Modular origami vase with a diagram. Origami vase from modules: a master class for beginners with photos and a video tutorial. Modular origami vase: craft scheme

modular origami"Vase" can serve as a wonderful interior decoration, or become an interesting gift on March 8th.

For Assembly modular origami vase "zig-zag" 1296 will be required (288 blue modules, 276 yellow, 260 pink, 244 green, 228 white). The size of the modules is 1/32 of an A4 sheet.

Assembly diagram of the modular origami Vase "Zigzag":

It is better to immediately collect 2 or 3 rows.
1 row:(1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow) - repeat 4 times. There are 36 modules in total in a row.
2 row:
3 row:(1 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 2 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
Connect in a ring.

4 row:(2 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
5 row:(1 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 white) - repeat 4 times.
6 row:(2 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 white) - repeat 4 times.
7 row:(1 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 2 yellow, 1 blue, 1 white, 1 green) - repeat 4 times.
8 row:(2 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 white, 1 green) - repeat 4 times.
9 row:(1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 2 blue, 1 white, 1 green, 1 pink) - repeat 4 times.
10 row:(2 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 1 blue, 1 white, 1 green, 1 pink) - repeat 4 times.
Repeat rows 1 to 10 two more times.

31 row:(1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 2 white, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow) - repeat 4 times.
32 row:(2 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 white, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow) - repeat 4 times.
33 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 32 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 2 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
34 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 33 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 green, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
35 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 34 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 2 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
36 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 35 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 pink, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
37 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 36 rows free, 1 blue, 2 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
38 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of 37 rows free, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 blue) - repeat 4 times.
39 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of the 38th row free, 2 blue ones) - repeat 4 times.
40 row:(we leave 2 inner corners of the blue modules of the 39th row free, 1 blue module) - repeat 4 times.

Modular origami vase "Zigzag" is ready.

We assemble a stand for our vase:
A total of 273 modules are required (117 white, 78 blue and 78 yellow).
1 row: 39 white modules.
2 row: 39 white modules.
3 row: 39 white modules.
4 row: 39 blue modules.

Today we will tell you how to make a vase from modules. Such beautiful decoration will please the eye not only to you, but also to those close to you. Also, this craft can be easily used as an original gift.

The process of creating such an ornament may seem complicated to many, because the modular origami method is used for this. However, if you have patience, you will succeed.

It is not difficult to make a pretty vase from modules, you just need to follow the instructions exactly.

Origami paper block vase

What do you need:

  • Twenty-eight sheets of white and fourteen sheets of colored paper.
  • Glue, scissors.

Fold paper into triangles traditional way. We need to make four hundred and thirty three white and two hundred and eleven color modules.

For the third strip, take twenty white, and for the second, twenty colored blanks.

For the third, you also use twenty colored blanks.

For the fourth row, we already take thirty colored pieces of paper. To add ten modules, dress the first one in the same way as described above, and for the second and third, leave the adjacent pockets empty. This must be done as shown by the arrows in the figure.

Attach thirty modules from the fifth to the sixteenth to the resulting crafts, to get a picture, as shown in the photographs below. To do this, use colored paper.

When you finish making the sixteenth row, we get a beautiful image, and in the seventeenth, use thirty parts from white paper.

We make the eighteenth row of thirty prepared white parts, just put them on backwards relative to the row that goes earlier.

Take forty pieces of colored paper and make the nineteenth row, distributing them evenly in the form of a circle.

Don't worry, it won't be long now.

The last row consists of forty colored modules, they must be done in this way. Insert the corner on the left into the left pocket of the second part, and insert the corner on the right between the previous rows.

You make the bottom for the vase using thirty colored modules, they are inserted into each other. Glue the resulting ring to the base of the vase.

How to make a vase - the easy way

Take A4 paper and mark it as shown in the figure, then cut along the marked lines. As a result, you should get rectangles measuring fifty-three by seventy-four millimeters.

If you divide the long side into eight parts, and the short side into four, then you will get rectangles measuring thirty-seven by fifty-three millimeters.

Fold the sheet in half along the wide side. Then bend as shown in the pictures below.

Bend the edges to the middle.

Now you flip.

Fold up the edges.

Bend the ends of the corners through a triangle and unbend.

Then again fold the edges along the lines that we have outlined. Bend up.

Bend in half.

This module will have two corners and two pockets.

Now we proceed to the description of how to make the vase itself from modules of this type.

