Book exhibition dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Libraries. World Library Day. Duchess Anna Amalia Library of Weimar, Germany

Libraries are a colossal repository of the memory of mankind, the intellectual and social development of the nation. On the dusty shelves of unique book archives around the world, a most valuable gift is stored - the age-old knowledge of the peoples. IN modern world Internet technologies, printed products are gradually disappearing into oblivion, yielding to electronic counterparts. The celebration of the Library Day is intended to draw public attention to the role of the book in the development of the nation. At the state level, there is a huge contribution of libraries to the development of cultural heritage.


Libraries are dominated by an indescribable aura of greatness, folk experience, experience and the power of knowledge collected over the centuries.

Significant historical events of librarianship:

  1. The prototypes of libraries were the first clay books of Sumerian literature.
  2. 1037 - the first repository of chronicles appeared in Rus' during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise.
  3. One of the wonders of the world, the Library of Alexandria, has almost a million manuscripts. In Alexandria in the Middle Ages it was forbidden to export papyrus in order to stop the rapid filling of the library archive of Rhodes.
  4. In the 17th century departmental libraries were opened in Russia.
  5. 1499 - the first mention of the word "library" in the "Gennadiev Bible";
  6. 1649 - Russian libraries had 150 books, 30 years later there were already 650;
  7. In 1696, by decree of Peter I, a book depository was created, where, in addition to the existing books, manuscripts coming from abroad were stored.
  8. 1714 - the opening of the first scientific Academic Library in Rus'.
  9. 1795 - Catherine II issued a royal order to create the first public library in St. Petersburg.
  10. 1862 - the opening of a free library in Moscow.
  11. 1918 - issuance of a decree on the protection of book depositories by the People's Commissariat.
  12. May 27, 1995 - presidential decree on the celebration of the day of the librarian.

Today, almost 200 thousand libraries are successfully operating in the Russian Federation, in which tens of thousands of qualified specialists perform their work with professionalism.


At all times, the book heritage will occupy a central place in the educational and cultural life of the public. On the holiday date, the best librarians are celebrated with valuable gifts and cash prizes, the issue of modernizing the process is raised. Official congratulations are heard from the country's leadership, days are held open doors And themed weeks in museum libraries.

Recognition of the significant role of libraries in the life of the modern Russian state is an important task of our time. The wealth of libraries and their importance in society grew rapidly as humanity made more and more discoveries in the knowledge of itself and the world around it.

Libraries contain all the knowledge that has been accumulated by generations different peoples on a very long historical path. Every year on May 27, our country celebrates Library Day. This significant day is a professional holiday for all librarians in Russia.

This holiday originates in 1995 and was established by the President Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. It was the first President of the Russian Federation who in 1995 issued Decree No. 539 "On the Establishment of the All-Russian Day of Libraries".

First Library

May 27 was not chosen by chance. After all, this very day is the date of foundation of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, which now bears the name of the Russian National Library.

The history of librarianship is an important part of the history and culture of the whole society.

The very first library in Rus' is the library at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, which was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037.

Profession librarian

From century to century, the librarian has occupied and will continue to occupy an important place in public life, as he works in the field of spiritual culture. Perhaps the work of a librarian is not as noticeable as the work of a doctor or teacher, and one cannot see any end result of their work. But all the impact that their work has on society is invaluable.

It can be difficult to navigate the huge flow of literature published today.

And a librarian who is well acquainted with the book fund can always give advice on where to find the answer to a question of interest.

And so Library Day is not only professional holiday It is also a recognition of the importance of this profession.

Do not forget that the wonderful All-Russian Day of Libraries is not only a professional holiday for bibliologists, bibliographers, librarians, teachers, it is also a holiday for all those who love books.

library humor

Unexpected reader requests

"Woe in the Fog" ("Woe from Wit")

"The Man from Los Angeles" (I. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco")

"The petty bourgeois nobleman" (J. B. Molière "The petty bourgeois in the nobility")

“Poverty is not a gift” (N. Ostrovsky “Poverty is not a vice”)

"Fragment" (I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

"A Cloud in Boots" (V. Mayakovsky "A Cloud in Pants")

"Prelude" (M. Gorky "In People")

Genghis Khan "The First Teacher" (Ch. Aitmatov "The First Teacher")

Astafiev "Sighted psycho" (instead of "Sighted staff")

McCullough "The Fives Singing" ("The Thorn Birds")

Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" and "Homeless" ("Dowry")

"Return from St. Petersburg home" (Radishchev A. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow")

N.V. Gogol "Taraz Bubel" ("Taras Bulba")

E. Uspensky "School of Fools" ("School of Clowns")

"Falcon Song" by M. Gorky ("Song of the Falcon")

"A story about a small town" (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The History of a City")

N.V. Gogol "On the farm road to Danko" ("Evenings on a farm near Dikanka")

M.Yu. Lermontov "Merchant Maria" ("Princess Mary")

V. Pikul "I wish you good health" ("I have the honor")

M. Gorky "Old Woman Baskerville" ("Old Woman Izergil")

Goncharshchikov "Oblomshchikov" (I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

M. Gorky "Under water" ("At the bottom")

Anecdotes and funny stories from library life

From applications to the book depository

Reader: Give me RYASH, PISh and VOSh.
Librarian: - ???
C: Well, what is not clear here? "Russian language at school", "Teaching history at school" and "Education of schoolchildren".
B.: -!!!

- Give me how man has spoiled nature.

From the work plan:
"Visit at home of current debtors"

Give me Komsomolskaya Pravda for this and next month.

Give me Pushkin's article on Eugene Onegin

The librarian smiles!

The reader asks
I don’t remember the author, but I need “Hash in the Nobility” - “The Tradesman in the Nobility” by Moliere;
Yugo "Gavron" - Hugo "Gavroche";
"Gulliver's Travels with Wild Geese";
Request of a 5th grade student: "Give me everything about the Icicle Castle." They searched with the whole library - it turned out to be the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg;
"Plekhanov miniature" - "Palekh miniature";
Griboedov "Mountains and Fog";
Griboyedov "Happiness from the mind";
Gorky "The Old Woman from Irga";
Gogol "Chanel";
Ostrovsky "Bespredelnitsa";
Green "Rowing on the waves";
Evgrafovich "Tales" - "Tales" by Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E.;
Give me the Pskov meager letter - meaning the Pskov judgment letter;
Who wrote "Marx's Capital"?;
Pechorin "Lermontov";
Fantastic novel by S. Lem "Benefit performance" - "Solaris" by S. Lem;
About punctuation marks, - meaning "punctuation marks";
About Bonaparte Bagration - about Napoleon Bonaparte;
Text of S. Yesenin's poem "Anna Karenina" - "Anna Snegina";
Scott "Ivanyu" - V. Scott "Ivanhoe";
Give the book "Tom Cruise" - "Robinson Crusoe";
V. Julie "The Mysterious Island" - Jules Verne "The Mysterious Island";
Give literature about mathematical scientists;
Bruno Leske - Filippo Brunelleschi;
About the hero of the Civil War Brunza - about Frunze
Whether "Sod through the taiga" or "I'll run away through the taiga" - Arseniev V.K. "Dersu Uzala; Through the taiga"

Question to all questions!!! :-)

Why do unscrupulous people exist?
What is chemical composition chips?
Is the crow the wife of the crow?
If possible, extend the books by yesterday's date, I handed them in today.
The meaning of the expression "Keep yourself from an idol" - meant "Do not make yourself an idol"
How to complain to the Strasbourg Court?
Information about discoveries with fantasy - give examples of discoveries made under unusual circumstances - sleep, insight, etc.
How to organize "brainstorming"?
What do the expressions mean - "Shoemaker's chest", "Hourglass stomach", "Jellyfish head", "Cat's purr syndrome" - these are various diseases.

