To spite the frosts: winter rules for facial care. Beautician's advice: how to properly care for your face in winter

Winter is the time of the year when every woman takes additional measures, visits her beautician more often, does rejuvenating and healing procedures. The topic of conversation today is facial skin care during the cold period, which is based on cleansing, protection, nutrition and supportive procedures.

Taking good care of your skin in winter

In winter, when indoor air humidity is below normal, our skin suffers the most. It would seem nothing terrible. However, the skin often flakes, cracks, and there is a risk of infection. To help the body, drink enough fluids (up to 2.5 liters in winter). You also need to pay close attention to skin care products.

1. Correctly wash off makeup in winter

As practice shows and cosmetologists assure the best remedy for make-up remover - this is micellar water, bi-phase makeup remover or cleansing gel for washing.

They allow women to not think about a dull complexion and wrinkles longer, although they work no further than the surface layer of the skin. It is very important that they do not contain alcohol, salicylic acid and other skin-drying agents.

However, even after using them, it is advisable to apply a facial tonic in order to restore the disturbed acid-base balance (ph) of the skin.

From cosmetic soap try to refuse at this time of the year, as soap dries and tightens the skin, especially in winter. It is better to use warm water for washing, not hot.

2. Night cream before bed is the perfect evening care

The cream should consist of at least moisturizing and nourishing ingredients in order to main function– to nourish and remove dehydration of the skin in winter was performed. Apply it in a thick layer 30-60 minutes before bedtime, and then remove the excess with a napkin.

On age skin, before a night cream, it is desirable to apply an active serum. Cosmetologists advise not to feel sorry for the night cream for the neck and décolleté area, while not driving it in and rubbing it in, the skin stretches especially easily in winter.

3. Sunscreen in winter will protect the skin from the sun's rays.

Sun protective cream It is advised to choose with an SPF of at least 30, preferably on a cream base, as light water-based fluids, which are preferred in summer, can cause irritation.

4. Foundation in winter will help replace several mandatory skin care products.

So, choosing a high-quality foundation, a woman can refuse sunscreen, but at the same time protect the skin on a sunny day, due to the content of active substances in the cream (zinc, SPF factor, oils), and at the same time protect it from wind and frost.

If you want to not only provide care, but also give radiance to the skin, then the foundation in this regard is also universal. It contains reflective particles, evens out the skin.

5. Cleansing scrub gel in winter is a must for the face

Peeling - once or twice a week is ideal for combination and oily skin. Gently but deeply cleanses, fights blackheads, gives freshness and silkiness, and make-up goes on evenly.

6. Lip gloss and lip balm for windy weather

If suddenly these funds were not in the cosmetic bag, then before going outside, simply apply any fat cream, and use a moisturizing balm indoors. If the lips are dry and cracked, then read the article answering this question.

7. Alternate moisturizing, nourishing and cleansing face masks

Moisturizing and nourishing masks in winter are a priority. They are advised to do 2 times a week to reduce the lack of hydration and skin nutrition. Sensitive and dry skin especially suffers from this: it begins to peel off, crack, lose elasticity, itching and irritation appear. Pay attention to creams and face masks with the addition of natural

First aid for a weathered face

During a walk on the street in winter, the skin may become weathered. If such a nuisance suddenly happened, then you can prepare a mixture:

  • 1 tsp oatmeal
  • pour 4 tbsp. boiling water.
  • Add 1-2 tsp. olive oil and Kalanchoe juice.

Apply the resulting mixture on the face, avoiding the eye area. Keep for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. Repeat as needed.

8. In winter, after a hard working day, it is especially pleasant to plunge into the fragrant atmosphere of rest and relaxation.

Make yourself some chamomile tea, grab your favorite magazine, put on a face mask, and soak in a hot bath.

Relax Bath Ingredients:

  • 1 cup table salt or sea salt
  • 3 drops of any aromatic oil or (lavender, tea tree or sandalwood).
  • 2 tablespoons lemon or orange zest.

It is best to take such a bath before going to bed, it relaxes, chamomile tea soothes, insomnia does not threaten you. Enjoy!

How to do nourishing mask? Alternatively, mix 2 tablespoons of well-ground oatmeal with 2 drops of tea tree oil, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of whipped cream. Apply the prepared mixture on your face and leave for 15 minutes, then simply rinse it off under a cool shower and apply a moisturizer. Additionally, you can read.

