Introduction on the topic of what betrayal is the worst. What is the worst betrayal? M. Sholokhov "The fate of man"

Subject"What is treason?"
Literary works used in the argument:
- the story of I. A. Bunin " Caucasus";
- the story of V. Rasputin " Live and remember".


What does the word "treason" mean in the modern sense? For me, its concept is equivalent to the word "betrayal" and the expression "knife in the back." This is a betrayal and a mean act that a person commits against another person. Sometimes betrayal can also be regarded as a betrayal of the state, one's homeland. However, the worst thing, in my opinion, is a betrayal of one's own views. A person can get confused in himself, in others, and now, for the sake of imaginary values, he deceives his family, he is condemned, but is this right? Of course, situations are different, and none of us is immune from them, but what about the traitors in this case? Is it to forgive?

In order to forgive, you must first understand the situation. After all, everyone knows the phrase that those who betrayed once will betray the second. Therefore, first of all, you need to think about whether you trust the person who cheated on you so much to give him a second and even a third chance. In fact, to forgive or not is a personal matter for each person, and it depends only on his moral principles. Even if a person is forgiven, the one who forgave him will from time to time think about it, remember and remember. To forgive once and for all, I think, many would not have succeeded, they simply would not have had the strength.


To illustrate a situation in which treason played a cruel joke on a person, consider the story of I. A. Bunin "The Caucasus". A married woman leaves with her lover to the south. Her husband, after a long search, commits suicide. The reason for this behavior remains unknown. Did he kill himself because of the loss of a loved one or because of honor, nobility? And yet, analyzing the situation from the side of his wife who cheated on him, the reader can conclude that she acted meanly and inappropriately, in the end, she did not think about the feelings that would torment her husband and, most importantly, about the consequences. The betrayal in this work played a key role in the death of the protagonist. He could not forgive such a betrayal.

But here is an example of impossible fidelity to a loved one. In V. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember", Nastya, the wife of Andrei who deserted, helped her husband survive in completely wild conditions for many months. During all this time, she could betray him, because he committed a terrible act - he betrayed his homeland. However, this did not prevent Nastya from showing compassion and humanity to him. Here we find an example of the very forgiveness of betrayal, when the situation depends on the circumstances. It is hard for us to condemn Andrei, because his passion for life prompted him to desert, and also, probably, we do not understand all that the main characters experienced during the terrible years of the war.


In conclusion of my thoughts, I want to add that treason, whatever it may be, is an act of a terrible nature. It can easily ruin people's lives, lead to irreversible consequences. But also, in treason, one should look for reasons. Sometimes what seems like cheating to us is not cheating at all. You should never judge people for nothing, but you also don’t need to be too gullible. Everything should have its own line, but only attentiveness is required from us.

November 4 on the day when Russia celebrates the Day national unity, in 1708 a traitor wound up in the country: Ivan Stepanovich Mazepa announced to Peter I about his treason. Mazepa went over to the side of the enemy of the Russian state in the Northern War - the Swedish king Charles XII, almost a year before he was defeated by the Russian army. What happened next? For betraying his oath, he was sentenced to civil execution with the deprivation of titles and awards that he received from the king. But he still had one “reward”: Peter I ordered to make a single copy of the Order of Judas, which was awarded to Mazepa for betraying the Russian Tsar.

After 120 years, Alexander Pushkin decided to perpetuate the image of Mazepa not only in history, but also in literature, writing the poem "Poltava", which he originally planned to title with the name of the protagonist. Alexander Sergeevich draws Mazepa as an absolutely immoral, dishonorable, vindictive, malicious person, as a treacherous hypocrite, for whom there is nothing sacred (he "does not know the shrine", "does not remember goodness"), a person who is accustomed to achieve his goal at any cost.

Today we propose to remember who else of the literary heroes was not distinguished by fidelity.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it

"The Tale of the Military Secret, of Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word", Arkady Gaidar

Traitor: Malchish-Plohish - has become a collective image of a negative character.

How it happened: It happened after the war, when the Red Army drove the white troops of the damned bourgeois. And they all lived quietly and calmly. But the bourgeois attacked again because of the Black Mountains. And all the men began to leave to fight, and the time came when only the old men remained. Then Malchish-Kibalchish called on everyone: “Hey, you boys, boys-babies! Or do we boys only play sticks and jump ropes? And the fathers are gone, and the brothers are gone. bourgeoisie came and took us to their damned bourgeoisie?" Then they went to help. And only one Malchish-Plokhish wanted to outwit everyone and thus get into the bourgeoisie.

How it ended: The bourgeois could not defeat Malchish-Kibalchish. And Malchish-Plokhish took it and helped them: he chopped firewood, dragged hay, lit boxes with black bombs, with white shells and yellow cartridges. There was an explosion, and the bourgeoisie of Malchish-Kibalchish seized.

What was the result: The traitor achieved his cause: Malchish-Kibalchish was tortured and killed, but he did not tell them the Red Army secret. And the Red Army came and defeated the bourgeoisie. "And Malchish-Kibalchish was buried on a green hillock near the Blue River. And they put a big red flag over the grave.

Steamboats are sailing - hello to the Malchish!
Pilots are flying by - hello to Malchish!
Locomotives run by - hello to Malchish!
And the pioneers will pass - salute to the Malchish!

And no one else remembered Malchish-Plokhish.

What is my homeland if there is love?

"Taras Bulba", Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Traitor: Andriy - lived not according to the laws of the battle, but according to the call of the heart.

How it was: Andriy is the youngest son of Taras Bulba. Together with the elder Ostap, he graduated from the Kyiv Bursa. But he was always distinguished by a softer and more reasonable character, he did not chop off his shoulder.

