April 17 is the day of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Military pensioners stand for Russia and its armed forces. Those who are always on duty

The Day of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a holiday for all those who served their country with honor, protecting citizens in the legal field, participating in counter-terrorist operations, acting as guardians of law and order.

In the photo: congratulations to veterans of the internal affairs bodies in St. Petersburg:

In the photo: meeting with veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Novoshakhtinsk:

This holiday is celebrated on April 17th. He appeared in the calendar on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 580. The date was not chosen by chance and is timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Public Organization of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Military Forces, formed on April 17, 1991.

In Russia today there are about 650,000 veterans who served at various times in the internal troops and internal affairs bodies. These include: pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, participants of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of combat operations in Afghanistan, the North Caucasus, and other hot spots.

On this day, I would especially like to commend those who went through the severe trials of the war and, in the difficult time of the post-war devastation, found themselves at the forefront of combating crime, while showing will, courage and concern for people.

The Great Patriotic War required a change in the nature and content of the work of all state bodies in relation to the specifics of wartime. The duties of the police were significantly expanded: the fight against looting, alarmism, desertion, and theft of evacuated cargo on transport; ensuring organized evacuation of the population and industrial enterprises, which was inherently a strategic task.

Police officers, along with border guards and units of the Red Army, participated in battles with the advancing Wehrmacht troops.
In the first days of the war, more than 25% of the personnel of the internal affairs bodies were drafted into the army. Only from the Moscow police went to the front 12 thousand employees. They were replaced by persons not suitable for military service: the disabled, pensioners. A considerable number of women joined the ranks of the then militia - by decision of the Moscow City Committee of the Party, 1,300 women who served in state institutions and organizations were sent to the militia.

The main task of the police during the war years, as before, remained the protection of public order and the fight against crime, because at a time when the army was fighting on the fronts, and millions of people were forging victory in the rear - at factory machines, in agricultural areas, in hospitals, educational institutions, there were many who tried to use wartime and martial law for criminal purposes.

From the beginning of the war, the external police service was transferred to a two-shift mode of operation - 12 hours a day, and vacations were canceled for all employees.

The criminal investigation department was engaged in the disclosure of murders, robberies, robberies, thefts from the apartments of the evacuees. Carried out the seizure of weapons from criminal elements and deserters. Assisted state security agencies in identifying enemy agents.
Special attention deserves the work of the police to prevent neglect and homelessness of minors. During the war, the network of children's rooms at the police departments was significantly expanded. In 1942-1943, with the help of the public, about 300,000 homeless teenagers were detained by the police, who were placed in a job and given a place to live.

In wartime, the internal affairs bodies performed about two dozen different service and combat tasks. Police officers ensured the security of the rear, participated in the protection of important facilities and institutions, fought against banditry and crime, neutralized enemy saboteurs, organized local air defense, courageously fought against the Nazis at the front, acted as part of extermination battalions and partisan detachments.

The loss of personnel of the internal troops and the troops of the NKVD in the Great Patriotic War amounted (officially) to about 160 thousand people. However, unofficial sources speak of significantly greater losses - up to half a million.

In May 1945, peacetime did not come for all the inhabitants of the USSR. Numerous centers of the radical nationalist underground remained in the western regions of the country. On the territory of Western Ukraine, a powerful and extensive network of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (OUN-UPA) continued to operate (today the activities of the OUN are prohibited by Russian law), popularly known as Bandera. The whole burden of the fight against them fell on the shoulders of the units of the main department of the NKVD troops and the local police. The losses of law enforcement officers and special services in the fight against Bandera thugs are still unknown, since the main volumes of documents on this issue have not been declassified.

In the photo: congratulations from a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - a participant in the Great Patriotic War Alexei Litvinov (Vladivostok):

In the photo: congratulations from a veteran of the internal affairs bodies - former boss Pyatigorsk police department Afanasy Masalykin:

The Soviet state security agencies fought against the OUN with all legal methods. Separate units of the internal troops were periodically involved in providing operations - cordoning, combing the area.

It took almost 10 years to defeat the Ukrainian nationalists of the Soviet government, and in this "war after the war" security officers and policemen demonstrated a very high level of professionalism and effectiveness. However, as the modern course of history shows, the Bandera rabble was still not completely exterminated. Rampant Bandera can be observed in today's Ukraine, where the radicals have become, in fact, one of the branches of power, or, more precisely, total anarchy.

