated from each other for more than three days. We went to school and college together, danced and went on vacation. The girls even answer phone calls together.

- For a very long time we could not choose which specialty to enter. But the main criterion was to study together,” says Natasha.

As a result, the girls entered the Rostov Institute of Service and Tourism to learn how to sew.

“Despite the fact that we are very different in character, we both wanted to have a creative specialty,” the sisters explain. - Now we practically do not work by profession, we sew only for each other and very rarely.

Two Halves

If I admit that I have a headache, Inna will immediately feel bad. Therefore, we have an agreement: never talk about illnesses,” says Rostovite Alina Polovinkina about her twin sister.

“In childhood, like all children, we took turns getting sick: first I’d catch a cold, then she’d sniffle,” she continues. - And now we are unwell at the same time: even at a distance we feel each other’s illnesses.

The mysterious connection between Alina and Inna, which they first felt in early childhood, becomes stronger over the years. A long time ago, when there were no cell phones yet, and being apart, sisters could easily find each other in the most unexpected places. One day little Alina went out of town to pick mushrooms without asking. The parents searched for the girl all day until Inna led them to the forest.

Sisters rarely go shopping together, but they manage to buy the same things completely by accident. When we were teenagers, we even fell in love with the same guys. If Inna was embarrassed to invite boys on dates, Alina did it for her: you can’t tell the sisters apart over the phone.

Despite their external similarity, the girls are directly opposite in temperament. Inna is an extrovert, loves communication and big companies, she is the lighter of the two. Alina is more organized and calm. However, this difference did not prevent the girls from choosing the same profession. They both began to be interested in psychology back in school: they wanted to learn to understand what is going on in a person’s head and, perhaps, understand themselves.

“It was very difficult for us before,” admits Alina Polovinkina. - At one time I could not identify myself with myself and even in the mirror image I saw my sister, and not myself. In our childhood memories, the boundaries are completely erased: we do not remember with whom exactly these or other incidents happened. Now this connection has acquired a more emotional and intellectual character. There is no one closer than we are to each other, and we don’t even need words to communicate. We can just sit next to each other, be silent and fully feel each other's thoughts and emotions.

Can't be explained scientifically

Elena Vorobyova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Psychophysiology and Clinical Psychology of Southern Federal University:

- A curious connection between twins does exist, but it has not yet been studied, and there are hardly any methods by which this phenomenon can be studied. During embryogenesis, i.e. from the moment of conception to birth, they are in the same shell, have a common circulation and both experience the same emotions of the mother. Of course, this period has a huge impact on their future lives. Perhaps this is the secret of the unusual connection, but we cannot unravel its nature and check with which organs the twins feel each other.

But similar tastes in clothing or sympathy for a certain type of men and women are easily explained. Monozygotic twins have one hundred percent the same set of genes, i.e. they are biologically predisposed to behave the same way in certain situations. In addition, the general environment in which they grow has a big influence. Born at the same time, they are raised in the same family, go to the same school and are in the same social circle.

For a long time, twins literally feel like one person. They dress alike, do everything together, and attract attention as a couple rather than as individuals. Therefore, many of them find it difficult to identify themselves as individuals and start their own family. To avoid this, it is necessary to separate the twins’ spheres of communication while they are still small. If one child, for example, wants to play the piano, it is better to send the other to drawing.

On the Don they know how to give birth to twins

The village of Denisovka, Rostov region, is another phenomenon associated with twins. The unique village breaks all records: twins are born here every year. Now in a small village there are 11 pairs of twins per 500 people

There is a unique place in Ukraine. In the village of Velyka Kopan, Transcarpathian region, 54 pairs of twins were born over 50 years. Water from a healing spring supposedly helps villagers conceive twins

But for a similar baby boom in the Indian village of Kandalloor, local residents blame the god Rama, who had twin children. Over the past half century alone, 70 pairs of twins have been born here.

Those who are interested in the topic of twins or twins know how medicine explains “technically” this miracle of birth. This is the simultaneous maturation of a pair of eggs.

There is also the option of fertilizing one egg with two sperm. These options are still being explored. But what's really going on V spiritual world before the birth of such people?

The topic of this reincarnation study was my interest in the topic of twins and twins, from a spiritual point of view.

Are twins for real? one soul in two bodies or that ?

The peculiarity of the sessions was that the people I invited did not know the topic of the study. “So that they don’t have time to prepare mentally,” I joked.

