Class hour for teenagers on the topic: “Strong love. Class hour for high school students "talk about love" Class hour about love

Target. Formation of the moral culture of high school students, understanding the meaning of such a moral category as love in a person's life, its diversity.


  1. Build respect for yourself and the people around you
  2. Develop critical thinking, draw conclusions, express your opinion.

I breathe and that means I love
I love and therefore I live.
The fresh wind of the chosen ones captivated,
Knocked down, raised from the dead.
Because if you didn't love
So I wouldn't live
So he wasn't breathing.

V. Vysotskaya.

On the table are hearts of different colors:

  • Red (delight)
  • Orange (joy, warmth)
  • Yellow (light, pleasant)
  • Green (calm)
  • Blue (sad, unsatisfied)
  • Purple (anxious, tense)
  • Black (decline, despondency)

At the end of the lesson, the children will be asked to color the hearts in the color they want. The teacher will see with what mood the children came to class, and with what they left.

U. - I ask you to choose hearts and sit in groups the way you want.

Music. The teacher reads a poem (from the movie "The Irony of Fate").

I like that you are not sick of me,
I like that I'm not sick of you,
That never a heavy globe of the earth
Won't float under our feet.
Thank you with heart and soul
For the fact that you love me so, not knowing yourself,
For my night's rest
For the sun is not over our heads.
For the fact that you, alas, are not sick of me,
For the fact that, alas, I am not ill with you ...

W. - The topic of our conversation today is love. This is a great and all-encompassing feeling. Happy is he whom love has touched with his hand.

What is love? Who can be loved?

(Children express their point of view)

Pictures on the board (mother and child, man and animal, state symbols, man and woman, nature, etc.)

The teacher records the statements of the students on the blackboard.

Another personality, human society, idea.

U. - And here is how the philosophical dictionary interprets this concept:

Love is an intimate and deep feeling of a person, aimed at another person, human community, idea.

Exercise. Please rank the terms in order of importance to you. Relate, argue. (Work in groups, discuss 5 minutes).

U. - Love causes the strongest positive feelings, although it is also known that it causes the most negative emotional experiences. The fullness of a person's life largely depends on whether a person has experienced this feeling in his life. After all love infects a person with energy, inspires him to exploits, helps to live.

Exercise. Write what positive and negative feelings love can cause. (Guys in groups discuss, fix on leaflets.)

U. - I think you will agree with me that the feeling of happiness largely depends on the characteristics of a person. There are people who, despite life's difficulties and hardships, are happy, and there are those who are always in a depressed state. You are probably familiar with both categories of people. How many people become embittered, showing intolerance towards everything that surrounds them, and a person does not realize that he himself creates around himself both relationships with people and a feeling of happiness.

Therefore, I chose such an epigraph for our today's conversation.

W. - Why is the ability to love this art?

U. - Answer the questions of the questionnaire.

  • I feel inner looseness and lightness
  • I am happy and happy to go to school
  • Nothing annoys me
  • I can positively influence others, I want to help them.
  • I'm patient with human error
  • I feel like a happy person
  • At home after school I feel pleasantly tired
  • I have a few close friends and many good acquaintances
  • People love to visit me
  • I don't get offended when people make fun of me
  • If I am offended, I do not rush to argue, but wait for the person to calm down, and if he wants to listen to me, I will definitely tell him about my respect for him, but at the same time I will harshly and honestly state my point of view.
  • I do not melt resentment against people and melt evil against them
  • I believe in beauty, goodness and reason
  • I congratulate those who have more pluses, it means that everything is fine with you and you can consider yourself a happy person, and for those who have more minuses, think carefully about what you need to change in your attitude.

I congratulate those who have more pluses, which means that everything is fine with you and you can consider yourself happy, and whoever has more minuses, think about what you need to change in your attitude

Why is the ability to love this whole art?

What does a person need to be happy?

(prepared on a board or projector)

I think we should:

  • To do good!
  • Love and forgive people!
  • Treat people the way you would like them to treat us.
  • Find your meaning in life.
  • Know how to make people happy.
  • Remember: politeness, kindness, friendliness in a relationship is mutual.

And at the end of our communication, I would like to offer you a game. Each group is given phrases

try to beat them with the help of gestures and facial expressions. Show meaning.

“You can’t catch happiness in your hands.”

"Love is a meeting forever."

"Happiness is more precious than wealth."

"My love without a bottom."

Think about what it says.

Rabbi Zussi decided to change the world, but the world is so big and Zussi is so small. I decided to change my city, but the city is so big, and Zussi is so small. I decided to change my family, but Zussi's family is so big, there are twelve children alone. Got to the only thing he can change, being so small.

Classroom hour on the theme "Love is a huge country" Grade 7

Conduct form: conversation.

Target: creation of conditions for the formation moral qualities personalities

Tasks: draw students' attention to one of the most burning and relevant topics of adolescents; to form the right relationship between the sexes.

The course of the classroom.

1. Introduction.

Teacher: Guys, today we will talk about love. Love is a feeling characteristic of every person. Indeed, love is a huge country. Love can be different: for the motherland, for relatives, for parents, for nature, for a man or a woman. So what kind of love are we talking about? Attention to the screen. (Slide show about the creation of men and women)

When you are in love, you need to learn how to control your feelings, and not obey any of their impulses. Sometimes you have to consciously manage them, and only then can you find the freedom to love. Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, but do not forget that it is not love yet.

A set of moral rules that a boy and a girl need to know.

Teacher: Let's try to determine the rules that a young man and a girl need to know (distribute and read a memo.)