Fairy tale "Sit and rest. How a librarian was hired"

Poems about libraries and librarians

Sometimes you get tired of peace
And it will get boring...
I'm in this situation
I always go to the library.
I wouldn't be able to walk here.
I am connected with books forever.
And I'm not alone in life
While I go to libraries

Babenko G. L.

The source of knowledge is not particularly in vogue,
Much easier - press the key! -
And easily shows like
And he says if he has something to say.
You do not need to work either eyes or hands
And the brain does not need to be strained at all,
Panacea for sadness and boredom -
You look at yourself, laying down on the bed ...
But do not compare the picture, let it move,
With the glow that gives a living syllable:
You read classics immortal creations,
You lose peace and tranquility.
They have something to say, something to tell,
What to teach descendants from century to century.
All their words are victory over dullness,
Above everything that a person should not live.
What to choose for you - decide for yourself, people,
The issues in life are different for everyone.
But let the main book stay at least a day,
On the All-Russian Day of Libraries!

We congratulate the workers:
Not joiners, not carpenters,
Not bakers, not turners -
And in our reasonable age
Congratulations to those who work
Trying, worrying
Who touches our soul
Within the walls of the libraries!
The workers are wonderful
Clear in heart and soul
You are so necessary for society,
And it's not a secret!
We wish you spring
Mood today!
Good luck and creativity
For many, many years!

Let there be many changes in the world
Libraries will not be touched by decay.
teacher locksmith and poet
And a businessman and local historian
All questions will be answered here

People in the library all day
There is a lot of work in the library.
Here you can visit clubs
And foreign to study,
And listen to music and play KVN

Let them not talk about us often
Enthusiasts working squad -
True to their profession
country librarians!

Come join us man

Music by N. Mishukov
Poems by O. Timmerman

Every day and every moment
In cities and villages
The pages of books rustle
Sad and funny.
Library Lights
Glow everywhere
Come to us man
Come to us man
Join the miracle.

Chorus: La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
La-la, la-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
Join the miracle.

Confirms life itself
Arguing with the darkness
Doesn't come from the mind
No grief.
Faster and faster our run,
More and more difficult tasks.
Come to us man
Come to us man
To get richer.

Chorus: La-la, la-la...
To get richer.

Let's help you get the height
Find the path in the fog.
We are at the pilot post,
In the book ocean.
The twenty-first century has arrived -
Do not forget about it.
Come to us man
Come to us man
Behind the magic light

Chorus: La-la, la-la...
Behind the magic light

B the gates open to infinity,

AND galaxies alien worlds

B serenely, mysteriously, eternally

L there is a stream of books from above.

AND when the distances clear up

ABOUT revealing to us the texts of fate,

T the eager reader will know about

E the only right way.

TO nigi generously inspire a person,

A book keeper ......

Tatyana Borisovna Lovkova

Associate Professor of the Department of Library Science and Reading Theory, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

State University of Culture and Arts. Saint Petersburg


On the All-Russian Day of Libraries
To the librarian, writer and reader of the beginning of the XXI century

Library, quiet glory
We didn't live long deceit
Peace, comfort, fun
Only sleep and morning mist.

Librarian calling -
Have a combative nature
We sincerely heart
For creativity and creation.

We do not wait with languor for hope -
We keep the spirit of culture alive,
So that the young writer
Found our editions.

We burn with love for books,
Still hearts for honor alive
We, the reader, will dedicate to you,
Souls wonderful impulses!

Comrade, believe: she will rise,
Star of native literature,
Russia will wake up from sleep
And on the ruins of KITCH culture
Write our names!

Where the thought of centuries shines with beauty!
The reader will find a young or gray-haired
You have the answer to all your searches!

We wish you to flourish from century to century,
To the surprise of all the ignoramuses.
Accept our admiration and admiration
On the All-Russian Day of Libraries!


To the librarian on the All-Russian Day of Libraries

You are the librarian! Keeper of the Miraculous Gates!
In your domain there is a sea of ​​tomes,
And in this cathedral rich in wisdom
You are a true reader - glad!

Here knowledge is defended in dispute,
Entering once into this wondrous garden,
Among the volumes you will find - a hundredfold!
Light of truth

In slow conversation.

Pages rustling and their tart flavor
Weaving the thread of fate, in a mysterious pattern,
Tell us a thousand stories

Warm the soul and comfort in grief -
With you always a magical book hail -
You are the librarian! And fabulously rich!

congratulatory song
On the All-Russian Day of Libraries!

Let out a voice of joy!

Sound praiseworthy refrains!

Hello book girls!

Readers - a glorious sublime class!

Pour a glass of champagne!

We're here together

sparkling wine,

Forget your sorrows!

Let's raise our glasses, let's move them together!

Long live books

Long live the mind!

Let knowledge - the Sun, burn!

How does this lamp turn pale

Before the clear dawn,

So stupidity and stupidity always recede

Before the sun of the immortal mind!

Long live the books, let the darkness hide!

"Captains of the Book Seas" - a script for an event for schoolchildren dedicated to the profession of a librarian

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Ministry of Culture, Press and Nationalities

Republic of Mari El


Collection of scenarios dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Libraries

Yoshkar - Ola

National Library. S. G. Chavaina

Compiled by:

N. V. Tsaregorodtseva

A profession for all times: a collection of scenarios dedicated to the All-Russian

Day of Libraries / Ministry of Culture, Press and Nationalities Rep. Mari El, National b-ka them. S. G. Chavaina; comp. N. V. Tsaregorodtseva. - Yoshkar - Ola, 2015. - 49 p.

The collection includes scenarios, games dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Libraries. The collection opens with the methodological recommendation "At the Library is a holiday"

in support of Library Day.

Addressed to librarians.

National Library. S. G. Chavaina, 2014 Contents I. The library has a holiday. Guidelines on the All-Russian Day of Libraries……………………………………………………………

II. From the history of Library Day. ………………………………………………………….With. 6 III. Scenarios dedicated to the All-Russian Day of Libraries.

1. We are non-random people in the profession…………………………………………….p. 7 - 16

2. Eternal profession - library…………………………………………… p. 16 – 20

1. Fairy Book competition…………………………………………………………..p. 21 - 28

2. I am proud of my craft. Theatrical performance for the opening of the competition "Best in Profession"……………………………………………………..p. 28 - 29

3. You, me and information…………………………………………………………….p. 20-33

4. Protection of the profession of programmer……………………………………………......p. 34 - 35 IV. Poems about the library …………………………………………………………….p. 36 - 38 V. Congratulations on the All-Russian Day of Libraries…………………………...p. 38 - 45 VI. Games……………………………………………………………………………...p. 45 - 47 VII. Application

1. Regulations on the competition of professional skills “The Best Librarian”………………………………………………………………………..p. 48 - 49 Celebration at the Library Guidelines for holding the All-Russian Day of Libraries.

