Makeup for Asian girls with brown eyes. Asian makeup. Asia Studio Style make-up tips. Choose highlighters in natural tones

The national Asian beauty is perfect, it is different from the rest, it catches the eye, and it is especially pleasant to look at those cases when competent make-up for the Buryat eyes is done. Buryat girls are not always suitable for fashion trends and advice from legislators of the makeup industry, even the most eminent ones. Modern representatives of this nation strive to look like models from glossy magazines, recolor their hair and use blue shadows, which destroys their uniqueness and originality.

Such a girl by nature should not strive for brightness, they are already beautiful, and you need to think about this first of all, choosing cosmetics for the image, and not vice versa. Being original is not boring, it doesn't suck, it means being proud of your unique beauty and grace!

Being original is not boring, it doesn't suck, it means being proud of your unique beauty and grace!

When deciding on makeup for the Buryat eyes, you should pay special attention to the skin tone and give this aspect time. Girls with Asian features are usually given yellowish skin by nature, with which pink shades of correctors, foundations and makeup bases do not go well. It is better in this case to use beige, tan and gold tone. You need to follow the rule - the foundation should be a little lighter than your own skin tone in order to avoid a stale look of makeup and a tired look. To give the face freshness, Buryat women need to use blush in their makeup, which ideal option are neutral or natural shades, for example, peach.

Now let's turn to . If you really want to make the Asian cutout of the eyes bigger, then you should make out the eyelids in light colors, namely - gold, pale pink. For example, we can give such a make-up option to create a sophisticated and gentle image Buryats: neat eyeliner, some shadows pink shade and lots of mascara. It’s not bad to try another option - beige matte shadows and mascara, which together form the image of a natural Asian beauty, as if she was not made up at all. But champagne shades or other neutral shades of light tones will help emphasize the beauty of the eyes and raise the line of the eyebrows, which will also make the eyes look larger. If there is no desire to hide your national zest, but, on the contrary, you even want to emphasize it, then the eyelids should be decorated in darker colors - black, dark blue and purple, brown and gray, bronze.

The look of Kazakh eyes: beautiful nature

Another representatives of the Asian type of appearance are Kazakh women, each of whom should master the skill of how to create makeup for Kazakh eyes, so as not to lose this feature by nature. The oriental charm and the uniqueness of the Asian look have long been actively used by the world's leading makeup artists, cosmetologists know many tricks and ways to decorate slanted eyes, which can be characterized by stingy eyelashes and eye-catching facial skin tone, as well as overhanging eyelids. But all this cannot be considered a disadvantage, this is a characteristic feature, and what is especially attractive in this type of appearance must be emphasized, and what is not very - corrected with the help of cosmetics.

Makeup for Kazakh eyes requires more careful selection of decorative cosmetics for eyelids and eyelashes than in the classical European case. As always, before the direct design of the eyes, the skin needs to be prepared for this - cleanse, moisturize, correct, matte. It is even somewhat easier for Kazakh women to deal with the issue of color choice, since they have dark hair and brown eyes, which are suitable for almost the entire palette of shadows, both cold and warm shades. The task is different - they need to be properly distributed before our eyes, highlighting especially attractive features and hiding what is not particularly beautiful. The most successful combinations will be beige and green, dark gray and cream, pearl shades.

But what makeup for Kazakh eyes does not tolerate is the red gamut, since the use of its shades will give Asian eyes even more swelling, make the look tired and tearful. It is important to correctly emphasize your ethnic features, and not hide them, trying to look like an ordinary European or even erroneously highlight what should not be. Each race is undeniably beautiful in its own way, and there are no ugly girls, there is wrong makeup!

For many years, narrow eyes have been considered a kind of "calling card" of the appearance of the Asian type. Such an unusual cut is not without its charm, but many girls are ashamed of it, considering it to be something like a defect. And absolutely in vain, because in men it is associated mainly with mystery and mystery.

Yes, and this feature does not spoil the appearance at all. One has only to learn how to apply make-up correctly, as the attention of the opposite sex will be guaranteed. But how to do that? What features does it have? Let's figure it out.

