How to name a fashion boutique. How to name a store so that it makes a profit

Hello friends!

I have many friends who own small shops. And knowing that I am a former retail marketer, they often come up with the same question: “What is the name of the store?” This happens quite often and so I decided to write a small memo for such cases. Might be useful for your company name.

So here are some ways:
By the way, I have my own store and I wrote a lot about it in a special section “How to open a store”. That is, there is practical experience, and I’m not writing out of the blue :)

So let's go :)

1. Come up with the name of the store yourself. Who better than you to do it. Moreover, it will not cost you anything :-) But here, many show bad taste in all its glory. It sometimes looks like this: the future owner comes up with a ridiculous name, for example, for a clothing store “Knitted Passions” (a real case!) and ... brings up an incredible theory that should explain this name. But, personally, after comprehending this theory, no healthy associations were born for me. Even more so for an unprepared person.

2. Involve your family and all relatives in this business, promising them a share: -). My wife, for example, is very clever at coming up with different names (by the way, she also came up with a name for this site). But know when to stop, because in a couple of days you will be perceived as a madman if you are too annoying with the second hundred options. They will agree to anyone, as long as they fall behind, finally. :-)

3. Give the task at the interview when hiring future employees. They will probably try. At the same time, check for creativity.

4. Hold a competition with a normal prize among employees. As a rule, you can always find something from the roll of names that they provide. But in no case do not criticize, but rather support the craziest options.

5. Contact firms that are professionally engaged in branding or naming. But immediately prepare to pay, and the steeper the agency, the greater the amount, with a completely unpredictable result. More than once or twice I saw names enchanting in their stupidity, invented by charlatans for big money.
6. Look around and see what your competitors are doing. They also name their stores somehow. But here, too, it is necessary to “filter”, as they say.

There are so many shops with female names that you are amazed. No need to call the store like “Natasha”, “Svetlana”, etc. It's not even funny anymore.

7. No need for pretentious pseudo-foreign signs. Already sick of them, but little sense. For example, “Zarrra” is a real name with a thick nod to the largest casual clothing chain. The days of "Adibas" are long gone :-)

8. Particularly annoying are the names where Russian letters are mixed with foreign ones. For example, “Hanza Party” Why? Have you seen a foreign brand where “suddenly” a Russian letter is used? Me not.

9. Try to come up with a name using the name generator. There are services on the Internet such as:


All of them work on the same principle: enter the initial settings from the number of letters, etc., and the program tirelessly generates different variants. Most of them, of course, are good for nothing, but if there is a creative crisis, then you can look for inspiration there.

10. If you really want a foreign name - take any state in Africa and see how they call their cities. There are definitely a lot of memorable names there: –) I'm not kidding, by the way.

11. If you rent a store, then ask how this store was previously called by the people. Often they are given a short and memorable name by the surrounding residents. For example: “On the green”, “On the corner”, “Glass”, “Station station”. Yes, maybe these names do not sound so great, but they are well known among the residents. And this is much more important for future advertising, since you get an almost ready-made brand. It's a sin not to use it.

I have always liked this method, but it is suitable for small shops. For large networks, this is meaningless.

Last remark. When you find the right name for a store or company, you immediately understand that THIS IS THE SAME name :-) And .. at this moment, do not be too lazy to check if it is used by others. There is a very high probability that it is being used. If used, start from point 1 of this article :-)

When creating your own outlet, at the planning stage, you should consider not only the location of the store, assortment and margin level, but also choose the right name. The original name of the store will not only increase the potential audience, but will also be remembered by most customers. Considering this issue from the outside, we can say that the right name will allow you to lure customers in a matter of days. Let's find out how to do it right.

Naming is the process of developing names for brands, stores and companies

The Importance of the Right Name

How to name the store so that it makes a profit - actual question, which is given little importance. Not many entrepreneurs think that the name given to the outlet has a significant role in promoting the business. Aspiring entrepreneurs during the registration of their activities use various words that pop up in the subconscious. Below we propose to consider why a “beautiful” name is so necessary.