The All-Russian Day of Libraries, celebrated in our country on May 27, should become a central event in the life of every library. Designed to help raise the prestige of the library, the library profession, Library Day provides another chance for every library to demonstrate its capabilities, to change public opinion about libraries as archaic institutions, about librarians "who do not understand what they do." A properly organized Library Day is a great opportunity to draw the attention of the local administration to library needs and problems.

The organization of the Day will require certain material costs: for repairs (at least cosmetic), for holding a central holiday (prizes, gifts, souvenirs, printed materials: invitations, posters). Therefore, for help, you need to contact the local administration, sponsors.

In advance of the Day, you need to think over and organize events that will precede the central holiday.

It is desirable to acquaint readers with the history of the emergence of libraries. For a wide range of readers on this topic, a large exhibition "Memory of Humanity" can be arranged in the library; for young students, a series of talks under the same title will be useful.

Library Day is timed to coincide with the founding of the Russian National Library, so one of the talks in the cycle (or sections of the exhibition) is dedicated to this largest library. The name may be as follows: "Pearl of Russia", "Treasure of the Fatherland". At the request of the librarian, together with the school, even a small theatrical performance can be organized. Speech by "Catherine II" with a decree on the creation of a library, distribution of invitation cards with the text: "This library was built to decorate the Fatherland, for young men - attraction, for the elderly - allowance, for the idle - a spectacle, for the busy - fun, for students - exercise", which at the opening of the library were offered to the most brilliant St. Petersburg nobility, guessing from the reading literary passages of famous readers of the library: I.A. Krylov, L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky, D. Mendeleev, I. Repin, M. Mussorgsky and others - will make the event memorable . Material for the event can be found in the already mentioned book by V. Gorbachevsky, as well as: History of the State Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Public Library. M. E. Saltykova Shchedrin. L. 1963.- 435 p., Segal E. Books live here. Artistic - documentary essay. M .: Children's literature, 1974. - 191 p.; Library, 1995, No. 4, p. 3-37.

The game "Field of Miracles" is very popular among readers. Therefore, it is desirable to complete the series of talks "Memory of Humanity" with this game dedicated to libraries. Words for guessing can be: "Greece" (the birthplace of modern libraries), "Vtorov" (his book collection formed the basis of the funds of the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan), "Repin" (reader of the imperial public library), "Yaroslav" (founder of the first known Russian book depository) and others.

By the day of libraries, it is desirable in each library to have a decorated material (showcase, exhibition, album) on its history, and in the Central Library - additionally a summary of the history of libraries in your district or city (it is desirable to publish it in the local press).

The history of libraries is the history of people, the history of librarians. The Central Bank can prepare a number of articles for the local press, for the radio "Sorceresses in the World of Books" about the best librarians, about veterans of librarianship.

Library Day is also a celebration of readers. Therefore, in advance it is necessary to identify the most active readers, the most reading families, the streets. Assignment of honorary titles "The most reading reader" (and maybe even "The most reading young man", "The most reading girl", "The most reading grandfather", "The most reading grandmother"), "The most reading family", "Street of book lovers" is desirable organize at the central celebration.

If among the readers there are people involved in literary creativity, then in this case the library can issue a wall newspaper (or even publish a small collection) "The Creativity of Our Readers" or "The Literary Talents of Our Readers". Many readers have interesting hobbies. And the poster (shelf) will tell about the hobbies of readers, and maybe even a series of meetings with readers "We are interested in you."

Such materials about readers are very pleasant both for experienced readers and those who have come to the library for the first time.

If the material and printed base of the Central Bank permits, it is advisable to issue a “Library Review of the District (City)” by the Day of Libraries, where to place materials: about the upcoming Day of Libraries, the history of libraries in the district summary activities of libraries, best libraries and librarians, problems and prospects. It can be prepared as a separate edition or released as a supplement to a local newspaper.

If the library has not yet conducted or plans to conduct a sociological study on reader service, then it is advisable to organize it before Library Day in order to make a report to readers based on the results of the study. It is desirable to reflect the results of the study visually on the information stand.

If the proposed events are carried out, then a significant number of residents and readers will know about the upcoming holiday.

You can send or distribute invitations to library readers for the holiday, for example: “The library is waiting for you”, “The library invites you”, “An evening of library friends”, “At the library is a holiday”, which will reflect the program of the holiday. In the program, you can write: “We are congratulated” (congratulations from administration representatives, sponsors, readers), “Question and answer” (a brief press conference of the library staff with readers), “The most, the most ...” (assigning the titles “The most reading family”, "Most Reader", "Most Reader Street", "Best Library Sponsor"), and the event itself, which should become the event of the year in terms of preparation. The form and theme of the event is determined by the library, based on its capabilities and, most importantly, the interests of readers. It can be: the game "Field of Miracles" held in the library for the first time, the quiz "Dad, Mom, I am a reading family", the family quiz "Lucky chance", the presentation of a new or anniversary book, a meeting with a fellow writer, a literary evening on the work of the writer (poet)

Anniversary, evening of literary creativity of readers, thematic evening, presentation of the library department, evening of humor, literary Ball and others.

The choice of forms is very large, the main thing is that the event is spectacular, memorable.

In your library circle Librarian's Day, after official congratulations, awards, more accessible to organize as a fun "Library Show", with the choice of "Miss Library", entertaining contests and drawings. Don't forget to invite veteran librarians to your party.

From the history of Library Day.

Every year on May 27, a professional holiday is celebrated - the Day of the Librarian, which is officially called the Day of Libraries. Libraries play an invaluable role in the life, history and culture of society. The library is the memory of mankind. And the recognition of this fact by society is the most important task of our time. After all, it stores the knowledge of many centuries and peoples.

Library Day in Russia is also a professional holiday for librarians. This holiday was appointed by the Decree of the President of Russia B. Yeltsin No. 539 of May 27, 1995 "On the Establishment of the All-Russian Day of Libraries." The date of May 27 was not chosen by chance, it was timed to coincide with the founding of the first Russian state library, which was available to the public. It opened in 1795 and was called the Imperial Public Library. And later it was renamed the Russian National Library. But she was not the first.

The very first library in Rus' is the library of Yaroslav the Wise in St. Sophia Cathedral, founded in 1037.

On this day, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree to hold events on Library Day aimed at increasing the importance of the role of the book in various areas of the life of the Russian population: historical, cultural, political and social. There are also events dedicated to the day of libraries related to solving the problems of Russian libraries.

Today, there are more than 150 thousand libraries throughout Russia, and they have thousands of highly qualified librarians. National libraries in Moscow and St. Petersburg are among the five largest in the world.

The librarian has occupied an important place in the spiritual life of society for many centuries. It may seem that his work is not as useful and significant as the work of a teacher or a firefighter, because the end result in this profession is impossible to see. In fact, only a book specialist from God can cope with the huge amount of literature published today.

Therefore, Librarian's Day is also a celebration of recognition of the importance of this profession. This holiday is not only for people working in libraries, but also for those who love and respect books.

–  –  –

Presenter 2: If there are libraries, then there are people who serve the book and the reader. “Librarians are the second saints,” Academician D.S.

Likhachev. I think comments are unnecessary here.

My friends, let us greet the veterans of librarianship and all ministers of the book business who are present in the hall.

(Chorus of Librarians performs a song from the movie "Carnival Night":

I am a librarian, you are a librarian, And we love our work very much.

Our motto in life: "Everything for a person!"

We are workers of culture, We are always in the ranks.

–  –  –

Let us receive a little, But we are faithful to our calling.

We are not accidental in the profession, And readers are needed. (2 times) Come, people, to our libraries, You will spend this time with benefit.

