Day make-up Shlisselburg. Day makeup

All girls can make up their faces, but not everyone does it right. Therefore, sometimes there are face masks, faces glued to the neck, overdried faces and other misunderstandings. How to learn to paint in order to avoid the main mistakes that most girls made? In fact, this process is not so difficult, but like in any business, to become a pro, you need to train.

Makeup rules: day and evening

Some girls confuse day and night, or don't see much difference. Most often this applies to evening makeup, which can be seen during the day. less often day makeup for the night. However, daytime makeup at night is less awkward than evening makeup during the day. And so, before learning how to learn how to paint, let's determine once and for all where daytime makeup ends and nighttime makeup begins.

For daytime or natural makeup, light shades of shadows, blush, lipstick are used. Natural makeup is as nude as possible, that is, it looks more like highlighting the contours of the face than a full-fledged makeup. Translucent shadows, glosses, blush for contouring and instead of shadows are used. Daytime makeup accepts, or those shades that blend perfectly with the skin color type. Among them are blue, green, gold, brown tones. But they should not be saturated, with abundant flicker. It is best to use matte shadows.

Blush and proofreaders in daytime makeup are welcome, but exceptionally light, translucent. No face sculpting is needed for daytime makeup, especially with a tan effect. The color of the blush should also match, which means that if the girl’s natural blush is closer to peach, then the shade of blush will be like that. Scarlet or red blush serve exclusively for carnival makeup, or should be applied as lightly as possible, almost imperceptibly.

Daytime make-up has not been presented for a long time, so they can be safely drawn. Depending on the cut of the eyes, the arrows can be very small and thin, or, on the contrary, thick and wide. Of course, an obvious search, which does not correspond to either the cut of the eyes or the occasion, immediately catches the eye. No need to compete with friends who have the brighter arrows. Leave such competitions for the night.

Lipstick for daytime makeup, as mentioned above, should be light. But, expanded the boundaries of color to red. Choosing a red lipstick that will go and beautify is not always easy. The main thing is not to give up trying if you really like how it looks on other girls and really want to try it on your lips.

Evening makeup includes everything that was not mentioned above. These are bright, juicy, dark, shimmering shades of shadows. These are oily eyeliner, smokey eyes, long arrows and arrows of various interesting shapes. These are bright, rich blushes, darker proofreaders. And also, lipsticks of any color and with any effect.

Of course, all of the above does not mean that you need to hide your face under a layer of defiantly bright makeup. Evening makeup can be almost monophonic, simple, but with correctly placed accents.

In any case, dark eyes, too active contouring and dark lips remain for the evening, and during the day it is enough to emphasize the natural beauty without hiding it.

How to apply makeup

Well, it's time to tell you how to learn how to paint, where to start and how to finish. We will limit ourselves to daytime makeup using arrows and lipstick instead of gloss.
Before applying base or foundation to the face, swipe it with your fingertips. There should not be any roughness, otherwise the foundation and powder will immediately highlight them. To make the face smooth, it is enough to steam it, do a scrub or peeling, moisturize well and wait 15-20 minutes until the cream is absorbed.

Now you can correct the irregularities. In the case of oily or combination skin First, apply a mattifying base on your face. In addition to the fact that the tonal will lie on it better, it will also help make-up last longer.

Base, correctors, powder

The foundation is applied as thin as possible, and its color should be close to the natural skin tone, or be translucent and adapt to your shade. For application, you can use:

  • fingers- under their warmth, the tonal will be applied to the face fairly evenly;
  • brush- for tonal there are different sizes, making it convenient to apply foundation not only on large areas of the skin, such as cheeks, but also on the folds of the nose, between the eyebrows, under the eyes;
  • beauty blender- he will not allow you to overdo it with tonal, applies it to the face with a thin layer, easy to use;
  • sponge- actually the early ancestor of the beauty blender, but no less convenient, and also does not allow you to turn your face into a mask.

