Can the groom see the wedding dress. Wedding omens. Wedding omen: you can't get married on a leap year

Wedding omens, superstitions and traditions have existed for many centuries. Not all of them are observed, especially in big cities. Old beliefs are being replaced by new traditions that are more in line with the spirit of the times. You can treat them in different ways: consider them remnants and ignore or agree in some way, perceiving signs as centuries-old observations, not devoid of wisdom.

When is the best time to get married?

There are signs associated with the months when they play the wedding. They note that:

  • wedding celebration in January promises early widowhood;
  • February wedding - to a marriage union filled with love and mutual understanding;
  • marriage in March promises life in a foreign land;
  • in April - the life of the spouses will be changeable, like the weather of this month;
  • in May - toil or face infidelity under one's own roof;
  • the June celebration promises a honeymoon lasting a lifetime;
  • a July wedding is fraught with sweet and sour life impressions;
  • August will give both a friend and a lover as husbands;
  • September promises a conflict-free family life;
  • after the October wedding, a difficult path lies ahead;
  • November marriage promises financial well-being;
  • for those who entered into a marriage union in December, love will be brighter every year.

At the same time, there are beliefs for each date, so a wedding in January can be successful if you choose the right time!

Signs about wedding attributes

One of the leading places of the wedding celebration is occupied by paraphernalia, and therefore it will take a lot about it.

Bride's dress

The bride's outfit in folk signs is in the foreground, everything is taken into account to the smallest detail, starting with the color of the dress. Not always its traditional color was white. He became the leader only in the 18th century in England, and in Rus' the bride was originally dressed up mainly in red. But in subsequent centuries, the white dress became a symbol of the innocence of the young.

What do the different colors of the bride's dress mean:

  • White - a long and happy life, filled with God's grace, strong relationships between spouses.
  • Pink - pure and lasting love, this color is almost equal to white.
  • Gray, silver - the marriage union will be short-lived.
  • Blue - the rapid cooling of feelings in marriage.
  • Green - persistent financial problems.
  • Blue - according to some signs, it is a symbol of modesty and fidelity, while others speak of the opposite, foreshadowing future betrayals.
  • Yellow or cream color - the marriage will last no more than six years with constant tears and scandals.
  • Golden promises material wealth, but it is better that this color is present on the dress only in the form of decor. Then there will be both happiness and money in the family.
  • Brown portends a scandalous divorce with the division of property.
  • Red is interpreted in two ways: as the color of happiness and as a symbol of contention and short-lived marriage.
  • Black is a widow's color.
measure Wedding Dress long before marriage - to a short union

According to legend, the dress must be new, it is undesirable to rent or buy someone else's already used. It is believed that it keeps the fate of the former owner, which can pass to her new owner. Your dress cannot be given into the wrong hands or sold for the same reason.

The strength of the family union depends on the safety of the bride's attire. It is also impossible to let even the closest friends or relatives try it on at any time, otherwise family scandals cannot be avoided. The same applies to the bridal veil and shoes.

Included with the new dress should be some old accessory, such as earrings. It is necessary that it belong only to a married woman with a happy fate.

Interestingly, the bride should not try on the entire outfit before the wedding, especially in front of a mirror. It is believed that then the wedding can fail. But the way out is trying on without any accessory, for example, without a glove.

The strictest prohibition applies to the fact that the groom saw the bride in a dress before the wedding ritual. This is due to the fact that he is delighted when he sees his beloved at the wedding “in full dress”, and this beautiful image will be remembered by him for a lifetime.

There are several more beliefs associated with the bride's dress:

  • It is better to dress the bride not in your own house and only before the wedding itself. It is impossible for a friend with the same name as the newlywed to be present at the same time. The best option- a married woman with at least seven years of happy family history.
  • To correct someone's outfit of the bride during the celebration - to interfere in family life.
  • The longer the ceremonial dress, the longer the couple will live together.
  • You can not put on an outfit through the legs or from the sleeves, first you need to put your head through the neck.
  • For strong love, a lovage leaf should be sewn into the dress.
  • The number of buttons on the bride's attire can only be even, otherwise the spouse will go to the side.
  • The button that has flown off is sewn with two stitches, otherwise life together the couple will not.
  • The newlywed cannot hem her dress, so she will “sew” her happiness.
  • An outfit torn during a celebration promises an evil mother-in-law in the future.