It is impossible to live without a book in the 21st century.

And to those who do not agree, we will say: "Alas ..."

The chorus is the same.

Presenter 1: The motto of the librarians:

Always shine! Shine everywhere!

Until the days of the last donets!

Shine - and no nails - That's our slogan - and the sun!

Presenter 3: Library vocation ... This is when people and books become part of your life. For a correspondence student to pick up literature for classes, discuss a fairy tale just read with a child, convince a teenager to read this or that book, just talk with a reader, just listen to a person ... And remember all our readers ... Today we honor those who dedicated this seemingly " simple and quiet, but by no means easy work his life. Who, having come to the library, stayed here, who found their vocation in this.

Presenter 1:

Library... Silence... Centuries... History and thousands of names!

We bless you for longevity - All those who are in love with their beautiful work.

The profession is as old as the world and time, From the first scrolls to large volumes You love and cherish faithfully Motes of time and the commandment of the ages.

Happy ... You were trusted with secrets by Tolstoy and Pushkin, Chekhov and Krylov, And Jack London, Mayakovsky and Svetlov pierced your heart with the sun.

You don't give books on receipt... You give people a great world.

And in children's souls - Undisclosed, pure - A divine idol is born.

Here thoughts, feelings, secrets, Wisdom of the century.

Let the winds of change blow in the world, Keep your valuable treasure, library!

Let the books of oblivion not be touched by decay!

Presenter 2: Without any exaggeration, we can say that the librarian is Great in mind, Powerful in skill, Eloquent, smiling, sweet, He knows a lot, has seen a lot, He does not spare his strength in his work. But where are there such people?

Everywhere! Your question is inappropriate here.

Everywhere there are such, where people value skill, intelligence and work.

Presenter 3: People come to their profession in different ways. Some from childhood choose a business to their liking and do not change it until the end of their lives, while others, in search of a vocation, change their profession more than once until they find the one and only ... Reading room. Calm hum.

Habitual things.

And only one free chair Huddled at the table.

The librarian does not sit down:

“Here, sign here, Belinsky? Eat. Nekrasov? Eat.

And there is Yevtushenko.”

... Her day is fully loaded, Various things are a mountain, But how attentive she is, Tactful and kind!

(library guests give their musical number)

Presenter 1:

There are wise bookshelves Reading rooms and libraries, And I know - long, not long, But my age will last in them, When my volume is opened On the table, in silence, I put my soul in the palm of the one who came to visit me.

Host 2:

We are not supposed to be sad for the state.

We leave bitterness behind the threshold.

Even if the heart is disturbed, We instill confidence in others.

We teach them to make friends with a book for a long time, To become a purer and kinder soul.

May there be a rainbow in their lives more often, May hope warm the heart more often.

(musical number)

Presenter 3:

Library work Seemingly simple and quiet work.

Far from pompous honor Librarians live.

But their quiet possessions do not promise a quiet life.

The reader's inquisitive gaze conveyed his excitement to them.

For different tastes, different opinions Need a special string.

Need and speed of movement, And the speed of the mind is needed.

Either a detailed conversation is needed, or a nod in agreement.

Either you are a modest adviser to people, or a serious teacher.

Hidden in books is the essence of knowledge.

Almost - the pages will come to life.

Librarian vocation Seemingly simple and quiet work.

Big books and very little ones, And old editions will be given.

The library is not a joke to you, Pulp lovers, here you are waiting!

And the doors of the halls open wide, Special atmosphere only here!

You, the reader, will obviously like it here, If you look at least for a few minutes.

Beautiful, modern and accessible, There are no alternatives to increasing knowledge!

Presenter 1:

And now a little warm-up for memory - blitz - poll:

Name the oldest handwritten Russian book. (Ostromir Gospel. 11th century.) What is the date of the beginning of book printing in Rus'. (March 1, 1564 and Fedorov "The Apostle".) Name the most famous printed book in the world. (“The Bible.” And Gutenberg.).

How many pages does a pamphlet count as a book? (More than 48 pages - a book.) Who founded the first known library in Rus'? At what year? (Prince Yaroslav the Wise, 1037) Name famous people who worked as librarians. (I. Zagoskin - writer, librarian of the Imperial Public Library; V. Odoevsky - writer, head of the Rumyantsev Public Library; N. Lobachevsky - mathematician, director of the Kazan University Library; And Delvig - poet, librarian of the Imperial Public Library; I Krylov - writer, head of the Department of Russian Books in the Imperial Public Library; V.

Stasov - critic, head of the Public Library in St. Petersburg and others.)

Host 2:

In what year was the Law on Librarianship adopted? (1994) Which library is the country's first public public library? (Russian National Library.) What is the name of the auxiliary apparatus for the systematic catalog?

(Alphabetical - subject index.) A document in which complete information about the reader is recorded. (Form.) Stereotypical edition of the book. (Reprint.) A person or organization that finances an event. (Sponsor.)

Presenter 3:

A spring thunderstorm is roaring with might and main, But no matter how water pours from heaven, We will never be saved from readers.

Sometimes you take a breath over the filing cabinet, Korpya from morning until dark, After all, like everyone else, the librarian Salary, in general, is needed.

Let from school to retirement With a huge book foot, Of course, a female profession, But work is sometimes quite masculine.

She is both smart and fashionista, She needs to know everything in the world!

The librarian Bloch will be able to shoe.

There are different works in the world, But every person knows That we are all celebrating the All-Russian Day of Libraries here today!

The spring foliage is rustling with all its might, Another year has rushed by... And now - summarizing the results, And the best reward awaits!

Presenter 1:

Now there is a pleasant ceremony of awarding librarians in the following nominations:

1st nomination: “Childhood is a state to which you cannot return, but you can stay in it”: for work with children and adolescents, certificates of honor and valuable prizes are awarded (the names of the awardees are listed).

Nomination motto:

Your world - curious faces, Attentive eyes, Where a page flashed for days, Children's voices ring, Where your everyday work was, Where they love you, appreciate and wait.

2nd nomination: “I put my soul in the palm of the one who came to visit me”: for a sensitive, tactful, professional attitude towards readers is awarded (the names of the awardees are listed).

Nomination motto:

In spite of fatigue, ailments, Cares that follow one after another, Sacrifice yourself, so that somehow.

At least a drop of kindness Move to another chest.

3rd nomination: “And I love my native places”: they receive a prize for working with environmental and local history literature (the names of the awardees are listed).

Nomination motto:

Wait a minute, friend, and look around

To these sky, forest and mountains:

What lovely spaces!

Dive into this wonder!

Host 2:

4th nomination: "Poverty is not a vice, but an incentive for creativity": for non-traditional forms of work, for the original style and design of the library are awarded (list of awardees).

Nomination motto:

Eh, full - full head of everyone creative ideas, Apply in the work are glad We are the hosts of thoughts and ideas!

Nomination motto:

It's fun to walk across the open spaces together!

6th nomination: “And the line is standing in the library”: for the greatest load in terms of the number of readers per librarian, for the fulfillment of complex requests and references, the award is awarded (listing of the awardees).

Nomination motto:

Ah, readers, they have killed us!

At least call the saviors sometimes!

Presenter 3:

7th nomination: “But we don’t care!”: for work in extreme conditions they are awarded (list of awardees).

Nomination motto:

There are many dangerous professions:

Chekist, and miner, and pilot, And hardly anyone would call our work dangerous.