My clients and I explored the same questions:

  • details of location and time of incarnation,
  • main milestones of life's journey,
  • example with the ability to feel each other,
  • some comical and funny incident from the incarnation,
  • planning for incarnation in the body of a twin,

All texts of reincarnation dives are given in abbreviated form, but with full preservation of the original meaning.

1. Triplets girls, Caucasus, early 18th century

The girl Zulfiya was born in the mountains of Armenia, she has an oriental face, black eyes and dark skin. The environment was appropriate for the place, her mother in local traditions, with her head covered.

The girl had two sisters - her absolute copies. The parents were very proud of their triplets.

She felt a very close connection with her sisters. They all felt each other at a distance. One day one of them ran away to the edge of the village and got lost in the mountains.

Our heroine Zulfiya somehow felt the light of the presence of her lost sister. She somehow “knew” where she was. With the help of Zulfiya, they quickly found their sister, the girls grabbed hands and ran...

There were any number of comic incidents in their lives.

The triplets were constantly confused, and dad marked them with ribbons. So they constantly entertained the inhabitants of the village, fooling everyone with their similarity. But the girls were not malicious.

During intrauterine development, children felt like one whole. There was a feeling that The soul was alone and wanted to be upset.

Such an unusual incarnation enriches the Soul with energies.

Spiritual Mentors suggested that I should even live in different regions. And here in this story one Soul lives in three different bodies.

This is a completely different experience, unlike incarnation in different times or in different places.

Through such an incarnation the soul accumulates and enhances your spiritual potential.

Although when Soul was planning such a life, she was offered another option to choose from: a gypsy nomadic family in southeastern Europe. There would have been more extreme moments of life, which the Soul did not want at that moment.

2. Twin girls, France-Britain, late 18th century

This Soul experience was explored through the Akashic Records - a repository of information about all human experiences, events, past lives.

In the incarnations of twins and twins there are different stories: sometimes different Souls agree to come to this World together, and such Souls can be from the same group of Souls.

Although such Souls are very similar in energy and vibration, and very similar in their purpose, they cannot meet. Most likely, they will never intersect.

We were told that any Soul can incarnate this way, if it desires such an experience.

The mentors suggested looking at one example with male twins, without interfering with that experience. The client and I, of course, agreed!

The contract was concluded by two Souls, who in the previous incarnation were a loving couple, and now did not want to part.

Now they are two boys, completely identical in appearance. Two twin brothers feel and internally hear each other. Time passes, gaining momentum, these boys are growing up... Now they are already 18 years old...

All the comic episodes of that incarnation are associated with confusion in childhood, and in his youth with meeting girls. The brothers are so alike that others cannot tell them apart.

Only at the energetic level does one feel that they are different - one twin’s Soul is more “whole and healthy” than the other’s. Once in his field, the second brother begins to recover.

Their passing away occurred at different times - one brother in his youth, the other in old age.

When one Soul lived according to plan, having received the desired rate of energy charge, it decided that it was no longer necessary to live the entire further journey together. It was the choice of the Soul itself.

The Spiritual Guides accompanied the viewing with an explanation that on the earthly plane, the death of a child for parents and those around them is always a great grief and regret. But there is a higher meaning in everything, which can only be understood from the position of “viewing from above”:

The child's soul may leave early to give the parent the experience of compassion.

If there are no feelings in the family, then the Souls take on such spiritual teaching task, ambiguous by earthly standards.

All such issues are resolved at the Divine level.

4. Twin boys, Spain, early 19th century

This experience of the Soul in male incarnation in twins was associated with a rather tragic story.

... The man was writing something with a pencil in his office, by the light of a lamp on the table. In another episode, he, again alone, stood on a steep cliff, a sultry breeze blowing his clothes...

He had a brother to whom something happened. One of the twins died suddenly in his youth, passing away at the age of 14-15.

During the joint period of their lives, in their twin incarnation, they communicated with their brother, like one whole, always energetically feeling each other. And this time, at the very moment of leaving, he was the first to discover his brother.

We decided not to plunge into the tragedy of that story in order to continue research on our goal when both brothers were still together.

Between them there was invisible connection, because they are twins and very similar to each other.

There was a moment when one saved the other in a moment of danger.

While still a baby who could not speak, he began to pull at his mother, as if something had happened. The brother got his foot into a hole, and he would not have been found if not for the premonition of his twin.

A comical incident came to mind very vividly during my studies, during an exam. There was some kind of exam going on, one twin brother was sitting in the hall of the department, the second brother was outside the door, the teacher was walking with his hands behind his back...

One brother took the exam twice - for himself and for another!

