Wedding notes. Blood saves blood. Wedding talisman-gift for Simoron

Charms for the newlyweds

Wedding charms have been around for a long time. It has always been believed that at the wedding of the young it is easiest to quarrel with an evil person, since they are open and accessible to any evil eye or damage. They have not yet learned how to protect themselves, so this function is taken on by their relatives, but best of all, the mother or grandmother.

Crossing the threshold of her husband’s house, if she will live there after the wedding, the bride should say these words: “ One, two, three, I'm in a hurry the last one. One and all away, now I main daughter ". Having said this, the bride crosses the threshold of a new house, thus achieving the success of her words.

For example, in the southern villages, the bride is protected from damage and the evil eye in this way: they put oregano under the threshold of the house where she will live. When a girl enters the house, she must step over the threshold without stepping on the grass. If she does this (but you can’t warn her), then the amulet will work for a very long time. And if the bride stepped on the threshold with grass, then all troubles and misfortunes will fall on her. We would not recommend using this dangerous way, since it is likely that the bride will step on the threshold. If possible, then use a more reliable method of amulet.

But there is also a conspiracy-amulet for the groom, he protects young man from dislike in the house of the bride. It is said by the groom himself or his close friend, looking at the jamb of the front door. " I am going (name), bear, mighty and strong; I run, a wolf, toothy and loud-mouthed. I am a wolf and you are sheep to me". Having said this, the groom should spit over his shoulder and enter the house. They say that after this young husband in new family begin to love and respect like their own son.

But first of all, you need to protect peace and order in the new family. To do this, you need to calculate when the young people leave the registry office, put two unbuttoned gold or silver earrings in front of the door so that they are not noticeable. When the bride and groom cross the threshold of the house where they will live, you need to connect the earrings together, fasten them and throw them into some pond. These earrings should not be taken by anyone, because they contain a bundle of energy of a young family.

Here is a conspiracy that protects the young from quarrels and scandals: I will go out into the open field, there the spikelet clings to the spikelet, in the forest the bird flies to the bird. Like a dove cooing with its dove, so that the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) never quarreled or fought, they lived a century together and affectionately. As I said, let it be forever and ever. Amen».

This plot is read during wedding celebration when everyone eats, then not a single spoilage will overcome the young family. Here's what it sounds like: How Orthodox people look at the crosses of Christ, so that young people look at each other without looking up. As God forgives us our sins, so that the husband will always yield to his wife and pity her. Yes, so that not a single attack could defeat the young - neither together nor one by one. Amen».

Since ancient times, there have been many different rituals aimed at ensuring that the family lives happily in the future. There are no less damage and slander, the purpose of which is to somehow harm the young. From this it is necessary to protect them. We offer you, probably, the most common method in our country.

After the plate is broken, the newlyweds must join hands and step over the fragments. It is believed that in this way they will never have quarrels and disagreements.

Here is another rite-amulet for the newlyweds, so that in their new life no evil spells interfered. Before the arrival of the bride and groom, they put under the threshold of the house open lock, symbolizing a life not yet begun together. As soon as the new husband and wife cross the threshold, they take the lock, lock it with a key and throw it into the water.

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A plot-tie for newlyweds (so as not to get divorced) In the old days, a healer was usually invited to a wedding, they put her in a place of honor, treated her with the most delicious dishes and tried in every possible way to respect her. They did this so that the sorceress would speak to the young people during the holiday.

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Charms Yes different kinds damage sent to a person, but, as you know, there is a reaction to every action, therefore, since ancient times, there have been different ways- amulets that help get rid of it (remove witchcraft). Amulets are different from all evils and misfortunes: on

From the author's book

Amulets Amulets are items from natural materials, which is given a magical meaning. They are not subjected to any processing or only minor. Amulets can be natural stones, pieces of wood, products made from bark, feathers, etc. As a talisman

One of the most important days in our lives is the wedding. It requires many cares and is associated with fuss, because young people want to be better than others, and this day should be remembered for many years. A large number of guests are invited to the celebration, and it is not at all necessary that they will look at the newlyweds with envy and anger, although such cases do happen.