A veil should not, like a dress, be given to someone to try on, it cannot be sold, given away or given away. This headdress, according to legend, protects the newlywed and her unborn child from any adversity. Therefore, a veil is often hung over a baby's bed or a sick child is wrapped in it.

At a wedding, this attribute protects the newlywed from the evil eye. If it is not there, a coin in a shoe or a pin in the hem of an outfit can perform the same functions.

Shoes of the bride and groom: superstitions and customs

A lot of signs are associated with this part of the wedding wardrobe:

The bride's bouquet

Superstitious girls should pay special attention to him, this applies to the composition flower arrangement and attitude to the wedding bouquet. Here are the basic rules:

  • The groom should not give a bouquet for his beloved to someone to hold even for a moment.
  • The newlywed should not let go of the already presented bouquet from her hands all day, otherwise she will not see happiness. He can be on the table next to her during the feast, it is permissible to briefly give this attribute only to the groom or his mother.
  • If the bouquet falls on the floor, then another wedding should be expected in this house.
  • The bridesmaid who caught her bouquet will soon become a newlywed too.
  • There is a sign that contradicts the previous one: a young wife should put her bouquet in the bedroom. And several flowers dried from it as a keepsake will become a family talisman.
  • The number of flowers in the bouquet must be odd.
  • Yellow flowers are a symbol of separation, while daffodils and gladiolus are flowers of mourning.

The bouquet should not have thorns so that the bride does not prick her finger, otherwise the family is expected frequent quarrels

What do flowers mean in a young bouquet:

Beliefs warn young people against distributing bouquets presented at the wedding by guests. You can not leave them in the registry office, restaurant or bring them to the cemetery. All of them must be collected and placed in the dwelling of the newly-made family. But it is worth counting the number of flowers in each of the bouquets so that it is odd. Sometimes envious people try to jinx a couple.

A wedding is not possible without wedding rings. Popular superstitions pay close attention to them, warning what they should be, how to handle them. Here are some of them:

  • In order for the life of the newly minted family to proceed smoothly, their rings should be made in a simple, classic style - without stones, notches or patterns.
  • If these are rings with stones, then the ruby ​​is a sign of passionate love, the emerald is tender, and the diamond is a symbol of the purity and strength of love bonds.
  • The decoration of the newlywed should be wider than that of the groom.
  • You should not let anyone try on these family symbols either before or after the wedding, otherwise you will bring misfortune to the family.
  • To exchange rings of parents is to repeat their fate.
  • Can only be worn to weddings wedding ring.
  • A bad sign is to drop it before exchanging rings.
  • After this ritual, an empty box must be given to an unmarried girl, and soon she will find her happiness.

If you lose the ring, there will be trouble, but the family will not necessarily fall apart.

Wedding glasses and champagne

At the wedding, it is customary for young people to drink champagne from tall, cone-shaped stemmed glasses. Usually these are two sets: one (cheaper) is broken after the first drink, and the other - expensive and refined - is decorated with the table of the newlyweds at the wedding. These goblets with ribbon-tied legs are kept as a family heirloom. Of these, you can drink only young.

The roots of the ritual of breaking glass at a wedding go deep into antiquity, when it was believed that the sound of breaking glass scares away evil spirits from young people. Sometimes they guess on the fragments of broken glasses. If they are large, then the firstborn will be a boy, and small ones portend a girl.

Two special bottles of champagne, called bulls, have a symbolic meaning at the wedding. Their name comes from the south of Russia, where the newlyweds were given a cow and a bull, so that they would have offspring in a year. This symbolized the beginning of a joint economy and was a kind of wish. new family fertility.

This pair of bottles tied with ribbons is stylized as a wedding theme. They can decorate them in the costumes of the bride and groom. And they protect, not allowing them to be kidnapped and opened at a wedding feast. But in the future they are still used for their intended purpose: one is drunk at a cotton wedding, and the second - after the birth of the first child.

If suddenly one of the glasses breaks, you should also break the second

wedding loaf

It has been a long tradition to bake a loaf for a wedding in the groom's home. This was done by married women under the guidance of the godmother of the young. Childless, divorced or widowed women, who could “reward” the newlyweds with their failure, were not allowed to ritual priesthood.