And something funny related to the girl. They met the same girl, and she did not immediately understand that they were different people. She didn’t even know that she was communicating with twins, what a miracle it was.

How did such an extraordinary life go when our character lived his life alone?

He became either a writer or a poet. He always had the feeling that the twin brother who died sends him thoughts and ideas for creativity.

Exploring on the subtle plane, the answer came that it was a division of one Soul.

At that time the Soul needed to know two experiences - experience of life and experience of death.

How to Gain a Deeper Understanding of Yourself

All clients were greatly impressed by the dive sessions and remained in their pensive awareness.

As a result of these four research sessions, we discovered an additional the deep meaning of the birth of twins. More options for choosing a Soul have been added to the “incarnation card” collection.

Just imagine what opportunities for knowledge open up for us after studying at the Institute of Reincarnation, and what unusual research can be carried out on a wide variety of topics.

This skill greatly expands the picture of the World for both clients and consultants, and provides new opportunities for personal growth.

In addition, from such thematic immersions our clients receive a lot of unexpected things about themselves and their inner world.

Twins and twins: features of development and education.

All parents of twins believe that they have won a double prize from fate, and they are absolutely right: for patiently waiting nine months for a miracle, mom and dad are doubly rewarded: not one, but two children at once!

The children themselves find themselves in a completely exceptional situation: they are faced with an absolutely unique experience - living life accompanied by a companion. It is known that the twin bond is a bond no less strong than those that connect mother and child. The lives of the little ones began in close proximity to each other, and then - day after day - they are not separated for a minute.

Strictly speaking, twins are not a very precise concept. Twins can be mono- or dizygotic twins, depending on whether the babies developed from one or two mother's eggs. In the first case, children are always same-sex: after all, in the genetic sense, they are exact copies of each other. In the second case, twins can be either the same or different sexes, and the similarity between them is no greater than between siblings born at different times: they share only 40 to 60% of their genes.

Monozygotic twins.

A monozygotic twin pair attracts increased attention from literally everyone: they are admired by grandmothers on the street and doctors in the clinic, kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers. This is precisely the problem: those around you are impressed by this picture of similarity, forgetting that in front of them are two different people, each of whom is a separate personality. The stronger this admiration, the more children are subconsciously convinced: their main advantage is that there are two of them and they are “the same.”

When adults address children by last name and in the plural, as if forgetting that each of them has their own name, the idea that twins are one is reinforced. Thus, the tendency for “psychological fusion” of twins becomes extremely high.

In fact, the psychological connection between twins (twins) is extremely strong. Children are ideal for each other as play partners. Such children develop almost synchronously. They spend more time together than typical siblings with an age difference. Mutual understanding and mutual assistance are clearly expressed in the relationships between children. It would seem, what could be better? The parents received two wonderful children at once, and each of the children received not only loving parents, but also a friend.

But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.
The more similar the twins are to each other, the less pronounced the need for contact with others. For example, children aged three years old communicate well in their own language, which they understand, and do not strive to communicate with others. Communicating with his beloved “Alter Ego”, the child feels great. Children have their own own games, understandable to both of them. In this case, the twins are excluded from interest in other children. To the twins, other children of the same age seem incomprehensible and it becomes unclear what they are for, they are so different from them. Often, each of the twins from time to time responds to both names in turn, without realizing that he belongs to only one name. As a result, a so-called “twin situation” arises, when children create, as it were, their own “microcosm” where outsiders are not allowed, identify themselves with each other and consider themselves a single whole.

Geminis develop in a very unique way. Often one of the couple begins to contact others earlier and begins to express desires for both: “We are hungry,” “We need to buy a new car”... etc. At the same time, the other one can read better. Thus, the skills and abilities that an ordinary child masters are distributed in half in a twin pair. Thus strengthening the connection between children. It turns out that one complements the other, and each of them turns out to be completely helpless separately from the other.

Dizygotic twins.

Dizygotic or fraternal twins are children who developed from different maternal eggs. There can be both same-sex and different-sex children, there are children who are completely different or, on the contrary, incredibly similar. Such children feel their difference from their brother or sister and are aware of their difference from each other. At the same time, a strong relationship remains. The relationship in such a couple is much closer than between brothers and sisters who have an age difference.
Such children spend their entire childhood hand in hand. They begin to move slightly away from each other adolescence when girls begin to outstrip boys in their development. And this phenomenon is temporary.