1. Look at first love as a feeling in need of special self-control and discipline, and be aware of responsibility to yourself, and to your loved one, and to loved ones, and to society

2. Recognize the need for restraint of feelings and the inadmissibility of physical intimacy between lovers before the onset of social maturity and economic readiness to form a family and be responsible for all the consequences of their relationship.

3. Treat your loved one with care.

5. Don't brag about your love.

6. Do not put the object of your love in an uncomfortable position, protect it from the ridicule of outsiders and do not give yourself a reason for this.

Compliance with these norms and requirements by loving ones protects and protects

early first love.


Teacher: Love is different and I wish you to know all the facets of this great feeling (video demonstration - an interview with God.)


Teacher: write your opinion on the topic of the class hour on colored paper hearts, maybe graphically in the form of a picture and fix it on the board.

Catalog: doc
doc -> This article presents an experience that demonstrates the capabilities of the afs hardware and software system and Vernier sensors in the formation of students' research competence, the collection and processing of information, and the implementation of basic didactic principles

Class hour on the topic of love and falling in love for high school

Class hour about love "Between us girls (Between us boys)

Conversation on topical topics for teenagers (“free love”, marriage, chastity, maiden honor, male pride)

Raising a boy, we raise a man.

Raising a girl, we raise a nation.

At the age of 14-15, many teenagers are in a hurry to get their first sexual experience, and this experience is far from always positive. Early pregnancies, abortion, illness - that's what teenagers and their parents have to face. Most often this is a consequence of sexual illiteracy and low sexual culture. Moreover, many adolescents in the course of surveys admit that they have never talked with their parents about contraception and the consequences of abortion. Adolescents think even less about the moral side of sexual relations, about the moral obligations that may arise as a result of sexual relations.

At school, such conversations are best done separately with boys and girls. Moreover, it is the boys who need to be told about the harmful consequences of an abortion for a woman and a child, since most young men cannot indicate exactly what these harmful consequences are - more than half of the children have never talked about this with their parents.

Goals: to acquaint children with the consequences of early sexual intercourse; to form a negative attitude towards sexual promiscuity, vulgarity, accessibility, a positive attitude towards chastity, abstinence, moral purity; encourage children to observe sexual hygiene, to search for a positive moral ideal.

Conduct form: hour of communication.

Decor: photos (mother and child, Madonna and Child, landscapes, couples in love, etc.).

class plan

I. Introductory word "About it".

II. Information for thought.

1. Sad statistics of love.

2. Silent cry.

III. Problem situation "White Crow".

IV. Interactive conversation on the topic "Fashion for chastity".

V. Closing remarks.

VI. Summarizing.

Class hour progress

I. Introductory word "About it"

Classroom teacher. At 14-15 years old, you really want to be loved! So I want to find the only, the most expensive and right person. When he appears, all thoughts are occupied with him, you want to be with him all the time and it seems that it will always be so. Not so long ago, most teenagers at this age simply dated without physical intimacy, keeping a lifetime of pure memories of their first love. Now this is no longer enough. Some children strive specifically for sexual contacts, believing that they manifest real love. But, unfortunately, love ends very quickly. And this is evidenced by inexorable medical statistics: pregnancy, abortion, not childhood illnesses are undesirable. Many teenagers admit that they were completely unaware of the consequences of free love, that they saw only its romantic side. Advertising, radio, television, magazines, films "about it" - everything looks so beautiful, modern, without problems. And just no one warned about the problems. And if he warned, it seemed that it would be with someone, but not with me. Such carelessness of young people can be explained by the lack of sexual culture, sexual illiteracy. But many researchers see in this, first of all, moral licentiousness, permissiveness, which is purposefully implanted among our youth through cinema, radio, and television. How to resist this? And should we resist? This is what we will talk about today.

II. Information for thought

Sad statistics of love

Classroom teacher. It would seem that now there is so much information around about the consequences of “free love”. And yet, for many teenagers, these consequences come as an unpleasant surprise. For example, venereal diseases: only the incidence of syphilis has increased 40 times over the past 5 years! Or mental disorders: according to research by American scientists, every third teenager, the host sexual life, experiencing a feeling of unhappiness, disappointment, dissatisfaction, depression. Another consequence of early sexuality is an increase in the consumption of alcohol and drugs (this is especially true for girls). So those who came up with the slogans "Take everything from life!" and "Enjoy!" nothing was said about the price of this pleasure. But the most important and unexpected discovery that early sexual intercourse brings is that children are born from “this”. Moreover, the gentleman, having learned about the interesting position of his beloved, as a rule, immediately disappears from the life of the “flying” girl, leaving her.

According to official statistics, every year thousands of teenage girls become mothers, tens of thousands have abortions. Russia has already taken the first place in the world in terms of the number of abortions. According to statistics:

Every tenth abortion in our country is performed in adolescence;

Of those who die after an abortion, every ninth dies at the age of 15-19;

Every year around 70,000 women die from abortion worldwide;

In Russia 15% couples are barren and unable to have children*.

Classroom teacher. Are you familiar with these statistics? What impression did these figures and facts make on you? (Children answer.)

