Scenario of the holiday "March 8" for elementary school. Scenario of the holiday "March 8" in elementary school Scenario of the holiday on March 8 in elementary school

Purpose: to instill in children a sense of love, respect for a woman, to cultivate a caring attitude towards their mothers, grandmothers, sisters, classmates.

Equipment: performance items, gifts for mothers and grandmothers; phonograms, computer, screen.


Soundtrack sounds

Leading. : Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the holiday of spring, joy and beauty - International Women's Day on March 8th. The most beautiful and touching word in the world - mom. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, stamina and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood!

How are you, dear mothers?
It's not easy, because there is so much trouble,
But used to keep your back straight
Love doesn't let you down.
The love that is called family
The love that is in the eyes of a child
We are the only star shining
And warm like a shawl on the shoulders!
Spring to you joyful and tender,
Happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you even snowy
Your smiles and flowers.
And what is love without hugs
And what is love without love?
Smile to us, dear mothers
After all, for you all the flowers bloomed


For mother's day
It's time for spring
And congratulates women
The whole world and the whole country.
And the happiest
These minutes will become
After all, mothers will be congratulated now
their loving children.

In March, the sun played on the snow,
Spring has come with the sun.
Children run to their mothers with congratulations.
Mother's Day is celebrated by the whole country.

Spring is sweeping across the country
The sky is clear today.
And the sun smiled at me
Good, radiant.

I know it's no accident
I already figured it out myself
Because they know
Today is the holiday of our mothers.

And every class is happy to congratulate
To all mothers on the planet.
“Thank you” to moms say
Both adults and children.

The song "If I'm with my mother" to the music of V. Shainsky for the song "If you are kind"

March brings us spring warmth,
Turning snow into puddles.
If I'm with my mother, then it's light around,
Then a blizzard, a cold, is not terrible.

If I hear a song in the morning
The house will be filled with our sounds.
If I'm with my mother, I'll help her,
Hands will do things together.

Let the holiday bring laughter to every home,
We'll sing to mom now.
Let there be enough joy, enough flowers for everyone,
Mom will be fine with us.

A boy and a girl come out.

Girl. Happy Women's Day!

Boy. Hello hot helmet!

Girl. For you, dear mothers,

Boy. Darlings, for you!

Girl. The concert is cheerful, joyful ...

Boy. We'll set it up now!

Girl. Our concert is dedicated to you dear mothers!

Boy. The sun smiles at you in spring, dear mothers!

Girl. Birds have composed a sonorous song just for you.

Together. We wish mothers to live happily ever after!

I stand before you
I'm worried mom!

I put my hand on my cheek
Calm down, mommy!

Let everyone see that you
I love it, mommy!

And I won't hide my love
Kiss mommy!

Leading. Everyone is looking forward to March 8, but not because they are waiting expensive gifts but because it is a day of surprises. Our children also prepared a surprise program.

Every year at the beginning of March
They talk about miracles.
We do not sit at the desk,
And snowdrops - in the forests.

All shop windows
Decorated in spring
Men running everywhere
Looking forward to a special weekend!

The planet will celebrate
The best holiday on earth.
I'm waiting for your answer, friends -
Help me remember!
Waiting for his start today
Ladies' Holiday...

All participants of the holiday (in chorus ). March 8!!!

Having fun kids:
Mothers have a holiday today.
Made a gift for mom
Her son is a prankster.
Daughter embroidered at home
Mommy's handkerchief.
And now he looks from a handkerchief
The Scarlet Flower.
He will bring joy to mom
Mom smiles:
“Oh, yes, daughter, well, son -
Looking straight ahead!”
The sun peeks through the window.
The snow is still sparkling
But it melts with joy.
Birds will fly to us.
Let them sing to you
Mother dear.
After all, of all mothers in the world
You are the only one!

Four girls take the stage. In their hands they have sewing, knitting, dishes.

The girls talk among themselves.

1. Mom cooks, mom sews,
And he drives a car
And mom pours coins -
Not at home - at the factory!
Women need to know
Do everything in the world
How can they get everywhere?
Tell me, kids!
2. Maybe, like in the series,
We hire housekeepers
For them to wash their clothes
Would make the bed
3. They cleaned the house cleanly
And went to the store
Played all day with the kids...

All together 1 and 2 (surprised). And for mom?

3. And for mom - a limousine!
Let the family rest
He travels everywhere with his dad...

Girls 1 and 2 (in chorus).

Well, enough talk!
One can only dream of this.

Our mothers did not fit
Live like in these series.
Mom's life, though not honey,
But things are moving forward!

They give us warmth and affection,
From their smiles light.
Our mothers are just a fairy tale!
Warms their souls warmly.

Get up without an alarm clock
The book is revered
Sing a lullaby
Gently caress.

The song "Mammoth" is performed

Class presentation about mom.

Leading. And now it's time to talk about those who take care of the house, raise children in the absence of their mother. Who is this? Of course, grandma!

The parents have a job.
The sun draws a circle in the sky.
Only grandmother - care
Our reliable, faithful friend.
Both mom and dad
Mothers also have their own
This is a grandmother care
And she is here today.

1. I love my mother very much,
Hello to her hot sender,
But not only to her,
But also to my grandmother.
2. With grandmother we are letters
In the book we will understand
Playing with dolls with her
We go for a walk in the park.
Important secrets
I whisper in her ear
Because grandma
Best girlfriend.
3. Who scolds us the least?
Who bakes pies for us?
Who walks us to school
And then from school waits?
Well, of course, this is the most
The best person.
Let the gray head
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.
She always has time
To tell a fairy tale
And with grandchildren with everyone
Have fun, play.
Who will fry the cutlets for us
And fill our leisure?
This is my grandmother,
The most faithful friend in the world.
4. Who is in the kitchen with a ladle
Always standing by the stove
Who mends our clothes
Who is humming with a vacuum cleaner?
5. Who is the tastiest in the world
She always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who in the family is honored?
6. Who will sing for us night song,
To sweetly we fell asleep?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course, grandmothers!

Speech of classes about the grandmother.

I have one game called "He - She".

He is an elephant - she is ... an elephant.
He is an elk - she is ... an elk.
He is a cat - she ...
Well, of course she's a cat!
Well, you made a mistake.
So let's play again
I want to beat you!
He is a walrus - she is ... a walrus,
He is a hare - she is ... a hare,
He is a bull - she ...
Does everyone know this word?
Yes! Yes! She is a cow!

Leading. On this day we congratulate mothers, grandmothers, sisters. Did you forget to congratulate anyone? Of course, we must congratulate our beautiful girls!

(Participants of the dramatization `Knights from the class` appear on the stage - five boys with briefcases. After class, they gathered in the school yard and decided to discuss how best to congratulate the girls from their class on March 8)
VOVA. So, guys, tomorrow is March 8th and we should discuss how best to congratulate our girls on the holiday. What will be the proposals?
VITYA. And what is there to think long! You, Vovka, before the lessons you will go to the blackboard and say that we ... that on such a day ... well, in general, congratulate them and put an end to the matter.
VOVA. It's easy to say congratulations. What will I tell them?
SASHA. Vovka is right, you need to come up with a good congratulation. And preferably in verse. After all, they congratulated us on February 23! What are we, face in the dirt to hit?!
KOLYA. And what if we have them in verse! Slavik knows how, let him write!
SLAVIK. Easy to say - write. What if it doesn't work?
VOVA. What do you mean it won't work! It should work! In short, we have decided. Slavik will write a congratulation until tomorrow, and I will read it. And all things. And now you can play football.