9. In winter, you should think about a facial massage course.

Sign up for lymphatic drainage massage, which amazingly helps to tone the skin, improves elasticity, copes well with shallow mimic wrinkles around eyes. For home care for the skin around the eyes, choose products containing retinol, essential oils of mandarin, rose and moisturizing ingredients.

Skin care in winter has its own characteristics. During this period, our skin suffers from excessive dryness. The culprits of this are primarily heating radiators, air conditioners. The negative impact is further enhanced by the cold wind, frosty air. As a result, there is a deterioration in blood circulation in the vessels of the skin, the sebaceous glands reduce activity, and recovery processes slow down. Therefore, complex care is so important during this period, in which the main role is given to intensive hydration. So how do you take care of your skin in winter?

Home Care Rules

Comprehensive facial skin care includes cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and protecting.

Cleansing is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is better to use for this purpose cosmetics that do not contain alcohol, which dries the skin. For morning cleansing, a tonic or thermal water is perfect, which gently cleanses the skin, awakens it from sleep. You should know that you can wash your face no later than an hour before going outside. Evening cleansing is preferably carried out using a gel, foam or milk, which well remove decorative cosmetics, sebum and particles of pollution.

Scrubs are great for deeper cleansing. Owners of oily skin are recommended to use scrubs once a week. Those who have dry or sensitive skin- no more than once every two weeks.

Nutrition and hydration of the skin is carried out using creams, serums and gels. In the morning after cleansing, apply a nourishing cream to your face. Moisturizer (cream, gel or serum) is applied in the evening, preferably an hour and a half before bedtime. It is necessary to remove excess cream, otherwise you can wake up in the morning with swelling under the eyes and puffiness of the face. An important method of moisturizing and nourishing the skin are various masks.

Protecting the skin involves applying special creams before going outside. Such creams usually contain a high concentration of fats, which create a thin layer that protects the skin from frost and wind. The texture of the cosmetic should be dense enough, but at the same time breathable, so as not to disturb the physiological processes in the epithelium. Some of these creams can be applied on top of the tone.

We offer you to use the advice of experts on proper skin care and the selection of cosmetics in the cold season:

  • Don't use high SPF creams. During the winter months in the middle lane, creams with a high SPF can be harmful. During this period, the sun is not so much. Deficiency of ultraviolet rays leads to a decrease in the production of vitamin D, a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, and, as a result, to dryness and flabbiness of the skin;
  • Humidify indoor air. Dry air negatively affects not only the condition of the skin, but also helps to reduce the body's immunity. Perfect option- purchase a special humidifier for the premises. If this is not possible, take care of moisturizing yourself. For this purpose, you can hang wet towels on radiators, place dishes with water in the corners of the room, or get houseplants;
  • Choose the right cosmetics for the season. The consistency of decorative products for the winter should be more dense. Instead of powder, it is better to use cream powder, and lip glosses should be replaced with more greasy lipsticks;
  • Use layered makeup. As a protection of the skin from external influences, the layering of cosmetics can be very effective. First, a day cream is applied, after it is absorbed, a tonal base is applied, all this is fixed with loose powder.

home care products

It is advisable not to be limited only to daily facial skin care procedures. Good help in the fight against excessive dryness is provided by home remedies. Here are the most popular recipes:

  • Moisturizing mask. A mixture of herbs is made from equal proportions of hop cones, chamomile flowers, yarrow and St. John's wort. A tablespoon of a mixture of herbs is poured with boiling water (200 ml), infused for 30-35 minutes, cooled and filtered. 50 ml of infusion is combined with egg yolk, lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and liquid honey (1 teaspoon). The resulting mask is applied to the skin of the neck and face for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water;
  • Vitamin mask. Sauerkraut (100 g) is crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. Add flour (1 tablespoon), egg yolk (1 pc.) to the cabbage and apply on the skin of the neck and face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature;
  • Nourishing mask. Mash half a medium banana to a puree state, add peach oil or grape seed oil (2-3 drops), mix well. The resulting mass is applied to the neck and face for 15-20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water;
  • Scrub. White (200 g) and brown sugar (200 g) are mixed, olive oil (100 ml), orange essential oil (10 drops), crushed orange zest (2 tablespoons) are added. All components are thoroughly mixed, the scrub is transferred to a glass jar, which is placed in the refrigerator for storage. If necessary, apply a scrub on the skin of the face and neck for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with cool water;
  • Tonic. Kiwi juice (2 tablespoons) is mixed with lemon juice (2 tablespoons), aloe juice (10 drops) and orange essential oil (10 drops) are added. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face and neck for 5-7 minutes, then washed off with water.