From the evil eye, the loaf was kept until the wedding under a towel. Dividing it was usually entrusted to the godparents. Each guest had to try a piece, otherwise it was believed that he was not present at the wedding. Endowed with magical powers, the remaining piece of loaf was distributed to family members. Symbolic patterns on it:

  • A pair of doves or swans - the love and fidelity of the newlyweds.
  • A braid is a sign of a girl's marriage, and a rose is a sign of her beauty and innocence.
  • A bunch of grapes - financial well-being.
  • Grapevine - fertility and strength of family relationships.
  • Kalina or ears of wheat - wealth, prosperity, good luck.

There is a custom to give a loaf to young people on a colorful towel embroidered with roosters. Rooster - a symbol of new life for newlyweds

A loaf with a salt shaker in the center of the newlyweds, after painting, is greeted by the mother and father of the groom. The newlyweds must bite off a piece of it without taking it with their hands. Whoever can bite off more will dominate the family.

There is also a tradition of breaking the loaf in half, taking both sides. The head of the family breaks off most of it. A piece is separated from each of them, dipped in salt and eaten. This is a symbol that everything in the family will be done together. The part of the pie not eaten by the newlyweds, according to another belief, they treat the guests.

birthday cake

The newlyweds should cut the wedding cake together, helping each other. This means mutual understanding and unity in the family. The young mistress cuts it, and the groom symbolically supports the knife. This means that he is the future support of a young family. Whose hand in the process will be higher, he will dominate the house.

It is impossible that only a young husband shares dessert. This promises a childless marriage or quarrels and a lack of understanding in the family. The groom gives the first piece to his beloved, and the bride gives the second to the young man. Then comes the treat of guests with a delicacy as a wish for them happiness in life. You can’t ignore this dessert, even if you don’t like sweets, you need to try it at least a little. This promises good luck to both the young family and everyone treated.

Beliefs with a wedding cake:

Signs on the wedding day

There are many signs about the very day of the wedding, its omens. It is also planned how the newlyweds, witnesses and guests should behave. Even the weather is symbolic on a solemn day.


A few signs about the weather on the day of the wedding:

  • Sunny and clear weather for a happy and easy life.
  • Snow or rain promises a cloudless family idyll.
  • Strong wind - windy life.
  • It is especially lucky when the weather is clear at first, and then it suddenly starts to rain. This promises prosperity to the newlyweds.
  • But a storm during the wedding portends trouble.
  • A strong frost on the day of the celebration means the birth of a strong first-born boy in the future.

General signs

Particular importance is attached to the protection of a young family from damage. That's why:

  • it is better for young people not to lean against the wall during a feast;
  • after the wedding, the groom must carry the newlywed across the threshold of their house in his arms so that she does not stumble, which is in the hands of evil spirits;
  • protects the energy of the bride from outside interference with a safety pin, discreetly attached to the dress with a latch down from wrong side opposite the heart. Pins with blunt ends are also stuck into the hem;
  • if someone crosses the road to the young, this promises a danger to their family relationships. Therefore, in defense of the newlyweds from possible conspiracies, witnesses go ahead of them;
  • newlyweds must constantly hold hands so that no one can interfere in family relationships by separating them.

It is also important to choose the right wedding witnesses. They do not have to be blood relatives of the spouses. Married or divorced friends are not to be chosen as witnesses, nor are widows or widowers.

It is believed that the witness should not be dressed in green - she will be unhappy and will not find a husband

protection from evil spirits serves as a tangled wedding train route. If a cat ran across the road to the motorcade, then you need to change the direction of movement. You can not call on this solemn day at the cemetery, even at the graves of the closest people. Such a route will harm a young family.

Special signs are associated with the purpose of the money donated for the wedding. To avoid trouble, it is better to put large bills on the windowsill and put a vessel of holy water on them, while reading a prayer.

You can not give the donated money to someone in debt or repay debts with it. These funds should be left entirely at the disposal of the young and spent only on their needs. Otherwise, in such a family there will always be lack of money and chronic debts.

In order for young people to live in abundance, when leaving the registry office or church, they are showered with cereals - rice, millet or wheat grains

How to Minimize the Effects of Negative Omens

In order not to dwell on negative signs at the wedding, but to enjoy this solemn event, it is good to know about their origin. For example, in ancient times, a wedding dress was passed down from generation to generation, representing a significant value. His damage promised trouble from older relatives. But a modern girl should not be upset because the dress is torn. And even more so, this does not portend future quarrels with the mother-in-law.

