Skin care in old age: recommendations from experts. Cosmetics for the elderly Useful technique for the elderly

From this article you will learn:

    What skin problems can you face in old age?

    What can cause skin problems in old age

    How to take care of your skin for the elderly

    How to care for the skin of older women

    How the right lifestyle helps to care for the skin of an elderly person

With age, a person gains life experience, he has children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, but at the same time people age, and this is an irreversible process. The changes associated with the past years leave their mark on the functions of regeneration and metabolism. The skin is a mirror that reflects a person's age, and the face gives it away in the first place. Is it possible to slow down the aging process? This is quite possible if you properly care for your skin in old age. After all, elderly people need regular care, and home skin protection using natural remedies would be the perfect solution.

Skin problems in old age

The older a person gets, the more his skin changes. This is a natural process that is influenced by a number of reasons: genetic characteristics, the impact of external factors, such as ecology and climate, lifestyle, nutrition, individual metabolism, and much more.

With age, the epidermis becomes thinner, the skin becomes pale. Pigmentation, or senile spots, appears on the hands and face.

The functions of the connective tissue suffer, the elasticity of the skin is disturbed. First of all, areas that are constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation are subject to changes.

Blood vessels in the elderly also become more vulnerable, leading to subcutaneous hemorrhages.

The fat layer in the elderly becomes thinner, which affects the body's ability to maintain the desired body temperature. For this reason, there is a high probability of hypothermia in the winter season. Of great importance working ability sweat glands. Over time, their function is impaired, and this also directly affects the ability to maintain optimal body temperature. With a change in the work of the sweat glands in old age, the risk of overheating in hot weather increases.

The regeneration of the epidermis layer in the elderly is slow. If an elderly person receives a wound, then healing does not occur as quickly as in young people. Pressure ulcers and infections may also develop. In old age, moles, warts and other neoplasms are especially common.

It is also worth noting that some diseases that are present in older people can cause skin problems. For example, it can be diseases of cardio-vascular system, diabetes, obesity, liver pathology, stress.

Improper nutrition as a factor in the deterioration of the skin in old age

The face of an elderly person reflects his eating habits and diet.

In old age, special attention should be paid to what you eat. Food should be low-calorie and healthy. Fast food, pickles, pickled, smoked, fried are best left outside your menu.

You should also exclude alcohol, tobacco, sweets and starchy foods. The best assistant for cooking should be a double boiler.

It is necessary to add more greens and vegetables to the diet. Watch your weight. Serious changes are undesirable, since the elasticity of the skin is significantly reduced. A noticeable weight loss will lead to the appearance of a large number of wrinkles.

To maintain health, control the work of the intestines and watch the stool. You can help the body by improving metabolism with the help of olive oil. Take one tablespoon before breakfast with water in small sips. After dinner, you can drink a fermented milk drink, such as kefir or acidophilus.

Skin care in old age

How to take care of the skin in old age? During this period, care should become regular. In the morning and evening, you should wash your face with water at room temperature, avoid the use of products containing alcohol. It is enough to use soap two to three times a week. After washing, simply pat your face dry with a soft cloth or towel.

The scalp also requires special attention and care. The washing procedure improves blood circulation and regulates the sebaceous glands.

Hair care in old age: Wash your hair as often as you see fit, using warm water. First you should comb, then proceed to wash your hair with a mild shampoo. A small amount of the product is enough, apply it only once. After rinsing your hair thoroughly, use a balm or other strengthening masks. Then rinse them well again.

The skin on the human body needs the same care and care as the skin of the face. Use special cleansers that contain components to enrich the dermis with vitamins. Such care helps to make the epidermis more nourished and hydrated. Pay attention to the composition of the funds if you are prone to allergic reactions.

Among other things, the skin of an elderly person especially needs protection from wind, sun, and cold. The cream should include components that improve the processes in the epidermis, increase its elasticity and firmness. When choosing a drug for body care, it is advisable for older people to seek the advice of a specialist.

To take care of the skin of the face in old age, you can use home remedies. If the dermis is very dry and thin, masks are a must.