You need to prepare the figures for this, as described above. Use white, green and yellow paper for this.

You need to make twenty pieces of white modules, the same number of yellow ones, connect them together.

As soon as the first and second rows contain four blocks, build the third. After every fourth yellow module, insert one white one so that the short side looks out.

As soon as the third row is ready, connect the ends of the rows in the form of a ring.

Turn the ring so that the modules yellow color turned out to be short sides on the surface.

If the ring does not hold its shape, do not despair. Holding it with your hands, you can begin to collect the fourth row. First, fix two modules on the white part with the white ends up. Then insert the three yellow parts with the short sides up. You keep going like this.

You begin to make the fifth row by attaching two green parts to two white modules, then two yellow ones. Continue also.

When creating the sixth row, use one white module, two green and one yellow. The sequence of actions is the same as when creating the fifth row.

Similarly, you make the seventh row, using all three colors of the blocks according to the scheme: white, green, yellow, green, white.

Eighth row - two green, three white.

The ninth is green, four are white - our bottom will come out of it. Give it a circle shape.

Now you need to connect these green parts and insert two of their corners into each other's pockets. Such blanks need to be made four green and four white.

Put the resulting blanks on the bottom of the future vase so that the short sides stick out. You connect the green blanks with the modules that are in the ninth row. Whites are placed by white modules, which are located in the middle.

Between them, you make a connection in the form of an arch by putting five modules on the posts, and then gradually build up the structure. You need to make eight arches, this will require forty white blanks.

Wrap the vase in rows of green.

Vase with fuchsias

First, let's make the fuchsias themselves.

It is necessary to make three modules of pink paper, they are called "Shamrock". Mosaic and appliqué are usually made from such blanks.

To do this, we will only need paper of the color we need, in our case pink.

Cut a square out of it, then lay it on the table with the colored side down. Bend the square diagonally and unbend. Fold the edges inwards. In the same way, bend the side corners in the middle.

Then bend the corners inward. Unfold the left corner and bend the protruding part of the side. However, everything is clearly shown in the figure.

Having set the corner inward, bend the left on the left side, do the same with the right.

Turn the product one hundred and eighty degrees and bend the corners down. You flip again.

Fold the edges in the middle, the layer at the back will come up.

Now let's make our flower.

Combine three prepared figures into a flower that looks like a snowdrop.

Using a thin flexible wire, make pistils and stamens for the flower. To do this, cut the wire into segments eleven to thirteen centimeters long. Wrap these pieces with thin paper and bend the end. Glue the tip of the paper to the paper base.

Attach the flower itself down, glue strips of green paper to the base.

Now, using a thicker wire, make a stem for a flower and attach flowers and leaves to it.

Having shown imagination, you can make a two-color flower, for this you fold the shamrock out of paper different colors. When you collect, these blocks are put on each other.

Let's start creating a vase.

To do this, you need to prepare modules of white, blue and pink colors.

There must be fifty-four of them in order to make the first three rows. Arrange them long sides up, thus preparing the first two rows. The third row is created in the same way, only with the short sides down.

Connect all three rows with opposite ends in the form of rings.

Turn the craft over and put the following blanks up with the long sides. You will need to make three rows of eighteen modules.

Increase the number of blanks by six pieces in the seventh layer by connecting not one, but two blanks.

Starting from the eighth row and ending with the fifteenth, attach twenty-four blanks to each, while creating a pattern to your liking.

Attach twenty-four modules to the sixteenth row outward with the short side. This will serve as the base for the vase, so give it a circle shape.
Connect together all six resulting blanks. by inserting the corners of one blank into the pockets of another.

Put these posts on the bottom of the prepared bottom. The short sides should face out.

For each column, put on two cooked products.

We complete the work by putting twenty-four blanks on three layers of crafts. Choose colors according to your taste.

The origami technique has more than one hundred years of existence and today it is one of the favorite pastimes of needlewomen around the world. Moreover, you can perform voluminous work, assembling them from many small parts that are suitable for both experienced craftswomen as well as for beginners. One of interesting ideas- this is an origami vase that can be made according to different schemes.

Today we will learn how to assemble crafts from paper triangles-blanks according to two different schemes with step by step instructions for each, watch a video on the topic.

In this master class, we will assemble a simple origami vase that can be filled with flowers or used as a pencil holder. This pattern is also suitable for beginner craftswomen, since the colors change only in the rows, and the pattern is not completed.