The name of the store should not only be beautiful and short, but also reflect the scope of your activity. The right development strategy can make such a name a kind of brand. It should also be noted that the name of the store is a powerful promotional tool. Considering all of the above, we can say that you should think over the name for the outlet at the earliest stages of drawing up a business plan.

Today, there are special naming agencies whose main task is to select a beautiful and unique name.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the name of the outlet creates the first impression for customers about the work of the store. That is why it is very important to try to maintain your image. The presence of low-quality goods can lead to a decrease in income and further ruin.

Beautiful store names, combined with high-quality goods and a wide range of products, create those the necessary conditions to attract regular customers. A beautiful sign and polite sellers can fix the effect. Discount cards and discount days will consolidate your success. The above methods, put together, will allow you to competently attract an audience and create a permanent customer base.

Current stereotypes

Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since the days of the USSR, Soviet thinking still makes itself felt. Many people, without going into the details of marketing, prefer to give outlets their own names. In every Russian city you can find such institutions as: "Angela", "Louise" and "Alexandra". There are also "male" institutions, with such names as: "At Arsen", "At Dmitry" and "At Evgeny". Often stores are named based on the assortment offered. The names of such outlets do not please with variety. In every city you can see shops such as "Products", "Bread" and "Alcoholic Drinks".

Naming is a whole marketing direction that helps entrepreneurs

Despite the specificity and simplicity of the names, it is quite difficult for an ordinary person to remember such establishments. In this regard, the audience of such points is limited to the local population. If we compare the Bakery and Golden Pie stores, we can say that the majority of consumers will choose the second option. This can be explained by the fact that creative name implies the presence of an interesting and rare item. With the proper quality of the assortment, a creative name allows you to increase the popularity of the store.

Further, it should be mentioned that the name of the outlet can be radically different from the type of product offered. An example is the legendary foreign company Apple. At the dawn of this company, the board of directors considered various options future naming. At the end of the negotiations, Steve Jobs took an apple from the table and said that if they did not choose a name within five minutes, he would call the company an apple. As a result, the company received a brand and logo known throughout the world.

But it should be understood that naming is a whole art.. It is unacceptable for creativity to border on vulgarity.

How to choose the right name for the outlet

Naming is an independent section of marketing that considers the art of creating sonorous names. There are a number of specific rules on the basis of which a name is developed for a future outlet. The basic rule of naming is the shorter the better. The name of the outlet must not exceed two short words. "Fresh milk products" is a bad marketing name. A name such as Burenka is more suitable for such a store. A stylized advertisement can complement this image.

Also, the name of the store should “speak” about the type of your activity. If your activity is related to goods for animals, then you can name your store "Favorites". Another great option for the name is “Dog House”. One of the naming requirements is that the name of an outlet or brand should not only be easy to pronounce, but also memorable. Therefore, it is impossible to call the enterprise complex Eastern or European names. Such names are practically not remembered, which can negatively affect the number of customers.

Entire teams of specialists always work on the development of the names of large stores or brands

When giving a name to a store, you should think about what associations it evokes. An example is the word "sewing", which will be perceived by English-speaking citizens as a slang expression. "Kis-kiss" - for some audiences, it can turn from a pet supply store into a sex shop. That is why the name of the company must be unique and different from what the average person sees in different parts of the city. There are dozens of such stores as "Mermaid", "Hephaestus" and "Aist" in each city. Based on this, we can say that such names will not be useful in terms of marketing development.

The names of grocery stores and other outlets can carry a message aimed at the target audience. "Newlyweds", "Overalls" and "Inexpensive canteen" will definitely find their audience. Thinking over the name for the outlet, you need to give the name "settled". Pick a few suitable options, then wait two weeks. Discuss your idea with those closest to you and ask them about associations with your chosen name.

Based on these tips, you can come up with a unique name that will attract potential customers. Below we propose to consider funny store names that may be of interest to a potential audience:

  1. Clothing store - "Quest" (Slogan: find your size).
  2. Wood products - "Wood".
  3. Bar - "Beer filling station".
  4. Point for the sale of fresh fish - "Fish Shop".


