Children's crafts for grandmother. DIY gift ideas for the New Year: photo. How to make an interesting New Year's gift for parents - mom, dad, grandma, grandpa with your own hands: ideas for school, kindergarten, diagrams, templates, photos. How to make interesting new

I offer you some DIY craft ideas for your grandmother.

Vase from yarn.

Such a gift is made simply and quickly. You will need:

  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • basis for your vase
  • any yarn, any color

1. Boil water, add flour mixed with a little cold water. Boil a little and remove from heat. Add sugar.
2. Prepare the base for a suitable vase shape.

3. Wet the yarn in cold paste (preferably leave for 5 minutes) and wrap around the base vase, after turning it upside down.

4. When the yarn dries a little, you will need to remove it from the base - let it dry in the already removed form (at least a day).

Craft - a pot of flowers-photographs of family members.

To make such a composition with our own hands, we need:

  • flower pot / bucket (preferably rectangular / oval)
  • sponge for flower arrangements/ either polystyrene / or gypsum
  • colorful cardboard
  • wooden skewers (like sushi sticks)
  • ribbons
  • super glue, PVA
  • photos of family members
  • powder to choose from: multi-colored pebbles, beads, sisal, shavings, coffee beans

How to make such a craft with your own hands:

1. Prepare a flower stencil. Cut it out of cardboard different color 2 times more flowers than photos.

2. Cut out a photo with family members in the form of circles of the same size.

3. Glue a wooden stick to the center of one flower.

4. Glue a photo in the shape of a circle to the second flower.

5. Glue the flowers together around the circumference.

6. Tie a ribbon bow on a stick.

7. Attach all the flowers from the photo to the sticks. Cut the sticks at the right height so that all the photos can be seen as if on a ladder.

8. Fill the bucket/pot with composition sponge or plaster mortar. Install all flowers. Let the gypsum harden, if you chose it.

9. Spread PVA sponge / gypsum and cover with pebbles / beads / shavings / sisal / coffee beans. Let dry.

Craft - drawing "Family tree" as a gift.

To do this simply:

  • dilute the gouache in a wide container so that the gouache is not very liquid
  • call your family members
  • let everyone choose their own color
  • practice leaving neat handprints
  • first draw a tree trunk on a piece of paper
  • and take turns leaving handprints around the trunk, imitating the crown of a tree.
  • let dry and place the picture in a frame.
Decoupage jars with your own hands.

You can give your grandmother a set of beautiful jars and lids for food storage.

You can make a box of buttons / coins with your own hands.

To make such crafts with our own hands, we need:

  • jar glass/plastic
  • glue moment/glue gun
  • buttons of different sizes color does not matter, a lot of buttons. Instead of buttons, small coins can be used.
  • spray paint (color of your choice)

What need to do?

1. Paste the lid with buttons / coins only on top, so that it is convenient to unscrew.

2. Paste the jar with buttons / coins, try not to leave empty spaces.

3. On a newspaper (on a balcony or in an entrance), spray the product with plenty of spray paint.

Beautiful, delicious and easy gift - a bouquet of sweets.

Master class on how to make a bouquet of sweets with your own hands, see

There are things that each of us must be able to do. For example, make a gift for your grandmother's birthday with your own hands. Of course, today you can buy any item in the store, and your grandmother will appreciate your efforts. However an exclusive gift received from the granddaughter or from a grandson and decorated with my own hands will bring much more joy and positive. How to make an unforgettable surprise native person, we will tell later in the article.

Grandmothers sometimes love their grandchildren more than their own grown-up children. And grandchildren, in gratitude for love, care, understanding and all sorts of sweets, can independently make a birthday present for their grandmother, which she will remember and keep with pleasure throughout her life. Depending on your ability, you can think over a serious and useful gift(for example, sew a pillow), or you can make a nice little thing in just 5 minutes.

For example, try making a stylish stand for indoor plants from ordinary wooden clothespins. Plant greens, mint or a small flower in a pot and give grandma as a keepsake.

If you have no idea what you can present to your grandmother for 80 years, give her memories. family photos in beautiful design will help to reveal many family stories that you did not know about before.

A nice gift from my grandson - spring flowers in a cup.

Grandmothers are unsurpassed kitchen wizards and thrifty housewives. Give a Granny useful kitchen items handmade with taste.

Decorate your grandmother's bag with your own hands. By using acrylic paints and pieces of vegetables or fruits, you can draw original patterns on the fabric. With such a bag, grandmother will be happy to go shopping and delight you with new goodies. And best of all - visit grandma more often And don't forget to help her with the housework.

