“Let the wife be afraid of her husband…. Should a wife obey her husband: the inestimable benefits of obedience The idea of ​​a wife is the reincarnation of a husband and submission

It is interesting to note that the passion that arises between a man and a woman when they realize that they are ideally suited to each other can only be maintained and will be strengthened if they have the right understanding of submission and power. This principle is the key to understanding how a husband and wife should treat each other.

The Bible is clear that the husband is the head of the family and the wife is to obey him, but how does this work in practice? These days, when feminist ideas soar in the Church, when many people abuse the idea of ​​"male superiority", most of the female believers shudder at the mention of the word "submission".

Submission is usually interpreted as follows - to obey a husband means to accept a secondary position. When a wife submits, she seems to agree that she is inferior to her husband, that she is less intelligent and less capable than he. As a result, her whole life and her own uniqueness seem to dissolve into the life of her husband.

Another common interpretation of the husband's power is that the husband is the complete dictator in the home, which precludes any display of prudence and compassion. As a result, we get a "bully" who does everything in his own way.

These conventional wisdoms are not based on God's Word!

We have already seen that God's Word commands a husband to love his wife persistently and selflessly. Having the highest authority in the house, he at the same time serves those whom he leads. Jesus set an example for the husbands to follow by washing the feet of the disciples, and thereby proclaimed: whoever is higher among you, let him serve more.

We will now consider how a wife can be subservient to her husband. When she understands what the Holy Spirit is really asking her to say, "Wives, submit to your husbands!" and fulfills that demand, she reaches a whole new level of personal freedom.


Jesus is Lord and remains so, whether you like it or not! The Bible says that one day everyone will confess that Jesus is Lord (Phil. 2:11), even those who have rejected Him and are doomed to eternal separation from God. But one reason believers gladly and gratefully submit to Him as their personal Lord is because He has seated us with Him in heaven (Eph. 2:6). He counted us as equals and made us joint heirs (Rom. 8:17).

The fact that a husband is the head of the house does not mean that he is superior to his wife in any way. And the fact that the wife is subject to the decisions that the husband makes does not mean that she is inferior or worse than him. They are equal.

God has established that the principle of subordination and power truly operates only when both the subordinate and the one in power are aware of the principle of equality. In the eyes of God they are equal. Submission without equality is slavery.

For the husband is not from the wife, but the wife is from the husband; and the husband was not made for the wife, but the wife for the husband. 1 Cor. 11:8.9

Since the woman was taken from the man, the husband has power over his wife. But it should be remembered that part male body only the body of the woman was created, not the spirit. Her spirit, as an entity distinct from Adam's spirit, came into being when God breathed His breath into Adam's body, and she was perfect while still in it.

It was not necessary for Eve to communicate with God through Adam. She could do it directly.

The husband has authority over his wife and is the head of the marriage as far as natural matters are concerned. But in her spiritual life, a wife is responsible directly to the Lord Jesus Christ. A husband cannot dictate to his wife what spiritual actions she should take. For example, if the husband is not a Christian, he does not have the right to forbid her from attending church, praying, reading and studying the Bible.

In such a situation, a wife can take comfort in the fact that her disobedience to her husband in these matters does not violate God's will. However, wives, if you want to be a true witness to your unbelieving husbands, then whether they have accepted Christ or not, your attitude should be this: your life in God should be the foundation of everything you do for your husband, and not the source of conflicts with him.

And then, if a conflict arises because of your faithfulness to the Lord, He takes responsibility for Himself.

Even if your husband is saved, you should not neglect your responsibilities to him and your family and justify it by reading the Bible, listening to teaching tapes, or attending special events. Such an attitude of yours can give rise to a feeling of resentment towards God in the hearts of your relatives. Your prayer life and being in the Word should bring balance to household chores and increase your desire to serve others. Draw strength and wisdom from the Holy Spirit and Scripture to become your own best wife and the mother you can be. Then your family will appreciate your faith and respect it.

However, neither a husband without a wife, nor a wife without a husband, in the Lord. For as the wife is from the husband, so is the husband through the wife; yet it is from God. 1 Cor. 11:11,12

When husband and wife understand what it means to be in Christ, then their equality is clearly established in Him. They do not doubt each other's personal importance or uniqueness, which comes exclusively from God. Then there is no need to prove something to anyone. And therefore, there are no difficulties with power and submission in the natural matters of life.

Jesus' teaching caused men (and women) to look at women differently and treat them accordingly as equals before God, which was the subject of much controversy during His earthly ministry. In both the Old and New Testaments, God clearly established the spiritual equality of men and women. One of the clearest examples of this is found in Galatians 3:28:

there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

When we examine marriage in the Bible, we see that more is said about women than about men. I believe there is a good reason for this. In any society that is not based on Christian principles, women are not treated with the respect they deserve. Her role in the family, in the Church and in society is in most cases misunderstood.

The biblical view of the essence and role of women is one of the most important aspects of the influence of Christianity on world society. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible unequivocally proclaims the spiritual and eternal equality of man and woman.

Obedience is an attitude

Every few years, a false doctrine is gaining strength again in the Church, which takes the verse from Eph. 5:22 "Wives, obey your husbands." Adherents of this doctrine argue that a wife must obey her husband, even if it means breaking the commandments of God's Word. If a husband wants his wife to commit adultery with another man, she must do so. If a husband demands that his wife go to a bar with him and get drunk, she should do it. And it is assumed that such obedience will lead her husband to the Lord. God will never force His children to sin to prove that they obey Him or any man.

Knowing and understanding that the Scriptures clearly distinguish between obedience and obedience, any false definition of obedience can be refuted. Obedience or submission is an attitude towards someone; obedience is an act or deed. You must always obey those who have power over you, but you must not always obey their demands. If someone in authority asks you to do something contrary to God's Word, you must refuse while maintaining an attitude of submission.

We find an example of such a situation in the 5th chapter of the book of the Acts of the Apostles, which tells how the disciples were brought to the Sanhedrin because they preached the Gospel and healed the sick. When they were arrested, they did not rebel against the Jewish leaders and did not resist, they were not rude or impolite. They maintained an attitude of obedience.