"Silent Scream"

Many teenagers, rushing into the waves of "free love", take abortion very lightly. In their view, this is an elementary operation, like a tooth extraction. Meanwhile, everything is much more serious. Pregnancy is a natural state of a woman, but it is also the process of forming a new person. Modern technologies allow you to trace all stages of development of the baby:

3 weeks - the heart is already beating;

4 weeks - the spine, arms, legs, eyes, ears are formed;

6 weeks - cerebral convolutions appear;

7 weeks - the face begins to take shape, the mouth, eyes, nose are indicated;

8 weeks - the baby feels pain - and reacts to touch; thumb sucking; swims - performs the movements of a swimmer;

The heartbeat is heard with a stethoscope;

If the pregnancy is multiple, the children fight among themselves; the child plays, swinging on the umbilical cord, as on a swing;

9 weeks - formed elbow joints. The kid improves his movement skills: he squints his eyes, swallows, moves his tongue, squeezes his hand into a fist;

11-12 weeks - the baby reacts to light, heat and noise, sleeps, wakes up, vigorously exercises his muscles, turning his head, bending his fingers on the arms and legs. The length of the little man is about 9 cm;

14 weeks - A baby's heart pumps 24 liters of blood a day. If light is directed on the mother's stomach, the baby covers his face with his hands;

16 weeks - eyelashes are formed.

Amazing, right guys? Now think about it: termination of pregnancy in teenage girls in 25% of cases occurs at 22-27 weeks, that is, when the child is fully formed.

The American documentary Silent Scream is widely known. In this film, the process of abortion is filmed from the inside, on an ultrasound. During an abortion, the child makes chaotic movements,

trying to escape from medical instruments, grabs them with his hands, trying to stop or push them away, his heart begins to beat faster, a grimace of horror can be seen on his face using ultrasound, and his mouth is wide open in a silent scream ... They say that many doctors after of this film were shocked and refused to have abortions.

Abortion is an artificial termination of pregnancy. Therefore, it is obvious that abortion at any stage of pregnancy is the intentional termination of a person's life as a biological individual. Some call it more harshly - premeditated murder. From time immemorial, abortion has been outlawed. The Hippocratic Oath forbids doctors from performing abortions. The Christian concept claims that the destruction of the fetus deprives him of the grace of future baptism and, therefore, is a grave mortal sin that must be atoned for by confession, repentance, and prayer. Obstetricians unanimously affirm that the most the best way protection from unwanted pregnancy is complete abstinence from early sexual intercourse.

III. Problem situation "White Crow"

Classroom teacher. When your mothers were in school, there was such a very popular poet Eduard Asadov. He has a poem that seems topical to me even now.

Free love

Her words and smiles are like birds,

Used to, chirping carelessly,

At meetings, flirt and spin,

Invisibly sit on the shoulders of the guys

And how much, and where, and when you want!

Smartly, but dressed up with a challenge.

And give away caresses, not counting

It's easier for her than, say, folding a newspaper,

Take a cigarette out of your bag

Or sip a cognac cocktail with Tokay.

Morality only angers her: - Souls are scanty!

Cave people! Say funny!

Bring on the sexual revolution

And hypocrisy - to the devil out the window! -

Oh, you are a wonderful miracle, you are a wonderful miracle!

Do you really never understand,

That "sex revolution" is your rowdy

Just after all, there is that “cave age”!

When neither soul nor mind is touched,

In the subcortex and impulses of those people

Only zoology reigned

At the level of cats or walruses.

But humanity has grown

After all, those who dream are always right.

And for the majority, it's not enough

That which is quite like you.

And people learned, warmed by new,

Whatever instinct may leap in the blood,

About that one kiss with love

More expensive than a thousand without love!

And you hurried, in general, in vain

Make noise about "supernova relationship"

Always on earth and for all generations

There were also puddles and seas.

Were everywhere and anytime

And stupid chickens and nightingales.

Cat's passion out and now "free",

But there is at least something of love in it ?!

Who scolded you - I do not know.

And yet I will touch one string:

Do you like it dear

So, fluttering like a penny,

Be like an appetizer sometimes to wine?

Why are you so stupid or cold?

For the evening a toy, a live "surprise",

After all, the demand for you is only while you are young,

Of course, it's ridiculous to blame only you.

But who can force you to do what?

After all, in what to allow or forbid,

The last word is yours though.

Love is not a momentary drunken frenzy.

Oh, if only you could really fall in love!

It's such a great gift

Such beauty and fire fire,

What a vulgar man can't even dream of!

Rush with anger from all filth,

Repeating to myself with faith again and again,

That there is only one, but love

More expensive than a thousand miserable connections!

Questions for conversation:

Who is this poem about? Is it possible to recognize a modern girl in the heroine?

What can be said about the appearance of the heroine?

What is the sexual revolution? What do you know about it? (This is a release from moral prohibitions in the field of sexuality.)

Why does the poet call the sexual revolution the "cave age"?

Why is one kiss with love more expensive than a thousand without love? Do you agree with this?

What do feline passion and "free love" have in common?

Why does the poet say this to the heroine: “a toy for the evening”, “an appetizer for wine”?

What is the poet calling for? Do you agree with him? Classroom teacher. This poem was written in a different era, when there were only a few such heroines. And now, on the contrary, girls are trying to get rid of their virginity, so as not to be a "black sheep". Why do you think this is happening?

Sample responses from children:

It's not fashionable to be a virgin, they'll laugh at it.

Movies, magazines, music are very influential.

This eliminates complexes, gives freedom.

It's trendy, modern.

Boys like relaxed, uncomplexed girls.

Classroom teacher. Well boys look at girls differently. No wonder there is a proverb that they walk with some girls, and marry others. With whom they walk, we have already figured out: with relaxed, without complexes, free, experienced in sex, etc. And which ones do they marry? Sample responses from children:

On modest, ugly.

For the rich.

On good mistresses, craftswomen.

On the kind, caring, affectionate.

On honest, but scary.

For those who love them.

On smart, serious.

On modest, kind, economic, smart, chaste.