How it ended: A beautiful lady became the embodiment of love for him: “Who said that my homeland is Ukraine? Who gave it to me as a homeland? The homeland is what our soul is looking for, which is dearest to her. My homeland is you!... and everything that is, I will sell, give, ruin for such a homeland! Andriy was ready to serve the lady to the last drop of blood. Because of love, the Cossack betrays his homeland: "What about my father, comrades and homeland? So if so, here's what: I have no one! No one, no one!"

What is the result: Taras Bulba has always been true to the idea. And Andriy could not forgive betrayal. Therefore, everything ends with the famous phrase: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you!"

Oleksandr Bubnov/

One's own among strangers, a stranger among one's own

"The Captain's Daughter", Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Traitor: Alexey Shvabrin - did not protect honor from a young age

As it happened: Aleksey Shvabrin was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel in which his opponent was killed. He treated the inhabitants of the fortress with contempt and arrogance. The author characterizes Shvabrin as a cynical empty person, capable of slandering a girl only because she refused him reciprocity. Shvabrin commits a number of vile acts that characterize him as a low person, capable of treason, cowardice, and betrayal. When, during the assault and capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin realizes that the siege of a poorly fortified fortress cannot be sustained, he goes over to the side of Pugachev.

How it ended: When the false emperor instigates the court, sitting on the porch of the commandant's house, Shvabrin is already among the foremen of the rebels. Later, in order to save his life, Shvabrin kowtows to Pugachev.

What is the result: Aleksey Shvabrin will forever remain a stranger among his own, his own among strangers. He betrayed his homeland, his beloved girl, friend, all the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. And the attitude of "friends" towards him will always be appropriate: "Shvabrin fell to his knees ... At that moment, contempt drowned out all feelings of hatred and anger in me. I looked with disgust at the nobleman, wallowing at the feet of a runaway Cossack."

Who will win?

King Lear, William Shakespeare

Traitors: Lear, Goneril, Regan, Edmund - they wanted what was best for themselves, but it turned out as always.

As it was: "King Lear" is just a storehouse of traitors. Everything is clear from the first lines of the work, when the daughters begin to pour molasses into their father's ears, actually disliking him and dreaming only of power. “How children have not loved / Until now they have never loved their fathers,” Goneril begins. Regan echoes her: "I do not know the joys of others, besides / My great love for you, sovereign!" And only one younger and beloved Cordelia says sincerely: "I love you as a duty commands, / No more and no less." But Lear is not satisfied with such words, so he gives the whole kingdom to her sisters. Edmun, the illegitimate son of the Earl of Gloucester, who served Lear for many years, also flickers among these showdowns. Edmund planned to denigrate his brother Edgar in the eyes of his father in order to take possession of his part of the inheritance.

How it ended: Cordelia becomes Queen of France and wins. For the first month, Lear lives with Goneril, who does not put him in anything, making it clear who is in charge here. He has one hope - to seek support from his second daughter - Regan. But she also continues to show her father his current place, humiliating him in public. And only then does he realize how unfair he was to Cordelia. Edmund betrays Gloucester, who ends up losing his eyes.

Result: Everyone died. In the words of Edmund: "The wheel of fate has completed / Its turn." Lear goes crazy. Cordelia, having learned about the misfortunes of her father, the hardness of her sisters, hurries to his aid. Edmud orders them both to be killed. But his betrayals become known and he is killed. Cordelia is killed on Edmund's orders. Lear cannot survive this and dies. Goneril stabs herself, having poisoned her sister before that.

Actor Greg Hicks as King Lear. Photo: Stephanie Berger/ AP

In war as in war

"Sotnikov", Vasil Bykov

Traitor: Rybak - experienced the fate of a man who got lost in the war.

How it happened: The title of the story contains the name of one of the ordinary soldiers who went along with his comrade (Rybak) on a mission to get food for the partisans. The author paid the main attention to the psychology of his characters. Sotnikov was unwell, he kept falling behind and coughing. In the village, going to the headman, Rybak condemned him for "serving the Germans." On the way, Sotnikov was wounded and Rybak decided to leave him in the nearest hut. Through the fault of Sotnikov, who was overcome by a cough, they were found there by the Germans, who looked to the hostess. They took her, Sotnikov and Rybak to the police.

What was the result: During the interrogation, Sotnikov was tortured, breaking his fingers and tearing out his nails, but he did not betray anyone. In the basement where they were put, they also met the headman, whom they looked at at the beginning of the journey. He got here because he didn't denounce them. Rybak during the interrogation was complaisant, cunning and evasive. The investigator, noticing this, hinted that they would check his testimony and, perhaps, he would still serve great Germany ... Rybak decided that he would dodge to the last.

What was the result: In the morning they were all led to their deaths. Sotnikov shouted: "I want to make a message. I'm a partisan. It was I who wounded your policeman. That one," he nodded at Rybak, "turned up here by accident." They didn't pay attention to him. Rybak shouted that he was ready to serve in the police. The stump from under Sotnikov was already knocked out by Rybak. At some point, he was visited by the thought of escaping, but it was impossible to realize it. The thought of committing suicide also ran through, but there was not enough strength: “Confused and puzzled, he could not really understand how this happened and who was to blame. Germans? War? Police? I really didn’t want to be guilty myself. And indeed "What was he to blame for himself? Did he choose such a fate for himself? Or did he not fight to the very end? Even more and more stubbornly than that ambitious Sotnikov. However, it was Sotnikov who was to blame for his misfortune more than others. If he had not fallen ill , didn’t crawl under a bullet, didn’t force him to mess with himself so much, Rybak, probably, would have been in the forest for a long time.<…>The fisherman blew his nose, absently fumbling for a button, buttoned up his sheepskin coat. Probably, nothing can be done - such is fate. The insidious fate of a man who got lost in the war.

