Craft military uniform for February 23rd templates

We will start preparing for the men's holiday with the simplest cards for February 23rd. Children will be able to do some of them even without mom’s help, and dad will certainly be happy)

And the first of them will be made in the form of a military uniform.

The materials you need are the simplest:

  • paper (green, yellow, red, black and white)
  • scissors
  • PVA glue
  • ruler
  • pencil

Cut a sheet of A4 paper into 4 equal parts. Take one of them and make 2 small cuts on top. Fold them to form a shirt collar. Cut out a small tie from black paper and glue it under the collar of your shirt.

From paper Green colour cut out a rectangle (the height is equal to the height of the shirt from the base to the shoulders, and the width is 2 times the width of the shirt). Fold the paper to form the lapels of the uniform, and bend the top corners slightly. Then cut out shoulder straps and 3 from yellow paper round buttons. All that remains is to “put” the finished uniform on the shirt and solemnly present the card to dad on February 23rd!

A similar, but more “adult” version of such a postcard is offered by Alexandra Parkhomenko:

Card cuff

And another simple version of a postcard for dad. Why not make it in the original shape of a shirt cuff? All you need to do is cut a rectangle out of paper and round the top 2 corners. Then, very carefully, use a stationery knife to make 2 small slits for the buttons. All that remains is to fold the cuff in half and glue it along the very edge, and then glue on 2 buttons!

You can decorate the cuff as you wish, add a greeting message, stick on stars, etc., but you need to do this BEFORE you glue it to the side!

Figured card with a star

The next card is also easy to make, but quite interesting. To make it, print this blank on a regular A4 sheet (you can draw it yourself):

Cut out a star from beautiful colored paper and glue it to outside postcards.

To cut out exactly the same star as on the template, print immediately
2 blanks: one will go on a postcard, and from the other you will cut out a star, and then trace it on beautiful colored paper.

The inscription “February 23” can also be made without using a printer: write completely by hand or cut out numbers from paper, and write the month.

Postcard made from... matches

Matches are not a toy for children, but nevertheless, under the supervision of a mother, matches can be used to make a very original basis for a future postcard. Gradually grease thick cardboard with PVA glue and place matches on it in a checkerboard pattern. You can decorate the postcard with fragments cut out from a purchased postcard or you can draw it yourself, and then cut it out and glue it.

Volumetric postcard

Children will be able to do voluminous postcards by February 23. You just need to understand the principle by which they are made.

A blank for the future postcard is cut out of thick paper. Then it is bent in half and 2 small cuts are made in the very center with a stationery knife. The result should be a cut strip of paper right in the center of the card.

Now you can cut out a larger blank from colored paper - it will serve as the front part of the postcard. And then a blank with a slot should be glued to this front part. In this case, the slot DOES NOT STICK, but bends into the inside of the postcard like a step.

You can make 3 steps, as shown in the photo,
then the central picture will hold up better.

The base of the postcard is ready, all that remains is to find a suitable “military” picture, print it, cut it out and glue it to the steps. And don't forget to sign the card before handing it over!

Postcard with a boat

If dad served navy, then the child can make a postcard for him or even a whole picture with paper boat. To do this, you will need thick cardboard as the basis of the entire composition, colored pencils, glue (Moment-gel is suitable) and a sheet of paper for making a boat.

Then everything is simple: colored pencils are glued to cardboard or a photo frame along the entire perimeter. A boat is rolled out of paper and glued directly to the center of the composition. Draw the sea and the sun with pencils, and the gift for dad is ready!

MEGA-simple stylish postcard

In conclusion, I would like to show you another idea for a simple card, which nevertheless looks very stylish and festive. To make it, you will have to call your mother for help, but children can cut out the base for the card and 3 stars from beautiful decorative paper on their own. Then mom will only have to sew the stars onto the paper base. How do you like this idea? greeting card from February 23rd? 🙂

We hope that you will like the proposed ideas and you will definitely use them to make cards for all the defenders in your family)

One of the important holidays is just around the corner - Defender of the Fatherland Day. If you still can’t figure out what to give to your beloved men, then create unique gifts for them with your own hands. This article contains the easiest, but at the same time, interesting and detailed master classes DIY crafts for February 23rd that your child can easily present to dad or grandfather as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. I present to you the 10 best master classes - how to make crafts for February 23rd with your own hands with step-by-step photographs.

