Hair roller with how to use button. Beautiful and simple hairstyles with a hair roller: a step by step guide. Babette with flowing hair

Some recent years in the hairstyles of many girls, an honorable place is occupied by hairstyles with a roller. Such hairstyles remove interfering hair and look very impressive, emphasizing the swan necks of beauties.

In general, a roller is an accessory specifically designed to create voluminous hairstyles or high ponytails. Their main advantage is that with their help, special efforts are not required to create a hairstyle.

By the way, hairstyles with a hair roller were once popular. Namely, in the last century, in the fifties and sixties, all the ladies who consider themselves stylish fashionistas, made themselves different hairstyles using it, including bunches, buns, shells, and, of course, babettes.

Today There are a wide variety of rollers on the market. , so each girl can choose the one that she likes. With the help of a roller, it is very easy to create a hairstyle from your hair yourself, especially since step-by-step instructions will be given below. That is why hairstyles using a roller have long ceased to be evening hairstyles have become everyday.

How to create hairstyles with a hair roller, with step-by-step instructions, will be described below. However, first we will deal with their types, so that it becomes clear which of the rollers on the market needs to be purchased.

Hair rollers

For a girl who does not have a hairdressing education, it may initially seem that these accessories are difficult to use, and it is simply unrealistic to use them every day. However, this is misleading using them is easy enough. You just need to decide what type of accessory is needed for a certain result, and know how to use it.

The main types of rollers include:

  1. Round roller , which is also called "bagel", "donut" or "donat". They differ from each other in color, material, size, that is, it is possible to choose exactly the one that suits the color, length and density of the hair. This type of roller is only suitable for bundles.
  2. Roller oblong or oval , which is used when they want to add volume to a variety of hairstyles. But a beam with such a roller cannot be done.
  3. Long or universal roller , having a fastener at the ends, thanks to which you can make a regular round roller out of it. This type of rollers is really universal, since using them you can add volume, twist the bundle, and simply twist the ends of the curls.
  4. Roller with comb - this is the same oval roller used to add volume, only with the possibility of self-fixing, using an ordinary comb.
  5. Roller in the shape of a heart - this is the same "donut" only not round, but heart-shaped, with which a heart-shaped beam is created.

How to replace the "donut" or is it possible to make it yourself

There are times when you create voluminous hairstyle really needed, but the "donut" has not yet been bought - how to solve a similar problem? The solution is very simple, and for this you will only need an ordinary sock.

So, to make a round roller yourself take a clean sock, which is not a pity to use and cut off the elastic and the bow from it to get something like a fabric pipe. Next, you need to roll this blank into a round roller and bast the end if necessary. Everything, "donut" can be used.

In the manufacture of such a roller, the following should be considered:

pick a color to the tone of the hair (this, by the way, should be done when buying a finished accessory);

the thicker the roller is needed, that is, the thicker and thicker the curls, the tighter you need to take the sock, or twist several socks.

Hairstyles with a hair roller step by step

Having figured out and decided on the type of rollers, you can start experimenting with hairstyles. Below are the step by step instructions for creating basic roll up hairstyles. Having understood and understood the essence of creating such hairstyles, it will be possible to change or add something to them.

Before you start “creating”, you need to prepare the tools and accessories that you may need - a comb, roller, invisible, hairpins, elastic bands.

  1. Bundle number 1

This is one of the basic roll up hairstyles. The step-by-step list of actions to create it is as follows:

- comb the curls and tie a tail on the back of the head;

- pull the "donut" on the base of the tail;

- twist the strands that remain around the bundle and secure with invisibility.

  1. Babette No. 1

This is practically the ancestor of hairstyles with hair rollers, a strict and elegant hairstyle. step by step such:

- collect high curls in the tail;

- take an oval roller and put it on the very top of the head in front of the tail;

- wrap the roller with a tail;

- distribute the strands in such a way that the roller becomes invisible;

- fix the structure with invisibility;

- touch up and, if necessary, sprinkle with varnish or decorate.

