Volumetric paper frog: step by step with a template. Summary of nodes on the application on the theme "princess frog" Princess frog paper craft

Lesson objectives:

Expand and clarify children's knowledge about frogs. Dictionary: amphibian, molt, molt. Develop the small muscles of the hands. To educate in children an interest and a humane attitude towards nature.


Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the inhabitant of our Tambov, well known to you. Who will be discussed will tell you a riddle.

Frog Riddle

Not a beast, not a bird
Afraid of everything.
Catch flies -
And splash into the water!

(Answers of children). What about the riddle made you think of the frog? What can you tell about the life of frogs? (Answers of children).

Frogs winter in companies at the bottom of reservoirs or somewhere under stones, in rotten stumps, in rodent burrows. It happens that frogs freeze into ice in winter, but in spring they still wake up alive and healthy.

Finger gymnastics

Two funny frogs
(Children clench their hands into fists and put them on the table with their fingers down)

They don't sit for a minute.
(Sharply straighten the fingers of the hand, as if bouncing over the table)

Girlfriends are jumping.
(Place palms on table)

Only splashes fly upwards.
(They sharply clench their fists and put them back on the table)

Paper design "Frog".


Revisiting safety precautions

Scissors may not be taken without permission

Scissors should not be placed on the edge of the table, they may fall and injure

Scissors must not be left open

Do not run your hands over the open blades of the scissors, they are sharp and you can get hurt

Scissors must not be passed with the blades forward

Scissors should be stored in the stand with the handles up.

Scissors should not be held with the blades up or towards you, you can stumble and get hurt

Scissors cannot cut on the go


Guys, in order to create a frog, we need two rectangles, then we cut off the corners and get ovals, cut out two more circles from the square - these will be the eyes of the frog. We also need 4 strips. We fold them in the form of an accordion - these will be the legs of the frog. Then we cut out the paws from the circle in the form of a fence, because the frog has membranes and loves to swim. We lay out all our blanks on a sheet of paper. Everything is ready to be glued (children work at the tables).


And now that our work is ready, we can rest.

Game "Two Frogs"

We see them jumping along the edge
(turns to the side)

Two green frogs.
(Half squats right-left)

Jump-jump, jump-jump,
(Stepping from toe to heel)

Jump from heel to toe.
Two girlfriends in the swamp
Two green frogs
(Hands on the belt, half-squats to the right and left)

Washed early in the morning
Rubbed with a towel.
(Perform movements in accordance with the text)

They stamped their feet,
Hands clapped.
Leaning to the right
Tilt to the left.
Here is the secret of health
(Walking in place)

Physical education friends!


Who did we do today (children's answers), did you like the lesson? (children's answers). I want to praise you all and say how great you are!

OO " Artistic creativity»

Section "Modeling"

Software content.

1. Continue introducing children various types relief plastics - high relief.

2. Show the possibility of creating a high relief in a matchbox.

3. Strengthen the ability of children to sculpt miniatures.

4. Develop fine motor skills hands, coordinate the work of the eyes and hands.

5. Raise interest in the independent development of new visual techniques and means of artistic and figurative expression.

6. To cultivate love for Russian folk art, for fairy tales.

Preliminary work.

1. Reading Russian folk tale"Princess Frog".

2. Consideration of illustrations for the fairy tale by I. Bilibin.

3. Continue acquaintance with the art of small plastics - bas-relief, high relief, counter-relief; examining miniature sculptures from different materials.

4. Drawing various miniatures on paper of a small format 1/8 A4 sheet.

5. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess", puppet theater.


1. Boxes with plasticine for each child.

2. Matchboxes for each child.

3. Stack set.

4. Oilcloths, cloth napkins for each child.

5. Toothpicks, cocktail tubes, foil, beads, beads, buttons.

6. Artificial flower.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Physical culture".

GCD progress.

Children play in the activity centers as they wish. The music "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds. Children come up and ask why this music is playing and what we are going to do today.


We are inseparable from a good fairy tale,

Well, and songs in a fairy tale - to heaven!