This approach to solving the problem of finding an unforgettable gift is traditional when children give gifts to their fathers and grandfathers on February 23. How many such gifts are created by children's hands! To do this, they use not only a variety of paper and plasticine, but also candies, ribbons, ice cream sticks and many other unusual items.

The availability and convenience of such materials make it possible to constantly use them, and to use them in a new way with each new craft. It's no secret that the same materials can be used in crafts of varying complexity. There are many similar master classes, which are also aimed at children of different ages and with different skills.

Most often, children choose airplanes as a gift for February 23rd. But there are a huge number of ways to create them, as well as possible materials for this: cardboard, paper, matchboxes and much more. In this master class I will show you how to make an airplane from plastic bottle using papier-mâché technique.

We take a plastic bottle, in my case it is a small 0.5 liter water bottle. Cut it off with a knife just above the middle, and also cut off the spout of the bottle.

We make cuts on both sides and connect the pieces.

If you wish, you can copy our sketch and transfer it to a sheet of A4 paper, folded in half.

Using glue and tape, attach the wings and tail.

For airplane wheels you need 6 plastic bottle caps. Using tape, we connect two and four covers together.

We glue the wheels and begin to cover the plane with pieces of newspaper, having previously soaked them with PVA glue using the papier-mâché technique.

Cover the top layer with white paper or white napkins. After all the layers of the craft have dried, paint the finished plane with acrylic paint.

All that remains is to add a star-shaped applique, and cut out photographs can be glued to the portholes.

Our plane is ready to fly!

02. DIY plasticine tank

A tank made with your own hands from plasticine is an excellent craft for Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can later take it to an exhibition or give it to your grandfather, dad or brother.

For this master class we will need green, black and red plasticine, also a piece of wire, a toothpick and a pencil.

We will make the lower part of the tank body in the form of a rectangular block, sharpening one of its sides.

We prepare two black strips, pressing them along the entire length with a toothpick, 10 large cakes and 4 small ones made of green plasticine.

Press down the flatbreads back pencil and draw the axes with the tip of a toothpick.

We put together 5 wheels and 2 small ones on each side, we wrap them around the track.

Place green protection tape on top.

Glue the tracks on the sides.

Take the second green block.

We glue it on, bevelling the front part with a stack.

We attach the barrel in front and add small parts, an antenna and a star made of red plasticine.

Our plasticine tank is ready!

In this lesson we will make such a simple plane out of cardboard.

Draw all the parts of the plane.

For the case, you can take a juice box.

We cut out the blanks as shown in the photo. Red paper stars.

Glue the tail of the plane to a matchbox.

The cardboard plane is ready!

This gift can be made for dad or brother. For this master class you will need:

  • candies;
  • cling film;
  • toothpicks;
  • scotch;
  • penoplex;
  • blue corrugated paper;
  • silver cord;
  • glue.

Cut out a circle from penoplex.

You can first draw a sketch of the steering wheel on paper, then transfer it to penoplex.

We decorate the edges with a cord.

Wrap the candies in cling film.

We attach them to a toothpick using tape.

We decorate the steering wheel with ready-made candies.

Our sweet steering wheel is ready!

05. Tank made of two sponges

This craft can be a wonderful gift from a child for the holidays of May 9 or February 23. Its production will not take much time, and the materials needed will be a sponge for washing dishes. Our master class shows the step-by-step production of a tank from scrap materials.

To work you will need:

  1. two green sponges;
  2. scissors;
  3. ruler;
  4. dark felt-tip pen;
  5. glue gun;
  6. ruble coin;
  7. green straw.

We tear off a dense layer from one of the sponges.

On the back side of this dense layer of sponge, using a ruble coin and a dark felt-tip pen, draw six circles.

Let's cut them out.

Then we take a glue gun and use it to attach these circles to the sides of the other sponge (three circles on each side).

Let's start making the turret of our tank. To do this, on the remaining soft part of the sponge (from which the dense layer was torn off) we mark a square with sides of 4 cm.