Do not forget that the tonal layer should be thin. In order to dose the application, squeeze the cream onto your finger, covering the pad, and then apply small dots on the face with dotted movements. As soon as you look like a fly agaric, you can rub the tonal with your fingers, brushes or sponges.

To emphasize the cheekbones, you can use the corrector. The shade should be chosen two or three tones darker than the skin tone or tonal. A darker corrector will turn your face into a cranial study guide.

The corrector is applied in a light layer under the cheekbones, along the edges of the forehead, near the nose and, in some cases, the chin or on the lower cheekbones. It all depends on the specific shape of the face.

Shading the corrector is done with fluffy large brushes, which are also used for blush. No clear lines should remain, only a slight shadow.

Blush is selected in accordance with the color type and for daytime makeup should be light and translucent. Brightly highlighted cheeks will definitely not decorate, and under the day color they can also create a completely undesirable effect or look much brighter.

To properly apply blush, it is enough to depict an embarrassed smile when the corners of the lips are raised up, and the lips themselves are slightly compressed. Rounded cheeks need only be brushed a couple of times with a blush brush. Do not overdo it.

How to paint eyes

First of all, you should know exactly your eye shape, size, bulge or hollowness. Also, do not forget that if there are bruises or dark circles under the eyes, they need to be masked with a light corrector.

Large beautiful eyes look great, if nature decided so. But to increase them with arrows or with the help of smokey eyes is not the best way out for daytime makeup. First, ask yourself how many times have you heard compliments about your eyes while wearing no makeup or just lashes. If compliments are frequent, emphasize natural beauty eyes with natural shades of shadows, thin short arrows, mascara with a suitable brush. But, if such compliments are not heard at all, it is worth not only highlighting the eyes more strongly, but also doing it differently than usual.

Sometimes girls hide the beauty of their eyes behind a copious discharge or change in shape. In most cases, these are unjustified maneuvers. The lowered corners of the eyes can be lifted with arrows. Bulging eyes can be tinted with dark shades of beige. With sunken eyes, use light shades. Find your eye shape in the video master class on daytime makeup and repeat it on yourself.

The general rules for how to paint eyes with daytime makeup are as follows:

  • If there is no special base for the shadow, use the base for the face. When applying foundation to the upper eyelid, run your fingers along the eyelids to collect its remnants in the crease of the moving eyelid. Thanks to this, the shadows do not roll in a couple of hours.
  • The shade of the shadows can be from light beige to dark beige, golden, peach, with a redhead. Other colors are also selected - from light to medium saturated.

  • Paint over the moving fold of the upper eyelid with darker shadows. The look will immediately become more expressive and deep.
  • Apply a thin layer of blush or light shadows under the eyebrows. Thus, the eyes open, become fresher and clearer.
  • On the lower eyelid, apply 2 shades of shadow to highlight the inner corner of the eye and darken the outer one. If you are applying only one dark shade, then blend it to half the eye to the outer corner, while not touching the inner one.

  • The arrows can be applied to both the upper and lower eyelids, but in the case of daytime makeup, it is better to limit yourself to only the upper eyelid. In order to draw a neat little arrow, you can use a variety of devices, starting with a stencil and ending with a tablespoon. Do not be afraid to use brown, gold or other light eyeliners, this will only add naturalness to the makeup.

  • Brows. You can use a dark brown soft pencil, dark shadows (if you are dark, then the color of your hair), special mascara for eyebrows. Blondes go with black eyebrows, but without fanaticism. They look especially impressive with slightly regrown dark roots. Brunettes should take a black pencil or shadows. And remember: do not draw the beginning of the eyebrow at the very bridge of the nose; do not extend the tip of the eyebrow to the outer corner of the eye; if overdone, use cotton buds and remove excess.

How to make up lips

If gloss is used for daytime makeup, then eyeliner is not required. If lipstick is used, it is better to outline the contour with a pencil one tone lighter or the same color as lipstick. But do not use a darker shade of the pencil. This is only acceptable for evening make-up with a tarnish.