VITYA. What about a gift?
VOVA. Which present?
VITYA. Like what? Did you receive a gift on February 23rd? Received.
SASHA. Exactly, `pigtails` tried! But what are we to do?
KOLYA. I have a suggestion. Let's buy 20 packs of ice cream, 20 cakes, 10 bottles of lemonade, 2 kilograms of sweets, and more buns, shortcakes, donuts and...
SLAVIK. And we'll eat it all.
KOLYA. Well, you, Slavik, give! Let's eat! Let's eat... Let's eat? Well, that's an interesting thought. Maybe, really?
VOVA. Are you both? (Twisting his finger at his temple).
KOLYA and SLAVIK (together). What about?
VOVA. What will you eat?
SASHA. Vova is right! Why would we buy all this in order to eat it with a clear conscience? We don't have that much money!
(The boys are silent, thoughtful.)
VOVA. So what's left for us to do?
SASHA. It remains to refer to objective difficulties and confine ourselves to verbal congratulations. In prose.
VOVA. Are there other opinions?
(Everyone is silent.)
VOVA. There are no other opinions. Then home.

The boys come out and read poetry.

Boy 1.

Long live the girls, with pigtails and without!
May the sun smile at you from blue skies!

Boy 2.

Long live skinny!
Long live fatties!
Everyone who has earrings and freckles on his nose!

Boy 3.

And in the class you - fives!
And at home to you - praise!
So that all film actors fall in love on the spot!

boy 4.

Well, anyway, congratulations!
And please don't get angry.
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys.

A song is performed to the motive "I won't brag, dear," (music by B. Mokrousov).

Boy 1.

I confess - I will not lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
Just see Lera
Heart, I feel burning!

Boy 2.

I want to tell Linda
Shoulder leaning towards her,
About the weather, about football,
Yes, and you never know about anything!

Boy 3.

Olga is - the soul will rise,
Olga is gone - a dull look!
I am drawn to Olga
Feelings are an impressive magnet.

boy 4.

But as soon as I see Katya,
I don't care about others.
In essence and in fact
It is better not to find Katya!

boy 5.

I look at everything as if at an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Oh, you are Sonya, our Sonya,
How I love you!

boy 6.

But when Alena passes,
Glancing at my outfit,
I feel my heart
Everything pricks and hurts!

boy 7.

We also have Lisa
I'm telling you the truth.
Oh, you are Lisa, our Lisa,
I send my hot hello!

Performance classes for girls.

1. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn't!
2. You are beautiful as stars.
And eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are cute
Block out the sun during the day!
3. You are so nice with us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we all want
Be like you!
4. We wish you only happiness,
And let's tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
Not in the whole school!

Boys give gifts to girls

Congratulations on the bright sun
With the song of a bird and with a stream.
Congratulations on the best
The most feminine day in the world!

We wish our mothers
Never lose heart
Every year to be more beautiful
And scold us less.

We wish you dear
Always be healthy
So that you live a long, long time
Never getting old!

May adversity and sorrow
Will bypass you
So that every day of the week
It was like a day off for you!

We want no reason
They would give you flowers.
Men would smile
Everything from your beauty.

Let the sun shine for you
Lilac blooms only for you
And let it last for a long time
The most feminine day in the world!

We wish you all today
Health, vivacity for many years.
And you are so kind
Stay forever.

Presentation of gifts.

Thank you for listening to us!

And they helped us diligently!

Thank you all for your attention. The concert is over.

On March 8, the school holds cool watch and extracurricular activities. Mothers and grandmothers are invited to the holiday, the children read poems for them, prepare dances and show funny scenes.

We have collected scenarios for March 8 for elementary school: grades 1, 2, 3 and 4. They will help teachers prepare a memorable holiday and involve students in creative work.

Preparation for the holiday:

A newspaper dedicated to girls of the 1st grade is published. In the newspaper there is a photo of each girl, and under it a congratulation and a wish. Children draw portraits of their mothers, prepare gifts for mothers and grandmothers, learn poems and songs. Boys are preparing gifts for girls, funny comic congratulations. On the eve of the holiday, the boys decorate the class.

Beautiful music sounds, students come out.

1 student: The month of March and the eighth day.
The smell of spring in the air.
We will celebrate spring
And let me congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day

2 student: From the sun's splashes the snow sparkled,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict -
In honor of the holiday of our grandmothers.

3 student: From the southern edges along the expanse of fields
Spring is approaching us.
And it became brighter and warmer in the world -
In honor of the holiday of our mothers.

4 student: The expanse of the sky is clear, deep and pure,
And the azure expanse beckons.
Look at the beauty all around
In honor of our sisters.

5 student: With the beginning of spring, celebrate this day
It is not in vain bequeathed.
And we will always dedicate this day

6 student: March 8 is a solemn day,
A day of joy and beauty.
All over the earth he gives to women
Your smiles and flowers.

Teacher: March 8 - our planet celebrates Women's Day, this international holiday has been celebrated in all countries of the world for many years now. We are used to it as the first spring holiday, because we celebrate it together with the arrival of spring. This holiday is the kindest and most cheerful. We love him for pleasant chores, for the smiles of our mothers, for the joyful faces of grandmothers, for the admiring eyes of our classmates and friends. And so this holiday is a holiday for all women.

7 student: March 8! Women's Day!
Nobody is lazy today
Go congratulate all the beautiful
Caring and fussy.

8 student: On the best day in the world
In the brightest hour
Your grandchildren, your children
We want to congratulate you!

Children sing the song: "The happiest"

9 student: On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
On this day, warmed in spring
Congratulations to our moms!

Teacher: Mother. This is the most precious thing we have in life. closest and native person. Mom gave us life and loves us not for any merit, but simply because she has us. Moms love us successful and problematic, smart and stupid, happy and unhappy, and we can always come to them for help, advice, support, understanding and sympathy. There are no words to express all our love, respect, gratitude for everything that mothers have done for us and continue to do. And what do those words mean? We want to make sure that our dear mothers are always healthy and happy, and we are ready to pay any price for this.

How many different events have happened in our lives: the first illness, the first fight, the first Christmas tree and the first meeting with Santa Claus, the first time in first grade, the first two and five ... and they are always there - the closest, devoted and beloved, wise and sensitive - our moms!

10 student: To our mothers!
To our mothers!
Affectionate, beloved most!

11 student: May a fine spring day
Will turn into a day of luck.

12 student: Boxing day, flower day
And swept floors.
Cleanly washed dishes
And other such tricks.

13 student: Even a birthday cake
Mom would be able to bake with joy.

All: What-o-o?

13 student: Mom would be happy to eat!
Honestly, honestly, without cheating!
All for the joy of a dear mother!

10 student: How to cook porridge with raisins

11 student: Braid Natasha's braid

12 student: How to iron a shirt

13 student: cook dinner for dad...

10 student: Everyone in the world knows mothers!

11 student: Everything in the world can mothers!

12 student: Our mothers, our mothers

I send my congratulations!

Children sing the song: Mom for a mammoth (lyrics by D. Nepomniachtchi, music by V. Shainsky).

Competition for moms: "Find a child"

Mothers are blindfolded, with their eyes closed they must find their child.

15 student: "If I were a girl."
If I were a girl
I wouldn't waste time
I wouldn't jump on the street
I'd wash my shirts.
I would wash the floor in the kitchen,
I would sweep the room.
I would wash cups, spoons,
I would peel the potatoes myself.
All my own toys
I would put it in place.
Why am I not a girl?
I would love to help my mom!
Mom would have said:
"Well done, son!"
E. Uspensky

Children show a scene: ASSISTANT


  • Leading;
  • Mother;
  • Vova.