  1. Bundle number 2

Another variation of the beam:

- high to collect all the strands in a regular tail;

- lift up the tail and thread its tips into the holes of the "donut";

- distributing the strands evenly, slowly wind them on the "donut", moving down to the base of the tail;

- carefully fix the finished bundle with hairpins or stealth, hide the broken curls inside the bundle;

- sprinkle everything with varnish, if necessary, attach a flower or other decoration for decoration.

  1. Ballerina's bun.

As you know, this category of women knows how to fix their hair in the most reliable way, you can be sure that such a hairstyle will not fall apart during the day. Moreover, this hairstyle, even on not very long curls, will hold on for a long time and reliably. So, the hairstyles used by ballerinas with a hair roller are done step by step like this:

- braid a high pony tail, fixing it with a strong elastic band;

- separate a small strand from the resulting tail and fasten it with a hairpin for a while so as not to interfere;

- wind the tail on a round roller, starting from its tips and to the very base, not forgetting to distribute the strands evenly. You can fix the resulting bundle with a hairnet;

  1. Babette No. 2.

This version of the famous hairstyle can be made even for a festive event, it looks very elegant and stylish. So how to do:

- comb the hair and separate a small part of it near the bangs, pinning it temporarily in front;

- near the parting formed, attach an oval roller on the back of the head;

- evenly cover it with previously separated hair, and fix these strands on the back of the head using invisible ones;

- divide all the hair that remains into two parts;

- braid each of the parts in a regular braid;

- braid the babbet with these braids from different sides, fixing the ends of the braids with invisibility.

- sprinkle with varnish on the resulting hairstyle and decorate with flowers, if desired, decorate.

  1. Hairstyle with a hair roller "classic".

- collect hair at the back of the head in the most ordinary ponytail;

- about 4 - 5 centimeters from the head, tie it with another elastic band;

- throw the tail forward, temporarily securing it with a clip;

- next to the base of the tail, with invisibility, fasten an oval roller from the sides and from above;

- throw the tail over the roller, take an elastic band and tie it where the hair ends, covering the roller;

- evenly distribute hair over the last elastic band, closing the accessory;

- take the tail from the bottom of the third elastic band and divide it into two parts, securing each for the main hair not far from the third elastic band;

- take one part and attach to the bottom, third elastic band;

- do the same with the second part, but on the other hand, the result should be a kind of bow.

Be beautiful and take care of yourself dear women!

Read the most popular article in the category:
Why cut the ends of your hair and how to restore hair growth.

In the 60s On the screens of Soviet cinemas, the film "Babette Goes to War" was released, in which the main role was played by the legendary Frenchwoman Brigitte Bordeaux. Hairstyle main character differed sharply from what hairdressers offered, so it instantly gained popularity and became a real fashion statement. As soon as fashionistas did not go out of their way to create a babette on their heads, they put chignons in their hair, cut hair gathered in a net, washcloths, nylon stockings and everything that was enough for imagination. Today it is easier to look in the style of Bridget Bordeaux, since many special devices have been invented for hair modeling.

hair roller

In specialized stores for hairdressers, you can buy a variety of hair rollers. Rollers come in different shapes - oval, round, long, resembling a sausage.

The long roller is convenient for those, which can be used both straight and bent into a circle. At the ends of such a roller has a button, or an elastic band.

If you can not buy a finished roller, it can be made in no time independently from ordinary terry socks. First step- cut off the sock from the sock, no matter how fun it sounds. Put what is left of the sock on your hand, with an elastic band to your wrist. Can be one on top of the other or one after the other.

Roll the sock into a roll. It will turn out a round terry bagel, in no way inferior to store counterparts.

The color of the roller should match the color of the hair. In this case, the roller will not shine through, and the hairstyle will look as natural as possible. With the help of rollers, you can make bunches, shells, classic babette, ballerina bunches, malvinkas and just original hairstyles without a name.

Making a hairstyle with a roller is very simple. To begin with, the hair must be combed and collected with an elastic band in a high tail. Put a round roller on the tail, secure with invisibility. Comb the strands from the tail and gently twist around the roller, hiding the tips under the roller.

It turned out a neat bunch of a ballerina. To make the hairstyle more interesting and securely hide ponytails and invisibility, the bundle can be wrapped with a scarf, tying its ends with a bow.