Do not go far beyond the contour of your own lips with eyeliner, otherwise it will be too noticeable. Do not outline inside the lips, as this can reduce them. It is ideal to outline the lips, protruding 1-2 millimeters above the natural contour.

To make lips shine, you can apply a transparent gloss over lipstick. But, this is a very short-lived effect and it will have to be corrected during the day.

In order for the lipstick to retain its color longer and remain on the lips, it is recommended to put a napkin to your mouth after application and lightly powder your lips through it.

How to learn to paint by video

The easiest way to learn how to paint is to open a video with the makeup you like and follow the advice of a video blogger or makeup artist. If a lot of brushes are used in the video lesson, some intricate tonal, shadows, correctors, you don’t need to be upset that you won’t be able to repeat such a make-up at home. In fact, the use of tools such as kisli or sponges depends on personal convenience. If it is convenient to do everything with your fingers, do so.

Another thing, brushes for shadows. With standard brushes that go with any palette, it is difficult to draw anything worthwhile. But brushes of different sizes for the eyelids can transform the application of makeup, make it more interesting and professional. Therefore, it is worth considering purchasing a couple or more eyeshadow brushes.

If suitable colors, which were indicated in the video, are currently not in the cosmetic bag, write down that you liked them so that when you go to the store you don’t rack your brains for a long time which palette to take. Use available colors that are as close as possible in shade to the video tutorial, or also blend well.

If some point in the video tutorial is not relevant for you, just skip this step. Girls under 25 can generally ignore the correction of the skin around the eyes when the model from the video is an adult woman. Likewise, women over 30 should understand that they cannot skip any makeup steps unless the young model in the video mentions and shows them.

Watch different videos, mix techniques, add your own, be beautiful! And for everyone who still does not believe in the power of makeup, be sure to watch the comic videos below, how to do and how not to do makeup.

To do beautiful make-up, it is not enough just to have a set of quality professional cosmetics, you need to know the basic rules for its creation and be able to apply them in practice. A neat make-up always looks spectacular, attracting the attention of others. Young woman, tech-savvy its application, it can easily be transformed, emphasizing its advantages and causing enthusiastic compliments. In this article we will tell you how to apply makeup correctly, because this is a whole art, which is not so difficult to learn if you follow the main rules.

How to learn how to do makeup in stages

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to a woman's face, with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully obscured. Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and powdering the skin, liner eyebrows, eyes, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

If the chosen type of makeup provides for a bright accent on the lips or eyes, then the sequence of applying cosmetics can be changed. Be sure to consider the time of day and your color type, choosing the shades and intensity of applying cosmetics. The main rule before starting to create any makeup is a thorough cleansing and moisturizing of the skin of the face. To do this, you can use a special tonic lotion or cream-based milk.

How to apply foundation and foundation step by step

  1. We apply the base. Before applying the foundation, you need to prepare the skin. To do this, you will need a special makeup base. Girls with oily or combination skin should opt for a product with a matting effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, we hide circles, swelling under the eyes with the help of a corrector. Do this with the fingertips, soft patting movements.
  2. Apply foundation. It should cover the sharp boundaries of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face more “soft”, gentle. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. Applying cream. Do not make too thick a layer of tone on your face, because even the highest quality and expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream on the inside of the palm of your hand and begin to gently apply it with a brush, moving from the borders of the face to its center. Blend thoroughly all over the skin. Lightly powder the foundation layer with a soft brush - this will give the face a natural look.

When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color for the base and foundation. Too light shades will make the face doll-like, inanimate. The dark ones are able to create an unnatural contrast with the neck and other naked parts of the body. When choosing a tone, apply it to the inside of the brush - the product should completely match the color of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hand. To correct the shape of the face, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural and darker. The first is applied to the entire face in an even thin layer. The second is applied zonal, depending on the type of face.