Cut out the tower with scissors.

Cut 8 cm from the green straw - this will be the barrel of our tank. We insert it into the tower, having previously made a small depression in it using scissors.

Apply hot glue to the underside of the tower.

We attach the tower to the main part.

If you wish, you can decorate the tank; to do this, cut out small stars from red cardboard.

Glue them on sides towers. Our tank is ready.

Such a craft will not only a good gift on February 26, but will also serve as a toy for a boy.

This star is very easy to make - for it we need wire, red yarn and PVA glue.

Using pliers, we make a star out of wire.

Leave to dry.

To create this airplane you will need wooden clothespins, two popsicle sticks, a piece of cardboard for the tail, two thin wooden tubes and acrylic paints.

Using hot glue and straws, attach the ice cream sticks together.

We make a tail blank from cardboard.

Glue the tail to a clothespin.

We paint the finished plane with acrylic paints.

Instilling a sense of patriotism in children is one of the most important tasks of teachers and parents. But for the children younger age It’s not enough to just talk about the war, about battles, victories and defeats. For them, visual aids, games and activities dedicated to military topics occupy a very important place.

Therefore, a child should not only hear about the war, but also watch illustrations, filming, photographs, and also capture his emotions in drawings or crafts. Despite the fact that knitting is mainly done by girls, this applique will undoubtedly arouse interest among young defenders of the Fatherland.

To knit the “Tank” applique, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Hook No. 1;
  • Yarn of medium thickness, for example, “Jeans”;
  • Decorative star. If you don't find one, you can take it from New Year's pendants for decorating the Christmas tree;
  • Scissors
  • Glue “Moment”, preferably transparent.

We start knitting appliqués with its “caterpillars”. To do this, we cast on 10 air loops.

Then we knit 3 more air loops for lifting, and after that we knit single crochets to the end of the row. In the very last loop of the row we knit 7-8 double crochets to make a “fan” of loops. If the edge bends at this point, then increase the number of single crochets, since the applique should be flat.

Next, we knit double crochets along the opposite edge to the very last loop, where we started the row. In this loop we again make a “fan” of double crochets, but in smaller quantities than in the previous case, since there are already several loops in this place. As a result, you should end up with an elongated oval like this - the “caterpillar” of the tank.

In the second row, first we knit 5 single crochets.

After this, we make 1 air loop to highlight the beginning of knitting the upper part of the tank.

Turn the knitting and knit 8 single crochets again.

To make a tank cannon in this place, we knit 5 chain stitches.

Add another loop for lifting, and then along these air loops We knit single crochets to the end of the row, including 8 tank “cabin” loops.

Turn the applique again and knit 8 single crochets. To finish the work, use Moment glue to carefully glue the star onto the “cabin” of the tank.

The “Tank” application is ready. It can be used to make postcards for Victory Day, February 23, or any other themed crafts.

Are you preparing a gift for a man? Nothing to decorate with gift box? Or maybe you have prepared original postcard and do you need a bright accent for it? A made male flower will help you get out of any situation. To create such masterpieces, you can use candy wrappers, notebook leaves, craft paper, and anything else.

On the Internet you can find special sheets that need to be cut.

You can take any designer paper with a neutral or masculine pattern.

Some people might like this color option.

So, let's start creating. To work you need:

  • The paper described above is 5x5 cm in size. Having mastered the technique, you can create flowers of any size. The paper may be neatly cut or have torn edges.
  • Glue for fixing modules.

First flower option
Fold the module in half, then in half again to make a smaller square.

You need to make 8 modules in this way.

Four modules must be glued to any piece of paper with a small gap, placing the folded corner inward.

Then, in exactly the same way, only without indents, we glue four more modules on top, rotating them 45 degrees.

We decorate the middle, curl the edges a little, and the stylish decoration is ready.

If, when gluing the first four modules, you leave a larger gap between them, the flower will look different.
A more complex flower

Fold the paper squares as shown in the photo.

First, a diagonal line is found, then the sides of the square are tucked towards it. The resulting airplane is folded in half lengthwise. We make 8 identical modules. Last step: you need to carefully insert the modules into one another, using the resulting pockets.