Another option for a hairstyle that is suitable not only for every day, but also for special occasions. This option can be done with a pile or using an oval hair roller instead of a pile.

Comb the hair, separate the part that is closer to the bangs. On the back of the head with the help of invisibility, fix the roller. Carefully close the roller with the left strand. Fix the hair at the back of the head with invisibility.

Divide your hair into two even sections.

Comb, sprinkle with varnish and braid two ordinary pigtails.

Wrap the right braid around the babette through left side. Fix the ends with invisibility and hide. Do the same with the left oblique, but through the right side.

The hair is almost ready.

It remains only to decorate it with artificial flowers.

This is how the hairstyle with a roller looks from behind.

Varieties of hairstyles using a roller

According to the principle described above, you can make a hairstyle with a roller at the back of the head or at the top.

The size of the beam depends on the size of the roller used. The more voluminous hairstyle you want to get, the larger the roller needs to be placed.

This hairstyle uses two oval rollers.

hairstyle bump with a roller is also called ballerina bun or a good girl's hairstyle. It is done in three minutes, looks neat, does not fray all day, no matter how active you lead.

The hairstyle is done according to the same principle as described above. Hair is pulled back into a ponytail. One strand behind the tail is separated, combed and removed to the side. A hair bagel is put on the tail, around which strands are neatly wrapped.

For extra reliable fixation, a thin hairnet is put on top of the cone.

The remaining strand is wrapped around the cone. We fix the tips with invisibility and hide under the roller.

Hairstyle "good girl" is ready!

The roller does not have to be hidden under the beam. You can fix the roller on the back of the head, cover it with hair, leaving long strands to fall freely over the shoulders.

If you fix the roller on the top of your head, you get an interesting hairstyle, popularly referred to as a bun.

With the help of a roller, you can simply make countless options for babette hairstyles.

Many barbers prefer hairstyles with a roller for wedding ceremonies. Fashion is changeable. After many years, a trendy hairstyle may seem unusual and even funny, and a classic that has survived more than one generation is always appropriate. On your wedding photo you will always look spectacular and modern.

Looking at these photos, it's hard to tell what time they belong to. Brides on them are beautiful, regardless of time and era.

Master Class. Hairstyles with a roller video

In the video, the hairdresser-stylist clearly shows how to perform a classic wedding hairstyle with roller. Watch, repeat, be happy and irresistible.

All long-haired ladies ask the same question: how to style your hair? Regardless of whether you need a hairstyle for every day or for a special occasion, it should be neat, durable and have an attractive look. And an excellent option in this situation is to use a special roller, which allows you to create a fairly large number of all kinds of options.

What is a hair roller and what is it used for?

Outwardly, this device looks like a donut. It is made mainly of foam rubber or nylon mesh, which ensures its light weight and comfort in contact with hair.

The roller is considered a universal hairdressing accessory, since it can be used to create both classic hairstyles and evening or youth hairstyles.

To make this accessory less noticeable under the hair, it is produced in several color variations: white, flesh-colored, brown and black. That is why, when choosing, you should start from the shade of your own hair. Also hairdressing rollers may vary in size. Depending on the length of the hair and the characteristics of the hairstyle, they can be small, medium or large.

Hair rollers

For those who have never encountered this hairdressing accessory, the very process of working with it may seem complicated and confusing. However, in reality, everything is the opposite, observing a simple technology, spectacular hairstyles come out.

The result of the hairstyle directly depends on the correct choice. That is why this issue special attention needs to be paid.

Types of rollers

All rollers can be divided into the following types:

  • round (bagel, donut). They are used only to create beams. They may differ in color, as well as in size and material of manufacture;

  • flat. They can have a round or rectangular shape, which contributes to hairstyles. Its fixation occurs already under the finished part of the hairstyle, whether it be a shell or a horn;
  • universal. Such elements have a clasp at their ends, which allows you to make a donut shape out of it. Thus, this type can not only add volume and curl hair, but also create a bun;
  • in the shape of a heart. The same round roller, only having the shape of a heart;
  • comb roller. This is an oval accessory that can be independently fixed on the hair with a comb.

comb option

Hairstyle options

After the choice has been made in favor of one or another type of roller, you should decide on the type of hairstyle and study it. step by step technology. In any case, you will need a comb, a hairdressing roller, stealth, rubber bands and hairpins.