  • For owners square shape faces it is recommended to apply a light tone to the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. dark remedy it is worth treating the area at the hairline, at the corners of the jaw and temples. The boundaries between transitions should be carefully shaded.
  • Round face should be light foundation, and with the help of a dark tool, visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cheeks and temples.
  • Girls with a triangular face you need to apply a light tone on the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this way you focus on the center of the face. Cover the line of the cheeks and forehead with a dark tone.
  • With an elongated face it is necessary to darken the lower part of the chin - this will visually shorten the face. Do not spare blush for the cheeks, because such an accent also helps to draw attention to the middle of the face.
  • On a pear-shaped face (narrow above, full below) a light tone should highlight the forehead area, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin. dark tone applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

Learn how to make beautiful eyebrows from scratch

To give eyebrows nice shape, pencil or shadows suitable color carefully bring the bend of the eyebrow and its end - these parts should have a clear outline. Gently blend the main part of the eyebrow with the selected cosmetics. Start eyeliner from the middle and bend. Keep in mind that the tip and bend of the eyebrow should be slightly raised, with this technique you will make the look more open and expressive.

Applying eye shadow

How to apply eye makeup correctly? The first thing to consider for a beginner is what type of makeup you need to do. For a daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of shadows and a dark brown or black pencil. With a soft movement of the pencil, shade the lash line and the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid. Visually, the eyelashes will appear thick, and the eyes will acquire an expressive beautiful shape.

Apply shadows with a round applicator or brush. If you don’t know which tone suits you, you can use universal shades - gray and brown tones are considered to be them. To achieve an increase in the eyes, apply light shadows on the inside of the eye, dark ones on the outside. Matte shadows in pastel colors look natural. This makeup can be used in everyday life. For evening make-up, choose mother-of-pearl warm or cold tones. The final step is to apply mascara to the eyelashes.

How to apply lipstick

To emphasize the natural beauty of the lips, choose light, but not very pale lipstick colors. Fresh shades are perfect for a summer make-up or a light one. Choose light coral, sheer berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, the lips should not look bright, but expressive. It doesn’t matter what the girl chooses - lipstick or gloss, both products are allowed to create a classic make-up. If she prefers to use lipstick to get an even layer and a clear contour, apply it with a brush.

Check out tips for beginners on how to make a beautiful day or evening.

What should be considered for the right make-up

To make the right makeup yourself, it is important to take into account many aspects. For example, skin features, complexion, eye color, hair. So, rich bright colors are suitable for light-blond girls, dark shades should be preferred for dark-skinned brunettes, and the whole gamut of beige and gold will suit brown-haired women. The choice of makeup should also be based on the intended purpose - evening and daytime make-up are very different.

eye color

The shade of the shadows must necessarily be combined with the color of the eyes. Green-eyed girls need to use warm colors to create makeup. The beauty of green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shadows. Brown eyes should be shaded with ash-gray shades, brown-beige colors. For blue eyes suitable shades of the cold spectrum, such as smoky, white, blue flowers.

Hair color

The selected tonal means should be in harmony with the girl's hair color. Dark-haired women should not deviate too much from their natural skin tone. The finished makeup should look as natural as possible and refresh the appearance, and not make a mask out of the face. Avoid bright contrasting color combinations. It is better for fair-haired women to use exclusively light colors, and in summer you can revive makeup light bronze tint.

Video tutorials on creating the perfect makeup

How to apply makeup at home? Such a question, for sure, every girl asked herself, because the right make-up is a whole science. With the help of high-quality makeup, it is easy to completely change the appearance, hiding imperfections and emphasizing the advantages of the face. Because every girl cares about her own appearance, it is worth learning the basics of creating the perfect makeup. Otherwise, poorly selected and incorrectly applied products can play a bad joke on you, visually making your face even fuller or turning a gentle and sweet beauty into a vulgar lady.

How to do evening smoky eyes makeup

Unlike daytime make-up, the tones of which should be discreet and hardly noticeable, evening make-up involves rich shades and clear lines. As a rule, evening makeup is applied depending on the personal preferences of the girls: the emphasis can be placed either on the lips or on the eyes. This video tutorial shows how to make eyes brighter using the smokey ice technique, which literally means "smoky eye". Thanks to this type of makeup, the look becomes languid and seductive.