Classroom teacher. In ancient times, our ancestors had a set of rules about chastity and heredity. It was believed that a woman should protect her honor, because the honor of the family is judged by her. And for a man it was more important than romantic love. Every man had to protect the honor of a woman, like a shrine. A.S. Pushkin was not afraid to give his life for the honor of his wife and his family. These traditions have evolved over the centuries. It seems to me that modern guys are subconsciously looking for just such a wife who would be able to maintain her honor.

IV. Interactive conversation on the topic "Fashion for chastity"

Classroom teacher. The sexual revolution came to us from the West. Young people have taken sexual promiscuity as a sign of the Western way of life that we saw in American films. But now in the West, something is changing. Here is the information I found on the internet*. Recently, among American high school students, chastity and virginity are becoming more and more fashionable. This is evidenced by statistics published in the United States. According to Columbia University, over the past 8 years, 2.5 million young men and women have pledged to remain pure until legal marriage. Of course, not every one of them was able to keep his word.

And now, US doctors solemnly declare that the majority of American high school students are virgins. True, these are mainly representatives of Christian youth, but they set an example for the rest. It can even be said that an organized movement of virgins and virgins is emerging in the United States. They already have their own "party", their own symbols. For example, rings with the image of a heart locked with a key are very popular. In the course are also cards with a record of the "vow of chastity", which teenagers carefully keep in their wallets. It is not easy for these guys, because they have to counter information attacks around the clock, advertising the sweetness of carnal pleasures. But the more respect they command. Do you think such a movement could arise in Russia?

Sample responses from children:

In Russia, there are also virgins, but they are not organized, they do not have their own party.

Maybe believers, religious teenagers will make up such a movement.

Such a movement is useless, why should everyone talk about their innocence?

Probably, we will also soon have this, because we copy everything from America.

Earlier in the USSR, too, young people kept their innocence before marriage. The guys despised the girls who lost their honor. But they were members of the Komsomol, they had ideals, and today's youth have no ideals.

Classroom teacher. Some psychologists have come to the conclusion that early sexual relations attract those adolescents who have incorrect self-esteem: underestimated (most often girls) and overestimated (most often boys). Do you agree with this point of view? (Children's statements.)

What do you know about your self-esteem? Are you able to properly assess yourself? What affects self-esteem? How can you raise self-esteem? (Children's answers.)

Maybe not only religion, but also the right self-esteem allows American teenagers to refrain from early sexual intercourse. Another interesting observation. Teenagers who promised to keep their virginity before marriage began to show success in school, sports, and art. How can this be explained? (Children's guesses.)

Read the epigraph to the class hour (reads). This is the opinion of doctors and teachers. Do you agree with him? Why does the moral health of the nation depend on women? (Children speak up.)

Sexual life before marriage has always been considered reprehensible and forbidden in our society. According to the Christian point of view, man is created in the image and likeness of God. This means that a fornicator and a lecher defiles the image of God in himself, offends God.

But the "sexual revolution" that came to us from the West lifted all sexual taboos. It was believed that this sexual freedom would liberate men and women, expand their sexual experience, and make them happier in marriage. But it turned out that sexual experience did not at all contribute to the strength of marriage in Russia. If 10 years ago every third marriage broke up, now every second family is breaking up. And I don’t need to tell you about how children in single-parent families live: many of you know this better than me.

V. Closing remarks

Classroom teacher. Today we talked about very important, vital things. We can say that we talked about the most important thing - about love. About love for yourself, for your chosen one, for your future children. From this is added love for God, for the Divine ideal. Life consists of ups and downs, but, stumbling and falling, you can always rise - the main thing is to preserve your human dignity, to preserve love for yourself.

VI. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. Was this conversation interesting for you? What new things have you discovered for yourself? What questions are left unanswered? (Children's answers.)


1. Vazhdaeva N., Sedlov D., Semenova E. Little mothers // New news, 03.20.07.

2. Toward a healthy Russia. Birth and upbringing of a healthy child: A complete course of preparation. SPb., 2000.

3. Master W. Johnson V. Kolodny R. Fundamentals of sexology. M., 1998.

4. On the state and measures to prevent and reduce abortions, maternal mortality after abortions in Russian Federation: Decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2003 (Minutes No. 14).

Class hour 9th grade. Secrets of Romeo and Juliet

Love is the secret of God and must be closed from all the eyes of strangers...

F. Dostoevsky

No person is able to understand what true love is until they have been married for a quarter of a century.

Mark Twain

In older adolescence, relations between girls and boys change significantly, and interest in the opposite sex arises. 14-15 years is the time romantic love, a time of stormy feelings, experiences, romantic fantasies. The proposed scenario - an hour of communication on the topic of love - will be of interest to teenagers. The script uses various educational methods (conversation, dilemma, problem situation, incomplete sentence, group work).

Goals: expand children's understanding of the nature of love; to form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as chastity, fidelity, selflessness, honor, moral and ethical purity, physical perfection; to cultivate a negative attitude towards promiscuity, permissiveness, vulgarity; encourage children to introspection, self-development, self-improvement, to the choice of a worthy moral ideal.

Preparatory work: warn children about the topic of the class hour, offer to make an oral portrait of the ideal guy and perfect girl. During the class hour, boys and girls sit on opposite sides (left - right side class).

Equipment: make 8-10 photocopies of the page with compliments, put them on the desks.

Sample words for compliments

1. Beautiful, smart, caring, attractive, kind, gentle, sweet, charming, charming, unique, indescribable, unforgettable, irresistible, chic, dazzling, inaccessible, angelic, radiant, bright, fluffy, stunning, slender, flirtatious, sophisticated, graceful, cheerful, energetic, creative, stylish, sociable, tactful, romantic, versatile, fabulous, cute, unique, affectionate, desirable, unpredictable, mysterious, blooming, flawless, harmonious, responsive, perfect, best, modest, refined, playful, sincere, friendly, understanding, extravagant, dreamy, sparkling, ambitious, alluring, enthusiastic, disinterested, spontaneous, seductive, cheerful, charming, smiling, shy, incendiary, honest, sincere, playful, charming, unpredictable, purposeful, marvelous, feminine, incomparable, radiant, beloved, necessary, amazing, fabulous naya, touching, miniature, beloved.