However, when the Sanhedrin ordered them to stop preaching the gospel and demanded that they stop praying in the name of Jesus, Peter and the other disciples said: . . must obey God rather than men. Acts. 5:29

Whenever obedience to those in authority would lead you to violate God's Word, the believer must reverently refuse to follow those instructions. And although you have no right to grumble and rebel, God declares that in order not to sin against Him, you can politely refuse to comply with the requirement of someone who has power over you.

At its core, obedience is humility. Humility, in turn, is not self-abasement. This is a sincere desire to put the interests of others above their own. If Eve had humbly consulted with Adam and the Lord before partaking of the forbidden fruit, she would not have been deceived in the Garden of Eden. But because she chose to act on her own, she believed the lie that claimed she could become "like a god" (Genesis 3:5).

The truth is that God and Adam have already made her their queen. By their power they put her on. it is an honorable and high place. Adam failed in his duty to tell Eve what God had told him about their position on earth (Genesis 2:16,17). Lacking sufficient understanding of God's Word, she believed the lie of the serpent and, having eaten of the forbidden fruit, made herself a slave of Satan.

true freedom

When Eve ate from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, she became a victim of deception. She literally believed that she would become the goddess of the earth. Adam, for his part, knew exactly what he was doing. He openly rebelled against God when he also ate the same forbidden fruit. Because Adam was the head of the family and given authority on earth, God held him responsible for all sins.

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, so death spread to all men, because all sinned. Rome. 5:12

The sinful nature from Adam was transmitted to all men and women. Then God sent Jesus to pay the price of sin by allowing people to return and live in His presence.

For just as by the disobedience of one man many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one man many will be made righteous. Rome. 5:19

Adam's sin and its consequences, passed on to us, can be forgiven if we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. He paid the price for our sin on the cross and was raised from the dead to give us a new spirit that is filled with God's Holy Spirit. Then, instead of living according to the old carnal nature, we can live according to God's nature in fellowship with Him.

But how did the fall of Eve affect women in general? The sin of rebellion committed by Eve and passed on by her to all women is proclaimed by God in the book of Genesis (3:16). This verse describes God telling Eve what she and all other women would reap because she acted independently of His authority and that of her husband. ... and your desire is for your husband, and he will rule over you.

The word "attraction" corresponds Hebrew word, which means more than lust or passion. It means "stretching" or "overflowing" and indicates that women will seek to manipulate and control their husbands. The woman will believe that she is better able to make decisions and lead the family than the husband, and therefore will try to argue with her husband on any issue.

In the last part of the verse, God reminds Eve that He has not changed His mind about the order in the house. Her husband is still the head. And this means that despite all the women's desire to control their husbands, and despite the fact that some of the women may succeed in their aspirations, wives can never deprive a husband of the power established for him by God.

Adam and Eve, who were spiritually separated from God as a result of the fall, lost their sense of equality and personal uniqueness before their Creator. And as a consequence of this, obedience has become a phenomenon unacceptable for a woman. She mourned the loss of her royal position and the passionate, unconditional love that Adam had once loved her with.

The power of Adam has turned into a dictatorial rule of an insecure man. This man, who the day before walked and communed with the Lord in the cool of the day, now blamed his wife for all his failures and failures. Instead of regaining confidence and self-respect in God, he tried to establish himself by abusing his God-given power over his wife. Adam was the first "rag" in the world!

Eva gave all the women two misconceptions. First, That wives should have dominion over their husbands. And, secondly, that women should go out of their way to prove their equality with men. This heritage is the basis of all women's movements in history. However, the solution to the problems is not to be found in the women's movement, but only in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When we submit ourselves to Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, He gives us a new spirit that allows us to have direct fellowship with God. Now we do not have to control others or try to outdo them in order to prove our personal dignity and importance, for we acquire these qualities in His unconditional love for us.

We are free in Jesus - free to love and serve others, drawing strength from the inexhaustible source of God's love in our hearts.

Since true liberation comes to a woman only through her willing surrender of her life to Jesus Christ, you can say that the real movement for women's rights began with the ministry of Jesus. Some of His most faithful companions were women: Mary and Martha, Mary Magdalene, the woman at the well, and His own mother Mary.

Unfortunately, the image of the submissive wife that the modern women's rights movement paints is this: this is a creature without reason and personality, completely controlled and controlled by her husband; she doesn't know who she is; she is simply her husband's wife; she endures violence in the bedroom and beatings in the kitchen because she is in bondage to the "traditional" idea of ​​a wife.

Long years of human history prove the irrefutable fact that many husbands mistreat their wives. It is also fair to say that this happens when people do not know God's truth about marriage and therefore do not apply it in their lives! The biblical image of the submissive wife differs sharply from the traditional image that is common in the ranks of the modern women's movement.

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord, because the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church, and He is the Savior of the body; but as the Church is subject to Christ, so are wives to their husbands in all things. Eph. 5:22–24

God's kingdom is the exact opposite of Satan's kingdom. In areas where Satan operates, self-aggrandizement should bring satisfaction to a person, and the fact that a person is his own god should make him happy. But in God's Kingdom, He fully satisfies you in every way. You humble yourself and then He will magnify you at the appointed time (1 Peter 5:6).

In Satan's world, you focus all your attention on yourself, ignoring the reality of God's supreme authority, rising or falling according to your abilities and talents, relying on your own understanding. In God's world, you focus on Jesus, finding satisfaction and wholeness in His love, willingly submitting to and trusting in His will, and your success is determined by how obedient you are to Him when you bless others.

He who saves his soul will lose it; but he who loses his life for my sake will save it. Matt. 10:39

The true freedom that women (and men) so long for can only be found in Jesus Christ, losing yourself completely in Him, and then you discover who you really are and gain the ability to live according to this discovery.

A wife gains more freedom when she obeys her husband, and above all the Lord Jesus Christ. She receives double protection and double blessing. God would not have asked her to obey her husband more if he had not rewarded her with great blessings for this. This is a supernatural law! Thus, the capacity of a husband to love selflessly is multiplied by a submissive wife.

The power of obedience

While God has given the husband power in marriage, He has given the wife power. This strength comes from her submissive attitude towards her husband. When a wife treats her husband with respect and reverence, when her soul wants to please him with everything possible, then he can become clay in her hands!

To avoid abuse of this power, the wife must understand the difference between influence and manipulation. This difference is determined by the motives of her heart. When a wife only pretends to obey her husband or gives advice to manipulate him, she is using her God-given power to make her husband do whatever she wants. When she obeys him to influence him, she places her husband in God's hands. Now the Holy Spirit can work freely in her husband's life.