The value of regular competent facial skin care in winter can not be overestimated. Thanks to him, you will not only prevent the appearance of irritation, peeling on the skin, but also slow down the aging process. Proper hydration and nutrition of the skin is an important prevention of wrinkles and deterioration of complexion. Use our tips and your skin will thank you with beautiful, healthy looking skin.

Cosmetologists are firmly convinced: nothing spoils the skin of the face like heating in an apartment / house. It is hard for the skin to “go through” sudden changes in air temperature, and how many times in winter do we go from frosty air into a warm room and go back out? That is why experts recommend paying special attention to skin care in the winter season.

Table of contents:

Basic rules for skin care in winter

In order not to harm their skin and save it from the negative effects of cold and dry air, women must follow some recommendations from cosmetologists.

Changing the tactics of washing

Against cold and dryness, the skin creates its own protection - the so-called hydro-lipid mantle. Washing with plain water, and even more so with the use of soap, cleansing foams and alcohol-based lotions, destroys this very protection and the skin receives all the aggressive effects in full. What to do?

Cosmetologists recommend that women replace the usual washing with cleansing the skin with an alcohol-free lotion, cosmetic milk and a mild tonic. Safe lotions and tonics are loyal to the skin of the face, sparing overly sensitive. But cosmetic milk does not dry the skin at all, which helps prevent the exacerbation of existing dermatological problems.

How to take care of dry skin in winter

Cold rain and sleet do not moisturize the skin at all, they severely injure it. But frosts make any moisturizers generally dangerous! Yes, it will not come to frostbite of the cheeks, but the moisture that is part of the cream literally freezes and spoils the skin of the face, “scratching” it. Of course, this is all exaggerated, but it is important to understand the essence of the potential danger, and not to manipulate complex and incomprehensible terms.

There is another danger of using moisturizers in winter - in too dry indoor air, the ingredients that make up the creams in question can “behave” completely inadequately. These ingredients have the ability to attract moisture, but there is nowhere to take it from in dry air, and then moisture is “taken” from the deep layers of the dermis. The result, oddly enough, is the drying of the skin of the face.

Note:the only exception to this rule is chitosan, since they not only moisturize, but also cover the skin with a protective film, which ensures the preservation of moisture in the deep layers of the dermis. But even these products can be applied to the skin of the face in winter no earlier than 60 minutes before going outside. .

Moisturizers, in principle, can be used in winter, but experts recommend applying them immediately before bed at night and immediately after a shower, directly on wet skin. And during the day, you can spray the skin with thermal water from a can, moreover, right on top of the makeup.

We are not talking about expanding the menu and adding some special dishes to the diet, just do this and you should not do it in order to avoid weight problems. But it is necessary to adjust the nutrition of the skin of the face in the winter. Firstly, it is worth replacing the usual day cream with a nourishing one - it contains active ingredients, oil, beeswax and vitamins and minerals. But be sure to take into account your skin type - for example, for oily the best choice will become a cream with unsaturated fatty acids in the composition.

Secondly, you need to immediately respond to external changes in the skin - if it is hard to tolerate cold, then the face will look grayish, pale, sleepy, all roughness and irregularities will appear. At this moment, it is necessary to provide the skin with enhanced nutrition - retinoids, cedar oil, plant extracts, jojoba oil, antioxidants are present in many cosmetic care products, so there will be no problems with expanding the "menu".

In addition, it is worth remembering some nuances:

"Winter" face masks

Masks are considered natural and effective protection for the skin of the face in winter. Such remedies have no contraindications, but they can solve most of the problems that are associated specifically with the cold time of the skin and skin that is not adapted to this.

At the heart of any "winter" face mask should be vegetable oil(just a few drops are enough) - olive, linseed or pumpkin. It is they who are able to form a protective barrier for the skin, which will save it from low temperatures, wind and dry indoor air, but auxiliary / additional components can be:

Recipes for "winter" masks

Choosing a specific mask recipe for facial skin care in winter should be based on skin type. If there is any doubt, then the best option would be to contact a beautician.

For any skin type

  1. Take ¼ of the ripe, mash and add 1 teaspoon of any nourishing cream to the puree. Stir and add 3 drops of lemon juice and the same amount of olive oil. Now all the ingredients need to be thoroughly beaten with a whisk. This mask especially effective on dry skin of the face, you can also use it for hand care.
  2. Mix two teaspoons of fat-free cottage cheese with strong brewed tea and, which you need to take 1 teaspoon each.