Leading: Mom was making a cake
Well, Vova helped her.
Put cinnamon in the dough
Poured a jar of mustard
Throw in a spoonful of lentils...

Vova: In general, he did everything he could.

Mother: Who scratched our door?

Vova: The door was scratched by a terrible beast.

Mother: Who poured all the compote on the floor?

Vova: Compote? Probably Vaska-cat

Mother: Who tore the books today?

Vova: The naughty mice broke.

Mother: Who put the cat in the bag?

Vova: Cat in a bag? Our dog, my friend.

Leading: The friend growled angrily,
And Vova immediately fell silent.

16 student: Our dear mothers,
We ourselves admit
Which, of course, we are not always
We are behaving well.
We often upset you
That sometimes we don't notice.
We love you very, very much!
Let's grow good
And we will always try
To behave!

Competition for children: "Tender words".

Children are encouraged to say as many affectionate words for their mother as possible. Whoever named the most won.

17 student: I am a colorful gift
Decided to give it to my mom.
I tried to draw
Four pencils.
But first I'm on red
Pushed too hard
And then immediately after the red
Purple broke.
And then broke the blue
And orange broke ...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom!

18 student: What a gift for mom
We will give on Women's Day?
There are many for this
Fantastic ideas.
After all, prepare a surprise for mom -
It is very interesting.
We'll knead the dough in the tub
Or wash the chair.
Well, I'm a gift to my mother
I'll paint the closet with flowers
It would be nice to have a ceiling.
Too bad I'm not tall.

19 student: Mother! Happy spring holiday
I heartily congratulate!
Long life, love, fun
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
Let all misfortunes melt away
And adversity will be dispelled.
I wish only happiness
Don't let the years age you.
So that strength does not leave,
For business to be successful
Be always so beautiful
Smiling, tender!

20 student: So that you do not know sadness
Even a light sadness shadow
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

Children give their mothers handmade gifts.

21 students: Mom has a job
Dad has a job.
They have for me
It remains Saturday.
Grandma is always at home.
She never scolds me!
Seat, feed: -
Don't be in a hurry.
Well, what happened to you, tell me? -
Grains of buckwheat sits, sorting through ...
Without a grandmother, what is a house?

22 student: Goes to school for meetings.
Grandma cooks broth.
She for it every month
The postman carries money.

23 student: If grandma said:
Don't touch, don't you dare
You have to listen because
Our house rests on it!

Children sing a song: An affectionate fairy tale (lyrics by A. Kondratiev, music by N. Gogin).

Competition for grandmothers and grandchildren: "Tender hands"

The children are blindfolded, with their eyes closed, the grandson must recognize his grandmother by hand.

24 student: Spring to you joyful and tender
Happy days and pink dreams
And gives March, even snowy
Your smiles and flowers!

Children present handmade gifts to grandmothers.

A group of boys comes out: The sun is beautiful in the sky

The birds are singing merrily.
They wish you joy
And hello spring send!

We are all dressed up today
The boots are on fire.
congratulate you on women's holiday
Gathered for a parade!

Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn't!

You are beautiful like stars
And eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are cute
Block out the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we all want
Be like you!

We wish you only happiness.
And let's tell you a secret:
Our girls are more beautiful
Not in the whole school!

Competition for girls: "The most beautiful."

The girls quickly put a headscarf on their heads, pick up a mirror, paint their lips, sit on a chair and coquettishly say: “Oh, how beautiful I am!”.

Boys perform ditties:

We sit in class
And look at the girls
And beautiful and smart -
It's better not to find it.

There is a magazine on the table
Well, there are fives in it.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

You are lucky girls
You are already happy
Because we are with you
Most beautiful.

The river runs fast
Clean to the core.
Our girls' smiles
Bright as the sun.

Why are we all dancing here
Why are we eating here?
Because all the girls
Happy Women's Day!

The boys give the girls handmade gifts.

Teacher: Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
wonderful, wonderful,
Happy holiday of affection,
love and attention
Happy Women's Charm!

Dear girls, mothers, grandmothers! Let me congratulate you all on the first spring holiday - March 8, wish everyone good, joy, bright spring sun, success in all your endeavors and the fulfillment of all desires. May this day be a day of surprises for you. And this surprise for all of us!

Scenario for grade 2

1 host: Dear mothers, grandmothers, girls! Today we are gathered here to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Her love is the most holy and selfless. The mother is the child's first teacher and closest friend. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother.

1 student: Happy spring holiday
In this bright hour
mothers relatives,

2 student: Spring walks through the yards
In rays of heat and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we enjoy it.

3 student: This feast of obedience
Congratulations and flowers.
devotion, adoration,
Holiday of the best words.

2 host: The song of the stream is not yet heard,
The lark trill does not pour,
But the sun is brighter and drops
Tells us: "Spring is coming!"
Spring is coming.
And let it not be hot
But with her, like a summer shadow,
International Women's Day,
Comes to us on March 8!

1 host: Mom is the closest person. She is always by our side.

Riddles about mom.

I'm not afraid of thunder or thunder
If next to me ... (mother)

There is no dirt, rubbish in the apartment,

I cleaned everything clean ... (mom)

Borscht in a plate is the most delicious,
She only cooks like that ... (mother)

The school has a complex program
But it will always help ... (mom)

Will please the naughty stake in the pit,
Will call for help ... (mom)

There is no dearer in the world,
Fairer and better.
I'll tell you friends directly -
Best of all in the world ... (mother)

2 host: Mom is the most beloved person. How do you want to do for her the most best gift on March 8, so that she feels all the warmth of your loving heart! We miss so often kind words to express our love and appreciation. March 8 is an amazing day. On this day, your mother should feel how much you love her. Of course, before the holiday, every child thinks: “What to give mom on March 8?”

1 host: Your mother cooks well and spends the whole day in the kitchen. But on March 8, she does not have to stand at the stove at all. As a token of gratitude, you can cook dinner or wash the dishes. Every woman loves flowers. And so the bouquet of flowers will a good gift for Mom.

1 student: Mom's holiday is coming, for her the crossword is blooming. Crossword. Do you know flowers?
yellow, fluffy
fragrant balls,
Sheltered from the frost
In their branches ... (mimosa)

2 student: white polka dots
On a green leg. (lily of the valley)

3 student: First spring Flower,
first white petal.
Fresh delicate tiny flower
From under the snow to the sun rushed. (anemone)

4 student: In the spring, the red color in the garden lit up
Beautiful, like a girl's bow.
I will quickly go to him.
And what is his name? (tulip)

5 student: fragrant face,
And the tail is spiky. (rose)

1 host: Do you know that the best gift is a hand-made gift? Our guys have done a great job preparing for this holiday. Look at what beautiful flowers bloomed in our class. And that's all for you, dear mothers and grandmothers! (Children come to the board, take pictures Greeting Cards with flowers. handmade handed to mothers, grandmothers, kiss, hug them).

2 host: Women's Day is celebrated in March only in our country, in other countries it is celebrated in April and has a religious content. For example, in England it is called Mother's Day.

1 host: In America, Mother's Day is celebrated in May: the symbols of the holiday are red carnations, which are given to all mothers these days. A lot of fun and comic there is connected with this day: if on Dad's Day everything is sold in the form of a hat, tie, for example: cakes, cookies, then on Mom's Day all gifts are made in the form of hearts and flowers. As a sign of great love for mom, there are a lot of jokes and fun these days. And we give this comic number to our mothers.