Having mastered any of the hairstyles, you can safely experiment, add interesting accessories and jewelry.

high beam

  1. Collect all the curls at the crown in a ponytail and secure them with an elastic band.
  2. Place an oval-shaped roller in front of the tail.
  3. Cover this element with strands, carefully distributing them over the entire area.
  4. To give reliability to this design with the help of hairpins or stealth.
  5. Repair and decorate if necessary.
  6. For better fixation, sprinkle with varnish.

Babette is one of the first hairstyles that gave rise to hairdressing rollers. It is a symbol of rigor, sophistication and elegance.

Bundle on the side

To create it you will need:

Side laying example

  1. Organize a horizontal parting and divide the curls in half.
  2. Attach the top curls to the top of the head for more convenient work with the bottom.
  3. It is recommended to tie the second part of the hair in a bun and put a bagel on top of it.
  4. Spread the hair evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the roller, so that it is not noticeable.
  5. Put a thin elastic band on top of the bundle, and wrap the remaining tips around the bundle.
  6. Fix all ends of the strands with stealth or other hairpins.
  7. Dissolve the upper part and comb it to the left side.
  8. Twist a small tourniquet, wrap around the bun and hide the tip inside it.
  9. Sprinkle hairspray with hairspray for strength.

Located on the side is perfect option for everyday use. It goes well with romantic outfits, business suits and evening dresses.

Bundle with braids

The technology of creation includes the following steps:

The combination of a beam with weaving

  1. Carefully combed hair is collected in a high ponytail.
  2. A bagel-roller is put on top of it.
  3. All hair is evenly distributed over the sponge, so as to hide it from view.
  4. Braid about five thin braids according to standard weaving. At the same time, try to make them at the same distance from each other.
  5. Fix the styled hair together with the pigtails on the roller with an elastic band.
  6. If there is long hair left, you can weave a pigtail out of it and wrap it around the bun.
  7. The short ends are folded into a bundle and fixed with invisible hairpins or hairpins.

The use of weaving when organizing a beam is not only original, but also very stylish. A very playful effect is created, which is appropriate both at work and at a party.

Retro styling

The step-by-step creation technology is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to comb your hair and collect it in a high, neat ponytail.
  2. Next, at a distance of about 5 cm from the base of the tail, tie the hair with another elastic band.
  3. Place the tail in front, securing it with hairpins or a clip.
  4. At the very base of the tail, put an oval-shaped roller and secure it with hairpins.
  5. Disconnect the previously fixed tail and throw it over the roller.
  6. Take an elastic band and fix the hair around this accessory.
  7. Distribute curls evenly.
  8. Take the rest of the length after the third fixed elastic band and divide in half. Fix one of them not far from the last elastic band, and the second - directly on it, but in the opposite direction.

As a result of all stages of the hairstyle under the beam, you should get a bow. This hairstyle fit romantic natures, and at any age.

Hair accessories and jewelry

Headbands and all kinds of headbands can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also as decorations. Moreover, even invisible hairpins and hairpins can play not only a functional, but also a decorative role if they are decorated with beads and other decorative elements.

Accessories help to complete the look, this also applies to hairstyles using a roller.

Such hairstyles can be decorated with artificial or real flowers, multi-colored elastic bands, original invisible hairpins and hairpins, bows and other decorative elements.

Accessories and jewelry add beauty and special charm to the hairstyle. With their help, even a simple everyday styling can be turned into a bright festive hairstyle. It is important to understand that beautiful styling is rarely obtained the first time. If you are preparing for an important event, then “try on” a festive hairstyle the day before.


The popularity of hairstyles using a hairdressing roller is due to the spectacular appearance and ease of creation. All the large number of owners long hair choose this design option.

Not every young lady can boast of a chic mane of hair, but at least sometimes you want to create such an appearance. Stubby tufts on the head do not look as grandiose as voluminous bumps. That is why manufacturers of accessories in the hairdressing industry have created hair rollers. With this attribute, you can do original hairstyle literally in five minutes, you just need to know how to use the roller. For hair, it does not cause any harm, so each owner long curls I just have to add this accessory to my personal collection.