Special units of law enforcement agencies and state services have always solved the most complex tasks of protecting individuals, society and the state from internal and external threats.

Despite the fact that the role of the police in the Afghan events remained and remains in the background, about 4 thousand employees of the internal affairs bodies were sent on business trips to Afghanistan, of which 28 people died. They were given the tasks of selecting and training employees, organizing the logistics of the bodies, organizing the fight against banditry and criminality in the country.

It so happened that it was the operational police officers, ordinary police detectives in those years that turned out to be more prepared for undercover development of numerous illegal armed groups of rebellious Afghanistan.

Therefore, it became necessary to create a special detachment of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs "Cobalt", which was formed in the strictest secrecy, and each of its employees had his own legend and operational cover.

For helping the Afghan people in ensuring law and order in the country, more than 2,500 employees of the internal affairs bodies were awarded government awards, and Mikhail Isakov, an employee of the Kobalt special unit, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Many veterans went through the crucible of "hot spots" in the North Caucasus. They protected civilians from terrorist acts, violence, robbery, fighting with militants, foreign emissaries and armed formations of pseudo-Islamic groups.

Veterans of internal affairs bodies try not to lose their energy and activity, continuing to benefit society even after they take a well-deserved rest. They are engaged in promoting the observance of law and order and the rule of law, work and train young employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, transferring their accumulated experience and knowledge, devote time to preventive work among minors, and help orphanages.
Together with representatives of the public, veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops hold methodological conferences at which they discuss current issues and problems.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, thanks to the help of veterans and veteran organizations, hundreds of crimes are revealed in the country every year, and dangerous criminals are also detained.

Statistics: in practical activities Today, every fifth veteran of internal affairs bodies and units of the internal troops of Russia takes part.

On this holiday I would like to express my deep gratitude to those who best years dedicated his life to serving the Fatherland and wish all veterans of the Internal Affairs and Internal Troops health, longevity and active participation in the public life of the country.

April 17, 2018 at Russian Federation celebrate the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops. The country's leadership pays a lot of attention to veterans. Greater care is given to WWII veterans; they still have an important benefit package at their disposal. This is entirely deserved; in fact, these people at one time, without sparing themselves, fought the German Nazis for our bright future.

Veterans of internal affairs and internal troops are an equally important category of citizens to whom we owe no less. The holiday is celebrated every year since the spring of 2011. Rashid Nurgaliev established this day, being at that time the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The date was chosen for a reason; on this day in 1991, the Public Organization of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops began its existence.

What do retired veterans do on their holiday, April 17, and how does the state take care of them?

Citizens of the country who have retired a long time ago are not idle in retirement. After all, at one time they uncovered many offenses and, having enormous experience, share it with new employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What is their help? There are a lot of directions: promoting the rules of law and order, disseminating valuable information among minors, helping young police officers. As a result of the informal activities of veterans, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the detection of a huge number of crimes has increased. Most likely, without their help, criminal cases would have been solved much longer and less effectively.

The number of veterans in the country currently amounts to 650,000 people. Various veterans' organizations operate in all regions of our country. The head of the Russian Organizing Committee “Victory” is the head of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The head of the Central Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the Minister of Defense of the country. Similar, but smaller-scale representative offices are located in the fleet, military districts and other units.

The Federal Law of Russia “On Veterans” No. 5-FZ of January 11, 1995 regulates most actions in relation to veterans. The government forms special structures and takes direct part in social support veterans, allocates money from the state fund for awarding state orders and medals.

What medals are awarded on April 17, the day of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops?

The Veteran of Labor medal is awarded to those who at one time distinguished themselves in their professional activities and worked conscientiously. The medal “For Valorous Labor in the Second World War 1941–1945” is considered more significant; this award is placed on the chest, on the left side, in front of the previous award. Jubilee medal“200 years of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” is awarded to those who bravely served for the good of the Fatherland. This medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, a certificate is attached to the medal, and a record of the presentation of the award is made in the work book and personal file.

It is worn on the left side of the chest, placed after the insignia “200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.” This medal is awarded to veterans of this unit and citizens who help employees of the structure in this difficult matter. It is also worn on the left side of the chest after the award “For Distinction in Service.”