Anti-aging masks

For oily skin

Beat one egg white until foamy, mix the mass with a teaspoon of lemon juice, bran and chopped lemon peel (these components are taken in 2 teaspoons).

For dry skin

  1. Take 1 teaspoon and plantain, mix, pour a small amount of water (so that it only covers dry raw materials) and boil for 2-3 minutes. Then the broth must be filtered, cooled and starch added to it so much that the result is a thick, creamy mass. This herbal mask will help get rid of severe peeling of the skin of the face, provide full hydration.
  2. Mix one teaspoon of apple juice with 2 teaspoons of fat-free cottage cheese, add a teaspoon of camphor oil and half an egg yolk there.

Toning masks

  1. Heat one teaspoon to a liquid state and mix it with 40 drops of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of white clay (sold in pharmacies).
  2. Grate carrots on a fine grater, take 1 tablespoon of the resulting mass and add a few drops of olive oil to it.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Beat the egg yolk with a teaspoon and the same amount of medicinal chamomile extract. This mask will relieve the skin of the face from peeling and redness.

Note:all of these masks can provoke the appearance of an allergy, therefore, before using them, you need to make sure that there is no inadequate reaction of the body by applying a small amount of the prepared product to the inside of the elbow bend. Redness, itching or burning indicate that the tested mask should be discarded.

You need to apply "winter" masks in compliance with some rules:

  1. Before applying the mask, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face, using lotions and tonics that do not contain alcohol.
  2. Any mask is applied to the face for a maximum of 15 minutes, and then it must be washed off with warm water. If the skin is oily type, then it is advisable to wash with cool water.
  3. After applying any mask to the skin of the face, it is highly desirable to take a horizontal position, as there will be a complete relaxation of the muscles of the face, and all components of the mask will “work” more productively.
  4. To obtain desired result, the mask should be applied every other day.

Taking care of facial skin in winter is not difficult at all, even if you have to learn and get used to the rules of caring procedures, the result will surely please you - in spring the skin will look absolutely healthy.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

In winter, facial skin needs special care, because low temperatures affect it. Negative influence. During frosts, it often becomes dry, irritated, and can peel off, but there are recommendations to prevent these problems. Below you can find out what should be proper care for the skin of the face in winter.

All cosmetologists agree in one opinion and advise women to take special care of their skin in winter. This is due to the fact that in the cold season, skin of any type experiences external and internal changes. As a result, it becomes dry, begins to peel off, redness appears, and the usual care products no longer help. During this period, the skin requires gentle winter care and additional products that moisturize and protect against the cold.

Basic rules for skin care in winter at home:

  • Apply vitamins. For the skin of the face, vitamins A and E can give the greatest benefit, so it is necessary to choose creams that contain these vitamins. If the skin still peels off, then the vitamins are not enough. In such cases, you can buy them at a pharmacy, in ampoules, and add them to any creams.
  • Use a moisturizer regularly. Before leaving the house, apply a moisturizer to the skin. It must be applied at least half an hour before the exit, otherwise you can get the opposite effect.
  • Choose "winter" cosmetics. Choose special cosmetics for winter skin care. In winter, a regular moisturizer will be of little use, and during frosts it is useless. It is necessary to select a dense, oily cream, which contains emollients. Emollients are substances that create a protective film on the dermis. Oil-based creams are also excellent.
  • Do the right makeup. Winter season is very suitable for application foundation and powders, because these products make the skin smoother and more beautiful and protect it from the cold. But it is better not to use dry shadows and blush in the cold, because they crumble and emphasize even the smallest wrinkles. You can choose these cream-based products, and lips must be protected with nourishing lipstick, gloss is not suitable for this purpose, it is better to choose a regular, hygienic lipstick.
  • Visit the bath. Even if you do not like such pastime, in winter it is worth visiting the bathhouse at least once for your own health. A trip to the bath can replace a trip to the beautician. After all, at high temperatures The pores open up to release dirt and toxins.
  • Drink more liquid. You can use not only water, which will improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also green tea. This drink, in addition to moisturizing, will also remove toxins from the body.

By the way! Acne in winter can be a sign of improper skin care.

With improper or infrequent cleansing, the pores become clogged, which leads to inflammation. Also, acne can occur due to the application of the cream just before going outside.

Don't forget about the delicate area around the eyes! Just like the skin of the face and neck, eyelids need proper care. Helpful Hints and recommendations you can see in the video below. ⇓⇓⇓

By following these simple winter skin care tips, you can keep your face in perfect condition, no matter the weather.