But we know for sure

That our work is not at all simple:

Either the roof is leaking, or they don’t drown In the merciless, severe frost.

Sometimes it's dark in the back rooms, or books sometimes fall from a height.

Here you have to be very timid, And the strong will suit us.

8th nomination: "Figaro here, Figaro there": for initiative and vigor are awarded (list of awardees)

Nomination motto:

Higher! Faster! Stronger!

Presenter 1:

Library! You are a constellation of books, The glow of thoughts, feelings and customs of different people here, perceiving them, Experience a real holiday.

Presenter 2: My friends, I want to tell you:

Although we live in the era of the atomic age, neither a computer room nor Internet access can replace communication with a person.

No wonder they say who knows a lot about this:

If you have overcome bodily ailments, run to the pharmacy.

And if suddenly the soul hurts, Hurry, my friend, to the library!

Presenter 3: And now we have a competition of professionals. There are different situations in the life of librarians, and you need to be able to quickly navigate them. So, situational competition.

What would you do if a reader who did not speak Russian came to your library?

A deputy of the communist faction received a demand for a book on military subjects with the title "The regional committee is ringing the bell." Where are you going to look for her? (E.

Hemingway “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”) Once a puzzled man came to the library and, having called the librarian aside, asked for help resolving a dispute with his wife, who calls him, George, either Yurik, or Zhorik, or Yegorushka, or Gosha, or even at all Ezhik and claims that everything6 is one and the same. Which side are you on?

A seventh-grader asked to find him a book by a famous writer - ecologist D.

Fonvizin "Algae". Your actions?

A group of young people came to the library and asked for a book for an essay on the history of "Princess Narkomanov". Where will you look for it? (G.

Danilevsky "Princess Tarakanova".) How to fulfill the request of the reader who asked for the book "Former Danube"? and poems by the poet Myazensky? (A. Herzen "The Past and Thoughts." P. Vyazemsky) What to do if in the morning, having come to work, librarians found a sleeping person in the reading room?

Imagine for a moment that Pushkin has come to the library: he wants to become our reader and take the books home. Pick up a few books for him that, in your opinion, would be of interest to the poet today.

The young man really wants to read the book recommended to him by friends. He takes out a piece of paper and hands it to the librarian. It says: “BYE WILD GELTING FAVORITE”. What does the young man want to read? (Boccaccio's The Decameron.) The reader's mother calls the library and asks her to pick up a book by either Bianchi or Prishvin - Olesya. The librarian is puzzled. Kuprin has “Olesya”, but perhaps the above-mentioned authors also have such a name for the story? Alas. What did the girl need to pick up? (About the forest.) Schoolchildren in the library demand to give them material about the Yesenin River and M. Gorky's work "The Old Woman Izergil". What do kids want?

Dear colleagues, remember funny examples from your professional experience and share with us!

Presenter 1: Our eternal headache is debtors. You won’t take them with a swoop and a fright, you won’t take them by starvation either. So you have to come up with something original, like, for example, a letter to a debtor reader, inspired by Pushkin.

I am writing to you for the fourth time, you have become a ghost for us.

Like a London dandy dressed, Just send greetings.

When will you appear before me in your form and with your bag?

In that bag of books bring what you took in the past year.

And bring clarity between us, Are you a reader or just a wast.

I give you a period of ten days And I expect good news from you!

Presenter 2: And here is a letter in prose - and also to the debtor: “Dear Elizabeth - light - Petrovna! Give us pleasure with your visit. Would you be so kind as to bring back the books we gave you last year? Kindly return them to us. Our will is to punish you or pardon you. For this, I remain obedient to the services. Librarian".

Or here is such an option: “I dare to affirm you with my sincere request to honor me with your dear visit ...”

How do you deal with such situations?

(musical number) Presenter 3: And now, dear colleagues, questions on knowledge of world literature.

The name of the hero of N. Gogol's story "The Overcoat". (Akaky Akakievich Bashmachnikov.) Instead of this literary hero, his portrait grew old. (Dorian Gray.) From him the world learned about Dersu Uzala. (V. Arseniev.) The final phrase of A. Pushkin's drama "Boris Godunov". ("The people are silent.") What was the name of Tom Sawyer's aunt? (Poly.) Who gave Pushkin's Tsar Dadon a golden cockerel? (Stargazer.) In a famous novel, this writer talks about the appearance of the devil in Moscow. (M.

Bulgakov.) The name of the writer Barbusse. (Henri.) He was going to "take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars." (Prince Oleg.) This surname was borne by two wonderful women - mother and daughter. Pushkin dedicated poems to one of them, and M. Glinka dedicated a romance to her daughter. (Kern.) To whom did Pushkin dedicate the lines “Comrade, believe, she will rise ...?) (To P. Chaadaev.) The hero of what literary work said: “The spirit of emptiness, I hope, I hope, is captured by me”? (Faust.) A monument to what literary hero from Russia stands in Odessa, and in Rio - de - Janeiro, and they even want, according to rumors, to stage in Vladivostok? (To Ostap Bender.) Who owns the saying about women: "They live near people and are very similar to them"? (I. Bunin.) About whom it is said:

This is our everything!”? (About Pushkin.) Continue: “There is no sadder story in the world ...” (“Than the story of Romeo and Juliet”) After 40 years of work in the UK, the construction of a theme amusement park has been completed, where the image of the country, which is described in the works of this 19th century writer, has been restored . Who is this writer? (C. Dickens.)

Presenter 1:

It happens that you get tired of peace And a person becomes bored ... In such a situation I always go to the library.

I breathe in like the pollen of flowers The whole aroma of cozy halls I'm ready to wander for hours I'm in the world of collections, magazines Light airiness of brochures And a load of solid folios - More expensive than banknotes And pearls and diamonds.

In them, the charm of tender poetry Promises Yesenin's lyre.

They have the rustle, the heat of bygone centuries, They contain the distance of the cosmic world.

This is where I have been striving stubbornly and stubbornly for a long time.

The servants of the temple will always support a conversation with me.

They, like nymphs, are good In their boundless sea of ​​books.

A wonderful balm for the soul I will find in our conversation.

I would not go here could not, I'm connected with books forever.

And in life I'm not alone, While I go to the library.

Presenter 2: Dear colleagues! On this festive day, I would like to wish you health, good luck, happiness and the incessant pulsation of the creative vein!

The goal of creativity is self-giving, Not hype, not success.

It's shameful, meaning nothing, To be a parable on everyone's lips.

But one must live without imposture, To live in such a way that in the end Attract the love of space to oneself, Hear the call of the future.

(musical number.) Presenter 3: We announce the most long-awaited competition - culinary delights and invite everyone to the table!

(Music, songs) Eternal profession - library 1 presenter: Good afternoon, dear sirs and madams! Hello dear guests!

It's great that spring has come, the leaves on the trees have blossomed ... 2 host: Yeah, the garbage has melted, prices have risen, the President has changed ... 1 host: Well, what are you talking about! We are here for such a wonderful occasion!

2 presenter: Think about it, a wonderful reason. What, by the way?

1 presenter: All-Russian Day of Libraries!

2 host: Oh, well, just think - Library Day! There are so many Days now: Secretary's Day, Fisherman's Day, Beer Day, and even World Blonde Day - for all tastes, you are tormented to celebrate!

1 presenter: But we are all pleased to meet in a non-working environment, when we don’t have to rush anywhere, solve some urgent issues, hand over eternal plans, reports.

