How to make your own ninja turtle shell. DIY ninja turtle carnival costume. Homemade costume options

Now these heroes no longer cause former delight, but in the winter I completely forgot to tell you about another craft our dad made on this topic - and then he made a real turtle shell for his son!

In the Cinema 4D program, the husband himself drew a three-dimensional model of the shell and received a flat pattern for this model. I printed it out on a printer, pasted it on cardboard and got just such a blank for the shell itself and its stiffeners.

We collect the shell, strengthening each connection of the parts by gluing an additional piece of paper.

It is a pity that for some reason we do not have a photograph of the internal structure of the shell. Inside it has stiffening ribs that fix the shape. So that these ribs do not injure the child’s back later, and just for aesthetics, we glue a flat cardboard bottom to the shell.

In order to even out the texture of the shell and prepare it for painting, we glue it completely on the outside with scraps of toilet paper.

And then we color. First, the husband painted over the entire shell with green paint, and then painted turtle spots in black, after which the shell immediately acquired volume and became completely like a real one!

I also made a felt ninja turtle mask for my son, but he categorically refused to wear it. Apparently, they did not like that the mask interferes with the review.

Instead, we just tied it on our heads satin ribbon, and we got such a Mickey turtle in the winter.

And here are very fresh photos of a son who has matured for six months, all in the same shell. The guy has grown up, however!

The son in this form and somehow walked around the yard, and went to visit his grandmother. In general, such an outfit is quite suitable for any New Year's party. Last year, the son was still too small for public events, but for the next New Year we may well go to some "Christmas tree" in this suit. Unless, of course, until then, interests have not changed radically, and dad does not have to make an outfit for his son of a completely different hero.

The cartoon "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" has not lost popularity for almost 30 years. Its first season was released in 1987, and comics appeared even earlier - in 1984. Since then, films, animated series and full-length animated films about the adventures of four brave warriors have been released with enviable regularity. And it is not surprising that not only children, but also adults are happy to put on a costume of ninja turtles for theme parties, matinees, gatherings of fans. Demand creates supply, and you can easily find a factory outfit, but it will cost a lot. How to make your own ninja turtle costume We will talk about this in the article.

Funny family

What to do if dad, mom and children want to wear for a holiday? there are a lot of characters in the series, enough for the average family. For example, dad can be dressed as Shredder - what man would refuse armor, and even the famous villain? And the image of April O’Neil will suit my mother, perhaps you don’t even have to sew or buy anything, the girl’s outfit is quite casual. Well, children will be happy to transform into any of the four warriors - Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael or Michelangelo. Here is an example of such a family:

For inspiration

And here are a couple more options for what a ninja turtle costume might look like. The photo shows that all the details are easy to make at home, it is worth making a little effort.

This is a costume that will take a lot of time to sew, and if you are looking for easier ideas, then look how the girls beat simple items foil clothing and uniforms.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Costumes

Do you want to make your child an inexpensive and comfortable outfit in which he can show off not only at the holiday, but even play with friends? Then take note of this option:

You will need:

  • Green pajamas (if not available) right size, just a t-shirt and panties will work too).
  • Thin felt of different colors: coffee, orange for headbands (if you are doing Michelangelo, but in general each turtle has its own color and weapon).
  • Form for baking.
  • Green
  • Brown chalk.
  • Toy nunchucks.
  • Adhesive thermal tape.
  • Iron.
  • Velcro.
  • Scotch.
  • Glue gun.
  • Scissors.

How to make a costume

  1. From the coffee-colored felt, cut out an oval to make the “turtle” abdomen. Finely draw a press on it.
  2. Pajamas are used here, which fastens with a zipper. Therefore, felt to right side glued to the thermal tape, and Velcro was sewn on the left. So you can conveniently unfasten the false belly and remove / put on pajamas for the child.
  3. Now we take ordinary plastic nunchucks and decorate them with brown and coffee-colored felt.
  4. Let's move on to the shell: the height of the sides of the form is too big for a child, so they should be cut off and treated with tape so as not to cut yourself. We paint the foil from the can in green. When it dries, glue the Velcro on top and bottom, we do the same on pajamas so that the shell is held on the back of the child.
  5. If you cannot find such a foil shape, then you can get by with a painted cardboard shell or sew a small oval-shaped pillow.
  6. We cut out a mask, elbow pads and knee pads from orange felt, and a belt from brown felt.
  7. The latter is useful to additionally fix the shell on the back of a small fidget.

