How to make a caterpillar from apples step by step. Apple caterpillar craft. Do-it-yourself scary muzzle for Halloween

Autumn crafts from apples are a great idea! A little effort, perseverance, patience and skill - and an ordinary apple turns into the most unexpected character.

Each child can make apple crafts for school, and with the help of parents, children can make apple crafts

Do-it-yourself rooster from apples

To make this do-it-yourself apple craft, you need to stock up in advance with one large red apple and one smaller red apple, one medium-sized green apple, a sharp knife and several wooden skewers for barbecue.

Toothpicks and slices of bright orange carrots will also come in handy.

Let's get started! Cut the green apple into two even halves.

We put one half on a plate and stick two toothpicks into it (you can break off a piece from a wooden skewer).

We take a large red apple and make two arcuate cuts on it, facing each other with the concave side.

We connect these cuts with two transverse arcuate notches. We try on the apple to the green half - it should be firmly fixed. We make the same arcuate communicating cuts on the opposite side of the apple - these will be the wings of the cockerel.

We remove it and make two parallel cuts next to the petiole.

Here we will insert a puffy tail cut from the remaining half of a green apple. It turns out the body.

Now we take a large peeled carrot, cut out a scallop, a beak and a beard from it (in the form of two triangles).

We attach the beak to the tail of a small red apple with a toothpick.

We fasten the cock's beard from below, inserting it into the incision.

Above is a scallop. We've got a head!

We attach the head to the body - and ours is almost ready! To attach the head, it is better to use a wooden skewer, it will fix the parts better.

It remains only to make the cockerel two sharp eyes. To do this, we cut off a small piece of skin from both sides of the head, exposing the white flesh of the apple.

We insert a sharp clove, a pea of ​​black allspice or any other small piece that looks like an eye into this area. You can use beads or beads.

Well, now our cockerel is definitely ready!

Proudly, he sits on his perches, looking around in anticipation of guests and spectators.

A selection of wonderful apple crafts:

From apples you can make a very simple, but beautiful ladybug. For crafts, we need a red apple, a dense plum and a few dark berries (blueberries, blackberries).

We cut the apple into two parts. We put one part aside - we will no longer need it. The rest of the cut into two more parts in the center.

Cut off the front of the plum. This is the future head of a ladybug.

We attach the plum head to the shell of the two halves of the apple.

We connect the "head" and "shell"

Cut the berries into two halves. With these halves we decorate the ladybug's apple shell.

Ladybug is ready! For its manufacture, toothpicks, glue or paint are not used, so it can be safely put into the mouth.

Watch the video on how to make an apple ladybug:

Apple caterpillar

Round green apples are perfect for making caterpillars. In addition to apples, we cook carrots, toothpicks, beads and cabbage.

Using toothpicks, we fasten the apples together.

We cut the carrot into circles. Each of the circles is cut into two parts and attached with toothpicks to an apple.

Attach the apple head. We decorate the apple with bead horns, glue the eyes and mouth.

We plant our caterpillar in a cabbage leaf. Craft from apples "caterpillar" - ready!

The caterpillar can be decorated with a necklace of berries.

Watch how to make an apple caterpillar in the video:

In order to make the most delicious and beautiful turkey, we need an apple, pieces of marmalade, toothpicks, edible eyes, a little mastic for the cake. You can change the materials for the craft a little, depending on your capabilities.

We make a turkey head and fasten it with a toothpick. We also string marmalade on toothpicks and stick them into the apple. By the same principle, we can make a cockerel or even a peacock.

Children's dishes from apples

apple for children's table- cutting "Crab":

Apple for a children's table - cutting "Owl":

From apples you can cut a graceful swan.

The neck of a swan can be made from a beautifully curved apple peel.

Watch how to make an apple crab in the video:

The most advanced masters will be able to make a bear out of apples.

To make such a vase with an apple flower, cut the apple into two parts. We cut out one part in the form of a flower, and the second we give the shape of a cup. We fasten the flower and the cup together with wooden sticks. It remains to fill the apple with delicious berries.