Brainstorming is one of the practices used in naming. In this case, the problem is solved by a group of five or more people. Such a group is given a certain period of time to find a solution. Creatives write down all their ideas on a special board, after which they choose several options that they will work on in the future.

A similar “brainstorming” can be done on your own by gathering people close to you to discuss. After you explain the current task to them, hand out a few sheets of paper and set a time limit of twenty minutes. Despite the fact that most of the proposed options will be very banal, many interesting positions can be distinguished among the entries. During the brainstorming, each participant should have the opportunity to speak. Such an approach will allow you to quickly find an interesting, and most importantly, balanced solution.

For ease of choice, make a list of the most suitable names

Best Store Names

Below is a list of store names by industry.

Internet shops

In this direction, the same rules apply as in classic stores. When opening your own Internet site, you should remember that the name should be easy to remember. Often people use the domain zone as one of the elements of the name. Such names include “” or “”. Thinking about how to name an online store, you need to rely on the scope of your activity. If your business is built on the sale of lighting fixtures, the best name would be "" or ""

One of important rules when choosing a name for a domain - a unique name. For example, we can cite sites with the name "Navigator", of which there are several dozen on the Internet. Finding the right site through a search engine is quite difficult, since the search engine will give out a lot of similar names. One of the best options for a name for an online store is an abbreviation.

A serious approach to Internet commerce should include the purchase of several domain zones with the chosen name. Setting up a redirect to the main site will allow you to eliminate possible competitors in the early stages of development. Also, the acquisition of various domains allows you to increase the influx of potential customers.

Clothing stores

When considering how to name a clothing store, you should consider the potential audience and the quality of your products. Names such as "Dress Code" and "Publicity" are aimed specifically at people with a high level of income. In this area, it is the name of the store that determines the target audience of customers. Indication in the name of materials (Gloria Jeans) or specific products (World of Shirts) reduces public interest.

Trade in goods of medium and Low quality also has a number of features. In this case, you should approach the choice of a name with great responsibility. You should focus on your prices. Names similar to "People's Store" allow potential buyers to understand the affordability of prices.

When choosing a beautiful name for your store, follow certain search rules

flower shops

Coming up with a name for a flower shop is quite difficult due to the small number of suitable options. However, in this case, with the right approach to the problem, you can find a unique and interesting solution. Marketers doing analysis this issue, recommend focusing on simple and capacious names. It is very important that the word "Flower" itself is mentioned in the name of the store.

Names such as "Your Bouquet" and "Colorberry" perfectly reveal the scope of the outlet. In contrast, "The Power of Color" can speak of both a flower shop and a construction company. The best solution would be to indicate in the name of certain types of plants "Cactus", "101 Rose", "Snowdrop".

Shops for animals

Probably, many have noticed that the names of pet stores are based on certain breeds or animal names. Signs such as "Bulldog", "Marquise" and "Leopold" allow you to immediately understand the direction of trading activities. The main rule of such names is to be recognizable and easy to pronounce. When choosing a name for a store, you should not indicate little-known breeds of animals.

Among the creative names, we should highlight "Greedy Chipmunk", "Happy Fat Cat", "KotoDog". These solutions are not only easily perceived by the ear, but also contribute to marketing promotion. In the case of a pet store, the main emphasis is not only on the name, but also on a stylized sign. It is very important that the name is strongly associated with the animal world. The sign of such an institution should attract mass attention. That is why stores such as Chip and Dale, LeMurr and Meugazin will always be a success.

Based on all the above rules, you can easily choose a name for a store that will make a profit. In order to have several options in stock, you need to involve your loved ones in the brainstorming session. After the desired option is selected, you should let it "settle down". And only after that, you can use the selected option when registering an outlet.

In contact with

Choosing a name for a clothing and footwear store - milestone opening a business. In this article, we will look at how to choose a good name for a company and why it is important to approach this matter wisely.