4 rules from makeup artists

Today, makeup for an Asian eye shape is often limited only to tinting eyelashes and drawing arrows. If this is for grocery shopping or office work, this set may be enough. But if you plan to shine on some celebratory event Please note the following rules:

Rule 1. Decide on the size

Makeup for Asian eyes is usually divided into two main types:

  1. Visually makes the incision wider.
  2. Keeps the shape unchanged.

In the first case, both the upper and lower eyelids are trying to visually brighten. Moreover, the color of the shadows should be lighter than the color of your eyes. The second option involves the use of rich dark shades.

Rule 2. Work out the arrows

It would seem that eyeliner and makeup for the Asian type of eyes are inseparable, but there are tricks here too. The line of the upper eyelid should be rich and wide enough to be visible even when the eyes are open. This will visually expand the cut and make it more expressive.

Lower eyeliner, on the other hand, will create a narrowing effect, so its use should be minimized. Although in some cases it can help. For example, to correct the effect of "slanted" eyes, eyeliner is usually done along the underside from the outer corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid. You need to be careful with the lines that go beyond the corners of the eyes. The longer they are, the narrower the incision will look.

Rule 3: Feel free to ask for help

Today you can find many makeup options for narrow eyes, the difference between which will be only in shades and color accents. However, not every girl can independently determine whether “flashy” blue and purple tones are combined with the color of her eyes, or is it better to opt for classic beige and black shades.

The best assistant to resolve the issue will be a professional makeup artist. During the session, you can get a whole storehouse from him. useful information if you ask the right questions. Therefore, if you categorically do not like your current make-up, and you yourself are not able to understand what exactly is wrong with it, seek help from a professional.

Rule 4. Don't Forget the Details

Good makeup is rarely limited to the eyes alone, and therefore, in order to look irresistible, you need to take care of:

Since the skin of Asian women has a yellowish tint, there are difficulties in selecting foundation, they are not suitable for all shades. Beige, light brown and golden yellow are considered optimal.

  • eyebrows

It is necessary not only to give them a neat and correct form, but also add expressiveness (use a special pencil). By the way, if you pluck hairs mainly from the lower part of the eyebrow, you can visually increase the distance between it and the upper eyelid.

About how to do eyebrow make-up at home and what mistakes to avoid, in the article: "".

  • Blush

Bright pink and peach tones will add a touch of freshness and enthusiasm to the image, pastel shades of brown and beige colors underline sophistication and elegance.

  • lipstick

Here the restrictions are minimal. You just need to make sure that the tone of the lipstick does not stand out from the general gamut of the image and does not discord with the color of the eyes.

More about arrows

As we have already said, it includes only arrows and tinted eyelashes. However, this does not mean that there is no place for diversity. In fact, there are a lot of design options (taking into account your type, clothes, hair color). Some even come up with new forms and solutions themselves. But if you have a problem with fantasy, you can use the options below as a starting point.

Girls with Asian appearance always attract attention in the crowd because they look quite exotic. Especially in their appearance, almond-shaped brown eyes, which are considered mysterious and passionate, stand out. In order to emphasize the beauty of their eyes, girls resort to make-up tricks, which are significantly different from European-style eye makeup.


The main feature of Asian eyes is their elongated shape with a narrow slit. Also, a person of Asian appearance has a special structure of the movable eyelid, which almost completely hangs over the eye, which is expressed in the absence of a fold. The ciliary edge also has its own characteristics: the cilia of Asians are often short and straight.

Based on the above anthropometric characteristics, it becomes clear that girls with such an eye shape need to correct their shape - visually “open” the look, and also need to work on its severity.

Girls rarely focus on their eyes in makeup, because they have very expressive lips: full and beautiful shape. That is why Asian women tend to emphasize their beauty, using soft lipsticks in daytime makeup.

Very often, oriental girls are the owners of prominent cheekbones, which cannot be emphasized. It is this feature of the structure that creates an additional emphasis on the face, which they also demonstrate with pleasure. However, a significant disadvantage is the yellowish skin tone, which also needs to be corrected and given a lighter, pinkish undertone.

Despite the specific features, the girls manage to do the perfect make-up, which emphasizes their strengths and hides their flaws. In particular, it is necessary to monitor the skin and with each make-up session it is necessary to bring it to an ideal state, otherwise it can significantly spoil general form. No matter how beautiful the girl's eyes are, you must first of all be able to give a light and natural skin tone.

Only after that it is necessary to move on to eye makeup, aimed at increasing their volume and expanding the incision. Thanks to this, you can “open” the look and make it more alluring and expressive.