For their manufacture, conventional products are used.

    Oily sour cream. It is applied to the face and neck, but do not touch the area around the eyes and lips. Keep the mask on until it is absorbed. This time is usually 20-30 minutes. Then rinse off the sour cream and gently pat your skin dry with a towel.

    A tablespoon of olive oil, a spoonful of oatmeal with the addition of a teaspoon of cream are mixed and applied to the face. The application time is 20 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with warm water.

    The composition of the following components moisturizes the skin very well: egg yolk, sour cream, olive oil and lemon juice. This mask has been used for many years. It should be kept for about 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

After removing the mask, wipe the face and neck with a tonic for dry and sensitive skin. After that, apply special cream. On the shelves of stores you can find products suitable for caring for your skin, for any budget.

How to take care of your skin as an older woman

A woman's age is determined by looking at her appearance. About how old a lady is, first of all, the appearance of the skin of the hands, neck and the presence of wrinkles speaks. In older people, the structure of the face changes, such unpleasant companions of age appear as bags under the eyes, facial wrinkles around the eyes, lips, and forehead. The skin sags and becomes flabby.

It is impossible to completely get rid of these problems, unless you resort to surgical intervention. But not every person decides to go under the knife, in addition, it costs a lot of money. Can apply more available methods skin care for the elderly.

An effective way is to wash with cold boiled water in the morning with the addition of 20 g of lemon juice per glass of water.

A wonderful tool for toning the skin of the face is a piece of ice from water and milk. Milk before freezing is diluted with liquid in a ratio of 1: 1.

Alternating cold and hot water when washing the skin of the face gives excellent results. Special lotions are also effective.

Pay attention to hydromassage. It is convenient to do it while taking a bath or shower. Using a strong jet of water, massage the lower part of the face to prevent sagging of the skin on the cheekbones.

A special self-massage is useful for older people when caring for and in the fight against vertical wrinkles around the mouth and on the bridge of the nose. Place your fingers parallel to each other perpendicular to the wrinkles and squeeze the skin. Make sure your fingers don't touch. Further, moving your hand from the bottom up, do pressure, as if you want to bend the wrinkle, thereby smoothing it out.

Skin care in old age can be aimed at activating blood circulation, improving the structure of the epidermis, as well as preventing the appearance of new wrinkles. For these purposes, it is good to use lotions prepared from medicinal plants:

    We need a liter of white wine, 40 g of chamomile, 10 g of rosemary, 20 g of marigolds. We fall asleep with herbs wine and leave for 14 days. After this time, we filter. We use it as a lotion during evening skin care, after which we lubricate the face with a fat cream.

    We take 50 g of vodka High Quality and rub 500 g of cucumbers. In this mixture, add 20 g of white lily flowers and 40 g of rose petals. Mix well and leave to brew for three weeks. After the specified time, we filter. Pour boiled water into the resulting tincture in the ratio of 200 g per 200 g. Next, add 30 g of glycerin and lemon juice each.

If you like homemade facial skin care cosmetics, you can also make your own cream:

    Pour the zest of three lemons with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 12 hours. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze well. Combine with 1 tsp. honey and 20 g olive oil. Add 120 g of lemon juice, 30 g of cream, 40 g of cologne and 100 g of rose petal tincture (can be replaced with jasmine or white lily). Thoroughly mix all the ingredients. This composition is used to care for the skin of the elderly women. Used before bed.

    Dissolve beeswax (15 g) and 30 g of bone marrow in a water bath. We knead a piece of red pepper (with a little finger nail) with 20 g of vegetable oil. We combine these two mixtures. This cream is suitable for pale and dry dermis.

For cleansing and special nutrition of the skin of the face of women in old age, it is necessary to do cosmetic masks two to three times a week:

    Take lettuce leaves, burdock leaves, radish, olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Finely chop the herb and mix with juice and oil. Apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes, and then wash off with parsley extract.

    Knead the banana, mix with a teaspoon of cream. Apply to cleansed face. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with warm water. For best result alternate the suggested recipes.