2. Handsome, smart, attractive, kind, gentle, cute, slender, cheerful, energetic, creative, stylish, sociable, tactful, romantic, versatile, cute, unique, affectionate, desirable, mysterious, impeccable, sympathetic, modest, sincere, friendly, understanding, disinterested, cheerful, shy, honest, charming, purposeful, beloved, courageous, brave, resolute, fearless, courageous, noble magnanimous, knight, witty, intelligent, reasonable, brave, courageous, courageous, authoritative, balanced, restrained , persistent, principled, self-confident, reliable, faithful, good friend, you can rely on him, knows how to keep secrets, knows how to keep his word, talented, capable, leader, independent, independent, a man of honor, has self-esteem, benevolent, fair, etc.

Decor: on the board write the topic of the class hour, epigraphs.

class plan

I. Interactive conversation.

II. Introductory word "About love".

1. Statement of the problem.

2. Issues for discussion.

3. Solution.

IV. Problem situation "Unrequited love".

VI. Work in microgroups on the topic "Let's compliment each other."

VII. Oral portrait "Perfect guy, perfect girl".

VIII. Final word.

IX. Summarizing.

Class hour progress

I. Interactive conversation

Classroom teacher. On February 14, the whole school was littered with valentine hearts, and even the first graders felt in love. In recent years, Valentine's Day has become a very popular holiday in Russia. Do you think it's good or bad when there are so many lovers around? (Children's statements.)

F. Dostoevsky said that love is a secret, and must be closed from all human eyes. Do I need to show, demonstrate my love? (Children's statements.)

Do you think it's better to love yourself or to be loved? Do you think love is happiness or punishment?

What hinders love, what makes it unhappy? (Jealousy, envy, Distrust, selfishness, betrayal, money, fame, slander, gossip, etc.)

II. Introductory word "About love"

Classroom teacher. Love is "a deep emotional attraction, a strong feeling of the heart, a feeling of deep affection, selfless and sincere affection." This is the definition of the word "love" in the explanatory dictionary. Millions of lines are written about love, and yet everyone has their own love - extraordinary.

“There are three things in the world that are incomprehensible to me, and I don’t comprehend the fourth: the path of an eagle in the sky, a snake on a rock, a ship in the middle of the sea, and the path of a man to a woman’s heart,” King Solomon said to his beloved.

And today, the love of a man and a woman remains the same mystery as it was thousands of years ago. And each person solves this riddle himself.

III. Dilemma: love or infatuation?

Formulation of the problem

Classroom teacher. At the age of 14-15, everyone so wants to love and be loved. But often mistaken for love is an ordinary hobby. Try to solve a problem faced by ninth grader Sergey.

In the 9th grade, all the boys fell in love with an excellent student and class star Natashka. But she paid no attention to anyone. Among the guys, even the competition began, who will be the first to win her heart. Serega also joined this race. On Valentine's Day, Sergey signed 100 valentines for her, covered all the walls in her entrance with declarations of love, trampled on the snow under her window: "Natasha, I love you!" Even got into a fight because of her a couple of times with the boys behind the school. But Natashka remained contemptuously cold and inaccessible. Sometimes, however, Sergei caught her condescending, slightly mocking look on himself. Soon Serega could no longer live a minute without thinking about Natashka. What else can be done? How to get her love? Jump off the fifth floor? Blow up the school? Become a boxing champion? Win a million? And only somewhere in the depths of my soul a quiet thought flashed that you just need to retreat, because this is completely dislike ...

Issues for discussion

Classroom teacher. This is the problem Sergey needs to solve. Keep fighting if this is true love? Or retreat, recognizing that there is no love, but there is just a hobby, a sports passion? So, is Sergei doing the right thing? (Children's answers.)

Imagine that Sergei managed to win Natasha's heart, what would happen next? (Children's answers.)

How is falling in love different from love?

Sample responses from children:

Falling in love is a fleeting feeling.

Being in love humiliates a person, makes him impose himself all the time.

Love is a deeper feeling.

These are different feelings, but one cannot exist without the other.

Love is an eternal, strong feeling, and passion, falling in love is superficial, light.

Love is one for life, and there can be many loves.

Classroom teacher. What decision should be taken by Sergey? (Children's answers.)


Classroom teacher. How can Sergei understand his feelings? His feeling for Natasha - love or falling in love? (This is not love yet, but just a hobby, a love that can turn into love if both Sergey and Natasha strive for this: help each other, learn about each other, respect each other, etc. But for now they this is not sought, and, most likely, this love will simply go out.)

IV. Problem situation "Unrequited love"

Classroom teacher. Not so long ago, the poetess Yulia Drunina wrote about our era:

Now do not die of love -

A mocking sober era.

Only hemoglobin in the blood falls,

Only without a reason a person feels bad.

Now do not die of love -

Only the heart beats something at night.

But "ambulance", mom, do not call,

Doctors shrug their shoulders helplessly:

"Now don't die of love..."

This is the opinion of the poetess, but any doctor of the "Ambulance" knows that this is not so - almost half of the suicide attempts in our time happen because of unrequited love. I also had to watch unrequited love in our school.