Daily make-up for the impending century

You should never deviate from the main rule of a successful make-up - it should always correspond to the circumstances: make up brightly at the disco; when creating office makeup, stick to calm tones; going to the beach, give up make-up at all. When applying daytime makeup, keep in mind that it should be light and discreet. The correct make-up looks so natural that it seems that the girl is not wearing makeup. The video shows one of the options for applying daytime makeup for the impending century.

Wet (wet) eye makeup

The effect of wet eyelids is back in fashion. Beauty magazines are full of photos of models with glossy eye makeup. However, "wet" make-up is found exclusively on the pages of fashion publications or on the catwalk. This is justified by the fact that it lasts a maximum of half an hour, after which it begins to lose its original appearance. How to achieve such an effect, what cosmetics should be used? With the help of the video, you will find out the answers to the questions posed and will be able to learn how to do wet eye makeup.

They should not be confused, especially when ordinary daily activities are coming up, and not performing on stage or just having a party with friends.

We bring to your attention a few tips on the technique of daytime makeup, having mastered which, you can emphasize the features of your face, give them expressiveness and, if possible, hide any flaws in your appearance. From this article you will learn how to make daytime makeup so that it is not bright and outrageous. Having received recommendations on the correct daytime makeup, you will never forget about the main requirement for this type of make-up - naturalness. Before you properly do daytime makeup, remember that despite its external simplicity, it requires special skill. However, do not despair - our tips on how to apply daytime makeup will help you master this difficult procedure in a matter of days.

Day makeup: how to apply foundation

Since daytime makeup is primarily a correction of facial features, makeup artists advise not to neglect foundation. However, it is important to choose the most suitable for the natural skin tone of the face in daylight.

In the cold season, the foundation serves as an additional protection for the skin of the face from adverse weather effects.

Before you make a beautiful daytime makeup, you need to apply foundation. If it is necessary to hide any skin defects, then the foundation can be one tone darker than the skin color. In order not to accidentally focus on wrinkles, foundation should be applied with a damp sponge.

In the summer, the foundation should be used to a minimum, since the heat produces fat and sweat on the skin and the cream can “leak”.

How to do daytime makeup: colors and tones

Blush used for daytime makeup should only be in natural shades. Blush should not be bright and applied in a thick layer.

When answering the question “how to do daytime makeup”, makeup artists advise focusing on only one part of the face. So, for example, if the eyes are more pronounced, then you should not apply on the lips. bright lipstick, and vice versa.

For daytime makeup, it is better to use shades of pastel colors. Eye makeup should be in harmony primarily with the color of the iris, hair and skin color, and it does not have to be combined with the tone of the clothes. For everyday makeup you should not outline your eyes with a bold black line or liquid eyeliner, especially for those whose eyes are not very large anyway. However, given that the retro style is now returning to fashion, “arrows” are acceptable, but it is better to make them with a lighter tone pencil (brown or gray). It is best to make eyeliner along the upper eyelid from the middle to outside eyes.

How to make beautiful daytime makeup

Lips with daytime makeup should not be too brightly made up or sparkle with sparkles. In this case, the use of lipstick in soft tones is optimal. Sometimes, if a woman has a naturally defined lip line, lip gloss may be enough. If necessary, the clarity of the outline of the lips can be achieved using a contour pencil of the same color as the lipstick, or a shade darker.

Bright flashy colors and a thick layer of makeup on the face during the day will look like an inappropriate carnival mask.

Day makeup should not be weighed down by thickly applying lengthening mascara or mascara to give volume to the eyelashes. Brunettes can do without mascara at all or slightly emphasize eyelashes with mascara of any color, including black. While blondes are best to use brown mascara: makeup will look softer and more natural. Daytime eye makeup should not be too bright!