Can you imagine how boring it would be

If there were no songs, no miracles.

Educator: Children, I want to invite you to the Land of Fairy Tales. This is an amazing, magical country. Whoever visits it becomes smart, kind, sensitive and attentive. Do you want to go on a trip? Then go ahead! A magic flower will help us get into the Land of fairy tales.

(Children stand in a circle, take a flower, close their eyes and pronounce words).

Magic flower, enter the fairy tale!

Do not let us, flower, weaken on the way!

You give us courage and light

And revive a new fairy tale!

Educator: We ended up in the Camp of Fairy Tales. This country does not accept the gloomy and angry! Let's smile like the spring sun and say kind words to each other. (children say compliments).

Educator: Do you feel how kind words we felt good, warm and comfortable. Children, guess the riddle, and you will find out what fairy tale we are in.

An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in that swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin,

She became instantly beautiful, attractive.

The arrow of the young man hit the swamp,

Well, where is the bride? Want to marry!

And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.

The bride's name is ... (The Frog Princess.)

Teacher: Who is the main character in the story? (Ivan Tsarevich)

Educator: How did Ivan Tsarevich look for a bride for himself, at the insistence of his father - father? (Launches an arrow.)

Educator: Who was his bride? (Frog.)

Educator: Where did the frog live? (In the swamp.)

Educator: What is the real name of the frog? (Vasilisa the Wise.)

Educator: Who was Vasilisa - the Wise and why was she a frog? (She was the princess who was bewitched by Koschei the Deathless.)

Educator: What instructions did the Frog Princess carry out from her father - father? (Sew a shirt, bake bread for the king, come to the priest for a feast.)

Educator: When did Tsarevich Ivan first see a frog in the guise of Vasilisa the Wise? (At the feast.)

Educator: What words did she ask Ivan Tsarevich to say when everyone at the feast heard knocking and thunder? (When you hear a knock and thunder, don’t be scared, say: “This, apparently, is my frog in a box!”.)

Educator: Now children, I invite you to a fairy-tale workshop. Today I want to invite you to mold a frog in a box, but not in a simple way, but in miniature with the help of relief plastics. Now I will show you a miniature (shows). If you want, I will teach you how we will do it.

Educator: Children, we are already well acquainted with the technique of relief plastics. What paintings did we do? (“Dancing trees”, “The wind walks on the sea ...”, “Butterflies are beauties.”)

Educator: In what techniques did we perform them? (bas-relief, counter-relief, high relief).

Educator: Children, remember that in relief paintings the image can protrude differently above the surface of the base. But as?

Children: The image can protrude to the surface of the base, or it can go deep into it.

Educator: That's right, children, well done! But before we get started, let's take a break.


Ivan Tsarevich, here is a hero!

Boldly he enters the fight

Magically he will wave his sword -

And the Serpent-Gorynych does not care.

Made a lunge once and twice -

The head flew off.

Another lunge - three or four -

The rest flew off. (Lunges.)

Educator: Come to the table, become comfortable and carefully examine our miniature "Frog in a Box".

Educator: Where is the frog? (In a box.)

What is it made of? (Ordinary matchbox).

Educator: Pay attention to the frog, she holds an arrow, a crown glitters on her head.

Educator: Children, look, a frog can be molded in different ways. Make it a toy so that it looks more like a three-dimensional figure, attach it to the walls of a matchbox only with paws and a back. And you can make not a toy, but a flat figure and more like a picture.

Educator: Let's now look at the frog sculpting scheme. The body can be molded from a cone or oval, the head can be rolled out in the shape of a ball and slightly flattened, stick big eyes.

Educator: Remember that you need to make a small frog, the size of a matchbox. Now come and sit down in our fabulous workshop.

Educator: Before we start working, think and say why we need a different waste material? (buttons - to make carriage wheels, beads - eyes, tubes - an arrow).

Educator: Who can remind once again how we will sculpt a frog. (One child tells a way to sculpt a frog.)

Educator: Let's do finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics.

Children sculpt miniatures, decorate them on their own. Whoever blinds quickly can, at will, blind Ivan Tsarevich.