At first, no one paid attention to this girl from 7-A, although she appeared at every break wherever 9-A was. She stood near the window and waited patiently. Then someone noticed that * She gave it until Dimka Sinitsyn appeared. It was the most ordinary Ninth Grader, nothing remarkable. But this girl saw something extraordinary in him, from which her eyes lit up and she herself seemed to blossom in his presence. She looked at Dima, as if hypnotized, not noticing the ridicule and bullying of the boys. Dimka was terribly angry. Passing by, he quietly muttered through his teeth: "Fool, go to class." And the girl, bowing her head, meekly left. And teachers had conversations with this girl, and girls from the 9th grade, and girlfriends - nothing helped. Until her parents decided to transfer her to another school.

Do you think the transfer to another school cured this girl of love? (Children's answers.)

Really, love addiction- it's like a disease, sometimes you have to resort to the help of a psychologist. But is it good or bad when love is unrequited? (Children's answers.)

But the writer Valentin Kataev noticed that every genius necessarily had unrequited or unhappy love. Moreover, the more dangerous the inflicted wound, the more ingenious the artist's creations. The feeling of love in search of a way out turned into brilliant poems, paintings, music. And the artist was healed of love. But unrequited, unrequited love elevates and makes an ordinary person better. Having experienced unrequited love, a person begins to appreciate the feeling of another and will surely meet his only love.

V. Incomplete sentences on the topic "True love is ..."

Classroom teacher. There is no such person on earth who would not dream of meeting true love. One is lucky, and they find it, create it happy families, celebrate silver, gold and platinum weddings. And others unsuccessfully search for their love all their lives. Now in Russia every second marriage breaks up, people who loved each other become strangers and even enemies. Why is this happening? They say that the main enemy of love is selfishness, the desire to live for oneself. While true love requires dedication, altruism. You all know the story of O. Henry "The Gift of the Magi" well. This is the story of two poor spouses who gave each other Christmas presents. The husband admired his wife's luxurious hair and decided to sell his magnificent watch to give her a comb. And the wife decided to cut her hair and sell it to buy a strap for her husband's magnificent watch. As a result, both spouses received absolutely useless things for Christmas. But they were the most happy people on the ground. Why do you think? (Children's answers.)

How to distinguish true love from fake? Continue the sentence written on the board (reads).

Sample responses from children:

Respect, care, kindness.

The one that makes a person better.

One that lasts until death.

Forgiveness, understanding.

Refusal of selfishness, self-sacrifice.

When you want to become better, achieve something in life.

Feelings of trust, warmth, security.

Children, family.

When you want to do something good for someone else.

When you love just like that, for nothing.

When you love a person, despite his weaknesses and shortcomings.

VI. Work in microgroups on the topic "Let's compliment each other"

Classroom teacher. We are very good at swearing, insulting each other, but few people can say good words, compliments. Compliments are “beautiful moments of love”, as Bulat Okudzhava’s song says. How to give compliments? This is a whole art. The hardest part is finding the right words. You have on your desks a list of words that are meant for girls. And girls have words intended for boys. I propose to exchange compliments. Each group (4 people each) says compliments to the other group (by lot - we draw candy wrappers).

(The music turns on, the teacher walks around the class, invites the groups to pull out candy wrappers with numbers.)

And now - let's say compliments to each other!

(The teacher gives the floor to the representatives of the groups, they read notes with compliments.)

VII. Oral Portrait "Perfect Boy, Perfect Girl"

Classroom teacher. Our class hour is called "Secrets of Romeo and Juliet". The love of these Shakespearean heroes has become the ideal of love, and they themselves have become the ideal of lovers. And what are they now, our modern Romeo and Juliet? Let's try to draw their portrait. Girls will make a portrait of an ideal guy, and boys will make a portrait of an ideal girl. Each of you will add your touch to the portrait, and the result will be the image of a modern Romeo or an image of a modern Juliet. Maybe this will help us to look at ourselves from the outside, to see how we correspond to the ideal. So, we draw a portrait of the ideal girl. Word to the boys.

(Boys take turns (in a chain), say 1-2 sentences.)

Classroom teacher. And now - a portrait of the perfect guy. The word is girls.

(Girls take turns (in a chain), say 1-2 sentences.)

As you can see, modern Romeo and Juliet are quite consistent with the Shakespearean ideal. How many good qualities do you need to cultivate in yourself in order to count on the same full and beautiful love. For this, a person is given a whole life.

VIII. Final word

Classroom teacher. Today we talked about love. About love between a man and a woman. This love can make a person the happiest, or it can hurt, break a heart and hurt a person for life. Love is a maturity test. Unfortunately, at the age of 14-15, many teenagers do not pass this test. And this is what medical statistics say. For many teenagers, love very early turns into a tragedy. True love is also responsibility for a loved one. Without this responsibility, any loudest words about love turn into empty phrases. It is very important to find your love, not to waste yourself on petty hobbies that empty your heart. True love is an art. Learning to love means learning the ability to sacrifice some of your own desires in the name of love, to go towards each other. As the great American writer Mark Twain said, “No man is able to understand what true love is until he has been married for a quarter of a century.”

Class hour on the topic: Love.

Love is stronger than death and fear of death.

Only it, only love keeps and moves life.

I.S. Turgenev

Goals: to deepen the graduates' ideas about love; to form a positive moral assessment of love as a high, noble feeling, to warn against a frivolous, superficial attitude to love; encourage them to raise their cultural level, to self-knowledge, self-development.