However, when doing makeup, it is important to maintain a balance so as not to lose individuality.

How to define a form?

Determining the shape of the eyes and their section is not very difficult, since most people are visually able to assess the size and shape of the eye.

However, if a number of difficulties arise with this, then we can turn to the following features, which are characteristic of a purely Asian form:

  • It is necessary to bring the mirror to the eyes as far as possible and go to the window, since natural light provides the best vision.
  • In a visual assessment, you should immediately look at the upper eyelid and note if there is a crease on it. If it is missing, it is the most important sign so-called Mongoloid eyes.
  • It is also important to analyze the position of the outer corners of the eye. The idea of ​​a straight horizontal line through the center of the eye socket will help with this. You need to look where the outer and inner corners are directed. This will determine whether the eyes are lowered or raised.
  • If it is impossible to see the white of the eye under or above the iris, then this is a characteristic feature of almond-shaped eyes.

What means to use?

The first step to a beautiful and harmonious make-up - right choice cosmetics. Most of them, in particular, decorative cosmetics, which include shadows, eyeliner, pencils, can be found in any specialized store.

However, it is worth taking into account the fact that products should be selected only in accordance with the type of skin, which is slightly different for Asians. Moreover, since the main purpose of makeup for oriental girls is correction, specialized products are often used, for example, artificial cilia or even special glue to lift the upper eyelid!

Since such products are quite difficult to find without pre-ordering, we note the basic items that should be in a cosmetic bag:

  • An eyeshadow base that helps make-up last longer without looking messy or stale.
  • Eyeliner should preferably be black and brown. By alternating these shades and using them in different techniques, you can achieve amazing results.
  • Gel black eyeliner is needed in order to make rich dramatic arrows that will add an oriental flavor to the look due to the modern, persistent and dense composition.
  • Several palettes of shadows should also be included in the standard cosmetic set. Shadows should ideally be different shades: both warm and cold to create an individual make-up for every look. Mandatory components of the palette are beige and brown, the so-called natural colors.
  • No girl, doing make-up, can do without mascara, because it gives more dynamism to the look, adds volume to the eyelashes and makes the eyes more open.

How to do?

Each of the girls, regardless of nationality, wants to be able to do perfect makeup. Creating a correct and beautiful make-up for Asian eyes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If follow step by step instructions and try to follow the rules of application, you can easily create a beautiful make up in a short time using the most basic cosmetics.

After the tone has been created on the face, the skin has become more even and radiant, you can go directly to the eye makeup.

To do this, apply a base under the shadows on the eyelids. She will be able to create a special coating that will help prevent the shadows from rolling or losing their color. Often, the bases also carry caring functions, which will take care of the delicate skin of the eyelids and around the eyes.

Now you need to emphasize the shape of the eyebrows and, if necessary, adjust it. To do this, you need to use a special lipstick or pencil. Under the curve, you can apply a small amount of highlighter to emphasize the beauty of the shape.

Further steps vary depending on the type of makeup and the occasion for which it is created. You can apply shadows to create a slight gait around the eyes and thus emphasize the color of the eyes. On top of them, many prefer to draw arrows to make the look more expressive. You can draw arrows both with a pencil and eyeliner. The first option is quite soft, and the pencil liner can be easily blended, while the eyeliner creates clear, graphic lines that will become the basis of makeup.

In order to complete the look, you need to dye your eyelashes, but this must be done very carefully so as not to turn the hairs into “spider legs”.

Unlike Europeans, who are used to showing bright eye makeup, Asian girls prefer to focus the attention of others on natural, natural beauty.

However, there are eye makeup options that are suitable for absolutely all girls - this is the “ambre” technique. It allows you to make a smooth transition from one color to another, from lighter to darker and more dramatic due to enhanced shading. This application technique allows European women to add more mystery to their eyes, and Asian women to correct the shape of the eyes and give them visual depth.

In addition, due to a similar make-up, girls from Europe are trying to avoid the same type of make-up: shifting the focus towards Asian makeup, they are trying to find new way express yourself and express your individuality.


Any makeup has many facets and is designed for a particular occasion, however, regardless of the chosen event, makeup should always look perfect and look harmonious. Recall that there are several types of makeup: everyday, evening, pop and national.

Day makeup is one of the simplest, it is designed to emphasize natural beauty girls minimal amount of cosmetics.