Video: rules and mistakes of winter skin care.

Essential winter skin care steps

Every woman has long known that proper winter facial skin care consists of several stages. But, in winter, each of them has its own characteristics that must be taken into account for the beauty of your skin.

Important and indispensable stages of skin care in winter:


It is worth giving preference to a delicate foam for washing or milk. It is necessary to use only boiled water of warm temperature. Hot water not suitable because it deprives the skin of moisture. Instead of water, you can also use herbal infusions, which will not only cleanse the skin, but also have a positive effect on it.

Note! For deep cleansing of pores, a scrub is well suited, but in winter it is better to replace this product with gommage.

Gommage is ideal for facial skin care in winter, because it does not contain solid particles, it cleans the pores with fruit acids and generally acts very delicately. You can use steam baths, using chamomile, linden and calendula.


For toning in winter, you can not use alcohol-based products. Also, you can not wipe the skin with ice cubes, but you can use a contrast wash.


It is necessary to choose creams for winter facial skin care, which are fatter and denser than creams usual for other seasons. It is necessary to apply them not only before leaving the apartment, but also two hours before falling asleep. It is advisable to apply the cream immediately after washing and toning.


You can nourish the skin with the help of creams and masks, which must be properly selected depending on the type of skin. A nourishing cream must be applied at night, while for young skin it is enough to apply only to the center of the forehead and corners of the lips, and the mature dermis must be completely covered with cream.

Video: winter skin care tips.

Care according to skin type

It's no secret that skin type determines how daily care will be. And in winter, there are certain nuances that women with different type skin.

Dry skin

Dry skin of the face and in other seasons is highly sensitive to irritants environment, and in the cold season, it needs special protection.

  1. The main salvation is a nourishing cream. It is necessary to choose a dense and oily cream, which contains oils and vitamins. It must be applied in the morning and evening.
  2. Avoid scrubs. Deep cleansing dry skin, especially in winter, should be carried out in the salon, or at home with the help of gommage or delicate means for peeling.
  3. Washing and removing make-up. It is necessary to wash with warm water, using soft products, for example, milk or foam for washing. It is also worth removing makeup with soft means, and after the procedure it is imperative to wipe your face with a tonic.
  4. Use masks. Dry skin needs enhanced hydration and nutrition, so a nourishing mask should be done a couple of times a week.

Video: care for dry skin in winter.


In the cold season, oily skin needs care that will retain skin moisture, but get rid of oily sheen.

  1. Apply moisturizer. The cream should be non-greasy, do not use nourishing creams. Only a light, moisturizing cream will do. Thanks to him, the dermis will be able to get the necessary moisture, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Use sprays and thermal water. During the day, moisturizing will not interfere with the skin, because the air in the rooms during this period is very dry. Also, in order to avoid this problem, you can purchase a humidifier.
  3. Cleanse with micellar water. The best cleanser for this type can be considered micellar water.

Video: features of oily skin care in winter.

Normal and combined

Winter care for combination skin with increased oiliness in the T-zone is identical to care for normal skin. Normal skin in winter is not very demanding, but still needs protection.

  1. Apply a protective cream before going out into the cold forty minutes, and not just before going out.
  2. Cleanse your face, but no more than twice a month.
  3. For combination skin you can apply nourishing creams, but you need to apply them on the face, avoiding the T-zone.

Video: facial skin care mistakes in winter of all types.

Recipes for winter masks

In winter, the skin is not enough normal daily care He needs extra food. Therefore, full-fledged winter skin care is impossible without regular face masks! Useful nourishing and moisturizing masks can be prepared without leaving home.

Gelatin + glycerin

It is necessary to take two tablespoons of gelatin, and pour them with the same amount of warm water. After leaving for a few minutes, so that the gelatin swells, after which you need to add a teaspoon of glycerin. Dip a washcloth into the resulting mixture and then place it on the skin. After 15 minutes, remove the napkin, wipe the skin with tonic, and apply a moisturizer.

Olive oil + honey

This mask recipe can be called the simplest, but at the same time, it is very effective. Olive oil it is necessary to warm it up in a water bath, then add a tablespoon of honey. Then apply a thin layer. After 20 minutes, the oil must be washed off with chamomile infusion, which should be above room temperature.

Cottage cheese + yolk + lemon

Two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese should be mixed with two yolks. Then add two teaspoons of lemon juice to the mixture. Wash off with cool water.

Honey + lemon + clay

For honey mask you need to take one tbsp. l. honey, tsp lemon juice and a spoonful of white clay. All these ingredients must be mixed and applied for fifteen minutes. After the time has elapsed, it must be washed off with cool water.