If a person is brought up literary heroes(who were born before the moment when the writers succumbed to the process of deheroization), he will not be able to commit a betrayal of the Motherland even physically, because the prohibitive threshold grows too high - taboo. It is precisely such a healthy attitude towards patriotic values ​​that Arkady Gaidar's stories and novels are saturated with, and this is conveyed so accurately and penetrates so deeply that not a single child wanted to be a "bad boy". Where there is a betrayal of the motherland, there was not enough patriotic education. And even the geography of such places is calculated quite easily.


The very first truly major betrayal of the Motherland happened on the day that is now chosen as the holiday of national unity - November 4th. In 1708, he betrayed his country and sovereign Peter the Great. He hoped for the victory of Charles the Twelfth, the Swedish king, but he miscalculated.

For betraying his oath, he was executed in a civil way: he was deprived of the awards and titles that had previously been granted to him by the sovereign. And they were rewarded with a new favor: Mazepa received from Peter the Great a single copy of the "Order of Judas", the order of the very first and most treacherous of traitors.

Essence of the Traitor

One hundred and twenty years later, this historical betrayal of the Motherland was not only not forgotten, it was immortalized in fiction. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote an amazing poem - "Poltava". The poet changed his mind about calling magical poems the name of a traitor - evil, immoral, vengeful, dishonorable, hypocritical, who stops at nothing to achieve any good in life.

That is exactly what this person was, because the treacherous essence seems to eat up all the good and positive spiritual qualities. Pushkin knew this, of course. A poem was written about the worst person on earth, but with such beautiful verses that the idea brought by the poet into young hearts penetrates so deeply that it never leaves them.


The theme of the betrayal of the Motherland by the poem "Poltava" was not exhausted, Pushkin returned to it more than once. No less interesting, and most importantly - penetratingly and intelligibly, another historical case is described. This is a peasant uprising by Emelyan Pugachev, where two forces clashed, each of which considered itself right. And here loyalty to the oath occupies a particularly important place, because if there is no such loyalty in the soul of a person, betrayal of the Motherland will always nest there. Pushkin's arguments for this postulate are the most weighty. Whoever did not keep honor from a young age in everything, at every step of his life, he, as it were, is rolling downhill to the very bottom, and it is there, at the very bottom - there is nowhere lower - and this sin lies.

Dante Alighieri in the "Divine Comedy" accurately determined the location of the traitors in hell: they freeze into Lake Cocytus, and there is no deeper place in the other world, they will not knock from below. So, in Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" Shvabrin commits a betrayal of the Motherland. He gives the following arguments: the fortress is not properly fortified, it will not withstand the assault, and why die in vain? It's easier to join Pugachev's army. Let a nobleman have to grovel before a runaway simple Cossack, but - life! However, Pushkin lets the reader know that Alexei Shvabrin has no life ahead of him. There is not and will not be anything for a traitor, except because there is justice.


Pushkin's contemporary, who wrote an excellent story about the Zaporizhzhya Sich - "Taras Bulba", - to this day inspires modern domestic and foreign cinematography, revealed the theme of betrayal in an exceptionally artistic way. Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol managed to bring such arguments under betrayal that modern youth, who do not receive sufficient patriotic education, draw a completely wrong conclusion on this artistic material.

Betrayal of the motherland or the loss of a beloved woman - what will outweigh? The youngest son of the leader of the Cossack Andriy chose the first for the sake of a beautiful lady from a hostile city. "You are my Motherland!" - he said. And he betrayed everyone, sold everything, ruined himself for this love. But Taras Bulba could not even forgive his son for the betrayal of the Motherland. He was true to himself and to the Fatherland. He gave birth to Andrii, he killed him.

Bad Boys

A little has already been said about the fairy tale written by Arkady Gaidar. She is not one of those fairy tales that are lies, in it, despite the cartoonishness, absolute truths sound. And not a hint, but an alarm. Because even today the "bad guys" that have multiplied have betrayed the country to the bourgeoisie. For a barrel of confiture, for a basket of Snickers.

There are numerous examples of betrayal of the Motherland today. What are the repentant words of a young bad boy from Novy Urengoy in today's Bundestag: the "so-called" Stalingrad cauldron, "innocent" occupiers who came to the Volga and destroyed half the world.

Betrayal today

If young men read fiction written by eyewitnesses: Konstantin Vorobyov ("It's us, Lord!"), Nikolai Dvortsov ("Waves are beating the rocks"), Viktor Nekrasov ("In the trenches of Stalingrad"), and this list could go on and on , the young men would know more about the "unbearable conditions of captivity", and our Motherland would never experience today's shame.

This speech was classified by the country's broadest public as a betrayal. And if only this one performance! Moral norms turned inside out, according to Russian teachers, there is a need to return at least Alexander Fadeev's "Young Guard" to the school curriculum. According to Solzhenitsyn, it is not possible to educate patriots of one's country.

Krasnodon traitors

The older generation knows everything about the heroes of the novel almost by heart. Now, after the opening of the archives, it became known that the writer greatly regretted the psyche of his reader and did not write the whole truth. Indeed, she is terrible. And one more thing: in fact, there was not a single traitor among the Young Guard.

Only their torturers, the policemen, who terribly tortured the Krasnodon teenagers, who, not sparing their own lives, defended and cleared their land from the invaders, committed their homeland. Fadeev portrayed them so convexly and vividly that later, after the movie, people looked at the faces of the artists who played them with hatred.