Performed "Cowboy dance with a horse", country music.

Scene "Assistant".

Vova is crying thinly
And rubs his eyes with his fist:
I'm not your girl anymore
I won't go for milk.
Mom looks without a smile:
- Well, you're making a mistake.
You won't help me
- I won't let you walk.
Look, he thought:
- Well, give me your can.
Vova is sad and insulting,
He walks sideways.
- Maybe it won't be seen.
All the cans behind.
Uncle with long mustache
Tall like a father
He smiled: - It can be seen that you are helping your mother?
Well done!
Aunt to the girl in Panama says:
- Take an example!
Boy helps mom
- A real gentleman.
And no longer side
Vova proudly walked home.
Though I walked up the stairs,
Didn't spill milk.
- Mom, what else to buy?
I can go now!

2 host: Women's holiday on March 8 is also a grandmother's holiday. Dear grandmothers, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and give you a poem.

E. Grigorieva's poem "Grandmother".

Boy: Mom has a job

Girl: Dad has a job.

Together: They have for me
It remains Saturday.

Boy: Grandma is always busy at home.

Girl: She never scolds me!

Boy: Seated, feed:
- Don't be in a hurry.
Well, what happened to you

Girl: I say she don't interrupt
Grains buckwheat goes through ...

Boy: We are fine - like this, together.

Girl: And without a grandmother - what is a house?


No. 1. Tie a bow (4 boys + 4 girls).

No. 2. 4 girls + 4 mothers (girls by taste, mothers determine orange, lemon, banana, kiwi, cucumber, apple by smell).

No. 3. Find your mother by hand (boy + girl).

No. 4. Competition of compliments.

No. 5. The game "Whose circle will be built faster?". Mothers and children form several circles. Hand in hand, commit to the music circular motions, clap your hands to the beat of the melody. The music stops abruptly. Players disperse in the free area of ​​the class. Music turns on. You need to quickly organize your circle.

No. 6. Competition of poems (reading any poem in a duet: mother and child).

No. 7. Questions for mothers (asked by the teacher).

He gets up in the morning from bed:
- Where did you put your shoes?
Where is the shirt? Where is the sock?
Do you have such a son?

I made the bed myself
Swept the floor, watered the flowers,
Helped mom set the table.
Do you have such a son?

Teacher's word: The most beautiful word in the world is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most kind and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of the mother, love never goes out. You tried so hard today to sing, dance and read poetry well, which brought great joy to mothers, grandmothers and me. Thank you very much!

Final poem.

Pupils: You listened to us carefully,
Helped us diligently.
Thank you all for your attention!
The concert is over. Goodbye!

All together, both children and adults, perform the song "The Happiest" (music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev).

Scenario for grade 3

Teacher: In the garden, where the birch trees crowded,
A blue eye peeped into the snowdrop.
First, little by little, he put out a green leg,
Then he reached out with all his little strength
And quietly asked:

Student: I see the weather is warm and clear
Tell me it's true
What is spring?

Teacher: With the first snowdrops, we meet spring again, which means a wonderful holiday for all women on March 8! The most beautiful and touching word in the world is mother. This is the first word that the baby utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Mom has the kindest and most faithful heart, the most affectionate and gentle hands that everyone can do. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of a mother, love for children never goes out. Our dear women, let me sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and wish you on this solemn day good health, family well-being and harmony, stamina and patience, peace and longevity, as well as always good mood! Today is our holiday for you!

Student: Health, happiness and kindness
We sincerely wish you
Happy International Women's Day
We congratulate you all!

Musical congratulations:

Teacher: March 8 is a solemn day,
A day of joy and beauty!
We want congratulations first
It came to you on behalf of men!

1 boy: Our dear ladies!
Sisters, grandmothers and mothers!
Our entire team is male
Congratulations on spring!

2 boy: Our dear mothers!
We declare without embellishment
Honest, sincere and direct...
We love you very, very much!

3 boy: Thank you dear mothers
And your skillful and gentle hands
They are golden, like the sun always
We will never forget mother's hands!

4 boy: From the first days with you mom
Her hands are warm.
If mom is next to us -
Evil will not touch us.

5 boy: And when you get older
You will grow big
Will you remember your mother's voice
Kind and dear.

6 boy: Our mothers are our joy
We know it as one
So congratulations...
You are on behalf of men!

Gentlemen's song for moms:

If you frown
Argue with things
If accumulated
So many problems
May it always help
to you in household matters
adult or youth
A real gentleman!

And a smile, no doubt
Suddenly touches your eyes
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore.

Competition for children:

Do you know the qualities inherent in mothers?

  • Every mother who loves a child possesses this quality. (Kindness)
  • This property of the soul can be seen in the eyes of the mother, heard in her voice. (Tenderness)
  • Ability to intelligently resolve issues. (Wisdom)
  • And this quality is manifested when mom jokes. (Humor)

Dance congratulations.

Teacher: I'm sorry, but there's more in the class young ladies whom we did not congratulate. But we'll fix it now!

Today is the holiday of adult women,
But who will object
That we are our girls too
Let's congratulate you today.

Boys faithful girlfriends
Life would be boring without them
After all, in their souls a cheerful ray
Makes our life brighter.

We study with you not the first day
And here's what we noticed:
Spin around the mirror all of you are not too lazy
Any day during the week.

You play football a little worse than us,
Eyes "shoot" better
Ready to laugh a thousand times a day
Your laugh is like a ray of sunshine.

We wish you happiness, kindness and victories,
Health, good luck, attention,
Let it be warm every day your warm,
Your wishes will come true.

We also want to tell you today:
Sorry for our jokes
Without our girls, we are very sad.
You are all the decoration of the school!


You listen, girls,
We will sing ditties to you.
If together we tighten,
You clap us!

We respect girls
We can safely say to you:
Very difficult tasks
We will decide for them.

Our girls blossomed
Like daisies in the meadow.
Well, they sing songs
Like birds in a garden.

Here I am in class
I turn in all directions
How many girls are beautiful -
I won't look at all!

We wish you only happiness
And it's no longer a secret
What are these cool girls
And not on the whole planet!

We tried to sing ditties,
And to ditties - topotushki.
We offer all guests
Have fun clapping for us!

Teacher: All mothers, as you know, know how to cook deliciously.
Sometimes mom needs help
And some children don't know what scrambled eggs are made of,
Not to mention other dishes.
Do you know what scrambled eggs are made of?
And whoever helps mom cook, raise your hands.
Now I'll check it out.
Who can correctly answer what dishes can be
to cook from the listed products?
I name the food and you name the dish.

Competition "Delicious recipes". Participants must guess the dish according to the list of ingredients.

  • Mushrooms, onions, potatoes, vermicelli, salt, water, herbs. (Mushroom soup)
  • Minced meat, onion, eggs, bread, salt, pepper. (Cutlets)
  • Beets, green peas, onions, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes. (The vinaigrette)
  • Flour, yeast, eggs, butter. (Pies, buns)
  • Meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, salt, pepper, water. (Shi)
  • Rice, carrots, onions, sunflower oil, lamb. (Pilaf)
  • Water, berries or fruits, granulated sugar. (Compote)
  • Milk, butter, cereals, salt. (Porridge)
  • Eggs, milk, butter. (Omelette)

Musical congratulations "Mom's Day".

Teacher: Grandmothers, dear, happy holiday to you! How nice to have you with us!

1 student: If I were a girl
And then I'd get old
When I became a grandmother
I would never creak.
I would not scold my grandchildren,
And just pampered.
And I'm sure I would
Well, my grandmother!