The superstition that the bride should not look at the mirror before the wedding sounds ridiculous these days. Indeed, in the wedding palace there are always mirrors designed to fix the toilet and hair before registration and photo shoot. Yes, and the ban on being photographed in a wedding dress smacks of a relic. After all wedding photos- this is an integral part of the ritual, they remind you all your life happy couple about this important day when their family was born.

As for the color of the bride's dress and its style, this is a matter of taste for the happy newlywed. Any outfit can be supplemented with accessories and useful attributes that neutralize the effect of negative signs (pins, jewelry made from certain metals or stones, and other amulets).

By old tradition, brides often wore a red dress on the second day of the wedding

The wedding sign that it is impossible to buy and sell an outfit has already become obsolete for the same reason - now every bride can afford to calmly manage her finances, which was not the case in the old days, when the outfit was almost the property of the family, and they sold it only in a time of total famine or poverty.

The sages say that thoughts are material. Good ones carry a positive charge, lead to good deeds and events. And negative emotions necessarily attract troubles and sorrows. Therefore, one should not think about the negative, look for it everywhere. It is better to see a good sign in everything, then bad omens will not work, but good and bright ones, of which there are many more, will multiply.

Many beautiful traditions that have survived the centuries have organically fit into modern wedding rituals. But there are many strange and dubious signs that have already become obsolete. Knowing this, you should not be upset if something at the wedding did not turn out the way the older generation would like. You can and should create your own family traditions, absorbing the best from the past and rejecting its remnants. And then the wedding will remain one of the brightest memories. family life.

wedding is so important point in the life of every person, that since ancient times people have attached a mystical significance to the marriage ceremony. It was believed that all the attributes and events associated with the rite of joining two lovers into a single whole have a special meaning and significance, bring positive or negative energy to a young family.

Prohibitions for newlyweds

Even in our age of progress and a pragmatic approach to life, weddings are still a ceremony with not only numerous rituals, but also with the same number of prohibitions. They are designed to provide the newborn married couple love and prosperity, fidelity and mutual understanding, joy and prosperity, warmth and tenderness in relationships.

  • In order for a love union not to end in a quick divorce, you can not drop wedding rings. And if this already happened, then a white thread should immediately be passed through the golden rim, which will collect all the negative.
  • During the wedding ceremony or civil marriage, the newlywed should not drop the scarf. Otherwise, the awkward girl runs the risk of becoming a widow soon.
  • The bride should not be allowed to break her heel during the wedding. After all, such a nuisance promises not only a spoiled celebration, but also many problems in family life.
  • Danger lies in wait for the young even in the wedding bouquet. If it is made of roses from which the thorns have not been removed, then for the newlywed there is a high probability of pricking. And on the day of the wedding, this incident predicts a fate filled with continuous quarrels and disagreements with the other half.
  • In order to have a good relationship with the mother-in-law, the bride cannot tear her wedding dress. A button accidentally torn off from the groom's solemn vestments portends constant family quarrels.
  • If the groom saw the wedding dress

    One of the most common pre-wedding taboos around the world is the sight of a bride in a wedding dress, accidentally or intentionally spied on by the groom. It is categorically impossible to see even one wedding dress without its mistress before the wedding, so as not to bring trouble to your matrimonial prospects.

    • The most popular belief says that if a lover accidentally sees the wedding toilet of his chosen one, then their union will not take place at all. The reason may be objective circumstances such as the need for a long and distant business trip or even the death of the groom (bride). A serious conflict between lovers is not excluded, which will lead to the termination of the engagement.
    • Another interpretation of the sign says that the ceremonial attire of the newlywed, seen by the groom before the wedding, will cause an unhappy union filled with disagreements, betrayals and mutual claims. Things can even go as far as the divorce of the young soon after the solemn ceremony of marriage.
    • Sometimes, in modern couples, grooms even insist to take part in choosing a dress for their beloved. And for many girls it is very important to get the approval of their chosen one in advance. If you are not superstitious, then feel free to go to the salon with your betrothed. Well, for those who believe in signs, you should not do this, so that later you do not reproach yourself for the mistake.
    • Even the most inveterate materialists and pragmatists should think about the reasons for the appearance of such a sign. Indeed, in the prohibition relating to the wedding dress of the bride, there is also a rational grain. The dazzling image of a beloved in full wedding attire, first seen only at the altar or in the registry office, will surely become pleasant surprise and hit the groom in the heart, once again confirming the correctness of the choice made.
Anna Lyubimova