Older boys will love a sweatshirt decorated according to the same principle:

Costumes for adults

Simple calculations show that the children who watched the first episodes of the animated series in 1987 have reached middle age, the younger fans are people about 30 years old. And they continue to love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series. An adult costume can also be made independently. He can be different levels complexity, depending on the event where they are going to wear it. For example:

Let's complicate the task

For gatherings of fans or large parties, you need a more serious Ninja Turtles costume. You can again get by with a large baking dish as a shell, but it needs to be beautifully painted.

Most adult homemade costumes use elements made from papier-mâché. As a rule, this is the head, arm, legs, shell and breastplate. Enthusiasts can also add muscle made in this technique.

A lot of thick paper was taken to make this costume. The head and arms are made of papier-mâché, which was pasted over an approximate blank of cardboard glued with adhesive tape. Then newspapers, flour, water and glue were used. For the eyes, we took one ping-pong ball, cut it in half and painted it. The feet are also made of papier-mâché, but old sneakers were used as the basis.

I had to buy a one-color green suit, then the ready-made elements were painted with acrylic paints to match it. If you make such an outfit, do not forget to immediately mix a lot of paint, because if it runs out, it will be difficult to repeat a particular shade.

For the shell, a more complex technique was required: first, each element is cut out of cardboard, then glued with hot glue from a gun (careful, you can get burned more than once). This is how a convex blank is obtained, the volume and relief of which was given with the help of brown bags for sandwiches and paints.

The bib is made of several layers of cardboard and foamiran (foam for needlework).

It took about 2 months of work in my spare time to make this Raphael costume.

For lovely fans

But such a costume of ninja turtles for a girl can be made in two hours:

You will need:

  • tulle different shades green.
  • Rubber.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Baking dish.
  • White sports top and stockings.
  • Green paint in a can for fabric.
  • Watercolor.
  • Black lace.
  • Old T-shirt.

Production order:

  1. First, paint the top and knee socks green.
  2. Then we make a skirt: cut off the elastic around the waist (keep in mind that it stretches). We sew it in a circle, cut the tulle into thin strips. Fold it in half and fasten it with an elastic band. So repeat until you get a fluffy skirt.
  3. We paint the aluminum mold green, thread the laces to wear it as a backpack.
  4. From an old t-shirt suitable color cut out strips on the head, elbows, knees.

The end result is a great costume. DIY ninja turtle is ready. It remains only to paint the abdomen and back with watercolors and make the cubes on the press a lighter color.

The team of brave mutant turtles does not lose its relevance even decades after their appearance as comic book heroes. And after the release of the last full-length film, their popularity has increased many times over. Can be bought already ready-made t-shirt or get creative. What should be considered in order to make a DIY Ninja Turtle costume for Halloween, New Year, or for any other themed party?

Stage 1: Green skin

In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. It is enough just to take care of the right . For this purpose you will need:

The procedure for creating a costume consists of several successive stages.

The cardboard is inserted into the T-shirt - it can be replaced with any other similar material that you don't mind throwing away after use.

To do it yourself for a boy, you need to lay out a T-shirt on a flat surface. A sheet of cardboard should be a similar width - just a little narrower.

Apply paint to the center of the jacket - you should get a neat rectangle. Perfect option- put it on a green T-shirt worn over a sweatshirt with long sleeves.

In order not to wash the plate after use, it is better to dilute the paint in plastic dishes - this is both convenient and practical. Based on the image of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, draw suitable lines on the body.

The appearance of the characters has changed repeatedly, and therefore you can choose any image you like. The simplest option is brown lines in the center, divided into 6 squares of approximately the same size.

If the square on the stomach will successfully imitate the press cubes, then the suit will turn out to be especially stylish.

Stage 2: Carapace

Distinctive feature these heroes - a protective shell. Can buy a T-shirt with a picture or create this part yourself. Do new Year costume do-it-yourself ninja turtles are quite easy, but first you need to prepare the surface by cleaning the table or floor from unnecessary items and covering it with disposable oilcloth or newspapers.