Wives, when you obey your husbands, God's power is at work answering your prayers!

Likewise, you wives, obey your husbands, so that those of them who do not obey the word may be gained by the life of their wives without a word when they see your pure, God-fearing life. 1 Pet. 3:1,2

The word "also" at the beginning of the verse indicates that the Holy Spirit continues to speak on the same subject He spoke on in the previous chapter, where Peter encourages believers to obey authorities, whether they are right or wrong. Just as you are the salt and light in the place where you work, you are the witness to your own house. Just as you submit to your boss, who may be unfair and overly demanding, you must submit to the authority of your husband.

Just as Jesus gave Himself into the hands of the Father in front of foolish people, so wives should put themselves into God's hands and trust in Him, living a godly life before their husbands. When they do this, the Holy Spirit, through the godly lives of women, works with incredible supernatural power! There is incredible power hidden in submission!

Before I go any further in our study, I want to comment on the dangers of going to extremes in matters of obedience. In many cases, when a believing wife is beaten by a husband, she remembers these verses and tries to justify his actions. She endures beatings, trying to testify to her husband about the power of God's love.

She believes that by enduring this attitude, she will win him obedience to God's Word. But these verses say something else! It can never be God's will for your husband to physically abuse you. In Chapter 8, we will discuss this issue in detail.

In most cases, it is easier for a wife to obey the Lord because He is perfect, longsuffering, and worthy of complete trust. It's harder to obey an imperfect human being, whether it's your boss or your husband! However, God's Word commands obedience, and it promises you enough grace to do so.

When you take a step of faith and know God's will, then in any situation you can have peace and confidence, remembering that He will reward and bless you. If a wife in faith obeys her husband, then she honors God, and the Bible says that those who honor God by faithfully keeping His Word will be honored by Him (1 Sam. 2:30).

1 Pet. 3:1 commands the wife to obey her husband, even if he does not obey the Word. Although this applies to the unbelieving husband, the wisdom in this verse can be applied to the believing husband who has fallen away from the faith or is living in the flesh. A wife, wanting her husband to obey the Word, can influence him with her lifestyle. Life includes both actions and words. We testify of the Lord in word and deed (Col. 3:17).

The Holy Spirit was given to us so that we ourselves would be witnesses, not so that He would testify for us (Acts 1:8). The same principle applies to marriage. You are more likely to bring your husband to the Lord by obeying and acting accordingly than by rebuking and constantly "preaching."

Often the wife's spiritual growth is more rapid and she loses respect for her believing husband, because compared to her, as it seems to her, he is not serious enough in his dedication to the Lord. But such disrespect goes against what Scripture teaches.

A wife should respect and obey her husband because he is her husband, a gift of grace from God, and not because he fits her idea of ​​what he should be spiritually.

There is power in obedience because you show your husband the Father's unconditional love. Regardless of how your husband treats you, despite his shortcomings or mistakes, you express respect and reverence towards him.

Note that 1 Peter 3:2 says that the husband will see the wife's pure life, which means that the husband is watching over you and your lifestyle. He may be acting like he doesn't care about you and telling you he doesn't notice, but the Holy Spirit says your husband is watching you! And only his pride makes him deny it. He is deeply touched by your respect for him as the head of the family. He watches how the Lord helps you and supports you in difficult times; he sees what joy and inner peace your faith gives you, and what evident respect and strength God gives you when you obey your husband.

If a wife does not want to obey her husband and resists his authority, by this she herself takes everything into her own hands and excludes the possibility of the Holy Spirit working in her marriage. When she obeys her husband, his heart and mind are opened to the working of the Holy Spirit. And then God can talk to him about his life. No matter what her husband's problem is - whether he should be saved or filled with the Holy Spirit, or whether he has backslidden, or has to overcome carnal desires in some area of ​​his life - a wife who respects and obeys her husband, releases God's power into her husband's life.

Divine order in the house

God's power cannot flow in the absence of divine order in the home. Everything God does is good, and everything He does reflects His perfect and orderly thinking. His ways and His thoughts are not random and scattered; they have a specific purpose and meaning. So when He put more than one man on earth. He established a chain of command to avoid confusion and all kinds of evil deeds.

The Bible says that He gave governments to the nations (1 Pet. 2:13,14) and established levels of authority in the family. He introduced these levels of authority to keep us safe from chaos and evil, just as the police keep order on the streets of a city.

When the principle of power and submission is observed, it enables us to live freely and securely.

Spiritually, we are all equal. Naturally, in turn, God created a chain of command in government (Rom. 13:1–6), in the universal church (Eph. 4:11,12), in the local church (Heb. 13:7,17), and in the family (1 Cor. 11:3). In His wisdom God did this so that order would be maintained and safety and security would be provided.

In the first half of Ephesians, for example, there is a deep discussion about our position in Christ, which establishes that we are all equal before God. The second part of the book indicates that the principle of subordination and authority must operate in all kinds of relationships, from the relationship of government and citizen to the relationship of husband and wife. This principle is not meant to make one person enslave another, but to bring order and protection to all levels of society.

God has approved the levels of authority in the family as well. Man was created by God first, then woman was taken from man, and children, including boys, were born to woman (1 Cor. 11:11,12). The boy initially learns the principle of power, obeying the power of his mother. How a boy learns to treat his mother will determine how he treats his wife.

It is very important that a mother teaches her son to be a gentleman so that when he is old enough he does not begin to abuse his power. She must teach him to wisely direct his energy and strength and to respect his mother. Then he will respect all women.

She teaches him that a mature woman wants to see in a man not just developed muscles, an expensive car or a high position in society. All these things are a blessing and do no harm, but they are not at the top of her list of priorities! She wants to see in a man first of all a gentleman.

She wants to see a man who will open doors for her, pull a chair out for her, and treat her like the treasure she really is. Because God spent more time creating her and did it in a completely different way, she desires a husband who understands her uniqueness.

The boy should also learn from the example of his father. He can play sports with his father. The son knows that dad can pick up anyone and throw them across the street if necessary. But when the father comes home, he is gentle and loving, ready to protect her at any moment.

The same principle applies to intellectual power. His father is possibly highly educated and gifted. The son sees that instead of criticizing the mother for any reason, the father uses his mind to please the mother, encourage her, help her solve problems and cheer her up.