Sometimes a person, unwittingly, due to his strong energy, has a negative impact on the fate of others. Therefore, from ancient times, the older generations have always used amulets for the young at the wedding. Our ancestors tried to protect the newlyweds from the "dashing eye".

We protect the newlyweds

In order to protect the bride and groom from spoilage, you can speak water and give them both to drink. For such conspiracies, different prayers are used. Here is one of them:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Descend the water from the clouds, go around the seven church domes,

Wax seals, locks, holy keys.

Whoever thinks dashing, thinks evil,

Close your lips, close your teeth, take away your tongue.

That word has no edge and end, from an evil person of harm.

Key, cross, lock, psalter. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Now, ever and forever. Amen.

Such a charm will help protect the young from bad weather, which can bring to the newly created family during the wedding ceremony.

Wedding rings as a symbol of marriage

The ring is a very strong amulet.

The most powerful and powerful amulet for the newlyweds, which protects them from the moment of marriage throughout their lives, is considered wedding ring. Rings keep spouses from difficulties and other people's envy. It is put on ring finger as a symbol of love. The ring should be worn without removing it, without losing it, it is not allowed to be measured, it is not sold, so as not to destroy family harmony. You can not take other people's rings, taken from someone for a while or for rent.

The wedding ring should be smooth, without decors, inserts and inserts. A smooth ring is a smooth married life.

Protecting the newlyweds

Decoration of the car of young people with wedding bows from a ribbon of burgundy and shades of pink able to save from someone else's energy and serve as amulets of health. Purple, yellow and blue should not be used - these colors are the companions of the evil eye. The ringing of bells drives away evil spirits and evil anger from the bride and groom and calls for good forces for help.

In addition to general amulets, there are also individual protective equipment for each newlywed.

Protect the groom

During the wedding, the groom is under the watchful attention of others, so to protect him from prying eyes, you can choose one of the ancient methods:

  1. The most commonly used means of protection is an ordinary pin, which is attached to the bride's suit from the inside in the heart area with the head down. If, after the wedding, the tip of the needle has darkened, the pin should be buried in an unbuttoned form. If the needle remains unchanged, then the pin is removed and left open at night, put on it only in the morning.
  2. If the wedding takes place in a non-hot season, you need to put on another one under a beautiful shirt, only inside out. Instead of a shirt, you can use other underwear - a T-shirt or T-shirt.
  3. Holy water has always been a good defense. Before leaving the house, the mother baptizes her son three times with consecrated water, turning to the saints with a request to save him.
  4. Wrap salt in a paper triangle. To keep the amulet intact, it must be wrapped with a thread. We put a yellow coin in the newlywed's socks, it's good if they are copper.

We protect the bride from the evil eye

The center of the whole wedding is undoubtedly the bride. Her outfit alone attracts the admiring glances of all guests. You can protect the newlywed from bad looks by one of the following methods:

  1. long time ago hot water cleansed from sins, protects from condemnation and evil looks, therefore, before marriage, the bride was sent to the bath.
  2. A headband, belt, or blood-colored ribbon woven into the hair can become not only beautiful accessory but also a true guardian.
  3. The future wife can also attach a safety pin in the same way - head down, but only down the dress or under the crown.
  4. A very good charm for the bride at the wedding can be a cross, which should be placed near the heart under the corset. On the wedding morning, the bride washes her face with holy water and reads the Our Father. It is necessary to wash with consecrated water even at the end of the celebration.

On the pages of the site, we have repeatedly raised the topic of choosing wedding gifts, options for presenting them, as well as that. The topic of the new article is not just additions to the main gift, but wedding amulets from relatives and closest friends.

flower help

Flowers and plants at a wedding are a must. A green tree in a pot is a sign of growth, the beginning of a new one, choose only a really strong and, if possible, unpretentious plant.

Wedding bouquets from guests are often not as diverse as they could be. Perhaps it is worth agreeing with each other so that the magic help of flowers is maximum. Tell the bride about the meaning of these flowers as an addition to your wedding gifts. Let the young wife take a petal or a bud from each of the plants, dried and put together in a cloth bag, they will become a talisman for a loving and happy couple protecting them from all sorts of troubles and problems .