Day makeup is the basic skills to apply decorative cosmetics. Having mastered the technique of applying it, moving on to more complex evening options will already be a matter of skill and time. Nevertheless, it is the basics of everyday makeup that require a particularly scrupulous approach to ourselves: dozens of people we meet at work, in public places, supermarkets and just on the street - somewhere among them is a fateful person. And it is extremely important at the right, but sudden moment to look “one hundred percent”, while being natural and organic.

The term “daytime” itself is applied to countless variations of makeup application techniques. Combine their uniform rules applicable to this type of makeup:

  • Day makeup is always a soft makeup. The hackneyed truth, which, it would seem, is familiar to everyone, but it is not always interpreted correctly. Dim - it does not mean faded or using a minimum of tools and textures. Dim - it means harmonious in relation to skin tone, hair color and color type of appearance in general.
  • Daytime makeup does not mean “makeup in haste”. On the contrary, it is with this makeup that most young ladies go to work, to the office or to a series of meetings that takes 6-10 or even more hours. Such a time interval is a serious test for the durability of cosmetics.
  • Deserves special mention summer day makeup. Among all other seasons, summer is the most problematic period in terms of the use of decorative cosmetics. The reason for that is heat, which is able to melt any agent marked "super resistant". And the point is not so much the activity of the sun, but the special behavior of the skin during the hot period - at this time, the sebaceous glands are very active in secreting sebum in order to avoid overheating of the body. Therefore, makeup in the summer requires a thorough approach and the use of measures to maintain it.

How to do daytime makeup: instructions

Before proceeding directly to the description of the steps for performing makeup, it is worth recalling once again that all masterpiece paintings began from a blank canvas. In this case, faces. Well-groomed, illuminated health from the inside, the skin is a valuable and rare decoration in itself. Therefore, a clean, moisturized and exfoliated face from dead cells of the dermis is the first, main and unshakable stage of the daily technique.


Step 1. The key to uniformity, durability and the absence of unsightly spots on the face during the day is the base, or primer, applied under the main foundation. For some reason, many people ignore this tool, some even believe that the base can harm the skin by clogging the pores. But modern cosmetics have a pleasant structure, gently care for the skin and, on the contrary, close the pores, preventing the absorption of subsequent products and extending the “wearing period” of makeup by an average of two times. If the budget is limited, a BB cream applied in a minimal amount can be an excellent base. Before applying foundation, wait 2-3 minutes for the primer to fully adhere to the skin.

Step 2. It's time for the toner. This is one of the most widely represented segments of decorative cosmetics. Mousses and fluids, liquid and gel-like, light-reflecting and matting - there are plenty of textures and shades. Light day makeup always implies an even and uniform complexion. To achieve this, it is necessary not only to choose the most natural shade of the product, but also to apply it correctly - not with your fingers, but with a brush or cosmetic sponge. These tools will blend any product into a translucent, without a hint of a “mask” coating, avoiding obvious transition boundaries and the appearance of spots over time.

Step 3. Particular attention needs to be paid to those areas of the skin on which small defects are most noticeable and common - the area of ​​the lower eyelid, the inner corners of the eyes and the wings of the nose. Almost all girls in these areas have either redness, or, on the contrary, bruises and swelling. In the first case, the defect is perfectly hidden by a corrector with a green pigment that neutralizes redness, and in the second case, by a pronounced yellow pigment of a concealer or corrector. And it is better to apply these products, just with your fingers - the warmth of the hands will allow you to distribute the structure most evenly.

Step 4. As a rule, at this stage, the transition to the design of eyebrows and eyes is carried out. But regardless of the sequence of application, one should take into account important rule: all fatty (creamy, liquid, gel, etc.) products are applied before dry and pressed textures are used. Therefore, if, for example, cream blush is used, then they should be applied exactly at this stage, and not at the final stage, as it should be done when using traditional compact blush.

Daily eye makeup

The eyes are the main and only accent allowed in the daytime. Yes, juicy bright lips in the morning gradually expand the time frame of their presence, but most office structures and business events still do not accept this. Therefore, special attention should be paid to eye makeup technique.