Avocado + yolk

It is necessary to take the pulp of an avocado and mix with two yolks. Add 15 ml of olive oil to the finished mixture, and spread the mask over the skin, leaving for 15 minutes.

Important! Masks can be used immediately, the left ready mixture quickly loses its properties.

The winter season always negatively affects the skin, but you just need to choose the right care, and you can avoid all problems. In order for your skin to be cold and frosty, take care of its protection, hydration, and nutrition. You can give the skin the necessary winter care in the office of a beautician, and on your own at home. By following all the tips, you can achieve excellent results!

Merry snow fun and beauty to you at any time of the year!

In contact with

The skin, as we know it, is our mantle, a cover that protects us from adverse environmental factors, allows us to communicate more fully with the world through sensations, and also performs some other functions, such as excretory and respiratory.

There is another important function of the skin, which is not described in any textbook on physiology. This function is the creation of our attractiveness. What epithets are not awarded to the skin: white marble, bronze-golden, tender, like a peach, satin and many, many others. Reading such lines, we often think: what could be said about our skin? It depends on many factors: on the type of skin, on its color range, on the tone of blood vessels and muscles, and on the intensity of blood circulation. And, of course, on how much we ourselves love our skin and how much time and effort we devote to it.

That's what needs to be done to make the skin soft, supple and beautiful, we'll talk today.

Skin types

First, we need to determine what type to attribute our skin to.

There is a classic division by skin types: normal, dry, oily and mixed.

normal skin evenly colored. Looks smooth, firm and clean. It is devoid of such shortcomings as enlarged pores, acne, dilated blood vessels visible to the eye, etc. Normal skin very calmly tolerates washing with soap and water, various cosmetics, decorative cosmetics. Alas, at present this type of skin is extremely rare.

Dry skin occurs frequently and requires special care, as it is very sensitive to adverse effects and quickly ages. arises from insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands and increased evaporation of moisture from its surface. In young women, dry skin has a pleasant appearance: it looks delicate, thin and smooth, matte and slightly velvety. Later, with age, the effectiveness of skin sebum secretion decreases and gradually, especially with improper care, the skin becomes even drier, begins to peel off and lose elasticity. On such skin, wrinkles form much earlier.

Oily skin occurs very often, and at the present time there is a tendency to increase from generation to generation of people with oily skin. Such skin looks thick, rough, shiny. Sometimes it looks like an orange peel. Skin color is often dull. Excessive sebum, combined with torn skin flakes and dust, forms plugs in the openings of the sebaceous glands - comedones. Oily skin easily develops acne, which can become inflamed. Oily skin occurs more often in youth, up to 40 years. Wrinkles in people with oily skin appear much later than in people with dry and normal skin.

Factors affecting the condition of the skin

Each skin type can change during a person's life. This happens under the influence of many factors, such as, for example, the state of the hormonal level of the body as a whole, nutritional status, enrichment with vitamins and microelements, dietary preferences for spicy or insipid food. An imbalance of sex hormones and stress are especially unfavorable for the skin. Of course, we must not forget about environmental factors. The more adverse effects, the more intensively the skin works to protect itself.

In summer, the main factors are solar radiation, dust, soot, and low humidity. In autumn and winter - low temperatures, dryness in rooms due to heating. Short light laziness, less physical activity, fewer hours spent on fresh air, vitamin deficiency in food.

Here we will dwell on the features of skin care in winter.


The skin needs regular cleansing. Every day, the processes of replacing old, dead cells with young ones take place on the skin. On the surface of the skin there are cells devoid of protoplasm, nuclei and inclusions filled with keratin. These are horny scales. They slough off, allowing new cells to take their place. A middle-aged person loses about 600,000 skin cells every hour. But such self-purification is still not enough. Dust, dirt, sebum get stuck between keratin particles. All together forms a dense film, which over time can serve as a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria and interfere with normal breathing and moisture exchange of the skin.

normal skin you need to wash twice a day with water, once a day with soap. You can use special foams and creams for washing. The use of scrubs, gommages 2 (from the French gomme - eraser, dissolves keratin and helps to remove dead cells and impurities, as well as cleansing pores) is permissible once a week. Cleansing should be completed by wiping with alcohol-free lotions, preferably fortified or enriched with plant extracts.

