Sand painting is a useful form of creativity. Sand painting for children Benefits of sand painting for children

One of the fashionable trends in decorative art today is sand painting. Masters are able to tame this material, creating real, living paintings. Kids love to build castles on the beach and dig in the sandbox, so they will take on unusual drawing with special pleasure.

Sand animation can become an integral part of leisure time, it is not only exciting, but also useful. It would seem, what is so special about sorting through grains of sand? The answer to this question lies on the surface. - on children's portal"Pustunchik" presents drawing lessons for children that will help the child in mastering creative skills.

Ease of use. In order to organize workplace Sand painting doesn't take much. Only glass, a lamp and sifted fine sand. Some parents give babies semolina or granulated sugar instead of the usual one. Any loose substance that is safe for the health of the artist will do. In that creative work There is always room for experimentation!

Such material is very plastic, so children can change the image in one fell swoop, without using an eraser and without redrawing it all over again. On just one "canvas" of glass, sand animation allows you to create hundreds of pictures in turn.

Child's age. Children of any age, even the smallest, can touch the art of sand painting. It is necessary for the development fine motor skills, as well as lessons using finger paints and plasticine.

For older children, sand painting is no less useful. Experts note an improvement in the performance of those children who like to engage in sand animation. After all, such creative activities among schoolchildren stimulate thought processes, the development of speech, logical and figurative thinking.

Knowledge of the world. The little one cannot be torn off from creating pictures with colored sand, because with their help the child gets acquainted with the texture of materials. Wet sand is no less interesting than dry sand, and besides, it can be smeared on glass.

Aesthetic enjoyment. Drawings made with sand are very original and beautiful, they can embody all the imagination of a little author.

emotional component. Psychologists advise to draw with the whole family. This is a great opportunity to communicate and engage in collective creativity, which cannot but bring pleasure.

Practice shows that children who are engaged in drawing are not so much prone to stress. During creative lessons, the baby relaxes, gets rid of negative thoughts and tension. As a result nervous system becomes stronger, resentment and aggressiveness disappear. Psychologists working with problem children very often resort to sand animation in the classroom.

Sand painting has an excellent influence on the physical and psychological development of the little artist. Children can create sand pictures at any age, you can start almost from the cradle. It's best if children's creativity adults will join - to create joint masterpieces.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

Sand drawings on glass- This is an unconventional type of creativity, which is very popular all over the world. What are the unusual, bewitching sand shows, when artists create masterpieces of unusual beauty with the help of sand on luminous glass to the music! Everyone likes this amazing spectacle, but today you can try to reproduce it at home.

Sand is a material that fascinates, its free-flowing properties appeal to both children and adults. Take at least an hourglass: how difficult it is to take your eyes off the falling grains of sand!

If the weather is warm outside, and there is a sandbox in the yard, parents, as a rule, do not have a question about what to do with the baby. They cook Easter cakes, dig tunnels, build castles. If the weather is bad, or there is no sandbox nearby, kinetic sand comes to the rescue, which I talked about in detail in one of the previous articles. If you are wondering what it is and how to apply it, go to this.

Some experts argue that sand is able to pick up negative energy and stabilize the emotional state.

Today, entire programs of "sand therapy" for children have been developed. Studios are opening where children draw with sand on glass. Attending classes, kids not only master the skills of creating sand paintings, but also various animation options. To work, you only need a special table with a glass surface and lighting, sand and original ideas. Kids in such studios are happy to tinker with sand.

Sand painting for kids not only an entertaining activity, it develops tactile sensations, speech, fantasy, imaginative thinking, and reveals creative potential.

Sand drawings on glass are especially useful for. In the process of creativity, they calm down, get rid of excess energy, learn to understand their parents and themselves.

The process of drawing with sand allows the kid to immerse himself in the world of his illusions, imaginations, fantasies.

Sand painting is also useful for children with developmental delay. It stimulates the development of the child's speech, thinking. After all, children learn to think logically and figuratively.

The process of pouring sand from hand to hand develops coordination of fingers, hand movements. And, as we all know, the development of fine motor skills is directly related to, so even speech therapists recommend playing with bulk materials for children.

Interestingly, sand painting for children is suitable for different ages. Very young children can create the simplest figures by running their fingers over an evenly poured layer of sand. Older children (teenagers) can already create whole pictures.