The need for education

The suffering that befell the Young Guards, even described by Fadeev, is simply inhuman. In fact, it was much worse, neither film nor paper can convey this. And now Russian teenagers do not read this literature at all! That is why Nazism is being revived, and fascist torchlight processions with slogans about Bandera the hero are wandering around Ukraine.

Neo-fascists from fourteen to twenty years old should read this book aloud, with resistance - even by force, and then force Gerasimov to watch the film, and then acquaint them with documents from the archives, with photographs and medical examinations of the dead, but eternally living young Krasnodon. It is necessary to make sure that young people are able to distinguish between the concepts of loyalty to the Motherland and betrayal.


Every boy (and girl) should definitely read the fascinating novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains". This book has everything: the most selfless friendship, the purest love, determination on the way to a feat and betrayal, exceptional in its meanness - of the Motherland, friendship, love and all that is most holy in the world. Mikhail Romashov is one of the heroes of the book. And if Sanya Grigoriev went all his life from childhood to a feat, then Misha Romashov and childhood - to betrayal.

The whole path is visible, daily killing everything human in a person. It began with children's denunciations on the basis of envy. It ended in almost direct murder, when Chamomile leaves his wounded friend to die in the snow, taking everything from him, even weapons. Here it is - a betrayal of the Motherland. You will not find the best arguments from the literature. Traitors have no conscience, it is dead. It is Sanya Grigoriev who will ponder whether personal reasons played a role when he handed over the traitor who committed military treason to the authorities. So, in contrast, readers will better feel where is the truth and where is the lie, how to act and how not to, who to sympathize with and who to hate.


Vasil Bykov's story "Sotnikov" tells about another kind of betrayal. A criminal named Rybak blames circumstances on him, even his wounded soldier comrade, whom he not only betrayed, but hanged himself. Only he does not blame himself, although he regrets what he did. Here the writer shows how easy it is for the unarmed patriotic education, and therefore, with a mean slack in the soul, a person understands himself, adequately assesses his actions.

Sotnikov, who received the most terrible tortures and who did not betray any of the partisans and locals, the traitor Rybak in his thoughts calls ambitious: look, they say, he is a hero. The fisherman is not aware that betrayal is considered the lowest act of all from time immemorial. It was his fate that turned so unexpectedly that he would have to serve Germany. Rybak does not have a clear idea of ​​​​moral and moral principles. What is this, if not a lack of education?


This story by Mikhail Sholokhov is in the treasury of world literature. "The fate of a man" is the fate of many and many, shown unusually broadly. This story is about people who experienced great grief, terrible hardships, war, a concentration camp, the loss of all their loved ones, but who remained people of a bright soul, deeply sympathetic and called to help. But even this story would not be complete enough if there were no theme of betrayal in it.

For the sake of saving his own life, the traitor Kryzhnev was already preparing to betray both the commander and his friends. But only traitors cannot keep loyalty to the Motherland. The true soldier Andrei Sokolov kills this vile creature and does not even feel pity, only one disgust, as if he strangled a snake. The story was written in 1956. The war ended eleven years ago, but the writer always feels responsible to his compatriots and their next generations, which is why the eternal themes of heroism and betrayal are raised again and again.

Traitors cannot be rehabilitated!

A lot of interesting things were written about by another Vorobyov - Vladimir Nikiforovich, a retired major general. He, despite his age and ill health, considers it necessary to raise this topic again and again, since it is the most relevant today.

And indeed: now the traitors who betrayed their homeland are considered fighters against communism and Stalinism, moreover, champions of freedom and justice. They even erect monuments! Mannerheim, Vlasov, Denikin, Kolchak are enemies of their Motherland who betrayed her. The resolute protest of the major-general is quite understandable.

Sorting traitors

The writer shows in all its glory this unfinished White émigré part of the population, officers, landowners, capitalists, who fled abroad, who met Hitler with inexpressible enthusiasm. With the help of German bayonets, they decided to return to the territory of their betrayed Motherland.

He especially dwells on the description of the numerous traitors of the geographical territories mentioned above (the Baltic states, the Caucasus, the Germans from the Volga region), as well as the Russian White Guards from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, who served not only in the Wehrmacht, but also in the Abwehr, and in the SD, and in SS.


No one will argue that betrayal has existed at all times. And most often those people who were offended by something in their homeland became traitors. For example, the Spartan Ephialtes, rejected, betrayed his comrades at Thermopylae. Further, the list is replenished one way or another: Judas betrayed Christ, and Brutus betrayed Caesar, Mazepa betrayed Peter the Great, and so on. Their names usually remained in history forever.

But Great Patriotic war I happened to know another kind of traitors - special and diverse. And more of them. Nevertheless, this topic has been quite successfully developed in the literature, helping to determine the worldview of almost every generation. Now everything has changed, the results of wars are being reviewed, priorities are shifting. Immediate decisive action is needed in this direction. For a people made up of traitors will inevitably lose their own country. And it all comes down to it, unfortunately. The next generation will be lost along with the country.

All arguments for the final essay in the direction of "Loyalty and treason".

What does betrayal lead to? What are the dangers of cheating? What pushes a person to cheat?

Pechorin's betrayal towards Bela. Can spiritual betrayal be worse than physical?