Working in law enforcement agencies involves a great risk to life. Employees perform dangerous tasks: they participate in the detention of criminals, combat operations, and patrolling territories. Some employees devoted most of their time to the department length of service. They are a source of unique experience and carriers of valuable knowledge. A professional holiday has been created in Russia to honor such people.

When it passes

The Day of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is celebrated annually on April 17. In 2020, the date is celebrated for the 10th time.

Who celebrates

Veterans, privates and officers of the system of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation take part in the festive events. Their relatives, loved ones, and friends join the celebrations.

history of the holiday

The commemoration of veterans at the official level began with the corresponding order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation R. Nurgaliev dated August 12, 2010 No. 580. The holiday was first celebrated in 2011. The chosen date of the celebrations has a symbolic meaning. It is associated with the creation of the Public Organization of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops on April 17, 1991.

About the profession

Internal affairs officers ensure public safety, fight crime, and maintain law and order. They implement government policy and carry out legal regulation.

Employees of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation protect human rights and freedoms from criminal attacks, participate in territorial defense, and the protection of public events and important facilities.

The interests of honored workers are represented by the Russian Veterans Council. Its structure includes 8 Commissions and operates in 7 federal districts.

By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2015 No. 356, the number of personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was set at just over 1 million people.

According to some reports, more than 650 thousand retirees of internal troops and internal affairs bodies live in Russia.

A medal has been developed to be awarded to veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is awarded to employees upon reaching a certain length of service or for other circumstances.

Veterans of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have been celebrating their holiday since 2011, since Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev signed the relevant order. The date of the holiday was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Public Organization of Veterans of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops: this event took place in 1991.

Today, about 650 thousand veterans who served in Russia live in Russia. different years in the internal troops and internal affairs bodies. Veteran organizations include pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of military operations in Afghanistan and the North Caucasus, liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and others.

Veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops continue to benefit society today. They promote the observance of law and order, conduct preventive work among minors, they work with young police officers, passing on their knowledge to them. The veterans' organization assigns its due place to historical and patriotic work. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, thanks to veterans and their invaluable experience, a large number of crimes are revealed every year.

Today, April 17, veterans of the internal troops and internal affairs bodies accept congratulations from the command, colleagues, friends and relatives. In addition, on this day they often hold festive events in veterans' organizations.

There are no ex-cops
So any veteran will tell us,
We congratulate you on the holiday today
And we wish you good health.

Despite the years and gray hair
You will stretch out your hand in trouble,
Never leave your post
Our veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We wish you strength and vigor for years,
Boredom and fatigue do not know
And of course my rich experience
Pass on to new generations.

Our country has a large number of holidays and memorable dates. As a rule, such days are dedicated to certain events or dedicated to certain groups of people. Such dates include Day medical worker, Driver's Day, Teacher's Day, Policeman's Day, but few people know Veterans' Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Veterans Day as a public holiday

Such as the Veterans Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, has a very short history so far. The order establishing the holiday, celebrated on April 17, was signed by the country's Minister of Internal Affairs, Rashid Nurgaliyev, in November 2010. Thus, the current Veterans Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Air Force has only the fourth serial number. The Public Organization of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can boast of a much longer existence - it was founded on April 17, 1992. Exactly on the date of the 20th anniversary public organization and the choice fell when the government was deciding when to specifically designate Veterans Day of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

History of glorious deeds

But these numbers, of course, are not so important. The history of the profession of people in whose honor Russian Veteran Day was founded goes back more than one century. It is filled with numerous bright pages, heroic deeds and accomplishments, and many examples worthy of respect and imitation.

Of course, in the long history of our country there have been tragic and even terrible moments and times. There were not only successes and brilliant operations, but also black pages, losses of comrades and colleagues. However, on the holiday of veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, people still want to remember only the good. Although, of course, any veteran on this day will raise a third toast to those who are not around for festive table and who will never sit down for him again...

Their service has always been dangerous and difficult, which is why there is a holiday in their honor.

Police: From Ivan the Terrible to the present day

Unofficially, the history of the police in Russia dates back to the beginning of the 16th century, when, by decree of Ivan the Terrible, special detachments were created to protect the peace of citizens near the so-called slingshots that divided the city into districts. But the prototype of the current police service was formed under Peter I, who in 1718 founded a special institution in the then capital, St. Petersburg, called the Main Police. At first, in addition to the functions of maintaining order, the police also performed part of the work of firefighters.