Educator: Children, look what wonderful frogs in the boxes we got.

Which frog did you like the most? Why?

What kind of waste material was added to this princess - a frog?

Educator: Children, and now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Today we will make an exhibition of our works, tell our parents where we have been and show what wonderful frogs Ivan Tsarevich could choose for his bride.

In kindergarten, children often make applications, origami and other paper crafts. This creative process develops perseverance and independence, accuracy and patience, fine motor skills of hands. The child learns to create something with his own hands, find different and identical details, decompose the overall image into elements, develops imagination.

It is possible to engage in the application even with the smallest children. Already after a year, with the help of adults, the baby can stick different elements on a sheet of paper: colored paper, natural materials, fabric, accessories and so on. The older the child becomes, the less he needs the help of parents or educators in this creative process.

Preparing for the creative process

The first thing to do if you decide to make an application (for example, a frog) with your child is to prepare materials, tools and workplace. You will need: glue and scissors, pencils or felt-tip pens, cardboard and colored paper: light and dark shades of green, yellow, pink, blue. The workplace must be covered with oilcloth. There should be no unnecessary things on the table so that nothing interferes with the creative process.

Draw and cut out a frog

To make an application, you first need to draw or print the frog itself, which you will then help the child stick on the base. It is quite easy to draw a fairy frog. First, mark with a simple pencil the body of the future character of the Russian folk tale. Then draw the “ears” at the top (these will be the eyelids of the frog) and erase the line that separates the “ears” and the body. In each "ear" draw a pupil or a large eye with an iris. Next, draw the Frog Princess smile and front paws, then add the back. The sequence of drawing the fabulous Princess Frog in the figure below. The main element for the application "Frog" is ready.

You can draw another frog, more like a real one. You can simply print the image of a frog for coloring or take it from a coloring book. Only in the latter case, first ask the child to color the frog, and only then proceed to cut out the details for the Frog appliqué.

Preparing the basis for the application

Next, you need to prepare the base on which the child will stick the frog. Take a piece of blue, yellow or white card stock. Any color will do, but it is necessary that after gluing the details of the “Princess Frog” application, the character of the fairy tale is clearly visible.

On cardboard, you need to draw (or stick on paper-cut parts) a river or a swamp, reeds, the sun, clouds, an arrow that hit the Frog Princess. You can separately cut a water lily on which the frog will sit.

Now it remains just to stick the very heroine of the Russian folk tale on paper - the application "Frog" is ready!

Paper frog piece by piece

You can cut out not the whole frog, but separately the legs, head, large eyes and body. This is a variant of the application "Frog" made of paper for older children who already know how to lay out the image into details and work with smaller details for creativity.

It is necessary to draw on paper two hind and two front legs of a frog, an oval body with a painted smile, two large yellow eyes. You can also cut strips from green paper, and rectangles with rounded corners from brown paper, and make reeds. You can also add water lilies, dragonfly, butterflies, flowers, herbs or any other details to the Frog applique.

You can invite your child to decorate the craft on their own, because there are many application options, for example, the Frog Princess with an arrow that got to her in a swamp, a frog in the grass with butterflies and caterpillars, and so on. You can even make a funny frog with an umbrella. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the child.

It is necessary to remind the child that after finishing work on the application, it is necessary to clean the workplace, throw away the scraps of paper and other materials in the trash, put the felt-tip pens, pencils, colored paper and cardboard, put everything in its place.

Synopsis of the GCD OO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" modeling for older children preschool age"Princess Frog"

1 .This summary refers to productive activities - modeling.

Modeling classes for children are very important, as they use them to model their world, changing it and expanding it. The richness of the techniques of this art form allows children to create familiar objects, invent new ones, and fantasize.

Thanks to this kind creative activity the child develops figurative thinking, develops memory, visual perception of objects, trains fine motor skills, which is especially important for preparing the hand for writing. The role of modeling in the development of a sense of beauty in children, its aesthetic education is also undeniable.