Put yourself in the place of buyers: where you are more willing to buy a new pair of jeans - in Fashionista, Dress Code, Favorite, Alphonse, Fatty, Karina, Fashion Magazin, New Style ?

The first two names immediately tell us what the stores sell. They do not require special knowledge and are easy to remember.

The rest do not report absolutely nothing and have nothing to do with the type of activity of the companies. Moreover, "Alphonse" and "Fatty" can cause negative associations among some customers, and "Lubimchik" does not look like the name of a boutique at all. male fashion but to the pet store.

“Before, Fashion Bazaar was called Che Sotka!”

Therefore, you should seriously approach the choice of a name for your company.

How to choose a name for a clothing and footwear store

Introduce your target audience. Are all or part of your product classified as "premium"? Then do not confuse potential buyers with words that hint at savings:

  • Discount
  • Discount
  • Cheap
  • for nothing
  • budget

If the situation is reversed, then it is worth informing customers about the benefits they will receive by shopping in your store.

Think about whether you can use a geo-reference in the name of the store. How to name the store women's clothing, which is produced in St. Petersburg? Try Nevsky Knitwear. And if the store is located in the city center? As an option - "Shoes on Nevsky". It will work better than Svetlana or Raisins.

Try creating an abbreviation. Add the first letters of your name or the name of a person close to you, combine several words into one, or just invent a beautiful combination - the abbreviation does not have to have a decoding.

Play associations. Imagine what is associated with your business: "Flash" - a clothing store large sizes, "Shoes according to the weather" - a shoe store for all four seasons.

Use real names. Name a shoe store "Chagall" or "Botticelli" after famous artists, and a clothing store for men and women - "Petrovsky Fashion House" after a relative named Petrov. Turn on your fantasy!

Remember harmony. "Royal style" will look out of place in an industrial area or semi-basement, "French fashion" will cause bewilderment if you are selling Chinese consumer goods.

Study the competitors. Ten years ago, borrowed names from both buyers and entrepreneurs evoked a feeling of elitism: Luxury and Best Brand were dearer to our ears than any Sudarushka. All this led to the dominance of Sapogoffs and Elite Shoes in all the basements of the country. But now the trend has changed: businessmen are no longer ashamed of their “Russianness”. “Little Lady”, “Caravan”, “Globe”, “Planet of Clothes and Shoes”, “Daughters and Sons” and others appeared. English-language names began to sound pompous and cheap.

Remember uniqueness. Knowing your competitors is also important in order to avoid giving your business an already existing name.

Test. We chose several options for the name - ask your friends to rate them and leave the best.

Mistakes when choosing the name of a clothing and footwear store

Remember once and for all: to call a store by a proper name or a foreign word is vulgar. What you expect from Elena and Best Dress is not high-quality women's clothing and footwear, but Chinese consumer goods and a fitting room without a door.

Follow simple rules:

  • Don't complicate. A name that cannot be pronounced without hesitation is bad
  • Don't imitate. Do not chase someone else's glory - the market does not need another Abibas
  • Don't be ambiguous. If the store "Cheap and cheerful" has expensive goods, then the name is not in the cashier
  • Avoid platitudes. The prefixes shop, top, vip, elite, best and the like have set the teeth on edge, they smell of musty provinciality

If you are planning to make a website for your store, it is undesirable to use the letters Щ, Ы, Й, Ж, Я, Yu in its name. Otherwise, the domain name will look unattractive.

Examples of successful names for clothing and footwear stores

Perhaps this list of names will inspire you and help you come up with a unique name for your business:

  • Yoke
  • fashion bazaar
  • baby
  • top top
  • Gentleman
  • Slipper
  • 5 pockets
  • golden heel
  • The perfect wardrobe
  • Thing!
  • A person
  • Provocateur
  • Marco
  • TIK (You and Beauty)
  • Dress code
  • Shirt
  • folk clothes
  • Modigliani
  • Sundress
  • With a needle
  • StiMod (Stylish and Fashionable)
  • Get dressed!
  • Outfit
  • Own shirt
  • Inside out
  • housekeeper

Coming up with an original name for a clothing and footwear store is difficult, but important. Part of the success of your business depends on it - the customer meets the store by the sign. But neither "Economy Shoes" nor "French Fashion Boutique" will be able to keep the buyer if the quality of goods and service is unsatisfactory. Therefore, it is not worth concentrating only on choosing a name for the “ship” - in the long run, popular rumor will spread the rumor about an excellent store, even if it is called “Cockroach Vasily”.