The theme of spiritual betrayal is revealed in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". So, Gregory once meets unusual girl Bel. She captivates him with her beauty and mystery, so Pechorin decides to steal her. Bela initially resists, but then she herself falls in love with the "thief". Her loyalty to her beloved knows no bounds. She is willing to give up her home, family and traditions to be with her loved one. Pechorin becomes bored over time. He comes to the conclusion that all women are the same, and is no longer happy with the love that Bela gives him. He does not cheat on her physically, but in his heart he refuses her, dreaming of travel. The girl understands this, but cannot leave Gregory, because she is true to her choice. Even before her death, she only cares that they cannot be together in heaven, because Bela belongs to a different faith. From the relationship between Bela and Pechorin, we can conclude that the worst betrayal is not associated with external manifestations, it is deep inside a person, but can do much more harm. Spiritual betrayal hurts just like physical betrayal, sometimes even more.

Pechorin's betrayal of Vera/Vera's loyalty. Do you agree with the statement: "who never swore allegiance, he will never break it"

Vera sacrificed herself for the sake of Pechorin, abandoned family happiness, and risked losing her reputation. In the depths of her soul, she hoped for their eventual happiness. Pechorin's betrayal consisted in the fact that he accepted this sacrifice, but did not give anything in return. When his beloved woman was going through difficult moments, he was not there, he dragged after Mary, whom he did not even love. Pechorin betrayed the only person who truly loved him and accepted him for who he is. He used it "as a source of joys and anxieties, without which life is boring and monotonous." Vera understood this, but sacrificed herself, hoping that one day he would appreciate this sacrifice. For Vera, Gregory was everything, while for Pechorin she was just an episode, important, but not the only one. Disappointment awaited her, because a person capable of spiritual betrayal cannot bring happiness.


Treason of the Faith (marriage without love). Why do people change? What are the causes of betrayal and betrayal? What pushes a person to cheat?

People cheat for a variety of reasons, but the most common betrayal happens when people marry for reasons other than love. Such an example can be seen in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". One of the main characters Vera marries an unloved person, therefore, having met true love, cheating on his spouse. Vera cares little about the feelings of her unloved husband; she does not consider herself obliged to be faithful to him. The novel does not tell what circumstances forced her to marry, but it led to the misfortune of both spouses. Living with an unloved person is unbearable, but even worse is the one who is being deceived.


What does betrayal lead to? What is the danger of cheating? What pushes a person to cheat?

In the novel "" L.N. Tolstoy, the problem of betrayal is the key one. So, main character works cheating on her husband. This betrayal becomes fatal not only for herself, but for all the people around her. The betrayal ruined the lives of her loved ones, hurt her son. Anna never loved her husband, he was much older than her, their relationship was built only on respect. Her husband was a man of high position, he was respected. When Anna's connection with Vronsky became obvious, Karenin tried to hide Anna's betrayal, to create the appearance of well-being, but for Anna this would be a betrayal of herself. Despite the fact that the cause of the betrayal was the appearance of love in Anna's life, betrayal became her main tragedy. When she decided to ignore social norms, those around her rejected her, made her an outcast. Her husband deprived her of the opportunity to raise her son, who suffered greatly from the lack of maternal affection. Vronsky's career was also ruined, as was his relationship with his family. Alexei Karenin, offended by his wife, suffers from loneliness, and therefore falls under the influence of Princess Myagkova. She persuades him not to give Anna a divorce. All the sorrows and hardships do not allow Anna to feel happy with Vronsky, so she decides to throw herself under the train. Her departure from life made her relatives unhappy: her son was left without a mother, and Vronsky went to war. Thus, we see that betrayal brings only destruction, from the betrayal of one person, everyone around suffers.

How does betrayal affect relationships?

In the novel "" L.N. Tolstoy, the problem of betrayal is the key one. “Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house,” with these words we learn about the problems of one family. The reason for the discord was the betrayal of Stiva to his wife Dolly. Oblonsky stopped loving his wife, she no longer seemed beautiful to him. His conceit was so high that he even justified himself. Dolly was always devoted to her husband, bore him many children, the whole meaning of her life was in the family. After she learned about her husband's betrayal, the whole world turned upside down, the pain was so strong that it was on the verge between mental and physical. Her love for her husband was strong, and therefore she could not leave him. They reconciled, but Steve's betrayal forever destroyed the trust between the spouses, destroyed Dolly's idea of ​​\u200b\u200blight love. The world in their family after the betrayal became a semblance, and the betrayal forever separated these two people.

Loyalty in love. Confirm or refute Schiller's statement: "Faithful love helps to endure all hardships."

The main characters of O. Henry's story "Gifts of the Volkhov" are a married couple who found themselves in a distressed financial situation, but remained faithful to each other. Della and Jim teach the reader that you don't have to have a lot to be happy, it's enough to love. It is their mutual love and loyalty that helps to cope with difficult life situations and fills life with boundless happiness.

"What does it mean to be faithful?" How do you understand the word "loyalty"? What is eternal fidelity? What is loyalty to a loved one?
Argument from E. Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights.

Years ago Mr. Earnshaw picked up a dying child and adopted him as his son, naming him Heathcliff. Mr. Earnshaw already had two children at that time. Their names were Katherine and Hindley. From the very beginning, Katherine and H. had a wonderful relationship, they were inseparable.
Katherine is a free-spirited, selfish and slightly spoiled young girl who, as an adult, fell in love with Heathcliff just as he loved her. However, she considered that he was not suitable for her husband, as he was not well educated and poor. Instead, Katherine married her friend Edgar Linton. This greatly hurt Heathcliff, and he left Wuthering Heights. Three years later, he returned with a love for Katherine and a fierce hatred for Linton. They hated each other to such an extent that the pregnant Katherine became physically and mentally ill. Before his death, Catherine and Heathcliff had a night conversation in which Catherine admitted that she had always loved only him.
Even after her death, Heathcliff continued to love his K., ruining the lives of those around him in revenge for his grief. Before his death, Heathcliff lost his mind and walked through the mountains, calling on the ghost of Catherine.
This hero has always been perceived ambiguously. On the one hand, he is capable of true eternal love, on the other hand, revenge and cruelty take possession of his being. Either way, Wuthering Heights is a story about fidelity in love. Heathcliff loved Catherine always, even when he did not know about reciprocity, when she carried someone else's child under her heart. Neither time, nor Katherine's betrayal, nor even death could destroy his feelings.