It is better to draw with sand to light pleasant music and in the twilight. In such conditions, an atmosphere of magic appears.

Creating fleeting drawings on the screen with sand that follow each other is called sand animation. By creating sand drawings that transform into one another, the artist creates a whole sand cartoon.

This type of creativity develops plasticity, improves memory and brain function.

Creating a sand picture, a person withdraws into himself, which gives him the opportunity to relax and unwind. In this state, stress, psychological tension, depression are perfectly relieved, with its help you can get rid of fears and phobias, calm down, cheer yourself up and harmonize your inner world.

How to make a table for sand animation? What do you need to paint with sand at home?

Sand can either be purchased at the store, or collected on the beach, in the sandbox. Please note that other materials can be used in place of sand: ground coffee, semolina, salt.

The sand must be carefully sieved, washed and calcined in the oven. Well, if you manage to find sea or coarse river sand, which has different shades, particle sizes and structure.

What other materials will be needed for work?

- wooden box;
- a piece of frosted plexiglass;
- adhesive tape or electrical tape;
- nails and a hammer.

If the glass is transparent, glue it with a colored or white film, paint it with paint.

For illumination, you can use any lamp, a bright flashlight.

To make table legs, you can take wooden blocks.

How to make a table for sand animation? Step-by-step instruction:

1. We take a box, or we knock it down from the boards on our own. It should have a depth of 7-10 cm so that the sand does not fall out during the creative process.

2. From two narrow edges we retreat the same distance and nail the planks. So we will make convenient holes for storing the necessary materials.

3. At the bottom of the box you need to make a slot to insert the plexiglass.

4. To make the table stable, nail the legs.

5. Place the plexiglass in the slot you made and secure it with duct tape.

6. Now place a lamp or flashlight under the table. Turn it on and start creating.

And don't forget to put on some nice music.

Sand drawings on glass allow you to be distracted for a few minutes, forget about everything, and, following the movement of hands, changing images, see a fairy tale and believe in it.

Sand painting can be used as an original, unique gift. After all, today it is so difficult to surprise a loved one. A sand painting is something quivering, unforgettable, fickle and beautiful.

Today sand painting is very popular. You can prepare an unusual art show for any corporate event, romantic dinner, Birthday, with the help of a sand show you can do, also sand drawing the history of the relationship of the newlyweds can be a real highlight of the wedding.

Recently, a relatively new art form has become very popular: SAND DRAWING.

The masters say that this type of creativity was familiar to man in ancient times, when people did not know what paper, brushes and paints were. There is no way to check this information, you have to take your word for it. Although, there is nothing surprising in this - people from the very cradle of mankind have sought to express their emotions through drawing.

Sand painting is carried out on special light tables. The light table for sand painting is a scaled-down model of the surrounding world of a small person. Sand painting encourages the child to experiment creatively, to get exciting experiences, develop imagination and fantasy. A big plus of sand painting is that it does not belong to the category of activities that require special knowledge.

Moreover, drawing in the sand has a beneficial effect on the psyche of children. Also, such classes can solve a number of psychological problems that children face - fear, self-doubt, anxiety, resentment, and so on. Playing in the sand, the child experiences pleasure, and this encourages him to new discoveries and inventions. Thus, the child develops himself, planning, drawing, embodying his fantasies in footprints in the sand.

At the same time, the child is completely immersed, included in the game with sand - emotionally, mentally, physically. Thus, favorable conditions are observed for children to show concentration, curiosity, enthusiasm, as well as for relaxation. There is an activation of mental and emotional reserves, which is expressed in physical forms created by one's own hands.

Sand drawing perfectly develops motor skills, since the child's fingers are in close contact with the textured substance, develops coordination of movement, helps to learn the properties of the substance, and develops imagination.

Sand drawing is successfully used when working with children with special needs. After such classes, they have an increase in mental activity, improved speech and memory, and increased sociability. And since sand is often painted with both hands, this type of creativity will be very useful for children with impaired coordination of movement, left-handers and ambidexters.

What can you draw? Almost anything: pencils, crayons, paints. But perhaps the most unusual and most magical images can be obtained if you master sand painting. More precisely, drawing on glass with sand using fingers and palms.