2 student: I congratulate grandma
Happy Women's Day of Spring!
I love grandma
People need grandmothers!

3 student: Who loves us
Most in the world?
Don't keep this secret!
This is my grandmother.
We are best friends with her!

4 student: On Women's Day
IN spring holiday,
On the day when spring is on its way
Allow me to congratulate you
And bring a smile!

5 student: Wish flowers and happiness!
Wish you health, strength,
To this women's holiday
It only brought you joy!

Granny Contest:

Teacher: Grandmothers, take a needle,
Come closer to us
We want to show you
How easy it is in such an igloo
You can thread a thread.
And not one, but five.

Each grandmother is given one large needle cut out of cardboard and five woolen threads. At the command of the hosts, grandmothers insert threads into a needle to cheerful music. The grandmother who completed the task first wins.

Musical congratulations "A song about mothers and grandmothers."

Scene (mother girls go on stage, sit on a bench).

Teacher: It was in the evening.
who knitted,
And who read
Someone like that, leafing through a magazine,
Someone sang a song.
Suddenly Olya's mother said just like this:

1 mom: And we have “five” in our notebook, and you?

2 mom: And we have a "troika" again. And you?

3 mom: And yesterday our son wrote an essay.
I came up with the beginning, then dad composed.

4 mom: Well, ours is playing chips
And everyone shouts: “Whoo!”
From such terrible screams

5 mom: My son had a fight yesterday
Yes, it fell on the floor.
I washed my pants for two hours
Yes, I sewed a shirt!

3 mom: Ours does not like vermicelli,
This time
Make your bed
It's two
And fourthly, I asked my son to wash the floor,
Answers - I won’t have time, I need to learn the rules!

2 mom: And our daughter does not like
Get up for school in the morning
And now we dream with dad
We buy a crane!

1 mom: Well, I dream a lot
Be like your daughter again.
Throw off twenty-five years
And become a child again!

4 mom: I would jump on a jumping rope!

5 mom: I would like to play classic!

1 mom: Well, I would all the boys
I would put cones!

3 mom: Yes, when we were kids
This time was not appreciated!

4 mom: Our school years gone forever!
Well, it's time, the ninth hour,
They were waiting for us at home.
("moms" get up, start going home)

1 mom: Yes, it's time, because my daughter needs to draw something there.

5 mom: Well, my son told me to write a presentation.

2 mom: I have two tasks to solve,
Sew up the school uniform.

3 mom: Yes, to do everything
Change until morning.

Dance competition.

Several mothers with their children are invited. Each couple is given an envelope with the name of the dance:

  • Butterfly polka,
  • Lambada,
  • Russian dance,
  • Tango,
  • macarena,
  • Sirtaki.

Musical passages sound in turn, the mother and child must guess their own and immediately try to dance it.

Teacher: Mother! The most beautiful word on earth, this is the first word that a person pronounces and it sounds in all languages, it sounds equally gentle. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful sensitive heart - love never goes out in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - five or fifty - you always need her mother's affection, her look. And the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter life.

Student: Happy March 8!
Happy spring holiday!
With the first flowers in this bright hour!

Congratulations moms,
Grandmothers and girls!
We wish you all happiness, joy, good luck!

Teacher: I would like in the days of spring,
Take away all adversity from you,
Sunny Mood Cup
Present to lovely women.
So that under the dome the sky is clear,
Where the frost is angry in the spring,
Your children grew up beautiful,
Without sadness and without resentment.
To fill your eyes with joy
New freshness for many years
And so that your life is brighter than the rainbow
Blazed all over the world.

Scenario for grade 4

1 student: The winter cold still ruffles
The eighth is just a day of spring.
But with golden flowers
All the streets are already full.

2 student: Why is the sun shining bright today
Smells like pies in the morning?

3 student: A merry holiday has come to us,
Fun party- Mother's Day!

4 student: March 8 is coming -
This is our moms day.
We are waiting for the whole class
They are visiting us today.

5 student: Children are happy to congratulate everyone
Mom, grandmother, sisters.
Glad to amuse you with a song
Our cheerful children's choir.

Children sing a song about mother.

1 student: This day is as if woven from tenderness,
Winter recedes before him.
Blue smiles of snowdrops
Gives women a sunny March.

2 student: And pigeons are circling over the schools,
Birdhouses are full of anticipation.
A bright holiday passes through the streets -
A symbol of happiness and a symbol of spring!

Children sing a song about spring.

3 student: Tender leaves sleep in buds,
Streams run, ringing,
We give you gifts
In honor of the holiday.

Children give gifts to mothers.

4 student: Mom is loved by everyone in the world.
Mom is the first friend.
Not only children love mothers,
Love all around.

Women are congratulated by the fathers of the students of the class and are given flowers.

5 student: If anything happens
If suddenly trouble
Mommy comes to the rescue
Will always help out.

1 student: Mom a lot of strength, health
Give to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

2 student: Thank you dear mothers
To your skillful and gentle hands,
They are golden as the sun, always.
We will never forget these hands.

Children perform the dance "Top, top."

3 student: Mom bought me a doll
Made dresses for both of us
Ribbons woven into hair
And spread her hands.
"Where is the doll, where am I?"
That's my mommy!
Well, and all our girls
They say: “What are you, sisters?”
It's not like that at all
That's what the hands are doing.

4 student: Moms can do anything
Moms will help
Moms know everything!

Children perform ditties:

Our dear mothers,
We will sing ditties to you.
Congratulations on the 8th of March
And hello big helmet to you.

Here's to cleaning once a year
I decided the frying pan
And then four days
They couldn't wash me.

The soup and porridge were burnt.
Salt is poured into compote.
When mom came home from work
She had a lot of trouble.

I boiled milk
Went far away.
I approach him again:
There is no milk to be seen.

I found a broom in the kitchen
And swept the whole apartment,
But what's left of him
Three straws in total.

We finish singing ditties
And we promise you together:
Listen to you always in everything
Morning, evening and afternoon.

5 student: We promise to listen to you
Make friends with discipline
Even though it's very difficult
We can live without pranks.

Children perform a funny dance.

1 student: And papa's mom?
And my mother's mother?
Dear grandmother
I call her!

2 student: Mom has a job.
Dad has a job.
They have Saturday left for me.
And our grandmother is always at home.
She never scolds me!

3 student: Seated, feed:
“Don't be in a hurry.
Well, what happened there
You have, tell me!”
I speak, but my grandmother does not interrupt,
Grains of buckwheat sits, sorting through.
We are good - like this, together,
Without a grandmother - what a house!

4 student: We won't buy a present for grandma.
We will kiss her, dear, with you.

Children give handmade gifts to grandmothers.

5 student: Sincere care, skillful hand.
And work at the grandmother always argues.

Children sing a song about grandmother.

1 student: I love you mom, why, I don't know
Probably because I breathe and dream
And I rejoice in the sun and a bright day -
That's why I love you, my dear.

2 student: For the sky, for the wind, for the air around ...
I love you mom, you are my best friend!

As a rule, elementary school students are happy to participate in extracurricular activities And classroom hours dedicated to March 8th. Scenarios include poems and dances, making gifts for mothers and grandmothers with their own hands, so that each student can contribute to the holiday and reveal their creative abilities.

Useful video with a dance on March 8 at school

I like!

Fresh questions on the site



Scenario of the holiday program for March 8 in elementary school

1st student I really want to please
We have all the guests today,
And for them we have prepared
Lots of holiday stuff.
2nd student Something will seem sad to you,
Something that will make you cry
After all, our concert is called ...
All. Both jokingly and seriously!