The time before the wedding can hardly be compared with any other. It's all mixed up: smiles, tears, hugs, arguments. Everything is so saturated with emotions that it is not easy for future newlyweds to maintain peace of mind. Not only are they going to take the most important step in their lives, but they are also faced with the chores of organizing a celebration, arranging a future home, choosing wedding dresses, inviting guests, and much more. At the same time, you need to continue to go to work, take care of loved ones, do something around the house. The head is spinning from daily tasks and tasks, and the nerves are at the limit.

Isn't this the reason for the strange signs and prejudices associated with preparing for marriage and everything that has to do with it?

Yes, happiness is indeed very fragile, and it is so scary to lose it. So there are warning, prohibiting and other "horror stories", which, after a while, most people remember with a smile. Was it worth it to worry?

This dress is the most reverent attitude

Probably, more often than others, girlfriends retell each other the signs associated with a wedding dress. Nothing surprising! This outfit means so much to girls! He clearly demonstrates that she loves and is loved, that from now on there are two of them, and they will share all joys and sorrows in half.

There are so many expectations associated with him and they are all happy. And when, finally, this wonderful dress takes its place on the hanger in anticipation of the cherished minute, you absolutely don’t want someone else to touch it, and even more so - to try it on.

It is also quite understandable why the groom should not see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding. She wants to appear before him in all her splendor. And he will have to admire her beauty and charm enough to remember this for many, many years.

All preliminary fittings and shows will deprive the newlywed of the opportunity to see the reflection of these feelings on the face of her chosen one, and the reference to some kind of trouble was invented “to divert eyes”

The question of whether to show the dress to her friends before the wedding or not to do this is up to each girl to decide on her own. Who knows her friends better than she does, and what can you expect from them? This moment received a negative connotation, probably because of the fear of “jinxing” one’s happiness, suffering from someone else’s envy.

Envy is indeed a very strong feeling that can spoil the mood and further relationships between people. But in the world many examples of sincere friendship, mutual support, when it was thanks to reliable friends that everything was arranged the best way. So know how to choose them, and you will not have to beware of unkind looks.

There are many warnings associated with the process of acquiring a wedding dress. Especially a lot of disagreement sounds about whether it is possible to buy a wedding dress in advance, that is, before the official engagement took place. This is an extraordinary act and a bold step. Not every girl dares to dare him. But there are situations when people at first sight understand that they have found a soul mate, that their feelings are mutual and their “disclosure” is only a matter of time. Then why not?

Another thing is if there is not even a candidate for grooms in mind, but you just want to get married. Then there is no need to rush. By the time such decoration is needed, both fashion and figure may have changed. future bride and her preferences. As for the assertion that a rash purchase will harm future happiness there is no objective evidence for this. No one has ever kept such statistics, so to believe or not to believe in it is your own choice.

Roughly the same applies to doubts about whether an unmarried girl can wear a wedding dress. See how the girl reacts to this. Sometimes your own fears can create such an internal blockage that it is not easy for positive change to break through. But there is also a belief that, according to signs, trying on a wedding dress for an unmarried girl is for an early marriage. There is also a tradition of catching a wedding bouquet thrown at random by the bride at the end of the evening. The one who catches him will find personal happiness within a year.

By the way, it is in this case that one can recall the exact opposite sign. According to one of the superstitions, the newlywed should not release the bouquet from her hands throughout the wedding day, and then put it in her bedroom, then everything will be fine with her. Even better - dry a few flowers as a keepsake and store them until the end of your days. Such a souvenir, they say, will become a talisman of the family. But mutual love and the ability to cherish a partner will save her from troubles much more reliably, and there is no need to “preserve” or “dry” them.

Wedding bouquet in the hands of the bride

Is it possible to choose a wedding dress with the groom?