The name of the store is a complex but important part of the business. It will become the main identifier among competitors and important point to be recognized by customers. Success will depend on the name and the chosen development strategy. There are magnet names that attract customers. You can choose such a name yourself or use the services of specialists.

It is recommended to come up with several names, and then consult with others. If a store logo has already been invented, then the name can be attached to it. It will influence the formation of a positive reputation and the process of attracting customers.

The name for an online store is chosen in the same way as for a regular one. But it is worth remembering that it must match the domain name, that is, be free.

Work of professionals

Some do not even suspect that there is a whole direction called naming (English "name"). The Namegis are well aware of the psychology of buyers and the basics of marketing, which allows them to come up with a name to attract buyers the most. You can find them in advertising agencies or on freelance exchanges.

To pay for services will require from 2000 rubles. A more accurate price depends on the company and the experience of the selected employee. If he has experience working with well-known brands, then the fee reaches 20 thousand. Naming services on the site, popular for freelancers, are estimated at around 15 thousand.

You can create a contest on In most cases, the fee for the name does not exceed 3 thousand. An economical option would be a contest-survey in social networks. Additionally, it will attract new customers. However, for a beautiful name, you will have to "go broke" for a prize for the winner.

A great store name can turn out not only for a professional, but also for a beginner. But it is worth remembering that naming is a labor-intensive and tedious process that requires the possession of certain knowledge.

Self naming

Name selection is creative pursuit where you can try your hand. Entrepreneurs who decide to save on the name of the store must take into account the principles of its creation.

We warn you right away that the ideal result will not work in 10 minutes of thinking. Don't make rash decisions. A high probability of obtaining an attractive name appears when several naming tools are combined.

Brainstorming is a powerful tool

Brainstorming is considered the most effective technique. It consists in searching for the name of a company of people, which allows you to consider the issue from different angles. Not all people are able to see and admit their mistakes, especially when they are sure that the invented version is ideal.

On the other hand, others will support an idea that may seem mediocre. The main condition is a serious atmosphere and the desire of those present to help in choosing the best name.

foreign words

Good names are obtained from foreign words. An example is the sweets "Bonjour", which is translated from French as "good afternoon", and the online store "bon prix" as " good price". There are many similar examples. Beautiful names from foreign words look stylish and intriguing.

After choosing a name, it is better to consult a person who knows the language from which the concept is borrowed. Sometimes words are used incorrectly or they have multiple meanings. It is also important to take into account the correct sound and the presence of articles.

Merging multiple words

Merging words will help reflect the scope of work. You need to play with words to get an exclusive name. For example, a pet store can be called "LapUsik" (paw + mustache). It is clear that the store sells products for owners of paws and mustaches.

Interesting, but no longer original, will be the names of tea and coffee shops "Chaykoff", "Chaykofsky". The last name can also be attributed to the following method.

Use of first and last names

Stores are often called by simple names: "Mashenka", "Misha's", "Victoria", etc. The owner decides to glorify his own name or his relative. Similar names can be rated at three, as it is unattractive. This ordinary option does not allow you to stand out among hundreds of other stores.

You can use a surname or foreign names. The best option would be a surname that reflects the direction in trade - "Medoff", "Tsvetkoff". For the basis, they use the leading product and, on its basis, come up with a name. Write down all options and choose the best one.

If it’s difficult to come up with a beautiful name, then you can immerse yourself in a pleasant environment: turn on pleasant music and think about what your store will give people. The associations that appear are written down on a piece of paper, and then they are selected.