Proper lifestyle is the key to excellent skin condition in old age

Good sleep is essential for beautiful and healthy skin. Its duration should be 8-10 hours a day. It is advisable to allocate 8 hours for a night's sleep, and try to sleep during the rest of the time during the day.

Breakfast for an elderly person should be before 8 am. Then a fruit snack is desirable, lunch at 13:00, afternoon tea at 16:00 and dinner at 19:00-20:00. At night, you can drink a glass of kefir. It is better to go to bed before 23:00. Daily walks are required, as well as simple physical exercises.

Your thoughts should only be positive. Don't forget to be in a good mood. A cheerful look and positive emotions will make you young and cheerful.

The so-called smell of old age is due to the production of a special substance in the body, and this is 2-nonenal. It is produced after 30 years. And the potential for acquiring an “old” smell appears in every person over 40 years old, experts assure.

In order not to exude a musty, grassy, ​​"grandmother's" scent, women (who are more worried about how they smell) just need to stick to some simple rules which should now be listed.

Let fresh air into your life

This is important because it cannot be a breeding ground for mold, bacteria and odor-causing pathogens.

But older people are often afraid of getting sick, and therefore neglect this rule. Well, you can just dress warmer.

Clean your home regularly

Dust, mold, accidentally spilled liquids, a stagnant smell from once cooked food, unwashed, literally rotting dishes ... You can’t live in such an environment! Many do not know, but the body absorbs odors perfectly. Remember what you smell like when you spend two hours in the kitchen preparing dinner? That's right, this food. Here is the proof.

It is important to live clean. If it’s hard for you to clean up on your own, then involve relatives or friends in this. Or hire someone who once a week will put the house in order.

Change clothes often

Adults are not as active as young people, and therefore do not sweat much. But this is not a reason to think that a thing worn a couple of days ago is clean just because it has not yet gotten dirty.

It's bad for the skin. Clothes must be changed every day. In addition, a closet full of dirty things smells terrible. By storing such clothes and unventilated shoes in it, a person provides microbes with an excellent environment for active reproduction.

Take care of your mouth

And be sure to clean your dentures. But the main attention should be paid to the oral cavity.

With age, less saliva is produced, which cleans it of bacteria and food particles. If the mouth becomes dry, it is reflected in the breath. And older people also sleep, as a rule, having slightly opened it, which is why everything inside also dries up.

The main rules: regularly and thoroughly clean your teeth and dentures. Otherwise, you will have to face not only a bad smell, but also infections caused by delayed food particles.

Drink plenty of water

Because she is the source of life. Older people should not be allowed to become dehydrated.

Enough 8 glasses a day, if a person leads a normal, not active lifestyle.

This amount is enough to prevent peeling of the skin and the appearance of a terrible smell. And he, if a person does not drink much, will come from everything - from his body, from urine, from his mouth, etc.

Shower regularly

Unfortunately, many people think that they need to bathe if they have recently been out somewhere. But cleanliness the most important factor required to comply regardless of anything.

Regular bathing helps to cleanse the skin and open the pores on the body, which allows the skin to “breathe” and remove sweat and dirt from it. And the use of good hygiene products effectively eliminates unpleasant odors.

Get rid of unnecessary things

Many people have a love for the accumulation of all sorts of rubbish. You need to understand: superfluous, unnecessary things are dust collectors and sources of pathogenic microflora! Do not store at home, on the balcony or in the closet that has not been used for a long time. It will not be needed, as we used to think. If the years lay useless, so it will be in the next decades.

And those things that are really needed from time to time must be properly stored. Preferably in airtight bags and not in residential areas. And in all cabinets, drawers and shelves where something is stored, it is advisable to place lavender branches or other “accessories” that perfectly neutralize odors.

We are all used to the fact that gadget manufacturers consider their target audience to be relatively young people aged 20-45, and often teenagers and children. The former, in principle, are the most solvent part of the population, while the parents pay for the latter.