What is loyalty? How is loyalty to one's attachments manifested?

In the story "" A. Morois shows fidelity in relation to his affections. A character named Andre is a student at the Polytechnic School who is secretly in love with the actress Jenny. She, in turn, does not take her admirers seriously, since the profession does not allow her to be distracted by every fan. However, Andre's beautiful gestures cannot leave Jenny indifferent. Every Wednesday, with enviable constancy, he brings her a bouquet of violets, without even trying to talk to her. He arouses her interest with his clock-like gestures of attention. One day, a student in love disappears from her life, he dies in the war. Soon Father Andre appears, who tells that the young man loved Jenny all his short life, and that he died, trying to "deserve" her love by a feat in the war. This fidelity touches the strict Jenny. She laments that she never met Andre, and he never found out that for her "modesty, constancy and nobility are better than any feat."
Then we see her already older, but unchanged in one thing: every Wednesday she wears violets to her devoted friend. Both heroes of the story are an example of loyalty. Andre was true to his feelings, not needing any guarantees from Jenny, she, in turn, remained true to this word and for many years invariably wore flowers to the person to whom she was grateful for love.

Loyalty in love.

How do you think loyalty and love are related?

Masha Mironova is a symbol of fidelity in love. In difficult life situation when she faces a choice: marry Shvabrin (without love) or wait for her loved one (Peter), she chooses love. Masha remains faithful to the very end of the work. Despite all the dangers, she defends the honor of her beloved before the Empress and seeks pardon.

The main symbol of fidelity in all the Harry Potter novels can be called Severus Snape. This character loved only one woman in his life from childhood to the end of his days. And that woman was Lily. Lily did not reciprocate his feelings. Moreover, she was married to James, who did not like Snape and even mocked him. But Snape's love and loyalty to Lily were so strong that even after the death of his beloved, he protected her son. In his life, he was never able to love again and remained faithful to Lily until death.

How do you think the concepts of loyalty and love are connected? Loyalty to a loved one. What can loyalty do?

she loved her chosen one so much that she sold her soul to the devil. She was ready to look for him around the world and beyond. She remained loyal to him even when there was no hope of finding the Master.

Husband cheating. Can cheating be justified? What pushes a person to cheat?

cheated on her unloved husband. But only this allowed her to remain true to herself. Marriage without love could doom her to death (spiritual and physical). But she was able to find the strength in herself to start life from scratch and become happy.

Treason. Why do people change?

Natasha Rostova could not remain faithful to Andrei. She spiritually cheated on him with Anatole Kuragin, even wanted to run away with him.
She was pushed to betray by 2 reasons: lack of worldly wisdom, inexperience, as well as uncertainty in Andrei and her future with him. Leaving Natasha, Andrei did not clarify personal matters with her, did not give her confidence in her position. Anatole Kuragin, taking advantage of Natasha's inexperience, seduced her. Rostova, due to her age, could not think about the consequences of her choice; only a case saved her from shame.

How is the lack of moral principles connected with betrayal?

Helen Kuragina in the novel is presented as a person with a lack of moral principles. Therefore, the concept of loyalty is alien to her. In life, she is guided only by profit, she makes all decisions for the sake of her own interests, the feelings of other people mean nothing to her. When she married Pierre, she did not realize that she could hurt him, and thought only of material gain. Helen did not love Pierre and did not want children from him. Therefore, the marriage was doomed to failure. Her numerous betrayals left no chance for their union. As a result, Pierre invited her to leave, as he could no longer endure shame.

Loyalty to oneself (Tatiana).
Is it important to be true to yourself? What does it mean to be true to yourself and your word?

But I have been given to another—namely given, and not given! Eternal fidelity - to whom and in what? This fidelity to such relationships, which are illuminated by love, others are immoral in her understanding ... Tatyana cannot despise public opinion, but she can sacrifice it modestly, without phrases, without self-praise, understanding the whole greatness of her sacrifice, the whole burden of the curse that she takes on herself, obeying another higher law - the law of her nature, and her nature is love and self-sacrifice ... "
Tatyana is faithful not so much to her husband or Onegin, but, above all, to her principles, her nature, her ideas about herself and her principles.

Do you always have to be true to your principles? Stupid is the man who never changes his mind. He who never changes his mind loves himself more than the truth. (J. Joubert)

Loyalty to oneself and one's principles is considered a positive quality, but a person who never changes his ideas about life and people is static, he limits himself. The protagonist of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time" Pechorin is a strong personality with a strong-willed character, a man true to himself. This quality plays a cruel joke with him. Unable to change his ideas about life, he is looking for a catch in everything: he does not believe in friendship, considering it a weakness, and perceives love only as the satisfaction of his pride. Throughout the novel, we see how the hero tries to understand the meaning of life, to find his destiny, but finds only disappointment. The reason for the disappointment is Pechorin's immunity to the feelings of other people, he cannot forgive them for their weaknesses and open his soul, he is afraid to seem ridiculous to others and even to himself. In the chapter “Princess Mary”, we see how hard Grigory is going through the departure of his beloved woman, he rushes after her, but his horse dies on the road, and he, exhausted, falls to the ground and cries. At this moment, we understand how deeply the hero is able to feel, but even in such a situation, he thinks he looks pathetic. By morning, he returns to his usual state and attributes the manifestation of humanity to frustrated nerves. Analyzing the behavior of the protagonist of the work, we can conclude that loyalty to one's principles is a positive quality only in a situation where these principles are dictated by philanthropy, and not selfishness. A person must be open to something new, be able to recognize the fallacy of his judgments. Only this will allow a person to become the best version of himself.