The names of geographical and natural objects - rivers, countries, areas, etc. sound good. For example, the store of draft beer "Bavaria", children's clothing "Aist", summer clothing "Malibu", hunting goods "Brown Bear".

You can use the features of the country or locality. Almost everywhere there are unofficial names of the districts, some places are legendary. In Donetsk, there is a beer shop "Dobry Shubin" named after the character of mine folklore. Scotland's local brands associated with the Loch Ness monster are a prime example.

Fairy tale and literary characters

Fairy-tale heroes can be a great name for specialty stores:

  • "Freken Bok"- hardware store;
  • "Elena the Wise"- book;
  • "Mowgli"- children's toys;
  • "Winnie the Pooh"- sweets.

The buyer remembers the good old fairy tales that mom used to read before going to bed. Such names will tune in a good-natured way.

Popular quotes from films or books, puns and popular expressions based on them have the same effect.

Basic requirements for a store name

You can name the store with any word you like. However, it must meet certain requirements:

  • euphony. Each combination of sounds and words is emotionally colored with a semantic load. You don't have to be an expert to identify a melodic and pleasant combination. Professionals have more gradations. They know how to express openness, tenderness, masculinity, accessibility with a sound range.
  • Memorability. The name should stand out from the competition, and sometimes be provocative.
  • semantic correspondence. Remembering the names without an assortment, the buyer will not go to the store a second time.
  • Legality. The name must be free to register.
  • visual clarity. After choosing a name, you need to present it on a billboard. The letters should not be confused - "l" and "m", "c" and "u".
  • advertising perspective. The logo and slogan should be easy to fit under the name.

Brevity is called the sister of talent. A fancy name that is original but difficult to pronounce would not be the best choice for a store name.

To check exclusivity, you can enter a name in the search bar and make sure that competitors do not use it. You should not use the popular prefixes "top" and "vip" - the name will be lost among analogues. It is important that the name evokes desired and attractive images from buyers. They will not only visit the store, but also recommend it to their friends. Word of mouth will start working.

Poor visual perception of a word that consists of letters that do not go beyond the line: o, a, s, k, p, t, l, f. The name must contain letters containing elements that fall outside the line: f, d, c, b, p. Marketers believe that the presence of the letter "and" in the word causes feelings of insignificance or second-rate. The presence of more than 5 characters complicates memorization.

Clothing store for men and women

When a person is asked about the number of well-known brands, he will name 10-15, but quickly remember only 2-3. Similarly, with the shops that he visits in his area. It is important that the name is easy and memorable. Of course, the store gets fame not only due to the name, but also due to promotion methods, brand recognition and the presence of good goods.

  • foreign word - "Top Fashion", "Brand Fashion", "New Look", "Fashion house", "Dresscode";
  • descriptive titles - "Your Style", "Fashion City", "Pretty Woman", "Lady", "Wardrobe";
  • geographical name - "Avenue", "Valencia";
  • pun - "DzhemSvit" (jumper), "Freshion" (fresh - fresh, fashion - fashion);
  • neologisms - "Getwear" (to wear).

For an online store, a concise name with a positive meaning is used - "4 seasons", "Charm", "Fashionable thing", "Carino", "Lady Mart".

It should correspond to the level of prices, floor space, assortment, age and social status of the target audience.

A successful marketing strategy allows a business with an unsuccessful name to achieve success - Harm's (H&F) from English. "evil", but the addition of a suffix and an apostrophe changed the situation. Oh, My is a light and beautiful name.

Women's clothing store

For a women's clothing store, you can use the following approaches:

  1. The combination of syllables of the names of the founders - "Marco".
  2. Add the prefix off - "Creatiff", "Brukoff".
  3. Shorten words or use an abbreviation - “TIK” (You And Beauty), “BTB” (Be Better Be The Best), “Tata” (Tatiana).
  4. A descriptive name with a positive accent is "Elegant", "Style", "Fashionista".
  5. Tie to geography - "Little Paris".
  6. Play with words - "MaRUSiya" (emphasis on "rus" - Russian production).
  7. Neologisms - "Rassana", "Druzhestik".