DIY apple bouquet

From apples, pomegranate and greens, you can make a delicious and healthy bouquet.

Watch how to make a luxurious bouquet of apples in the video:

And in this fruit bouquet, both apples and tangerines, grapes, lemon and greens are used. It turns out very tasty and festive.

DIY apple crafts reviews:

“The cockerel came out cool!”

"Good crafts") (alevita)

Autumn is a very generous time of the year. She gives us a huge amount of tasty and healthy vegetables and fruits, golden foliage, luxurious late flowers, acorns and chestnuts. And all these gifts can be used to make children's crafts. In this article we will tell you how to make a caterpillar from apples with your own hands.

Beautiful apple caterpillar

Craft "Apple Caterpillar" step by step

Apples for crafts need to choose beautiful

To make a caterpillar from apples, you need to prepare:

  • carrot;
  • apples;
  • grape;
  • mountain ash;
  • toothpicks;
  • dried flowers, ribbons different colors, thick threads and other materials for decor at your discretion.

It is good if apples for crafts are plucked from a tree, and not collected on the ground

Another craft option

Carrots need to be washed and dried, cut into circles about 4-5 mm thick. Poke a toothpick into the place of the tail in the apple, string one carrot ring and attach the second apple. Repeat until the body is the desired length.

Such mugs of carrots need to be prepared for the caterpillar

From the largest apple you need to make a head. It must be fixed perpendicular to the body.

Red apple caterpillar

When the body of the insect is formed, it must be supplemented with legs. They can also be made from circles of carrots and attached with toothpicks.

Black chokeberry berries will replace the eyes

As an eye, you can use chokeberry, grapes or blanks bought at a craft store. A beautiful nose is obtained from green grapes.

Rowan beads will become good decoration caterpillars

If it is planned that the caterpillar will be a girl, you can put a bright hat of dried flowers on her head or attach a bow made of satin ribbons. Do-it-yourself beads made of mountain ash do not interfere.

funny caterpillar

The caterpillar boy should also be decorated. A small dark-colored hat and a blue bow made of ribbon or interwoven knitting threads will come in handy here.

You can decorate an insect with satin ribbons

In order for the craft to last longer, it must be fixed on a cardboard backing covered with a beautiful fabric.

An easier way to make for kids

Another way to make caterpillars from apples

There is another way to make an apple caterpillar. It involves the use of fruit cut into small pieces.

Apple slice caterpillar

First you need to prepare a sheet of white cardboard, and then lay out the body of the insect on it. Legs and horns can be made from colored paper, the head can be made from cardboard or an apple mug. Eyes should be cut out of apple peel and tinted with a marker or molded from plasticine.

Caterpillar with beaded horns

The disadvantage of this craft is its mobility (the apple pieces are not attached to the cardboard base in any way), so you need to carry it to the exhibition very carefully.

Nadezhda Bratukhina

every year in kindergarten an exhibition of crafts for the holiday of autumn. My niece and I took an active part in the autumn exhibition. We decided to make 2 crafts - apple caterpillar and a sailboat from a zucchini. For starters, we took apples, skewers, rubber bands, beads for decorating crafts, carrots and toothpicks.

put on apples on a skewer,between apples put on elastic bands and stuck toothpicks instead of legs.

The carrots were cut into circles and made shoes.

Inserted eyes and decorated the horns of beads.

Beautiful turned out caterpillar since kindergarten all the kids liked it!

And we also made such a sailboat.

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Spending time making various crafts is always interesting and very useful. At the same time, it is important to first choose the right materials. In autumn, the generous gifts of nature become available. Therefore, crafts from apples are popular.

From these fruits, you can make a large number of various crafts that are sure to delight both children and adults.

An apple is a handy and malleable fruit, easy to work with, and a variety of shades makes it possible to bring a variety of ideas to life.