The boy sees that strength, both physical and intellectual, is used not only to provide materially for the family, but also to protect and love it. He watches his father's heart melt at a word or two from his mother! He begins to realize the power of a woman over a man, which God gave her, and respect his mother for her wisdom, since she uses this power only for the good of her father. Most importantly, he sees the love that binds his parents.

Just as a son learns from his father and mother how to love his wife, a daughter learns how to obey her husband. Seeing that the mother responds with respect and reverence to the love of her father, she will happily think about her future marriage. She may learn that she has power over her future husband and learn how to avoid abusing it.

Since she saw how selflessly and unselfishly her father loves her mother, she will not run after young men or act lewd. One of the main symptoms of aberration in the relationship between men and women in society is that women seek men. Usually this does not happen if the girl sees that the father is the initiator in love, protection and provision. She then does not seek to find a man and "catch him on the hook", but calmly waits for God to bring into her life the person appointed to her. Instinctively, she realizes that such a man, who must be sought, is worth nothing!

The home is the classroom and laboratory where children grow up to be successful or dysfunctional husbands and wives. When a boy sees his father bullying his mother, verbally or physically, and hears the words, "Never trust a woman!", he takes over from his father a sense of insecurity and embarrassment. And then, unless Jesus Christ changes his life, he will become a fornicator in high school, and then at work. He will deceive his wife, if he marries at all, and he will certainly treat her just as rudely.

If Jesus Christ doesn't change the girl who grew up watching her mother keep her father "under the thumb" and manipulate him, she will behave towards her husband in exactly the same way. She will not know a single peaceful day in all her years of marriage and will probably be married more than once or give up the very idea of ​​​​marriage, having gone through a series of "free relationships".

We spend too much time and money buying things for our children and often forget the most precious gift we can give our children, a daily example of godly marriage. And then, when your child finds a spouse and leaves the parental home, you can be calm and confident that their marriage will also be successful.

The divine order that God has established in the home begins with the relationship between husband and wife, where the husband is the head, and the wife is an equal partner, but second in the chain of power. Then children naturally learn the principle of power and submission by looking at their parents. If a child does not learn to obey his parents, he will not understand what it means to be a leader.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time. 1 Pet. 5:6

The best leaders are those who have been the most humble followers. How high do you want to go? How obedient and humble are you willing to be? Children learn humility when they are taught by their parents, whose authority they obediently obey.

How to resolve conflict

If children see disagreement between their parents, they will use it to get their way. For example, a child goes to his mother and asks for cookies, but the mother says: "No, we will have dinner soon." Then the child goes to the father with the same request, and the father says: "You can take it."

A few minutes later, mom sees a child in the yard eating cookies, and when she asks why he did it, the answer is: "Dad let me." It's time for father to call family council! He says, "Children, you shouldn't play off mom and dad. And I change my mind to no, because mom said no at the beginning."

This example shows that the husband, as the head of the family, took responsibility for the situation that arose, he considered the opinion of his wife and decided to agree with her. If, however, he decides to reject his wife's no, what should she do?

If he does not violate the commandments of God's Word and does not push the children to sin, the wife must obey his decision. Her obedience and forgiveness will allow the Holy Spirit to begin to work in him. The Holy Spirit knows how to change a person even when everything looks rather hopeless from a human point of view! Moreover, she shows her children how to deal with someone who treats you unfairly, but at the same time does not violate God's Word, which, in turn, would give you the right to protest and disobey.

If a husband breaks God's Word, she should say, "Darling, I love you and consider you very a good man but the Bible says you can't do that." "Darling" may get a little angry at this, but since the wife's attitude towards both him and God remains respectful, this will serve as an incentive for him to listen more carefully next time the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Where there is God's order, there is God's power.

If you disagree with your spouse or are about to start a rather "fiery discussion", it may be wiser to retire to a secluded area. However, if the argument happened in front of the children, make sure they see that you have resolved the conflict in love and forgiveness. (You will have to crucify more flesh!)

Even when husband and wife cannot agree on a particular issue, children should see that it is possible to disagree and still be affable. (More flesh must go to the cross!) This teaches them the biblical way to resolve conflicts and disagreements in their lives, and helps them not to be afraid of conflicts and problems in their adult life.

Where God's order exists, there is confidence and peace.

When children know that parents are united in everything, that dad is the commander, and mom is his main adviser, peace reigns in the house. But such a world is impossible when the mother disobeys the father. When she usurps the power given to her husband, the children will try to do the same to her. Many problems with young people originate in a family where the mother does not respect the father.

Even when the father does not love the mother in the way scripturally commands, or is an unbeliever, the safety of God's order will be maintained in the home if the mother will obey and respect her husband. (1 Cor. 7:14.) It won't be easy for a wife, but in times of need, God always gives His grace and strength!

How often do we hear the words of parents: "I really want my child to live in better world". The truth is that we can never change this world for the better. Jesus said that everything in the world will get worse and worse (Matt. 24:4-8). However, we can better raise our children for life in this world and enable them to live in a house where God's order reigns.

Understand male aggression

In the same way that I, as a man, had to understand the characteristics of women, which would help me love my wife, Loretta had to understand the characteristics of a man's nature. Once again, God created us very different!

When a wife understands that a man looks at life from the position of an attacker or aggressor, her eyes are opened to many things. God put in man the desire to win and conquer, to succeed and prosper. When used according to God's purpose, these qualities enable a man to take on the authority that God has given him and use it to ensure the well-being and safety of his loved ones.

Wives love it when a man's persistence brings peace and prosperity to the home, but often they are intimidated by the insistence that husbands show in the bedroom! Very persistent men are usually very active sexually. It can even be said that a man's life is largely determined by his sexual desire. One of the most difficult tasks of a Christian is to control his sexual desires to remain holy. married men should be careful not to start abusing their power over their wife in their sexual relations.

The wife, in turn, finds it difficult to understand and share her husband's sexual desire. It happened that women came into my office and announced that my husband is a sex maniac, and this is only because he desires sexual intimacy every night. These wives must understand that a man seeks daily satisfaction in the area of ​​intimate relationships with his wife, just as he seeks daily satisfaction from his profession or any business that he engages in.