To make the name attractive, some errors should be excluded:

  • Use hackneyed personal names - "Elena", "Karina".
  • Use words with difficult pronunciation or incomprehensible meaning - "Minerva" (goddess of wisdom), "Miscellaneous" (from English mixed).
  • Change famous brands- Abibas.
  • Words with a double meaning or negative perception - "Teremok" (something childish, not adult), "Debut" (incompetence), "Swell", "Soul".
  • The name that does not correspond to the profile is “Royal” (irrelevant for a store in the basement), “Passage” (this is a covered gallery between two streets, and not a cramped room in a shopping center).
  • Use banal foreign words - "Violette".

In addition to an attractive name, you should come up with a creative slogan that will attract customers and motivate them to buy things.

Lingerie store

Women's lingerie stores often bear female names ("Margarita", "Anna", "Maria"), flower names ("Orchid", "Lily"), or simply beautiful words("Silhouette", "Caprice"). The listed options do not carry a semantic load - this can be called perfumery, flower shops, beauty salons. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to use such names, then it is better to supplement them and make them more original - “Night violet”, “Lily of the valleys”, “Lady's whim”.

The name should correspond to the style of the interior - "Boudoir" (retro), " women's secret» ( classic style soft colors).

You can beat the name of the material or components of lingerie ("Openwork", "Lace", "Pajamas", "Silk and Velvet").

Carefully use erotic backgrounds - "Emmanuelle", "Empire of Passion", "Kitty's Salon". The titles will attract a male audience, but women may be deterred. If the assortment consists of classic things, then the names should not have sexual associations. Women like the names "Vorozheya", "Cute", but "Thin matter" or "Transparent hint" are unlikely to make them regular customers.

The name should be soft and feminine. It is not necessary to use growling sounds (s, h, s), which toughen the sign.

Men's clothing store

Name for the store menswear should be aimed at the target audience and inspire confidence. To check the selected option, you can interview potential customers. The name should be in harmony with the concept, assortment, style and price category. A small shop called "World of Style" will not be successful. Bad associations are caused by the words "Dude", "Alphonse", "Macho", "Egoist", "Provocateur". It is not recommended to use banal names - "Fashion for men", "Don Juan", "Cavalier", "Look". Successful options include "Dandy", "El Bravo", "Casanova", "Oscar". The presence of a franchise greatly simplifies the choice of name: VD one, TOM TAILOR.

Children's clothing store

The name should target two audience groups: children and their parents. You need to develop a name in several stages:

  • identification of potential buyers;
  • study of competitors;
  • development of several titles;
  • testing the name on buyers;
  • selection of the best option.

There should be a capacious and beautiful name that evokes only positive emotions.

Children quickly remember easy and concise names. If the product is designed for children of all ages, then "Baby" and "Baby" are irrelevant. The name should be universal - "Superman". Do not use abbreviations - the public should understand who this store is for.

Studies have shown that the processes of choosing clothes or shoes for children different ages excellent:

  1. from 0 to 3 years, the choice is made by parents;
  2. from 3 to 7, a small initiative of the child is shown, he draws on the choice of others;
  3. from 7 to 12 the child takes an active position and independently chooses the goods;
  4. from the age of 12 - a teenager, an emerging personality that requires self-expression.

The name of the store for the first category should be designed for parents, inspire in them a feeling of tenderness and love, which requires buying the best for the child.

The name for the third group should be focused on the child, emphasizing that he is not small.

The last group are teenagers who know the fashion and the cost of many things. They are not attracted by boring names, they tend to express themselves with the help of things. A good name would be "Seven Pockets" (unusual since pants have 2-3 pockets).

Perfume shop

A bright and juicy name should attract others and encourage them to visit it. Main the target audience consists of female representatives, so the name should emphasize the resulting effect - lightness, freshness, attractiveness. good options I will be "Sweetie", "Chic", "Coquette", "Charm".

When choosing, it is better not to use banal options, but to come up with an exclusive name. You should not dwell on the examples listed, you need to come up with your own.