Three problems parents of twins face:

1) Most clearly expressed in a twin pairrivalry problem. The reason for this problem goes back to early childhood, during the period of constant “comparison” of children. Deep down, children want to be different from each other, therefore, subject to “equalization,” they can rebel. And maybe there is the other side of rivalry: the struggle for justice - the need to have everything the same and in the same quantity as the other twin. One will forgive you to drink, another will immediately come running; one found a lump; the second felt “grief” and panicked if there were no more lumps nearby. What to do in such situations? Try to explain to children that it is better not to repeat each other, but to listen to their own desires. To do this, you need to clarify with the child about his true feeling, for example: “Artem, ask for a drink if you really want to drink, and not because your brother (sister) asks for water.” Don’t ask both children at once: “Are you hungry?” It is necessary to ask each child: “Arte, are you hungry? And you Sasha? Who should I buy a bun for? Who wants ice cream? Help your children make different decisions.

2) Jealousy problemin a twin pair, it occupies no less place than the problem of rivalry. In families where this problem is acute, any kind of competition is extremely contraindicated. This applies to eating (“Who will eat the porridge first?”), and putting things in order (“Who will collect the most toys faster?”), and the ability to dress (“Who will get ready for a walk faster?”), and the speed of completing homework ( “Who will read the story faster?”, “Who will complete the exercise faster?”), etc. The losing twin will feel slighted, sad, and upset for the rest of the day. The resentment from “losing” can last longer. A solution to the problem could be to involve both twins in “partner” games, developing imagination, helping to realize positive sides cooperation.

3) The problem of primacyIt stands out especially brightly in families raising twins. Each of the pair or one twin tries to take a “leading”, “dominant” position - to be the first in everything! For children, it turns out to be fundamentally important whose name was said first, and the one of the children whose name was presented last will be offended to the depths of their souls. What should parents do? First of all, communicate with your children as individuals. It’s worth just talking to the children that it doesn’t matter what name is presented first, and it’s not nice to be offended. It is most important for parents to understand the reason for this behavior, where did the desire to “stand out” come from? Perhaps children feel a lack of parental attention and thus try to attract it. Perhaps children simply do not have enough time that their parents spend with them.

The parents of twins face not an easy task. They have to cultivate a personality in each child, without breaking or disturbing the “twin” connection. The main “psychological step” that parents need to take is to avoid comparing twins with each other. There cannot be two identical people! And even more so, you should forget about the phrase: “Gemini is one creature in two copies.” Moms and dads must firmly understand that even though they have twins, their children are different people and each of them should be considered individually.

“Twin women in hospitals hundreds of kilometers apart gave birth to daughters at the same time,” “Twins got into an accident. One lost an eye, and after the incident the same eye of the other began to hurt and twitch.” Headlines like these can always be found in the tabloids. But do they correspond to reality? Do they mean that there is actually a connection between twins that is invisible to others? Do twins have a power that allows them to feel each other?

Rice. Can twins feel each other?

Twins are born into one of 80 families. They spend more time with each other than with other children in the same family, if any, fight less and love each other more. The death of one greatly affects the life of the other.

Exists real story about two women who were twins but were separated from each other as children. Both married lawyers, each of whom was named Steve. The sisters had the same habits, hobbies and much more - from their favorite foods to similar thoughts. How else can this be explained if not by the connection between twins?

A lot of books have been written about all this, which provide “documentary” facts about the existence of a connection between twins. However, this also exists among ordinary brothers or sisters. But no one explores these connections, and if someone is struck by the similarity of their life stories, it is always considered a coincidence and nothing else.

In fact, if you take a closer look at all the cases of communication between twins, it will become clear that there is no mysticism here. Is it such a miracle if women have husbands with the same name and they are both lawyers?

An important factor is that twins have similar DNA. This means that they may have great similarities. In other words, they suffer from the same diseases. If one twin dies of a heart attack, the same may happen to the other. But acquired heart disease does not appear under the influence of genetic reasons, but due to poor lifestyle, poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

There are about 100 million twins in the world. But there are only a few hundred stories of similarities in their lives. This means that 99 percent of them have never experienced anything unusual in their lives. In general, scientists have noticed that they start talking about connections between twins only when something bad happens to them.

Twin Mental Connection Study

A study was conducted in England to determine whether twins are able to transmit thoughts to each other at a distance? One of them was given the task of choosing a drawing from those proposed and fixing it in his mind. At this time, the second one, who was in a completely different room, was asked to guess what the first one had planned or wished for. The same was proposed to be done not for twins, but for close relatives. The twins guessed the other's wish half the time, while the rest guessed only 25% of the time.