Dry skin does not tolerate washing with water very well. Therefore, in the arsenal of cleansers for dry skin should be milk and tonic. Milk, as a rule, is enriched with vitamins, herbal extracts that relieve irritation, oils that protect the lipid layer from destruction. The milk removes make-up quite well. Tonic, also enriched with similar substances, completes the cleansing. If waterproof cosmetics were applied to the face, then special lotions with a high content of oils are needed for it.

Scrubs for dry skin should be used very infrequently. It is better to use soft peeling compositions with small granules, preferably of artificial origin, or soft gommages. It is necessary to use such funds no more than once a week. In winter, it is better for owners of dry skin to completely abandon the use of aggressive cleansers, because. they can damage the already meager lipid cover. After scrubbing, areas of peeling and irritation may appear on dry skin. To prevent this from happening, you can use ordinary ground oatmeal, diluted in boiled water to the state of gruel. Such a super-soft peeling will not harm the skin.

Oily skin loves water and aggressive cleansers. Owners of this type of skin want to remove a thick layer of fat mixed with cosmetics and dust from the skin. This natural desire must be realized by washing your face 2 times a day with special gels that deeply cleanse the skin. It is better not to use soap, because, having an alkaline reaction, it can create a favorable environment for the habitat and reproduction of pathogens on oily skin. Foams and gels for washing oily skin most often have a pH - neutral environment or, better, acidic.

Scrubs and peels are best used 1-2 times a week, with very strong fat content, you can use it 3 times a week. But the use of scrubs is contraindicated in the presence of purulent inflammatory elements on the skin.. Using scrubs in this case, you run the risk of "spreading" infectious microorganisms throughout the face and provoking inflammation in other places. Be sure to complete the cleansing with a lotion that will help restore the necessary acid protection on the skin and will not increase sebum secretion.

Separately, I want to say that alcohol solutions adversely affect oily skin. Yes, for some time a feeling of cleanliness, breathing and smoothness of the skin is created, but such cleansing immediately starts the process of increased sebum secretion, which can exceed the initial level of sebum. This forms a "vicious circle" that only enhances rather than weakens the oiliness of the skin. Alcohol based lotions are for problematic skin with acne inflammatory elements. They must be applied pointwise, directly on the inflamed elements, and not wipe the entire surface of the skin.

mixed skin it is necessary to clean carefully, finding a compromise between oily and dry areas. Milk and cream are best for this, but after that, areas with increased fat content must be treated with a gel for oily skin and rinsed with water. After that, if necessary, exfoliate only oily areas, carefully trying not to touch the dry ones. Then use lotions separately for different skin areas.


So our skin is cleansed. You can proceed to the next stage of care - masks. Masks are also divided according to the type of skin and the tasks that are set; in winter, more attention should be paid to nourishing and fortified masks.

For dry skin nourishing, rich masks should be applied 2 times a week. And preferably 1-2 more times fortified. Dry skin like wheat germ, bean, soybean, agave, avocado, almond and peach lecithin and spermaceti extracts. Masks are applied: cleansed face and neck for 20-30 minutes and then removed with water, lotion or not washed off. Leave-in masks are called cream masks. There are also film masks that form a film in the air. This film is removed purely mechanically, in the direction from the bottom up, i.e. from the collarbone to the chin, from the chin to the forehead. After the mask, the face must be wiped with lotion.

Dry skin requires regular moisturizing. In winter, you should not forget about it either, because. dry air in heated rooms can harm the skin. 1-2 times a month, the nourishing mask should be replaced with a moisturizing one. And you should always have a spray with spring or thermal water with you for periodic irrigation of the skin, especially when you stay in front of a computer for a long time or in a heated room. However, in winter, do not irrigate the skin before going outside.

I want to debunk the well-known myth that you can’t use moisturizers in winter. The most common misconception is that many women believe that the cream can freeze in the cold. First, a moisturizer doesn't carry a lot of moisture. It mainly contains substances that help retain moisture in the skin and prevent its evaporation from the surface. As a result, the skin's hydration is increased.

The temperature of the human body is 36.6°C. Even in the most severe frost, with our skin we are able to warm the surrounding air by 1.5-2 cm around. Therefore, the cream applied to the skin will not be able to freeze. The thickness of the heated air layer decreases in the wind due to the destruction of the already heated layer. Here in the wind or when playing sports in the air, you should not apply moisturizing creams. And in the ordinary urban rhythm of life, nothing prevents this.

Oily skin suffers less in winter. Even feels better than on warm summer days. However, it also needs regular maintenance.