If we do everything right, we will follow detailed instructions, then in the end we get such beauty, as in the photo:

To assemble a vase using the origami technique, you do not need glue, but only 192 triangular blanks, for the manufacture of which we will cut the required number of A4 sheets into 32 or 16 parts. The number of cut rectangles from the sheet depends on the desired dimensions of the blanks. In total, you will need 42 dark blue, 42 white, 54 yellow and 54 pale yellow paper triangles.

To make the module yourself, follow the suggested scheme:

A step-by-step description of assembling an origami vase from modules. It should be assembled according to the assembly scheme. The first row consists of 12 dark blue modules. The second of the same number of triangles, only light shade blue. We close our origami vase in a ring.

The next one comes from yellow, and it should be worn so that the pockets are on top, that is, with the long side out, as in the photo:

It is more convenient to fold triangle blanks as needed so as not to lose them. Therefore, we prepare 12 white elements for the fourth row. And the fifth will be yellow again. With each row, the paper figure will look more and more like an origami vase. 6 consists of 12 light blue modules, 7 - dark blue, 8 - repeats the sixth. We make the next strip of crafts in yellow.

In the tenth, we turn the triangles over with the other side so that the outside is short. And we continue to fold another strip in white. At 11, we increase the number of white modules to 18, for this we put 2 on one pocket.

It remains for us to make the neck of the origami vase of a modular design, so we continue to assemble 18 parts, changing colors: yellow - light blue and finishing with dark blue.

We have finished assembling paper creations with our own hands, which can be a great gift or table decoration.

Video: Step by step assembly of a 3D vase

We make a figured vase from modules

This master class is already intended for experienced needlewomen who are good at connecting triangle blanks and performing complex work. But in the end, we will get a very beautiful origami vase for sweets or other items.

We will step by step analyze the assembly steps in MK, and the modules will also be made in the form of triangles with pockets. As a result, we get this work of art:

For work, we will prepare 480 blue elements (s.), 260 white (b.) and 63 green (g.). Detailed scheme assemblies: we begin to collect a circle from h. colors, making two strips of 28 pieces. In this case, the long sides will be outward.

In the third row, alternate colors (s. and b.) in order: 3 s. - 1 b. The next row of the same colors, but already alternate in 2 (b. Parts should turn out one above the other).

We add h. and get the following order: 1 s. - 1 b. - 1 z. - 1 b. - 1 s. It turns out as in the photo. In the sixth: 2 z. - 2 b. element. The seventh is identical to the fifth, and the eighth is identical to the sixth:

The ninth also make a full circle: 1 h. - 1 b. - 1 s. - 1 b. etc. And then, we make branches by adding white modules, as in the figure:

Between the white elevations add 2 s. and on their basis we build an arch of seven elements on each side and one at the end on top. We also do it on all sides in a circle, then we complete the elements, as in the photo:

Then, we put on three more b. parts. We collect white arches on each side, which are made up of three origami triangles with one final on top:

Between the resulting arches, we have to make elevations, which consist of alternating b. and s. blanks (two each), and then there are two s., as in the photo. Now we put on 1 b., Then, two s. and finish 1 s.:

We collect the latest arches using the modular origami technique according to the template in the photo from all sides:

The last element is the bottom of 28 s. modules folded in two rows and connected to the main product. Everything is ready, here we are.

Have you ever heard of modular origami? But in vain. It is very popular in such a direction as handmade. You can make various practical crafts from paper - vases, baskets, flowers, animals and much more. Such a very exciting activity is suitable even for those people who have absolutely no experience in composing compositions from modules. Today we will look at a few simple lessons how to make a modular origami (vase) - a master class, an assembly scheme from modules and practical tips will help you.

Modular origami. Definition

Modular origami is a technique for folding a paper sheet, which differs from the classical method in that a large number of paper parts - modules - are used in the process of folding a product. From identically folded paper elements, complex geometric figures and forgeries.

The advantage of the modular origami technique:

  • Using this method of creating various products, you can create not only small, but also very large-sized products, up to a large floor vase.
  • Unlike traditional origami, the modular design will not fall apart during or after work. This design is quite strong due to the dense arrangement of the models among themselves. The friction force is so high that it is very difficult to destroy a fake.

Important! If you are new to this business, then do not immediately take on complex designs, but start working, for example, with a small table vase. It is quite easy to do it, the main thing is to prepare the required number of modules.