2 host: Yeah, just not to work!

Lead 1: We all gathered together also to remember the history of our libraries, those wonderful, sweet, quiet-voiced women who once worked in them, and those who continue to serve in the Temple of Knowledge today. And maybe we will all discover the Big Library Secret together!

Lead 2: Wow! Try it! Although I personally doubt it very much. What if it’s true, you have some kind of shared library secret? Perhaps I, too, will sit here among you, but listen (2 host sits down in the hall) (The “Hymn of the Librarians” is performed) 1 host: Today we have a holiday. And it's great that so many fans of the book and the library have gathered here. Among the guests ... (list the guests) A lot of congratulations will sound today in this hall, kind words and heartfelt wishes. And now I want to give the floor to ... (administration).

(One verse of the song-alteration to the motive of the song “Big Secret for a Small Company” sounds) 1 presenter: I wonder what the Big Library Secret is all about?

Lead 2: And when will you have time to find out this secret? After all, each of you is just a modest short episode in library life!

Lead 1: Of course, we come and go, but the library remains! Or maybe our leaders know the answer to the library mystery?

(The host gives the floor to the head of the culture department and others) 1 host: Congratulations and praises of music pour into the souls of librarians. And now real music will sound - a gift from the workers of the RDK. Sings for all of us ... (Song is performed) 2 presenter: Oh, they completely praised you! What is there to praise for? The work is not dusty. He came, sat down in a comfortable chair, sitting, waiting for the reader. You write a book for him - and again you sit, Even, in my opinion, you can take a nap ... Beauty!

1 host: You shouldn't say that! Do you know how many tons of books the librarian drags with his fragile hands? How many tens of kilometers winds graceful legs between the racks? What about working with readers? Bring, take away, write down, replace, advise, instruct, glue. What about public events? Write the script, prepare the speakers, gather the audience, report on the performance. And I won’t talk about paid services

- This separate topic. And all this with a polite and joyful smile. Like, everything is ok with us:

there is nowhere to put money, no worries, all the more difficulties!

Lead 2: So I say: something is wrong here! Let the librarians speak for themselves.

Lead 1: And they will tell! And some will show!

(Presentation, stories of librarians about their library) 2 presenter: Oh, you're being cunning, you're hiding something. I can count! You have 12 libraries, but why were there only 9 presentations? In three libraries, probably, they do nothing at all?

1 leader: You are deeply mistaken! It's just that young librarians came to work in some libraries. We hope that they will seriously get down to work and raise their native library to an unattainable height! I ask you, dear colleagues, to come up to the stage. Please, get acquainted: Svetlana Nikolaevna Tenkovskaya - Head of the Adult Readers Service Department, Gulnara Nikolaevna Antonova

- bibliographer of the central district library, Elena Maksimovna Ivanova - librarian of the Kalmak branch, Darya Vladimirovna Klochko - librarian of the Krasnoorlovsky branch, Marina Aleksandrovna Zarubina - librarian of the Ivanovo branch and Evgeny Yuryevich Morozov - our system administrator.

(Noise is heard in the corridor) 1 presenter: I'll go and see what happened there. (Returns). Strange. I have some hallucinations. Probably re-read fairy tales in the children's library. No, imagine, Baba Yaga dreamed ... (Baba Yaga looks in) Baba Yaga: Come on, come on, come on ... I feel with my nose that something important is happening. Why without me? Why wasn't I invited? Wow! And who are they? (Approaches the young librarians, examines them, feels them): Nothing, they are good, fresh, young ... I like them. So, from one I will make a barbecue, from the other I will cook soup, I will give the third Zmey Gorynych for his birthday, I will leave two more in reserve. And I’ll put you, youngster, on a shovel and fry in the oven, (measures height with his fingers) if, of course, you climb onto a shovel.

Lead 2: Hey, hey, what do you allow yourself?

Baba Yaga: Hush! And then I'll turn it into a frog! It appears like this: Just because they didn’t invite me here, I’m taking them to me! (Thinks, scratches his head): Although... No, perhaps my stupa will not withstand seven. Okay, I propose a compromise: if they each correctly answer one question, so be it, let them stay. And if not - right there in front of your eyes and eat. So, my dears, are you ready? Go!

(Baba Yaga holds a mini-competition for young librarians).

Questions for the mini-competition:

1. What will you do if a reader who does not know Russian comes to your library?

2. The reader came into the library "under the fly"

3. A 7th grader wants to take the Kama Sutra

4. Five minutes before the end of the working day, a student came. He needs to find material for term paper. Your actions?

5. In the morning, when you come to work, you find a sleeping person in the library.

Lead 1: Well, Granny Yagulechka, nothing worked out for you, huh? Go on your way. Maybe next time you'll be lucky.

(Baba Yaga, grumbling, leaves)

Young librarians read the oath:

“Entering the glorious ranks of librarians, in the face of my colleagues, I solemnly swear:

Sow intelligently, good, eternal! I swear!

Observe the Olympic motto: "Faster, higher, stronger!" That is: do not run faster than the wind between the shelves, do not jump higher than the administration, do not be stronger than Atlanta, and do not lift stacks of books heavier than 10 kg. I swear!

Do not lose heart and do not lose heart before failures. I swear!

Learn always, learn everything, learn everywhere! I swear!

Love your work and always keep loyalty to it! I swear!

I swear! I swear! I swear!

1 presenter: This song sounds for young (and not only) librarians.

(Song-alteration to the motive of Alsou's song "Winter Dream") 2 presenter: (yawns): Oh, something has become boring, young librarians! Not good? And you, what, librarians do not live up to retirement? I would like to see at least one aksakal of librarianship. It is too early to ask young people what the great library secret is. But the veterans - that's it!

Leader 1: Please! Here they are: (veterans of librarianship are listed).

Dear veterans, you probably know what the Big Library Secret is?

Lead 1: It's always nice to hear a good song. Singing for you………….

1 presenter: Well, here we have learned the Big Library Secret. So, thanks to this secret, we will have more good readers, new wonderful books, smart young librarians, experienced mentors, bright interesting events!

Let this day of the calendar be modest, Like any other, it is fleeting But we are waiting for it, giving warmth all year long to Our readers, to our endless work.

May this day bring many glorious years, Creative success, health and prosperity, And the height of the sky, and the sun's light, And the souls of readers who are open without a trace!

Lead 2: So let this day (and not only) - Readers be readers, Books are not very heavy, Computers do not freeze, Salaries are large (VERY BIG), And the library day is every day!

1 presenter: My friends, I invite you to the buffet hall in order to continue the holiday in a less formal setting. There will be more congratulations, awards, scattering of songs and much more pleasant things!