However, a properly built scientific and technological progress should not only satisfy the needs for entertainment and infinitely improve everyday comfort. He has one more task - the solution of specific life problems people from certain social categories. In this article, as an example, we will consider modern technical and software developments created to simplify the life of the older generation.

Fall prevention belt

A fall for an elderly person often ends in a serious injury, which makes it impossible to move for a long time and requires a long recovery. Fractures of the femoral neck are very common - after them, the ability to walk independently, with the most positive outcome, returns only after a few months.

There is a company in Israel, Hip-Hope Technologies, which has invented a special device that protects the bones of the pelvis and hips in case of falls. The development is made in the form of a belt with many sensors. If the belt sensors detect the fall that has begun, then two large airbags “shoot out”, turning into protective rollers for the hips.

The activation of the belt is monitored by the application on the smartphone, and the corresponding message is sent to pre-specified numbers. There is also a button on the belt, with which old man can call for help at any time if needed. Tests have shown that the belt reduces the risk of fractures and severe bruising of bones during falls by 90 percent.

robotic orderlies

Japan is known as a country of high technology, centenarians and human loneliness. It is logical that it is here that the production of robots helping the elderly is most actively developing. In particular, in Japan, robotic orderlies are being introduced to care for the elderly 24/7. The Robear and RIBA models are the most famous here. They are capable of:

  • lift the patient and transfer him to another bed;
  • help a person get into a wheelchair;
  • get up or get out of bed completely;
  • take some tests and send them to the doctor.

Other models of robots help Japanese retirees to solve a variety of daily tasks. For example, they act as assistants when shopping in stores or guides that can lead a person by the hand.

Smart insoles

Family members of old people suffering from problems with memory and orientation in space are afraid that they will forget the way home and will not be able to explain to others where they live. To solve this problem, the GTX Group has created special insoles for shoes that are equipped with a GPS sensor and a SIM card. They track the movement of a person using satellite geolocation and signals from cell towers. The battery needs to be charged periodically to operate the device. The insoles are suitable for most shoe models.

Movements and the specific location of a person are tracked using a special application. As one of the advantages, the developer calls unobtrusive tracking, since the device remains invisible. AT commercial the usefulness of insoles is noted not only for the elderly, but also for children, tracking the movements of which is no less important for many parents.

Watching from a distance

If an elderly person lives separately, then relatives need to monitor how he spends his day. The Lively system can help with this, the main element of which is a “smart” watch that is constantly on the owner’s hand. They keep track of the steps taken during the day and issue messages that do not allow you to miss a dose of medication. The watch has a panic button, when pressed, the operator calls back the person and finds out what kind of help he needs.

The system includes several sensors that monitor selected key parameters of the pensioner's activity:

  • opening the refrigerator and doors in the apartment;
  • opening a first aid kit;
  • moving around the home (motion sensor).

When receiving a few digits via SMS or e-mail through the application, family members can track the activity of the old man and timely identify failures in his usual schedule.

Sound recognition for the hearing impaired

AbiliSense from Israel has developed an application for people with hearing impairments using sound recognition technology. This special software literally replaces people's ears. Of course, it is not able to recognize all existing sounds, but it really knows a lot, which makes the life of a person with disabilities easier and safer.

The application constantly analyzes the audio stream and, when it recognizes something familiar, it sends a message to a smartphone or other device. The signal can be transmitted by vibration, text or icon. Most of the sounds that people need to respond to on a daily basis, the technology is quite capable of recognizing. For example, the application can easily distinguish between a doorbell and a fire alarm.

In the old days, older people were uncomfortable admitting that they care about their appearance. It seemed to the young that skin care was not a matter for grandparents.

Old people would sit with their grandchildren and bake pies ...

Meanwhile, the concept of "old age" in our time has become very relative. Increased life expectancy, more late dates so-called age-related diseases begin. Nowadays, a man of 65-70 years old is no longer considered an elderly person, and a woman still continues to be a woman. Many people only at this age find their true love, make up new married couples, do not stop sexual life. It is no coincidence that the words "old man", "old woman" are considered politically incorrect, instead of them it is customary to use the expression "people of the golden age." I want to contact them. Feel free to want to look attractive! It is not only understandable, but commendable. A person who cares about his appearance also takes care of his health, and I, as a doctor, can only welcome this.