Sometimes the question arises, who should buy a wedding dress: the bride or the groom? There can be no single answer here. If the future spouse is a successful and wealthy person, he will gladly take all the expenses on himself. The dress, like the rings, the girl will go to buy with the groom. And you should not expect anything negative if the groom saw a dress, shoes or gloves before the wedding.

If only he looked at the bride with love! On that very cherished day, she will still look different, and he will fully feel it.

If the young couple still mainly relies on their parents, they solve this problem and determine what the bride's attire should be, and how much each party should share in the expenses.

Of course, on this account there may be different traditions. So in the USA, for example, payment of all wedding expenses without discussion is assigned to the father of the bride. In France, the festive dinner at which the engagement is announced is paid for by the bride's parents, and the wedding celebration is paid for by both related families. In the UK, at the request of the heroes of the celebration, a wedding rehearsal is held with seating guests and even toasts. As for shopping for wedding dresses, here everything is decided by the personal relationship of the future spouses.

Some superstitious persons suggest the danger in seeing yourself in a mirror in a wedding dress. But how then to determine what really suits you, how to find out if everything is done with the proper quality? Is it better to see your reflection in the mirrors of the Wedding Palace and be upset because everything was different in your dreams?

The bride looks at herself in the mirror before the wedding

Not so long ago, the unshakable and indestructible rule was to dress the bride in snow-white attire. Everything else, at best, looked suspicious and caused gossip. But modern girls masterfully dealt with this prejudice. They go down the aisle not only in, and outfits, but also, steel, brown and even.

The example of the American movie star Sarah Jessica Parker, who appeared at the wedding in a black wedding dress, became a textbook and found many followers

What the color of the bride's dress should certainly be according to signs, if you get married a second time, history is silent. But traditionally he could be more modest and reserved. And the veil was not worn a second time. She symbolized the special purity and innocence of the young newlywed, which in remarriage was not expected.

Today it is a beautiful and delicate attribute of a wedding dress, which can only be worn for this ceremony. And although stylists now offer many ways to decorate a girl's head: flowers in her hair, a headband or hat with a veil, a cape with a hood, a spectacular scarf, many brides remain committed to the classic veil.

This elegant floor-length dress can be worn more than once for ceremonial exits or to the theater, but a veil cannot be worn.

Observation or superstition?

It is clear that everything in the world does not happen by chance, and any statements grow from observations and generalizations. But today's reality is such that even proven by centuries weather signs "work" far from always, the world around us has changed so much.

Once upon a time, festive clothes were of considerable value, especially among the people, and a spoiled outfit foreshadowed serious “showdowns” with older family members. But to promise problems with the mother-in-law to a modern girl, whose wedding dress, according to signs, was torn during the celebration, is at least strange.

It is also considered unfavorable, according to a sign, to sell a wedding dress. This, they say, can provoke a divorce. But if one were to seriously set out to find out the fate of all the couples whose wedding dresses were sold through Internet sites or consignment stores, they would be surprised to find that the percentage of failed marriages does not exceed the national average. And certainly no one heard that someone called the sale of wedding decorations the reason for the breakup.

What can we say about the ban on being photographed in a wedding dress! Millions of newlyweds capture their happy day in dozens of photos, and then look at them with pleasure many years later.

Wise people say: The thought is material. Good thoughts are realized through good deeds and events, while negative thoughts attract anxieties and sorrows. If we are looking for signs related to the wedding, then only good ones.

December 16, 2017, 13:08

Finally it happened! The candy-flower stage of your romance is over, and now you are the bride and groom. What lies ahead for you? Is it possible to predict and avoid inevitable things? Yes, that's what signs and beliefs are for. Let's talk about them?

Understand that everyone believes in omens. Even those who don't talk about it out loud. You know, the church also denies signs, but this does not mean that it does not have them. For example, you cannot light a candle from another candle, otherwise you run the risk of acquiring the sins of the one who lit this candle.

We'll talk about wedding favors :

№1 If suddenly it rained on your wedding day, don't be upset. This is a good sign. This means that the sky will blur your way back home, and you won’t come to your mom and dad except for a visit.

Before putting on your wedding dress, ask an unmarried friend to wipe your feet with a handkerchief, and let her keep this handkerchief without washing until her own wedding. The wedding will not keep you waiting. Checked!

№3 As you put on your shoes, name five unmarried girls. And be sure, after that, they will marry within a short time in exactly the sequence in which you called them.