A list of what can be made from modular paper parts:

  • Human.
  • Animal.
  • Plant (tree, flower).
  • Fruits.
  • Building.
  • Panel.
  • spherical figure.
  • Miniature vase on the table.
  • Floor vase.
  • Christmas tree decorations.

We have listed only the main fakes that are made from paper inserts. You can also come up with your own version. Fantasize to create a unique composition.

How to make a triangular module?

Before you make a vase from the modules, you need to know how to make them. Now we will look at the most popular and widely used triangular module. When you learn how to make this simple paper element, you can easily take on the creation of the most various crafts varying degrees of complexity.

Important! The triangular module does not need to be glued or stitched with other structural elements. The whole product is kept due to the strong contact of paper envelopes. This is very convenient when working in a non-working environment.

Step-by-step algorithm for assembling a triangular origami:

  1. We take a thick A4 sheet in our hands and bend it in half. Then we bend it again, but already across. This is necessary in order to mark the center of the module, so after placing it, unfold the sheet back. In the process of all work, we focus on this fold line.
  2. We bend the edges of the sheet to the previously outlined middle at a right angle, creating a detail similar to the wings of an ordinary paper airplane.
  3. We turn the sheet over, bend up its lower part strictly along the edge of the formed miniature triangle.
  4. We bend the corners beyond the boundaries of the resulting main triangle.
  5. We unfold the lower part of the sheet in the opposite direction, while leaving all the same bent corners.
  6. We fold the corners of the triangle inward so that they are not visible, and the trapezoidal sections are bent up.
  7. We bend the created triangle in half, and we get the module we need.

Important! When collecting figures and other various crafts from a triangular module, we will use the small pockets and corners available in it. It is with the help of such tricks that we will assemble our design, which can not only be hung, but also put on the table and even the floor.

Modular origami - flower vase, assembly diagram step by step

Preparing necessary materials and tools:

  • 28 sheets of white paper.
  • 14 sheets of colored paper.
  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • Glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. According to the previously considered scheme, we add 433 white and 211 blue triangular modules. If you want to slightly change the drawing, then think carefully about the amount of paper details.
  2. We take 20 white elements for the very first row, and 20 blue elements for the next, we connect them together.
  3. We make the fourth row of 30 blue parts. In order to add 10 modules, we make the first tier in the usual way, and the second and third - leave with empty pockets.
  4. Next, we attach the rows, starting from the fifth to the sixteenth. We already add 30 details to these tiers to designate the drawing of our future craft using blue modules.
  5. After completing the sixteenth row, lay out the seventeenth with white elements (30 pieces).
  6. We take 30 white modules for the next eighteenth row and attach them back to front with respect to the previous tier.
  7. We make the nineteenth row of 40 blue elements, evenly added around the circumference of our design.
  8. Starting assembly last row of 40 blue parts: we insert the first corner into the first pocket of the second element, and the right one into the free space between the modules of the previous tier.
  9. We make the bottom of the vase from 30 blue elements inserted into each other. Glue the resulting paper ring to the bottom of our workpiece.
  10. We make vase handles from 12 blue modules inserted inside each other. For the manufacture of two holders, we needed 24 triangular modules.

Modular origami candy vase - assembly diagram

To work we need the following:

  • White, light green and bright green paper.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.

Let's get started:

  1. For the first row we take white parts, and for the second and third - light green. Using the standard fastening method, we connect three tiers at once with a chain until we get a solid circle.
  2. Squeeze the circle a little with your fingers to form a cylinder.
  3. We assemble the next row only from light green elements, for it and for all subsequent tiers we will take 24 modules each.
  4. Let's start working on drawing.
  5. In the fourth row, insert one white piece every three green elements.
  6. In the fifth tier, we alternate between white and green modules through two parts.
  7. In the sixth row, we use the following combination of details: white, light green, white and bright green.
  8. In the seventh tier, we alternate two light green elements and bright green modules through one.
  9. We decorate the ninth row only with light green inserts.
  10. From the tenth to the twelfth tiers, we repeat the actions of the fourth, fifth and sixth rows.
  11. In the thirteenth row, we alternate white and bright green elements through two, and in the fourteenth, we insert one bright green one between three white modules.
  12. On the fifteenth and sixteenth tiers, we make ledges with sharp corners, decorating the top of the hill with a bright green module.
  13. Next, we continue to make the next six rows with white parts, setting them between the previously made ledges. We attach bright green paper inserts to the top of each of them, and then white paper inserts.
  14. We begin to create a neck for our vase. For this, small triangular modules were prepared in advance. For each row stretched upwards, we fix two white parts, previously connected by green modules.
  15. We fasten eleven white parts so that we have a ladder, with which we will connect the sharp tops of our structure. We strengthen the white hills with green inserts, connecting all the existing tops with such elements.
  16. Between the main elements we insert four more white parts.