Why do children draw with sand

Sand painting is also called sand therapy. More than 30 years ago, psychologists in the United States drew attention to the fact that art classes (painting lessons) with sand had a positive effect in the treatment of people who were experiencing psychological trauma or were in a depressed state. Now kindergartens organize classes with sand in order not only to teach children how to draw, but also to cheer them up.

What is the positive effect of playing with sand?

1. The child develops an interest in the researcher. After all, the occupation, as a rule, is surrounded by mystery. It's almost like doing a scientific experiment or a magical ritual. For drawing, a special plane with illumination is set. And they don’t give paints at all, but sand (!), Which pours and at first does not lend itself to “taming” at all. And the sand may not be ordinary, but tinted.

2. Feeling the sand in your hands is relaxing. Sand is a living material, you can touch it with your finger, stroke it with your whole palm, feel the hardness of each grain of sand on your skin. During the lesson, nerve impulses are transmitted from the skin to the brain, and the baby is “recharged”, like a battery, with good energy. Creativity with sand allows you to remove worries and phobias. Emotional "clips" go away, and the body is reborn.

3. The child fantasizes with sand more boldly than on paper with pencils or paints. Here you can draw, correct and draw again, without fear of making any mistake, without disappointment “oh, it didn’t work out again!” The kid can sift the sand, collect it in a pile, level it, pick it up with a finger, depict primitive sticks, “scribbles” or whole pictures, and then break everything and create again! Dozens of different actions and dozens of pattern variations in a relatively short period of time.

4. Sand painting promotes the development of fine motor skills. Experts say that this technique is even more effective than finger gymnastics. Why is that? Because tasks with sand strain both the brain and muscles more. For comparison, you should just try to pour out the sand in a uniform stream or draw two identical suns at once with both hands to the left and right of the imaginary center line.

How to do sand therapy with your child

The level of tasks with sand, of course, will depend on the age of the child, and this will tell you child psychologist or a teacher. Although it is possible to equip a sand painting studio at home.

Task one. We make a table for sand.

To make a special table-stand with your own hands, you need to look for: a box, plexiglass, an electric lamp.

The table must be strong and stable. Therefore, it is best to take a small wooden box, knocked together from smoothly hewn and tightly fitted boards (chipboard is also suitable). This will be the tabletop. Attach the legs to the table - two identical bars or legs of a children's stool.

Plexiglas is the safest of all options. Only its dimensions (width and length) should be slightly smaller than that of the box. The glass will be placed inside the table, so you need to make a rectangular "window" in the bottom of the box. If the glass is transparent, then it must first be painted on one side (you can stick it with a film that transmits light). To fix the glass on top of the hole, either slats, or "liquid nails", or adhesive tape are used.

Now we install a table, place a light source (a lamp or a flashlight) below, under the tabletop, and check the design in operation.

Task two. We get sand.

Sand can be bought at the construction market, dug up in a children's sandbox, or brought from the sea. In any case, if your sand has the most noble origin, you need to bring the material “to mind”, namely: carefully check for debris, even sift, rinse and bake in the oven (not for long - enough for 1.5-2 hours) .

Children, especially girls, love to use clam shells, buttons, beads, pebbles and decorative glass to decorate their drawings. Prepare enough of this too.

Task three. We stock up on ideas.

How to captivate a child with sand painting? And there are some interesting options here.

The first time you can prepare everything, but do not give out your secret, that is, do not explain in advance what you are going to do. Turn on a fairy tale in audio recordings, or music of nature, or just your baby's favorite tune. And start drawing. Watch the child's reaction and let him intervene if he suddenly thinks that the drawing needs to be corrected.

Or so. First, look for videos of sand therapy sessions. Look with your child, and then try to do everything yourself. Or let the kid draw himself, modifying what he sees on the go. Experiment!

"Write and draw in the sand"

You think, beautiful drawings will you get sand from the first lesson? This is not entirely true, unfortunately. Good drawings are created not even by all adults, not to mention the kids.

If you're really interested in trying things out on your own, then first find and read a book called "Writing and Drawing in the Sand" by German educator Mariella Seitz. This is a unique guide! In an accessible and very interesting way, the author shares tips on how moms and dads can learn to draw with sand themselves and how to teach children different drawing techniques.

What information will you find in the book?

Why does sand have healing properties?

What tools to prepare for sand painting?

How to organize a workplace for a child?