3rd student. We are starting our concert and want to congratulate everyone on the holiday of spring, beauty and love!
2nd student. And where there is love, there is mother, so we give them our song!
1st student. And not only them!

2nd student: Why?
3rd student.
Because March 8th is a ringing day
Drops, concerts, laughter
8th March - Women's Day.
Everything. And everyone has a holiday!

Sounds like "Mother's Day"

Winter-old woman hides in snowdrifts and in the forest
I don’t want to let Spring-Krasna into our land again
She will let in the cold with a burning breeze,
And we will sing our spring song to her

Small birds sang at the house outside the window
Spring is coming! Spring is coming! We praise her!
The days are getting longer, the haze and the night are getting shorter!
Grandfather and dad are preparing to help us with mom!
Drip-drip-drip! Icicles are ringing fun!
Drip-drip-drip! Spring-Red is coming!
Cap-cap-cap! Meet the Holiday with songs!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mom's Day is coming!

Stronger and brighter the Sun shines on Earth for us!
Rather, melt the snow and ice with your warmth!
So that the spring streams rang here and there!
And they sang a song for grandmothers and mothers with us!
Drip-drip-drip! Icicles are ringing fun!
Drip-drip-drip! Spring-Red is coming!
Cap-cap-cap! Meet the Holiday with songs!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mom's Day is coming!
Drip-drip-drip-drip-drip! Mom's Day is coming!

holiday telegram

The leader reads:

And on this spring day

We ask the women of the whole Earth:

Accept congratulations!

Have fun, don't be bored

And get more rest.

To be at home, at work.

You have always been respected.

Signature: dad.

Leading. Now let's move on to the Telegram contest.

If you take a big word,

Choose letters, one and two,

And then collect them again

That will make the words...

So, whoever composes more new words in 1 minute from the word “telegram” will win ... (Gram, cart, theme, gamma, frame, gamma, container, magician, relay ...)

Student 1:Happy spring holiday
In this bright hour
mothers relatives,

Student 2:Spring walks through the yards
In rays of heat and light.
Today is the holiday of our mothers,
And we enjoy it.

Student 3:This feast of obedience
Congratulations and flowers.
devotion, adoration,
Holiday of the best words.

Student 4:drops of sunlight
We bring home today
We give to grandmothers and mothers

Congratulations on Women's Day.


For the game, you need to prepare as many scarves as possible. Mothers (3-4) should tie as many scarves on their daughter as possible. (or daughters to mothers)

Questions for moms (assigned by the teacher)

He gets up in the morning from bed:
- Where did you put your shoes?
Where is the shirt? Where is the sock?
Do you have such a son?

I made the bed myself
Swept the floor, watered the flowers,
Helped mom set the table.
Do you have such a son?

Scene "Assistant".

Vova is crying thinly
And rubs his eyes with his fist:
- I'm not your girl anymore.
I won't go for milk.
Mom looks without a smile:
- Well, you're making a mistake.
You won't help me - I won't let you walk.
Look, he thought:
- Well, give me your can.
Vova is sad and insulting,
He walks sideways.
- Maybe it won't be seen.
All the cans behind.
An uncle with a long mustache, as tall as his father,
He smiled: - It can be seen that you are helping your mother? Well done!
Aunt girl in Panama says:
- Take an example! The boy helps his mother - a real gentleman.
And no longer side
Vova walked home proudly.
Though I walked up the stairs,
Didn't spill milk.
- Mom, what else to buy?
I can go now!

Transfer purchases

There are 2 chairs on one side of the room. They are laid out: by skittle - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, a bag of sand - a bag of sugar. The players stand on the other side of the room. On a signal, they take the baskets and run to the chairs, put the “products” in the basket and come back. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.


Oh, ditties are good,
We sing them from the heart.
But don't yawn either
And sing along better.

Christmas trees - pines
Prickly, green.
Even grandmothers in the spring
In love with grandfathers.

To get mom to work
The evil alarm clock did not wake up
I am to him tonight
Unscrewed three pieces.

I walk with my mother by the hand,
I hold my mother tightly
So that mom is not afraid
So that she doesn't get lost.

My sister is amazing!
Lily washes all the dishes
I help her too.
I collect all the pieces.

On tour we wanted
Ride to the Bahamas
Just don't let go
School us da mom

Our grandmothers know

School program.

All puzzles click

Better than mom and dad.

The last snow from our roof
Like it's pouring rain.
Under the spring rays

Have fun singing!

Game "Collect a flower"

3-4 teams participate (differ in color). Children are petals, mothers are middle. You need to collect a flower of your color: mothers stand in the center, children must stand around, depicting a flower. Whose flower will bloom first on the stage.

Scene "Gentlemen"

Gentleman 1 . I hope you gentlemen all help your moms?

All. Well, of course we help!

Gentleman 2 . After all, we are real gentlemen!

Gentleman 3 . Our mothers carry a heavy load of household chores!

Gentleman 1 . And our task is to lighten this burden!

Gentleman 2 . For example, I never refuse to go to the store for ice cream.

Gentleman Z. And I never interfere with my mother to wash the dishes!

Gentleman 4 . And during the cleaning, I try to go outside so as not to get under my mother's feet.

Gentleman 5 . And I always hide my dirty jeans away after football so that my mother has less washing.

Gentleman 1 . I always help my mom watch TV shows.

Gentleman 2 . And I always remind my mother when to take out the trash can.

Gentleman 3 . And I'm constantly dusting my mom's cell phone!

Gentleman 4A I always try to eat everything quickly so that my mother has time to cook something else before leaving the kitchen .

Host: That's what it means - true gentlemen!

Solemn music sounds. The gentlemen leave.

Contests "Helpers"

Vacuum cleaner

To play, you need several identical groups of items (constructor parts) and baskets according to the number of players. Objects are scattered on the floor in a path, children line up in a chain of 6-7 people (vacuum cleaner hose), mothers hold a basket. Players try to collect as many items as possible in their basket, passing them along the chain to each other.

Define the subject

On the table under the scarf are miscellaneous items: brush, mirror, nails, tongs, matches, comb, lipstick, kitchen utensils, etc.) Choose those items that help mom in the kitchen.


If I were a girl
And then I'd get old
When I became a grandmother
I would never creak.
I would not scold my grandchildren,
And just pampered.
And I'm sure I would
Well, my grandmother!
Grandma has a lot of trouble with us
- Grandma cooks sweet compote for us,
Warm hats must be knitted,
Tell us a funny story.
Grandma works all day
Grandma, honey, sit down and rest!
We'll sing our song to you...
We live together with my dear grandmother!

Boys perform comic couplets dressed up in skirts and headscarves

Stretch the fur, harmonica,

Oh, play, play!

Sing ditties, Grandmother-Ezhka,

Sing, don't talk!

My grandson went to first grade

He draws a lot of sciences.

But your heavy backpack

He won't get up!

My granddaughter is in first grade

I became an academic.

Just didn't learn

Manage with a broom!

My grandson brought me from school

Difficult task.

I've been sitting on it for three hours

And I cry softly.

And my granddaughter brought me

Essay at home.

I didn't eat, I didn't sleep

No inspiration!

My granddaughter walks for a long time

To the computer class.

Trying hard there

Playing all day long!

And my granddaughter

Golden hands:

Barbie doll for a whole year

She sews all the handkerchief!

And today is Women's Day -

I have a migraine again.