Preparatory work: invite two students to read the dialogue (an excerpt from A. Kuprin’s story “Shulamith”. It’s good if the passage is read not by the “stars” of the class, but by inconspicuous, quiet guys. He should not recite, play - just clearly and quietly read Kuprin’s luxurious text to create a certain mood with which the children will leave the classroom.

class plan

I. Brainstorming.

II. Motivational conversation on the topic “Do I need to learn to distinguish love from fakes?”.

III. Working with concepts (in microgroups).

IV. Problem situation "Diagnosis - love".

V. Incomplete sentence "Signs of true love are...".

VI. Interactive conversation on the topic "To be or to have".

VII. Final word.

VIII. Summarizing.

Class hour progress

I. Brainstorming

Classroom teacher. The topic of today's class hour is "Love with the letter "C"". What associations do you have in connection with this topic?

(Children name the words, the teacher writes them on the board.)

Sample answers:

Sex, sympathy, passion, endure, fall in love, marriage, stronger than death, sports, at first sight, etc.

II. Motivational conversation on the topic “Do I need to learn to distinguish love from fakes?”

Classroom teacher. We have listed many types of love. But everyone is looking for real, only, love, for life. As the great Francois La Rochefoucauld said, "Love is one, there are thousands of fakes for it." Is it necessary to be able to distinguish true love from fake? What can mistakes in love lead to? (Personal tragedies, broken families, loneliness, fatherlessness, homeless children, etc.) Today we will talk about what true love is and how to distinguish it from fakes.

III. Working with concepts (in microgroups)

Classroom teacher. So today we're talking about various types love. We chose only the values ​​with the letter "C". Let's work with these values. Listen to the tasks for groups.

First group . Choose an example for each word fiction. (Sex - Pierre and Helen, Grigory and Aksinya, sports - Don Juan, Anatole Kuragin, passion - Pavel Petrovich and Princess R., Faust and Margarita, endure, fall in love - Tatyana and her husband, Odintsova and her husband, Captain Mironov and his wife, stronger than death - Zheltkov, Romeo and Juliet, sympathy, compassion - Sonya and Raskolnikov, self-sacrifice - Vera, beloved Pechorin, etc.)

Second group . There are three words in Greek that mean different levels feelings of a man and a woman: "agape" - sacrificial love; "filia" - friendly affection; "eros" - sensual attraction. Which of the written words that start with the letter "C" can be examples of these types of love? ("Agape" - stronger than death, "filia" - endure, fall in love, "eros" - sex, passion, sport.)

Third group. In this series - different facets of love. Which of them can complement each other, and which are incompatible with others and, in fact, are not love? (Sport is incompatible with love, because there is no affection, no desire to reveal a person. All the rest can complement each other.)

Fourth group. There are 3 levels of love: physical, mental and spiritual level. How would you rank these love meanings in ascending order? [Sex, passion, sympathy, empathy, compassion, endure, fall in love, stronger than death, self-sacrifice.)

How many different concepts a person puts into the word "love". In what sense is the real true love? (Self-sacrifice, stronger than death, or maybe a combination of three "S": sex, empathy, self-sacrifice.)

IV. Problem situation "Diagnosis - love"

Classroom teacher. Some meanings of love have become a medical diagnosis. Recently, there was a sensation in the newspapers: the World Health Organization entered love into the register of diseases, assigning the number F63.9. From a medical point of view, love is not a disease in its purest form, but an "altered state of consciousness." So says the author of one article that appeared on the Internet. Listen to an excerpt from this article.

What is love? It's such a big, beautiful, strong feeling, you say. Actually - not so. In fact, there is no love ... And this is confirmed by the conclusions of scientists: the great feeling glorified by poets is just ... a powerful instinct for procreation, supported by a number of physiological reactions. This biological mechanism works like this: we unconsciously look for a partner according to our experience, tastes, interests. Most often, beauty becomes the bait, sometimes intelligence, wealth, that is, we fall in love with “something”. And then a specialized, in the strictest sense of the word, individualized sexual instinct already arises, the final goal of which is physical possession, in other words, sex. From the moment instinct arises, consciousness begins to deceive us. Instinct masquerades as admiration or ardent passion.

Love egoism influences the most important things and events in life, encourages the most risky and bad deeds; he demands for himself either life and health, or social position and happiness, takes away the conscience of the honest, makes the faithful traitor, and generally tries in every possible way to achieve the main goal - to be satisfied. What is most surprising is that the mutual feeling is not so important here. Gifts, courtship, serenades under the window, tea, coffee, dance - we do all this for ourselves first of all ...

What kind of love are you talking about? (Crazy love, passion, sex.)

Crazy love, passion, sex - this is usually love "for something." For what? (Beauty, physical strength, wealth, fashion clothes, mind, eloquence, etc.)

How does this feeling express itself outwardly? (Stormy passions, ardor of feelings.)

So, we can write down signs on the board: selfishness, love for something, ardor of feelings. Like any disease, love has its symptoms, its duration, its prognosis. What can you say about it? What is a sign of a cure for love sickness?

Sample answers:

Symptoms: love hunger, love fever, heart beats fast, all thoughts are occupied only with the object of adoration, etc.

Predictions: from suicide to complete recovery.

Duration - 3-12 months.

Signs of healing: the veil falls from the eyes, and the object of adoration suddenly begins to weigh, thoughts like: “And what did I find in her?”

Classroom teacher. There are medical errors when the doctor misdiagnosed. These mistakes can lead to fatal consequences. But lovers can also make a mistake, mistaking ordinary love for love. What can such errors lead to? (To a hasty marriage that quickly falls apart, to suicide, mental illness.)

Crazy love, passion, sex - these are bright, strong, sharp feelings. But psychologists still do not consider them true love. And they associate them with falling in love and even call it a disease, damage to consciousness. Why?

Sample answers:

Lovers do a lot of rash things.