You can use compound words:

  • noun with adjective - "Good fairy";
  • two adjectives - "The most beautiful";
  • adjective with a verb - "To be beautiful."

To increase the options resort to tricks. Two columns of words are written on a piece of paper and the words from one column are sorted out in turn with the words from the other (“Elitperfume”, “Aromamarket”).

You can use dictionaries of foreign words, having previously specified all the meanings of the selected words.

Produse store

Grocery Store Names Are Less Important Than Boutique Names fashion clothes. Visitors will be attracted by the reputation of the seller and the range of goods.

The sign must be memorable and catchy so that the buyer quickly remembers the name. Creative names cause a smile and positive emotions:

  • store positioning - "Around the corner", "First floor", "Middle";
  • adjectives that evoke pleasant associations - “Homemade”, “Delicious”, “Favorite”, “Own”;
  • message about the operating mode - "Round the clock", "Always with you";
  • goods sold - "Fruits and vegetables", "Butcher's shop", "For tea";
  • pricing policy - "Economy", "Budget", "Social".

It should be remembered that a name that is too creative can have a negative impact. A store in a residential area should evoke associations of close and accessible. Larger retail outlets are named for the quality of the products they sell.

Jewelry shop

The Soviet names "Agate" and "Sapphire" are irrelevant today. They are interesting to people for whom novelty and originality is unimportant. The signboards indicating the specialization look trite - “Gold”, “Salon jewelry". The buyer transfers the boring name to the product. The name of the store should be original and arouse the interest of passers-by.

The main consumer of the jewelry store is girls over 18 years old. Even if the buyer is a man, he buys a product for a woman. Regardless of age and status, ladies want to have sophisticated and non-standard things.

The name should evoke the image of fine and exquisite jewelry, but be easy to remember. Salon names from wedding rings and exclusive diamonds should be excellent. Experts suggest using positioning words - "Ounce", "Gold", "Carat".

You can attract customers with the semantic load of the name - "Treasure Island", "Special Day".

The chosen name should be tested on acquaintances or potential customers. They should describe their associations when pronouncing the future name of the store.

Handmade gifts

In the title, it is necessary to emphasize not only the presence of products on different cases life, but also their origin ("Gifts from Just Mary"). There is a visual image of the heroine of the telenovela of the same name, which is engaged in heavy manual labor.

Foreign words can be used: Handmade + present = “Handmade present” (gift self made). In the title, you can use separate categories of goods - "Magic Wallet".

Flower shop

The sign should encourage passers-by to look inside. It should evoke a number of pleasant associations: stylish composition, luxurious bouquet, elegant packaging. The name should not be associated with perfume or jewelry.

Interesting names can be found in a color guide or a specialized encyclopedia. Name rare flower will give the store an aura of unusualness and mystery.

Naming does not advise using the words "floral" or "flowers". The name should not be "butter oil".

Online store name

The name of the Internet salon requires a more careful approach, since the consumer must remember not only the name of the store, but also its address.

Basic rules for an online store:

  1. The name must be one word. Users find it difficult to enter several words and do not know what to use as a separator: hyphen, underscore, write together. It is better to eliminate the error at the initial stage.
  2. The word must have a simple transliteration. Buyers speak different languages. You should not use the letters "u" and "g" - they do not have an unambiguous analogue in the Latin alphabet.
  3. Transliteration must be understood unambiguously. Often they confuse "n" and "h", "u" and "y", "s" and "c". Not everyone is able to distinguish two "v" from "w" or a capital "I" from a slender "l".
  4. You should not take words with the same spelling, but different meanings when changing the phonetic sound. Errors occur when trying to write words in Latin.
  5. It is recommended to use foreign words that are familiar to the Russian consumer - sale, market.
  6. Make sure you have a free domain with the appropriate name.

Developing a store name turns from leisure into hard work, requiring knowledge of the basics of marketing and consumer psychology.

Do not rush to choose a name for the store. The postponed option after some time will be unprofitable or "golden". A slow and balanced approach will help you choose a beautiful name without the involvement of marketers.