Step 1. Eyelid skin requires a separate primer for itself for two reasons: the type and properties of the eyelid differ from the skin type of the whole face, and the intense nature of the movement of the eyelid during the day imposes the need for a more thorough fixation of cosmetics on it. The main condition is the minimum amount of base for the eyelids, because. its excess will inevitably lead to the opposite effect - the rapid disappearance of cosmetics.

Step 2. The time for applying shadows is an acceptable range: all shades of brown, flesh, pastel colors. The lightest of the shades used is applied to the entire eyelid, lower eyelid and under the eyebrow - this tone should practically merge with the skin, only leveling the color.

Step 3. The tone, average in pigment saturation, is superimposed on the center of the moving eyelid and gently blended into the base one with soft movements of the brush. The most saturated pigment should be applied to the outer corner and also carefully blended until the clear boundaries of the transition disappear - you should always strive for a gradient effect.

Step 4. It remains to bring the ciliary line with a pencil and make up the eyelashes. If daytime makeup with arrows is performed (they should be extremely moderate), then after applying eyeliner in desired form arrows, before using mascara, the eyelid must be gently powdered with a fluffy brush - this will avoid imprinting eyeliner on the upper eyelid.


It is authentically known that the eyebrows “make” the face, this stage should not be ignored.

  1. Comb the eyebrows a little up, then duplicate with a pencil, 1-2 tones more saturated than their color, hair growth, giving the eyebrow line the desired shape - this is done with stroke-like movements strictly along the hair growth.
  2. If there are "gaps" in the shape or density, then pay special attention to them, following the naturalness of the pattern.
  3. Comb the eyebrows again to smooth out the strokes and fix with a colorless or tinting gel.

Lips and fixation

The final touches remain:

  • apply blush on the "apples" of the cheekbones;
  • powder your face with loose powder;
  • apply lip gloss or translucent lipstick.

Despite weekdays, every girl wants to look beautiful and attractive. To create a bright daytime look, you will need the ability to apply cosmetics correctly, taking into account your type and color type, in order to look perfect. It's time to learn the secrets of daily makeup.

What is

A modern make-up is a combination of cosmetic products that create a soft make-up, which makes the image of a girl natural, emphasizing the natural features of the face. In a daytime make-up, bright and shiny shades of decorative cosmetics are very rarely present. Mostly you can find light bed shades and a natural color palette.

This make-up is appropriate:

  • At work;
  • on a walk;
  • Houses;
  • at a photo shoot, for an image in a photo;
  • on a date;
  • at a meeting with friends;
  • and other events suggesting an everyday image.

Fashionable daytime makeup differs in the technique of applying cosmetics, depending on the desire of the girl, on her appearance and on her capabilities.

For a casual look, girls, first of all, should study the current trends used by leading makeup artists to get a harmonious look.

To create the right daytime make-up, we take into account the features of the girl's facial features: hide flaws and emphasize dignity. Many fashionistas prefer, not considering fashion trends, use classic daytime makeup, the essence of which is to highlight one part of the face.

Creation features

How to do daytime makeup? To do this, you should know some nuances:

  • It is worth knowing that in a casual look we focus only on one part of the face, either on the eyes or on the lips.
  • Remember that this type of make-up does not tolerate clear graphic lines, it is worth applying a cosmetic product with strokes, while blending well.
  • The color scheme of cosmetic products should be one or two shades darker than the natural color of the skin, but the foundation should be as natural as possible.
  • It is ideal to apply cosmetics when the entire face is illuminated, and not part of it, which can block the entire correct view.
  • For a daytime look, we use light bed shades or natural ones.
  • It is worth avoiding shiny painted eyes, shades of mother-of-pearl shades, this is the difference between daytime and evening make-up.

Sculpting depending on the type of face

Day makeup rules

Leading makeup artists teach how to apply daytime makeup to create a casual look for girls.