№4 Remember! You can not look at yourself in the mirror in a wedding dress. Otherwise, you can jinx yourself, so beautiful, tender, airy ...

№5 The first meal that you taste at your own wedding must certainly be sweet, so that your future life will be "like honey."

№6 When the time comes to get into the wedding procession, in no case do not look back, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Let the past stay there, behind, with all its good and bad. Ahead of you is a solid positive!

№7 You probably know the path from your house to the groom's house well. And in your thoughts, of course, you imagined more than once how you would do this route as a bride. Now strain your memory and try to count how many bridges there are from "point A to point B". They say that if the wedding cortege passes through seven bridges, young people will be happy and rich!

№8 Experienced brides warn: Do not dare to meet the eyes of your mother-in-law while you are in wedding attire, otherwise she will not love you, God forbid!

№9 Stock up on a pinch of sugar in advance, and stepping over the threshold of your bedroom for the first time, quietly pour it out. Sweet life is guaranteed!


Wedding dresses: superstitions and traditions

The wedding dress is the most important item in a wedding attire and must be paired with some care. As for color, it is generally considered, according to ancient tradition, a sign of an unhappy family life for the bride to wear a dress of any color other than white, which is a symbol of innocence and purity. According to other customs, however, blue and pink dresses may be worn safely.

Blue garter

One exception to the "all white" rule is the blue garter. The blue garter is in keeping with the bride's tradition of wearing something old, something new, something borrowed, something of blue color. Wearing the mother's wedding dress is extra good luck, as a sign of something borrowed, but usually, the second-hand items that brides use in their wedding are shoes or handkerchiefs. In some regions, this loan can also mean "something stolen" or something of gold.

When to try on a dress?

Making your own wedding dress is condemned by superstition as it can cause great misfortune. An old superstition also dictates that wedding attire should not be tried on until after the wedding. But if the bride has to try on her outfit before the holiday, she should not look at herself in a full-length mirror. Of course, brides nowadays try on their dresses before the wedding. But there is a way to get around this most inconvenient superstition. The bride can try on the dress, but not the entire wedding attire.

Can the groom see the bride before the wedding?

It is possible not to wear gloves or shoes in accordance with tradition, and the bride will be safe. Superstition prophesies even more misfortune if the groom sees the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding. This means betrayal in married life.

What to sew a wedding dress from?

The preferred material for the bride is a silk wedding dress. Satin, traditionally, lead to failure, and velvet - to poverty in the future. The dress should never be stained with blood. Also, it should not be an exact copy of someone else's model. Images of birds and grapes on the dress should be avoided in every possible way.

Another sign of happiness is that the last clasp in the dress is left open until the very last moment right up until the ceremony. Another sign tells the bride to sew some of her own hairs into her wedding dress. Also, putting a coin in her shoe is considered to ensure future prosperity.

What about a veil and a bouquet?

The final touches of an elegant wedding dress are a veil and a bouquet. The bride must remember to never try on a veil with her wedding dress before the wedding. The veil was traditionally worn to hide the beauty of the bride from any evil spirits before the wedding. These evil spirits may try to kidnap the bride on her way to church. The veil should never be thrown back until after the official ceremony. Wearing wedding bouquet It is a symbol of abundance and sexuality. This is usually associated with the lucky ribbons on the bouquet.

Choosing a wedding dress is usually very interesting. The choice of accessories for the entire outfit, such as a veil, gloves and shoes, is no less interesting. The opinion of the mother is especially important for the bride in order to come to a common opinion, especially for young brides. There are many superstitions and long traditions around the world regarding the making, fitting and wearing of wedding attire. While many people are not superstitious, some age-old traditions can help make your wedding even happier.

Weather and choice of wedding month

Wedding signs and beliefs in winter:

If a wedding is celebrated on Shrovetide, it means that there will always be prosperity and a cheerful life in the house.

If a strong frost strikes on the wedding day, then the first-born will be a strong and healthy boy. Hello winter weddings!

Wedding signs and beliefs in spring, autumn and summer:

If during the marriage there was sunny weather, and suddenly it began to rain - to be a rich young family.

If during the wedding a thunderstorm breaks out or a storm, it means to be a misfortune.

On a snowy day, a wedding - to a wealthy, prosperous life, if there is a strong wind on the wedding day - the life of the young will be windy.