After the first experiment, a second one was carried out. During it, the subjects were also kept in different rooms. One had to write a number on a piece of paper, which he then handed to the researcher. At the same time, a relative sitting in another room had to guess what number was written. Neither the twins nor just siblings coped with this task.

Thus, there is no way to answer the question whether there is any connection between the twins or not. Rather, any similarities can be explained by habits, the same state of health and other family connections, and nothing else.

Twins as a phenomenon are of great scientific interest. In the Western world, twins are rare. Approximately every 80th birth is the result of multiple pregnancy. In total, there are about 100 million people on earth who have an identical brother or sister. If you are lucky enough to meet such a couple on the street, they will probably attract your attention. Indeed, there is something magical and otherworldly about this amazing symmetry. Especially considering that modern culture glorifies individualism. How do they live in this cruel world?

They have a lot in common

It seems that the same appearance gives us the right to endow these people with the same character traits. We think that they understand each other perfectly and have a sixth sense when a brother or sister is in danger. They hardly quarrel and are very devoted to each other. We have read many times that twins have the same habits, the same hobbies, and love the same food. They should have everything the same: clothes, cars and even calluses on their fingers. If one of them is allergic to some product, then the second will certainly rush to “support” his brother. They themselves are confident that they can predict each other’s thoughts and anticipate each other’s actions.

Scientists have debunked a persistent myth regarding twins

In fact, the presence of an invisible connection between twins is just beautiful fairy tale, in which our heroes themselves sacredly believed. According to scientists, they feel each other's pain no more acutely than ordinary brothers and sisters who were born several years apart. The same applies to the ability to read or guess each other's thoughts. It seems that a husband and wife who have lived together for 10 years will also be able to boast of some telepathic techniques. Not a single scientific study has yet confirmed the presence of a strong invisible connection between twins. In one British experiment, twins were tested on how well they knew each other. It turned out that they know only 25 percent of information about each other - exactly as much as other brothers and sisters.

How does having a twin affect longevity?

However, the study of the invisible connection between twins is far from the only aspect that worries scientists. There is an opinion that people born as a result of multiple pregnancies live longer than their “single” peers. However, there are also some nuances here. For example, twins live on average shorter than twins, and male pairs live longer than female ones. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

Data provided by the oldest database

During the experiment, archival data of almost 3,000 twins and twins born in Denmark were studied. Research activities were carried out by staff at the University of Washington in Seattle. During the experiment, scientists compared the life expectancy of Danes born between 1870 and 1900. Data were kindly provided by the local Twin Registry. It is worth noting that this data base is one of the oldest on the planet.

Breakdown by category

Two thirds of the experiment participants were twins, one third were identical twins. Life expectancy was compared with the corresponding statistical indicators of those years. The indicators of male and female pairs were also considered separately. Danish women lived to an average of 58 years of age at the end of the 19th century. If a lady had a twin sister, this gave her a chance to live three years longer. But the rates for female twin pairs were the highest - 63 years. Male life expectancy was noticeably shorter - 45 years. But in this category, scientists have found a similar relationship. Average duration the life expectancy of twin men was 6 percent higher. In addition, the researchers compiled full picture regarding the causes of death (including from alcoholism or due to an accident.)

"Protection of the other half"

According to scientists, the genetic factor in this matter fades into the background. Geminis owe their longevity to a social aspect known as “mate protection.” This also applies to married couples who strive to maintain each other's health and warn partners against reckless actions. The caring spouse (or caring twin) takes on the role of caregiver.

For example, married women monitor the proper nutrition of their husbands, send them to the doctor in case of urgent need, and try to prevent their spouse from consuming large amounts of alcohol. According to scientists, the same principle also works within pairs of twins, where one of them takes on the role of guardian. Close people encourage each other to give up bad habits and often become companions when it comes to sports training.

It supports the twins emotionally

A study conducted in 2014 found that married men, as a rule, live longer than single people. There are many advantages to this model of behavior. In addition to mutual control, twins (or spouses) feel emotional support. If it happens to them life problem, they know where to go for advice and comfort. A close emotional connection can relieve stress, anxiety, and even ease depression. Who will be the first to come to the aid of one of the twins during a serious illness? Of course, his soulmate. Well, who will lend money without lectures and moralizing? The answer suggests itself.

It works as a reliable braking system

If we consider the situation on a gender basis, then men are in a more advantageous situation due to the presence of a twin brother. And in this case, the answer lies in psychology, more precisely in behavioral problems. Single men often get involved in risky scams and act impulsively. A twin brother can be compared to having a reliable braking system when driving along a dangerous route. As we can see, close social interaction is important in many aspects of human existence.