The best thing a woman can do for herself is to satisfy her husband sexually. A satisfied husband usually takes good care of the welfare of the home. He provides for his wife and desires to please her because he values ​​her, and not out of a sense of duty. He is less tempted to get involved with other women because she fills his mind.

An essential element of male nature, which should be taken into account, is his personal "I". God has given us this "I" or sense of self, and this is not evil unless we are filled with pride in striving to be independent of God. A godly sense of self is based on the understanding that our essence and our worth are entirely dependent on our relationship with God.

Men are big kids and their "I" is their weak point. At the center of this "I" is the awareness of oneself as a man. A husband's self-confidence as a man should come primarily from his relationship with Jesus Christ. Then from marital relationships - his wife should maintain this confidence, and not destroy it.

She does this by showing him that he occupies the first place in their family, that she respects and appreciates him, that she receives joy and pleasure from physical intimacy with him. She waits for these moments of intimacy and even tries to specifically set aside time for this. A man is just a big boy who seeks respect and craves passion from the woman he loves!

If a wife very often refuses her husband intimacy, again and again citing different arguments, he begins to lose confidence in himself as a man. The defeat that he, in his opinion, suffers in this area, will seriously affect all other areas of his life, because the constant refusals from his wife hit his manhood. In such a situation, only a strong relationship with the Lord can maintain his sense of dignity.

If the wife allows intimacy with him only out of a sense of duty, she does not seek a relationship of one flesh (proskollao) with her husband, she simply has sex (kollao). Her husband may begin to see himself as a lower being than man, made in the image of God. It will begin to seem to him that he has stooped to the level of an animal.

However, when a wife lets him know that she enjoys his perseverance and that she enjoys intimacy with him, it elevates him as a man and gives him the self-confidence he needs to achieve his goals in life. The ways of communication with his wife are free and open, and over the years they both get more and more joy from sexual intimacy.

Many women believe that the main thing in marriage is to keep the house clean, have a delicious dinner ready, look after the children, and make sure that the house is quiet. They spend an incredible amount of energy on all this, and by the time they have to go to bed, they are completely exhausted. As a result, they neglect the sexual desire of their husband, and in fact it is the sexual sphere that is one of the most important areas of their relationship for him.

This does not mean that you can constantly make a mess in the house, justifying yourself by never denying your husband intimacy! Plan your day in such a way that you won't be completely exhausted by the evening. Remember, your husband will not scold you for not washing the dishes, allowing yourself to rest in order to be an ardent and passionate wife at night!

Enduring beauty

All women want to be beautiful, and all wives want to be beautiful in the eyes of their husbands. Christian women go one step further and strive to be beautiful in the eyes of Jesus. But what really makes a woman beautiful?

So, I wish that men would say prayers in every place, raising their clean hands without anger and doubt; so that also women, in decent attire, with modesty and chastity, adorn themselves not with braided hair, nor with gold, nor with pearls, nor with clothes of great value. 1 Tim. 2:8.9

Husbands must abide in holiness, filling their hearts with faith and remaining free from unforgiveness, because the world is watching them. In the same way that men are to live holy lives, women are to be "in decent attire." Since ancient times, women have clearly understood that their clothing conveys information. They paid much more attention to fashion than men, and the number of stores women's clothing confirms this. A woman should remember that her manner of dressing testifies to the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in her life and represents her husband.

The word "decent" means "suitable", it doesn't mean burlap and ashes! "Decent attire" is clothing that suits you. No one can blame you for dressing fashionably, unless it looks too provocative. You can look great without showing off parts of your body that are only meant for your husband's eyes.

Having been brought up in the church, I have seen both extremes. I remember women who dressed so nondescriptly that they looked much older than their years and that is what attracted the attention of others. I have also seen women whose clothes were too revealing. By this they showed their dissatisfaction with their husbands and gave a special signal to men.

By our appearance, we should not draw attention to ourselves, but direct people to Jesus Christ. If you are unmarried and dress too provocatively, you will attract the attention of a man, but one can doubt that it will be a God-ordained man! He is attracted to your body, not you. He will be more interested in getting you into bed than building a relationship with you.

It is necessary that women dress decently, "with modesty and chastity," so that they "adorn themselves not with braided hair, nor with gold, nor with pearls, nor with clothes of great value." This does not mean that you should walk around with a terrible grimace on your face, never smile, that you should not do your hair, buy expensive clothes or wear jewelry!

These words can be translated as follows: "Let decency and prudence be your adornment, and not only beautiful clothes Appearance and clothing are important, but for a believing woman, God has a special, indescribable beauty that she could not even dream of, which cannot be purchased in a store or beauty salon!

May your adornment be not external braiding of hair, not golden headdresses or finery in clothes, but a man hidden in the heart in the imperishable beauty of a meek and silent spirit, which is precious before God. 1 Pet. 3:3.4

The attitude of a woman to her husband and to the Lord is what makes a woman truly beautiful.

interior decoration pure heart incorruptible and therefore eternal, but clothes and jewels are subject to corruption. If you wear the same dress for 20 years, even if it cost a thousand dollars and was made from the very the best material, over time it won't be worth a fraction of the price you paid when you bought it.

If you give your attention and strength to gaining new knowledge and growing in wisdom, then your inner beauty will be visible on the outside, and over the years it will become more and more stunning. This scripture passage indicates to the wife that a meek (teachable) and silent (prayerful) spirit is the most beautiful adornment in the eyes of God and your husband.

Decoration is what we show, it is something exquisite that we want to show to anyone and everyone. When a wife submits herself to God and her husband, concentrating her strength on developing her inner qualities and virtues, her meek and silent spirit literally adorns her. Her gracious attitude and wisdom become more visible than any clothing, hairstyle or jewelry. And when over the years her external beauty loses its brightness, her heart will be an adornment of God's love in the eyes of the world.

Sarah called Abraham a lord in faith!

Have you ever been in this situation: you are talking to married couple and when the husband explains something, the wife tactlessly interrupts his story to correct him? She may be saying, "No, it wasn't like that at all. It happened after the vacation, not before."

He stops and says, "I'm sorry, but that was before the holidays," and before he realizes it, an argument breaks out over a completely insignificant issue. If the wife stands her ground, the husband, in order to continue his story, concedes and admits that she is right.

When a wife constantly suppresses her husband, in most cases, for the sake of peace, he will give up his legitimate role and become a weak person. Many wives who control their husbands do not understand how their rebelliousness contributes to the weakness and indecision of their husband.