At the output we get original decoration for a man's gift.

In this case, glue will only be needed to fix the finished decor directly on gift item. If you make modules from squares with the same pattern, fold the modules exactly the same, relative to the pattern, then your flowers will look neater and acquire an additional pattern.

This cute tank can be made from matchboxes and colored paper.

We cover the boxes with green paper as shown in the photo. For the tower we take a green cap from a plastic bottle, for the barrel we wrap a toothpick in green paper.

We cut out the wheels from black paper.

All that remains is to assemble all the parts and the tank is ready!

Card with a surprise for dad

See how to make such an original one here.

How to make a tank out of money

If your man served in tank forces or is simply an expert in playing “tank”, then make him something like this original gift — .

DIY gift for a man

How to make another very original one, see here.

Original gift set “Grow greens”

See how to make this original one here.

Crafts for February 23rd, created by a child with his own hands with great care and attention, are of great value on this holiday.

A unique gift will bring joy not only to the parents, but also to the child himself, because with its help he will express his love for them. Let him bring joyful emotions to your loved ones!

Not all men have a positive attitude towards useless gifts, therefore, help your child create a craft with his own hands that will be useful and will not gather dust somewhere in the closet. If you think a little, the created gift can turn out to be much more surprising and practical than the purchased one.

See how to make other crafts for February 23 here.

Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, Public Institution “Zheleznogorsk Social Assistance Center”, Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region.
Description: Very important holiday the people of our country will celebrate February 23rd. On this day we congratulate fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, boys, and men we know. It will be nice to receive a handmade postcard as a gift.

Purpose: This master class is intended for children of primary school age, teachers and creative people, additional education teachers.
Target: Making a greeting card for February 23rd.
1. Strengthen skills and abilities in working with paper.
2. Foster independence and accuracy.
3. Develop Creative skills, fantasy, imagination, aesthetic feelings.

History of the Russian uniform
From the end of the 18th century, the uniform showed belonging to the nobility: under Catherine II, noble uniforms were introduced by province and “uniform dresses” for landowners by province; they differed in the fabric and color of the dress, collar, cuffs, etc. Establishments and changes in uniforms were carried out only with the sanction of the emperors, on their initiative, and sometimes according to their own drawings.
A uniform could accompany a person all his life: the uniform of a secondary educational institution, higher education, military, civilian, retirement “with the uniform.” The uniform was seen as a reward; it was seen as a sign of corporate community; they were proud of him. When choosing a guards regiment for service, great attention was paid to the attractiveness of the uniform. Receiving a new uniform and the assignment associated with it were important event in the life of a civil servant; it happened to be accompanied by the painting of a ceremonial portrait, in which the uniform was depicted as fully and in detail as possible, and the person being portrayed was surrounded by professional attributes. Sewing, orders, awards and honors. the signs turned the uniform into a work of applied art.
Military uniforms
The first information about military uniforms in Russia dates back to 1661, when each of the rifle regiments received caftans, hats and boots of a special color. At the end of the 17th century, the military uniform was modernized and brought closer to Western European models. In the 1720s, wide caftans were introduced for each branch of the army:
in the infantry - dark green with red collars, camisoles, and knee-length pants;
dragoons have blue ones with white collars, etc.;
for artillerymen and engineers - red with blue, then black collars and cuffs, etc.
Subsequently, every two to three decades, the uniform of the military uniform is changed and modernized. The cut of the uniform sometimes corresponds national costume the country on the model of whose troops the military unit is formed: Hungarian hussars, “confederate” lancers, etc.
Happy twenty third of February
Happiness, joy, warmth
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

Materials and tools:
1. Colored paper (copier).
2. Drawing paper or album sheets.
3. Simple pencil.
4. Geometric ruler.
5. Scissors.
6. Glue.
7. Star patterns and tie.
8. Congratulations.

Step-by-step instructions for making a greeting card.
1. The postcard consists of two parts - a jacket with pagons and a white shirt.
For the shirt you will need a rectangle of white paper measuring 21*14.5 cm.