Loyalty to yourself, your principles, your ideals, word and promises. Is it important to be true to yourself? How do you understand the saying, “To be authentic means to be true to yourself”?

Pyotr Grinev remains true to the principles, honor, truths that his father revealed to him. Even the fear of death is not able to influence his decisions.
Despite the fact that Pugachev is presented in the novel as an invader, for the most part a negative character, nevertheless, he also has a positive quality - this is loyalty to his words. For the whole work, he never breaks these promises and until the last he believes in his ideals, although they are condemned by a large number of people.

Betrayal. What does the betrayal of one's ideals lead to?
Pontius Pilate betrayed his ideals, which is why he could not find peace after death. He understood that he was doing wrong, but out of fear he betrayed himself and the person in whose innocence he believed. That man was Yeshua.

Loyalty to your ideals. What does it mean to be true to your cause (work, profession)?
he believed in what he was doing so much that he could not betray his life's work. He could not leave him to be torn apart by envious critics. To save his work from misinterpretation and condemnation, he even destroyed it.

What does it mean to be faithful to a profession? What does it mean to be faithful? How are the concepts of loyalty and love related? Can betrayal be forgiven?

Dr. Dymov is a noble man who has chosen to serve people as his profession. Only indifference to others, their troubles and illnesses can serve as the reason for such a choice. Despite adversity family life, Dymov thinks about his patients more than about himself. His dedication to work often threatens him with dangers, so he dies saving the boy from diphtheria. He manifests himself as a hero by doing what he was not obliged to do. His courage, loyalty to his profession and duty do not allow him to do otherwise. To be a doctor with a capital letter, you must be brave and resolute, such as Osip Ivanovich Dymov.
Dr. Dymov is faithful not only to his profession, but also to his choice in love. He takes care of his wife, trying to make her happy, therefore he tries not to focus on her shortcomings, behaves like a real man forgiving her whims and "weaknesses". Upon learning of the betrayal, he plunges into work. His loyalty and love are so strong that he is even ready to forgive his wife if she shows at least a little understanding.

Loyalty to parents and their principles. What does it mean to be faithful to relatives (parents)?

Marya Bolkonskaya devoted her whole life to serving her loved ones, in particular her father. She endured reproaches addressed to her, steadfastly endured her father's rudeness. When the enemy army advanced, she did not leave her sick father, did not change herself. She put the interests of her loved ones higher than her own.
Mary was a deeply religious person. Neither the hardships of fate nor disappointment could extinguish the fire of faith in her.

What does it mean to be true to your principles?

The Rostov family showed that even in the most difficult times, dignity can be maintained. Even when the country was in chaos, the members of this family remained true to their moral principles. They helped the soldiers by hosting them at home. The hardships of life did not affect their characters.

Betrayal towards people who trusted you. Half friend, half traitor.

The theme of betrayal is reflected in Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time. So, the main character Pechorin is a person who cannot be relied upon. He betrays everyone who had the imprudence to trust him. Comrade Grushnitsky revealed his soul to him, told him that he was secretly in love with Mary, turned to Pechorin for advice, considering him his friend. Pechorin did not dissuade him, but vilely took advantage of Grushnitsky's openness. Pechorin was annoyed by the young cadet. He did not wish him happiness, on the contrary, he dreamed of seeing him in a wounded state, ridiculed him, belittled him in the eyes of Mary, and, in the end, out of boredom, decided to seduce his beloved “friend”. Pechorin needed Mary to annoy Grushnitsky. Such behavior can be called vile, it deserves only condemnation. It doesn’t matter whether Pechorin Grushnitsky considered his friend or not, he had no right to do this with a person who trusted him.

Friend's loyalty. Can it be argued that the loyalty of a friend is the most precious thing that can be given to a person at all? Do you agree with folk wisdom: "A true friend is better than a hundred servants." How do you think loyalty and friendship are related? What qualities should a true friend have?

Friends can help a person overcome any obstacles and defeat any evil. The friendship of three guys: Harry, Hermione and Ron has become an example for a whole generation of children who grew up on the books of J. Rowling.
Serious trials fall on their heads, but only loyalty to each other helps them cope with all problems.
Life tests Ron and Harry's friendship. Ron throughout the story struggles with envy, ambition, but in the end friendship wins. If your friend is famous, it is very difficult to be in the shadow of his fame, but Ron proves his loyalty to his friend, risking his life, fighting evil with him, shoulder to shoulder, realizing that this will not bring him anything. Neither torture, nor persuasion, nor attempts by enemies to turn the three brave guys against each other were crowned with success only because they know the price of loyalty both in peacetime and in times of evil dominance.

Cheating on a friend. Do you agree with the statement: "A traitor and a coward are one field of berries"? How do you understand the meaning of the saying: "An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that drags behind you while the sun is shining." Do you agree with the saying of Lope de Vega: “Treason to a friend is a crime without justification, without forgiveness?

Peter Pettigrew was a friend of the Harry Potter family and was appointed keeper of their secret. No one would have been able to find out about their whereabouts if he had not told. But he went over to the side of the enemy Volan de Mort. It was on his outside that James and Lily Potter died. They trusted him, but he betrayed them. Perhaps this hero is one of the most striking examples of betrayal committed against a friend.