Such a wife never obeys her husband and does not recognize him as the head of the family, because she is afraid that he will make the wrong decision. The Bible gives us an example in 1 Peter 3.

So once the holy women, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, obeying their husbands: thus Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him master; you are her children if you do good and are not troubled by any fear. 1 Pet. 3:5.6

The opening word "thus" connects these verses in meaning with the first four verses of the chapter, where Peter says that, ultimately, the attitude of a woman's heart, and not her appearance conquers the heart and soul of her husband. It goes on to talk about Sarah, who called Abraham master.

The Bible says that Sarah was outwardly exceptional beautiful woman, so beautiful that twice Abraham asked her to impersonate his sister so that he would not be killed, wanting to take possession of her! (This gives us an idea of ​​how "brave" Abraham was.) Sarah's physical beauty didn't bring her much happiness!

In the beginning, her name was Sarah, which means "grumpy" or "picky". Because of Sarah's constant complaints, Abraham became more and more weak-willed. The Scriptures give an assessment of such a quarrelsome wife.

A constant drip on a rainy day and a grumpy wife are equal. Etc. 27:15

A wife who constantly finds fault with her husband is like the incessant drip on a rainy day - drip, drip, drip - which eventually gives out nerves. Wives, so you will never become a friend to your husband and do not change him! Your nagging will only cause your husband's anger and irritation, and he will continue to do what he did to get on your nerves.

If, as a result of your efforts, there will be changes in his character, then not for the better - most likely, he will become touchy. The root of the problem is that your relationship is turned upside down. You have turned into an aggressor and with your nit-picking "attack" him, and he responds to your demands, retreating from his own. Ultimately, he will not feel like a man, and you will not feel like a woman.

Sarah was not happy and content because she constantly corrected Abraham and tried to usurp his rightful authority. And only at the age of 90, after they had lived 60 years of marriage and her physical beauty had faded, did the "grumpy" Sarah become the "princess" Sarah.

Then she decided to call Abraham master and obey him - she fell in love with him again. Not only did they have a new, amazing relationship, but she miraculously conceived Isaac, the child God promised them years ago. I believe that when a wife waits on God to answer her prayers, the fulfillment of the promise is delayed until she recognizes her husband as master.

Wives, you are daughters of Sarah, "if you do good and are not troubled by any fear." This means that you are living a life that is pleasing to the Lord, and not guided by fear. Yes, it is easier to obey Jesus because He is perfect. The need to obey an imperfect husband can cause a wife to feel fear. This verse commands wives to be like Sarah, to stand bravely in faith, and to call their husbands their masters without letting fear dominate their lives.

Obedience works through faith.

When a wife rejects fear and embraces faith in God, as Sarah did, peace reigns in her heart. She understands that before the Lord she and her husband are equal, and she can humbly obey her husband as the Lord - through faith. She honors the role of "head of the house" just as she honors the role of "head of the Church."

A woman finds freedom, peace and contentment in her life when she submits herself to the Lord Jesus Christ. A wife finds freedom, joy, and contentment in her marriage when she obeys her husband. Thus, she completely erases the consequences of Eve's sin in her life. Instead of elevating herself to a goddess who depends on the Lord and her husband, she humbly submits herself to them.

When a wife obeys her husband, she, according to the Bible, becomes his glory (1 Cor. 11:7), "which is precious in the sight of God" (1 Pet. 3:4). The eternal rewards she receives are beyond anything she has given away. Obedience is, in fact, a valiant act of the wife, reflecting her faith and worship!

On one of the Orthodox sites, an everyday question was published that was related to family relationships. A woman named Irina, embarrassed by the biblical phrase about subordination to her husband, asked: And if the husband turned out to be not a very decent, selfish person, then what to do? Next to him, turn into a hunted creature, deprived of his personal opinion?

He cares, she obeys

In marriage, it is important to respect the hierarchy of relationships. This leads to unanimity of spouses and happiness in the family. Where there is no hierarchy, everything is in disorder and confusion. That is why the apostle Paul calls Christian women to obey the heads of families.

Many readers may be perplexed in connection with the mentioned apostolic phrase: Wives, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord. After all, Christ Himself says: whoever does not leave a wife or husband cannot follow Me (Luke 19:26; Matt. 10:36-37).

At first glance, it may seem that a certain contradiction has arisen: according to the apostle Paul, the wife should obey the head of the family as God, while the gospels say that the husband should be left for the sake of the Lord. According to St. John Chrysostom, the apostle calls on the wife to obey not for the sake of her husband, but for the sake of the Lord. The one who disobeys her husband opposes the command of God.

As Theophan the Recluse writes, the subordination of a wife follows from the fear of God and is equated with deeds of pleasing God, directly done to the Lord Himself. The wife obeys her husband as the representative of the authority given by God.

Against women's emancipation

Recently, there has been an opinion that now the relationship is “more vital”, that is, not at all the same as it was under the apostles. Is it possible to agree with the reasoning that in modern society has the position of women changed radically?

It is important to remember that apostolic ethics is based on the teaching of Christ, which remains the highest authority. Christ in earthly life embodied the moral norms and requirements, which he offered to his followers.

Everything that is proclaimed in the New Testament is eternal, refers to any era. This is not so much about a highly moral code of life, but about the expression of great thoughts and principles: their application is provided to each person in various life situations.

Human history has clearly shown that any deviation from the New Testament ethics leads to dangerous consequences not only for an individual person, but for the whole society as a whole.

Christian morality applies to all people and all times. Therefore, one should not refer to the spirit of modernity associated with female emancipation. Quite the opposite: the position of the Apostle Paul (regarding submission to a husband) is still a guide to action to achieve harmony in the family. This is discussed in the Lopukhin Explanatory Bible:

First of all, you need to realize that the apostle, like Christianity in general, does not want to humiliate a woman at all. Christianity, on the contrary, freed woman from the slavish position in which she was in the pre-Christian world, and recognized her religious and moral equality with men. If the apostle subordinates a woman to a man in the conditions of home life, then he does this in accordance with the creative establishment of God, according to which both sexes have their own special advantages and boundaries of activity. The advantage of the spouse is physical strength, intelligence and strong-willed energy, the advantage of the woman is the disposition to practical exercises, sincerity and the energy of passivity

If the apostle subordinates a woman to a man in the conditions of home life, then he does this in accordance with the creative establishment of God, according to which both sexes have their own special advantages and boundaries of activity. The advantage of the spouse is physical strength, intelligence and strong-willed energy, the advantage of the woman is the disposition to practical exercises, sincerity and the energy of passivity.