On the upper eyelid, you need to apply light shades of shadows, which will visually enlarge the eyes - at least, create such a visual effect. From the side of the outer corner, you need to start tinting the eyelid with dark shadows - dark brown, graphite, dark gray, but not black at all. It is necessary to walk along the lash line with a thin line of liquid eyeliner, while not drawing the line beyond the edges of the eyes.

To increase the volume of the eyes, you can apply a little highlighter under them with your fingertips to visually make them larger.

In a couple of layers, you need to apply mascara to the upper eyelashes. Sometimes this is done on the lower ones, but this is far from necessary so as not to create an overly bright image. When applying mascara, it is necessary to carefully comb the eyelashes so that they do not stick together and do not spoil the appearance.


Evening makeup differs from daytime only in shades and saturation of colors. The same method of applying cosmetics is used, however, a brighter palette is used in evening makeup.

To add drama and showiness, eyelashes are suitable, which need to be fixed with a special glue. There are different forms and types artificial eyelashes, as well as their different volume. It is not worth advising any particular one, since the choice depends entirely on the desire of the girl, because any type of artificial eyelashes is suitable for Asian women.


Wedding makeup is significantly different from other types of make-up, because it must demonstrate all the tenderness, purity and natural beauty of the bride. That is why makeup artists use a very soft palette, refusing clear lines and saturated colors. Cream shades, beige and coffee colors are perfect for brown eyes.

Light shades are applied to the inner corner of the eye and smoothly shaded towards the center, a “medium” shade is applied there in terms of its saturation and depth, which will create a smooth transition from the inside of the eyelid to the outside. It is on the outer corner that they apply dark color which will add depth to the look.

Often, artificial eyelashes (not the most voluminous) are used for wedding makeup. They can be tinted with mascara and curled with special tongs. This technique will twist the hairs, increase the eyelashes and visually open the eyes.


smoky eyes

Smokey eyes, or “smoky” makeup, suits absolutely everyone, regardless of the shape and shape of the eyes. This make-up option is perfect for an evening out at a restaurant or going to a club if it is done in deep saturated colors. At the same time, if you do this make-up more light shades It is also suitable for everyday wear. It is for such a wide variability that many makeup artists love this type of makeup.

First you need to prepare the eyelids for applying cosmetics: in particular, you need to put a special base under the shadows on the eyelid. After that, a brown or black pencil is taken, with which the ciliary edge is outlined, and the eyelid itself is densely and densely painted. The applied product must be carefully shaded to create a smooth transition from the “smoky” part of the eyelid to the natural brow and temporal zones.

Exactly the same manipulations are done with the lower eyelid, so that the eye looks framed and expressive. Both eyelids - both upper and lower, need to be slightly “printed” with shadows of the same shade, applying the product not with shadows, but with fingertips. This will fix the makeup and make it more durable.

The last step is to apply mascara to the eyelashes.

At this stage, it is important not to resort to artificial beams, so as not to make the image vulgar and vulgar.

Have you read a ton of glossy beauty magazines and watched gigabytes of makeup tutorial videos on Youtube, but still haven't figured out how to color your eyes? Me too!

Looking at the instructions of Western beauty gurus (yes, the same domestic Krygina!), Where they smartly advise highlighting the “outer corner of the upper fold” with dark shadows, I drearily think: “What should I do?” Indeed, as is often the case with Asians, I am completely devoid of the so-called double "European" fold on the eyelids.

But not all Asians are born without it. About half of us have such a fold. And it is from among them that makeup artists choose models when they want to demonstrate their skills on girls of different races. Well, still - to deal with the usual is much easier! The already mentioned Krygina, during her master class in Yakutsk, also went the easy way, choosing a Yakut woman with small (but still) folds on her eyelids for makeup. But it doesn’t suit us to be upset :).

Firstly, all kinds of devices for the formation of a double fold on the eyelids have long been in use:

Secondly, you can use it and no one will judge you for it.

And finally, thirdly, with the help of cosmetics, we can emphasize the beauty of our eyes, make the look open and expressive. At the same time, we do not need to deny ourselves fashionable experiments at all - any trends of the season: like dramatic smokey-eyes or crazy colored arrows - look amazing on Asians! You just need to rethink the traditional rules of makeup and adapt them to your unique appearance.