How to draw on the sand with a top, hedgehog ball, shells?

Why use funnels and a sieve?

What can the figures on children's drawing from sand?

Is it difficult to draw with both hands at once?

Why do children draw with symbols?

Symmetrical drawings and a mandala in the sand?

Physiotherapy with sand and correction of the child's behavior?

The book will be of interest to parents of preschoolers, and parents of boys and girls of adolescence.

Do you know that once upon a time sand was worth its weight in gold? Why? Due to the fact that the craftsmen were able to brew glass from it, and then make glass vessels. Of course, the first glass of 4 thousand years BC turned out to be unclear, but what a stir the merchants made around such products!

Today, this golden marvelous resource of nature can be taken into service in raising children. If you learn how to paint with sand together with your child, your hands will create masterpieces no worse than Murano glass.

Sand painting is not only an unusual form of fine art, but also an effective and very popular method of art therapy. We have already talked about, and today we will talk about how to turn drawing with this material into exciting activities that help the development of the child. Natalia Kalinichenko, a child psychologist and sand therapist, shares her favorite sand drawing techniques.

Why is this method so popular?

Sand therapy as a way to work with emotional sphere a child with social and family problems is widely used by psychologists, psychoanalysts, as well as teachers and speech therapists. Today, pedagogical and creative games are available to any mother who has the sand itself and a container in which to create a sandbox.

Sand as a material for educational games has several advantages. Firstly, it is pleasant to the touch, interaction with it relaxes, relieves emotional stress. Kids love to play with loose materials, so it's perfect for toddlers who are all over the place. Through work with sand, you can make out a lot of topics that, for example, need to be mastered in preparation for school.

Secondly, this material can be used to solve a variety of problems. Sand drawing helps develop sensory, creative thinking; when a baby draws with both hands at once, this contributes to the development of interhemispheric asymmetry.

Thirdly, sand eliminates the child's fear of failure: when working with it, a situation is impossible when the baby does not succeed at all. This is very important for . And if something doesn't work out, you can always shake the sand and start again.

What you need for sand painting at home

Sand-art, or the method of drawing with sand, initially involves classes on special tables with light illumination or light tablets. But for the games that I will talk about, such equipment is not at all necessary. You can use a translucent tray and highlight it from below with a table lamp. Or just fill any deep tray with sand, preferably specialized, from the store. If you can’t find it, you can take ordinary street sand - sift it and bake it in the oven or microwave. And you can take the usual semolina, it is also free-flowing and looks like sand.

How to get started with sand

The first thing to do is to introduce the child to the possibilities of sand and own hands. Let the baby immerse both hands in the sand, feel it, sprinkle it, relax. After that, you can show various drawing techniques. To begin with, ask the baby to put all ten fingers on the sand and “trample” them (randomly move simultaneously with both hands on the sand): this is how the first drawing will turn out. Praise the child for this: “How beautiful! I think it's fireworks! What do you see here?"

Next, we introduce the child to other drawing techniques. Use visualization toys, especially if you are playing with 3-4 year olds. For example, you can mold koloboks from dough: small, medium, large, and tell a story. “The little gingerbread man wants to take a walk, but around the sands, the desert. Let's make a path for him? Start with what the child is used to: draw with one finger. Show him how to draw a path: you need to draw a wavy line, all children can do it. Then - the road: a straight line. Take the second kolobok: “He also wants to go for a walk, but the first path is too narrow for him. Let's make it wider." Firmly connect the index and middle fingers of the child and draw the same winding curved line, then a straight road. Here, children with insufficiently developed motor skills, with low hand tone, may encounter difficulties: it will be difficult for them to hold two fingers together and work with them. But all this can be trained just with the help of sand games.

When you take the largest kolobok, you need to draw a path for it with three fingers. Or you can take an even larger toy and invite your child to use a fist to draw a path. If the cam is pressed and passed over the tablet or tray, a wide line is formed.

We continue the game: "Our heroes went for a walk in the desert, looked up and saw beautiful lush clouds." We use the same part of the cam, press it against the sand and make a rotational movement, and so on in three places - that's a cumulus cloud. You can also show your child that you can draw with the edge of your palm. The main thing is that he should try all the named methods of drawing: with one finger, with several, and so on.