The desire of the wife for superiority is an unsuccessful attempt to take over part of the duties of the husband. It is to him (by divine determination) that the dominant position in family life. After all, he is called upon to perform certain duties that are unbearable for the wife.

Christian women need to understand the main thing: submission to a husband is not a compulsion, but a necessity. After all, they must perceive their husbands as representatives of the Lord, who is also present in the family (through the sacrament of marriage).

Love and self-sacrifice

The Apostle Paul also turns his gaze to men: it is important to measure your demand with love - to love your halves, just as Christ loved the Church (and gave Himself up for her).

Thus, love is self-sacrifice for the sake of the beloved and beloved. How Christ, being offered on the cross, sanctified the Church and cleansed her in the Sacrament of Baptism. Acting as the Bridegroom, the Lord has set the Church as His bride: she is in anticipation of the wedding feast, which will come after His second coming.

According to the apostle, a husband is called to love his wife, because she is his flesh (made from a man's rib), is her husband's own body. Just as he should take care of his (and female) body, so Christ nourishes His Body - the Church, giving the bread of life (in the Sacrament of Communion), feeding, like a good shepherd, his sheep.

Every Christian is called to be a member of the body of Christ - he came from His flesh (like Eve from Adam's rib). We carry Christ within ourselves and keep the image of God.

Since the wife is the body of the husband, he must leave his parents and cling to his beloved (as stated in Genesis 2:24). The Apostle Paul points out the similarity of married marriage with the relationship of Christ to the Church. Interpreting these biblical verses, John Chrysostom writes: Truly this is a great Sacrament, containing some kind of inexpressible wisdom.

So, the expression “a wife should be afraid of her husband” does not mean some kind of slavish fear, but precisely that reverent fear that we experience when we do not want to offend our beloved (beloved) with an unworthy act. The voluntary obedience of a wife is not the position of a slave in the master's house.

In Islam women can be beaten...

It should be noted that the Christian attitude towards the weaker sex is fundamentally different from the Muslim one. The Quran says about this:

Tell the believing women to lower their eyes... Let them not flaunt their adornments, except for those that are visible, and let them cover the neckline with their veils and show their beauty to no one but their husbands, or their fathers, or their fathers-in-law, or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of their sisters, or their women, or slaves who have been taken possession of by their right hands, or male servants

Islam allows women to work under certain conditions: they cannot be alone with other men, and the work itself should not interfere with more important matters, such as caring for children.

A large family, which in the Islamic tradition acts as a kind of standard, serves as a guideline for most Muslim women: in accordance with it, they plan their lives and choose professions, taking into account the fact that the main efforts will be given to the family, and not to a career.

In Islam, it is allowed to physically punish a wife if she disobeys her husband and does not obey him without a good reason. This is stated in the fourth sura of the Qur'an (An-Nisa 4:34):

Husbands are the caretakers of wives, because Allah has given some people an advantage over others, and because husbands spend (for the maintenance of wives) funds from their property. Virtuous women are devoted (to their husbands) and keep the honor that Allah has ordered to keep. And those wives whose fidelity you are not sure, (first) exhort, (then) avoid them in the marital bed and (finally) beat

Hence the conclusion: before linking their marriage ties with non-Christians, our women should think carefully about the possible consequences ...

When one of the spouses have feelings - this is a severe stress. Any changes in relationships for the worse are especially painful for a woman, since it is vital for her to be loved and desired. It is very difficult to accept the fact that a man has fallen out of love, so many wives continue to deceive themselves and play ideal family. Such a position is very dangerous, as it presupposes inaction. It is much wiser to admit the problem and try to figure out what to do if the husband does not love his wife. What signs may indicate this?

Direct "evidence" or hidden hints?

As a rule, it is not necessary for a wife to have direct evidence that she is no longer loved. This is manifested even in small things, you just need to stop "burying your head in the sand" and analyze your husband's behavior. Psychologists advise paying attention to a whole range of factors that explain how a husband behaves if he does not love his wife.

The main signs of dislike

Do you need to save your family?

If a husband does not love his wife, what should she do? This is the first question that a woman must answer for herself. To make it easier to make a decision, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of your man and understand whether you need to fight for him. Divorce is never easy, but living with a husband who has no feelings left is just as hard. Not every woman is ready to live with the hope that her husband will love her again.

Ways out of the situation

Psychologists assure that, once in this position, a woman can choose one of two options:

  • Leave if there is no certainty that feelings will return, and do not torment yourself or your husband.
  • Try to bring back a lost love.

Can a husband fall in love again?

Life is unpredictable, so this outcome is quite likely. But for this, a woman must make some efforts. First of all, you need to remember how the relationship began, and what initially attracted the man. After analyzing the relationship, the wife should also realize her mistakes, because for sure they were. It is useless to shift the blame only to the husband, this position is doomed to failure.

There are always signs that a husband does not love his wife. What signs may indicate this - you need to figure it out. A woman knows her husband best of all, so it will not be difficult for her to identify factors that provoke irritation. It is worth starting work on relationships by eliminating the causes that cause dissatisfaction with the husband.

Sometimes in such cases, a joint trip or a weekend spent together will be indispensable. The opportunity to retire and talk calmly is an important step towards mutual understanding.

There is always a difficult situation if a husband does not love his wife. What to do - the woman must decide. When she wants to return her husband's love, you should not impose yourself and become his shadow - this will push him away and cause a new wave of irritation. You can not show your loneliness and longing. self-confident and happy woman attracts much more. In order for a husband to look at his wife with different eyes, she must also believe in her attractiveness and exclusivity. It is unlikely that a husband will want to idolize a woman who does not believe in herself.

Honor and praise

Every man loves to be admired. This is an integral feature of their nature, and many wise women take advantage of this. When a wife praises her husband and emphasizes his dignity, he feels confident next to her, and will constantly return for a new portion of admiration.

Probably, every woman from time to time thinks: if a husband does not love his wife, what signs should be present. Joint conversations on topics that are of interest to both will help restore past feelings. A woman can surprise her husband with her knowledge in various fields and show that she is smart and educated.