If a strong frost strikes on the wedding day, then the first-born will be a strong and healthy boy.

Winter wedding month:

December - the eternal feeling of love among the spouses.

January - early widowhood.

February - life soul to soul.

Summer wedding month:

June - eternal love between spouses.

July - regret about a hasty marriage.

August - peace and devotion on both sides.

Autumn wedding month:

September - quiet family life.

October - many difficulties on the way to happiness.

November - material abundance.

Have you told your friends that you are getting married? Get ready, now a flurry of tips and warnings will fall upon you. You will learn so many wedding signs that if you follow everything, then the holiday will turn into a terrible minefield. Even if you are not superstitious, at least a couple of them will sink into your soul. Some beliefs have been formed for hundreds of years, some for several decades, but, as a rule, each is explained logically. We took eight popular signs, dived into history and found simple reasons for their occurrence. Debunking the myths!

Wedding sign: you can not see the bride in a dress before the ceremony

First, before the wedding you can not see the bride. This prejudice arose from a long tradition of banning young people from dating before marriage. Previously, most marriages in Rus' were not made out of love, but under duress. Parents agreed on a profitable party, deciding for the children, they did not have the right to vote. The wealth and class of the future spouse were considered important. Often the bride and groom never saw each other until the wedding. Parents were afraid that they would not like each other, and one of the young would run away. By the way, in support of this tradition, a veil also appeared - the bride's face was closed until the moment the young spouses were announced, then the groom opened the face of the betrothed and, finally, saw her.

Secondly, before the wedding, you can’t show the dress to anyone. The reason for the superstition is practical - in the past, a wedding dress was considered part of the dowry, for which they chose the most expensive fabric and jewelry that the family could afford. It was risky to show such a jewel, it could have been stolen. So they hid the dress until the wedding.

Wedding omen: the bride's shoes must be worn

Few families in Rus' could afford to sew a ceremonial pair of shoes for the bride. Most sometimes had nothing to walk in every day, so more or less elegant shoes were passed from one girl to another, throughout the village. This wedding omen is also the wisest - new shoes can rub your leg and spoil your mood, and it’s comfortable in a worn leg.

Wedding omen: you can't get married on a leap year

It is believed that a family created in a leap year will not be happy. There are different explanations of belief, we tell the most interesting. Many centuries ago, the leap year was considered the year of brides, who themselves could choose a husband. Moreover, the poor man did not have the right to refuse if matchmakers came to him. It turns out that at least one person married against his will - such unions were very rarely happy.

Wedding sign: getting married in May is just toiling

Our practical ancestors came up with this sign in order not to interfere with spring work in the fields. May is the traditional sowing time, when the foundation for the future harvest was laid. Most families ate what they had grown, did not sow the land on time - left relatives without food for a year. Weddings were played for two or three days, or even a week. After such a celebration, it was necessary to recover, it also took more than one day. So it turned out that several weeks were spent along with the preparation, to do this in May meant dooming the family to starvation.

Wedding sign: a holiday on Krasnaya Gorka - fortunately

Wedding omen: rain at the wedding will bring happiness

To explain this wedding sign, we again return to our ancestors - otherwise, almost all customs came from those times. Rain for the Slavs was a blessing, he gave life and harvest. Droughts led to famine, so the whole family rejoiced at the rain. Hence the opinion that rain for a wedding is fortunate.

Wedding sign: you can not give to measure wedding rings

Since ancient times, the ring has been considered a talisman that protects the owner from illness and misfortune. The amulet belonged to him, accumulated energy, becoming one with him. Let someone try on your ring - break the connection with him by letting a third one into it. Wedding rings are the same amulets, they protected the family from strife and troubles. Giving an engagement ring to try on meant significantly weakening the protection.

Wedding sign: parents are not allowed to attend the celebration

There are several reasons for the belief, we like the one that refers to the custom of forced marriages mentioned above. In 1724, Peter the Great issued a decree in which it was forbidden to force couples to marry. Before the wedding, the priest had to make sure that the intentions of the future spouses were voluntary, and their parents were required to take an oath, swearing that they did not force the children to marry. In practice, this was not respected, so some settlements forbade parents from attending the wedding. Such a step allowed the young to refuse an unwanted marriage without the pressure of relatives.