For 75 years you can present a beautiful vase to your grandmother self made.

Make a gift for your grandmother for her birthday original candlestick.

What to give to your grandmother on March 8 with your own hands?

You can please your grandmother on March 8 with warmth and care. Prepare a surprise tea box for her. Put in the box with the tea bags notes with words of love and gratitude. And then arrange a festive tea party with your grandmother.
The continuation of the first gift will be a delicious cake that you bake for your grandmother with your own hands.

Decorate for grandma several vases in an original way.

Good gift grandmother with their own hands - soft mat, which you can make from pieces of old things.

Paper also produces a lot of interesting and useful things. A memorable gift - a postcard - can be presented on others, and on March 8, and on any other holiday. Try decorate a card with paper flowers, and write the text yourself, from the heart, with words of gratitude. How to make paper flowers, we wrote in detail in one of the previous articles, and we are sure you will find the words of congratulations in your heart.

How to make a gift-card from paper to your grandmother for the holiday?

We will tell you more about making postcards for grandmother right now. For example, you want give 65th birthday card for grandma and please her with tender congratulations, sincere words or beautiful poems.

An excellent postcard for a grandmother's anniversary will be beautifully decorated photos of your beloved grandchildren.

Grandmother's greeting card ideas are striking in their diversity and simplicity. For making postcards you will need very few things.

By combining these elements into a harmonious composition, you will receive a wonderful card as a gift for your beloved grandmother.

Birthday is a special day for everyone. On this day, you always want increased attention, only good mood, interesting jokes and jokes of friends and, of course, gifts. Let's think together what kind of birthday present for grandmother with our own hands we can make together with the children.

Imagine the joy of a grandmother who received her gift from the hands of her beloved grandson or granddaughter?! It is no secret that grandmothers perceive their grandchildren more jealously, feel them more deeply than their own children, so a gift to a grandmother with her own hands will be the most expensive for her.

The question of how to give a gift to a grandmother should be decided by the baby himself in the presence of adults. Maybe your child wants to give something special, but without your prompting, he will not be able to do it or he will need your help. In any case, he must choose the idea of ​​a gift personally.

Gifts from natural materials

If the child has not yet reached school age, but really wants to make a gift with his own hands, he can be carried away (cones, pieces of bark, moss, etc.).

The craft can be both flat and voluminous. It will be easiest for the baby to cope with the first option, but the voluminous one looks more interesting)

Make these owls with your baby. As you know, the owl is a symbol of wisdom. Grandma, wise by life experience, will appreciate such a gift.


Continuing the topic about owls, see our crochet master class "Miniature amigurumi toys: we knit a smart owl". Certainly. the child himself will not cope with this task, but he can choose the colors of the threads, glue the eyes and try to embroider feathers.


A postcard could be something like this. And instead of decorative flowers, glue dried ones. See the master class "Beautiful, uncomplicated do-it-yourself postcard using the Scrapbooking technique". It is really very simple, the kid himself will be able to stick multi-colored strips of paper!

And you can really try and make a really amazing picture! Yes, accuracy is required here, so mom will glue the flowers, but the baby will be happy to help collect and dry them!

It is enough just to make roses from orange peel and make a beautiful composition that will decorate the interior.

To do this, from the very top of the orange, it is necessary to cut a thin strip of peel in a spiral, trying to capture the white strip on top. The peel of an orange is very easy to curl up in a spiral, it only needs to be dried. You need to dry on the battery for 2 days, spreading the "roses" on cardboard. You can dry an orange sliced ​​​​in circles in the same way, you get a great addition to the future composition!

If you have preserved dried flowers, leaves, fruits of berries, then all this can be safely used! Girls will be happy to make such beauty for their beloved grandmother!


By the way, coffee beans are another wonderful material, quite a natural origin! You can make coffee beans (see master classes at the relevant links):

Drawing with three-dimensional elements

Of course, the grandson will not always present a gift to his grandmother for birthdays with his own hands. Once he leaves to study or work, only luxurious greeting cards will come to his grandmother.

That is why now a gift from grandchildren who entered primary school- so important, loved and wished with all our hearts.

A kid can make a gift to his grandmother with his own hands by drawing a beautiful favorite - his own or grandmother's flower. You can offer him to cut voluminous flowers from a napkin and glue them, thus decorating the drawing.

For flowers, you need to take 2 layers of napkins, one can be colored, the other white. Fold each layer four times, then four times again and put them on top of each other. Fasten with a stapler as shown in the figure.