If you decide to leave...

Family life is not easy, so it often ends in divorce. When people have different values ​​and perceptions of the world, it is not easy for them to find mutual language and save love. At the beginning of a relationship, very little attention is paid to this fact, it seems that all difficulties can be overcome. But when feelings cool down, optimism quickly disappears, and often a situation arises when a husband does not love his wife. What signs will help determine this - any wife knows.

If a woman realizes that she is not ready to live with a man who does not love her, she decides to leave him. In such cases, resentment and misunderstanding do not allow an objective assessment of the situation, but it is worth making an effort on yourself and breaking up correctly. There is no need to accuse the husband of dislike, it is better to try to accept reality and let him go. Perhaps then the relationship will go to new level and everyone can live their own lives.

What do the experts say?

If the husband does not love his wife, the advice of a psychologist comes down to one thing - to analyze the relationship and future prospects. It is important to understand that all couples feel a chill at some point in time. When the cold drags on, the woman begins to realize that perhaps her husband has stopped loving her. It seems that he lives his own life, in which she has no place.

Each family may have its own reasons why it seems that a husband does not love his wife. Signs should be considered only in a complex. Psychologists believe that most often feelings cool down due to the fact that there was not enough emotional closeness between the spouses. Misunderstanding leads to the fact that the couple cannot find a compromise and come to an agreement. Problems grow, irritation accumulates, and quarrels do not fade away.

What to do?

When a woman realizes that her husband has lost interest in her, she thinks about how to return his feelings. But first of all, it is worth understanding: is it necessary to do this? Often, attempts to call a man to talk end in failure, since he is unlikely to discuss his feelings.

To avoid another scandal, a woman should express her thoughts calmly and judiciously, without stooping to insults. How does a husband behave if he does not love his wife? By his behavior, intonation and words, one can understand whether there is a chance to restore the family or whether one needs to come to terms with reality.

When a relationship is like a one-sided game, the wife needs to think about herself and remember that she, too, has the right to be happy. No need to continue meaningless conversations and try with all your might to keep your husband. Such actions will not result in strong family but will bring new disappointments and the collapse of hope.

A woman must realize that, clinging to her back, she will never feel needed and desired. Sometimes loneliness is much more pleasant than constant torment and suffering, so you should not be afraid of it. In addition, it is time to find peace of mind and harmony, which will be useful for building new relationships. It is important to realize that one's own happiness does not depend on the actions of other people, it is achieved as a result of painstaking inner work on oneself.

For help go to church

If a husband does not love his wife, the questions the woman asks the priest will help her learn to believe in the best. You need to appreciate life, notice elementary joys and know that God sends only those trials that a person can endure.

“Wives, be subject to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the Church.”(Eph. 5:22-23).

All people have the same human dignity. Both men and women are equally bearers of the image of God. The fundamental equality of the dignity of the sexes does not abolish their natural difference and does not mean the identity of their vocations both in the family and in society. Do not misinterpret the words of the Apostle Paul about the special responsibility of a husband who is called to be "the head of the wife" those who love her as Christ loves His Church, and the calling of the wife to obey her husband as the Church obeys Christ (Eph. 5:22-23; Col. 3:18). In these words, we are talking, of course, not about the despotism of a husband or the enslavement of a wife, but about primacy in responsibility, in care and love; we should also not forget that all Christians are called to mutual "obedience to one another in the fear of God"(Eph. 5:21). That's why “Neither a husband without a wife, nor a wife without a husband, in the Lord. For as the wife is from the husband, so is the husband through the wife; yet it is from God."(1 Corinthians 11:11-12).

Creating a person as a man and a woman, the Lord creates a family arranged hierarchically - the wife was created as a helper to her husband: “And the Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."(Gen. 2:18). “For the husband is not from the wife, but the wife is from the husband; and the husband was not made for the wife, but the wife for the husband"(Cor. 11:8-9).

The family as a home church is a single organism, each of whose members has its own purpose and ministry. The Apostle Paul, speaking of the organization of the Church, explains: “The body is not made up of one member, but of many. If the leg says: I do not belong to the body, because I am not the hand, then does it really not belong to the body? And if the ear says: I do not belong to the body, because I am not the eye, then does it really not belong to the body? If the whole body is eyes, then where is hearing? If everything is hearing, then where is the sense of smell? But God arranged the members, each in the composition of the body, as He pleased. And if all were one member, then where would the body be? But now the members are many, but the body is one. The eye cannot tell the hand: I do not need you; or also head to feet: I don't need you. On the contrary, the members of the body that seem to be the weakest are much more needed, and which seem to us less noble in the body, we make more care for those; and our ugly ones are more plausibly covered, but our decent ones have no need of it. But God measured the body, inspiring greater care for the less perfect, so that there would be no division in the body, and all members would equally take care of each other.(1 Corinthians 12:14-25). All of the above applies to the "small church" - the family.

The headship of a husband is an advantage among equals, just as in the Holy Trinity among equal Persons, one-man command belongs to God the Father.

Therefore, the husband's service as the head of the family is expressed, for example, in the fact that in the most important issues for the family, he makes decisions on behalf of the whole family, and is also responsible for the whole family. But it is not at all necessary that the husband, when making a decision, does it alone. It is impossible for one person to be an expert in all fields. And the wise ruler is not the one who can decide everything himself, but the one who has wise advisers in every area. So the wife in some family matters (for example, in matters of relationships between children) can understand better than the husband, then the advice of the wife becomes simply necessary.

Does the Church allow second marriage?

After confirmation by the diocesan authorities of the canonical grounds for divorce, such as adultery and others recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church as legal, a second marriage is allowed to the innocent spouse. Persons whose first marriage broke up and was annulled through their fault are allowed to enter into a second marriage only on condition of repentance and fulfillment of the penance imposed in accordance with canonical rules. In those exceptional cases where a third marriage is allowed, the period of penance, in accordance with the rules of St. Basil the Great, is extended.

In its attitude to the second marriage, the Orthodox Church is guided by the words of the Apostle Paul: “Are you connected to your wife? don't seek divorce. Did he leave without a wife? don't look for a wife. However, even if you marry, you will not sin; and if a girl marries, she will not sin... A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; if her husband dies, she is free to marry whomever she wants, only in the Lord.(1 Corinthians 7:27-28, 39).