The grandson of the old woman killed -

He gave her a drum!

Oh, my appetite is gone

My head is cracking again!

Granddaughter gave

Grandma crocodile!

Stretch the fur, harmonica,

Oh, play, play!

Sing ditties, Grandmother-Ezhka,

Sing, don't talk!

Contest:"Learn the story"

I propose to find out how well our grandmothers tell fairy tales, and how attentively their grandchildren listen to them. Prepared three fairy tales - crossroads. Each team must understand what fairy tales are involved.

1 fairy tale:Lived - there were three bears. And they had a bast hut, and there was also an ice one. Here they ran past the Mouse - norushka and the Frog - a frog. They saw a hut and said: “Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and front to me!” There is a hut, does not move. They decided to enter, went to the door, pulled the handle. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull it out. It can be seen that the sleeping beauty is lying there and waiting for Emelya to kiss her.

2 tale:In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived - there was a Princess - a frog. One day she sat on a gray wolf and went to look for Finista Yasna Sokol's feather. The wolf is tired, he wants to take a break, and she tells him: “Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat a pie!” And the wolf got angry and said: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets!” The Frog got scared, hit the ground and at midnight turned into a pumpkin. Chernomor saw her and dragged her to his castle.

3 fairy tale: Once upon a time, a woman and grandfather had a gingerbread man. He once lay on the window. And then the mouse ran, waving its tail. The bun fell and broke. Seven kids came running, ate everything, and left the crumbs. They ran home, and the crumbs scattered along the path. Geese swans flew in, began to peck crumbs, and drink from a puddle. Here the cat is a scientist and says: “Do not drink, otherwise you will become goats”.

Song "Mom"

There is no word in the world
Native and more expensive.
We meet with him the dawn
And we go to bed too.
There is life in this word
There is a song in this word,
We can't live without him!


Mother Mother Mother!

All flowers today
Let loose for mom!
Today all dreams
About good and about the main thing!
The warmth of loving eyes
And the light of your smile
The most important thing in the world for us!


Mom, there is only one word on the planet - "mother"!
Mom, your love, like the sun, shines, mom!
Mom, a breath of joy and light - Mom!
Mom, the earth is warmed by your warmth!
Mother Mother Mother!

Shout "Thank you" (after each line, the children shout "thank you")

Girls and boys,
Let's go with you
Say thanks to grandma
Thank you mom.
For songs and stories
For trouble and kindness,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys.

For books and counting rhymes,
For skis and jump ropes,
For sweet jam
For long patience.

Children (in chorus). Thank you!

May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window!
So that not only the day of the Eighth of March
Every day was considered your day!


The most beautiful word in the world is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world.

Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most kind and gentle hands that can do everything. And in the faithful and sensitive heart of the mother, love never goes out.

Student 1:

I know! I remember!

Don't forget - Mother's Day has arrived!

I repeat congratulations, I won’t lose my words -

I've been saving them for a whole year:

Mom dear, dear,

Best of all - one of these!

Even if I'm kidding

I still love you!

Student 2:

On our holiday so desired

What else can you say?

Let us all now

Wish you good health!

Do not be ill! Don't get old!

Never get angry!

So young

Stay forever!

Student 3:

There is no more pleasant and easier

Than with the holiday of spring

Congratulate your mother -

My favorite.

On this lovely spring day

I also wish you

Only joy, fun -

For the soul, they are more important.

Student4 :

Our dear mothers,

We are always proud of you

smart, calm,

We will be worthy of you!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart

For things to be good

So that trouble does not happen in the house,

To never be sad.

I wish you happiness and good

I wish you warm bright days

Health is the most important thing.

Student5 :

Mother! Happy spring holiday

I heartily congratulate!

Long life, love, fun

I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

Let all misfortunes melt away

And adversity will be dispelled.

I wish only happiness

Let the years not age you!

Student6 :


Happy International Day

And I sincerely wish

To be forever young.

So that strength does not leave,

For business to be successful

Be always so beautiful

Smiling, tender!

Student7 :

I will hug and kiss my dear mother,

I want to congratulate her and wish her good health,

I want to promise to correct her behavior.

I promise to be obedient

And less upset

Do only what needs to be done

And help around the house.

Student8 :

Mom is an expensive word

In that word - warmth and light,

On the glorious day of the eighth of March

All: Our mothers - our greetings!

Student 9:

Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers,

We are for everything, for all relatives,

We say thank you!


- Well, we wished so much

You must be tired!

All this we ask you to accept!

And to make it come true - clap now!

Children give their mothers holiday greetings made at labor lessons at school

What is a holiday without ditties. This is also for you moms!

Student 1:

Here comes the holiday

We are glad to the ears.

Let's sing to our mothers

We are our ditties.

Student 2:

Our dear mothers,

We will sing ditties to you

And hello big helmet to you.

Student 3:

Here's a clean once a year

I decided the frying pan

And then four days

couldn't wash me.

Student 4:

I found a broom in the kitchen

And swept the whole apartment,

And left of him

Three straws in total.

Student 5:

Burnt soup and porridge

Salt is poured into compote.

When mom came home from work

She had a lot of trouble.

Student 6:

I'll tell you a secret

Yes, about our girls.

Dresses change every day

We cannot recognize them.

Student 7:

Our girls blossomed

Like daisies in the meadow

Well, they sing songs

Like birds in a meadow.

Student 8:

I drew a picture of Vanya,

He is an artist, no doubt

But why did he paint his nose

in red, yellow, Blue colour?

Student 9:

We will overcome all sciences,

Everything will work out for us

Because our mothers

They also study with us.

Student 10:

We finish singing ditties

And today we promise

Listen to you always in everything

Morning, evening and afternoon.

Student 11:

We sang ditties to you

Is it good or bad

And now we ask you

For you to clap us.


I am glad that we have gathered today for our Holy holiday, congratulate our moms and have fun. We will make two teams and select the jury members for our contest "Come on, moms and children." Each team should have 6 mothers and their children..

Contest 1. Team greeting. Come up with a name for your team.

Competition 2. Recognize your mother by her hand.

– I think it will be interesting for everyone to know how well children know their mothers. The children will have to recognize their mother without seeing her (blindfolded), only by her hand. (two children per team)

Competition 3. Find by touch.

“We made sure that children know their mothers well. This is not surprising, because for every child, the mother is the only one. And now mothers are given the opportunity, without seeing the child (blindfolded), to recognize him by touch. (Children become in a circle, and the blindfolded mother recognizes her child) two mothers from the team.

Competition 4. Blow up the balloon.

On command, everyone receives balloons and must inflate and tie the balloon. The team that wins in 3 minutes wins. will inflate more balloons. (6 balloons each)

Competition 5. The best hostesses.

One person each (girls). To the touch, determine which cereal (buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina).

Competition 6. Royal feast.

Imagine you were offered to organize a royal feast. You must put treats on the table, but their names must begin with the letter "K". Within 2 minutes, write down as many names of dishes as possible on the leaves. Those who have more dishes with the letter “K” win.

Competition 7. Let's remember childhood.

Each team is given a glass of tea and a small spoon. Children from a spoon give tea to their mothers. Whoever drinks tea first wins.


This is the end of our competition. Now the floor is given to our jury.

Well, our holiday has come to an end. dedicated to the day March 8. Thank you all for responding to the invitation to participate in today's competitions. Thank you for your love and attention to children.

We are finishing our competition

We wish dear mothers

So that mothers do not grow old,

Younger, better.

And you, children, do not upset your mothers,

Never offend.

love them, take care

And grow obedient.