2. On the rectangle, mark the cut lines for the “collar” of the shirt, 3 cm long.
The height of the “collar” is 3.5 cm.

3. Fold both sides of the shirt collar diagonally.

4. Let's start with the tie. It will be black.
We outline it using a template.

5. Apply it to the base of the collar and fix it with glue.

6. We connect the ends of the collar to each other.
Festive, White shirt ready.

7. For the uniform you will need a sheet of colored double-sided photocopier paper.
Mark the middle of the sheet by folding it in half.

8. Fold both edges of the rectangle towards the intended middle and bend the sides.

9. From paper yellow color cut out shoulder straps measuring 4.5*3cm.

10. Using a template, cut out stars from red paper, outline them with a black felt-tip pen and glue them to the shoulder straps.

11. We put a shirt with a congratulation glued into the “uniform”. We connect the two main parts with glue, covering the four main sides.

12. Glue the prepared shoulder straps to the uniform.

13. Carefully “sew on” the buttons. Using glue, glue the blue circles.

14. Our “military uniform” is ready!

I wish you creative success and inspiration!!!

Greetings to all! We continue to prepare for Defender of the Fatherland Day and today we will do easy craft from paper for February 23 with your own hands for dad (uniform), it can also be made for the holiday, dedicated to the Day Victory (May 9). My preschooler son made this craft and now it is stored in his drawer, awaiting the long-awaited Defender of the Fatherland Day. I hope our dad won’t see the article prematurely, and the surprise will remain a surprise)) At the end of the article I posted a small selection of congratulation poems for dad that you can learn by February 23 with your child.

Let's not waste time, but let's move on to step-by-step instructions on how to make a paper craft for February 23rd with your own hands, which can be given to male relatives: dad, grandfather, brother. By the way, if you haven’t seen the last article, I recommend taking a look, where the kids and I drew a picture for February 23 ( step-by-step instruction, how to draw a tank with a pencil step by step is found).

DIY paper craft for February 23rd for dad (uniform)

We will need:

  • Colored paper (green, yellow)
  • Sheet of white paper
  • Felt pens (draw stars on shoulder straps, or colored paper red color to cut out stars from it and glue)
  • Scissors
  • Simple pencil and ruler

How to make a paper craft with your own hands for dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day:

DIY gift ideas for February 23rd for dad

Dad will be pleased to receive a handmade gift from his child. I suggest you read other articles, following which you can make a gift for dad:

Congratulations to dad on February 23

For the holiday, you and your child can learn a congratulation poem for dad. I wrote about how to teach poetry with a child in. It is by following this technique that we teach poetry to children and they remember everything quite quickly.))


Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.

That means he is also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.

O. Chusovitina

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
Most best DAD my!


My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.

I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.

My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.

He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.

My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.

And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.

My dad is a wizard.
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.

He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.

I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
- My daddy, I want you
I love you so much!

You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

T. Bokova

T. Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to become like my dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart,
Don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.


I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into dad’s bed,
And I lie quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my dad’s arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will say to me cheerfully: “Well, miracles!”
Where did you come from? I was surprised! –
- Yes, I was always next to you!


Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes hums,
The one sticking out by the TV
He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands,
He sometimes forgets
What does he tell his son best friend.
Dads are different...
And as the days pass,
Their sons grow up
Point to point, just like them.


You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold - to the point,
And you praise – with all your heart!

You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
You'll forgive me for the prank.

To our questions
You know the answers
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.

I love any damage
Easily eliminated
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.

I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you.

The holiday of all our soldiers -
That's what this day means!
Day of Defenders of the Brave
And just all the guys!
After all, any of them dreams
Protect children, family,
Conquer at least something in the world
And find your destiny!

M. Sadovsky

I'm waiting for my father.
I've been waiting so long...
I'm waiting, not falling asleep...
I'm waiting for his steps in the garden -
I recognize them right away.

There's already a star in the window...
Three four five…
Come and help me -
You can't count the stars!..

V. Kosovitsky

So far I have toys:
Tanks, pistols, cannons,
Tin soldiers
Armored train, machine guns.

And when the time comes,
So that I can serve in peace,
I'm with the guys in the game
I train in the yard.

We play Zarnitsa there -
They drew a boundary for me,
I'm on duty! Watch out!
Once you trust me, I can do it!