2. Goals and objectives:

1. Strengthen the ability of children to sculpt from plasticine.

2. To form the ability of children to convey the proportional ratio of parts and details (torso, head, paws, eyes).

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordinate the work of the eyes and hands.

4. Cultivate perseverance, interest in artistic creativity, modeling.

5. To cultivate love for Russian folk art, for fairy tales.

3. Preliminary work.

1. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess".

2. Consideration of illustrations for a fairy tale.

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess", puppet theater.

4. Preliminary work of the educator:

Drawing up a summary of the lesson, conducting preliminary work with children, preparing visual and handout materials, equipment, illustrations for this lesson.

5. Plan of interaction with children:

1. Organizing time

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson

3. Physical education minute

4. Practical work

5. Summary of the lesson

6.Methods and techniques of working with children:

· Creation emotional mood children: game motivation

Verbal techniques: making a riddle, talking with children according to the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”, detailed explanation sequence of actions.

Visual method: looking at illustrations, showing the educator the sequence and modeling techniques based on the diagram.

7. Possible risks of the implementation of the planned work:

hard plasticine

Not enough plasticine

The child cannot roll up a part of a certain shape

The child did not have time to finish the composition.



Theme: "The Frog Princess"
in the preschool group.


To teach to convey the image of a fairy-tale character in modeling, to improve the methods and techniques of modeling.


1. Strengthen the ability of children to sculpt from plasticine.

2. To form the ability of children to convey the proportional ratio of parts and details (torso, head, paws, eyes).

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordinate the work of the eyes and hands.

4. Cultivate perseverance, interest in artistic creativity, modeling.

5. To cultivate love for Russian folk art, for fairy tales.

Preliminary work.

1. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess".

2. Consideration of illustrations for a fairy tale.

3. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess", puppet theater.


1. Boxes with plasticine for each child.

2. Stack set.

3. A sheet of pond cardboard for each child.

4. Oilcloths, cloth napkins for each child.

5. Toothpicks.

6. Artificial flower.

Modern educational technologies:

Health-saving technology, game technology, student-centered technology.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Physical culture".

GCD progress.

1 part:

Educator: Children, I want to invite you to the Land of Fairy Tales. This is an amazing, magical country. Whoever visits it becomes smart, kind, sensitive and attentive. Do you want to go on a trip? Then go ahead! A magic flower will help us get into the Land of fairy tales.

(Children stand in a circle, take a flower, close their eyes and pronounce words).

Magic flower, lead me to a fairy tale!

Do not let us, flower, weaken on the way!

You give us courage and light

And revive a new fairy tale!

Educator: We ended up in the Land of Fairy Tales. This country does not accept the gloomy and angry! Let's smile like the spring sun and say kind words to each other. (children say compliments).

Educator: You feel how kind words made us feel good, warm and comfortable. Children, guess the riddle, and you will find out what fairy tale we are in.


An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in that swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin,

She became instantly beautiful, attractive.

The arrow of the young man hit the swamp,

Well, where is the bride? Want to marry!

And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.

The bride's name is ... (The Frog Princess.)

Teacher: Who is the main character in the story? (Ivan Tsarevich)

Educator: How did Ivan Tsarevich look for a bride for himself, at the insistence of his father - father? (Launches an arrow.)

Educator: Who was his bride? (Frog.)

Educator: Where did the frog live? (In the swamp.)

Educator: What is the real name of the frog? (Vasilisa - Wise.)

Educator: Who was Vasilisa - the Wise and why was she a frog? (She was the princess who was bewitched by Koschei the Deathless.)

Educator: What instructions did the Frog Princess carry out from her father - father? (Sew a shirt, bake bread for the king, come to the priest for a feast.)

Educator: When did Tsarevich Ivan first see a frog in the guise of Vasilisa the Wise? (At the feast.)

Educator: Now children, I invite you to a fairy-tale workshop. Today I want to invite you to mold a frog. To begin with, let's admire and look at the pictures with the "Princess Frog".(Appendix 1.)

Educator: But before we start working, let's have a little rest.


Ivan Tsarevich, here is a hero!