And here are the ingredients for such a wedding talisman:

A red carnation will become a talisman of love, an orange gerbera, which attracts hearts, will help it. A red and white rose from one bouquet will help to remain faithful, and a red lily will protect you from temptations. Iris will become a talisman for male power and will support sexual craving in the union.

White lily will be the happiness of your home, white carnation saves from sadness and longing. Green flowers and leaves added to bouquets will attract prosperity and wealth to the house.

Pink rose - wisdom and friendship in the family, the orchid will help mutual understanding of the spouses, being a talisman against pride or resentment, aggression.

A red rose will protect both the wife and husband and their children from illnesses, a white rose will exclude accidents on the path of the couple. A colorful and cheerful carnation will be a promise that children will certainly appear in this young family.

Magic mirror and sweet life

Traditions from other countries at our wedding may be quite appropriate, especially if these very countries have some special meaning for a loving couple. Maybe the young have planned Honeymoon to Turkey? Give the couple certainly good honey, you can even in a small beautiful barrel or along with oriental sweets. According to Eastern traditions, this delicacy promises a sweet life, they even smear the doors of the newlyweds' house with it, but this can be missed. Replacing honey in this regard, for example, with a small bottle of mint oil, drops of it on the threshold of a house / apartment and on window frames are not just a pleasant aroma, but protection from unwanted guests and various unkind influences from outside.

But back to Turkish traditions. They say that the mirror is not the best best gift, on the wedding day, a mirror in a beautiful frame presented to the bride is a special symbol. The young wife must certainly look into it on the day of the celebration so that the mirror can capture her happy face. It is this action that will charge such a wedding gift with the power of a talisman.

Wedding talisman-gift for Simoron

Simoron is an extremely popular hobby now, psychological and a little absurd cute magic. If the bride is familiar with him, then by all means use the instructions below from the Name of the Woman for making an amulet for the eternal retention of strong mutual feelings, the preservation of happy love. After all, such a wedding gift will also help strengthen your friendships.

One of the most popular rituals from the practice of simoron is a ritual to attract love ... with red shorts .. Based on this ritual, which the couple will no longer need, since its goal has been achieved, we will make an amulet.

So, we need a pair of red underpants - men's brutal family men and women's romantic fishnet flirty shorts or thongs (ideally, you should specify the size worn by the bride and groom). Next you need beautiful packaging fancy box or box right size(the box can be decorated with printed photos of lovers). We put the panties in this box and give everything together to the bride with instructions and ... glue moment. After the wedding, the panties (preliminarily, to enhance the effect in a romantic setting, the couple can wear them once) should be tied together, you can even sew them together with a thread, put them back in the package included in the kit wedding gift and glue the lid with a moment - so that forever. beautiful box in the family nest, you need to place it somewhere higher - you can on the closet. Here is such a non-standard Simoron amulet of a happy union.

Maria Koshenkova

A wedding is one of the most important days in life. When people decided to get married, they still had no idea how many worries, little things and other nuances await them with this event. Therefore, since ancient times, the wedding celebration was treated with special attention.

One of the most important points, which must be provided for on a solemn day - this is protect the newlyweds from the evil eye. Many do not believe in such magical abilities some people. But many also complain about life after the wedding, referring to the evil eye.

Our grandmothers for many years tried to protect the young couple from dashing eyes. And to this day, they have passed on and retold from generation to generation various amulets, conspiracies and other warnings that saved the couple from the evil eye.

Protect the groom from the evil eye

The groom attracts a lot of attention during the wedding. Therefore, to protect it from evil eyes, there are many different ways.