Next, you need to cut the napkin into 4 equal parts and cut a flower from each of them. Then, in turn, lift and squeeze in the center all the layers of the napkin, hiding the paper clip. Now straighten the flowers and you can stick on the picture!

Quilling - a masterpiece of craftsmanship

The skill of quilling came to us, as they say, from England, where noble ladies were engaged in this art. Today, in order to do something using the quilling technique, it is enough to buy a special kit, which includes an awl, glue, a ruler with circles and sets of paper strips of different widths. Products created with the help of quilling are already masterpieces in themselves, and a simple and lovingly created composition will make a splash at grandmother's name day.

Ease of work with paper tapes, the simplicity of collecting figures will amaze everyone who worked with this material: a strip of paper should be tightly twisted, then create the necessary figure, assemble the intended element from several smaller elements, and glue it onto a sheet of cardboard. Such masterpieces can be stored indefinitely, but it is better to impregnate the paper with a special composition to avoid fading.

Gift for a grandmother-needlewoman

Many grandmothers are fond of one or another type of needlework. Often they instill a love for needlework in their daughters and granddaughters. If such a wonderful story happened to you, then you can definitely make a gift for your grandmother's birthday with your own hands!

Let's take this idea as a basis and refine it. The frame of spools of thread and buttons is very good! You can stop there and just insert a photo of your grandmother into the frame. And you can completely repeat the original idea of ​​​​the author, only nail another small carnation on the back wall, on which the grandmother can hang her scissors! You can sew a needle bed and attach it somewhere here, then grandmother will have everything at hand! This best gift handicraft grandmother!

A bouquet of artificial flowers and tangles also looks very cute and will never wither!

How do you like this composition? From the photo it is quite clear how to make a gift of such a plan to your grandmother.


Since the grandmother herself is fond of needlework, she will definitely appreciate your creativity. For example, bright citrus coasters made of felt for a mug of hot tea or a cozy home charm made of a wooden kitchen spatula.

Original gift ideas

What gift can be given to a grandmother if she loves and appreciates original things, collects figurines and is a big fan of interesting accessories? Give grandma a stylish watch with photos instead of numbers! You can alternate photos with small handmade souvenirs, for example, embroidered magnets or buttons.

Girls are quite capable of knitting funny potholders in the form of animals for their grandmother. She will be very pleased!

Most likely, your beloved grandmother will also appreciate a gift specially purchased for her in a gift shop, but even if it is a thing that she has long dreamed of, a birthday present made by your hands for your grandmother, she will certainly remember.


Even a bought gift can be presented very sincerely if you make packaging for it yourself. To help you master class "Gift box without glue: what could be easier?"

New Year, traditionally, - family celebration. This is the day when the whole family and close friends get together at the same table, give each other gifts and good mood. On this holiday, it is customary to give warm, sincere gifts, so many people prefer to give gifts made by themselves.

Children also strive to take as much part as possible in preparing for the New Year, because for all kids it is associated with magic and all sorts of surprises and miracles. This is the day when everything is possible.

Even the most notorious little fidgets and mischievous people will want to please their beloved dad, grandparents with a gift. And the role of the mother is to suggest and help how to do this.

Make a joint gift to your beloved dad with your child. From you - a prepared gift, and from the child - a homemade postcard for him. From such a surprise, he will definitely be delighted.

The easiest way to do new year card with a child - application.

This will require:

  • glue stick;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • colored pens or markers.

Making a card with a Christmas tree:

1. We will use red double-sided paper for the base, and green for the Christmas tree. We cut a sheet of green paper exactly along the edges so that it is 0.5-1 cm smaller on each side than the postcard itself.

2. Fold a sheet of green paper in half and draw a Christmas tree with a pencil.

You can prepare a template for a Christmas tree from plain white paper in advance, so that your child independently attaches and circles it with a pencil already on green paper.

3. Cut out the branches of the Christmas tree, as shown in the figure below. Be careful not to cut off the sides.

4. We glue the green sheet to the red base with a glue stick (there is no need to glue the Christmas tree itself).

How to DIY: If there are curly hole punches, then you can make stars or snowflakes with them, if not, then your child can simply draw them with colored pens or felt-tip pens, or they can be cut out of paper according to a template.

Such a simple postcard will not take you much time, and the child will be infinitely happy to give dad a gift that he made himself.

If you didn’t have colored paper at hand, then you can make a pretty snow-covered Christmas tree from white. She looks no worse.