Boldly he enters the fight

Magically he will wave his sword -

And the Serpent-Gorynych does not care.

Made a lunge once and twice -

The head flew off.

Another lunge - three or four -

The rest flew off. (Lunges.)

Educator: Come to the table, become comfortable and carefully examine the frog.. (Appendix 2.)

Educator: Pay attention to the frog, it holds an arrow, and a crown glitters on its head.

Educator: Before we start working, think and tell me why we need waste material? (toothpicks - for arrows and reeds).

Educator: Children, see how you can make a frog. And you can mold it so that it looks like a three-dimensional figure.

Educator: Let's now consider the sequence of sculpting a frog. (app.3)

  1. First, let's prepare a habitat for our future frog. Let's cover a round area with blue plasticine on a sheet of cardboard - it will be a pond.
  2. Now we roll up the future head of the frog princess - a small ball.
  3. With the pads of our fingers we will make recesses for the eyes, draw a mouth with a crescent moon, you can pierce two points-nostrils.
  4. Add two eyes - now the frog is looking at us and smiling
  5. Now we need to connect the two main parts - the torso and the head.
  6. Attach two hind legs to the sides of the body. Now our frog can sit comfortably on the water lily.
  7. Blind also two front paws with webbed tips and connect with the finished craft.
  8. The frog itself is ready, but we still have to sculpt a few additional details. For example, a crown, because without it she would not be a princess. Make an accessory from yellow plasticine. Plant the swamp princess on a green leaf - a water lily. Turn toothpicks into reeds and a frog arrow

2 part:

Educator: Now come and sit down in our fabulous workshop.

To begin, heat the plasticine in your palms to make it soft. Pay attention to the sequence of modeling.

Children sculpt on their own. The teacher provides assistance in the process of work, answers questions that have arisen in children, prompts, advises in the course of work.

Whoever blinds quickly can, at will, blind Ivan Tsarevich.

3 part:

Educator: Children, look what wonderful frogs we got.

Which frog did you like the most? Why?

Educator: Children, and now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Today we will make an exhibition of our works, tell our parents where we have been and show what wonderful frogs Ivan Tsarevich could choose for his bride.


Annex 1

Application: 2

Application: 3

The sequence of sculpting a frog.

1. 2. 3.

Do you love fairy tales? We are very! What wonderful magical adventures happen to the heroes of fairy tales! Fairy tales often have magic! And it's so interesting. We offer to make a beautiful application - an illustration for the fairy tale about the frog princess beloved by many.


  • colored paper;
  • green corrugated paper;
  • a sheet of white cardboard for the background;
  • packaging cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

How to do:

  1. cut out all the details of the frog from green paper.
  2. Glue yellow paper circles on the paws. You can cut them out with a regular hole punch. Glue a rounded strip of white paper onto the frog's tummy.
  3. Let's make a frog face. On green eyes stick black circles, and white pupils on them, as in the photo. From red paper, cut out a frog's mouth with a tongue. From pink paper, cut out circles - cheeks for the frog.
  4. Glue all the parts of the frog. Glue a crown of yellow paper on your head.
  5. Cut out the details of dragonflies according to the template and glue them. Draw the eyes of the dragonflies with a black felt-tip pen.
  6. Cut out the details for the water lily from pink and white paper. In order for the water lily to look voluminous on the application, glue a piece of packing cardboard into the middle, as in the photo.
  7. Let's prepare the background of our application. On a sheet of white cardboard on the upper side, glue a wide strip of green corrugated paper trimmed like grass. Glue a wide strip of blue or cyan paper to the bottom of the cardboard. From dark blue paper, cut out several wavy stripes. Glue them to the blue part of the background.
  8. To add volume to the appliqué, glue a strip of cardboard on the back of the frog.
  9. Cut out water lily petals from green paper. Glue a couple of leaves behind the water lily, and the leaves in front of the water lily, as in the photo.
  10. Glue the frog and dragonflies on the background.

Application is ready! It turned out to be a wonderful three-dimensional illustration for a magical and kind fairy tale about a princess frog.