–  –  –

1. A musical screensaver sounds (a peppy, life-affirming march!)

2. Teams, jury members and guests are seated, forming a kind of arena.

3. Greetings to the Meeting participants

4. Introducing guests

5. Introduction of the jury members

6. Presentation of the contestants, theatrical draw

8. Theatrical performances of each team (by lot). Team greeting score from 50 to 100 points

9. The first part of the competition "Professionalism"

12. The second part of the contest "Erudition"

15. The third part of the competition "Homeiness"

16. The jury leaves for a meeting. Films on the history of Moscow are shown in the hall

17. Announcement of the results of the competition

18. Awarding of the winners

19. Life-affirming march sounds!

–  –  –

The first level of questions (library, 20 points per answer):

1. Library catalog -

B) Fashion magazine

D) List of books available in the library and revealing its fund

2. LBC A) Classification of mammals B) Food product

C) Banknote D) Library and bibliographic classification

A) The name of the beloved man B) Fashionable resort in Europe

C) New store in Moscow D) computer program for libraries

4. Form (reader's) -

A) Weekly B) Exemplary Reader Award

C) Reader's conduit D) Document for accounting of issued literature

5. Debtor A) A reader who borrows money from a librarian

B) A reader lending a librarian until payday

C) A reader lending books

D) A reader who does not return borrowed books on time

6. Library Department -

A) The scene for the librarian to speak to the reader

B) Place of execution of the debtor-reader

C) A place for readers to engage in scientific work

D) Rack for issuing books by the librarian

–  –  –

The second level of questions (literary, 50 points per answer):

1. The development of librarianship in Russia is associated with the name of which Russian writer.

Writer, journalist, librarian, bibliographer. For the first time in the history of librarianship, he applied the system of ciphering books with the simultaneous affixing of ciphers in the catalog.

Compiled bibliographic lists and bibliographic indexes. His name?

A) M. Derzhavin B) V. Zhukovsky

C) V. Mezhov D) I. Krylov

2. In his historical detective story The Name of the Rose, the investigation takes place within the walls of a medieval monastery where drug addiction and homosexuality flourish, murder follows murder. And there is also the secret of the monastery library. The keeper of the library is in possession of Aristotle's forbidden book Poetics, the pages of which are soaked in poison. Author of this novel:

A) Arthur Conan - Doyle B) Agatha Christie

C) Charles Dickens D) Umberto Eco

–  –  –

4. Which of the science fiction writers was born in Russia, lived in the USA, graduated from Columbia University with a degree in chemistry, and defended a dissertation in biochemistry?

A) Alexander Belyaev B) Ray Bradbury

C) Robert Sheckley D) Isaac Asimov

5. Having reread the just completed work of A.S. Pushkin exclaimed: "Ah yes Pushkin, ah yes son of a bitch!". What is this work?

A) "Ruslan and Lyudmila" B) "Eugene Onegin"

C) The Captain's Daughter D) Boris Godunov

6. He came to children's literature as a writer and at the same time an illustrator of his books, initiating the creation of a new genre form: “ little story about small animals for small children. The characters of his picture books - animal cubs are recognizable, full of charm and charm. Who is this writer?

A) Vitaly Bianchi B) Boris Zhitkov

C) Mikhail Prishvin D) Evgeny Charushin

7. The tale of the brave little girl Maya ends happily. But the author himself called the girl Tommelise, that is, Lisa the size of an inch. And the name by which we all know her was already given when the fairy tale was translated into Russian. Who is the author of this tale?

A) The Brothers Grimm B) W. Gauf

C) H.K. Andersen D) C. Perrault

Third level of questions (history of the book, 100 points per answer):

–  –  –

2. Whose name is associated in Rus' with the spread of letters and the appearance of the first known book depository in St. Sophia Cathedral?

A) Vladimir Monomakh B) Svyatoslav

C) Yuri Dolgoruky D) Yaroslav the Wise

3. The first Moscow, the so-called "Anonymous Printing House", arose around 1553 under the leadership of Ivan Fedorov. Her first dated book is:

A) Holy Gospel B) Lenten triod

C) Psalter D) Ostromir Gospel

4. Many great people gave their work and talent for the great cause - the creation of a printed book. And only one of them managed to invent the printing press. Who is this inventor?

A) Italian Pamfilio Castild B) Czech Procopius Waldfogel

C) Belgian John Brito D) German Johannes Gutenberg

–  –  –

7. Brothers, Byzantine scholars - theologians, philologists, missionaries, educators.

The older brother was a librarian for Patriarch Photius. He created an alphabet of 38 letters: of these, 24 letters are similar to the letters of the Greek alphabet, and 14 are newly created. The name of the alphabet is associated with his name. Brothers names:

A) Peter and Pavel B) Boris and Gleb

C) Zosimus and Gregory D) Cyril and Methodius

–  –  –

2. What is the name of Savrasov's famous painting?

A) “The rooks flew away” B) “The rooks pecked”

C) “The rooks have arrived” D) “The rooks have inherited”

–  –  –

6. Which of these expressions is applicable to describe a hardworking person?

A) pears hang around B) dig the earth

C) beat the buckets D) suck

–  –  –

The second level of difficulty (50 points per answer):

1. One of the most popular children's holidays in the USA is associated with this vegetable.

It is believed that on this day all evil spirits come out. On this day children wear fancy dresses and scary masks and go from house to house, demanding sweets and other gifts with the words: “Pay off, otherwise I will bewitch!” What is this vegetable?

A) zucchini B) Pumpkin

C) Corn D) Squash

–  –  –

7. Which is very popular indoor plant was first found in the Uzumbar Mountains of Africa by the botanist Saint Paul Iller?

A) Pohipodium B) Chlorophytum

C) Balsam D) Violet

The third level of difficulty (100 points per answer):

1. Not only professional chefs, but also many scientists, philosophers, statesmen, and writers participated in the development of the art of cooking. Which of these famous writers wrote a cookbook besides historical novels?

A) G. Senkevich B) Walter Scott

C) M. Druon D) Alexandre Dumas père

2. Where they excelled in cooking the unheard of holiday dish: a tiny olive was baked inside a dove, a dove - in a goat, a goat - in a sheep, a sheep - in a bull, all this was fried on a spit, and the very honored guest got that same olive ...

A) In Rus' B) In China

C) Ancient Greece D) Greenland

3. Salad "Olivier" was invented in the 60s of the XIX century by French chef Lucien Olivier. Lucien Olivier kept the method of preparing the salad a secret, and with his death the secret of the recipe was considered lost. However, the main ingredients were known. IN Soviet time one of the salad ingredients was replaced with a carrot. Which?

A) Crayfish B) Dried apricots

C) Salmon D) Red caviar

4. Cake "Napoleon" refers to the Moscow inventions. to one significant event there was a whole range of drinks and foods, decorated for the holiday. There was also a new cake - puff with cream, made in the form of a triangle, in which it was supposed to see the famous triangular hat of Napoleon. The cake quickly received the name "Napoleon" and universal recognition.

What event was celebrated?

A) 100th anniversary of the birth of Napoleon B) 100th anniversary of the birth of Kutuzov C) 100th anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia D) 100th anniversary of the invasion of French troops into Russia

5. This drink first appeared in Russia during the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, and it became popular at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries. Here is what the writer of famous books on home economics Levshin wrote in 1795: "The property of this drink is to precipitate vapors, refresh and purify the blood. They drink it in the morning to excite vital spirits and appetite, and a few hours after dinner - to promote digestion."

A) Moonshine B) Kvass

C) Tea D) Sbiten

6. Ornamental flower, cure for all diseases, poison that exterminates insects, stain remover, universal fertilizer, finally, food raw materials that can be used to make bread, starch, powder, oil, wine, coffee, yeast, chocolate, etc. etc. What is it?

A) carrots B) radishes

C) Potato D) Turnip

7. The Danes believed that "Fruits are extremely harmful, as they drive those who eat them crazy."

Europeans grew them as ornamental plants in flower pots on windowsills. In Russia they were called "dogs", "mad berries", "sinful fruits". What is it about?

–  –  –


I am proud of my craft. Theatrical performance for the opening of the competition "Best in Profession".