  1. One of the most ancient methods of protection from the evil eye is the following. Cut a triangle out of paper and wrap a pinch of salt in it. Tie a bundle so that it does not crumble, and put it in your pocket. Then put one coin into your socks. The main condition is that the pennies were yellow color. Best Option copper coins.
  2. If the wedding is not in a hot summer, but in a cool autumn or spring, this option is also suitable. Put on two shirts, from which the bottom should be inside out. Instead of a shirt, you can take a T-shirt.
  3. Sacred water will be a good talisman against an evil eye. Before leaving the house, the groom's mother must cross him three times with sacred water. At the same time, ask all the saints to help protect her child from the evil eye. After that, the groom must also cross himself.
  4. The most common and most commonly used method for the evil eye is a safety pin. It is fixed on the inside festive costume, always in the region of the heart, lock down. After the wedding, you need to remove it and look at the sharp tip. If it is dark in color, then such a hairpin has taken on the heaviest and worst evil eye. In this case, it is necessary to bury it unbuttoned, and take another one for yourself. If everything is fine, then it must be removed at night and left open. To fasten only in the morning.

How to protect the bride from the evil eye

The bride is the centerpiece of the wedding. Fluffy dress, pretty haircut, flying veil - all this makes a real queen from a simple girl. Therefore, the bride, like no other, requires protection from unkind looks. Our ancestors also passed on to us many ways in which we can protect the bride from the evil eye on a solemn day.

  1. As for the groom, the main amulet on the wedding day for the bride is a safety pin. But the girl was hooked into the hem of her dress or across her bosom. The pins had to be fastened with the head down. They were filmed at night and remained open until the morning. The next day, again, already a young wife, they were attached to her clothes. Sometimes pins were attached to the bride down the aisle.
  2. Another old method from the evil eye was the visit of the bride to the bathhouse before the wedding day. Also in Ancient Rus' it was believed that hot water not only washes away all sins, but also saves the future wife from unkind looks and gossip.
  3. Not only a talisman, but also a stylish element wedding dress the bride is a red headband or sash. Previously, brides were woven into a braid with a red ribbon from the evil eye, now such an accessory is considered fashionable.
  4. The most reliable and faithful amulet for the bride on her wedding day will be a pectoral cross. You need to carefully hide it under the corset of the dress near the heart. On the morning of the wedding day, be sure to wash yourself with holy water and say the Our Father prayer. Before going to bed after a solemn day, also wash yourself with holy water. It has healing properties, therefore, it will wash away all evil eyes.

Which the option of a talisman would not be chosen by the newlyweds from the evil eye, you need to remember the most important thing - this is a positive mood, discard all bad thoughts, believe only in the good. The most susceptible to the evil eye are those people who fear and are afraid of them.

Some flowers given for a wedding are amulets. They are dried (we are talking about flower heads) and stored at home.


  • red - charm for love
  • white - from sadness and longing
  • motley - from infertility
  • iris - for male power


  • white - a charm for happiness
  • redhead - a talisman against temptation


from pride and aggression


  • pink - wisdom in the family
  • red - from diseases
  • white - from an accident

White and red rose in composition with other flowers - devotion and fidelity of the spouses.

Cala- a charm for money

Gerbera- you will be nice to people

Bouquet greenery- a talisman against poverty and bankruptcy.

It is worth talking separately about matchmaking:

When going to woo a bride, do not take as matchmakers people whose names match the names of the bride's family members. It is forbidden to take widowers, twins as matchmakers. All these precautions for the young to live together until old age.

Need to get married in even day. Do not marry in Wednesday And Friday.

While the matchmakers are in the bride's house, all doors should be closed until all wedding matters have been discussed (a stranger on the threshold of the matchmaking is a bad sign for the young).

Drink more carefully during matchmaking, eat slowly, if someone coughs - the young will live in quarrels.

In order for the young not to be jinxed during matchmaking, tie a red ribbon or rag to the table leg and say:

"A table with four legs,

Hut at four corners.

And our young in peace

And pies.

In the name of the Father and the Son and

Holy Spirit


Note to the parents of the bride:

If your daughter was married and you refused, offended people can harm her, even just out of resentment. Not to mention the fact that they can turn to a black magician.

When such matchmakers leave, immediately say:

“The icon cannot be taken by any damage,

You can't take away the beauty of an icon.

So ours (the name of the bride (better given at baptism)),

So that no one, ever, does anything,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.


Conspiracies for married life:

(before the wedding)

From the evil eye: it is read three times on the day of the celebration, especially if someone looks suspiciously at the young people.