However, for some time the police only patrolled the streets, maintaining order and protecting the peace of citizens. The functions of investigating criminal and administrative crimes were delegated to police officers only in 1866, when the detective police was established. It is from this time that the official chronicle of this specific wing of the internal affairs bodies in Russia can be kept.

A lot of time has passed since then and many glorious pages have been written in the history of law enforcement. Today's Russian police officers can rightfully be proud of their predecessors. Among the chief police chiefs who headed the service at different times, there were many bright, outstanding figures who left a noticeable mark both in the field of purely police activity and in the field of domestic and foreign policy.

New times - new challenges

Together with the February and then the October revolution of 1917, the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs experienced serious shocks and disruptions. The functions of the police were constantly expanding - in addition to maintaining order and investigating crimes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also had its own military component - internal troops. Since then, there has not been a single war or armed conflict in which representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not take an active part!

The civil war, the great confrontation in the bloodiest battle, the head-breaking brown plague, the preservation of the fragile balance of power that emerged at one or another stage of history after the end of World War II - in all this, the merit of representatives of law enforcement agencies of the USSR has such a noticeable role that it is simply impossible overestimate!

Post-communist period

However, even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, people in uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs remained faithful to the oath given not to the regime in force at that time, to a specific government or to some region, but to their country! And the incredibly close-knit military brotherhood, unspoken code of honor and continuity of generations for which the police, internal troops, special forces units and ordinary law enforcement officers are famous have become legendary! That is why, while celebrating the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Air Force of Russia, experienced soldiers can be sure that their glorious deeds, their honor and high professional reputation will be supported by young guys for whom duty is not just a beautiful abstract concept, but the meaning of life!

Those who are always on duty

Such is the specificity of service in law enforcement agencies and in the internal troops that there is no public holidays, no days off. Many of them, even on Veterans Day of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, continue to serve, which, no matter how hackneyed it may sound, is truly “both dangerous and difficult.” Perhaps no other profession is associated with such a high degree of constant risk as service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

In our country it is customary to scold representatives; many even consider this to be a kind of “rule” good manners"However, when people are in danger, the first thing they do is turn to the police! Since only representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can by legal means ensure the interests and safety of citizens. And therefore, the congratulations sounded on Veterans Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia contain absolutely Right words about those who are always on duty!

Even after ceasing their active work, veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can provide invaluable assistance in maintaining law and order and ensuring the safety of citizens. The value of their invaluable experience, deep knowledge and wealth of experience cannot be overestimated!

Veterans Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a professional holiday of those who patrolled the night courtyards in besieged Leningrad, who ensured a carefree life for people in the era of “developed socialism”, who defended the integrity and sovereignty of the country in Chechnya and others. They free hostages, track down drug dealers, They block the path of a KAMAZ rushing towards a bus with children with their car, saving the lives of our children and mothers. Even if their work was not always full of romance and heroism - they had to break up drunken fights, calm down rowdy neighbors, and draw up tedious reports on the theft of paper clips - they deserve their due professional holiday and to be remembered! Moreover, they are still in office, no matter how pompous it may sound!

A holiday without fanfare and pomp

Representatives of this profession, as a rule, do not like excessive noise and fuss, preferring to modestly stay aloof. They celebrate their holiday in the same way - without unnecessary pomp. Of course, on April 17, on the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, there will be a speech from the President of the country and from the Minister of Internal Affairs, awards will be given to particularly distinguished employees, and a small holiday concert. But traditionally there won’t be any grandiose celebrations - well, these stern, proud and taciturn men don’t like excessive attention to their own person!

This is with modesty in the eyes and courage in the heart. We owe them a lot, sometimes without realizing it ourselves. Sleepless nights guarding our peace and safety, helping in difficult, sometimes insoluble situations, constant risk and sacrifice - these are the components of a profession with a capital “P”.

And only in the evening, having gathered at a modest festive table, veterans of the internal affairs agencies will give free rein to their emotions, remembering past affairs, chases, shootouts and arrests. They will remember how the sleeping city did not even suspect that people in uniform were saving it from great trouble. They will also remember how hard it was in the trenches or in the mountains, how they had to hang around in service apartments and survive on a very modest salary. And, of course, they will raise that third toast... They will honor their fellow colleagues.