Shops are bursting with cosmetics and body care products. They usually do not indicate the recommended age, but this does not mean that it is worth buying any products indiscriminately. Let's try to determine what exactly suits people of the golden age.

What to wash?

Body care does not begin with creams and rubbing, but with washing. Over the years, the skin becomes thin, easily vulnerable, therefore, while bathing in the shower or in the bath, it is advisable not to rub the body with a hard washcloth or brush. Choose gentle, mild plant-based soaps. Facial soap should also be gentle. To improve skin tone, wipe it in the morning with ice cubes prepared from herbal decoctions of string, chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, calendula.

We solve the problem of age spots

In old age, the skin is more prone to the formation of age spots. This tendency is aggravated by violations of liver functions, high fat content in the blood, and certain medications. Therefore, do not try to explain pigmentation by age alone, but be sure to be examined by a doctor.
What else stimulates the formation of spots is the sun. Choosing sunscreens, stop at containing titanium dioxide. It is very useful to regularly pamper the skin with masks that simultaneously nourish and whiten it, making it dark spots more invisible. Try to make these masks yourself. Here are some recipes:
mix cucumber juice with half an egg white, add a few drops of lemon juice;
mix heavy cream with soft cottage cheese and mashed apricot pulp;
cook oatmeal, add cream and half an egg yolk to it.

Well, very dry.

With age, the production of hormones decreases, which in young years stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands. In youth, many complain that their skin is too oily, and in old age, the reverse process is usually disturbed - the skin becomes dry, loses its natural moisture, and becomes overgrown with wrinkles. Your task is to moisturize the skin and add fats that are not enough for it. Choose products with lanolin, white wax and vegetable oils. Sunflower, peach and apricot, cocoa butter and avocado are great for aging skin. And if the cream also contains vitamins A, C, E, D- it's quite good.

Some creams for aging skin include light exfoliating components: salicylic or boric acid, retinol, hydroquinone, lactic acid, alpha-dihydroxy, low concentration glycolic acid. It helps to renew skin cells.

war paint

Lipstick, eye shadow and other cosmetics help hide many of the imperfections of older skin. But on one condition - if they are used correctly. So, make-up should repeat the natural skin tone as much as possible. Choose it according to the color of the neck, not the color of the face - this way the skin will look more natural. Blush should be very light tone. They can be used daily, but with eye shadow you need to use very carefully. Enjoy light shades shadows - it's young. But it is better to refuse the dark ones - they will add an extra 5 years to you. It is better to give bright and shiny shadows to your granddaughter - they accumulate in the wrinkles of the eyelids and make the face vulgar and defiant.

In older skin, the number of immune, protective cells decreases, so people of golden age are more likely to have allergies than young people. Buy only hypoallergenic cosmetics. In order not to waste money in vain, go to the store a few days before the purchase and apply a drop of tester to the skin - a sample of cream, perfume or powder. Check the reaction. Young people are advised to do this after 12 hours, but in older people the allergic reaction is delayed, so you should check the skin first after 48 hours and then after 96 hours. If there is irritation, redness - this remedy is not for you.

Sponges with a heart

Many older women are unhappy with the look of their lips. Indeed, lips often become smaller, drier, and lipstick accumulates in wrinkles. You can try to improve the condition of the lips with the cream "Estial" from the company "Aven" - it is designed to smooth wrinkles. Good results are given by chemical and laser peeling, and recently in cosmetic clinics, the procedure of collagen microinjections has become fashionable - after them the contour of the lips becomes clearer, and the lips themselves become more convex and attractive.