  1. Before applying cosmetics, thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face and moisturize it.
  2. Products should be applied with cosmetic accessories. These are sponges or brushes for creating more natural strokes and shading in the image. Wet brushes and sponges are also used for easier blending of the product.
  3. When performing daytime eye makeup, we always remember the rules of makeup used when sculpting the face: we increase with light shades, and dark color reduce or shrink.
  4. Before applying foundation, be sure to correct all skin imperfections with a tint corrector or some other specialized cosmetic product.
  5. To achieve a uniform skin tone, either foundation or loose powder is used.
  6. Shades of eye shadow, eyeliner or eyeliner should be natural.
  7. Eyebrows should not stand out too brightly against the background of the face. We use an unobtrusive color of an eyebrow pencil or simply fix the shape with a colorless gel.
  8. The apples of the cheeks should be tinted with a blush of a light natural shade.
  9. On the lips, you should apply either a transparent gloss or a matte nude lipstick.

Step by step application

The cosmetics used to create the image are selected in advance, preferably in the evening, to save time before leaving the house. We clean the skin well and apply a moisturizer, then proceed to create the image.

  1. Simple daytime makeup step by step:
  2. Corrector removes all the imperfections of the skin of the face, then apply foundation or just loose powder on the skin of the face, even out its tone.
  3. The next step in creating a make-up is eyebrow make-up, we emphasize with a pencil a tone darker than the natural shade of the hairs, or simply comb the eyebrows well and fix them with a transparent gel.
  4. For the design of the eyes, you should use a palette of one shade, both shadows and eyeliner or pencil. The eye make-up technique is the application of light shades in the corners of the eye and further darkening to the outer corner.
  5. We correct the shape of the face with a bronzer and highlighter, darken those parts of the face that we want to reduce, usually the forehead at the roots of the hair, the temporal zone, cheekbones and under the jaw. We lighten the tick above the lip, the corner of the eye, under the eyebrow and on the cheek. Next, apply blush on the cheeks.
  6. We paint over the lips.
  7. The final step consists in fixing with a specialized cosmetic product, or with ordinary thermal water or powder.

Nude lip shades

The choice of technique depending on the color of the eyes

When creating a daily eye make-up, we take into account the natural color of the iris:

  • for brown eyes we use sand, lilac or gray shades of shadows, for eyeliner or eyeliner we use a black or brown shade;
  • for green eyes, light purple, lavender, rust colors or copper-gold hues are suitable, use black eyeliner or pencil;
  • for blue eyes, we prefer blue, golden, peach or brown-beige shades, and eyeliner or pencil should be used in brown or black.

By hair color

For a casual look, girls should take into account the color of their hair in order to choose daytime makeup options.

For blondes
Blondes should focus on the eyes, choose the shadows depending on the color of the eyes. Consider step by step the creation of the image. Brown-eyed blondes should use khaki and chocolate, green-eyed girls should use peach and dark colors of shadows in their arsenal.

Blue-eyed blondes are advised to use shades of purple, blue and silver. With a bright make-up of the eyes, it is worth using a transparent glossy gloss or a discreet lip color. If you want to correctly focus on the lips, then you should choose lipstick based on the color of the eyes, and at the same time, the eyes should not be highlighted, but simply outlined with a smoky contour of a suitable eyeshadow color. The color of lipstick for brown-eyed blondes is to choose classic red. For green-eyed blondes, brown shades should be used. matte lipsticks, blue-eyed blondes should choose shades of pink or berry.

For brunettes
For brunettes, we use warmer colors of cosmetics. It is worth putting on makeup, focusing on the lips, the eyes should not be highlighted with makeup, especially Brown eyes already bright in nature.

It is worth using daytime makeup with arrows and neutral shades of shadows. We choose the color of lipstick based on the color of the eyes, for example, brown-eyed and green-eyed brunettes should pay attention to dark shades of red lipsticks or brown, blue-eyed brunettes will suit pink lipstick. To emphasize the eyes, you should look for matte and pastel lipstick colors.

In whatever situation the girl may be, she should always look well-groomed and beautiful. It is for this that it is worth making a beautiful daytime makeup that will emphasize all the advantages and hide the flaws. It will perfectly refresh the summer casual look of a girl of any type.