For work you will need:

A common question is how to make a shell for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume. For this purpose, it is necessary to give the pan desired shape- it will be the basis for subsequent actions. The edges bend outward and level out a little - you should get a neat oval.

Having cut squares of paper about 5 cm in size, it is worth lowering their glue one by one, and then gluing them to the shell blank. After there is absolutely no free space left, the structure must be left to dry. When the shell hardens, it can be wrapped in cellophane.

It remains only to paint the base to make the product look like the original Turtle costume. To prevent the newspaper from showing through the paint, it is better to make the last layer of white paper.

Any image of the Mutant Turtles is suitable for coloring - as a rule, these are lines drawn horizontally in a certain order.

It’s worth working carefully, but in any case, it’s worth preparing a suit in the clothes that you won’t mind ruining. After staining, the product must be thoroughly dried - this will take several hours.

Using a drill, you need to make four small holes. This is the easiest way to answer the question of how to make a New Year's Ninja Turtle costume, but you can use any other suitable tool if you wish.

The main thing is that the holes are the same and located like a backpack - then the shell will be easy to put on your back.

Fasten the belts or tight ropes with knots. For the formation of a complete image, it is worth using the help of a friend.

Stage 3: Additional details

If you are looking for the answer to the question of how to make a ninja turtle costume, you should complement the main elements with stylish accessories. For this you will need:

The ribbon is wrapped around the waist and then cut off. A circle is cut out of paper and cardboard - up to 10 cm in diameter, which is glued to a tape belt.

The first letter of the chosen hero's name should be written on it. It is better to secure the tape at the waist with several seams or a stapler, but you can also simply tie it.

Similar pieces of ribbon should decorate the legs, arms - to get the original Ninja Turtle costume. The color is selected in accordance with the selected hero. The wide band can be used as an eye mask.

If it is narrower than necessary or this option causes inconvenience, then you can simply put it on your forehead.

You can buy a mask or draw it - the main match is the shade. The drawing is applied along the line of the eyebrows and under the eyes - it should not be too wide.

To finally complete the do-it-yourself ninja turtle carnival costume, you should add some muscles to yourself. For this, a thick blanket, blanket or pillow is suitable - such a garment should be placed in the chest and shoulders. But you can do without it - the main thing is self-confidence!

    Buy the right style weapon - so the costume will look even more solid.

    Colored socks or pieces of fabric in a matching color can be used as an alternative to ribbons.

    Before proceeding to the next stage of work, it is important to make sure that all parts are completely dry.

    You can use the base, or you can sew the desired image - this will require a pattern of a ninja turtle costume with your own hands.

For creating required:

    • Green clothes

      Paints - yellow, brown and green

      plastic utensils

      Roller or brush for painting

      Cardboard and paper

      colored marker

      Face paint or mask

      One of my friends’ younger son is “sick” with ninja turtles, so it’s not difficult to guess what costume he asked for for ng) We laughed for a long time, sorting through the options of what is at hand, similar to a turtle shell - a tray, a basin, a baking dish (there are such round ones), even ice sleds)))) And the child is so in love with these heroes that it is likely that he will to carry this suit even after the Christmas tree and even settle down to sleep in it, so we decided not to torment him with a basin, but to make it in an adult way - from foam rubber. Who cares - then there is a description of how I made this shell.

      The fabric was taken from the one that is used for the lining, it is of course thin and glare a little, but for a one-time suit it will do. The foam was thin, about 1.5 cm thick.

      To begin with, we need to make a 1: 1 pattern out of paper in the form of an oval with lines on the shell itself (we look at how it looks on the Internet), according to this pattern, we cut out the detail from the foam rubber (in my case, the oval was slightly cut out from above, we thought it would interfere with the head ), and the fabric of the top should be 4-5 cm larger than the foam rubber, we transfer all the lines from the pattern to it. We connect the fabric with foam rubber, in accordance with the pattern, and fasten it with pins.

      On all lines we make straight lines on a typewriter.

      To make the foam slide easily, you can put a newspaper / thin paper on the inside, which is then easily removed. This is what the lines look like from the inside.

      The remaining allowance is folded inside out and glued (I glued on Titanium). I had a small piece of fabric, so the allowances on different sides are different.