Main characteristics

Outwardly, the roller looks more like a donut, it is made of thin nylon mesh or foam rubber, so it does not weigh down the hairstyle at all. With it, you can make both elegant strict cones and careless bunches.

In form, they can be in the form:

  • solid ring;
  • a long "sausage" that fastens with a button;
  • oval.

In order for the roller to be less noticeable under the hair, it is produced in several colors: white, black, brown and flesh. Therefore, you need to select it in a shade that is as close as possible to your hair color.

Rollers are divided into three types by size: small, medium and large.

Such a miracle fashion industry can be bought in specialized stores and on the Internet. But if you can’t find it, you can make this item yourself. Next, we will talk about how to make a hair roller from improvised means.

We make the roller ourselves

To build such an accessory is very simple. To do this, you need to find at home socks or knee-highs of a color that even slightly resembles your shade of hair. This will help to avoid some incidents, for example, if suddenly a green sock with ladybugs, perfect image will be clearly corrupted. It is desirable that the socks are elastic.

The hair roller is done as follows:

  1. Cut off the part of the sock where the fingers are located with scissors.
  2. It turns out a cylinder, from which the “roller-donut” rolls. In order to make it more convenient to do this, you can put a sock on your hand.
  3. To make it more voluminous, use two socks.
  4. Everything is ready, it remains only to understand how to use the hair roller.

Of course, this option is best used in emergency situations, when there are no special devices at hand, and the hairstyle must be flawless. Moreover, a homemade sock bagel is a little heavier than its store counterpart, so your head will get tired faster.

Roller: what can you think of?

If you know how to use a hair roller, you can come up with many options for unique looks. But the most common of all are:

  • bun;
  • cone;
  • babette;
  • shell.

It is much easier for owners of long hair to use this accessory, but ladies with short haircuts also have options, for example, make a bump at the bottom near the neck, and place the rest of the strands on top of it.

And if the beam is considered classic version hairstyles, this does not mean that it will necessarily be boring - you just need to experiment with variations:

  • Make bunches on different sides of the head (left, right, on the back of the head or on the crown). Two symmetrical beams will look very provocatively.
  • Depending on the size of the roller, the bump can be both modest and impressive.
  • Pigtails and plaits, both made on the remaining ends, and artificial ones, will bring a little zest.
  • It is not necessary to completely collect the hair: some part can be left loose.
  • Jewelry will make the hairstyle more festive and interesting: for everyday life, it is enough to decorate the head with a scarf or headband, and for a celebration - with fresh flowers or a diadem.

Roundhair roller: instruction attached

With the help of such a simple accessory, you can make a stylish hairstyle that will not differ in any way from a salon: even a non-professional can handle it.

For this you will need:

  • comb;
  • thin elastic band (2 pcs.);
  • accessories for decoration (hairpins, ribbons, hairpins with pearls, stones or beads);
  • round hair roller (preferably the color of the hair).

How to use a ring-shaped hair roller?

  1. Comb your hair and collect in a tight ponytail: on the top or bottom of the head. For a strict classic bun, the hair should be perfectly smooth, and for a more casual look, on the contrary, “comb” the volume a little.
  2. A roller is put on the resulting tail.
  3. Distribute the strands so that the roller is not visible.
  4. Secure the result by wearing a thin elastic band on top.
  5. The remaining tips can be braided into small braids or twisted around the resulting bundle unchanged, then stabbed with stealth.
  6. If the hair is too soft and does not hold its shape well, then it is better to fix the hairstyle with varnish.
  7. We decorate the resulting creation in a circle with beautiful hairpins, hairpins or ribbons - it all depends on the flight of fancy and the planned event.

With such a hairstyle, you can go for a walk and at the same time it will not be a shame to appear at a social event. It goes equally well with both casual wear (for example, with jeans and a shirt) and evening wear (for example, with a cocktail dress).

Bundle with sausage roller

If your accessory is equipped with a button, then you can come up with many more variations of hairstyles on your head.