And the parents are in the window
They look after me with concern.
Don't worry about your son,
I am the future man!

V. Kosovitsky

These are all lies, of course,
That boys love fights
Hooligans, bullies,
They grow up naughty...

Even adults make faces...
Should we be stricter with them?
Let everything go - they seem to
Will they lead to a heart attack?!

But imagine that the boys
In a fight - only by hearsay,
They won't get bumps
Just like that and for no reason!

They won't go their own way,
Riffles and rapids,
Then of them in the end
There will be no men!

I. Grosheva

This morning,
Solemnly and quietly
Got dressed younger sister
And dashed through
Hurry to mom's kitchen,
There was something rustling there -
Dad and I, too, hurry up
We washed ourselves and got to work:
I put on my school uniform
Dad dressed in a suit.
Everything is as always, but still not -
Father took the medal out of the closet.
The pie was waiting for us in the kitchen,
And then I guessed!
Today is the holiday of all fathers,
All sons, all who are ready
Protect your home and mother,
To protect us all from troubles.
I don't envy my father -
After all, I am like him, and I will save
Fatherland, if necessary,
Well, in the meantime, let's have some marmalade
Pick out the pie...
And back to school, on the road again,
Maybe they can tell me where
How to protect mom and dad!

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Best regards, Olga

A great way to congratulate a friend, brother or father on February 23rd is with a homemade gift. It could be a simple postcard or a complex craft using the origami technique. The result depends only on your skills and capabilities.

We present to your attention several paper crafts of varying complexity.

Simple paper crafts for February 23


To work you will need:

  • colored paper (green, yellow, red, black and white)
  • PVA glue
  • scissors

Let's start making the original crafts Uniform

  1. Cut a rectangle out of white paper, make two cuts and wrap it as shown in the photo. This is a collared shirt. Then cut out the tie from the black sheet.

  2. Glue the tie to the shirt.
  3. Tunic: Cut a rectangle from a green leaf, fold it three times, fold the edges as shown in the photo. Then cut out buttons and shoulder straps from yellow paper, and stars for shoulder straps from a red sheet. Glue the pieces into place. You should end up with a simple uniform like this.

  4. When both parts of our craft have dried, we connect them together. For reliability, it is better to glue the shirt into the uniform. A simple DIY paper craft for February 23rd is ready!
  5. Write your congratulations inside the card.


    You can entrust the making of this craft to a child, who will also be happy to congratulate dad or grandfather on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    To work you will need:

  • colored cardboard
  • scissors
  • simple pencil and ruler
  • glue for cardboard

Tank manufacturing process

  1. Start with the caterpillars: cut two strips 2 cm wide and the length of an A4 sheet. Glue each strip into a ring facing outwards front side cardboard (the overlap at the gluing site should be about 1 cm). Try to make the caterpillars as identical as possible, otherwise the craft will be skewed.

  2. Now glue the finished tank tracks to the base of the craft as shown in the photo.

  3. While the base dries, we begin making the tank body. Measure the distance between the tracks, cut a strip along the length of the A4 sheet and along the width that was obtained as a result of the measurement. Bend the cut rectangle in four places, as shown in the photo.
    The height of the body is approximately 2.5 cm, bend the edges at the ends by 0.5 cm - this will help secure the tank body to the base of the craft. The tank turret is made according to the same principle, taking into account that the width will be 1 cm less and the length will be 4 cm less.
  4. The next step is the gun. To make the trunk, cut a strip of 4x7 cm, then bend it into four equal parts as shown in the photo.
    Now you need to cut off one petal about 1 cm long, and make cuts for the three remaining petals. Glue the gun barrel together.
  5. The last stage is assembling the tank. We glue the cannon to the tower, the tower to the body, and the body to the base of the craft. Please note: gluing parts in a different order may cause inconvenience, since the process will literally take place by weight.

We wait until the tank dries, cut out and glue the stars to it - our DIY festive paper craft is ready!

If your child was unable to make such a craft, you can help him make a simple thematic applique.

How to make a tank out of paper using the origami technique, watch the video

These wonderful paper crafts can be made by February 23rd with your baby for grandpa or dad, as well as kindergarten or at work with the whole team.