Nymph 1:

Like a flame, Which is weak and insignificant in its beginning, And only then burns more strongly, Hephaestus was born frail, and inconspicuous, And unlike other children.

Nymph 2:

And ashamed of the ugly son, His own mother Juno Instantly renounced the child.

Juno (entering):

To be a god is not his destiny, He is not worthy of this honor.

And on Olympus we will not be With him, frail, now together.

Let it be thrown into the abyss of waters From the peaks of the sacred Olympus.

There is no strength in it, there is no beauty Sublime and refined, inherent in all gods.

And therefore, he should live among people and only there.

(Lights flash, thunder rolls, Juno leaves.)

Nymph 1:

Like a stormy stream of water, the years rushed by.

And now Hephaestus is no longer that uncomplaining baby.

Nymph 2:

The fire of labor burns in his hands.

And day and night without rest and sleep He honed his skills stubbornly.

(Hephaestus appears.)


You ask, what is the dream of a god living on earth?

As equal to any mortal, I see my life in work.

I knew true happiness, When lifeless metal In my hands took on bizarre shapes And adorned earthly life.

(Poseidon appears.)


Ha-ha-ha-ha, how funny he is, He believes that people need him.

Only strength matters in this world.

I tell you - the all-powerful Poseidon.


No, Poseidon, I do not agree with you, Although the underwater world is all subject to you.


So you decided to anger the gods, the Gods of the sacred Olympus?

Are you challenging Zeus the Thunderer?

So stay on the ground.

You are banished forever from the divine heights!

And hardly any of the gods will take you to Olympus again!

(Thunder, Hephaestus falls, the music becomes calmer, quieter.)

Nymph 1:

Wake up, Hephaestus, return to your work.

Do not forget that you are strong with your skill and craft and you will be glorious only by them.

Nymph 2:

Don't hide your resentment in your heart, By work firmly prove to all people and gods, That you are needed everywhere: both here and there.


Oh, gods, I worked for you, Tirelessly, not for the sake of glory, I forged metal for two!

Look, the sun god Helios is flying on a chariot.

Researchers believe that the first book depository in Rus' appeared a very, very long time ago - in 1037 under Yaroslav the Wise. Catherine II in 1795 issued a decree on the creation of a state library in St. Petersburg - the Imperial Public Library. It was the first library available to everyone. Later, in 1995, the President of Russia issued a decree on the celebration All-Russian day libraries and timed it to coincide with the date of issuance of the decree by Catherine the Second - May 27.

Modern libraries, according to some experts, are in decline. The increasing spread of the Internet and the presence of almost any information on the network significantly reduces the popularity of the ancient "book depositories". However, the forecasts for the future are optimistic: yes, there are a lot of problems with premises, lack of proper funding, legal problems, but libraries are more than just a warehouse of books.

Today is library day
And the book is not forgotten now,
After all, the Internet will not give knowledge,
And the library door is always open!

Only in the book is knowledge, in the book is life,
And in books the wisdom of generations.
And let them hurry to the library
Readers of all ages and generations.

Congratulations to librarians today
Thank you for your hard work
We appreciate you and respect books,
Let the libraries new force come to life.

Every profession has its own smell.
The smell of books on the shelves warms your soul,
You faithfully keep human wisdom,
Tell people: “Take everything for free!”.

On this day, we wish you to live longer
And donate to the library every day.
Let health be enough for another hundred years,
Let the words of witchcraft always excite!

May you be very loved, appreciated and spared,
Prizes are not spared, expensive awards!
Happiness to you human. What more could you want?
You will never know trouble or grief!

Congratulations to all librarians! Creative upsurge, inspiration and good luck in all your endeavors! Health, change for the better and the desire to be better. May all your everyday life be productive and successful.

Books - wisdom, a storehouse of knowledge -
Every person knows.
So let's remember
We are talking about Library Day!

The smell and the rustle of the pages
Will not replace the Internet.
Let libraries live
Teachings give us light!

Happy world library day
I sincerely congratulate you
More good, smart books
I wish you to meet in life.

Good to you, happiness and love,
Success and victories in work,
Let the days flow with interest
In worthy, meaningful concerns.

Let work give wisdom
Let the world of good books beckons
Let the energy rage
May it give joy every moment.

The library is a miracle
Like an express train.
Here, opening any book,
You enter the world of miracles.

You get a sea of ​​knowledge
And you make friends
This world cannot be forgotten
Happy library day, friends.

Happy Library Day!
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Good health, more money
Yes, less tired at work.
The multi-genre fund is richer,
And readers - more polite, kinder.
In any case, we wish you good luck,
From her and the heart more fun.
To new knowledge to lead children!
Make people happy!
Good luck, and the path to it is straight!

How many different secrets lurks
On magical worn pages
You are incredibly lucky
Stay in the realm of books all the time.

On this holiday I wish you -
Let the work not get bored
Brings a lot of new knowledge
Warm meetings, kindness and attention!

Happy All-Russian Day of Libraries!
I wish you prosperity and growth.
Let our electronic and impetuous age
Perseverance will not win readers.

Will not win all those who love the rustle of books,
Who appreciates books and has been in love with their smell since childhood.
Libraries paved the way for enlightenment
And enlightenment is the best legacy.

Let technology only be your servant,
Let the flow of readers not weaken.
Librarians of health and wellness,
Let reading your favorite books warm your heart.

Accept congratulations today
All those who love books and reading.
'Cause books reveal secrets
How to live, love, learn and dream!

On the All-Russian Library Day
We wish you all success, kindness.
Interesting and beautiful readings,
Stories about love and beauty!

Repository library workers
Congratulations today from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you a life full of positive
So that you are beautiful, good!
BB-code to insert into the forum:

Today, many are thinking about the possibilities of the further existence of mankind. This is possible only if people of all countries of the world adhere to certain principles and rules - to protect the world, spirituality and nature. Only the simultaneous fulfillment of all these tasks will ensure the onset of the future.

The book, in its original purpose, is the very element that serves as a defense of spirituality. It is books that help a person acquire knowledge, recognize good among evil, find the truth and guard against lies. For a smart, sane person, a book is a priceless thing.

Today, in the era of information progress, the issue of introducing the younger generation to reading is more relevant than ever. Therefore, such a holiday as Library Day is increasingly being publicized, and the month is generally proclaimed World School Library Month.

A little history on World Library Day

Every year on the last Monday in October, World Library Day is celebrated. The official holding of the Day of Libraries began in 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. This status was first announced by the President of the International Association of School Libraries Peter Jenko in 2005. And by the Day of Libraries in 2008, the project coordinator announced that the one-day holiday develops into an international month, that is, from now on, October is the month of school libraries.

During the month of Library Day, all celebrating the holiday can choose one day or even a week to organize events in their institutions. Many began to use these seven days to collect books for charitable purposes.

In Russia, the International Day of Libraries was first celebrated in 2008. The motto of that year was the phrase - "School library on the agenda." At the first meeting, a program of further annual events was approved. It included meetings of school librarians, presentations of the profession of a librarian, congratulations from veterans of this industry in science, seminars and trainings on topical issues.

This course of events continues to this day. Undoubtedly, the themes and slogans of the holiday are changing, the options for the interaction of libraries with various spheres of life are being updated. Various exhibitions and competitions are organized for and their parents. Apart from world day libraries, Russian school librarians celebrate their national professional holiday on May 27.