Loyalty and betrayal of duty, Motherland. When does a choice arise between loyalty and betrayal? “Is it possible to run away from yourself, leaving your homeland?” Do you agree with Chernyshevsky's statement: "For treason to the motherland, an extraordinary meanness of soul is needed"?

Pyotr Grinev remains faithful to his duty and his state, despite the mortal danger. Even his sympathy for Pugachev does not change the situation. Shvabrin, saving his life, betrays his country, tarnishes the honor of an officer, betrays the people who defended the fortress with him side by side.
The following situation in the novel is also indicative: when Pugachev captures the fortress, people have a choice: to remain true to duty and honor, or to surrender to Pugachev. Most of the inhabitants greet Pugachev with bread and salt, while brave people such as the commandant of the fortress (Masha's father) Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Egorovna refuse to swear allegiance to the "imposter", thereby dooming themselves to death.

Loyalty to the Motherland. What does it mean to be loyal to the Fatherland?

Kutuzov is presented in the novel War and Peace as a man loyal to his Fatherland. He deliberately makes unpopular decisions in order to save his country from destruction.
Most of the characters in the novel sacrifice their lives to win the war.

How strong can a dog's loyalty be? Is it possible to call a dog the most faithful friend? “Whoever has experienced affection for a faithful and intelligent dog, there is no need to explain what warm gratitude she pays for this”

Dog - best friend person. This truth is as old as the world. Troepolsky tells us touching story lifelong friendship between the writer Ivan Ivanovich and Bim, an unusually colored puppy. When Ivan Ivanovich fell ill and was sent to the hospital, Bim was waiting for him, looking through the streets of the city and refused to eat. He faced cruel world people, he was beaten, offended, but he continued to look for his friend. There were people ready to accept him, but the dog believed that someday the owner would definitely be found. He died without ever knowing that Ivan Ivanovich had come for him. This heartbreaking story is a compelling proof of a dog's loyalty to its human.

Can a dog betray its owner? “Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have kept” A.P. Chekhov.

Once a dog named Kashtanka got lost. Fate brought her to an interesting company of circus animals and their leader Ivan Ivanovich. There she quickly became
"her own" and it seemed that she forgot about her master and found a new one. Ivan Ivanovich treated her affectionately, took care of her, even taught her tricks and began to take her to performances. But in the heart of a dog there is only room for one owner. Therefore, having heard the voice of her old master Luka in the auditorium, Kashtanka ran away to him.

Loyalty of animals to their owners.
Mutual devotion of man and animal / How is the loyalty of animals to their owners manifested?

It's no secret that animals are distinguished by devotion to their owners. Proof of this can be found in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov. In the chapter "Bela" there is a storyline connected with Kazbich and his horse Karagez. Karagyoz for Kazbich is not just a horse, it is a true friend who was with him in the most difficult moments of his life. When Kazbich was attacked, Karagyoz showed himself very bravely: he distracted the enemies, and then returned for his master. The horse more than once rescued him on campaigns. Kazbich treated Karagez as a close friend, he was the most important being for him. This is how Kazbich describes his attitude towards his comrade-in-arms:

"There are many beauties in our villages,
The stars shine in the darkness of their eyes.
It is sweet to love them, an enviable share;
But valiant will is more fun.
Gold will buy four wives,
The dashing horse has no price:
He will not lag behind the whirlwind in the steppe,
He won't change, he won't cheat."

For Kazbich, the loss of a friend was a huge tragedy. When Azamat stole Karagez, the dashing Circassian was inconsolable: "... fell to the ground and sobbed like a child." So he lay "until late at night and all night ..". Kazbich's relationship to his horse is a vivid example of the mutual devotion of man and animal.

(371 words) Unfortunately, not all people are able to remain faithful, no matter what, so most of us face betrayal: someone will get betrayed by a loved one, someone will get a stab in the back from a friend, and someone take the word of someone who is not the master of his word. What is the worst thing about this? Everyone will answer in their own way, but for me the most terrible sin is betrayal of oneself. And many literary examples can confirm this.

In Chekhov's story "Ionych", the hero became vulgar, as was his environment. From gifted, romantic, full of life young man he has become an obese and boring everyman who despises his past attempts to stand out from the crowd. He reached a stable financial position, good status in the city, but became rude and irritable, because not a trace of his ideals remained. Having been refused by Catherine, Startsev lost faith in himself and in what he was not indifferent to: talents, aspirations, lofty goals. Dmitry betrayed himself, leaving, along with love, all the dreams that previously allowed him to protect himself from the destructive influence of philistine averageness. He mingled with the lack of initiative, dull and stupid people who inhabited the Zemstvo. If he, a young, daring and intelligent dreamer, had been shown his future, he would have recoiled in horror from this pitiful sight. So vile looks only betrayal of oneself.

In Chekhov's play Three Sisters, the characters strive to leave the provinces and move to Moscow, but they fail to do this, because the atmosphere of infantility and lack of will draws them deeper and deeper, day after day. The vulgarity, monotony and dullness of routine everyday life destroy the lives of the whole family, because all its members betray their lofty impulses and do not find the strength to bring them to life. For example, the intelligent and intelligent Andrei marries the inveterate bourgeois Natasha, does not find happiness in his marriage, but cannot “pick up a staff” and go home. He does not become a professor, as planned, but is content with a position in the zemstvo council. The man realizes that he needs to take action, not to succumb to despondency and apathy, but does nothing. He betrayed his places and goals, his words and thoughts, exchanging his vocation for a well-organized life. It is terrible to see the consequences of this betrayal.

Thus, the worst thing that can happen to a person is betrayal of himself. After this betrayal, he turns into someone he would hate, being true to his beliefs and dreams. Such people are very unhappy, they can only be pitied.

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