Development of interhemispheric asymmetry

Drawing with two hands at once develops interhemispheric asymmetry, that is, the interaction of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. When our hemispheres are “friendly”, we become faster and smarter. It is important to do this from an early age, when the brain is in the active stage of development.

Start by drawing symmetrical objects, first you, and then the child following your example. Divide the tray in half with a line so that the child can immediately see the right and left. Over time, the child will already be aware of which side is which, and there is no need to draw a line. Put a dot on this dividing line. Let the child put on it the fingers of the right and left hands and begin to make simultaneous and mirror movements with both hands. The simplest thing you can draw is the sun: put your index fingers at one point, the right hand makes a semicircle to the right, the left to the left. We make sure that the fingers move at the same time and come to the same point. It turns out a circle. And then you can add rays to the circle with all the other fingers - you get the sun. Complicate: draw a house, an apple, a pear, a butterfly with patterned wings.

For the exercise to be effective, make sure that both hands move at the same time. If the baby does not get this synchronicity, then gently guide him. But if it still doesn’t work out for a long time, perhaps this is a signal that you should see a neuropsychologist. The specialist will tell you how else you can develop the brain areas of the baby.

Invite the child to complete the half-finished drawing: finish drawing the left side if the baby is right-handed, and the left side if vice versa.

Development of spatial orientation

Ask the child: "Draw a bright sun in the middle of our tray." The child finds the middle, if it is difficult, you need to tell him, and draws the sun. Further, depending on the knowledge of the baby, we draw a picture in space: we ask you to depict a cloud above sunshine under him a house, on right tree from the house. You can add figurines: “Put a butterfly under the sun, a bird above the house”, and so on. If we can complicate this task: give letters and ask the baby: “Sign your picture. Put on the sun the letter with the sound of which it begins.

Knowledge of the world around

Playing with sand will help to acquaint the baby with various natural phenomena. You will need multi-colored sheets of paper. Studying the seasons, take leaves of green, yellow, red, blue flowers. Put them on a tray in the order in which the seasons change, cover them with sand. The child can clean the sand with his palm and see the blue color. We ask, "What time of year is this?" and invite the child to remember what happens in winter and draw, for example, a tree without leaves. We clear the bottom further and see green color: it is spring. Let the kid draw the trunk again, but with leaves that will grow on the tree if you “stomp” with your fingers.

Before playing with multi-colored paper, you can show the child various leaves: birch, oak, maple. The child draws symmetrically, with two fingers, these leaves, under which a green leaf appears. We ask: "When is a leaf green?". This exercise forms a child's understanding of symmetry, and knowledge about the world.

Memorizing numbers and letters

For young children who do not yet know how to read and write, the letters and are just meaningless icons. What is the easiest way to understand and remember them? By activating associative, visual and sensory memory.

First, we show the correct spelling of the letter or number. Then we take the child's finger, and he exactly repeats everything we have done. You can blindfold him, and then he will draw a symbol, imagining his image.

The next level is to "erase" your drawing by shaking the sandbox and ask your child to draw a letter or number on their own. Let the child gradually reduce the size of the characters. Practice until you get it right. Then shake the tablet and say that the letters, like people, love to live in families. The letter O has a big tall dad, a slightly shorter mom, children, aunts and other relatives. We draw from left to right, thus accustoming to the automatic direction of reading. On the left, draw a large letter O, then gradually reduce it. So the child will not only develop motor skills, but also repeat the correlation of sizes. If the child is small, have them build families of shapes, such as squares and circles.

Then we go to the level of association. We draw a letter in the center of the tray: “The Letter O is chasing the letter O, let's save it? To do this, you will have to hide it in some object. We connect fantasy and try to create an environment in which the child will reveal his Creative skills and features of perception: to what extent can the letter O be drawn? To the sun, to the face, to the part of the glasses, to the wheel. You can pay attention to what the child uses as an association - this word-symbol can then be used to remember the letter. As a rule, children first remember what the letter looks like, then the letter itself.

And for better memory numbers, you can come up with a fairy tale-journey in which the numbers will turn into various objects of the surrounding world in order to help someone. For example, one can become a pillar for power lines if the wires break in the city, and the eight will delight children in hot countries by turning into a snowman. Captivate your child with a fairy tale in the sand, play it yourself - so you will not only relax together, but also spend time with benefit.