Masks for oily skin in winter are also nutrients enriched with vitamins and light oils, preferably essential ones. Such masks should be done once a week and with the same frequency - fortified. However, if for dry skin masks are most often creamy, rich in texture, then for oily skin the texture should be soft, emulsion or gel. Well oily skin tolerates film masks. I especially want to draw attention to the fact that oily skin loves extracts of birch buds, cucumber, lavender, essential oils tea leaves, rosemary, pine extracts and propolis.

For owners of problem skin with acne elements, masks with clays - white or blue - remain mandatory. These are wonderful remedies for healing oily, porous and inflamed skin. These masks should be done once a week in winter and 2 times a week in summer.

The general rule remains the obligatory rubbing of the skin with lotion after removing the masks.

normal skin needs alternating nutrition, saturation with vitamins and moisturizing 1-2 times a week.

mixed skin, as you probably already understood, requires a selective approach. Masks for oily skin are applied to oily areas, and masks for dry skin are applied to dry areas.

A little trick: the best time for masks and a day of cosmetic care at home is from 21 to 23 hours. It has been proven that it is at this time that our skin has the highest absorption potential of substances applied to it. And one more thing: when you have made a mask, try to lie down, close your eyes, turn on calm music and just dream about something pleasant. If you can’t lie down, then try to take a comfortable relaxed position and also delve into pleasant dreams. Positive emotional experiences can increase the absorption of nutrients by the skin by as much as 7%, and this, believe me, is quite a lot.

Separately, it should be said about skin prone to irritation and vasodilation. In winter, these two types of skin are very affected by changes in temperature and humidity. As a rule, by the evening the skin becomes painfully irritated, flaky and sensitive. Any touch to it becomes unpleasant. Such skin should be given a rest under a soothing mask every evening. Arriving home and removing makeup, put on your face a gauze napkin soaked in chamomile decoction. The temperature of this mask should be slightly above body temperature. The napkin must be kept on the face until it cools. This procedure can be repeated 2-3 times. After that, you can proceed to ordinary care.

Eyes and lips

These are two particularly delicate areas, which should be especially carefully cared for. The skin on the eyelids has a minimum thickness and is extremely rarely even normal. Most often this is a dry area. winter care for the eyelids means oily, intense, rich creams, masks and serums. Now there are wonderful products for the skin of the eyelids. Which combine the properties of both serums and masks, saving our time. I'm talking about bioactive eye patches. These are individually packaged plates impregnated with special compounds, which are very convenient even at home to apply on the skin of the eyelids, and after 20-30 minutes, freely remove and apply the cream.

Lips often peel and crack in winter, lose their elasticity and shine. In order to prevent this from happening, you need to pamper them regularly, not forgetting about protective lipsticks.

Before make-up, 15-20 minutes before, apply hygienic lipstick on the lips and actively massage the lips with your fingertip. Then blot lipstick and wipe the skin of the lips with a lemon peel from the side of the pulp. Wipe your lips with lotion. For winters, use thicker lipsticks. It is better to succumb to the durability of a lipstick than to dry out your lips. Particularly good lipsticks, which include mink oil and jojoba oil, as well as lipsticks containing hyaluronic acid- a natural moisturizer.

It is very good to make paraffin lip masks at home. Melt a piece of paraffin. Apply two drops of Vitaon or wheat germ oil to your lips, and on top, layer by layer, apply paraffin (pre-test the temperature of the paraffin on your hand so as not to burn yourself). Paraffin is best applied with a brush. Put a napkin on top of the paraffin, and a thick layer of cotton wool on it so that the paraffin does not cool very quickly. Hold this mask for 10-15 minutes. After the mask, apply hygienic lipstick. You can go outside in an hour.

Do not forget that winter is the most fertile time for all kinds of cosmetic procedures: courses of microdermabrasion (fine resurfacing of the skin with microcrystalline aluminum oxide powder), acid peels (exfoliation of skin cells due to their destruction with acid), (administration of drugs into problem areas of the subcutaneous tissue), microcurrents (stimulation of muscles and skin with low-frequency currents), ozone therapy ( introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture, which improves blood circulation in the skin, stimulates the growth and renewal of skin cells, under the skin using a thin needle).

In the autumn-winter-early spring periods, surgical interventions are easier to tolerate.

Any most incredible skin care, of course, does not give visible results if a woman does not eat a balanced diet. In winter, everyone needs to consume more fats so that the skin has something to produce its own. But we must not forget about plant foods. It is also necessary to adjust the intake of artificial vitamins.

Yeah, I also thought this post was very timely.

very relevant title :)