This state passes, leaving a void in the soul.

Falling in love is like a drug addiction.

Classroom teacher. But falling in love is not only bodily attraction. Many lovers talk about the soul

attraction. How does it manifest itself, in your opinion? (Common interests, friendship, trust, respect, etc.)

It is sometimes said that love has many enemies. What are these enemies? (Separation, time, old age, selfishness, greed, pride, life, poverty, distance, relatives, friends, envy, jealousy, etc.)

But all these enemies can only destroy falling in love, immature love. For true love, they are fearless. After all, true love is not without reason associated with eternity.

At the beginning of the lesson, we listed the different meanings of love. Which one is the key to defining true love? (Self-sacrifice, stronger than death.) This feeling is completely different from falling in love.

V. Incomplete sentence "Signs of true love are..."

Classroom teacher. We can say that true love is the opposite of falling in love. So, in order to determine the signs of true love, you just need to pick up antonyms for the signs of falling in love. Try to complete the sentence by listing 3 signs of true love.

(Signs of true love are eternity, constancy, love for nothing, sacrifice.)

VI. Interactive conversation on the topic "To be or to have"

Classroom teacher. Can falling in love grow into true love? (Maybe if people start a family and cherish their love.)

We can say that falling in love is just a small seed of love from which true love can grow. And what it is, "not a single person will be able to understand until he has been married for a quarter of a century." So thought the great American writer Mark Twain. Do you agree with him? (You can live half a century and remain strangers, or you can really grow true love.)

Indeed, married life does not produce love on its own. Many marriages begin with physical attraction, emotional attraction, but then all this evaporates somewhere, and people become strangers, the family breaks up. Psychologists have noticed that happy marriage you also need a spiritual attraction, and not just bodily and spiritual. But how do you know if there is this attraction or not?

(Children's guesses.)

Some psychologists offer a simple test for this. Let's call it "to be or to have". When getting married, you just need to ask yourself the question: “Do you want to have a wife? To have children? Have cozy house? Or do you want to be a husband? To be a father? To be the master of the house? What do you think the key to this test might be? What answers will be given by a person who has a spiritual attraction to his chosen one? (They will choose the option “to be”: this answer already contains the desire to change oneself for the sake of someone, and the option “to have” does not imply development. It contains only one selfish desire to possess something or someone.)

Indeed, the desire to be someone for another person is the very spiritual attraction that should ideally manifest itself before marriage. It is the most important thing for building a family. Even his alone is already enough to build a family. That is why in the past the fate of the young was often decided by the parents, without even asking the young about their desire. Mental and physical attraction is not so important if a man has a desire to become a real husband, and a woman has a desire to become a real wife. I would like to quote from the book of psychologist Erich Fromm "The Art of Loving": "The problem of love is not the problem of choosing the subject of love, but the ability to love." How to understand these words? (The one who is not able to love can choose a wife worthy of himself for a long time, but never find the ideal one, and the one who wants to become a good husband, will become him with any wife, the same can be said about women.)

It turns out that the germ of true love is contained in this desire to be a husband or wife. Do something nice for your loved one. Change yourself for him. Then, it turns out that "be patient, fall in love" - ​​this is the path to true love? (Patience, of course, is necessary, but it dulls feelings, replaces them with a habit. On the other hand, “a habit is given to us from above, it is a substitute for happiness ...”; in the old days, even people who were indifferent to each other came to love through patience - an example : Odintsova and her husband in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons": "They live in great harmony with each other and will live, perhaps, to happiness ... perhaps to love.")

Well, what kind of love is this, which is “stronger than death”? Could she, too, grow out of patience and habit? (Hardly: in love, based on patience and habit, there is little romanticism, but here - just some kind of heroism, a feat.)

In general, is love that is “stronger than death” true love or a disease, or maybe a gift, a talent that is given only to the elect? (This is real love in all respects (eternal, love for nothing, sacrificial), but such love is given only to sublime, romantic, talented people, and maybe this is self-hypnosis.)

VII. Final word

Classroom teacher. The secret of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to dominate him, without the desire to use his capabilities or himself in any way - we just look and are amazed at the beauty that we opened. For thousands of years people have been trying to solve the mystery of love, and yet love remains the most mysterious and incomprehensible feeling. Science discovers new stars, galaxies, penetrates into the depths of the nanoworld, but not a single scientist has been able to explain what love is. And even the wise King Solomon could not solve this mystery.

(Music sounds, a young man and a girl go to the blackboard, read the dialogue.)

Young woman. “Tell me, my king,” Shulamith once asked, “is it not surprising that I fell in love with you so suddenly? Now I remember everything, and it seems to me that I began to belong to you from the very first moment, when I did not have time to see you, but only heard your voice. My heart fluttered and opened to meet you, as a flower opens during summer night from the south wind. Why have you captivated me so, my beloved?

Youth. And the king, quietly bowing his head to the tender knees of Shulamith, smiled affectionately and answered: “Thousands of women before you, O my beautiful, asked their loved ones this question, and for hundreds of centuries they will ask their loved ones about it. There are three things in the world that are incomprehensible to me, and the fourth I do not comprehend: the path of an eagle in the sky, a snake on a rock, a ship in the sea, and the path of a man to a woman's heart.

Young woman. “Yes,” said Shulamith thoughtfully, “maybe a person will never understand this ...”

Classroom teacher. The first three riddles have long been solved. The fourth - the path of a woman to the heart of a man - has not yet been comprehended. Perhaps this mystery itself is the main sign of true love?

(Music plays.)

VIII. Summarizing

Classroom teacher. What's left of today's conversation? Boredom? Astonishment? Joy?