"Past the bumps and snowdrift, past the eye right on the forehead, take my trouble not to a friend, but to the enemy"

It’s not bad if the young learn this conspiracy, and they will recite to themselves if they notice an unkind look.

Congratulation-amulet to the young at the wedding

“We wish you to live without boredom happy friendly family, until the day when your grandchildren congratulate you on a golden wedding. And let them, admiring you and your great happiness, as they once did many years ago, exclaim: “Bitterly young!”

For the material well-being of the new family

The bride reads at sunrise on the eve of the wedding three times, and after the wedding at sunrise the next day - once:

“Money, money, flow like a river, be in the pockets of God's servants (names), so that they would have them until the end of their days and live richly and in abundance. Word. Key. Lock"

Charm of the bride

“First, second, I'm going third! All out, I have one house "

For luck

It is read on the eve of the wedding once (the groom or the bride reads, or one of the relatives).

“As birds fly boldly, confidently, so things would always go well with the servants of God (names), as the sun warms the earth, so the servants of God (names) would always have love, as the day comes, so would the servants of God (names) misfortunes were rare, as the water in the river is endless, so the happiness of the servants of God would be long. From now until forever. Amen"


Since ancient times, there have been many signs associated with the wedding. For example,

Ø it was forbidden to get married on the day of your angel

Ø tears and troubles in life bring jewelry (neck and hand (necklace, bracelets) made of metal and stone)

Ø The wedding ring should be massive and smooth, no notches, stones (life should be smooth, and jewelry rings will create problems)

Ø the bride and groom at the wedding must be absolutely healthy, even a minor illness can become chronic

Ø for the husband to be submissive, the wife must inadvertently step on his foot during the wedding

Ø if the groom steps on the floor of the bride's dress, she will certainly get sick within a year

Ø the groom himself should not pick up a thing dropped by the bride from the floor (if he, however, is not going to be subordinate to his wife all his life)

Ø no one should cross the road of the newlyweds, so as not to harm, even involuntarily

Ø no one should look in the mirror before the bride and groom, so that none of the young people cheat

Ø after the bride leaves for the wedding, relatives in her house wash the floors so that she does not return divorced

Ø before the wedding, the bride should not knit things for the groom - the husband will go to another

Ø After the wedding, the wedding cortege must travel along a different road so that the young do not get divorced (do not return to their former life).

Matchmaking (more information)

§ The groom's hotels should be distributed to girlfriends. If the bride eats them before the wedding, then the husband will not love.

§ Do not play a wedding and do not feast after the wedding with borrowed money - the young will not have prosperity all their lives.

§ Young people should not go to the crown in a black car (black is unlucky).

§ The wedding cake must be eaten or distributed to the last bite. If it dries up, the young wife dries up too.

§ In January, to get married - you will quickly become a widow (as it was considered in the old days), in March - to live in a foreign land, April - happiness will be fickle, May - they will toil or change, October - life will be hard, and in the remaining months - Advice and Love!

Additional wedding

and wedding signs

(for those who decide to get married)

  • If the candles go out during the wedding, the bride and groom should exchange candles, otherwise the marriage will be unhappy.
  • No need to wear a wedding ring on a glove - separation awaits.
  • On the day of the wedding, no rings other than the engagement ring should be worn.
  • Can't sell Wedding Dress. It must be kept for a lifetime, otherwise you will lose happiness.
  • Witnesses must not be married to each other. None of them should be divorced.
  • If the witness has her period, she must be replaced (concerns wedding).
  • The bride's dress must be a dress, not a corset with a skirt, otherwise the couple will have disagreements and will have different interests.
  • The groom must not see the bride's dress before the wedding.
  • If the rings are dropped by the bride or groom during the ceremony - to be separated.
  • A dress with a low-cut back promises trouble in life together for the bride.
  • Do not decorate your hair with flowers (even with artificial hairpins) without a veil or a wedding wreath.
  • The dress should not be short. The longer it is, the longer the married life.
  • The most successful marriages concluded in the afternoon.
  • The night before the wedding, the young should spend separately (sleep in different houses).
  • At the bachelorette party, the bride should cry. “You will not cry at the table, you will cry behind the pillar (“married”).
  • Weddings on the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos were considered successful.