Folk recipes

For the prevention of senile skin changes, it is useful to take Eleutherococcus tincture. This plant, also called Far Eastern ginseng, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands and metabolism, stimulates the activity of the sex glands, and rejuvenates the body.
- Hot herbal compresses are very useful. Take equal amounts of hop cones, sage leaves, linden flowers, chamomile, pour boiling water and leave to infuse. After 2-3 minutes, strain and cool. Soak a soft towel or cloth in the resulting infusion and place this compress on your face for 2 seconds. Then wash your face nourishing cream, after 20 minutes, remove its remnants paper napkin. After this procedure, the skin will become fresh, pink, velvety.
- Do a steam facial from time to time. Pour equal parts of hops, sage, chamomile, and sea buckthorn into a pot. Hold your face over the steam - the skin will become soft and fresh.
- "Bags" under the eyes are eliminated with the help of hot and cold compresses. They are made at night. Take 1 teaspoon of sage leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain. First, put a hot (but not excessive!) compress of gauze soaked in the infusion on your eyelids, then a cold one. Finish off with a nourishing cream.
- Wipe the skin with ice cubes from the juice of watermelon, cucumber, parsley. They tone the skin, and cucumber and parsley also whiten age spots.

Even the most experienced people in life have a moment when they have to turn to the younger generation for help. This often happens when our grandparents encounter technology. And of course, very funny incidents often happen to them. Perhaps something similar happened in your family.

1. Old habits

Here is another great example of how difficult it is for older people with modern gadgets. This Japanese guy's 90-year-old grandmother apparently wasn't told about the zoom feature on the phone. In fairness, we note that there are not many similar functions for reading text messages. As a result, the grandmother came out of the situation "the old fashioned way."

2. Simplicity is the key to success

TV remote
Apparently, manufacturers tend to take it for granted that users want a lot of options and features on their devices. For older generations, this can be very difficult and confusing. The next item on the list of technologies for the elderly is a prime example of how some people try to make life easier when using gadgets.

This guy's grandmother complained that her remote control was very confusing and had too many buttons. In truth, this is true, because how many buttons on the remote control each person uses ... Therefore loving grandson I decided to “simplify” the remote control for my grandmother.

3. Strange photo

In fairness, it should be noted that such a mistake is easy to make, at least the first time. If a person picks up a smartphone for the first time, then he may accidentally cover the camera lens with his finger.

4. Post

This is a fantastic example of how new technologies intersect with old ones. An elderly woman bought a new phone and decided to take a selfie and send it to her granddaughter. But no one expected how she would do it. After taking a selfie, the woman printed the photo and sent it in an envelope by regular mail.

5. Manners Above All

This user's grandmother is undoubtedly one of the most polite people you can find on the Internet. She even politely asks Google to translate Roman numerals into Latin and thanks the search engine for that. Google needs to change its search algorithms to reward this courtesy of its users. Perhaps this will greatly improve the manners of many on the Internet in no small measure.

6. 3D is never superfluous!

3D glasses
Some do not like 3D technology, while others do not imagine how you can watch a movie not in 3D. The next grandmother is a prime example of how the older generation can actively embrace innovation.

7. "Broken" clock on the phone

One guy's grandmother asked him to help fix her phone because "the clock on the outside screen always shows the wrong time." At first glance, it was easy to guess that a protective film with a dial image was glued on the screen. Naturally, almost everyone has made similar mistakes in the past, so the grandmother is quite understandable.

8. Hello!

Another example raises an interesting question about modern smartphones. Whether their design was really influenced by engineering calculators. This similarity of these gadgets easily explains the confusion of this guy's grandfather, who decided to call the calculator.

9. Favorite sites

the Internet
Grandma of this young man pretty good at networking. She scrupulously writes out her favorite sites in a notebook. Moreover, it records not just the site itself, but the entire address bar up to a certain link. In any case, such perseverance is admirable.

10. Werewolf Mouse

computer mouse
A young guy was shocked when his grandfather asked him to explain why on his computer the cursor moves in the wrong direction where he moves the mouse. Everything turned out to be very simple - he positioned the mouse vertically by 180 °.


However, grandmothers also always have something to tell their grandchildren. After all, there is at least .