March 8 in elementary school

The script for the festive morning March 8 in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade.

Holiday script for March 8 "For the beautiful Ladies!"

Matinee dedicated to the International women's day, can be held in the form of a comic concert prepared by the boys. Girls may participate in some episodes (songs).

Spectators: mothers, grandmothers, teachers.



Old Shapoklyak.


Yaroslavl guys.

The gentlemen are the hosts of the concert. They have the largest text load. They can sometimes read their remarks from a cheat sheet. It is necessary to work not only on the diction and intonation of the performers, but also pay attention to their stage image. They must convey the importance, stiffness, solidity of real gentlemen. During the serenade, gentlemen wear wide-brimmed hats with feathers. Feathers and hats can be made from colored paper.

The roles of the old woman Shapoklyak and Babka-Ezhka should be offered to the guys who are used to making everyone laugh. They need to grimacing and buffooning as much as possible. Particular attention should be paid to outfits. Old woman Shapoklyak - a suit with a tight skirt, a small hat, glasses and a handbag. Grandmother-Ezhka - a scarf, a fluffy colorful skirt, a wide blouse, a broom.

Yaroslavl guys - caps with paper chrysanthemums on their heads. During the execution of "suffering" they should "okay".

Props. Balalaikas and guitars can be cut out of thick cardboard.

Musical arrangement:

Phonograms of songs:

- "A song about good mood"(from the film "Carnival Night");

- « A true friend"(from the film "Timka and Dimka");

- "The Song of the Old Woman Shapoklyak" (from the film "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena");

- "Old grandmothers" (VIA "Merry guys");

Chastushki Babok-Ezhek (from the m / f "Flying Ship");

- "Neapolitan Song" ("Uno Momento") (from the movie "Formula of Love");

- "Yaroslavl guys" (chastushki-suffering);

- “Song of the Mammoth” (from the m / f “Mom for the Mammoth”),

Music sounds. Four speakers take the stage.

Student 1.

The beautiful spring is walking on the planet,

It brings prosperity and awakening to the earth.

Student 2. Lily of the valley and lilacs bloom in spring.

Student 3. And women bloom on the spring women's day!

All. And congratulations on the spring holiday to all women!

Student 1. The best and most beautiful, the kindest of our mothers,

Student 2. Our beloved grandmothers who read fairy tales to us,

Student 3. The smartest and best school teachers of all,

Student 4. And our glorious girls, which are more beautiful and sweeter than all.

Student 1. On International Women's Day, we decided not to be naughty,

All. Happy Holidays to all of you and give you a concert.

Student 2.

And on behalf of the boys we give for our ladies

Three servings of giggles and smiles per kilogram!

Student 3.

In our class, all the boys tried very hard,

So that all women laugh together today!

Student 4.

So that you can make friends with a spring smile

And we spent the day in a good mood!

Performed "Song about a good mood." 4 gentlemen with white scarves on their shoulders enter the stage.

Gentleman 1. Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our International Women's Day concert...

All. March 8!

Gentleman 2. We have had the difficult task of leading this festive concert...

Gentleman 3. Because we are true gentlemen!

Gentleman 4. And only we can adequately congratulate our beautiful ladies on their holiday.

Gentleman 1. Ho do you know, gentlemen, who are the beautiful ladies?

All. These are real ladies!

Gentleman 2. And the first ladies at today's holiday are, of course, our mothers!

Gentleman Z. Well then - this is lady-perfection!

Gentleman 4. Because they are the most beautiful!

Gentleman 1. The cleverest!

Gentleman 2. The kindest!

Gentleman 3. The most favorite!

All. Happy holiday, our dear mothers!

The gentlemen step aside. Several girls and boys come on stage and sing a song to the tune of the song "A True Friend".


Who wakes us up in the morning with a smile,

Protects us from rain and blizzards?

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.


Very smart and beautiful

Everyone around us knows about it.

Everything in the world can and will always help.

Mom is a real, true friend.

Everything in the world can and will always help

Mom is a true true friend.


Who can always help you out

What if something happens all of a sudden?

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.

We will answer directly: “Well, of course, mother.

The closest, kindest, most faithful friend.

They leave the stage.

Gentleman 1. I hope you gentlemen all help your moms?

All. Well, of course we help!

Gentleman 2. After all, we are real gentlemen!

Music sounds. Shapoklyak runs out onto the stage, pushes the gentlemen aside, stands in the middle and begins to sing to the tune of “Songs of the Old Woman Shapoklyak”.

Whoever helps mom is wasting time.

Good deeds cannot be celebrated.

Therefore, I advise everyone and everyone

frolic and play,

After all, all the kids need more rest,

All kids need more rest.

Who helps mom - that wastes time in vain.

You can't be famous for doing your homework.

You can't be famous, you can't be famous.

Having finished the song, Shapoklyak makes curtsies.

Gentleman 3. Dear Lady Shapoklyak! We fundamentally disagree!

Gentleman 4. Our mothers carry a heavy load of household chores!

Gentleman 1. And our task is to lighten this burden!

Listening to the gentlemen, Shapoklyak nods his head approvingly.

Gentleman 2. For example, I never refuse to go to the store for ice cream.

Gentleman Z. And I never interfere with my mother to wash the dishes!

Gentleman 4. And during the cleaning, I try to go outside so as not to get under my mother's feet.

Gentleman 1. And I always hide my dirty jeans away after football so that my mother has less washing.

Gentleman 2. I always help my mom watch TV shows.

Gentleman Z. And I always remind my mother when to take out the trash can.

Gentleman 4. And I'm constantly dusting my mom's cell phone!

Shapoklyak. That's what it means - true gentlemen!

Solemn music sounds. The gentlemen leave.

Shapoklyak. And now caring mothers will take the stage and show what wonderful children they have!

Music sounds. Girls with dolls take the stage. Perform arbitrary movements to the music, show their dolls. Four speakers take the stage.

Student 1.

We congratulate today

The sweetest, dearest,

The kindest and best

All. Our grandmothers!

Student 2.

Like our grandmothers

delicious pancakes,

Vareniki, dumplings -

Just a meal!

Student 3.

Our grandmothers cook

Winter jam

And bake for the holidays

Cakes and cookies.

Student 4.

And besides, grandmothers

Just masters:

They knit scarves for all of us,

Socks and mittens.

Student 1.

Our grandmothers know

School program.

All puzzles click

Better than mom and dad.

Student 2.

Our grandmothers know

Declensions and conjugations,

With them we are not afraid

Any essay!

Student 3.

We open to grandmothers

We are our secrets

And grandmothers give us

Wise advice.

Student 4.

Dear our grandmothers

On this spring day

We'll bring it as a gift

All. Love and respect.

The members take a step back and remain on stage to perform the song. Another group of children enters the stage: three "grandmothers" in handkerchiefs and three "grandchildren" (one has a ball in his hands, the other has a book, the third has a racket). They sing the song “Old Grandmothers”, performing simple movements along the song (“grandmothers” take their “grandchildren” by the hands, give them big sweets, play with a ball, racket, open a book). The rest of the members sing along.

Who from school every day

Meets you and me

Who bakes pies for us

Who walks with us?

Who will read us a fairy tale,

Who caresses us

Who are the difficult tasks

We always decide?


Grandmothers, grandmothers, old grandmothers,

Grandmothers, grandmothers, ears on top.

Grandmothers, grandmothers, we respect you,

And today we congratulate you on Women's Day,

And today we congratulate you on Women's Day.

All performers of the song leave the stage. Gentlemen take the stage.