Choosing a date for a wedding (wedding)

There are couples who do not care when the wedding day is, and they agree with the first free day offered at the registry office. Others, on the contrary, compare this day with the forecasts of astrologers, others go to fortune-tellers. Well, all these methods have the right to life if they instill in you faith in a future happy life.

The method I propose is borrowed from numerology. What should be done.

1. Calculate your code. Let's say you were born on the 15th. Add 1+5=6. This is your code - and Saturday is your best day.

2. Calculate the code of the intended spouse. Let's say he was born on the 26th: 2+6=8. If the number 8 came out, this means that your partner is best combined in church holidays or follow your number.

3. Add both numbers 6+8=14=1+4=5 (reduce the number to a single digit).

And now the main thing: signs say that Friday is not good for marriages, but in your case it is a happy day for you (according to the code).

Be afraid, act at your own discretion, but still read what your marriage will be like, based on the figure received.

Attention: for people with numbers 8 and 9 good days for weddings are church holidays and Sundays.

And yet, you can’t have a wedding on other days, except for Friday, Saturday, Sunday (politicians decided so), and you have, say, a lucky number 2 and the day is Tuesday. Do not despair, try to get married on this day.

Wedding code - 1

You are a wonderful couple in love, but often in everyday life your desires and goals do not coincide. Both of you are strongly striving for self-affirmation and career. You are not inclined to give in to each other to the detriment of your interests.

Tip: be attentive to each other's desires and aspirations, and your life will be the happiest and most friendly. Otherwise … .

Wedding code - 2

Romance. You seem to be attracted to each other. Excellent partners in sex and emotionally very harmonious. But it's better for you to remain just lovers, because family life just kills your feelings. However, if you have a separate apartment and material wealth, as well as, of course, patience, then in 10 years you will finally stop noticing everyday life, but will love survive?

Wedding code - 3

You are slaves of passion. Physical pleasure is the main thing for your couple. All other questions go to the farthest plan for you. Remember: intimacy is not the whole life. Be attentive and tolerant in everyday matters, then a happy life will be ensured.

Wedding code - 4

You are more of a close friend than a love. Do you think it's worth getting married? If you decide, then strive for complete mutual understanding. Outbursts of passion, most likely, gradually fade away and, alas, secret connections may appear. Think about whether you are ready to be faithful when everyday affairs will drag you out and the brightness of passion will disappear. If not, you are doomed to lead a double life.

Wedding code - 5

Each of you dearly loves and appreciates only yourself. Everyone is waiting for special attention and care. You play in different gates, and this leads to instability. Tip: bring more constancy and balance to the relationship. The intention to live must be deliberate - then you will live to old age.

Wedding code - 6

Spouses dissolve in each other, but at the same time they can fully realize themselves. They constantly admire each other, call gentle names. People often treat such couples with hostility (“out of this world”), but in fact they are just jealous of them. Couples of this kind live in their own world, they are happy in it, and do not go through that difficult path to harmony, like other couples. They do not need to grind, they are united and spared from emotional upheavals.

Wedding code - 7

This couple is trying to prove to everyone that she is safe. But in order for them to believe it themselves, they must be able to believe that they are both individuals within the union, then the relationship will cease to be fragile and unstable.

There is no need to test the achieved relationships for strength - they will not benefit from this.

Do not allow resentment or endless showdowns to divorce you forever.

Wedding code - 8

Together they are a great team. Any trouble is met together, by joining forces. But within the family there is a constant competition for leadership and supremacy. But here's the paradox - it's this spirit of competition that keeps them together. And while there is an honest struggle for leadership, it is impossible to separate them. If one manages to win or stop competing, the marriage is doomed.

Wedding code - 9

Sex and mutual attraction are the basis of this couple. Think thrice before getting married. If passion fades, you are unlikely to be held back. It will be an amicable breakup.


Do not be afraid after reading these forecasts. They are designed so that you immediately pay attention to the weaknesses of the union. You will be able to work on yourself, believe me, your marriage will become the happiest and longest. WISH YOU HAPPINESS AND LOVE