1.Use the Ombre technique.

Star makeup artist May Kyung recommends: “Whatever eye makeup you prefer - neutral day or evening, the main thing is that the shadows are applied in a gradient way (or, as the French say, Ombre). The point of the technique is that one color smoothly flows into another. At the same time, we apply dark shadows closer to the lash line, and the higher, the lighter the tone becomes. “This gives the illusion of depth, which is important for visually flat Asian eyes with no lid crease,” May Kyung explains.

Draw a line with a black or dark brown pencil close to the lashes, and don't be afraid to press the pencil to get the color intense.

Then apply lighter shadows (gray if you want the effect of smoky eyes, or brown if you want). day makeup). Blend them upward and outward towards the temples.

Finally, take the lightest color and apply on upper part century, under the eyebrow. Make sure you blend outward rather than inward: if dark shadows lie too close to the bridge of the nose, the eyes will appear close-set. Once you're done with that, take a clean, fluffy brush and gently go over your eyelids, especially where one color blends into another, so that there aren't any hard lines between them.

2.Draw thicker arrows.

“Sometimes girls without a double crease in front of their eyes complain that their trendy arrows are simply hidden under hanging skin,” Kühn explains. - If you have the same problem, do not be afraid to draw a thicker line along the eyelashes than is usually recommended for Europeans. In the process, stop every few seconds to check if the line is visible with your eyes open. “The Asian eye shape is especially suitable for creating beautiful flying arrows,” the makeup artist adds. Another makeup artist, Wanngou, gives additional advice: “When you draw yourself “cat eyes”, look up, not down. Asian eyes tend to change shape when you look in different directions, so in order to achieve best results always look up until the makeup is done."

3. Attention to eyelashes!

4. Choose one bright tone

“If you like bold colors, choose just one shade of eyeshadow and apply it all over the upper eyelid,” advises Ryoke. Eyes without a double crease are usually almond-shaped. Close them and apply color to the upper eyelid, repeating the almond shape, then make up the lower eyelid with the same shade. Ryoke says: "I personally use one bright color - there is not enough space in a typical Asian century to mix different shades." In my opinion, this advice contradicts the first one, about Ombre. Maybe it only applies to bright colored shadows, and not black-gray-brown colors?

5. Choose highlighters in natural tones.

Although you've probably seen models with deep-set eyes that paint over the inner corners of the eyelids with white pencil, Vanngow recommends that Asian girls do otherwise. If you have a flat bridge of your nose—and Asians are pretty common—the inner corner of your eye shouldn't be emphasized with a very light color," he says. Instead, you'd better highlight the mucosa along the lower lash line and tear ducts. skin tone pencil. Ryoke also recommends applying a little more highlighter to the lower inner corner of the eye, which gives "the illusion of a deeper eyelid and a three-dimensional effect."

6. Shadows and eyeliner on the lower eyelid are essential.

“I always put some eyeshadow on my lower eyelid,” Vanngou says. “This is another trick that makes Asian eyes look bigger. On the upper eyelid, the shadows should be more intense, but do not neglect the lighter shades on the lower eyelid, near the lash line, to help “open up” the eyes. “If you want a discreet daytime look, then skip this step, but still don’t forget to line the lower eyelids with an liner.”

It is interesting that I myself, through trial and error, came to this decision, although in all makeup textbooks (calculated, however, for the European type of appearance), owners of small eyes are not recommended to bring the lower eyelid. “This will make your eyes appear even smaller,” they warn. Yeah well, right? And the mirror tells me quite the opposite!

7. Don't draw a fake crease!

Of course, it is tempting to take a pencil and draw the missing crease on your eyelid. But you want to emphasize your natural beauty, and not turn into an incomprehensible person? All three makeup artists advise never making a fake crease with pencil or shadows - it will be too obvious. Ryoke put it best: “Show me how naturally beautiful you are!” For the sake of objectivity, I note that I have seen successful examples of such art. For example, on the Buryat singer Madegma Dorzhieva, whose photo can be seen, I asked her for the name of that makeup artist, but, unfortunately, she does not remember him. In my picky opinion, Madegma's make-up turned out to be excellent. Although it is not for everyday life, but for the stage or photo shoots. In general, I’m not so categorical in saying “no” to a painted fake fold. If you have a reason and a virtuoso make-up artist, then why not try?