To get an elegant, strict look, the hair must be smooth and can be straightened with an iron. For a light and careless style, it is better to do everything the other way around: tousle your hair a little.

How to use a sausage-shaped hair roller?

  1. Make a tail.
  2. Take the ends of the tail and twist around the sausage. You need to do this until you reach the beginning of the tail.
  3. Fasten the roller to the button. The main thing is to look so that the bump turns out right at the base of the tail, so that it holds more firmly.
  4. Spread the strands evenly on the beam so that there are no gaps.
  5. Secure with invisibility.
  6. For special occasions, you can decorate the resulting cone with ribbons, flowers, beautiful hairpins or artificial braids.

A bouffant bun is a win-win for flawless looks and sophisticated style, and now that you know how to use a hair roller, it's even easier to do so.

The roller is a small soft donut made of porous material. It is easily woven into the hair and helps to create luxurious volume and a neat hairstyle.

Bagels are matched to the color of the curls, so they can be found in various color variations. There are many master classes for hairstyles with a hair roller. Step-by-step instruction from the video below.

Types of bagels:

  • Round. With it, bunches and evening hairstyles are created.
  • Straight. This shape of the bagel is used for shells.
  • Oval. This roller is ideal for retro hairstyles.

High bun with bagel

This simple and charming hairstyle is suitable for long and medium hair of any thickness. Main, choose suitable size roller.

  1. Gather your hair into a ponytail and secure with a tight elastic band.
  2. Put a bagel on the tail.
  3. Unroll your hair evenly on all sides, so that they cover the roller.
  4. Put on an elastic band or wrap with ribbon.
  5. Gather the ends of the strands and braid the pigtails.
  6. Wrap the bun with braids and enjoy a comfortable and easy hairstyle.

If this option is too simple for you, then you can add some interesting details. Before you distribute the curls around the beam, leave a few strands on all sides. Make thin braids out of them. At the same time, it will look especially charming if you do not braid tight pigtails, but with slightly released strands. This hairstyle will look romantic and very original!

The use of additional accessories, such as hairpins with flowers or rhinestones, headbands and ribbons will give the hairstyle a sophisticated style.

Evening hairstyle with a side bun

This hairstyle is done in a few minutes, but it looks modern, stylish and elegant. It is more suitable for owners of thick hair, but if you make a bouffant of the strands, you can also use it on thin hair.

voluminous hairstyle for prom

  1. Divide the curls into 3 parts: top, middle and bottom.
  2. Pin the top and bottom hair with crab so they don't get in the way.
  3. Make a tight ponytail from the center of your hair and secure with an elastic band.
  4. Let's move on to the top of the head. Divide your hair into strands.
  5. Comb each curl lightly at the roots and stab with invisibility to the base of the tail. Thus, to create volume at the root of the head. All curls do not need to be pinned. Leave some order in the face. Such negligence will add romance to the image.
  6. Do the same with the lower curls. Comb each strand and pin to the base of the tail. Thus, you will get an airy and lush hairstyle.
  7. Put a roller on the tail and pin it with a hairpin.
  8. Divide your hair into small sections.
  9. Twist each curl into a light tourniquet and pin to the roller.
  10. Do this work with each strand and close the bagel with hair.
  11. Volume hairstyle is ready!

Charming hair styling

For this amazing romantic hairstyle you will need oval-shaped roller. This styling will only work on long hair.

Hairstyle for every day in 10 minutes

  1. Comb the curls to the left or right side.
  2. At the top, separate some strands to braid the pigtail.
  3. Gently braid the French spikelet on the left side of the head using adjacent strands.
  4. Comb the rest of the curls and tie in a host. Secure with a rubber band. The tail should be closer to the left ear, slightly to the side.
  5. Put a bagel on the tail.
  6. Comb the strands.
  7. Spread around the roller so that it is not visible.
  8. Wear an elastic over the top.
  9. Tip french braid connect with the rest of the strands and continue to weave a pigtail around the bump.
  10. Secure with hairpins or stealth.
  11. A romantic look for every day is ready!

Bun with a pigtail


This simple and elegant styling will suit for prom, party or wedding.