      We cut out a small oval from the foam rubber and glue it in the center, slightly tightening the lower foam rubber so that a slight bend appears. There is no need to rush here and tighten too much, otherwise everything will be skewed)) it is better to let the bend be very small, but look natural. Let the glue stick and dry.

      We cut out another oval, already larger than the previous one, and paste it on the lower and smaller one, also stretching and creating a bend in the lower layer. This layer must be well glued around the entire edge, because it will hold the load and shape of the shell.

      Since my piece of fabric was too small, I had to cut out additional strips and cover the edges of the foam rubber with them. I did this so that the white edge was not visible on the side. If the allowance is left large in advance, then it will be enough to close the edge of the foam rubber.

      This is how the bulge turned out))

      You can stop there, it already looks like a shell.

      If you want more realism, then let's start coloring. We apply fabric paints with a sponge green color(our main color of the suit is dark green) along all lines at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. Dry.

      Now with black paint and a brush we draw stripes and shade them, painting over all the folds. I also drew a strip along the entire edge, imitating the edges of the shell, but it is quite possible to do without this strip.

      Dry, enjoy))

      The paint dried up and pulled the thin fabric a little, because of this small wrinkles and wrinkles appeared and the surface became not quite even, did not get upset, it even looks more natural.

      It turns out that turtles also have a shell in front)) But it is flat and therefore easier with it. Just like with the first shell, we cut out the foam rubber and fabric according to the pattern, and draw lines and lay lines on a typewriter.

      View from the inside.

      We glue the allowance.

      Almost done.

      We do the tinting of the "cubes")) We also apply a line of paint with a brush (I have a brown one here) and shade it, giving the desired pattern.

      Final look.

      And this is the shells along with the costume, on top a leather belt with a buckle and a shoulder strap were attached for beauty :) Everything was glued right to the costume, so you can play in it until you get bored. The Christmas tree will be on the next weekend, so the photo is from the hanger.

      Ask any boy who he would like to be for the New Year's masquerade. In response, be sure to hear the name of one of the cartoon or fairy-tale characters.

      Boys love to be heroes. There is nothing wrong with this, but mom will have to try to sew a suitable children's costume with her own hands. Stories about ninja turtles have been around for many years, but boys still remain in awe of its main characters. Let's try to make a ninja costume on our own from improvised materials.

      Sewing materials

      Of course, you can take the ninja turtle costume and rent it. But creative occupation can turn into an interesting pastime for children and their parents. So, the ninja costume consists of:

      • green bases;
      • shell;
      • additional accessories in the form of bandages, knee pads, weapons and more.

      To sew fancy dress for children you will need:

      • Turtleneck or green sweater, as well as trousers. It could be old green pajamas. It is desirable that the shade of green be darker. But light green is fine too. After all, this is your version of the turtle. The main thing is that it be recognizable.
      • Yellow fabric. It is convenient to use flannel. It is more flexible and dense. What you will do from it, we will tell a little later.
      • Useful acrylic paint and fabric dye.
      • The brown ribbon will act as a belt.
      • You will need Velcro to connect the parts.
      • A piece of red fabric for additional accessories.
      • Holofiber or synthetic winterizer. It needs a little. Perhaps you have old sofa cushions left at home. You can borrow some stuffing from them.
      • Form for baking. As you may have guessed, this is for the shell. The form should be large enough so that the children's costume is recognizable in it.

      Arm yourself with thread and needles. And don't put off work until the last day. The result will exceed expectations if you start the task in a good mood.


      In this section, we will show you how to make a children's ninja turtle costume from available materials.

      Our ninja costume is almost ready. Not enough weapons. It can be made by cutting it out of thick cardboard or bought separately at a children's goods store.

      • If you don't have colored fabric and don't want to buy a new cut, use colored socks.
      • If your son is rollerblading, feel free to take knee pads and sleeves. Then you don’t have to do them, and they will look more impressive.
      • If you are painting a fabric or a separate part, for example, a shell, wait until everything dries completely.
      • Attach accessories securely to prevent them from flying off. We are sure that your child will want to demonstrate the costume to his friends and classmates in all its glory, and for this you will have to get used to the role, jump, run, brandish weapons.

      If something doesn't work for you, don't despair. Set aside work for a while and come back to it when inspiration strikes. We are sure that during tailoring baby costume, you will have many more interesting ideas.