The modular origami vase is ready for a serving of candy!

Sometimes a moment of regret rolls over that flowers cannot please us with their beauty all year round. Summer is replaced by winter, and we part with this natural beauty. But still, the hand does not rise to pick flowers, because they can only please a short period of time. But there is a great solution to decorate your home beautiful flowers without harming nature. You can make flowers with your own hands and put them in original vase from paper.

And today we will learn how to make truly inspiring flowers, which are a symbol of the renewal of nature - spring snowdrops.

You can also make a vase for them. By the way, below you will find a master class "Origami vase from modules", the assembly scheme of which is very simple, this product will become excellent decoration living room or kitchen.

Preparation for work

Origami vase of triangular modules consists of 152 white, 64 yellow and 92 green triangles. In total, you need to make 308 triangles.

This work will be an excellent option for honing skills in the art of modular origami. For beginners, the progress of work is accompanied by detailed photographs.

Origami vase from modules: a master class with photos

So, for the first row we need 20 white triangles. For the second row, we take 20 yellow modules. We connect them like this:

Now let's move on to assembling the third row of yellow modules:

We begin the formation of a vase pattern: we put 1 white module with the short side up on every 4th triangle of the previous row. We close the base of the vase in a ring:

We turn the base so that the yellow modules are outside the vase, and go to the fourth row. In this row, we will have the following pattern: on each white module we put on 2 white triangles with the long side, and then next we put on 3 yellow modules with the short side. We repeat this pattern throughout the row:

In the fifth row, we place the modules in the following order: 1 white, 1 green, 1 white (we put these modules on the long side), 2 yellow modules (short side):

In the new row, we follow the order: 1 white, 2 green, again 1 white (long side), 1 yellow triangular element (short side).

The 7th row consists of a combination: one white module, one green module, one yellow module, and again one white module. Modules have a long side:

In the next row, we will get 2 green modules, 3 white (long side). Continue the pattern to the end of the row.

In the ninth row, we alternate 1 green and 4 white modules throughout the entire row.

Now let's move on to the decorative elements of the vase. To do this, prepare 8 blanks: 4 green and 4 white. The blanks consist of 7 modules nested in each other:

We attach these elements to the vase with a short base outward according to the scheme: we connect green blanks with green modules, white ones between two white modules.

There is very little left. Now we need to connect these decorative elements with each other with an arch of 5 white modules:

In total, we should get 8 arches of 40 white triangles:

The finishing touch: a row of 32 green modules over a white arch.

This is what it looks like finished vase origami from modules. A video on how to make another version of the vase is here:

Since our vase is designed for flowers, we proceed to a master class on their manufacture.

MK by colors

To make flowers, we need 3 white paper squares (sides of the square are 4 cm). We add them according to the scheme:

Now, for each blank of the future flower, we grease one side of the petal with transparent glue:

Carefully fasten it in the pocket under the petal with right side another module:

Repeat the connection process for the third element:

We close the resulting blank into a ring, fixing the extreme petal with glue in the opposite pocket. Please note that you need to leave a small space between the modules at the top:

Now we take a piece of thin wire 23 cm long and corrugated paper, pre-cut into strips 1 cm wide. We begin to wrap the wire with paper, retreating 1 cm from the edge of the wire. First, we wind a small roller of paper:

Then we bend the edge of the wire, securing our wrapper:

After that, we continue to wrap the entire wire with tape:

We fix the previously prepared flower petals on the wire. To do this, we pass a wire through the base of the flower. At the base of the petals we make a thickening of paper. The last detail is a 1x6 cm strip of paper in a paler shade of green for the petal. Now we bend the stem and enjoy the finished flower:

So that the vase of flowers does not look too lonely, add some leaves to the bouquet. To do this, you need to cut out the crepe paper folded in half in the shape of a leaf at your discretion. The leaves must be glued together, so they will keep their shape:

Make as many flowers as you like. Before putting them in a vase, secure them together with an elastic band or tape:

Table vase with flowers is ready:

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