In addition to Christmas trees, you can make cards with snowmen, Christmas balls and snowflakes. All of them are simple, but with all their simplicity, they look very beautiful and elegant.

A few ideas for crafts with a child for the New Year for your inspiration

A simple snowman card that can be made together with even the smallest children.

Buttons can be used to depict a snowman.

Multi-colored buttons will look great as Christmas balls.

Instead of a Christmas tree, according to the same principle, you can make a postcard with a mountain of gifts and write a wish on each gift.

Crafts with children for the New Year as a gift to grandparents

All grandmothers, without exception, are delighted with any achievements of their grandchildren and granddaughters. And how happy they will be when they receive a homemade souvenir from them! Then for another year they will show it to all their friends and acquaintances, proudly saying: “This granddaughter made me himself, what a fine fellow!”

Together with the smallest children, you can make toys for the Christmas tree for grandparents. Such a gift will be carefully stored and give pleasant memories.

We make Christmas decorations with the children


  • ice cream sticks;
  • glue gun;
  • paints;
  • buttons, beads, rhinestones, ribbons and everything you can find at home for decoration.

Making a snowflake toy

1. First, prepare the basis for the child yourself. Attach 4 popsicle sticks with a glue gun. Let dry.

2. Now you can give complete freedom of creativity to your baby. Choose a color with it and paint the snowflakes.

3. After the paint dries, you can start decorating: paint a snowflake, stick beads on it, tie ribbons and whatever your heart desires. It will turn out a very cute souvenir for the New Year.

In a similar technique, you can make a Christmas tree.

Toys for the Christmas tree can be made from large beads. For such a toy, you will need wire and multi-colored beads. We bend the wire in the form of a candy or into any other shape and string beads on it.

It is best to use large beads, so it will be easier for the child to string them on the wire. Be careful not to leave your child alone with beads.

Crafts with older children

If your child is already old enough to be trusted with a needle, then a kitchen towel with a Christmas tree will be a great gift for grandma for the New Year.

Buy a regular white waffle towel. Draw strokes on it with a simple pencil, as shown in the figure below.

How to DIY: Give the child a thread with a needle, show how to lead the thread along the drawn lines. To make it easier for the child, secure the fabric in the hoop. Such a towel, no doubt, will pleasantly surprise the grandmother and will delight her later for many years to come.

You can also give your grandparents a cute snowman, you can put it under the Christmas tree or on a shelf near the TV. He will immediately bring the New Year mood to the house.

It is done simply and quite quickly.


  • sock;
  • buttons;
  • money rubber bands;
  • rice for filling;
  • eye pins;
  • ribbon or piece of fabric on a scarf.

Making a snowman:

1. First, cut off upper part sock. Fill the body of the snowman with rice and tie an elastic band. Now we fill the head and also tie it with an elastic band.

2. Roll up the rest of the sock and make a hat out of it. A hat can also be made from a sock of a different color.

3. Now we tie a ribbon around the neck, glue or sew on buttons, make a nose and eyes for the snowman. If there are no pins, the eyes and nose can be embroidered or simply drawn.

Such a snowman, made with love by the hands of a child, will take pride of place in the house of grandparents.

Involve your child in creativity from an early age, and then he will grow up with a rich imagination and skillful hands.

New Year is a family holiday. The people we care about the most are our grandparents. After all, they are the main keepers of the home family hearth.

The value of gifts for them is not in value, but in the attention and feelings that are invested in gifts. I would like the New Year's surprise to touch their hearts and be useful. Long before the holiday, the family decides what to give grandma for the new year.

The greatest value for her are the gifts of her grandchildren. If adults give useful things, then grandchildren can make a gift with their own hands.

A beautiful postcard made for them with soul and imagination will become a source of pride and will be kept in the house for a long time. Manufacturing techniques are varied.

On a folded thick sheet of paper, attach a cardboard Christmas tree wrapped in colored threads. Glue a few beads and a ribbon with a bow and snowflakes. Most importantly, write your wishes. This is such a cute postcard.

You can depict a Christmas tree from a woolen thread, decorate with buttons. Looks cute and tasteful and won't take long.

Application from colored paper, buttons, coarse thread, the necessary blanks for such a postcard.

Write your favorite "grandma and grandpa" a New Year's message. Make a hat and a scarf from a sock, put it on an envelope. Draw eyes, a nose, you get a touching and interesting congratulation in the form of a snowman.

New Year's panels and postcards in scrapbooking technique. Are used: special paper, clippings, applications from thick cardboard, threads, lace.

Postcard "Mitten", scrapbooking technique.