But when using an apple, certain rules must be followed. This is important, as many varieties that are high in iron can turn black quickly. As a result, the craft will become ugly in a short time, and this can upset the young master.

Before you start making any craft, you should prepare everything necessary tools and components. Most often, when working with fruits, plasticine, threads, scissors and toothpicks are additionally used. The fruits themselves must be thoroughly washed and wiped with a towel.

It is important to be able to choose the right apples. In order for the craft to last long enough, it is necessary to take only fresh fruits. They should be free of signs of insect infestation and rot. A good apple should be smooth and even. In this case, it is ideal for making any craft.

When working with an apple, the use of knives, toothpicks and other sharp objects is often required. They should only be used under adult supervision.

Children cannot use cutting objects without assistance. It is worth immediately stocking up on a few apples. The art of carving, that is, the carving of vegetables and fruits, is comprehended gradually. Therefore, it is possible that the first crafts will come out not quite beautiful. It is impossible to store ready-made copies for a long time, since the apple quickly deteriorates, and the very next day there will be ugly spots at the site of the cuts. You can slow down the natural process a little by using lemon juice, which will prevent the pulp from turning black quickly.

apple snowman

From a pair of small fruits, you can make an interesting winter character with your own hands. To do this, take apples yellow color. You will also need a few toothpicks, buttons, or peppercorns to make the eyes. And a small piece of fresh carrots.

First you need to take the apples and put them on top of each other. They are fastened with toothpicks or matches. In order for the snowman to look more like a real one, you need to cut off a layer of apple from the top of the workpiece. Now it will be more convenient to fix the eyes here. The nose is best cut out of carrots and attached below the peas.

Additionally, a couple of mittens must be cut out of carrots. They should be secured to toothpicks that are attached to the area just below the snowman's head. These will be the hands of a fairy-tale character.

It is very easy to make such a craft, it is perfect for an exhibition not only on New Year but also on Autumn Day. Moreover, cheerful snowmen in the form of apples can be decorated festive table on children's matinee.

Hedgehog from an apple

For a kindergarten, an exhibition can be done in 5-10 minutes wonderful hedgehog. All you need is one apple and a knife. An adult must handle the knife.

There are several options for how to work on this type of craft. The base will always be the same - this is half an apple. This is what the hedgehog's body will look like. His nose can be molded from plasticine, and then eyes can be added. Next, you need to work on the spines. They can be made from toothpicks or pieces of the apple itself. In the first case, wooden sticks are simply broken in half and stuck into the hedgehog's back. Additionally, you can string grapes on them to make the thorns look more impressive.

The second option is more complicated. It involves the use of the second half of the apple. Sharp triangles are carefully cut out of it, which are then inserted into the holes made with a knife on the hedgehog's back. If desired, you can replace the apple slices with sunflower seeds. They also look quite good and give the craft more realism.

apple caterpillar

An apple caterpillar is a fairly large craft that will not go unnoticed at an exhibition in a kindergarten. For a caterpillar, you need 5-6 apples. They must be whole and the same size. Any color can be chosen. The alternation of yellow, green and red fruits looks very impressive.

The largest apple should become the head. Further, other fruits are alternately attached to it through a toothpick. As a decoration for crafts, you can use peppercorns, which will become eyes. Additionally, it is worth constructing a hat from colored paper or tying a bow to the caterpillar.

Chicken from apples and plasticine

This craft will eventually turn out to be inedible, but the bird looks very impressive.

To make it, you will need a large yellow apple and some brown, white and red plasticine. Feathers and sunflower seeds will serve as an additional decoration for crafts.

First, from brown plasticine, you need to sculpt a round head and a pair of wings. They stick to the apple. The crest and legs of the bird will be made of red plasticine. If the chicken will sit in the nest, the legs can be omitted. The eyes are made from black plasticine. The beak will be a sunflower seed. One of the main elements of crafts will be feathers. They are inserted in the place where the chicken should have a tail. Additionally, you can decorate everything with twigs, dry grass and grains that birds love so much.